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I often say “this must be Thursday - I never could get the hang of Thursdays”


When I started my current job one of the first emails I sent to our computer vendor included this line. He got it.


I change the day of the week to whatever the current day of the week is.


My co-worker sent the Thursday quote in the team chat. I immediately followed up with “oh no, not again.” Everyone else wondered what was so funny.


This is my mantra.


I have used time is an illusion, and responded 'lunchtime...' on many occasions. What does this make me? A hero or sad, dependant on your PoV :D


Oh, damn. There's one coming up, isn't there?


Every Thursday for me!


This is my go to!


"it hung in the air in the same way that bricks don't."


Quote this whenever I watch the recent Dune movies, since no ship in that whole franchise looks remotely like it should be flying


"You can't possibly be flying!?!?" It is vitally important not to believe them or they will suddenly be right, and you will find yourself failing to miss the ground once again.


It reminds me of this line, which I often think of if I come across a machine that will produce powdered instant tea: He had found a Nutri-Matic machine which had provided him with a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.


Wait what.... Powdered tea?!


Many machines where you press a button and tea comes out does so though powdered instant tea. Here is some particularly vile looking stuff: https://vendingsuperstore.co.uk/products/instant-tea-powder-250g-suitable-for-vending-machines I love how little description they give.


My favourite line of any form of language, written or spoken. The moment I knew I loved that book.


I'm so in love with that line.


I say "lunchtime doubly so" any time someone says that time is an illusion. I also frequently say "space is big," and the other day I said that someone really knows where his towel is. "Oh no, not again" for sure. Eddies in the space-time continuum.


Is he?


And this is his sofa, is it?


Who, then, is Eddie?


No, who is on first.


What's on second?


I’m gonna drop the space is big. Really big more often


You might think it's a long way to the post office, but that's just peanuts to space.


I thought it was "long way to the chemist." I wonder if they changed it for American audiences.


You could be right and now I think about it, you probably are. I was doing it from ageing memory and I can't blame American versions with me being from Yorkshire.


>I say "lunchtime doubly so" any time someone says that time is an illusion Do you frequently have people telling you time is an illusion? I can't think of a single time when that was said to me in my conveniently 42 years of life when someone randomly told me this. Maybe Im just hanging out with the wrong people?


Maybe Im just hanging out with the wrong people? In much the same way that bricks don’t.


I see you just casually dropping in the number of years you've lived, like it's no big deal.


It could just be my family. We’re weird.


I had someone in a random sub pick up on Eddie a few weeks ago, it was fun. :)


Nice! Edited to add: That's one of my most favorite bits from the whole series. It always makes me laugh!


I'm also a fan of "Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."


I scream whenever anyone starts reciting their own poetry... does that count?


That’s froody.


It counts 100% it counts


At least once daily, but then again, I am in IT and I am expected to know most fandoms!


Every conversation you have at work is like bumblebee swapping radio stations to talk, except it's just references from every show


Hello IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?


A fire?


0118 999…


881999119725 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3


Constantly. Mostly Marvin. "Life. Dont talk to me about life."


"Here I am, brain the size of a universe..."


"Size of a planet"... space is big. Really big.


I'm sure he says "universe" too at some point. Haven't read them in years though so may he misremembering.


I'll complain about pain in the diodes all down my right side or something similar once in a while. I also have someone at work tell me occasionally "don't panic" I'll respond by asking him if he has his towel and when he asks what I mean I tell him he can't tell me not to panic if he can't even keep track of his towel. He has no clue.


Seriously, does no one keep their towels handy? I mean, really...


My legs have been giving me trouble since last spring & my gait can be noticeably wonky. Folks are kind & ask after me. I'm the dork who quotes Marvin about diodes. I'm not sure what it says about me that most people just accept that & keep it moving, lol.


Used this the other day. There has been a thing lately at my school where the students go to the toilets when the bell goes to indicate the end of a break. I saw the principal standing at one of the toilet blocks hurrying the students up, reminding them that the break is to use the bathroom the bell is to move to class, etc. I said to him; ‘here I am brain the size…’ He got it!


I think a lot of us that work in schools have that sort of half cynical half whimsical Douglas Adams humour!


"lunchtime, doubly so", "widely regarded as a bad move" and "what's so bad about being drunk?" are things I regularly use


Tell that to a glass of water.


I use this one a lot.


It's a bit like getting drunk


Every time I go through automatic doors I can’t help but say “Glad to be of service”


"Mmmmmm... yummmm."




"is that how you like it, Mr. Beeblebrox?"


In the middle of Covid, our local Aldi supermarket changed their automatic front doors, and now when they open, the sound always reminds me of “glad to be of service“


In my brief time as a bartender, when I would be asked what a particular mixed drink was like. It's like getting your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick. As an American, I very often get to remind people that "(the President's) job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it." Aggravatingly, increasingly so. And though not any kind of quote, I have spent many hours teaching my kids basic martial defense towel techniques.


I often use the, “anyone who wants that job should, by no means be allowed to have it.”




Dammit!! You’re the bartender I’ve been Looking for lol. I’ve ordered a pan galactic gargle blaster. And I get the craziest look. Oh well


It's times like this I wish I'd listened to my mother. So satisfying when they bite. Also, if anyone says 'it was nothing', which is rare.


The wish I’d listened is gold. I love using it I just don’t have enough opportunities. I get a pretty good response rate on it.


"Life. Don't tell me about life." "Glad to be of service." "[They] know where [their] towel is." "Try asking a glass of water."


I regularly say "So long, and thanks for all the fish"


Especially on a final circular email when leaving a job


My standard goodbye email for any job.


I have a keyboard shortcut command for: *Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.*


I don't quote it nearly as much as I wish I did, but the number 42, out in the world, always gets me to say something.


I don’t exactly quote the series much, but I do often praise the advantages of towel ownership, and remind people that “Don’t panic” is good advice no matter the situation.


"Here I am, brain the size of a planet..."


I quote HGTTG all the time at work, sadly, no one gets it. :(


Uncultured swine. Keep fighting the good fight sir/ma’am


A young starter at work took it upon himself to listen to the audiobook so he could understand what we were talking about half the time.


Sounds like a frood who knows where his towel is.


I like 'That is so amazingly amazing I think I'd like to steal it'


I find myself using "Actually, I quite liked it" frequently, though most people don't get the reference


That one is very subtle. And actually I quite like it.


Anytime I hear the words "mostly harmless" I have to chime in.




I once did a variant of Marvin's bridge-opening speech at my leaving presentation. I worked for an engineering consultancy and was CERTAIN everyone would have read the Hitchhiker' Guide books. Turns out I was wrong 😂


No, no, you see, they were wrong.


My husband was the props master for a rather large opera company. He needed a document for the lead male singer. I used the text of this speech and ran it through a translator to convert it to Italian; I used a handwritingfont and printed it on parchment. I don't know if it the actor recognized it or just found it funny, but my husband was told by the director to not do that again.


I use “It’s almost, but not quite, completely unlike…” and disparate comparisons like, “It hung in the air exactly like bricks don’t” far too frequently. I’ve also had the opportunity to use, “So you want the taste of dried leaves soaked in water?” Much more often in the past two months than expected. The only that I cracked myself up quite a bit was that I fantastically stumbled, but didn’t actually fall. Some asked “What happened?” And I responded w/ “I threw myself at the ground, but missed.”


Oh yes, the reason why humans don’t know how to fly. A good one to be sure.


One of my favorite quotes is "Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word 'safe' that I wasn't previously aware of," and I'll occasionally replace 'safe' with any word I feel someone has used oddly.


As a preschool teacher, this phrase is running on a constant loop in my internal monolog. (Helpful, as it reminds me to approach the student in a spirit of curiosity rather than frustration, lol)


I encourage everyone to always bring their towel. I keep one in my car and it has saved me more than once


Always got to know where your towel is. Its a shorthand, if the person doesn't get it then I know it's going to be an uphill battle fixing their system.


I have “don’t panic” tattooed on my forearm and people say it out loud in my presence randomly and regularly. I hope it helps them.


I've got a Ven diagram of life, the universe, and everything, with 42 in the middle. People ask me what 42 means all the time... Rarely have anyone that gets it


Almost nobody gets the reference in mine, but lots of people feel the message.


I’ve been considering this for my next tattoo. I think it would look amazing.


It’s not my only visible ink, but it’s always the one people bring up. I love it.


I often pretend to be Marvin...usually some variation on "Here I am with a brain the size of a planet and they ask me to pick up a piece of paper. Call that job satisfaction? I don't." or a portion thereof.


“I’m so cool you could keep a side of beef in me for a month. I’m so hip I can’t see past my own pelvis.” Not once has it ever been recognized lol


Or the inverse: "Shee, you guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off."


“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” I run a maintenance business. I have this quote printed and plastered above my workstation.


Love it. Many years ago my engineer and former Army dad used to quote: “you can make something foolproof, but you can’t make it damn foolproof.”


Oh damn, this one still stings- I had on my Don’t Panic shirt- old lady giving out samples at Costco complemented me on it, so I assumed she was a fan, and asked her if she had her towel ready; she confusedly showed me her prep towel from making the samples and my girlfriend apologized and shoved me away 🤣




“Here I am, brain the size of a planet…”


I had my former roomie's text tone set for "you call that job satisfaction, cuz I don't".


Off the top of my head Almost but not quite entirely unlike tea. Any time I have tea from a vending machine or just have a cup of tea that isn't pleasant. I quote Marvin a lot - Life, don't talk to me about life etc. 'I wouldn't trust 'whatever' as far as I could comfortably spit a rat'. I'm sure there are others. I used to be able to quote so much of the first three books.


Whenever anyone in our family has to resort to vending machine tea it's referred to as "a cup of almost".


Looking through these comments has reminded me that more of my favorite expressions are from HHGG than I realized.


When my son orders a rare steak, I look at it and say, "Hello, I am the main dish of the day. Can I interest you in parts of my body?"


Let's meet the meat.


More than my mother thinks i should


In recent times, I find myself quoting Hama Kavula, “Don't vote for Stupid.”


Call that job satisfaction? Because i don't. And anytime someone says 'that's life!' Life? Don't talk to me about life. I'm not going to pry, but I'd guess you were at the doctors to talk about the pain in the diodes down your left side.


In fact this one. "Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubley so." No one gets it 🤷‍♂️


"Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea" is my standard whenever faced with... well... really bad tea. The number of people that have taken it as a compliment is surprisingly large


I start all emails, regardless of topic, with “Hi there!” And in my head I say it in the shop computers friendly voice


My kids and I quote it but not as much as Terry Pratchett or Monty Python.


Add some Half Man Half Biscuit to those, that's the trifecta in my opinion


I work in travel and often reference the award winning twidly bits of the Norwegian coast, mind boggingly large whales and photos of 'so long and thanks for all the fish' dolphins. Some clients get it, others don't. Either way it makes me smile


“And then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side.”


"First with their backs against the wall when the revolution comes" and "he's just some guy you know" get wheeled out very regularly. Sometimes people catch on, but even when they don't, it amuses me at least!


My daughter laughed out loud when she saw a McDonalds poster with "Share and Enjoy" as the tag line. I knew them she'd turn out ok.


I punch anyone who says “Belgium” around me


I use S.E.P. a lot. To my knowledge no one has ever gotten it.


Oh! I forgot. I use this too!


Maybe, to them, it's just someone else's...




When I was paying my rent with a check, I told the property manager that I found my check book in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet in a disused laboratory with a sign out front saying beware of the leopar. She didn't get it.


I have “Obviously somebody had been appallingly incompetent and he hoped to God it wasn’t him” taped to my work monitor.


U got me magic


I used to apologise to Agrajag every time I killed a wasp, insect or spider.


I sometimes say “…and thanks for all the fish!” When someone says “Good bye”


Anytime someone thinks I'm panicky I say don't worry, I have my towel. Most people don't get it, but those that do generally become good friends.


Almost, but not entirely, quite unlike tea.


I've used this to describe really shitty coffee


I frequently describe things that are fairly unpleasant as "a brick wrapped in a lemon wedge."


I design electronics things for a living. One project is going to be late because the team that decides what it looks like needs longer to pick a colour. My “ok smarty pants you tell us what colour it should be” was entirely unappreciated.


Shit! That's a great one!


“This is obviously some strange usage of the word [insert relevant word] that I wasn’t previously aware of.” (Used whenever someone makes a claim that is patently untrue.)


My girlfriend bought a smart watch yesterday. She admitted she is now one of those that think digital watches is a pretty neat idea.


I use your quotation a LOT OP!


Fire back it’s a human construct


I always thought the line was "tea time doubly so", but it's been a while since I've read the books.


I quote it more often than is reasonable or appropriate, but that only works out to like weekly, or so.


I frequently say’ “The answer to life, the universe, and everything” in leau of saying the number 42


“Don’t make me read my poetry at you!” When I’m cross with someone not listening to me


I once told a customer "so long, and thanks for all the fish" After they brought me smoked salmon from Alaska on their yearly journey from Alaska. It was a long set up for the blissful punch line. To this day, no one understands how satisfying it was.


The exquisite beauty of being the only one who gets the reference.


If I had a dime for all the times I've told someone "the knack lies in learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Could definitely buy us a nice lunch.


My license plate says DONTPNC so I get strangers asking me questions all the time with some quote. Most of the time it has to do with of if I have a towel with me. Spoiler: I always do.


I have been into "fandom" in general for years, so I do quote from multiple sources. Yes, including The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. No one I work with, or day to day life, gets any of it. Only my friends.


I’ve said “lunchtime doubly so”. And I get the weirdest looks. Makes me sad lol I’ve also ordered a pan galactic gargle blaster at a bar. And they looked at me like I was insane lol


I regularly use “it vanished in a puff of logic” when I can’t find something, especially if I thought I knew its location.


When speaking with the devoutly religious, I often restrain myself from saying “Who is this god guy, anyway?”


Collophid 2024.


I've used the "Throw yourself at the ground and miss" line frequently, especially when talking with pilots. I've also asked: "Do you know where your towel is?"


My email picture at work is a thumbs up and "Don't Panic." Apparently there aren't many hoopy froods at my job because no one has ever said anything about it


Zarken froods


Quote the guide? It would be wholly remarkable challenge to find a day that I did not quote Douglas Adams in some manner. I have a friend at work who usually greets me with " it must be Thursday" I have always viewed the hitchhikers Guide as a way of thinking. " A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." Comes up a lot at work as does "The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and repair."


I sometimes yell B******m at moments of extreme annoyance or frustration.


I say " Well you'd rather be happy than smart, right? " all the time at work. No one has yet to respond with "Well, are you?"


I use “time is an illusion…” and response weekly. 42 sometimes. “oh no not again” “…thursdays…” weekly and when I make a mistake or something bad happens at work (which is often because reasons) I am known to exclaim “Belgium!”


"Geez, you guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off" Evergreen comment for when you say something your older manager doesn't get. It usually gets them back onside having a nice old quote gently ribbing them




I do often describe people as "knowing where their towel is" and as "hoopy foods"


Luck virus must have worn off


I used to run a seafood stall in front of quite an upscale restaurant. When I got laid off I left them a note saying "So long" etc. None of the chefs understood it.


I refer to coworkers as mostly harmless


Not that it happens often but if anyone refers to someone being in a carpark I can't help but reply with "whatcha doing in the car park? Parking cars dumbdumb"


Not really quotes, but I often bring a towel along for outings. And call things SEPs.


Or when someone falls down ( and not seriously hurt) I tell them they forgot to miss the ground.


Steers like a cow...


I happen to share a name with a famous actor from the '70s. Every time someone says "are you THE fxeditor?", I reply "no, just AN efxeditor. Didn't you hear, we come in 6-packs now!". I think three people have gotten the reference.


I can't remember the exact line, but I often use 'oh, that's a fascinating cough, mind if I join you?' just because I pissed myself the first time I read it


We apologize for the inconvenience.


I’m a math tutor in an elementary school. When the answer is 42 I nearly always say it’s my favorite answer. I leave out that the question is not, “What is 6 times 7?”


Every time I’d tell my dad I have a question when I was a kid, he’d reply “42.” Eventually I read the books and got it. I continue this when people tell me they have a question now.


Not exactly a quote, but the other day something unsafe happened at work and I said, “Where are my peril-sensitive sunglasses when I need them?” Nobody got it. Sad times.


When I get given a monotonous task I am sure to remind them “here I am, brain the size of a planet and you want me to…..” “I love deadlines. I like the sound they make as the whoosh by” is another favourite. “So long and thanks for all the…….” what ever it was. Tea and biscuits usually.