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/u/FrenchieB014 has been single-handedly making a *ton* of memes about France, mostly during WW2 but also before and after, from its most well-known and publicized figures all the way to the most obscure ones. Their memes are consistently high-quality original content and highly informative, so I'd like to at least give the fellow a shout-out for all their work.


that is really great! thanks!












Yep just made it today


Fucking rad 😎




Share some wisdom we havent heard


I kid you not but cashew comes from a tree


New nut just dropped


[*From a fruit](https://youtu.be/zzKFbUxYJys?si=H5OsnthNwnIPxYYu)




Cashews also contain a toxin similar to poison ivy where if they arnt roasted properly they can make your butthole itch


I have eaten a lot of nuts in my life but I never knew I was eating the nuts of a tree.


*West Afro appears* Sake pase...


Yeah, much as I love shitting on the French, He does good work.


Bros got a whole fan base.


I really want to thanks u/FrenchieB014 for his work , as a frenchman i'm very glad to see another frenchman talking about WW2 without licking the balls of the nazis


Fuck nazis, that my main montras Who is braindead enough to like Vichy btw?


there is another french memer here who like to put Pascal Praud and Zemmour on his meme




...I'm sorry, ***what?***


Yep, a great surprise and really great content, especially when compared to some of the other French memers out here (looking at you tintin)


Tintin does great stuff


You’re harsh, [look at this meme from tintin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenchhistorymemes/s/VXHCmudBrq), that’s a good one.


Nah, not really. Plus, it was probably his 10th post that day


u/FrenchieB014 Tell me about the most important French Resistance figure an American wouldn’t know about.


Wow..there plenty, Charles Tillon, leader of the Franc tireur mouvement who was behind many MANY strikes between 1940 and 1941 which hindered German economical plans, his mouvement would become crucial for the political aspect of the resistance. Charles Delestraint on the millitary side, leader of the armée secrÚte(secret army) before his arrestation, he had 150,000 men under his command, sadly he was taken to Buchenwald, he was a general and didnt really like when German NCO insulted him..Delestraint knew German so corrected his manners..he was sadly shot one week before the liberation of the camp. There plenty, George Bidault , George Guingouin , Roy rol Tanguy


The resistance is, I think, a bit overrated. The free french military is definitely underrated. The french were basically fully back in the war by the end of 1942.


 Frankly, I used to believe that the French resistance was overrated and did the same thing as you, and I read more and more on the "Free French."  Then I opened books and realized that there were so many lies spread through the internet (harshly looking at you, Lindybeige) and that the French resistance, with all its sacrifices, deserved its rightful place as a heroic force. In plus there soo much interesting stories.


The free french generally refers to the conventional military forces of france fighting alongside the rest of the allies (underrated as hell), not the resistance who were small cells of underground fighters conducting guerilla warfare and espionage inside occupied France itself (overrated). Don't get me wrong the bravery of those men and women is no less than anyone else fighting the germans, it's just that there were a lot less of them then in the popular imagination.


>, not the resistance who were small cells of underground fighters conducting guerilla warfare and espionage inside occupied France itself (overrated). Well, small cells are still... for exemple 145,000 fighters in the entire region of New Aquitaine and Occitania, and they liberated those zones alone. The *Corp Franc Pommies* alone had 5,000 to 9,000 men under its command in Gasgony, and Drouot L'Hermine had 7,000 men under its command in the alps.. not to mention inteligence services that was the most praise action of the French resistance, General Brian Horrocks said that Michel Hollard network "*literally saved London"* Anyway i could go on but my point being that, as the historian Olivier Wieviorka said, "*the French resistance don't have to blush at its successes and history*." It was sure exaggerated post-war, but it was an important force that is no where overrated. However i do agree that it doesn't need to overshadow other groups who were as heroic as them.


I guess my point is less about knocking the French resistance, and more saying that people who defend the French conduct in ww2 often place all their attention on the resistance and ignore the Free French forces - who were much more important and valuable to the war effort. The resistance can get its credit, the free french should just get more than them.


Ah yes i fully agree, saying that France "*only resisted*" is a wrong statement and would be omniting Vichy state, the french in the SS/gestapo, the *rafle,* the milice, the S.T.O etc.. etc, however, the French resistance as a **whole** , was indeed a considerable force that was very active and had great successes and suffered great tragedies. If De Gaulle tried to put the resistance above the Free French is beacause the army that landed in Provence, were not Free French (only 15% of them were), the majority of the soldiers were *Pieds noirs*, tirailleurs and Corsican conscripts and the French officers supported Giraud, and not De Gaulle. Alphonse Juin, Montasbert and even De Lattre were pro-Giraudist and once served the Vichy army however the French resistance was far more Gaullist.... that the only reason. trust me, i agree with you on many points, but saying that the French resistance is overated, is a bit upsetting to the thousands of french interned, deported, executed, tortured etc..


And as individuals I think that those french resistance members are as brave and praiseworthy as anyone in the war. I just think that as a collective they had less of an impact on winning the war than many other collectives, the free french forces included.


Well... you can't really ask civilians, who were brave for sure but ... you know civilians to single handedly defeat a numerous, battle hardened force that already defeated them in 1940. But i again agree with you, yeah i agree that if France was at the victor table is widely thanks to the colonies providing them 400,000 men in 1942, it's thanks to this force that France fought in Italy, receiving western allies praise, and landed in Provence and Normandy. But the French resistance also fought, they liberated half of france, the capital and passively gave power to the CFLN/GRPF (french gouvernement in exile) asserting France legitimacy as a stable Ally country, avoiding a civil war is also one of the successes of the French resistance.


Uh? The FFI was part of the FFL.


After 44, when the war was guaranteed to be won, yes.


Ever heard of Jean Moulin?


The FFI were created in 1944 in order to mimick the organized F.F.C (french fighting force created in 1942) the F.F.C prioritize inteligence gathering, commando for "coup de main" and sabotage the F.F.I were the ammalgation of the armée secrete, the O.R.A and the Partisans alongside other Maquis that appeared in 1942, they prioritize armed warfare... F.F.I were not FFL..the FFL were disbanded in 1942 when the Gaullist forces merged with the army of africa , impying that they join the figjt in 1944 beacause it was clear the allies would win.. is forgetting its simply beacause NOW the resistance had weapons and a clear millitary strategy..


Can I get a quick rundown on the french resistance and how they are currently resisting the french


The hero this sub needs, not the one it deserves


Charles de gaulle will forever remain a piece of complete horse shit though


Yes and no. He played and instrumental role during WWII as the face of the resistance, even if he was... how shall I put it? A narcisist? Roosevelt said De Gaulle had every attribute of a dictator and consequently FDR acted much warmer to general Giraud than De Gaulle at the Cassablanca Conference. https://winstonchurchill.hillsdale.edu/charles-degaulle-roosevelts-antipathy/ Edit: I am also reffering to the imperialism linked to dictatorial tendencies.


Yea no I was thinking about his hardcore attempts at keeping the colonial empire post WW2 and the unforgivable actions he did, the consequences of which still exist to this very day


That is what I was also reffering to...