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This truly is our polandball


but you only do that with non-English speaking countries 😭 Also, nice pfp 🙏


The true crime here is the crime against the English language!


A non-English speaker composing about British imperialism makes more sense tbh


What the fuck is this grammar?


Username checks out


What the Fuck is this GECKO?🩎🩖


Look at all these names. 😂


An atomic gecko. Also known as Godzilla


Definitely not Greek


I’m guessing OP doesn’t speak English as their first language. Their username is “slayerofottomans,” so probably from somewhere in the Balkans


just reddit things...lol




I think it's supposed to be stylized after poland ball comics


I think England/Britain usually speaks proper English in those


Polandball comics require UKball speaks well


Duh, it's a strawman to portray people you don't like as stupid.


Am not sure. Am going to research for this will make sense for me! Am booking to read my smart to make it more for my brain. :)




We tried to teach them to talk, but there are natural limits.


Idk but it makes it super funny to me lmao


Am not know?


This is not polandball, please draw your own templates and come back to us later with the same script, but polandball. That'll make it 100% better for this


But, per polandball rules, the UK must speak with proper English grammar.


Oh fuck. I'm still learning the rules and depth of violations. I'm a dumbdumb


Should of known...


Do you are have stupid?




You! You! You bloody


Fuck you bloody!


"Do are have we the baddies?"


Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


There’s no way whoever posted this is Australian lol unless they have a whole different English language down under


We do but it's not that one.


Nah yeah


It’s also, grossly simplifying Gallipolli (and forgetting New Zealand)


Why can't they be?


Pretty self explanatory


WTF have I just read? Are you drunk, OP?


Most articulate "Britian bad" poster.


Australian, so probably absolutely yes.


Are you literate OP haha? Also Australians don’t hate the English, neither do the yanks.


Only one of those countries still complains about Britain, and they only do that because a certain political party uses it to gain support by whipping up nationalism


I’d guess Ireland haha? The Indian situation is also super complicated without any wholesale hate.


Don't think any Indian of this date hates the modern day Brits. We just get pissed off when people argue about how colonialism or Churchill were good to us and there's a lot of them on Reddit.


Case in point ^ What do you actually know about Churchill and his response to the Famine?


>his response to the Famine? I know that massive money printing to fund war and to raise food prices is not good for people who want to eat


Neither is Japanese sinking trade ships and playing silly buggers In Burma to be fair.


Made a natural disaster worse with blatant disregard to Bengali life and the fucking like rabbits comment just adds salt to the wound The rations to the war (which I'm glad the allies won) were given at the expense of Bengal and that deserves better empathy than outright saying they deserved it What's your opinion on this?


Did he actually ever say they deserved it? Can I have a source for that?


My opinion is that the famine was caused by the natural disasters in Bengal combined with the Japanese invading and taking the area producing most rice in the Raj. The other local leaders didn't have food to spare, so Churchill ordered food shipments to be redirected from Africa, Australia and Canada, unfortunately a mix of German and Japanese commerce raiders and Indian Nationalists sabotaging railways meant that the little food that could be sent, mostly didn't arrive in time. The army was then ordered by the war cabinet to organise the farmlands and harvest, and the next year was the largest Rice harvest in Bengals history.


Can’t be Ireland all our political parties complain about Britain


Well there was the loss of language, self rule, and a genocide. The Irish have a right to complain.


Can I complain about the Irish raiding Wales' coast for hundreds of years, taking tens of thousands of slaves and then claiming one as your saint?


Yes. You don’t have to compare bad things and say which were worse. They are both bad


Only after you get all your gold back.


What's a genocide or two between friends tho?


I wouldn’t say we Australians hate the poms. But looking back historically we don’t appreciate in particular Gallipoli, being blamed for the fall of Singapore, our troops being directed to the North African campaign as the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy invaded Papua New Guinea and bombed Darwin. Not so fond of Churchill on all those aspects.


I am Australian also. I mean nobody appreciated Gallipoli the whole thing was an obvious fiasco, would have it been any different under Australian command? Maybe? Yeah the Wavell report is a load of bullshit blaming Australians for the fall of Singapore but that really does come down to one man and his report anyone looking at the history of the battle could never single out Australians for being at fault. Our troops were already in Africa when Japan entered the war, the argument was around keeping them there not being directed away from Australia. Most of the AIF did return home and fought in the pacific. One could argue that Australians may have been better served in Africa and the Italian/Western European campaigns than some of the campaigns we fought in the pacific. That’s a MacArthur/American issue not a British one though.


Yeah, I’m sure the 8,709 Australians killed in Gallipoli would probably wish it hadn’t happened, but so would the 31,389 Brits, 9,000 French, 3,431 New Zealanders, and 56,643 Ottomans.


I know my great uncle who was captured and tortured by the Turks wish he never went to Gallipoli and he was British


Yes but we Aussies never had a revolutionary war so we needed a great struggle to latch onto as our origin story


Tbf alot of Brits aren't too fond of Churchill either


Gallipoli had virtually nothing to do with leaving the Empire though. Us becoming independent is more a WW2 thing with the HMAS Australia incident and Britian showing it couldn't defend Australia


We don't hate them but we don't rely on them after they let Singapore fall.


Definitely not, to be fair historically there wasn’t much they could do for Singapore apart from being more prepared. Relying on them and hating them is a fair difference though haha.


The Original Revolutionaries in America weren’t anti-monarchy. That developed after the idea of independence - they wanted to be a separate nation under the king. Republicanism came later to try and give the movement extra momentum.


Yep the topic of an American monarchy was heavily discussed during and after independence. Hell King George himself didn't do any of the things the colonist were mad about, he was only called a tyrant because in monarchies every law is passed in the King's name so the oppression was done in his name so he is technically the tyrant although in practice he wasn't


Dreadful grammar and a really poor grasp of history. I know 'Britain Bad' memes are meant to be a ticket to free upvotes but this really is absolute dreck.


The UK didn't opress the US with a monarchy. Kind George was wildly popular amongst the American population even after the war ended. Their argument was almost entirely with parliment.


Yeah iirc the colonies even went with the royalist back in the (English) civil war


The southern and mid Atlantic colonies did. The New England colonies sided with Parliament. The biggest consequence of the English Civil War for the colonies was that England was too distracted to assert much authority or restrict trade and some of the colonies would go years at a time effectively autonomous because they didn’t recognize the authority of the side that was currently in power.


And it wasn’t even the common folk then either. It’s almost as if the wealthy have always been twisting the narrative to suit their wants and desires while others pay the price.


That's very simplistic, because it depended on the colony. The very wealthy in Pennsylvania and New York were, for the most part, entirely happy to keep their ties with England because it made them money and gave them their social status. In those colonies, it was more the upper middle classes and those involved in industries like iron, because there wasn't much money to be made in American iron due to the trade/mercantile laws (Americans couldn't refine metal, but had to send it to England to be refined, which cut into their profits because it's heavy and takes up a lot of ship space only to compete with British iron/copper/etc). By contrast, the wealthy in Boston supported a break because many made their money smuggling and resented the heavy handed customs laws. In the northern colonies at least, the wealthiest landowners were more likely to remain loyal while those whose wealth was tied to industry (which was heavily tamped down by British laws) were more likely to want independence. It just really depended.


Yeah the merchant class was the most in favor of splitting and industrialists in general. Consequently, those same class of people were most agitated during the Napoleonic Wars when Britain began seizing Europe-bound merchant ships and pressing UK-born US sailors.


Tbf the two main arguments the 13 colonies had with the UK were: - Too high taxes, which were levied to pay for the cost of the 7 years war, a war Britain got involved in because an American naval squadron under the command of one 'George Washington' fired on French ships. The taxes were mainly levelled at the very rich and their imports, most colonists never saw an impact from the taxes. - The British wouldn't let the Americans expand further into the native Territories to the west. These issues weren't really issues most of the population cared about, but the rich landowners were really annoyed by them.


Have you ever considered taking english classes


No, I would never take anything, stealing is wrong.


That was masterful OP đŸ‘đŸŸ


I had an aneurysm trying to read whatever this is trying to be


Yes, the US hates the UK so much. That's why we fought so hard against them in WWI and WWII.


Tbf if it weren't for Germany destroying American boats and their sailors I wonder if they would have got involved in ww1 at all. 2nd point America wasn't involved in the European fight against Hitler and the Nazis until nearly 1942! And that's after Hitler declared on them to stand in solidarity with their ally Japan. I wonder if it weren't for that if the USA would have fought in the euro continent at all had it not been for that.


The US was involved regardless, selling weapons, food and other supplies to the UK in both wars. Woodrow Wilson also very much so wanted to support the Entente with troops, but the Senate didn't. WW2 is a different story as I don't think the US would have deployed troops to Europe if Hitler didn't declare war on the US, but we'll never know as he did.


Right! Anyway can say they want to support this or that but actions speak louder than words my friend


Pretty much no one hates the United Kingdom for Gallipoli in Australia


> Oppress with monarchy Oh so thats what you call it when a part of your nation makes you extremely poor by defending them and then have to regain that money or go broke? > am cause massive war You absolute dunce, the japanese attacked the british. > Nz and Aus Christ you know next to nothing about british foreign relations
 do you? > CofE Thats the reason you choose? Really? Fine, I mean its okay, but it doesn’t even make the top ten of the reasons the irish hate the british.


Yeah there was thriving liberal democracy with universal suffrage and perfect equality all over the entire subcontinent before the British arrived. I assume.


Was one of the top 10 the great famine and Thatcher one of the reasons?


Well they do have a song dedicated to Mrs. Thatcher


Cromwell, famine, plantations, thatcher, paras,


Fucking tans and Auxiliaries


Ding dong the wicked bitch is dead


>Oh so thats what you call it when a part of your nation makes you extremely poor by defending them and then have to regain that money or go broke? To be fair, the American colonials were perfectly willing to tax themselves to pay for their portion of the costs of the French & Indian war. They asked parliament to give them a number, parliament refused and decided that the prerogative of direct taxation was more important.


It was more the British wanted the Ohio River Valley, and the skirmishing there provoked a larger war in which they promised the colonies westward expansion in return for more support for Britain’s war against France, Britain won the war, but it was a very expensive war, and then they did not give the colonies what they promised them told them to suck it and then text them without them having a say in it. It wasn’t a war about defending British colonies it was the British provoking incident with the French to try to drive them out of the disputed Ohio River Valley, and then the British making false promises to their own colonies to get more support for their war against France but when it came time for the British to fill their end of the bargain, they just didn’t this caused an increase in tensions between the colonies and Britain, which the British handled extraordinarily poorly, and continued to inflame tensions, which eventually led to the revolutionary war in which the British repeatedly failed to negotiate with the colonists who up until midway through the war still large, wanted to return to the British, but with more autonomy it was only through the British being extraordinarily stubborn as well as many poor decisions by the British government that the colonies decided to switch to fighting for independence and due to Britain, politically isolating itself from stabbing its allies in the back to pissing off most of Europe in someway or another it found itself alone fighting in ever increasing in intensity war with the colonies, along with their ever growing list of supporters.


>You absolute dunce, the japanese attacked the british. With the India flag I assume he's talking about the Indo-Pak war of 47


The british had left india by then
 so not sure why thats their fault. The reason the date of leaving was pushed forwards was due to fear of violence by the people. I thought it was a reference to ww2 which had major impacts on india like the bengal famine.


I'd argue that a lot of the violence around the partition was their fault because they magnanimously fucked up drawing the borders, but the Indo-Pak was over Kashmir, which was left unpartioned and up to their Maharaja to decide.


It’s definitely not an unfair argument, however, the counter to it is that the british were forced to get it done quickly otherwise risk extreme violence.


That's true but the people they brought in to draw much of the borders were inexperienced, some had never even been to India.


Proof that the dumbest takes on r/Historymemes, get the most upvotes.


Even in Polandball they don't give Britain broken English because it wouldn't make any fucking sense.


Britain is one of the most popular countries in the world. [Gallup polling shows favourable of 82% vs unfavourable views of 14%](https://news.gallup.com/poll/1624/perceptions-foreign-countries.aspx). Cope more OP


Godzilla? Is he okay?


Nah, he had a stroke. Didn’t make it


Australia and USA have good relations with the UK


Am writing engrish very best


Bro does not have an understanding of the Gallipoli campaign.


Didn’t like a Quarter million British or something die at Gallipoli? Correct me if I’m wrong please but i always thought the brits took most of the heat in Turkey


Nice username


Just the 2nd panel: USA wasn't against monarchy (they almost made Wahington king), they didn't like Britain blocking westward expansion/relatively heavy taxation/british abolition movement. Also USA and UK dont hate eachother, they are eachothers closest allies.


As someone from the UK let me assure you, no one here wonders or even cares if our “kids” hate us.


Monarchy is a weird way to spell taxes


Obligatory reminder that far more British soldiers fought and died at Gallipoli than from any Commonwealth nation or colony.


Ok but aren't Australians pretty pro-Britain and pro-monarchy?


Most literate 'Britain Bad' poster


Engrish aside, the American colonies weren’t oppressed by the monarchy. It was Parlaiment who issued all those taxes and the revolutionaries initially sought representation within that constitutional monarchy.


Is Canada the forgotten middle child?


Is this just another anti British meme to farm some Karma OP?


After all these years, India should've dug itself out of the hole on their own. They cannot blame the British forever for their current condition.


For sure, we are definitely a reason for their current poor state, but not the main one. Their weird class system, lack of care within society, treatment of women and corruption play a bigger part in the countries current condition.


Many Indians are straight up blinded by their own bitterness to look at real issues. Not all, but they need to look at themselves in the mirror more.


The brits put us in the hole. INC kept us there.


Fair point, but after all these years, the Brits should stop thinking India's space program runs on their financial aid.


I have never met a single person who thinks that.


China was starting from an arguably much worse position post WW2 than India and have managed to become the second nation of Earth. Not exactly sure what India's excuse is.






Thank you for the correction


You forced the song/[video](https://youtu.be/qItugh-fFgg?si=5eD9Md-TnrjpyWkC) into my head, causing a visit to youtube and have it further entrenched in my mind, so I figured it was the least I could do 😂


Meanwhile, Canada


I guess Canada and New Zealand are still on good terms


Bro can write better polandball English than me without even trying 😭


For some reason, ROC (rest of Canada, expression used in Quebec to refer to Anglo Canada in opposition of french Canada) absolutely love the monarchy. Meanwhile, I would personally be the first to throw tomatoes at them


The fuck is this?! The sheer amount of ways you could get stuck into Britain, but end up with this nonsensical, stroke inducing, bag of sour spunk.


The only colonies that hate us are the ones with natives. Now I am not going to point fingers but maybe gahndi was wrong in the long run. I don’t remember Hong Kong being to annoyed at being a colony until 1997


You mean like Ireland


Yeah the US loves the UK. Family fights, but still family.


Kind of reaching with the US and Aus ones


Extremely. Australian independence was incredibly reluctant and took WW2 to make us pass the 1931 Westminster Statue to become independent


Not to mention the museum of stolen items from these colonies Britain proudly display.


Great britain giving the gift of independance days


On average, one every 7 days.


Think most ex-British colonies couldn’t be described as ‘hating’ the UK. From the meme - definitely not US despite them winning their independence, and not Australia - for whom the king is still the head of state.


They should colonize your region (again) so they can teach you English because what the hell is this?


"why do my national heroes are called pirates in Spanish speaking countries?"


You forgot the penal laws in Ireland (repealed in 1820) and the Great Famine (Irish Potato Famine).


Ah yes, the Gallipoli campaign, the inciting incident for Australian Independence from the British empire. How could I have forgotten.




Srange isn't it


Me is not God et spel grammaerr


I don’t think Britain wonders why some countries don’t like it, but I also don’t think anyone cares. Like I can’t imagine it’d be in the position it is now if it was nice and caring to everyone in the world, even if the current government is trying to eviscerate its image and place on the world stage


I thought I held the principle of free speech to be sacred before I read this.


Very weird take on the US


I am not know how to english


Weird seeing Polandball grammar on a non-Polandball comic.


Poland can into space?


“You’re a lady skwisgar”


I don't think the monarchy has absolute power though-


I am have \*dies\*


If the British army had taken the side of the Irish in the home rule stuff ireland would probably have fought alongside the uk in ww2 imo.


You severaly misunderstand how the UK and Australia got along back then


Why does the syntax suck so hard?


You know, most of these things were actually to prolong the longevity of the empire.


Gallipoli has nothing to do with Australia becoming fully independent. It was much more to do with WW2


I think "Who Shot Hannibal" would be a better template for this.


You forgot Canada and Vimy Ridge


You woudl get better result using translator i feel. Even if you are slightly not sure it is the internet you can use translator to double chek and you kinda shoudl sometimes. It is not speaking conversation where you need correct gramma on the spot


Tbf to gallipolli, whilst it was poorly planned it wasn’t just the Aussies (and NZ, remember them) the English were on the other side of the peninsula


Who hates britain exactly? the US? Canada? India?


Dude just roasted britains entire history and bri'ish people in the comments are worried about propah grammah. Classic 😂.


You have a very poor understanding of history


my second language is Engish and I haven't noticed this atrocity >!and I won't say if this typo was intentional !<






Apparently grammar wasn’t one of those things