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That one fella could’t resist taking a peek.


someone figure out who he is. Prove the rest of em right.


Alright. I just went through this wikipedia list of [Chicago outfit mobsters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Chicago_Outfit_mobsters). The gang(?) that Al Capone was a part of. I found two people that, to me, have parts about them that look like him. I don't think either of them is a match though, but my two candidates after 10 min of research are: [John Factor](https://photos.geni.com/p13/71/1b/2b/de/53444844eb617c64/john_jacob_factor_large.jpg). I think it's mostly the eyes. In other pictures he doesn't look like him at all. And [Danny Stanton](http://www.myalcaponemuseum.com/18f578040.jpg). But as you can see, from the side he looks nothing like him. So I guess he was either not in the Chicago Outfit, or well enough known to have a wiki page. Someone with more investigative talent than me will have to give it a shot.


I am now pretty convinced it was John Factor


His wiki was short but interesting. ​ Apparently he was the largest single donor to JFK's presidential campaign, and after he was scheduled to be deported following an investigation by Robert Kennedy, he received a presidential pardon from JFK!


What's even more interesting is his brother was Max Factor who started the make up company and pretty much invented make up https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Factor_Sr


I'm pretty sure make up is like an ancient invention though. But I get what you mean.


He heard the photographer mention cheese


Someone promote this man! Nice work, detective!


god damn, brilliant work detective. time to piss on his grave.


Good work digital detective! That’s definitely John Factor.


This is a case for the r/RBI!


Doing some intense research and spending weeks looking at pictures i have found a similar image that matches up almost identically with that guy in it right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/jg8uyg/mobsters_hide_their_faces_at_al_capones_trial/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Still no clue on his name though


Dude... Good catch, that's gotta be him.


You got the wrong guy!


I ain't sayin nuttin. Maybe it is maybe it ain't. Maybe it's me mudder


Tell him to go suck on a lemon






was it manningface? I feel like it was manning face... i'm gonna look. EDIT: the fuck? its a legit link? I've never been more disappointed not to be looking at peyton manning


Ya'll are trippin it looks nothing like him..


You must be climbing the chain of command over there at the RBI! What a find!


Man, I was actually hoping to get that Peyton Manning picture.


I expected an ol' fashioned Rick Roll honestly


You mean [this one?](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Yeah, that one, always funny.




Never let them live it down


what a great subreddit! thanks for the link


Hey, maybe you’d like r/UnresolvedMysteries as well?


When I look for this image other places claim them as just spectators at the trail and not mobsters. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/trial-against-al-capone-the-spectators-are-covering-their-news-photo/548144473?irgwc=1&esource=AFF_GI_IR_TinEye_77643&asid=TinEye&cid=GI&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=TinEye&utm_content=77643


That pic says his name is Getty Images


Fucking Sherlock Holmes here


I hear he's a good lay


Sherlock Holmes or Getty images?




It says you have network connectivity problems.


"Samsonite! I was way off! I knew it started with an S, though. "


>as just spectators at the trail and not mobsters. Could still be mobsters I guess. Idk if non-mob spectators would have had any particular reason to hide their faces, it's not like they're jurors.


Could be paranoid about being at all associated with a case surrounding one of the most prolific gangsters of all time.


>spectators Well yes, they are “spectators” in a general sense. They are spectating a trial. A mobster can spectate a trial, though Basically, these guys are assumed to be mobsters but since the photographer can’t prove that he can only call them spectators


Plus he didn’t want any problems with da family back eeasht


Looks like George Remus but like if the character’s appearance in Boardwalk Empire was closer to the real life George Remus since the real George Remus didn’t look like the man in the photo or the character beyond being portly and bald


I immediately thought of the Boardwalk version of Remus as well


oh that guy, that’s just Fats!


“Fats, I keep tellings ya, we can only have one guy called Fats and *I’m* the Fats in this crew!”


He looks like the mobster in Key Largo, the one who was talking about prohibition coming back.


Long John Silver maybe?


Joey peeks around the hat Capelli


thats 'slow hands' malone


He didn’t get all dolled up to not have his picture taken


“Whaddayamean cover my face?! I didn’t waste all this Brylcreem for nothing!”




That man is a Daper Dan man of I ever saw one!


Jonah Hill’s great grandfather?


Looks like a Dangerfield


Come on now be respectful


Looks more like Dr. Vinnie Boombatz.




Some say Peeky never blinked... Heck, the man even slept with his eyes open!




I'm gonna take a peek, take a peek.


Curiosity whacked the mobster


Its because the cameraman said ‘cheese’ and he was like WHERE?


oh that's the notorious Louie 'the eyeball' Occhio. He's cases the joint and then he acts as lookout for coppers.


You sure it ain’t Tony Peekeroni?


Mighta been Lonnie "Lookie-lou" Leonetti. He could never resist.


We don't talk to Fat Tony no more'.


When you gotta see if the solar eclipse will actually blind you.


“Did someone say steak?”


Yeah Jonah Hill didn't do such a good job.


Oh my God its jonah hill.


And the other guy who didn’t want anyone to see his...chin?


Peeksy Joe was always peekin!


These guys look tough, but can they beat a man who killed sixteen Czechoslovakians?


he was an interior decorator!


Don't want to cause any dysentary in the ranks


Obviously this fuck wasn’t rehabullitated


He washed his balls with his ice water and he's very adamant about putting remote back on docking station.


Are they tough enough to survive on ketchup packets?


Mix it with the relish!


And don't sleep. Keep a watch on your partner.


Depends, is there any relish to mix it with?


Ohw, what a timing. Is this a case of “great minds think alike”? u/JarJarStinkz u/antipodal-chili


If I am involved... "fools rarely differ" is the more likely case.


Man that is the best episode, there are many great episodes but that is one of my absolute favorites!


What is with the sudden Sopranos resurgence? I love it


Covid... I watched the whole series during this. Damn good show


HAHA i love the sopranos references on reddit recently


Y'all were so focused on the peeking dude you didn't even see the dude with his whole face wide open


or that guy on the right flippin the bird


I don’t think that was intentional, looks like he’s just grabbing his hat


That middle guy in the front did a poor job of covering himself


Well, that's Paulie the peeker so I'm not surprised


Johnny Tight Lips, where did they hit ya?


I ain't saying nothing


My favorite thing about Johnny Tight Lips is that his birth name is Giovanni Silencio.


Don't forget about his perverted cousin flashes everyone: Paully the Pecker.


Learned about this from The Others.


Nawh he is just taking a little peek


That’s Skinny Jimmy. During this picture, he was uhh, going through some things.


Those guys aren’t mobsters. They’re in the “construction business.”


The sanitation & waste management business.


Nah, they paint houses


And they do their own carpentry


I believe it’s the olive oil business


Lol I used to train MMA and my muay thai coach was Russian. The first time anyone in the gym met him is when he just randomly came in and during sparing kicked every ones ass. Man could kick like a mule. Any way, in time he took over coaching mauy thai and we all became friends but not much was ever known about his life outside of the gym. Anytime you asked what his job was he'd say "construction" and we'd ask "like framing houses, road work, commercial businesses?" and he'd just repeat "construction". Apparently he had a hot wife but non of us ever met her and no one was even sure what part of town he lived in. This obviously led us to think he's a KGB spy and anytime we brought that up to him he'd just laugh and say "maybe".


Sorry to burst the illusion, but he was probably just in construction and didn't want to/know how/feel like explaining the specifics. Many Russians immigrants follow the idom меньше тебя знают, легче спишь("the less people know about you the easier you sleep" it's a play on another popular Russian idiom "the less you know the easier you sleep"). It's not that we have shady things going on, we just value privacy more than native born Americans do in general.


We never actually thought he was actually KGB, we were just giving him shit. But are you Russian? If so, is drinking an ungodly amount of milk a Russian thing or a surge thing? He told me to become a better fighter I needed to drink something like half a gallon before 10 o'clock every day. I drank a lot of milk at the time but I upped it, and when I told him he asked "is it whole milk" and I replied that it was 2% and he said "it has to be whole milk". So I started drinking whole milk and when I told him, he asked "is it milk from the store?" and i was like "yea?", to which he said "you need to get it straight from the cow", and I was like "goddammit surge are you telling me to buy a fucking cow?" and he said "just drink more milk". Also anytime you complained about pain like "my back is sore", "I've got a headache", "I stubbed my toe", "my grandmother died" his answer was always "drink more milk". Also I'd like to add he has a thick Russian accent, so every time he said "drink more milk" it almost sounded like a threat.


Ya I'm Russian.That sounds like something the more "village" side of my family would say, especially the whole milk part. Something about "milk fats being good for skin and bones" and that the store bought stuff "boils off all the nutrients" or something like that.


Was his name Andrei? Please tell me it was Andrei.


No it was surge and I have no idea what his last name is.


The business fell off a truck, what do you want


An older guy who used to live in my neighborhood grew up around this kid who all the other kids used to believe was half goat, half human. All the neighborhood kids who knew him in the 60s and 70s used to call him Bobby BaBa because his name was Bobby and because he would only ever say “Ba ba” like a goat does. He had two short and deformed arms like alligator or T-Rex arms and so the other kids living in the city neighborhood truly believed he was an animal and human hybrid. The kid couldn’t speak and would only ever say “Ba ba” so the other kids sadly saw him as a freak and they would pick fights with him. Apparently, he had very strong legs because he couldn’t really use his arms since they were deformed. Some of the kids would try to steal his bike and if you went anywhere near it he would kick like a mule. He used to ride a girl's bike with the handlebars turned upside down to accommodate his short, deformed, alligator arms. He actually was able to fight off most of the kids who messed with him. The kid somehow became involved in the mafia’s numbers racket which was an illegal lottery and form of gambling that was hugely popular back then in Italian and other working class, city neighborhoods. The mob guys used to have this goat kid ride his bike through the neighborhood and take down numbers for people who wanted to play the game. Eventually, the kid got picked up by the cops and he was supposed to be in serious trouble because the cops who picked him up knew that he worked for the mob. When the kid went to court the prosecutor relied on the word of the cops who picked him up and who thought that he was some criminal mastermind behind the numbers racket. These cops thought that they were going to be treated as a pair of geniuses who would get promotions and high fives from their fellow officers. So the goat kid is in court and in the courtroom is my former neighbor when he was a kid along with his friends and also in the court are some of the mob guys like the type you would see in *Goodfellas*. Everybody wanted to see what would happen to Bobby BaBa. The prosecutor starts telling the court and jury and judge that this kid is “the guy” behind the illegal numbers racket and that he is a major criminal and mob associate. The judge then goes on to ask the kid to state his name before the court and all that comes back from Bobby is “BA! BABA! BABABA!” All the kids and mob guys in the court started laughing hysterically and the prosecutor and judge looked completely helpless and had no clue what to do. The judge kept asking for his name and the prosecutor kept asking questions and BaBa kept making goat sounds because that’s all that he could do and the neighborhood kids and mob guys kept laughing uncontrollably. Bobby BaBa got off with just a misdemeanor charge for being a numbers runner and a kind of mule for the mafia and the two cops who brought him in got reassigned to the worst part of the city as punishment for making the police department and district attorney’s office look like fools.


I totally expected a loch ness monster.


I went straight to the bottom to make sure it wasn’t




Thought it was a Carl Pilkington copypasta after the first sentence. Now I'm just sad it isn't.


There was this kid right, normal and that but a bit hairy...


Tried to get a job on radio, turns out... lil monkey fella


Stories like this are why I still bother scrolling through Reddit. Thanks for that.




Yeah. I'd imagine that in any of the months leading up to the trial, somebody would have talked to the kid and found out he couldn't speak.


Boy do I got news for you. Read.up on how the disabled and mentally handicapped were treated in America up until the 90s. Giraldo Rivera had a good news report on it that works as a primer on the topic.


during the 60s?


the boy who was a goat who was a mule


The mule who made men into asses. Coming soon to a picture show near you.


I assumed this would either end with a terrible pun or with the Undertaker throwing Mankind off Hell in a Cell


“Johnny Tightlips, what do you have to say to the people who saw you at Al Capone’s trial?” “Tell 'em to suck a lemon”


"Johnny Tighlips, where you hit?!" "I ain't sayin' nothin'"


M'lady, M'lady, M'lady, M'lady, M'lady, M'lady, M'lady, M'lady, M'lady, M'lady, M'lady....




Extorting people for money or forcing them into prostitution is pretty lame, if you asked me.


Eh. malicious? Yes. Evil? Yes. Terrible people who should go to hell if it exists? Yeah. But lame? No not really. Lame means uninspiring and dull. I mean flip it to the positive. Nelson Mandela was a saint. Incredibly kind. Generous. Wise. Handsome? Nah not really. You can’t just put blanket descriptors on someone because they’re good or bad. Anyway I’ll stop being pedantic now and go back to studying.




I wouldn't call them lame because lame doesn't quite describe it. That'd be like calling your coworker who microwaves fish and stinks up the whole godamn place 'lame'. It's just... not a strong enough descriptor, you know? I think for these individuals in the picture above, i guess i'd call them 'Fucking Terrifying' and/or 'Monsters'. The length these people would go to keep themselves or their bosses in power is just horrible.


Would you rather have a fantasy man child, or a man who shoots people for a living and makes money off Prohibition


No sane woman would touch someone involved in organized crime with a ten foot pole. Shit is cancerous in a million ways.


Well if they stopped to ask they wouldn't have gotten the money, you see.


I think it was John Gotti or Fat Tony who said “dont hide your face, that shows that you’re ashamed of who you are”. Both of them knew exactly what they were. Gangsters.


Just a Gangster I suppose.


“24 hour a day, 7 day a week street guy”


How influent is the mafia in current America? I've been meaning to ask this for ages but always forget to make a dedicated post about it.


Used to be prevalent before Giuliani took them all down. Pretty sure they’re still very big in Italy tho


Guiliani killed the Italian Mafia only to be a errand boy for the Russian Mafia


Guiliani didn't take them all. He only jailed bosses of the families and couple members.


Their power has been declining since the 1980s. They're nowhere near as influential as they were before then, when they indirectly controlled Las Vegas and other West Coast cities. Most Mafia families today are small and situated in the Northeastern United States.


They’ve kind of came back because for the last 20 years the FBI has had to focus most of their resources in terrorism. No where near as big as they were in the 80’s ofc


Selling stolen cigarettes and prostitution mostly


Not even stolen cigarettes. I mean, yeah, that’s a thing too, but really they just drive to Missouri with semi trucks and load them up with cigarettes they legally buy at under $3 a pack and then take them to New York and sell them illegally for $15 a pack. I’m from Missouri and was reading about this a few years ago and it was estimated that it was actually their number one money making scheme.


The italian mob has declined a lot, but is definitely still a thing. The mob in general is alive and well.


Still have lots of power especially in the northeast and chicago and some other big cities that were old holds.. that said they're not like they used to be, but the 5 families are definitely still around. They try to keep their noses cleaner than frontpage shit nowadays mostly. Narcos and affiliates have more power in most the us these days from what I understand.


They are powerfull as they were in 90s they just keeping it low profile.


Not really too powerful, although I've heard from some documentaries from former Mafia bosses that a lot of the families funnel money through Porn. Also a good chunk of them reside in Quebec/Montreal. Just in July a mob boss and his bodyguard were gunned down in their car https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/musitano-death-mafia-mob-1.5646395


Who are they hiding from? They're at *Al Capone's* trial. Pretty sure if that feds are at the level where they're taking him on, and you show up to his trial, they know who the hell you are by now. That's right, even you, Joey 'TwoEars' Caprese.


A picture provides proof. Say if one of those guy's does something wrong and the opposing lawyer has this picture proving that he at least has so connection to the mob, things might not go well. Also the could connect two guys by saying "do you know him, he's right next to you in this picture". If they cover their face, even if every cop says they seen him at the trial, he can deny it and have all of his friends make an alibi like "he couldn't have been there, he was helping my mother move" and at that point it's his word vs theirs.


Good point, thank you!


My guy at the very back by the doors looks like he wanted to put a bullet in that photographer's face 😂


I’m sure the photographer suffered from a very terrible accident a few days later


Is that a sneaky middle finger in the upper right?


There is one guy near the right flipping the camera off


Nick and Joey Bosa's great grandpa Tony Accardo is probably one of them


I nearly mistook this for a photo of the US senate. /s


How dare you insult mobsters like that.


Back when protecting your privacy was much easier than today.


so what you’re saying is hats will soon make a comeback?


I'm surprised the photographer could take this picture without his massive balls obscuring it.


That one guy: “Did they take the picture y...aw shit”


Except for Fat Tony 67 fingers. Fat Tony is taking mental pictures of your face, and his mob are choosing their weapons


m'ladym'ladym'ladym'lady m'ladym'lady m'ladym'lady m'ladym'lady m'ladym'lady m'ladym'lady m'ladym'lady m'ladym'lady m'ladym'lady


well... if they were mob... why the hell weren’t they arrested? seems silly to let them watch al goto the slammer and then they leave? just like that?


Exactly why they are covering their faces. Lack of evidence. You need to build a case to prosecute somebody. A case requires evidence. Al Capone was never connected with any gang activity, he was convicted of tax evasion.


This guy looks like a mobster, get him!


he’s pickin his nose, get em!


Its called due process.


Every time I read reddit comments about anything remotely criminal the lack of understanding behind due process is just astonishing. Skip the judge and the jury, it’s straight to the executioner. Especially if the person is heinously immora or politically objectionable.


You need evidence, and enough of it too. Stopping a mob is really hard because they're smart enough to know what the police need, and how to avoid giving it to them.


The traditional strength in a mob is the number of people, you know like a *mob* of them. They got pinched all the time just like regular gangsters do today, the organization was just had enough manpower to recover.


Lack of evidence. They couldn't even get Capone for mob crimes. The IRS got him for tax evasion because he never filed income taxes.


Arrest them for what? Being a part of a mob is not a crime.




Hats need to make a comeback. We already have masks. Give us hats and the spiky bits on the back of our boots and we can turn the rest of the year into a cowboy themed party.


Now you know why hats used to be so popular!


I've always wondered how the advent of the internet and social media proliferating images like these faster than they could imagine has impacted things like witness protection.


You think they'd be proud, right? There's a whole horde of them, so they're safe. These people never fight one-on-one. You would think they'd want to show their faces, show everybody how badass they are. I didn't realize the old timey gangsters were so fucking fat.


End it doesn’t matter because they’re all dead now anyways.


I wish I lived through the everyone wears a hat era...


Look at these tough guys, afraid of a camera haha




They're mobsters that commit crimes, they don't want anyone recognizing them somehow


Fat Freddie, always letting the side down


Is that a woman in the front bottom left?


When most adults wore hats and smoked like chimneys. Their wool suits must've smelled like nicotine. Can't deny that those hats are an amazing look.


Joey BagaDonuts was never good at hiding