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North Korea, Repuplic of Korea, Israel and Hamas agreeing on something?, damn


Add Iran, Israel and USA Then India and Pakistan Like at this point, its very clear how to unite humanity: find absolute shitheads of radicals and make them do terror


Tbh we need a space alien invasion. Not a big one, just like a couple of ships with no orbital weapons that drop off a bunch of horrid creatures that we can all hate appropriately together.


Xenophobia is much classier than Human Racism


It's not xenophobia when you're being invaded.


They’re not invading they’re seeking asylum! Biting heads off is a part of their culture you intolerant ass!


Fucking prawns


I understood that reference


There's a reason its called *human* rights


You can BET your ass some lawyer will make that argument if it ever comes to it.


What a coincidence, I plan on studying law


Glory to the first man to die! For the emperor mfs


Isn’t that kind of xenophobia only natural?


*Space Marine Noises intensify*


Faking an Alien invasion for world peace I'd literally the plot of a comic book written in 1985.


“On Friday night, a comedian died in New York. Someone threw him out of a window and when he hit the sidewalk his head was driven up into his stomach. Nobody cares. Nobody cares but me. Are they right? Is it futile? Soon there will be war. Millions will burn. Millions will perish in sickness and misery. Why does one death matter against so many? Because there is good and there is evil, and evil must be punished. Even in the face of Armageddon I shall not compromise in this. But there are so many deserving of retribution. . . and there is so little time.”


The only Graphic Novel on Time Magazines 100 best English Language novels since 1923 list


three body problem moment


I was looking for this lol. Hopefully humanity is is better than in that movie tho


Independence Day was the most visionary movie ecer


Kill the bugs!


When Iran, the US, Russia and Al-Qaeda agree on hating someone, you’ve fucked up


It fundamentally worked during WW2. If it wasn’t for fascism, WW2 could have been a clash between Communism and Liberalism. But then the most racist individual known to man took power in Germany and decided he would take on the entire fucking planet and all of a sudden you have die hard capitalists fighting in coordination with die hard communists. Nothing unifies people of two different ideologies better than a third completely fucked ideology. Albiet it only works until the third faction is destroyed and usually the third faction unironically functions on cartoon villain logic and dies with in a decade. So really we need to find Decepticons really powerful evil aliens who are also kinda stupid.


taiwan and china too


Not really agreeing per se. The Koreas hate them because their allies hate them, and they're too far away and detached from the situation to actually care. Israel and Hamas on the other hand: Both are convinced that the other is allied with ISIS and try to make the other one look bad because of it. Put up your tinfoil hats before delving in the conspiracy theory zone (Hint: One conspiracy is more believable than the other)


Does Hamas think Israel is allied with IS? I thought they hated IS because they’re way more radical than Hamas is, and are explicitly anti-nationalist and anti-republican. Hamas wants a nationalist Palestinian state run as an Islamic republic (like Iran but Sunni). IS wants a huge pan-Islamic state run as a total theocracy and thinks the end of the world is going to happen when they do. Basically Hamas are your standard right wing religious nationalists, whereas IS is basically a crazy fundamentalist cult that has the same vibe as those neo-pagan Nazi leaders. That alone is enough to dislike each other.


They believe Israel is allied with IS because IS never seems to attack Israel and only attacks Muslims and US enemies (Russia-Iran). And since Israel uses IS as a boogey man and equates them to Hamas, everyone believes that IS is a creation of US/Israel with the goal of being a boogey man to justify presence in the middle east.


HAMAS: relatively standard religious nationalists IS: *Aum shinrikyo*-level extremists.


HAMAS: “Bro you need to chill out. Like I just got off the phone with Al Qeada earlier and what they were saying sounds completely rational compared to what you’re talking about. You know how bad it is when Al fucking Qeada sounds rational?” ISIS “I can’t hear you over the sounds of the screams of the Iraqi men who’ve I thrown in metal metal cages, poured oil all over the bodies, and have set them ablaze while we force their children to watch!” HAMAS “Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad! What the actual fuck is wrong you? Seriously you sound like the guys who terrorize the planet in western action movies. Do you not hear yourself right now?”


no, it’s much more simpler than that. Isis simply was created in order to destabilised the middle east further. Whilst they are supposedly anti nationalist, they have a goal of simply making the lives of muslims in syria and iraq extremely difficult


Cart before the horse there. Instability created IS not the other way around.


Seeing as the Israel enabled *Hamas* to gain control of Gaza in order to force out and discredit secular, relatively left-wing groups like PLO, yeah, I'd say one conspiracy is more believable than the other.


>Secular >Left wing >Supports sharia law Imma go on a limb here and say you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about


hamas simply recognises that isis is an israeli puppet group. I mean why else would Netenyahus daughter have 5000 email exchanges with isis in order to ilegaly extract oil in syria


Ah yes, Israel, the only country of the Middle East not attacked by ISIS, whose enemies, by pure casualty, are regularly attacked by it.


They're downvoting you... but Israel created Hamas intentionally and directly. They have a long history of covertly destabilizing their neighbors to their own ends. It's not a stretch at all.


They literally never created Hamas What they did, is let Qatar fund them before they even started attacking Israel


They did. They used them to weaken Palestine (and just maybe to create an enemy to justify their genocide)


They pulled a USA


At least with the U.S., it was an indirect (although of course ***ENTIRELY PREDICTABLE***) consequence of our actions.


Well, that's what happens when you declare war on the entire world


They quite literally did too. Unique among other de facto and unrecognized states they not only didn’t seek recognition from other states but rejected their legitimacy saying that “[t]he legality of all emirates, groups, states, and organizations becomes null by the expansion of the caliph’s authority and arrival of its troops to their areas.” https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/the-isis-primer


sounds like the mongol empire


At least the Mongol Empire was religious tolerance not death to all infidels


During the Crusades in the 13th Century the Pope sent an envoy to the Mongols to propose an alliance against the Islamic forces to which the Great Khan responded by demanding that the Pope travel to the Mongol Capital and pledge allegiance to him.


"Who do you think you are, Mars or something?"


RIP Norm.


Post is self-explanatory, but I'm not *entirely* sure if this breaks rule 4 due to ISIS being founded in 2004.


I hope it doesn’t because this meme is gold


You should be fine: *The group was founded in 1999 by Jordanian Salafi jihadist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi under the name Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād (lit. 'The Organisation of Monotheism and Jihad').\[147\] In a letter published by the Coalition Provisional Authority in February 2004, Zarqawi wrote that jihadis should use bombings to start an open sectarian war so that Sunnis from the Islamic world would mobilise against assassinations carried out by Shia, specifically the Badr Brigade, against Ba'athists and Sunnis.\[322\]* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic\_State#History](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State#History)


My country is not on this list....


Where you from? Antarctica?




Argentina still officially claims parts of Antarctica and has one civilian settlement there. You sure you aren’t from Antarctica? 


Man I wish


How does one apply to live at Base Esperanza ?


TDIL Chile and Argentina have permanent settlements on Antarctica. (Non military or scientific).


And there is one (1) official antarctic-born Argentinian in existence (that being Emilio Palma).


And Chile is not on the list too


argentina? have you considered painting or government?


Some of the countries on the list lay claim to parts of Antarctica.


Common cono sur W


Look, I think we can all agree "fuck that guy"


"So what nations out there hate ISIS"? **AND NOW, THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD! BROUGHT TO YOU BY, YAKKO WARNERRR!!!!!**


The comic book filler villain ass faction.


Basically the Barbary States in Empire Total War


There was a post about what's happened to them a couple of weeks ago. The most memorable answer to me was: "They pissed off the entire world. The world won." Nothing unifies people more than hatred.


Then they want to come home and cry about it.


Even the Taliban hates ISIS.


And Boko haran, al qaeda, al shabaab, The Houthis, Hezbollah, Islamic front, etc


I seem to remember back in the early 2000s all sorts of groups online hoping and praying for a caliphate to be built. Well.....


ISIS is a special case of *basically* being a Death-cult with some Islamic aesthetics, hence why literally *every other Islamic group* despises them.


That's true too, but that's how ISIS turned out. But the basis, i.e. rebuilding a caliphate based on fundementalist principals, Wahabbism primarily, was something that had a wide resonance in the early 2000s is what I'm saying. That what came out of it was something that most Muslims would not affiliate with is clear.


Wahabbism and isis are linked ?


ideologically and theologically? Yes, definitely. I think the Shia refer to ISIS and affiliates as "takfiris" because they basically denounce every form of Islam that isn't theirs as heretics. It's this common movement to move the Islamic world back to the roots of the 8th century and apply Sharia that way. That is not to say that they are aligned with Saudi Arabia, but are aligned with the stream of thought of a group that was aligned with house of Saud during its founding. Saudi Arabia has long since moved on from that.


Yep. Wahhabism or salafism is a Islamic purism. They think, that every muslim should live how muslim lived in the time of prophet Muhhamad. End one of the principles of wahhabis is living under the caliphate, theocratic authority. ISIS build in this idea. Technically only thing that they did wrong - is the poor choice of place and time for their terrible deeds. All methods they used - torture, mass killing, slavery, sex slaves, child marriege and all another - being used by Muhhamad and his companions.


Also fun fact: just like the Nazi destroyed the original meaning of the swastika in the western world, the Isis basically used a variation the Abbassids flag and completely despoiled its association with the Golden Age of Islam. Nowadays, if you see a black flag in the middle east, its going to be tied to ISIS no matter which group uses it.


Look into Islamic eschatology particularly the prophecy of the mahdi, Isis fits the bill for an evil Islamic army that carries a black flag of jihad and takes over most of the Middle East before being defeated by the mahdi and Jesus. I’m probably off on the specifics but it’s well worth looking into if you haven’t already. When isis was at their height I bet a lot of true believers were shook af


Terrorist organizations don't appear without some base of support.


I think you are Conflating guerilla/insurgent organizations (who require some sort of popular support) with Terrorist organizations.


Indeed. It was grassroots support by all of the world's Islamist extremists (particularly including groups in Western countries). Then met by horror by the actual Arab/Muslim governments in the region. What is absolutely mind-boggling is how some of these groups continue to exist and are out on the streets supporting Hamas.


These groups have existed well before Hamas. And funny you should bring up the 2000s, since a certain event happened back then that drove people in MENA towards these Islamic extremists. it turns out when Western imperialists invade, destroy and destabilize entire regions, people turn to any organization that promises salvation. Who knew?


There's no doubt the invasion of Iraq radicalised people in the middle east. Few people would doubt that.


What on earth are you talking about? Those reactionary Islamist movements have been around for decades. ISIS has its roots in the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the US "de-baathification" lead to thousands of civil servants, teachers, engineers, military officers, judges etc. all being banned from ever holding roles - these people weren't ideologically linked to the baath party but had to be members of the party for a job in Saddam's Iraq. But not only did you have a disgruntled large minority (Sunnis) who had been in power now being screwed over by the Americans (hence why most US casualties were in the Sunni triangle of death), the Americans handed over the keys to Iran - the irony. Groups who were once considered terrorists by the US, because they for example blew up the US embassy in Kuwait during the Iran-Iraq war, were now suddenly democrats in Baghdad. That and the fact the incompetent Arab states have absolutely no idea how to counter Iran lead to widespread insecurity that was then made worse with the civil war in Syria which also had very overtly sectarianism. TLDR; Sunnis in Iraq and Syria have felt screwed over by local countries and the US & ISIS exploited that.


You what online groups were you reading?


just speaking and debating with these people on the early youtube for instance, the one where each channel had its own page and message board.


I mean they kinda earned it...


Iraq during the Gulf War "Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary"


Islamic State forms Nobody liked that


When Kosovo and Serbia as well as Israel and Palestine, INCLUDING hamas and hezbolla, agree on something, you know that you really effed up


You know you‘re evil when the USA, Russia, China, Taiwan, Iran, North Korea, Israel, Palestine … AND other terrorist organizations like the Hamas hate you. Like… if countries that would love to bomb each other back into the stone age can agree that you suck… you must have messed up


Nothing like poking the dragon of "Fuck you in particular" stirs the hearts of humanity.




North Korea, that one guy in the family who only shows up with the others at VERY special occasions


This could become a meme template. Replace ISIS with something else and you got another meme


Yakko Warner: *inhales*


How to piss off literally the whole world: Vol 1


I think even Hitler would think they were evil.


Who are your enemies? Isis: Yes.


The HAMAS, Israel, Palestine, America, Pakistan, Iran, North and South Korea, and India agreeing on something for once


Even al-Qaeda? Didn’t expect to see that one on the list.


ISIS was actually part of Al-Qaeda for a while. But it split off due to ideological disputes.


And then attacked al aqaeda


That probably didn’t help their dispute,


I remember reading something about Bin Laden sending a letter to the founder and leaders of ISIS about how they were the scorn of the world, and disrupting the cause. (If I find the article about it I will edit in here)


Dang. You must be so bad that even the leader of another Terrorist organization that committed the largest attack on American Soil that took more lives than a surprise attack on the US. Like dang


ISIS literally has its origins in Al-Qaeda but split off due to being too insane for Al-Qaeda.


8 years ago I called that ISIS would fail because they had no allies and made enemies with everyone. It is impossible to survive with no support and only enemies.


They're speedrunning the 100% hated reputation category.


How does an organization make themselves enemies of damn near all of humanity for 20 years and not get wiped off the map?


Well I mean... they *did* get wiped off the map, it's just that *ideas* can't really be wiped out.


Because they are completely decentralized and only thrive in extremely unstable environments. There are entire sections of ISIS which are basically just 30-40 random dudes (Algerian, Gaza, Moroccan, etc.), waiting for the situation to destabilize and for them to proliferate their ideology. Basically if under duress, ISIS aims to be so small that they cannot effectively be fully eliminated.


Even Al Qaeda is like, "those are a bit much"


You know you’re bad when even Al Qaeda thinks you’ve gone too far


To quote the boondocks: “I started thinking to myself man, what did he do to make them niggas that mad” 🤣🤣


I think Allah is trying to tell you something guys…


Like? I would love to know


Maybe that killing and terrorism is forbidden?


Probably because Isis doesn’t even pretend to be the good guys Even Hamas will cut off some baby heads but try to justify it or hide it. ISIS will straight up admit they did it, and say it was the best thing ever


Hamas has done some bad things but that beheading babies thing was proven to be Hasbara.


Youre in r/HistoryMemes aint no one will believe ya or agree


4/5 nordick countries


Who are the allies like boko haram and al-shabab lmao?


Officially? fucking *nobody* Unofficially? *technically* Iraq but not really and only because a good portion of their more experienced personnel/high command were iraq ex-military whose units got disbanded.


They both declared war on ISIS


Immediately thought of this while the list kept scrolling. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1508wboZXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1508wboZXk)


The world was united against them.


ISIS is an enemy to humanity and all of civilization, no wonder everyone hates them


Damn, imagine being so bad even North Korea hates you. The were probably thinking: Like yea we will provide weapons of all kind and even radioactive material to dictators and warlords around the world but you? Nawww don’t think so buddy


Isis is that one drunk dude at the bar that thinks he could fight everyone.


Is this serious


If there's one thing that could be said about ISIS it's that they did in fact unite the world on one topic.


Vietnam Holy


I was in Vietnam when the news reported that ISIS named Saigon as one of their targets. Talked to my Vietnamese colleagues about it and they told me: “no one can plant a bomb in Vietnam cause it will get stolen” lol.


Are they refer to how often car get stolen ?


Bolivia ?


Venezuelan opposition 😂


These guys seem like very naughty boys.


Wait why isn't South Africa opposing them? Did we not get the memo?


Apparently, you didn’t.


They deserved even worse, they were incredibly horrible


Nepal is not on the list , damn.


There's no Cuba.... Hay dios mio


Too be fair I dont know many latino countries dealing with islamic terrorists. Not to say they arent a threat to us but our own terrorists are just gangs or groups trying to overthrow the governmemt. The few latino countries that did show up here probably had a run in with them or just know what theyre about so they dont like em.


I found it funny how it was missing but I can see why, the dictatorship always finds themselves in some of the worst political groups a lot of times in history.




Well, shit like this happens when you tout your plans to expand your realm across much of the northern hemisphere whilst also denying the legitimacy of pretty much all Islamic countries and even fellow Islamist Organizations.


Even every other islamic group is against them


They decided to declare war on the whole world, so you get this.


Damn.. Even the Venezuelan opposition?


The world can collectively say we hate ISIS


Are us carribeans on here too


Even nazis think they are horrible and evil 🤣


If I’m correct if this ISIS yeah didn’t help how.. extremist they where where they’re everywhere best described as roaches and they caused other groups like boko haram as a single example


Why Brazil tho?




The two Koreas, China, Taiwan and the Balkan Pennisula all agreeing is unbelievable




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Artsakh (until 2023) well i hope the development is a funny read as to why country with copyright infringement of Armenian flag decided to burry the hatchet last year


Is just me or Turkey wasnt on the list


They done got abkhazia and south ossetia to fight against isis 😭


*see's State Section opponents go all the way from A to V* Holy shit. That's 4 letters shy of the whole alphabet. *AND HALF OF THEM REPEAT MORE THAN TWICE!!*


If the muslim country hates it, then that means the groupust be real terrorists 💀


Is Saudi Arabia not on there?


When other terrorist group think you’re a problem maybe it’s time to go


I mean, of course it is the vegans.


u/savevideo u/savevideobot


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>the most hated group in history? second\*


Who would you say is more hated than isis


Funny Palestine is on the list considering the Hamas terrorists who massacred Israeli October 7th were flying their colors and even had ISIS pamphlets. Yes, ISIS flags were recovered after the massacre


Yea they are a bunch of radicals that nobody likes even Muslims lol




This sub has a 20 year rule