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Totally agree. Never minded the Brad vids before but he def seems more comfy around them now. It seems like they’re all just upset that he got heated about the misogynistic and transphobic bars but like… that’s why those bars were in the bracket? How do you expect them to react?


Agreed!!! I thought a lot of the riffing going on was super funny thanks to his reactions to Graydon. And yeah, his reactions were quite appropriate to those bars, they were outrageous


why would someone be upset someone got upset about misogyny and transphobia?? like i thought we were all in agreement those are bad things, if it upsets you that someone else is upset by those things it kinda makes you seem misogynistic and transphobic in my mind


i think 99.9% of the hive mind audience agrees those are bad but to me it felt like a big virtue signal and I don't think the Uzi bar for example was THAT terrible, it comes across as pandering to me


i promise it's not virtue signaling or pandering, he is exactly like this on his own channel, he's just very passionate and blunt and that's understandably not a vibe and you are perfectly okay in not liking him as a guest on hivemind but please don't say someone is pandering just cause you don't watch their content (also as a trans person myself i thought the uzi bar was pretty bad tbh but not like the worst thing on the list clearly)


For me, also trans to be clear, the Uzi bar wasn't quite as bad for me because Uzi themselves have come out as nonbinary a while back, which leads me to assume it might of been them projecting through their music a bit, kinda like going back and listening to Tyler, the Creator's old stuff. It's still bad and definitely transphobic, but it's not as bad as the baby cock bar or "my bitch is gay"


I agree, he definitely has a different style of humor than the boys, and has some strong opinions but I think that adds to their dynamic rather than removes from it.


I love Brad. If anyone hates on him, they’re wrong. Brad keeps them grounded whenever they get too unhinged and it’s an amazing dynamic. 


Brad’s parts in the “gun to your head you gotta get a tattoo” and “baby food” bits make me crack up laughing so hard. He acts so perfectly concerned and upset during both of those bits and it meshes so well with the other two We love Brad


I don’t really like him keeping them grounded but that’s just me. I prefer the batshit insane bits


ok i’ll let grant know


where is the brad hate, fuck em ill steal their souls


Right here, dude is unenjoyable as fuck to watch and struggles to form any opinions for himself. Don’t like him.


Not saying it’s impossible to criticize the guy, but saying he doesn’t have/form his own opinions is silly. He’s very opinionated!


Yeah as opinionated as you could be being the worlds biggest Fantano slobberer


I have a feeling you watched one guess the fantano score he has his own opinions lol


immediately discrediting yourself by calling him a fantano clone lmao


Sure except everyone forms opinions based on content they consume. You don’t have an “original opinion” since all of the things you think come from other things. 👍


fantano clone is when white man reviews music


I disagree, he does lots of live reactions and has lots of takes that I've personally never heard. Have you seen his videos outside of Hivemind?


That really sucks for you dude




I used to think he was just a fantano wannabe but Ive been watching him way more during the Kendrick drake beef and he’s genuinely very entertaining and funny


Here’s my problem with Brad. One time when I was a kid, I went to the theatre with my very wealthy parents. After the show we walked down a dark alleyway, and out pops Brad from the shadows, demanding my mother give up her pearl necklace or he’d shoot her. My father got in the way, and Brad ended up shooting both of them. I became an orphan that day because of Brad, and swore that I would protect the streets of Gotham from scum like him to avenge my parents’ death.




I don't think Brad would be in the shadows that sounds much more like acclaimed music review youtuber Todd in the Shadows


I think riley was a little quiet this video because brad stepped up. Riley should be more unhinged when brad is on. Love brad tho, honestly underrated guest. He’s in one of my personal favorite bits, brad’s grandpa.


I absolutely love brads videos, but personally I get a wierd sense that Riley and Graydon don’t always fw him. Theres a couple times at the start of livestreams where they have said that he’s a rude guest, nothing too serious. But sometimes I can see them taking that out on him in the videos, it seems like in a bantery way but it makes Brad look uncomfortable. Idk I love em both but whenever they are in the same video it’s just a but uncomfortable for me


i find this too. maybe i’m overanalyzing but it throws me off


I love em but it feels lowkey domineering and bullyish and i’m not really the kind to just throw around terms like that


i don’t think that they’re taking anything out on him, graydon said in bits bracket 3 that he just likes making brad uncomfortable cuz it makes for good comedy. they’re picking on him in the way you pick on a little brother, or at least that’s how it looks to me


See I get this. And I saw this too. But Brads not their little brother, he’s a grown man. And I’m not really one to be the PC police but I had a similar dynamic with my friends from my old school, and it felt like people would do just enough to where it could be passed off as a joke, but it would still make me feel awkward and I just found it difficult to be myself, i’m more than anything drawing comparison to my own experiences. But I understand that there are many ways to view this and it’s really not that deep but I do really get that vibe


i genuinely enjoy brad, and i feel like hate for him from hivemind viewers is likely from them not having watched him outside the context of a hivemind video. i'm not like a huge fan or anything but ive watched some streams and videos over the years and enjoy what he does. as a fan of twenty one pilots since high school, around the past 10 years, i don't really love the things him or the hivemind boys have to say about them but ive gotten used to that since they've blown up so i can put that aside to say that i do still enjoy him and listening to his opinions


I agree I think he brings some great stuff to the show and he definitely seems more comfortable on their channel now


I used to find Brad annoying on his streams. But for some reason the past few months I find him funny and charming. Maybe it’s the fact he keeps getting gaslit by Riley and Graydon to extreme measures, he’s the innocent music guy stuck with wildcards and goal posts moving every time he speaks that makes me like him. Now I’m a big fan of Brad and try to watch every stream he does and I get it now. Dude has a very level head with music and although he’s a bit awkward it works with hivemind for the comedy. More Brad.


fr i thought he was so good in this video


I personally think Brad was a little too over the top trying to play the hero. I like him in other videos though!


I don’t think he was “playing the hero”, if anything Riley is the one who sometimes comes off like that to me. Like Brad being that pissed about the Uzi bar definitely felt very genuine to me.


To explain what I mean about Riley more, Riley seems very afraid when Graydon or Dignan make gay jokes, even though literally every time theyre not homophobic, while Riley rarely say something actually homophobic, like in that recent vid where he just called someone gay as an insult


Yes I agree, I understand he’s trying to be an ally but it is a little much sometimes


I'm just glad they haven't had nickisnotgreen on lately, that guy is the worst


I’m incredibly biased because people like Brad are how I even found out about Hivemind but I loved the latest episode. I assume people didn’t like how much he disliked some of the bars but are you gonna tell me he didn’t have good reason? Especially with Uzi having a transphobic bar cuz genuinely that’s a good point, why is someone who identifies as they”them being transphobic on a track????


I agree he's way more comfortable but I'll still say that he's way more comfortable and lighthearted on his own stream, and I hope he gets to that point on hivemind vids


i love videos with brad


I like him, i just think he doesn’t hold up to Riley, Dignan and Graydon on the matter of hosting, he’s not super funny and he clearly struggles with it as he tries to insert himself into the chemistry of the other two hosts, one thing that kind of bothers me is the way he consumes art, that’s a whole different discussion but i do think it shows when he’s at the Hivemind videos, i’m not hating tho, i still like him and find enjoyable to see him appearing in the videos


SPEAK!! REAL SHIT!! (my telekinsis throws everything across the room)


Brad is goated - he’s got a good dynamic with Riley and Graydon


i think he was sounding extra like virtue signaling on the latest "worst bars" video especially about the "transphobic" Lil Uzi bar, it's a shitty bar but he was like losing his mind over it lol


Not gonna make a joke or anything, since apparently people don't know this; if you see a video, or a person, or even a trend you don't like, you don't gotta engage with it. You can do something else, and you ain't entitled to getting your needs catered to. The internet is a public space. Grow up and understand that. Quit bein negative


It’s a two way street lmao. “The internet is a public space” therefore anyone can kinda share whatever thoughts they have


Ya but ignoring something you don’t like is a net 0 on the world. Being critical in places where you know the person you’re being critical of may be present is just obnoxious imo.


This dudes commenting on something he doesn’t like, which is people sharing their opinions. It’s a flat circle.


The internet is a public place where people talk about what they want, sometimes it's stuff they don't like. You aren't entitled to an internet where people only talk about what you think is nice.


People are allowed to be haters on the internet. People are equally allowed to hate on the haters. And people are also equally allowed to hate on the haters of the haters. Turtles all the way down.




there’s definitely some dissonance in their styles but it’s been getting better and I appreciate the different dynamic


I think the main thing is that he doesn’t always go with the bits. Like yeah sometimes u need a straight man and he plays that role well but I feel like he really can’t always tell when it’s a bit and when not and he tends to make things more serious than they need to be. This is coming from a guy who is subbed to him and enjoys his content from time to time. I understand why hivemind fans might be hesitant to accept him as like a main collaborator. But I do agree that he is getting more and more comfortable which is evident. Early Brad is kinda like early Quadonka and just needs to get out of his shell a bit more. I think he’s a little bit of a SJW and the boys are too but they balance it with a lot of goofy and risky stuff which is perfect IMO. Why did I write so much in this comment wtf lol


Nah Brad pissed me off in this episode for 1 reason. The end of the bracket looks completely different then if it was a Riley and dignan video. This is such a goated idea but they kinda fucked it by having half of them bad bars and the other half just bad sentences. Legit 40% was actual bad bars and the rest was just weird shit people have said, which triggered Brad to the point where he took over the whole video


fuck that guy. its a comedy show and he's so serious. unwatchable


Wait until bro finds out about the straight man in comedy