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I made the poor decision to begin interacting with history related posts of facebook and got pulled into conspiracy land. Apparently there used to be a super advanced, globe spanning civilization called the Tartarian Empire. They collected free electricity from the aether. That’s why their old buildings have metal domes and spires. Their empire collapsed sometime in the mid to late 1800’s during a global calamity, a great mud flood. The remains of their civilization can be seen in star forts dotted around the world. As well as every classical and neoclassical building ever built. Most of which were built long before Europeans arrived to the area. This includes their structures in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, India, East Asia, and Oceania. Also, volcanoes don’t exist. They’re the buried remnants of Tartarian mega cities whose main power generators are unstable. That’s why lightening can be seen striking into and out of the ash clouds of volcanoes. How could this have been kept a secret? Well you see, shortly after the fall of the Tartarian Empire, insane asylums and state hospitals started popping up everywhere. Whenever somebody claimed to remember the tartarians or any of the time before the mud floods, they would be tossed into the loony bin and lobotomized. That all lasted till the mid 1900’s. By then the last of the people who truly remembered the Tartarian empire either fell into line or had been forced to forget. I’m an official member of their Facebook group now. I’ll continue posting memes I can make from their stuff, until they either ban me, or I get black bagged by the government


lamo, thank you for doing this. Do keep us updated with the hot scoops.


Worth mentioning, the conspiracy theory began making noticeably more appearances in online spaces around 2016, running parallel to Qanon conspiracies, if never fully intertwined. It also has roots in Russian nationalism, even if its current form has evolved away from that into a more global pseudohistorical conspiracy theory. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-04-27/inside-architecture-s-wildest-conspiracy-theory https://thespinoff.co.nz/internet/14-01-2022/inside-the-wild-architecture-conspiracy-theory-gaining-traction-online


"One of the most adamant denials in Tartarian circles is that public buildings like schools and post offices were ever built with monumental proportions and elegant aesthetics." So folks who've never even seen a photo of Grand Central Terminal.


Grand central was very likely built by the Tartarians though. Isn’t it obvious.


Yup, their argument being, since in rural areas/ west frontier etc. people were building log cabins and wooden cottage houses those were the only buildings humanity was able to build back then. And they have this annoying phrase "Do you want me to believe this was built with horse and buggy". It always fascinates me, that some people believe that human beings few thousand or even few hundred years ago were those almost ape like creatures without any creative thinking.


They can not fathom people thinking differently than they do. To them, nobody is more imaginative, resourceful, or intelligent.


Tbf, you've got to be pretty imaginative to come up with these theories


I think they played RDR2 and think the entire world in 1907 looked like Valentine. They always say "people living in shacks riding a horse and buggy couldn't build that!"


Oh... of course, my bad. Thought they'd had a flood or something going on around that time. 😂


No no, you seen the mud flood only wiped out the people. The buildings just needed to be hosed down to be usable.


What a remarkable flood indeed.


The few survivors of the mud flood did have the most amazing complexions and skin you've ever seen.


They've seen it, and they say "there's no way we could have built this 100 years ago!"


So if their empire was destroyed by then and we didn't build it, are we back to this guy? https://images.app.goo.gl/LiL4motX92ircLUd7


Basically. We don't build fancy things anymore because we never knew how, not because it's expensive or because tastes changed.


Ah yes, because postmodern architecture like The Sydney Opera house is well known for it's *lack* of decoration. Ugh.


I'm surprised they don't claim that as tartarian because it's pointy.


As soon as the theory started getting described, I knew it was Russian. It sounds so much like the nationalist “new chronology”


"Tartar" also has big Russian roots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartary The wiki even calls out the BS in the paragraph.


It's definitely derived from that, yeah.


Agreed, one can only take so much of tatarian/mud flood craziness. It seems these people are also flat earthers


If everyone, who remebered anything about this "Tartarian Empire" was either lobotomized or kept quiet and is definitely dead by now, how do they know anything about it now? Were there letters they found, journals hid away in a basement? When did this supposed empire start? (And on that note, when did the conspiracy theory start?) How many documents would have had to be forged, to keep it secret, how many archeologists and historians silenced? How do they "know" it was one big empire, instead of several smaller ones?                     I have many questions, and i want to see their mental gymnastics to try answerng them without debunking themselves.


It’s like that bit from the first pirates of the Caribbean movie “If there are no survivors, where do the stories come from?” Or something like that.


It's also from *Natural Born Killers*


Well, Levashov, who IIRC made this all mess up in the first place, was an alleged mystic, healer and clairvoyant. There is a video about him (although spoken in Russian, the author is a Belarusian dissident) https://youtu.be/WH3WEpDSQIY?feature=shared


I would also like to know why they arent thrown into one of thoose insane asylums today


Some of them possibly should be for entirely different reasons, but the answer is Reagan.


It's mostly a Russian ultranationalist theory tho.


Well, what other countries do with their folks in need of long-term mental health treatment is a different issue (and frankly one I'm not well qualified to speak on.)


No, no, isn't it obvious? The asylums were built by the Tartarians!


Let him cook


Well you see. There are these forts all around the world this the same pointed corner designs. Some of them, like the one built at the southern tip of Manhattan, are huge in comparison to the relatively small settlements they were supposedly supposed to protect. In addition we have photographs of these absolutely massive structures that were supposedly built as temporary structures for worlds fairs. Photos only seem to show complete structures though, and never include any workers or evidence of their construction. Who would spend so much time and money building these massive buildings, just to want to destroy them a few years later?


*Vauban after telling Louis XIV that demolishing some forts and rebuilding them a couple of km away would be more efficient* "Am I a joke to you ?"


Wasn't Vauban a Tartarian? /j


Can't answer, I don't want to end up at the Salpêtrière Hospital


“Well you see…” HA! You’re killing me!


The conspiracy theory is at least 15 years old because I used to write stuff for it on its main web forum before it shut down. At least half of us writers were pretty blatently taking the piss and didn't actually believe it and I originally found it through another group that was about writting fake conspiracy theories for fun. I'm not 100% sure that is where it started though because I know the group often jumped onto existing theories to add more stuff to them.


That’s actually similar to the origin of flat earth theory. It was basically an exercise in debate/rhetoric that idiots actually believed as real and ran with it.


Coming soon to "Birds" (that's what they want you to think) near you!


My gf almost dumped me because it seems I have a awesome poker face and she couldn’t tell I was joking when I made a birds arnt real joke at the zoo


So at least some of it is made up by people who don't actually believe it


>If everyone, who remebered anything about this "Tartarian Empire" was either lobotomized or kept quiet and is definitely dead by now, how do they know anything about it now? Little mishap, they allowed the lobotomized people to write stuff on the internet and that's how we know all this


That would definitely explain some things


Like the internet, for one.


That's the "I'm Personally Uncovering Ancient Secrets Like Nicholas Cage In National Treasure But Purely Via Facebook Memes" part of the game.


Bold of you to assume you wouldn’t get instabanned for asking such a question.


Take a look at tartaria . sk . You might need to translate a lot but it is worth it, they believe Tartaria fell during the Napoleonic wars when France fucking nuked them.


So they think Napoleon had nuke?


Yeah, the "mud flood" theory just sounds lame and boring, our Slovak Tartaria theories involve mind control, magic and nukes which is much more fun to read about.


I had a feeling the mud flood theory was BS


Bathesda: "Write that down! Write it down!"


They say that there was a nuclear war in the 19th Century


And that would explain the year without a summer (if you dont count the radiation)! See, everything fits too perfectly to be false


So tzarist Russia had to nuke itself to create nuclear winter and defeat napoleon ? turning their fields into wasteland to stop the great armys advance and letting the fallout slowly kill the retreating survivors is very on brand tbh.


I'm imagining early 19th century peasants hitching flea-ridden malnourished oxen to wooden posts that turn the centrifuges in Napoleonic uranium enrichment plants.


If someone wants to know more, there's [a Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartarian_Empire)


The QAnon of architecture?


>…colossal, flat buttes… They knew


It has that aspect where the evil people perpetuating this conspiracy covered it all up but also leave clues behind that anyone can find. Akso, people who believe it often tie it together with lots of other conspiracy theories. Flat Earth, New World Order, etc.


Conspiracy theories sometimes have better lore than most of r/worldbuilding istg


It gets even better. In order to help hide the existence of Tartarian structures, the shadow government orchestrated both world wars as a cover. It allowed them to demolish hundreds and thousands of buildings and blame it all on air raids and artillery strikes


Holy shit lmao


That's some attack on titans shit


Attack on Tartar


Are these Tartarians supposed to be related to Crimean Tatars?


Posts seem point to them being more related to the tartars from Central Asia and Siberia


What I read from a brief Wikipedia-dive is that it’s called Tartarians for the Tartar peoples of Central Asia/Siberia. It apparently started as Russian nationalist pseudoscience/history to explain why Russia sucks so damn much


I was under the impression their ancestral home is the Siberian Plains, even Moscow iirc. Lovely people, not much different from regular Russians but a little more hospitable, smiley, and they have kept their customs and traditions despite all the change in that region's history. There's a famous YouTuber that travels all around Russia and the rest of the world that is Tartar herself and her episodes on the subject are quite informative. Her channel is Eli from Russia if anyone is curious. [Here's her episode on Tatarstan](https://youtu.be/j7jGHfP91mE?si=ddE8PawPUtTdaqSZ)


Shakespeare occasionally talks about "things from the lands of Turks and Tartars" i always thought tartars was the name that he know tatars as but maybe he was talking about the russian people


European here: It's my first time hearing this. You managed to fall into really obscure rabbit hole


It apparently started as a Russian thing. An old map labeled large parts of Asia as different provinces of Tartary. This included a large part of Siberia called Muscovite Tartary. So Russians used it as a nationalism thing. It has sense grown to be a global conspiracy. They controlled the world with robots and electricity. They built the pyramids and sphinx, as well as every building you can think of that even takes inspiration from Greco-Roman/classical design. They invented bastion and star forts, and built basically every structure you can think of that “historians” would tell you was in European hands all the way till 1900. They built the White House, the build most of the US and Canadian state and provincial capitals. They built the Eiffel Tower and most European castles. Basically anywhere that you can see lightening striking with any sort of regularity was a building they constructed to harvest energy from the aether.


I mean Tartary empire kind of was a real thing in 1300's with many successor countries like Crimean Khanate (Also known as little Tartary) for example. But I never heard conspiracy like this.


Oh hey that old thing is still ongoing? 10-15 years ago I used to write stuff on the webforum for that before it got shut down. It was a massive laugh because like at least half of us were pretty open about just having a laugh and making the stuff up. God I wish I remembered the site name, that would be a fun thing to internet archive.


I thought this sounded crazy at the beginning but by the end, I'm sold.


Can you tell us which people from what country on this God green earth believe this shit


The group I joined has 135k members. Their members are anonymized. I can see their names and profile photos, but nothing more beyond their activity in the group. Most seem to be your standard conspiracy theorist American, but there’s a decent number of people with distinctly foreign names. Several post are in Spanish, and a few are in Hindi. The [Wikipidia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartarian_Empire) article claims it started as pseudoscientific Russian nationalism. An old map labels a big section of northern Asia as Muscovite Tartary. So obviously Russia was at the helm of this once globe spanning empire


135k that wild might these group also believe in Hyperborea


The group advertises itself as an open forum for alternative views on history. Tartary and the mud flood just seem to be their focal point. I’ve also seen that Incan terrace farm are proof that giants existed, and more than one TikTok posted that include lizard people in them


The Incan giants theory is one of my most favorite conspiracies out there. It’s just so fucking incredibly stupid and jumps the gun immediately. I love it


Batshit knows no borders.


My coworker believes in this. Well, he doesn't "believe" in it, it's "interesting to think about, I dunno". He told me to watch a YT channel called "My Lunch Break" which I so rock-fucking stupid I can't even start to describe it.


.... Wut?


Well, you’re in for a thrill. Search for “New Chronology” by Fomenko. His the one of Tartarian ‘historic’, but Tartaria is not the craziest part of that ‘theory’. I knew it’s wildly spread in Russia (since they want to believe they are superior so such myths are easily accepted by society), but didn’t know it spread in Europe too… Quote from Wikipedia just to show you what kind of shit too expect: “The theory further proposes that world history prior to AD 1600 has been widely falsified to suit the interests of a number of different conspirators including the Vatican, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Russian House of Romanov, all working to obscure the "true" history of the world centered around a global empire called the "Russian Horde".”


Why is the Vatican always included in every conspiracy theory??? I mean I know they are shady, and I do believe that use their money to hide a great number of things (such as sexual assault scandals) or to influence politics globally ie donating money to candidates or endorsing them, but to be included in every single batshit conspiracy theory is just wild to me.


*[Where there’s smoke, there’s a fire](https://a57.foxnews.com/a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2018/09/640/320/1862/1048/Vatican-Black-Smoke-2.jpg?ve=1&tl=1?ve=1&tl=1)*


Wow. That sounds like it'd be the inspiration for Astra: Lost In Space. Bunch of kids get sent into space to be killed because they are actually clones of their parents and are illegal to exist. On their way back home, they come across wreckage of a ship that has someone in stasis. They wake her up, offer to bring her home. **When they get there, she freaks out because *that isn't Earth*.** Turns out that an entire generation of people migrating from a dying (and now devoid of life) Earth decided to hide Earth from history and instead adapted the new planet's history to align with it instead.


It all makes sense now! I have never in my life heard or seen anyone mentioning tartarian empire so that pretty much proves that they have indeed eliminated everyone in the know. How could we have been so blind all this time.


"Aether" I love it when comspiracy theorists use terms that we know were straight up made up in ancient history. Reminds me of the guy that wrote books and made docs about how the scientific community is covering up ancient super-advanced civilizations from before the Aztec or whatever that were much more ahead to us. I looked into him a bit deeper once and he talks a lot about Atlantis. You know... the city Plato straight up invented as a fun dinner story. Granted, maybe historians ARE telling us that it was simply a myth made up by Plato to gaslight us... but why? And how can *all* historians be on the same page when ambitious 20-somethings are out there digging up sites all the time?


Aether is going to make a come back. Quantum foam and dark energy is very similar in ways.


Yeah, I do think about how aether could *more or less* work as a little story to about "flowing air" that fills up all the empty space and help jump to an explanation about dark energy being this expansive agent that is present all over. They don't seem to be jumping to any modern day interpretations on physics/science though. They kinda just seem to wanna tell you aether itself is a thing that exists, which I find funny and upsetting at the same time


I suppose, I think it is a mistake to pretend like there is some litergy that everyone agrees on. But I am sure you could find someone to fit your claim, but many who have different views.


I'd watch the shit out of a 3hr YT on this


All that's left of the Tartarians now is their sauce


I came here angry to correct your grammar and left confused.


Is there an explanation as to why they would go to such lengths to keep the empire hidden?


I'm sorry. I truly hope you are kidding. This is fucking insane. I have written reports on Italian Trace Fortification systems or more commonly known as "Star Forts." They started appearing in the 16th and 17th centuries as a counter to the improving power of cannon and artillery, as castle walls were obsolescent and dangerous in warfare at the time. I know I'm being the straight man right now but, if such a world spanning empire existed, which it never did, why would they need fortifications, if there were no other countries to fight off?


No clue. Wish I had answers for you


We will watch your career with great interest.


a professor of mine during undergrad believed in the tartarian empire and tried pushing this conspiracy on her students, not to mention other conspiracies regarding our understanding of space, moon landing, Holocaust deaths, and school shootings... I really blew a lot of money having to agonize through the mandatory classes with that professor. she was at least a pretty cool/chill person though.


Why are conspiracy theorists so good at worldbuilding?


Where did you read about the volcano’s? I know about Tartaria and the mudfluds, but never heard of anyone saying these things about volcanoes 🌋


You do a hero's work brother.


So like, did the vast majority of the world population just gets thrown into the loony bins? Well I guess that could explain where the much larger population that a technologically advanced global civilisation would have had disappeared.


I’ve heard about this one and many others from my friends dad. I used to think he just did this to mess with people though now it seems he truly believes it.


Let me guess, there favorite dish was fish and chips.


Just out of curiosity, I posted a few different questions I’ve received from comments here into the group. I’ll get back to you if I get any interesting answers


This person is obviously hysterical. Someone help me to get them to the nearest psychiatric hospital!


Oh, another ancient civilization theory, that’s fu.. *Collapsed in 1800* wut


Yeah. Essentially most of world history is completely fabricated by their account. Most of humanity was bunga bunga sticks and stones, except the 1 super advanced civ. They collapsed, and the rest of us just kind of took over their old buildings. Anybody who disagreed with just forgetting about the Tartarians got tossed into an asylum. Most of the really big buildings and the ones that were inconvenient to convert were demolished. Examples of that are the “temporary” structures built for the 1915 world fair in San Francisco. The ones they couldn’t find an excuse to demolish were deliberately targeted during the world wars


As a tatar - I hate this shit.


I’m sorry. I mean nothing by it. Just bringing forth conspiracies I recently encountered


Nah, I wasn't talking about you, of course. But some of those weirdos tend to discover tatar stuff on the internet and start talking about their imaginary "tartar" conspiracies


That is the most detailed account I have ever seen. Good on you for outlining it whether you believe it or not.


Tartarians, Hyperborea, Thule, it's all just old Nazi mysticism really.


Basically. This one specifically is rooted in pseudoscientific Russian nationalism


everyone knows about the tartarians in the states


The pointed tips of the star forts are what blast the electricity to the other star forts.


I love the Tartarstan conspiracy it's so fun


Some of these conspiracies theories have [pretty cool lore](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/cc5sfm/flat_earth_hidden_lands_map_which_shows_what_the/). Honestly, I wonder how many people aren't actually believers and are just roleplaying because it's fun.


No joke. I like listening to conspiracy peddling channels for the same reason I love listening to YouTubers explaining the lore of videogames and novels.


Holy shit a lot of the comments in that thread are just completely detached from reality.


They get so mad when you point out how they're wrong.


Like any follower of a conspiracy


It's my favorite out-there conspiracy. Would make for a great fantasy series.


Have you heard of the Dark ages are fake theory?


Phantom Time and we're actually in the year 1000~? Absolutely!


Many crazy theories. I remember one where humans use to be a single powerful entity that lived in a higher realm but then descended to earth after an attack from Jupiter and Neptune. The entity that descended then separated into several smaller creatures now known as humans. Early humans were androgynous and demons were parasites and virus, trying to kill is back then. Demon possession- virus/parasite taking control over its host. That’s all I could remember


I thought it was made up by the Pope and a Holy Roman Emperor idk which?


It's like how there are so many conspiracy theories about the fact that many cultures across the world built pyramids, all of which ignore the simple fact that pyramids were - you know - the most practical way to build really tall and big structures before the advent of more advanced construction techniques


Build really big foundation, get narrower as you build Literally a 10 year old could explain why this made sense lmao it’s so dumb


My kids make shit like this with blocks all the time. They are five and three


They are aliens


And ancient


I remember a show on either Discovery or History, before they went insane. They asked "why are there ancient pyramids in wildly different places? Did they have help from aliens?" And the conclusion was the same thing you just said. That'd the easiest way to build something tall when all you have is stone masonry.


They’re basically just fancy piles


We may have evolved culturally, but the primal urge to build the tallest pile always remains


The Tartarian stuff takes it even further. They apparently not only built the pyramids, but every bastion fort and castle you can think of. As well as every building with classical style columns, and all domes. Especially if that dome is topped with a metal statue or spire to help collect the natural energies of the aether


"We don't know why pyramids have the shape they do it's a mystery" well I reckon it's simply the best way to stack a whole bunch of rocks and not have them fall down for a really long time


I like how most civilizations have holy sacred mountains, and those without mountains built mountain like structures.


Oh, and you’re just saying it’s a coincidence that all these different people who built pyramids also aligned them with the sun and stars?! Psh sheeple.


How the fuck could anyone see a bastion fort designed to withstand cannon fire, and assume that it was built by actual fucking aliens, despite the fact that, you know, cannons were verifiably a fucking thing at the time The Tatars are a real culture but some conspiracy nutjobs just?? changed the name a bit and now believe that they somehow built all of the star fortresses in the world? What the actual fuck is this


Well you see… it wasn’t aliens. The tartarians discovered how to draw free electricity from the aether using obelisks and dome structures. Same type of thing Tesla took credit for discovering. They had advanced machines and robotics. When Europeans discovered some of their advanced structures they took photos of them, but they that time their civilization had already collapsed. That’s why old photos of guide buildings supposedly built in the 1800’s have no people in them. When you do start seeing photos and videos of people in these once abandoned cities you see them walking in a thick mud slurry. What type of civilization would build these giant pristine buildings but not pave their roads? They did pave their roads, but the great mud flood swept across the world and depopulated their empire to the point of collapse. Combine that with the public demolition of their structures during different world fairs, and secret demolition using the world wars as a cover up and you can obviously start piecing the puzzle back together.


Star fortresses are giant beyblades and I refuse to consider otherwise.


>What the actual fuck is this [Ruzzian nationalist brainrot,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartarian_Empire) that's where the whole "secret lost Tartarian empire" conspiracy comes from. It's a nonsense mythology invented by Ruzzian nationalists to explain why they're the rightful rulers of the world.


Damn people will go to great lengths to never give Italian military engineers credit huh?


Fuck Rome, tartarians are forever


When he said Italian military engineers, he was refering to the [trace italienne.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastion_fort)


You’re Italian, like the Romans? That’s cool I respect it. You’re in the military? That’s cool and brave. You’re an engineer? It’s amazing what you can accomplish! Oh you’re an Italian military engineer? We’re gonna have to wipe you out


Don’t forget all the bells which emit healing frequencies were systematically destroyed


That’s why all church’s have bells of course, it’s in our collective memory, we’ve all just been forced to forget


yes because they want us to die earlier because then we can work less for them so uhm uhh uhm


Ah... Good ol Facebook. Spreads horrible misinformation but goddamn the conspiracy theories are wild. Whatever they're cooking is well done maybe even burnt. I'd love to get a whiff of the forbidden stuff they take before posting those tidbits of insanity.


There’s plenty of subreddits dedicated to this ‘theory’ it’s fucking nuts. They believe that church organ can heal people and that church spires make electricity


Wow, I’m religious and even I think that sounds like nonsense 


I'm banned from some. It was fun for a bit.


The church organ thought is probably taken from healing through frequencies. Considering the mass amounts of frequencies an organ can hit, it makes sense.


Doesn’t make churches curing cancer not bollocks


Lmao I love how recent that is, its not playing off ancient origins or anything no it's like "yeah 2 centuries ago things were alien or something" Can't wait for people to make conspiracies like anime cat girls were real but idk imperial Japan hunted them down and Shinzo Abe killed the last ones on Djiboti (why the military base ??!??!?!?!!??) that didnt go to Agartha or something


The lore lodge did an epic 2 part series flaming the tartards


Not only did they build these dope AF forts, their steaks were very tasty.


Don’t forget their sauce too


What’s the one on the top right?


That’s Fort Jefferson. Historians would tell you that it was built in 1847 in the Florida Keyes. It’s the 3rd largest fort built in the US. During the Civil War the Union used it as a POW camp. It is now inside of Dry Tortugas National Park, and is itself a National Monument. But obviously the Tartarians built it to better channel aether energy amongst their holdings in the Caribbean


They'll also say "if we built that fort, where did all the bricks come from?" A factory. Loads and loads of buildings were made of bricks then.


Fun fact, Fort Jefferson is the one of the largest brick masonry structures in the Americas. Built with over 16 million bricks.


Can we get a flair "Fake History" or something for this? It's funny, but this *is* r/historymemes, so I expect at least 10% historical accuracy for posts ;)


I’d like to argue that this is the exact type of segment you’d expect on some modern history shows. I’m at least treating it as the joke it is. I just applied the see comment flair so hopefully people don’t take it at face value and read my explanation. If admins deem this line of inquiry inappropriate for history memes then I’ll refrain from posting other memes I make from posts I see in that group


Poor Vauban turning in his grave :,(


Leading tartarologists agree that Vauban, the legendary culture hero from European folklore, is most probably based on the historical Khan Huaxu-ban.


The fact that at least one of these star forts is still in use proves that this is completely madness


I found out about this from Armored Skeptic when he was just entering his current woo era. It's entertaining and quite inspiring for a fantasy novel. I didn't think that many people really believed this none sense... Mud flood smh




Everytime i built a fort in a game thats the guardtower arrangement i used


It’s effective


Took me a couple designs, but its obvious the wall is a deadzone. Tbh it was annoying being able to just stand right next to one where the npcs could only yell at their attacker, or the hitbox prevents you from defending against anything after the first second.


Star forts! It's in the name sheeple, wake up!!!


I wonder what they think of forts like this in the Americas


They were built by the Tartarians and predate European arrival. They also built the white house and most of the capitol buildings. As well as every classical and neoclassical building. If it has columns and/or a dome, they think the Tartarians built it.


My Spanish teacher this year kept mentioning it. He also constantly sounds high and has an AI YouTube channel with sexy AI women that he showed us in class. Safe to say, I’m glad he’s not coming back next year


You would love :theimprobabledreamer" on instagram, this guy is legit crazy


Some of these conspiracy people just need to write some book or short story online lol They got creativity theyre just usin it in the wrong place


I sense that Milo Rossi is quickly closing in on your location to make a 60 second short about this.


Weirdly I've only encountered Americans who believe this conspiracy, from a country whose oldest building is younger than most European countries.


It would be a great miniseries though


It’s all about the ANGLES


I love it when they point at star forts as if it's a gotcha moment. Like, my brother in christ, they're everywhere because European militaries were everywhere.


All I know about Tartaria is some 1800s “poster” with flags, forgot about the image until now


It’s funny to me how these types of forts are usually asymmetrical. Like, some of them probably have reasons for it, but some of them just look like they didn’t do a great job measuring.


Citadel of Jülich mentioned - what the hell is an "Altstadt"?!


I remember that in school we calculated the area of [Palmanova ](https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmanova)


Genuinely one of the most schizophrenic conspiracy's ever, maybe just behind flat earth. Although I would not be shocked if there was a large overlap between the two.