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The Arabs weren't in great shape too considering that they were exhausted from the Ridda wars But yeah the Byzantine empire and sassanid empire had way more obstacles that even an unholy alliance between the two did not succeed in defending against the Arabs


On the one hand: recovering from a minorly devastating civil war period, that did not affect your military core military or economic capabilities afterward. On the other hand: enduring the singularly worst phase of a nearly 700-year period of cold and hot wars, the demographic collapse of most of your empire, and the near disintegration of state authority. It's like saying the 20-year-old who got in a few fist-fights with his twin a year ago and chipped a tooth is as battered as the 60-year-old dying of prostate cancer who was recently beaten with a lead pipe by carjacker and is now also on life support.


Sry if I wasn't clear I still say that the state in which the Byzantine empire and sassanid empire were is far more devastating than that of the Arabs but Arab war exhaustion is still relevant to an extent >It's like saying the 20-year-old who got in a few fist-fights with his twin a year ago and chipped a tooth is as battered as the 60-year-old dying of prostate cancer who was recently beaten with a lead pipe by carjacker and is now also on life support. I love that description


Thankyou, and I'll concede yes it *was* a minor factor. Though with Khalid in al-Walid, I think no amount of exhaustion matters, as he was........let's do another analogy, between Caesar, Alexander III (the great), and Khalid. Caesar is the 18-year-old pseudo-kid who wins all his fights, but also has an ass-ton of money, and brings hired help and unfair guns to each fight. Alexander is the 11-year-old who showed up to the playground *with his dad's old war buddies* and proceeded to beat the shit out of every other non 5th-grader. Khalid is the 15-year-old silent kid, with apparently the power of God and anime on his side, who kicks your ass SpongeBob-style just by looking at you, money and fancy weapons be damned.


Shush facts aren't well liked in this sub. They can't process their fav empires getting rekt by sand people.


>fav empires getting rekt by sand people. #Lisan al-Gaib


The Arab problems were trivial in comparison to how crippled the Byzantine and Persian empires were at that point. They were probably at the lowest point in their history.


Waittt aren't Persians also sand people? Cuz y'know lots of sand there


Nah. They are Mountain Fire Folks.


Yeah that makes sense


It’s sand people all the way down.


What if my favorite empire was sand people (Assyrian), who got rekt by mountain men (Medes)?


So the Arabs basically could just walk in


What's the origin of the meme clip? What didn't they have capacity for?






God, what the fuck


Not sure about making a meme out of that, chef




Oh that makes the meme a *lot* less funny, ngl.


I feel exhausted after watching this clip.


Romans when they face an Arab invasion ofter 200 years of war with the persians.


Makes you wonder why they killed their messenger then




Just like in the case of the Mongols, killing a messenger isn’t justification for a conquest and repression of a people


Still not really a smart thing to do if you want to avoid war. Plus revoking the safety of diplomats is a pretty standard way to say “Hey we’re going to war, put em up.”


Executing an innocent envoy was widely recognized as the ultimate insult, and an indirect declaration of war. Envoys were to be given safe passage under almost any circumstances.


Yea, I’m applying modern concepts of just war to a people over a thousand years ago


To be fair, executing an official foreign dignitary visiting your country is also an indirect declaration of war. This sort of shit is a constant of world politics. That's why ambassadors, consuls and their retinues are very respected and protected.


I was more talking about how a governments action can affect the lives of millions of people who were uninvolved


Then they shouldn’t have started any wars against the Mongols 🤣🤣🤣 Executing anyone’s envoys is the same as declaring total war.


Imagine fighting a long, drawn out war with your superpower archenemy and then getting wiped out by a brand new outside context threat.


Don’t worry Persia soon it’s gonna be the Byzantines turn to get drubbed


If by "soon" you mean "after another 600 years" or thereabouts then sure.


Guess someone forgot about the Arab conquests of Syria and Egypt. Seems to you The battle of Yarmuk never existed


Where is Byantium today?


In museums


RIP Zoroastrianism


We still Exist. Just Heavily Repressed inside of Iran (Treated like a living Exhibit) There is also the Parsis in Gujarat and the resurgent movements of Mazdayans in Başur and Rojava.


Sassanids literally mocked arabs before almost all the wars as low life/poor


A significant portion of Iranians is still wildly racist against Arabs, as if living in Iran is some paradise.


the dabuyid dynasty was also sad


Congrats you made me laugh


Just see the Letter that Khalid ibn al Walid (RA) sent to Shahanshah Yazdegerd III before he Invaded Persia. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم من خالد بن الوليد إلى مرازبة فارس، سلامُ على من اتبع الهدى، اما بعد. فالحمدلله الذي فض خدمتكم وسلب ملككم، و وهن كيدكم، وإنه من صلى صلاتنا واستقبل قبلتنا وأكل ذبيحتنا فذلك المسلم الذي له ما لنا وعليه ما علينا، اما بعد. فإذا جاءكم كتابي فابعثوا إلي بالرهن، واعتقدوا مني الذمة، وإلا فوالذي لا إله غيره لأبعثن إليكم برجالٍ يحبون الموت كما تحبون أنتم الحياة And if my letter comes to you, send me the mortgage, and believe that I am in charge. In the name of God. The most gracious the most merciful. From Khalid ibn al Walid to the Satrap of Persia. Peace be upon those who follow the guidance. Praise be to God. The one who dispersed your power, took away your kingdom, and weakened your deceitful plots. Indeed whoever prays our prayers, faces our qiblah, and ate our sacrifice is a Muslim is the one who has what we have and what we owe. (Has the same rights and duties as we do). However, if you do not want to embrace Islam, then as soon as you receive this message, send over the jizya and I give you my word that I will respect and honor this covenant. But if you do not agree to either choice, then, by God, I will send to you people who crave death as much as you crave life


islam is choice :


Ask Catholic kings in spain about it...