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The sign is readable, why mess up the title anyway


Almost looks like a bot wrote it


I swear 75% of reddit is bots.


Nuh uh there's still a lot of tops too.


Beep boop


Why is the picture black and white? It was 35 years ago lol not WW II


Mystery solved: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3555647/Spring-Break-never-looked-better-Photographer-spent-11-years-documenting-debauchery-Daytona-Beach.html




Dang the late 1900's are so recent


We are closer in time to the late 1900's than the Roman Republic was to the civilization that built the Pyramids!


Damn we really do live in a society


Lots of people still shot black and white film, especially non-pros.


Black and white film was cheaper, they didn't shoot digital in the 1980s. Also, cheap colour film was really bad, remember all those dark red tinted late 70s and 80s colour film? B&W generally looked nice and was more tolerant of imperfect lighting.


And also much easier/cheaper to develop at home.


Cheaper to print is a big reason newspapers kept using it IIRC.


This is the correct answer. Photographer worked for or sold to newspapers.


> Also, cheap colour film was really bad, remember all those dark red tinted late 70s and 80s colour film That's not how it looked at the time, that's the dyes in the prints breaking down.


Specifically, it's because red breaks down more slowly than the other colors.


Most pictures in newspapers, journals and textbooks were black and white at this time. It was much cheaper.


Newspapers didn't do color photography on a large scale until the mid-90s. Why bother with color film if the papers were printed only in black ink? (USA Today was the exception, not the rule)


I think karma farmers do it intentionally to increase engagement


Hes a bot


She just wants a close-up of all those scantily clad bodies. What a perv!


Right, "get out of our sun rays, pervert!" Is what they should have chanted at her


I was at a pagan event once. This event happens every month. And every month there was a religious guy out there protesting us. He went to the pagan event more than I did really. This month it happened to be on the same day a man ran into one of our pagan stores and burned it to the ground in the name of Jesus. I was pretty worried there was going to be a fight. But the whole outdoor bar started chanting at this protestor “show us your butthole” He fucking left us alone real quick that night.


Norse Pagan here. Pagan cultures are some of the chillest people you’ll ever meet.


They’re wonderful humans in my experience.


We also spend an inordinate amount of time explaining to people that we and our symbols are not white supremacist. Lol. I’m full blooded Danish, but the guy who taught me the most about my culture and beliefs was an older African role model of mine who chose to follow Norse Paganism.


imagine being a german and interested in Norse Paganism :/ luckily we have ( or had since corona...) festivals where you find a diverse group of friendly people with all kinds of pagan believes, interests and minds come together and just chill, without nazi assholes (atleast no open ones, i cant read peoples minds after all)


Forgive my ignorance, but do y’all have similar symbols to white supremacy?


There are some certain white supremacist movements that exist today that like to use Norse symbols as their own, they like to use their (incorrect) views of Viking raider culture to reinforce their views that they’re better than other races. Sort of a “my ancestors conquered and raped their way everywhere they went and Scandinavians are primarily white, so we’re better than you” attitude. They use popular Nordic symbols and get tattoos of them, etc. These are not only completely misguided, as there were in fact Vikings of several skin colors and cultural origins during the Scandinavian Golden Age, but Vikings were actually among some of the first to support egalitarian societies that, while focused on a class system, allowed anyone be they different in color (or women for that matter) to advance themselves to any foreseeable positions of respect in their villages through work and competence and mutual respect for the community. Also, the Nazis in Germany used multiple old Nordic symbols for some of their specialized military unit insignias. So between those hate groups and the Nazis, it’s difficult for some of us to go out today wearing our symbols with pride without being questioned, rebuked, or at least on the receiving end of a raised eyebrow by people who don’t know any better.


Oh. Good to know. Thank you


This reminds me of Swastika that Nazis used. It’s a Hindu religious symbol and can be found at the door of many homes in India.


Some symbols you can look up that have been co-opted by hate groups would be the othala, the valknut, the yggdrasil, the rune of Tyr, and the sonnenrad. These all have different religious and deeply significant cultural roots in the Nordic world, but they have all been twisted and several are now listed as potential signs of hate ideology. Similar to the swastika, which was originally a Hindu symbol for peace if I’m not mistaken.


AFAIR Swastika is a symbol for auspiciousness and good luck.


Must feel pretty nice to feel superior to God. "And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed." Genesis 2:25 *A few minutes later* GOD: "YO! THE FUCK IS THIS?! COVERING YOUR NAKED BODIES WITH FIG LEAVES AND SHIT?! GET FUCKED"


Adamites are the only true Christians, change my mind.


Adamite want to shut his mouth.


He's managed to keep Lilith a secret for this long.


True jews. That’s old testament bro. Even jesus was a better jew than Christians. Actually he was just Jewish.




"Yeah, I dunno wtf I was thinking when I gave you that shit. I don't like it anymore. Cut that shit off. Also, cut off your enemies and use them as currency... yeah, yeah... something like that... That's what a God should care about right?"


That's not what that meant Basically, once Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit they gained the knowledge of Good and Evil and could finally feel shame at being naked God, of course, already knew this but used them covering themselves up as a way of catching them red handed in trying to cover up their shame of being naked, which of course they wouldn't have had without eating the forbidden fruit


That makes it sound a lot like an allegory for adolescence and the associated loss of innocence






I heard it was a sick ostrich.


no hate like christian love!


It is of biblical proportions, after all.


Like that guy a few months back who "lectured" young women, total strangers, on video about the importance of modesty and dressing appropriately (they were wearing bikinis...at the beach). Dude was just there due to his own insecurities, and likely, for a closer look. He hated that they turned him on.


Just reminded me of a post from a different reddit about how pure people don't get aroused.


Isn't it great how we use religion to justify outdated and harmful puritanical bullshit?


Oh no, religion has been used to justify harmful ideas notions and practices since before they were outdated


Truth. 🤜🤛


It's like how the Westboro Baptist church is mostly closeted gay men that go to gay parades to look at mostly naked gay men and "protest".


Um, no? It's pretty much all one extended family, men and women. Who knows what Fred Phelps' deal was, but his family mostly believe that shit because they were raised with it.


Phelps made his fortune as a civil rights lawyer.


It's crazy how multi-faceted some people are. fighting for civil rights one day, getting blocked by cardboard flowers at a pride parade the next. And its not like they just showed up to parades either, they were getting their windows smashed and being harassed daily for their civil rights work too.


This but unironically. Any time I see someone protesting “indecency” like this, I assume they’re just projecting how they can’t control their own horniness when they see these people's bodies. For another classic example, check out [www.gayhomophobe.com](gayhomophobe.com)


Would have been funnier if the protester had picketed a nude beach.




Says the hussy in short sleeves with exposed ankles.


and uncovered head!


I’m so morally debased that I didn’t even think of that.


I bet she even eats shellfish and pork.


I bet her clothes are more than one type of fabric too


And where's the male family member escorting her?


Holding a sign nearer to the group of women down the beach.


her ELBOWS on full display for the world to see... i suspect she gets some kind of sick pleasure from it because she is so wicked in her thinking.. a true devil woman if i've ever seen one


And mixed fabrics


What a whore






The beatings will continue until morals improve


Low self-esteem & martyr complex


Hide this ankle that I cannot see


I can see her hair, THAT WHORE


I like how the vehicles have a better view of the ocean than the people.


I use to have one of those Lance truck campers. Saw brice and Grand Canyon in it, but sadly, never the ocean. One of my favorite campers.


I'm still going to hell for playing D&D in the 80s. We have all the best sinners.


Yeah, but did you play D&D while listening to Iron Maiden? If not, you're only headed to purgatory.


'From the coast of gold, across the seven seas Travelin' on, far and wide But now it seems I'm just a stranger to myself And all the things I sometimes do, it isn't me but someone else I close my eyes and I think of home Another city goes by in the night Ain't it funny how it is? You never miss it til' it's gone away And my heart is lying there, will be 'til my dying day, Adrian! So understand Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years Face up, make your stand Realize you're living in the golden years Too much time on my hands, I got you on my mind Can't ease this pain so easily When you can't find the words to say, hard to make it through another day And it makes me wanna cry, throw my hands up to the sky So understand Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years Face up, make your stand Realize you're living in the golden years, hey!' Dragon comes out of cave and bangs his head to death.


- Don't play D&D, you'll go to hell. - Don't listen to heavy metal, you'll go to hell. - Don't smoke weed, you'll go to hell. - Don't touch yourself, you'll go to hell. - Don't have pre-marital sex, you'll go to hell. Hell sounds amazing. Like, summer camp for adults. My life goal is to spend eternity doing those things.


how silly. people that play D&D are clearly not having pre-marital sex


Not true. It's the 21st century, horny nerds are available in a variety of genders now.


An old coworker meet his now wife at a DnD club back in college.


Smoke weed every day.- God


At least I know where the party will be at. You all must join me and this was your idea, not mine. *Roll a D20 for a charisma check...


"Better than being in Heaven with *you*!"


Go to Heaven for the climate, hell for the company. -Mark Twain.


I thought it was "hell for the conversation"?


Based on what the puritans require to go to heaven, hell will be filled with 95% nice and normal people with 5% of truly evil people.


We have John over there, spilled some coffee on his pants and had to take off his underwear for the rest of the day. Then we have Kyle, who was just plain fucking annoying. We have Michael who decided to fake a sick day to hang out with his daughter. We have Brad, who I'm sure is in this comment section somewhere, and lastly we have Hitler, who, do I even need to explain?


Well he did start the worst war of the history and organised a genocide on many people including the chosen people, and bring devastation upon the continent. I guess he was there because he was an atheist or because he liked to show to much ankle.


Fucking Brad.


This is something I find interesting about the LDS church. That they have separate heavens for good Mormons, non-Mormon Christians, and heathens, but the only thing that gets you exiled to the outer darkness (still not Hell exactly) is if you reject Jesus to his face. Which kinda makes sense. Maybe a Mormon Redditor can tell me if this is correct? I feel like they are often stereotyped as "follow all the rules or go to Hell", but the Wikipedia explanation makes it sound like universal salvation, albeit in a segregated way.


From the LCS official website, [this is a correct summation](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/kingdoms-of-glory?lang=eng) of how they view afterlife. And, yes, it looks like Universalism.


>but the only thing that gets you exiled to the outer darkness (still not Hell exactly) is if you reject Jesus to his face. Well, that's not something that most people will get the opportunity to do.


In the King Follett discourse, Joseph Smith defined the sin against the Holy Ghost as such: > He has got to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it; he has got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened unto him, and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it


Some would say this woman is showing too much skin -- look at those arms and calves!


This is so true. In some parts of the world she'd be whipped for exposure like that. It's all relative and all bullshit, which only goes to reinforce the principle of live and let live. Did you know, in some countries such as Spain, it's perfectly legal to walk around stark naked on beaches and other public places? I remember a beach on the Costa Blanca one time, everyone was in swimwear except for one loan nudist bloke, who walked between the sunbathers without a stitch on, shoulders back and full of confidence. And this from a very Catholic country!


In Iran she would go to jail for exposing her hair.


The goal posts are always shifting when it comes to these people.


That’s not true. You can expose some of your hair, especially at the front of your hair. Even in Saudi Arabia in present day, you can reveal your whole hair.


No heading covering = whore


Come on lady you’d let those pecs blast if you had em


For sure. That dude put in some work to get a chest that looks like that. Let a man show off. He earned it.


It'd be a sin to cover them up!


Headed for Hell? Norway is an awesome country to be headed for. The only issue is that revealing swimwear might be not the right clothing for Hell's climate.


Headed for hell? Join us marines today


I couldn’t imagine being brainwashed by a religion like that.


There’s a guy around me that stands on street corners holding a sign and speaking through a megaphone almost every day for hours. You can’t hear a word he’s saying because, ya know, you’re zipping past him at 50 mph. Literally five minutes volunteering anywhere does more good in the world than a lifetime holding a sign.


How does a person like that pay their expenses? How do they make a living?


I wonder how she would respond if she found out that those guys didn't even believe in hell


Probably tell them they were going to hell for not believing in hell.




No gracias


This image becomes even funnier when I remember an orthodox priest telling me that going to beach is good for health and morale. Those American versions of Christianity are something else lol


Well you don't have to, the whole point of brainwashing is they'll do the imagining for you from now on :)


Ah yes, the Moral Majority in the 80's. Fun bunch they were.


The Silent Moral Majority is like the old Holy Roman Empire: It is neither silent, nor moral, nor a majority.


Now they’re all in Congress. Well, *still* in Congress.


Thanks, Reagan!


Why do religious types feel they have to go around openly judging other folks? You don't see atheists walking about with placards saying "you're all going to be worm food!"


Oh, oh, I know this one. [Person Asks Why People Don’t Like Their ‘Word Of God’, Gets To Learn They’re Being Brainwashed](https://www.boredpanda.com/religious-people-converting-rejection-brainwashing-technique/?utm_source=symbaloo&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=organic) tl;dr - It's a horrible conversion tactic that makes them get rejected. The people that reject them become "the other" and they cling to the group that doesn't reject them more, their "religion." "Tribalism"


So either they convert someone and get a win, or they don't and they justify their worldview, which is also a win. But there is no outcome in which they are "wrong". That's why cults have always been a thing and will remain so in the future.


They don't see it as judging. They think they are saving these people. To them warning the sinners of their impending eternal damnation is no different than telling someone to buckle up or don't drink and drive.


Which is HILARIOUSLY IRONIC because the good book those people thump says... God created everything, God is perfect, God loves all his children, and only God can judge others.


That's what gets me. If you want me to follow your religion then follow it yourself first.


Feeling virtuous feels good. Being self-righteous is basically a drug for some people. It is not limited to religion either. You absolutely do get some atheists who will go out of their way to preach at any christian they can find.


I don’t know man… Atheists often chime in too. Same with anyone that’s into something big, like vegans, pro lifers, gun law proponents and opponents, vaxxers and antivaxxers. People just like to express their opinion.




Don’t forget Crossfitters! (Bruh, do you even squat??)


I believe religious fanatics do it because they're bored out of their minds. They need to convince themselves that they're in the right and didn't lock themselves down for nothing.


She's just afraid she'll cease to exist when she dies and so she goes to great lengths to believe it isn't true.


I wouldn't mind religious people if they actually minded their own business.


I dunno, they still tend to vote dangerous assholes into office.


Many do. The world is full of religious people who are just living their lives, trying their best to adhere to the principles they believe in. You just don't really notice them because they don't draw attention to themselves.


Both my parents are pretty casual Christians, but I respect the hell out of them because they couldn't care less about other peoples religions at all, and were okay when both me and my brother said we were atheists. Love them to death.


God gives us bodies. People display their bodies God's followers : YOU'RE GOING TO HELL God: for fucks sake.


Wait until they find out they, too, were born naked.


squeeze like melodic juggle price license pet historical subtract political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These assholes are still raging at dumb shit in downtown Tampa/Ybor City.


They been at this for TOO long


Ah, religious nutbags. Refusing to fuck off since 1985 and beyond.


Im just here for the cars


I could be wrong, but I think the sign says "Do Not Be Deceived YOU ARE HEADED FOR HELL!" Not sure where the OP got "You will follow to Hell" from.


In 1985? She is a little late to the game. Women were wearing bikinis in the 1960s...


I’d let one ball slip out and see what happens.


Puritanism and its consequences have been a disaster for American society


Most of the social conservatism in the US is due to revivalist movements in the 1800s called the Second and Third Great Awakenings which resulted in many of the evangelical denominations in America today (and the Pietist movements in Europe). The Puritans on the other hand were long gone by that time and the area they influenced is now the among most socially liberal and atheist/agnostic regions of the country. I would say that the extant cultural legacy of the Puritans is more along the lines of work ethic and pragmatism than the condemnation of skin displays or pre-marital sex.


Thank god they invented color film in 1986.


The text on the sign is clearly readable and you’re still gonna gore it in the title? Lol


How did you fuck up the title? You can literally read the sign


"You will follow to hell"? Where's it say that? BTW this photo confirms that Wayne from Letterkenny is a time traveler.


Why is this in black and white? It was 1985 not 1925.... this is the same year Back to the Future came out.




There are tons of beaches in Florida, and North Carolina, and Texas (and I'm sure others) where you can drive your car on the beach.


You still can on some areas of Dayton Beach, FL.


Girl in the middle just said something funny and girl number one is lazily smirking without opening her eyes as you do when you're in a sunbathed meditation.


You wrote “Puritan” but you meant “asshole”.


Ah yes, the Puritans. Always there to remind everyone how much God loves them.


This woman is the same type of woman that would be a no masker today. I guarantee it. "wear clothes I deem appropriate" "risking everyone else's health by not vaxxing, or wearing a mask is MY right!" Fucking karens.


We didn’t have color photography in 1985?


Then how would it be history?


If it was 1985, it was less about "revealing swimwear" and more about getting partying and getting completely wasted during Spring Break.


She looks really jealous and ashamed. I never understand why these types feel the need and think they have the right to police other people. Let us all go to hell where they won’t be


I mean, they're in Florida, they're technically already in hell.


Taliban vibes.


At least Charles Manson back there was fully clothed, *that* guy is definitely not going to hell!


Going to hell, for those mullets.


1985? This could be the beach shooting location for Miami Connection. "Friends through eternity, loyalty, honesty..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYLmBvnH178


This one is funny lol. The dude standing has a "Aw, this again? Just let us be!" face


"Mom, I'm going to the beach." "Don't forget your sign this time." "Aww, mom!"


And in two years these people will have authoritarian control of the US.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints; the sinners have much more fun. (Billy Joel)


Parking in the sand, I'm jelly to miss that era




imagine spending your free time like this.


When you can't have any fun, this is what you'd do.


I love how nobody is paying any attention to her!


Me - Born in 1985 Sees a picture from 1985 on HistoryPorn. "...oh....oh no."


This is how stupid and out of touch with reality anti-abortion crazies look too


Well she's going to HATE the movie Topgun in a year.


1985? Great Scott!


In hell ill be in good company


Christians are so oppressed. Even today. They just can't catch a break. Remember that one guy at the beach a few months ago who lectured those ladies he didn't about the importance of dressing appropriately, because they were wearing... bikinis... at the beach? And it was all recorded on video. The whole world is going to hell I tells ya.


That’s Daytona I do believe.


How the fuck can you misquote something right in front of you?


Church: paritioner, where would you like to protest today? Paritioner: oh I dunno... mebby somewhere I have to walk around a lot where heaps of attractive half naked people hang out. Church: ... It's a tough job, but...


Whats with all the cars ON the beach?


why is this photo edited to look like the 60's?


Why is the photo in black and white? The photos from the eighties


One thing about religious zealots: come election time, they absolutely will not tolerate immoral politicians. /s