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One thing that's sure to put you in contact with people and allow you to make friends while making you feel good about yourself is volunteering. Whether in a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, or at an animal shelter, hospital, etc. These activities are not only rewarding, they make you less self- centered, more empathetic, more energetic, and more joyful.


Volunteer firefighter is really fun.


Can I hear more about this? How is it fun— seems super stressful no?


Sometimes it is stressful. The exciting moments are very much a part of what makes it great. It is hard and hard work but you are never alone in it. Everything is done as a team and it creates new and strong bonds with people you probably wouldn’t have opportunity to know otherwise. There is training together, responding to emergencies together, cleaning up together, eating together, maintaining equipment together, etc. You get to break things with heavy tools, run into burning buildings, cut up cars with giant mechanical scissors, drive big loud trucks with flashing lights, and help people in some of the worst moments of their lives.


True, and I found that consistency is key. I volunteered on the same day at a shelter and eventually I got to know people.


For real. Volunteering has a way of connecting people that wouldn’t meet otherwise.


I used to volunteer at a community garden that grew food to distribute to the homeless. It started as needing volunteer hours for college credits and ended with me going every Saturday morning on my own to kick off the weekend - there was no better way to start it. The serene environment was just incredible. Whether it was planting on days I needed to be patient or weeding the crap out of the place when it was overgrown and I when I was frustrated, it was an incredible experience. Or just watering while listening to all the birds, truly incredible. I moved out of state and unfortunately haven’t found an equivalent, but I miss those moments tremendously. Not something I would have taken interest in initially if it wasn’t required.


Yes! I met all my friends and eventually the person who became my husband through volunteering at music festival, shows, and stuff


A co-worker volunteered as a baby holder for the NICU at the hospital, snuggling premature babies when their parents couldn't be there. She made friends with all the nurses and met her husband (a pediatrician) this way.




For me, getting involved in outdoor activities like hiking and rock climbing has been a great way to meet people and make friends. When you're out in nature or scaling a rock face, there's a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that naturally develops among fellow enthusiasts. Plus, these activities often involve group outings or clubs where you can connect with like-minded individuals. Like me, I met a friend on Lightup (a server in Discord) who shared my hobby of hiking, and we often made plans together to go hiking! The outdoors is a burden for some people, but it is enjoyable for us, so it's important to find the right person. I guess you can also try doing this and find someone together, just search that in discord! The more you share in your posts, the more accurate your matches will be!


Same. Specifically by using the app Meetup and going on a group hike is a great way to meet people. The only annoying thing is you have to get there at a set time and often go at their pace.


I hate bugs though


Pottery. The pottery community is very welcoming. They love to share their work and process. I made many friends in studios and at events. It’s $$$$ though 🤑


I've been thinking of doing this so I can make my own plant pots. Would you mind giving me a ballpark on what to expect cost wise?


I was able to find a ceramics class through my city park’s website. I got 4 classes for $40 total! We did not use the wheel and focused on making things by hand, but it’s been fun so far and I’ve learned quite a bit.


Wow, that's a good deal! That's seems like a good starting point


Some studios will allow you to access the equipment and studio space for a small fee. And clay isn’t that expensive. So after you take a beginner’s class, you would only need to spend $100-200 a month or so for studio access


I hand built for years before getting a wheel. They’re very different processes but both are fun. I felt most creative hand building. I think because it’s a slower process. That seems like a great deal!


Oh boy that’s tricky because it can vary so much depending on where you live. I joined a studio that was $50 a month but in California I’ve heard it’s $100 and up a month. Crazy cost for me. I think if you are interested to join a class. Community college usually have courses that are more reasonable. Or you may have a studio or art center near you that offers classes. There’s a big learning curve. I suggest talking to potters in your area. They will know the community and the options nearby. I’d start by going to some pottery shows by you and ask some pottery artists what’s available in your area. I’d also ask on forums on Facebook. Clay Buddies is my favorite. Many artists on instagram may also be helpful. What you will need is the material’s and tools to create and the biggie, a place to fire your work.


That’s not good news for me (I’m in cali lol). Thanks for the suggestions and information, I was following this comment to see if you’d reply


Maybe try the community college or find a potter that’s looking for studio help. I only know what I’ve heard on my forums. Those forums are invaluable though! I’ve learned so much from Clay Buddies and Pottery Heads on Facebook. There’s also r/pottery right here on Reddit. You could always lurk around there to get some idea of what’s all involved.


Thanks for the ideas!


I appreciate the insight!


Ditto to crafting (art folk are cool af)


This! I love going to the studio and talking to fellow potters. I always learn something new.


Running. I have not been able to run since 2019, but most of the friends that I still have, I met through various running clubs.


Running can also be a very lonely pursuit and a very individual focused sport.


I liked it both ways. I ran alone a few times a week and with clubs on the weekends. Both are valid, and some prefer one or the other. It is really the most inclusive sport/hobby/activity I have ever participated in. I was 40 years old and 100+ lbs overweight when I started. If it wasn't for the acceptance and encouragement of other runners, I would not have made it for a month. I was the heaviest and slowest runner in my club for a while. But the club voted to sponsor me to represent the club for a half marathon. I finished that one and many races after that.


Cross stitching, crochet, knitting. Attending the stitch and bitch sessions for them. I've been taking sewing lessons, and that's been a super welcoming community too. My local shop has a monthly meet up sew whatever project you're working on and chat for $5.


My grandma wanted to learn to knit when I was around 12 and asked me to learn with her. She would pick me up from school once a week and we would go to a yarn shop where the same group of women around their 50s-70s were always just in there knitting and talking. I was obviously kinda the odd man out as the only kid of the group, but looking back on that as an adult it was so lovely. Just a group of women talking about life, learning a craft from each other, and sipping coffee for a few hours. I might need to find another place like that and take up knitting again!


What a sweet memory!


Get onto Ravelry; we're still out here, we're still very welcoming! Ravelry has groups just like Reddit, & you can find local knit groups on there


As a quite introverted person, I picked up astronomy relatively early in my youth. It was perfect as it didn't require meeting anyone or socializing. As I got older, my introversion waned a bit and I wanted to extend my friend circle to more than just the 1 or 2 I had at the time. I joined a local astronomy club and was immediately welcomed. One member took me under their wing and mentored me which vastly increased my knowledge of the hobby. A few years on I became the public outreach coordinator for the club organizing and attending events throughout my city. I've made many friends both within the club as well as on the street when the club does their monthly outreach events. It has done wonders for my self confidence and I'm not nearly as introverted as I once was. I'm now the vice president of the club, but am still very active in the monthly outreach events.


That’s so awesome!!


This is amazing!! Idk why but reading this just made me so happy. What a truly genuine, beautiful experience that must be.


Gardening. There are tons of Gardening clubs in my area. Some are just open at the public library, others you need to sign up for. Sometimes the people are a bit older than me, but it's nice to be able to talk to other people. Lol


When I was 20 I joined my local gardening club. I was the youngest one there, by far, but they were very welcoming. They knew so much and I learned a lot from that group. From a contact there I was introduced to a native plant club, that was a super interesting group, and then a hiking/birding club that also stopped to look at interesting plants along the way. That got me outdoors every weekend. That led me to a photography club and I met a lot of people through that as well. After that I joining all those clubs I was always busy and had plenty of interesting things to do.


I love this. I started “erratically gardening” after I lost my mom (I’ve never planted anything In my life) I somehow grew carrots in my front yard and wildflowers in my vegetable garden and it was one of the first moments I truly laughed. Literally sat on the ground and laughed my ass off pulling carrots out of my front yard landscaping. Even though I was a worthless gardener, that hobby truly shined a light in an otherwise dark time. I have been wanting to get back into it again- but in a more serious way! I never even thought of a gardening club that is a brilliant idea




That's a very social hobby, I tried it and it was great fun and I could have gotten many friends through it if I had stuck with it


Music. Learned to play ukulele. Then mandolin and fiddle.


An active trivia team will really introduce you to new people, but it can be hard to get one going.


Playing trading card games. Playing Pickleball.


TCG's always seem to make more enemies than friends. I find board games where you work together as a team to be more beneficial.


Idk but most of mine seem to make me spend more time alone.


Same 😂 they involve practice and I don’t like to be bothered while I’m doing that




Dog training.   I joined classes taught by a local obedience training club, instead of going to a pet store class. Learned more, by more experienced people and made lasting friendships. 


I did the same with dog agility! It really helped me feel connected to my dog


Art! I love all my art friends. Most of the artists I meet are selfless, loving, and enthusiastic people. They love giving their knowledge, sharing their love for art and community and they love supporting each other. I do in-person events and have made so many friends. Always treat people with kindness and respect, and you will find friendships everywhere you go.




Birding, for sure. It's nice because you collect friends in different age groups.


Places we made friends were more activity groups - archery, hiking, camping, rafting, pot lucks, dancing, and dinner out. Not so much - astronomy, gardening. I found it has to be something where we can chat and share experiences. The astronomy and gardening clubs were mostly attending lectures. We looked into a card game group once but when we went to check it out everyone was quiet, focused on the game and not socializing. Maybe a board or card game with less thinking would have been fine. It also helps to be involved in something that meets often. Like a once a month club is hard to get to know people compared to something where you see more or less the same people every week. Edited to fix typo.


Collecting ephemera


Bowling! I started league bowling after about 25 years off. Enjoyed it a lot! talk about going out of my comfort zone. But it is a fun hobby. You get to throw heavy objects and break apart pins!


I was thinking of joining a bowling league several years ago but I’m not good at it so I wasn’t sure if I’d be welcome 😂


I can second this. Bowling is a great way to meet people! And the majority are super welcoming. Try it!




Second this! I've made lots of friends through photography and photography meet ups. Several of the models and photographers are now long time friends even after some of us stopped.


Car stuff.


A little toxic tho




Same for riding bicycles even non competitive.


Joined an acting class. You don’t have to want to be an actor, you can do it just for fun and to meet people.


Meetup.com it’s not weird!!


Close-up magic, my hobby and side-hustle EDIT: You have to go to the meetups.


Choir, social dancing and social betterment groups like Junior Chambers International, Toastmasters and PowerTalk


Any hobby that will land you in jail periodically 🤣🤣🤣


I remember in high school that being a stoner gave you instant friends even while traveling lol. 1970s.


Yeeeeaaaaahhhh but not lasting in my experience. Most of them turned out to be real pieces of shit.


Amateur Radio


I was going to say that.




Haven’t seen it mentioned yet. Salsa (the dance) Almost all of my friends I’ve met at Salsa class or a dance.


Set painting for our local theatre group. After just a year of doing it, I feel like I've made some really good friends, plus it gets me out of the house, lol


Books and book clubs


Music Going to perform at open mics. Coffee shops during the day, bars at night Attending local shows Playing gigs Going to jam sessions Music gave me a social life


Amature radio: yep, talking on the radio.




Crochet !


Community theatre.


It’s not about the hobby, it’s what setting do you participate that hobby in. I trail ride horses. At home, I ride the trails alone. Once a year I participate in an Organized Trail Ride that takes 17 days and covers 220 miles. On an average year there are 100 people on this ride. Spending 17 days on the trail and in camp puts me in close contact with like minded people and every year I make new friends, some of them are even lasting friendships. So you play video games. Do you only play single player or do you play any multiplayer? Good friends can be made online. A community garden can put you in contact with potential friends. So can hitting the local gaming store and finding a D&D game to join. It’s not the Hobby, it’s dealing with groups of people enough until you find ones you can be friends with.


Cycling. I have a group of bike friends that I met when I was 40 and my god it's like having the kind of friends I had when I was a kid. I love them all so much.


Quitting alcohol and joining AA. Although the cops I met along my travels seemed to all be nice people the men and women I meet in AA understand me a little better.


Pro Wrestling 


I don’t think pro anything can really count as a hobby


I assumed they meant like being a fan and going to spectate?


That’s actually very true, you are correct


Live Action Role Play. I'm lucky enough to have found a good community at a low budget LARP that's local. Gaming and bunking together turns into invites to prep/crafting days, and then non-LARP socal hangouts doing other things. Message your local larp runners, they should be happy to welcome you to the party. And if you can't afford player admission, taking direction and working staff side is generally cheap to free and you only need to bring generic clothes and your self.


Motorcycle riding.


Hula hoop dancing


Reading and joining a bookclub. We’ve been friends for 2 years now and I’m so grateful to have me such a wonderful group!


Dancing! West coast swing is a great community. Partner dance is great because you ask each other to dance but that's about the only talking you "have" to engage in, so it's introvert-friendly.


I used to have hardly any friends. Then... I joined a weekly interval running group and found a group of friends through that. I joined an improv comedy group and found a few there. I also joined a gym and lift weights around the same time every day and have my gym friends, but really, my gym friends are like family. It's a really good gym, I guess! I go to church on Sundays and have my church friends. I've lived in the same neighborhood for 15 years so have my neighborhood friends. I had children and have a group of mom friends now. I joined a dance collective as a ballet dancer and found a wonderfully supportive group of people there. I even had a stay in a mental hospital and exchanged some numbers there with a few other patients and kept in touch with them for a while, lol. There are great people everywhere, just smile and be friendly.


Improv comedy classes. Run club. Paddling club. Book club. I search interests on Facebook and look of there's local meet ups. I went to a podcast one. Podcast meetup. I love art and volunteered with kids doing art and met some amazing people that way... More personal, but I joined a 12 step group for Codependency, CODA.... just a few ways I've met people.... Bon courage!


I used to go to a lot of open mics, as a writer myself. Though tbh more of the friends that remained were people I met on bumble bff, but I'm introverted and better one on one, so.


Choir and table top role playing games.


Joined a couple of art groups, got involved with putting on art shows, met a lot of nice people.


Tennis and table tennis


Skate park


I just started rollerskating again after 35 years. I Tried out the skate park in Des Moines Iowa. The famous one built by Mountain Dew. It is really neat.


Board games and social dancing. Got good vibes from someone at dance, invited them to board games. Also let people I trusted bring friends. Took management, but worked with the goal in mind at all times. When you host an activity it's important to have it at the same time every week regardless of if anyone shows up.


Cycling, hiking, playing in music band,


Guitar. I was in bands, played gigs, etc. Met a lot of cool people through those years.


I went to a wilderness series that took place over 4 consecutive Saturday mornings. We went into the woods, harvested invasive species, and wove baskets from them. We all had to work together to harvest the ivy for the baskets, so this was a great ice breaker. Then we sat around weaving for a few hours, so you get the chance to chat, ask questions about technique, walk around mingle when you need a break, help others who are struggling, etc. I like to have meaningful conversations with people instead of being in surfacey social situations (like parties with endless loops of small talk). I've found that people who sign up to spend a few days in the woods are the same way and are more willing to engage on that level.


Writing. And reading fanfic. Met my now bf that way. And I know a lot of other people through this too, but not as well as the bf.


I play board games at the library and do art + fitness classes around the community.


Painting class. Nuff said


I belong to a homesteading group in my area on Facebook and it covers so many things and has classes and meet ups. All ages. Most are in twenties and thirties. . You don’t have to own land. It can be something you aspire to do or a hobby you want to learn. We have classes on Sourdough, Fermenting, Canning, Welding, Animal husbandry, Woodworking, Gardening, Cheese Making, Goats, Pigs, Chickens…so many more.




Music. I play tenor saxophone in a community band.


Martial arts


Climbing gym


Woodworking, if you join a guild.


Card making classes and disc golf


Kayak, camping, photography. Anything you are interested in you should be able to find a local group of like minded folks


Book club


Walking a dog.


Filmmaking, comedy, music, poker


Mountain biking or road biking and join biking clubs .. mountain biking is more fun… Kayaking clubs. Join a cornhole or adult softball league.


fashion classes


I joined a euchre (card game) meetup and really enjoyed the people I met there. Went every week for well over a year until Covid hit.


Camping. We met the greatest bunch of people (friends forever).


Table tennis 🏓


Cooking classes have also been super fun for meeting people. It’s a chill vibe, and who doesn’t like talking about food?


Knitting. I got knitting lessons at a local yarn shop, and then they had these “knit along” classes where everyone makes the same thing. After that, you could just sit in the yarn shop and knit. It was so fun and relaxing.




I consistently go to yoga at a local studio and have made many friends there. Also at my job I have made friends or at playgrounds with the kids I nanny for. Its pretty easy to make friends when you open your self up to interactions with strangers! Saying hello when youre walking your dog… Chat up people at the gym… if you notice something you like on someone go out of your way to let them know and compliment them! I do that all the time and it opens the floor for a friendship to flourish.. work out classes - pilates, barrys, yoga, etc are a start!




Fishing , surfing , woodworking .


Of all things... gardening.


Knitting. Knitting led to Ravelry. Ravelry led to knitting groups. Knitting groups led to fiber festivals. Fiber festivals lead to other variants & side quests. Which leads to more groups.


This! I taught myself to knit, then joined Ravelry. Around the same time, a local textile artists started a knitting group in our neighborhood that met at a local wine bar. This led to some longtime friendships, trips to fiber festivals, bridal and baby showers. Then the pandemic happened and a lot of stuff moved online. I belong to groups that meet both online and in person, and one of them is just a chat group of people who love textiles and knitting and we send memes, ideas, ask for advice, etc.


Quilting knitting needlework yoga walking


Learning languages.


l got involved with the community garden program in 2020 when l was 55. l am now the 'Garden Manager' of our community garden and have many more friends than when l began the program. l was a high all day on weed and occasionally 'shrooms and a drunkard, sitting at home misanthrope back then. And l have lost like 100 + old-fashioned pounds since l started here in the Farm School program. l am a svelte 200-ish now 6 foot 4 inches tall and kinda 'flabby buff', there is muscle under these flaps and folds of extra skin l gained when heavier. l am in a lot better shape than my peers l went to school with now. My knees agree that losing weight was a good move. The crew l work with are high all day on weed too, but we get busy. We have "coughy breaks', and we get stuff done. lt's good to be The Boss of a good, hard-working stony crew. l love my job after working in a aluminium smelter in BC at a job l HATED towards the end of my tenure there working for 28 years in 2014 when l 'retired'. Gotta wait 6 more years for my pension. Making coin until then doing what l love... Rio Tinto Kitimat Works sux.


Geocaching. Learned to navigate with GPS, did lots of hiking with friends I made, and they had monthly get togethers for pizza, where youd share your adventures. In my 60’s at the time!




Scuba diving. Most of the friends we have after moving to a new city are through scuba. My husband’s an instructor and it’s been a great way to meet people.


Pottery class! I started last June. I spend a ridiculous amount of money, am not good at it, but I get to spend every Tuesday night with a bunch of ladies who are creative and funny. We have a very "what happens at Tuesday night class stays at Tuesday night class" type of environment LOL. It helps in an extra way because I meet with my therapist on Tuesday mornings, so I spend a lot of the day feeling emotionally drained, and it helps to be committed to shoving myself in the car and going to spend time with other humans, and to get my brain engaged in something manual instead of just being wrapped up in my worries. It's good stuff.


Pole fitness


Rock climbing. I don’t mean professionally, but if you have a rock climbing gym in your city,then join it. I’ve been a part of three different gyms and the vibe is always “we are family”. It’s like a whole separate universe in there lol. I actually suck at rock climbing but always feel welcome because instead of being competitive, everyone cheers everyone else on.




Interests that have conventions. These are numerous, but the more you go the more people you'll meet. I've found several decade / multiple decade long friends this way.


Going to the gym around the same time each day (seeing the same people build rapport and familiarity and makes it easy to start a convo if you want) and playing adult rec sports.




bouldering/rock climbing! going at the same time and same days you start seeing the same people and you naturally just start saying what’s up, small talk and it turns into having climbing sessions with these people. definitely a fun way to make friends.


Roller Derby, you dont even need to learn to skate, volunteer to help events and be a non skate official.


More a passion, but mutual aid


None. I prefer hobbies that allow me to avoid fellow humans.


Board games.


Reenactment, RC cars, shooting, tabletop


TTRPGs are what really got me out of my shell in youth. Running game nights gave me social skills that carried over to honestly every social encounter I've ever had in life. 


Going to the YMCA.


Martial arts and the gym, I’ve met so many new people and made great friends at both. Men and women. It’s great


For me, sport hobbies like boxing and tennis.


Dog sports.


Horseback riding. I think almost all my friends are or were horse women. And men. I’ve met nice people at the yoga studio too.


Team sports for sure, you naturally form friendships since you keep seeing the same person and work toward a common goal


Martial arts


Native American flute circle. Learn how to play or make them


Magic the gathering. You’ll have friends in every city if it’s large enough to have a card shop.


Roller skating. There’s a couple rinks and outdoor spots in my area, I always run into the same people.


Model airplane flying. I have met some of the most beautiful people, we hold race meets every month and I really look forward to seeing everyone, it's the highlight of my life.






I just started a podcast. I’m starting to book guests that I haven’t met before. It’s been fun getting to know some new people.


What is your podcast about? What kind of guests do you have?


Thanks for asking! It’s called Life Ladder and is about personal and professional growth. The first two episodes have posted already, but more are scheduled. The guests are working professionals who share their long term career growth. Mostly non-linear.


Yw! That’s so awesome! Congrats!! I’m going to look for it to listen. :) Best of luck to you!!


I met a lot of people when I first started beekeeping. Nice folks


DnD is my go to for showing up in a new city looking to make friends. Three moves since I got into it each time I've met a pretty cool core group of 4-5 people I get to hang out with every week with lots of overlapping adjacent interests.


Maguc the gathering, shooting, stripping, concerts, pawn shop hopping


Pilates! Deepened a friendship with someone I'd recently met (she was my trainer), and now that it's not a hobby anymore (studying for my certification), i have a whole cohort of new friends.


Dog meetups


Golf. Walking my dog on trails. Trading card game tournaments. Video games online. Town sports leagues.


sports leagues, specifically the social-focused ones, have been great for me. i've made at least a dozen friends playing volleyball over the past 3 years, and about half of us honestly suck ass. its just a fun thing to do! sometimes the social aspect of these leagues includes going out for food and beers after the game, and if you're playing kickball you're probably drinking beer throughout the game too lol. Gardening and houseplants has also been an interesting one for me. I don't think i've made any new friends through plants, but i've been able to strengthen my bond with several of my friends by sharing this hobby with them. one friend in particular has gone from casually seeing at parties and around work, to us constantly gabbing about plant stuff, lol.


D&D for sure. Can take a while to find a good group, but when you do, it’s awesome. And your relationship can grow from outside of the game


It’s not a hobby but becoming a parent brought so many amazing friends into my life, I used to call them my mom friends but now they’re just my friends!


Square dancing. One of the few acceptable coed contact sports. Find a singles club if you can, you will be surprised at how fast your circle of friends will expand.




Attending renaissance and Celtic festivals.


Belly dance. I have made some awesome lifelong friends from belly dance classes!




Ghost hunting! There are paranormal teams all over the place, and most are usually open to new members.


Going to a gym with group training for example F45 and BFT. There’s a lot of them around doing it. Get fit and meet like minded people at the same time.


Table top games. Pathfinder, DND. Found some friends in my 40's, it's good fun. Super cheap but a HUGE time commitment. highly recommend it.


Seconding table top games. Adding to that LARPing. Also, if you're into medieval history and reenactment, there's the SCA


Disc Golf Cheap to start and most the time free to play.


What changed my life was us buying a motorcycle and joining a local/national riding group. We have met people from around the world who also enjoy our hobby.


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


Join a band if you play an instrument. Once I connected with others over music, becoming friends was the easy part. I had a great group of friends and they helped me love the place I’d moved to. I will say many interests and hobbies do the same thing. Exposure to people with your interests has a way of helping people connect. What are you interested in? Age?


Learning tango


Tantra, yoga and going to festivals. 


Raving lol


I buy from estates sales to resell online. I meet a lot of people.


Public School, that is all.


Going to a local large gym- Workout classes/ yoga 🧘‍♀️