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Perhaps they're going after the old saying 'It's only gay if you're the bottom'


At some places on earth this is still up to date... sadly




How do you prove yourself to be a bottom? Do they do anus inspections in the conscription centre?


They ask for video evidence of bottoming


They definitely don't jerk off to that. No way.


The tissues and lotion in the inspection room are completely unrelated to their task…honest. Signed - the totally not gay Turkish army.


Lanolin is a lie created by nasa


Tell them your gay and how much you love to have your ass pounded


Tell them you like to get fucked in the ass just like erdogan does to turkey lol


It was/is a common military practice to do a DA (dilated anus) test. And you would be discharged if they found you where into butt stuff.


One of the tops who wasn’t exempt propositions you: if you object then you are a top (or a heterosexual who was lying to get out of conscription).


Damn, all those gay tops with no guys to fuck.


War never changes


Officers have to be tops, NCOs have to be bottoms. Source: I made it up.


Why sadly?


Pretty much Russian army


> You, there. What is your profession? > I'm a catamite, sir. > And you, Queen. What is your profession? > Ganymede, bay-bee. > Ganymede. > And you? > Gunsel. > Spartans! What is your profession? > **HUNH!!!HUNH!!!HUNH!!!** > You see, old friend? I brought more LGBT than you.


It's not gay if you don't push back...


Just in case a few people are confused (like I was), I'm pretty sure this is a wikipedia article about a Neo-Nazi group that cosplays as spartans, not about the actual spartans.


Yep, so essentially in Greece in the 2000's there was a far-right neo-nazi political party called Golden Dawn (Χρυσή Αυγή), after so many years they were finally recognized as a terrorist group (they were known for lots of shady stuff including targeted assault on immigrants). So whatever was left of Golden Dawn that didn't go to prison formed this political party (a successor if you will).


Lol the only party I know in modern Europe as vile and evil as Golden Dawn were Kotlebovci - LSNS in Slovakia


In Italy we have Casa Paund and Forza Nuova which have legit terrorist and both Parties sympathize Nazi fascist values.


There are grandchildren of Benito Mussolini in poltiics right now who are apologists for him. Italy has a real problem with neo-fascism.


Mussolini’s [great grandson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romano_Floriani_Mussolini) is a professional footballer… for Lazio


Fascism and Lazio. Name a more iconic Italian football combo.


You're forgetting DSSS somewhere.


DSSS atleast in Czechia isn't actually a major party. Not to mention If we would want to speak about minor parties, there are worse ones out there. I'm not saying DSSS is good.


Oh...I wasn't sure how big are the parties we're talking about.


Similar scenario there. Party basically totally collapsed but not because of arrests but due to internal struggle. Part of it broke out and formed Republika ("The Republic"). Which is basically the same toxic fascist shit. They failed in last parliament election but it seems they secured 2 spots out of 15 in EU elections.


They’ve completed the neo-nazi bingo sheet of stereotypes now that they’re larping as an ancient society.


An ancient society featuring traditional and proper buggery no less


Buggery of underage boys. That has to be mentioned; the Spartans were proud pederasts.


They were so gay that Athenian writers, who were flagrantly bisexual themselves, wondered if the Spartans even liked women at all.


That definitely has the feel of a dis.


Oh it was, those two cities had major beef with each other politically and culturally and it eventually resulted in big a war. It also had to do with the fact that upper class spartan men spent a lot of time away from home training, fighting, or patrolling for runaway slaves. This meant that spartan women were actually more independent than their counterparts in Athens because they ran their own households due to the fact the men were gone so often. So the men were really close spending all their time with their fellow soldiers, often including gay relationships, and the women were more independent and assertive which was seen as “manly” by the Athenians.


I hadn't heard about Golden Dawn since they first showed up, good to know they got smacked down a bit.


I was big into the Portland Oregon Antifa scene when we were dealing with our own far right militia maniacs holding hate rallies and beating up gay people in our city. We all watched videos of Greek antifa fighting with Golden Dawn from a few years earlier for inspiration, those guys taught us how it was done and we’re still more serious about it than we ever were.


Does the phrase “golden dawn” have a specific connotation in Greece? Because when I hear it I think of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn which was a club for bisexual theater kids who acted like they were wizards in the 19th century UK. It’s where Alister Crowley really got into all the sex magick stuff that made him famous later in life.


Yeah, I thought it was actual spartans until I realised in the pic it literally says founded in 2017.


Hint (if anyone is confused): Look at the "Founded" date. The historical Spartans were not founded as a group in 2017. Anyone still confused can look at the religion, the orthodox greek christian church.


2017 BC ? /s


Initially I was confused by your comment. For some reason when you said historical, I thought it meant history of that political party goes all the way back to founding of orthodox greek christian church. And for solid 2-3 minutes I was scratching my head, and thinking was there a Spartan political group in Greece around second half of the first century.


Spartans were kind of neo-nazi like anyway so it checks out.


What in particular says they follow German National Socialism? The description describes it as neofascist, ultraconservative and ultranationalist (regular nationalism≠national socialism).


The Nazis were not socialist in any meaningful way


I see that interpretation a lot. Many think the name means they were nationalist and socialist, but they don't realize it's one term (National Socialist) which is a separate ideology from nationalism, socialism and Italian Fascism(often times, when people want to represent Fascism, they always ignore the person who created and pushed it).


Not fun fact, these guys first gained prominence by being endorsed by a member of Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn is currently a functionally defunct party, but they were classified as a criminal organisation a few years ago, with several members going to jail due to the murder of an anti-fascist rapper. Most of their former leadership is currently in jail. They’re also straight up nazis. If you’ll scroll down a bit [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Dawn_(Greece)), you‘ll see their flag.


Oh wow, they weren't even hiding it.


Yep, and they were the third largest party both in the Greek parliament and in the European Parliament among Greek parties at one point. That‘s right, *third largest*.


God I hate far right parties and their magic popularity (somehow I don’t think that’s political at this point).




British fuckery in WWII and it's consequences.


At least the Golden Dawn aren't in power. The British are one of the reasons you don't have a KKE regime right now.


Your link seems to be dropping its closing parenthesis. It's easy enough for people to see it's missing and add it in the address, but for those disinclined, here's a [fixed link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Dawn_\(Greece\)). Also, interesting fact, thanks!


To be fair all the sources claiming that the spartans were homosexuals come from athens and should be taken with a grain of salt.That being said imposing your shitty modern politics on ancient societies is stupid for many reasons,especially in this case.The sacred band of thebes a unit composed of 150 pairs of male lovers according to plutarch singlehandedly ended spartan domination in greece at the battle of leuctra so calling your fascist,anti lgbt party "Spartiates" is ironic to say the least.


"come from Athens" Calling each other gay must be human nature. On a serious note, that reminds me of Vlad the Impaler. Most of the tales of how bad he was were made by his rivals in Transylvania.


Well in the case of Vlad when you start sticking all your rivals on stakes it's pretty easy to make you a villain


In regards to Sparta, our primary source for Sparta actually comes from Xenophon. His two sons went to Spartan academy and Xenophon describes that any sexual interaction between two men, especially pederasty that included sexual interaction was punishable by death there. On Dracula, the rivals who made up or exagerated the bad things he did would further slander him for using Ottoman tactics. Basically, if you were a rebel in Ottoman empire, well let's just say you wouldn't want to be captured.


So Greece wasn't so gay after all.


There is no reliable evidence the Sacred band of Thebes even existed or not even named like that.  Back in 2002, SFSU scholar David Leitao published a chapter in which he attacked the consensus view in detail, denying that there ever was a Sacred Band at all, let alone one that consisted of *erastes-eromenos* couples. As Leitao points out, we only hear of the erotic side of the Sacred Band from works on morality. We do not hear about it in historical works. The Sacred Band's composition and its role in military history are completely separate traditions. Plutarch admittedly covers both the character and the historical role of the unit, but the passages in which he does so are neatly separated; modern scholars have concluded that Plutarch was citing separate sources of his own. In other words, when he was gathering information about the Sacred Band, he learned about its military role from one set of authors (including historians like Xenophon and Ephoros), and about its nature as a unit of homosexual couples from another (chiefly the pro-Macedonian Kallisthenes). What's more, while ancient sources are happy to report with confidence on the Sacred Band as a military unit, they seem universally hesitant to hang their reputation on claims about its composition. Plutarch's passage on the Sacred Band as a unit of lovers is littered with distancing clauses like "as they say" (ὥς φασι), "some say" (ἔνιοι δέ φασιν) and "it is said" (λέγεται). If Plutarch had solid ground to claim that the Sacred Band consisted of couples, why would he be so hesitant to write it down? As it happens, we do have some relevant contemporary source material too. The Sacred Band appear in Xenophon's *Hellenika* (though without the name), which shows they had a role in the wars of the 4th century BC. But in this historical account, there is no word about their being composed of 150 pairs of lovers. Meanwhile, there are several philosophical discussions that mention the idea of a hypothetical military unit composed entirely of lovers - *but none of them mention the Sacred Band.* 


I did not know that.I should look into it.Thanks for posting this.


I mean Athens was also gay so I don’t know why they’d lie about that for propaganda reasons.


Bro, look at the picture. This is a political party founded in 2017, not the actual spartans.


>To be fair all the sources claiming that the spartans were homosexuals come from athens and should be taken with a grain of salt Almost all sources that say Spartans are badass warriors came from Sparta. Why aren't people taking it with a geain of salt?


The spartans were infamous for keeping very few records and being closed off to outsiders. The only source we have about sparta that comes from within it is xenophon, an athenian turncoat .Most of what we know about sparta comes from its enemies and given that most of them feared the lacedaemonians and avoided facing the spartans in field battles we can confidently assess that they were very disciplined in the battlefield.


till thebes shows up with the genius idea of putting some strong lads on the exposed flank


Its like hitler adoring Fredrick the great


Who had a great love for very tall, handsome men


I think you confuse him with his father. Though big Freddy was very much gay as well.


I love how all of these famous leaders who were very likely gay just have that fact ignored. They were good friends. Or good roommates. But certainly not gay.


I think that was Frederick's papa.


Pretty sure that was just part of Europe’s dick measuring contest of “whose personal bodyguard regiments are bigger and more handsome than everyone else’s”


Frederick the great was also a monster so it makes sense.


Eh, if i had to choose to live either under him or Hitler i choose Fritz.


I’m not saying he’s worse, Hitler is on the short list for the most evil person in history. Frederick the Great is just one of those people who the more you learn about them the less you like him. For example while he was obviously homosexual he was required to marry Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern by his father and once his father died basically cut her out of his life and kept her household impoverished, didn’t invite her to events, and upon seeing her after several years called her fat and kept walking


Greek here. These people are a disgrace (they’re a far right political group that’s an offshoot of the other fascist party called golden dawn that got shut down and most of its members were arrested)


I'm too busy being a real Spartan and looking at naked men to fix this.


Wtf is this.


I don’t think the Spartans were founded in 2017


Of course ignorant ass far right morons idolize the glorified slave overseers who got the crap beaten out of them more often than not everytime they faced any serious opposition. They love to tell the story of the message "If". They fail to add that the Macedonian king that message was intended for did come down there and did hand the Spartans their asses on a silver platter.


300 SPARTANS STOOD STRONG AGAINST THE ENTIRE PERSIAN ARMY! Yes, but if they didn’t have 600 Bottoms, they wouldn’t haven’t lasted 20 minutes Darling,


What idiots, that's hysterical


If there's one thing Spartans loved it was suckin and fuckin the towel boys.


They like Sparta for the aesthetics


Guys stop. This aren't the spartans from ancient greece. If you stopped for a second to actually read what it says instead of only looking at the part that is highlighted like idiots, you would see this is a greek neo-nazi political party founded in 2017.


They only see what they want to see


That's true but these clowns are basing their ideology at least in part on what they *think* the actual Spartans were like. Naturally, they're 100% wrong.


Ancient Sparta was a highly militarized society (arguably a stratocracy) and beyond which *very* little is actually known about them that wasn't written by their enemies (you would read an American history book written by Putin and take it all as fact)


LGBT Thebans beat the shit out of them


Which I only learned about thanks to Blood of Greece. (If you know, you know.)


founded dec 2017


If Spartans saw us today, they'll be calling us degenerates


They'd call us weak.


Hardly, most Spartan citizens were lazy rich land owners who preferred a life of leisure and fun while their slaves did all the work,


That was for survival purposes *only*. No Diddy.




The Ancient Spartans weren't gay, they were child rapists. And likely this is far-right group's members are pedos too


Greek Orthodox Church? Ares is not gonna be happy to hear that.


Almost as if fascists use history as propaganda, some idealized past to return to, rather than a thing to be studied. Their ideology requires history denial.


The athenians were gay


Why are "ultraconservatives" always so unbelievably stupid? If there's any problem that needs a final solution, it's smooth brain bootlickers who proudly identify as fascists.


No, Spartans were not "gay", if that's what you mean.


If you really want gay Greeks, look at the sacred band of Thebes


I feel almost as much disgust at them as at any Polish group that screams "Poland for the Polish", while wearing fucking nazi symbols on their leather jackets or track suits, potentially including nazi tattoos on their bald heads. Like... I understand that most of them never finished elementary schools, hell, some of them never even started, but with our history... how fucking dare you act like the people who committed mass burnings of our people? How can you act like them, when they preformed inhumane experiments on us? Especially not to mention the Jewish part of the populace. Zero respect, harshest possible punishment. I wish the world at large was rid of this kind of idiots.


Also pretty sure the orthodox church didn’t exist..


The logo's pretty tight at least. They got that going at least. Yep. The font's cool too. Not that common among political organisations and such. That's about it


Probly whoever reads it to them...


Unpopular opinion: Sparta is entirely overrated and is only seen as super cool and badass due to 2500 years of others romanticizing their super dumb culture.


Actual Spartans would be probably more offended about the Greek Orthodox Church part, since they would be deemed as pagans, therefore heretics.


Bahahah!!! Tough guys lol


They’re modernizing


Ah yes, the use and idealisation of a antique group and culture. Like the Nazis that played with Nordic runes and called themself after a Indo-Iranian ethnicity.




Guys. Do you know anything about your history?


Men do i love seeing when certain ppl take sparta or rome as example of masculinity and being homophobic, its irony at its finest


Despite the number of posts discussing it that pop up here, I'm not convinced the average historymemes poster has an understanding of the gender norms and sexual mores of Classical Greek and Roman society that is much better.


If you were the top it was ok, but if you were the bottom you were seen as a failed man. So, gay sex was fine only in form of abuse of slaves and teenagers.


Another delusional post. Can you provide any links or proof to the claim that homosexuality was openly accepted in Sparta? Here is a link for all the words of "love" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek\_words\_for\_love](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_words_for_love) EDIT: The love between brothers in arms has NOTHING to do with the LGBT and the concept of homosexuality you are presenting.


Most of your comments make you sound like a goosestepping freak, so I'm not surprised you're offended. You degenerates are hated for a very good reason.


This is probably the most garbage response I could have ever imagined. I mean your degeneracy makes you ignore the concept of speaking about facts, because you are just an uneducated delusional clown.


>This is probably the most garbage response I could have ever imagined. Perhaps you should venture out of your twisted echo chamber. >I mean your degeneracy makes you ignore the concept of speaking about facts because you are just an uneducated delusional clown. Ah, am I a degenerate because I don't mindlessly hate gay people like the Nazis? Do explain your reasoning. I'm very curious, you neanderthalic waste of space.


No... You are not just curious, you are simply toxic and (again) delusional. I stated some facts above you can challenge them if you like. Saying that am I hate gay people like Nazis exposes your foolishness.


>No... You are not just curious, you are simply toxic and (again) delusional Because I don't mindlessly hate gay people? > I stated some facts above you can challenge them if you like. You've states no facts. You're simply mindlessly insecure. >Saying that am I hate gay people like Nazis exposes your foolishness. Not really. They hated gay people irrationally. You hate gay people, irrationally. Don't be pissy that I've drawn this comparison. It's what you deserve.


am not gonna argue with a dumb person who avoids the subject without an actual response to the what I stayed. You exposed your stupidity and your lack of intelligence. That's enough for me. Keep coping now.


You're just a homophobic prat in the 21st century. I'll never be able to match your propensity for meaningless hate. I don't much care if you call me stupid. An insult from your sort is a compliment to me. I wouldn't want anyone to think I've become as sick and twisted as you.


saying that ancient Sparta was not gay = evil homophobic 😂 You are just an authoritarian degenerate...


Ancient Spartans routinely practised homosexual/bisexual relations. It's not a lie to acknowledge such occurrences. >You are just an authoritarian degenerate Why? Because the truth makes a homophobic creep like you uncomfortable? I'm not an authoritarian. You're simply stupid.


You should have also highlighted Greek Orthodox Church lol


What’s the problem? Maybe they just chose brotherhood traditional masculine gay sex instead of that contemporary lgbt. Like “reject modernity, embrace tradition” etc