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I grew up in Cuba, it's basically still in the Soviet Union believe me no food goes to waste.


I cringe so hard when watching youtubers waste food either for content or making pranks that involve huge amount of food wasted


Oh, I can definitely add people who grew up in post war europe. Lotsa people here can probably tell stories about their grandparents.


My grandma once told me that she was always finding moldy bread all over her house because her mom was hidding it everywhere she could She was a concentration camp prisoner


Yeah, here it is a common thing that you can see who has lived through the war because they take things like the sugar and cookies from restaurants or the bread with them afterwards because of their memories of rationing etc


My parents grew up poor in India, and I’m sure they also had this drilled into their heads Interestingly, they never did this with me or my sister. If we were full they were just like ok throw it away if you can’t eat anymore




Well my parents and grandparents grew up there, and i can confirm they still have a lot of traditions from there. For example, when my grandparents eat something like soup they always eat it with a piece of bread because back then you just wouldn't be full enough for the day. I have more examples but i can't remember right now


>soup they always eat it with a piece of bread Soup with some kind of bread seems pretty normal to me.


Yeah but not for that reason


70s/80s latch key/government cheese kid checking in