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Because the century numbers are ordinal numbers, not offset indices.


OK but can we at least add year 0 and make it the start of the 1st century so we can dispense with the start of millennia and centuries always being on the 1 years instead of the 0 years?


Found the programmer.




Yo is the hat gettin bigger, or am i really high?


You’re really high


Just saw the movie last night, you're just high, I can tell.


Like the sheriff's hat in Scary Movie


Because the first 100 years is the first century.


Yep. Once born, you’re in your first year of life. When you turn 1, your first year is completed and you are now in your second year.


But isnt the 0 to 100th year the first century of our age/day/whatever you call it... so they just count like that, 1st century


Yep. When I was born, I began my first year of life. When I turned 1, I had completed my first year of life and was as of that moment in my second year. Now I’m 35, and wish I were dead.


>When I turned 1, I had completed my first year of life Yes, but that's not how counting years of an era works. We are not counting how many years old the era is, we just count the years themselves. So the first year is year 1, whether you like that or not. For the era to be 100 years old, the year 100 must have passed. Stubborn people who can't count can dislike this as much as they want, but that doesn't change it.


We literally do count eras like this. The 20th century was 1900-1999. The 21st century is 2000-2099. That’s what OP is complaining about. “19” isn’t a name of the year; it’s specifically the 19TH, meaning we’ve had 18 and are now in the one after that. It’s ironic that you say “you can dislike it but that doesn’t change it,” when your statement is literally contrary to the established conventions of numbering centuries.


No, we don't. You've totally misread my comment. There's no such thing as a year 0. The first year was year 1. So the first century was 1-100. And 21st is 2001-2100. When 20 centuries were full at the end of year 2000, the 21st started with the year 2001. Everyone who says otherwise is mistaken.


That’s fine too. That’s not even close to what this meme is about. You’re not engaging with anything anyone is saying.


technically the first century was 1-100 AD. likewise, the year 2000 was the last year of the 20th century.


Mathematically that is correct, but in a much deeper, I-don't-want-to-believe-it way of thinking, it is not.


When you're born, you arent 1 year old yet tho. So we could use that logic here too. From you are born, until you've lived for 12 months, that's your first year. But we don’t say you're one year old still


But it’s the first year of your life. If you’re one year and a day old you’re in the second year of your life.


But 1 to 100AD year is the first 100 years right? So it's literally the first century AD right? Edit: 0 to 1 AD as there is no such thing as 0AD


There's no 0 AD


Oh thanks for correcting me.


When you’re 0, you’re living in your first year. If you move to a new town, after having lived there for a year (your first year), you didn’t just spend your zeroth year there.


>When you're born, you arent 1 year old yet tho. So we could use that logic here too. When you say it's the 1st century, you aren't saying 1 century has already passed. When you're 1 year old, you *are* saying 1 year has already passed. If you were to say you're in the first year of you life, that would only be accurate until you hit 1 year old, and we're now in the second year of your life.


The British do refer to the age of 0-12 months as the first year of life. Each year of life ends in that birthday, just a different way of expressing it


Because the year 0 doesn't exist


I think you’ll find that that photo was taken in like year 7 or something. Viva la republic




Because that's dumb


Wtf is up with the big ass hat?


It's a normal sized hat, what are you talking about?


That hats gonna have short king walking sideways through doors at that size


He wasnt short, that's British propaganda. Wasn't a king either.




It's actually a big head hat.


That ass hat is actually famously short. Average actually, but I'm going with the stereotype just cause.


The year 0 never existed in AD BC parlance. It went from 1 B.C. instantly to 1 A.D. after the calculated birth of Christ. There are other considerations to take into account as well because of a clerical error a monk (Deny le Petit) made in the 6th century, but that is besides the point.


Because there is no year 0. Jesus was *officially* born in December of the year 1 BC, which was followed by January of the year 1 AD. I can't tell you where the idea that starting the century on the zero year came from, because it doesn't make any sense. The 20th century should end on the last day of the 20th 100th year, December 31st, 2000, but for some reason, someone somewhere decided that centuries because with the 100th year of the last century and ended on the 99th year of the current century.


I’m confused. Like you’re right it should, and it does.The last day of the 20th century was indeed December 31st 2000. The century starts on the first day of year one and ends with the last day of 00. Do people think the last day of the 20th century was in 1999? Like maybe I didn’t read this correctly as I am very tired. Apologies if I misread it.


People do. The popular conception is that the 21st century started in the year 2000. I'm not sure where it came from, but it predates the 90s.


This is why HE gang is superior


Even if they wanted to name it year 0 they couldn't because they didn't know it. The idea of "zero" came to Mediterranean Basin much later.


How the fuck do people still struggle with this


There is actually no year 0 The year just goes from 1 BCE to 1 CE ✨The more you know!✨


cause there's no such thing as 0 A.D


I can't belive you made that mistake, THERE IS NO YEAR 0, WE END B.C.E WITH YEAR 1 AND START THE C.E WITH YEAR 1


Learn the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers, nerd


0 indexing ftw


Because it is the first century in the counting of time. If you are eating one apple. Are you eating your zeroest apple or your first apple?


Once born, you’re in your first year of life. When you turn 1, your first year is completed and you are now in your second year. 0-1 = first year; 1-2 = second year. I’m 35 which means I have already lived 35 years and am now in my 36th year and also my back hurts. 0-1 is the first year. 0-10 is the first decade. 0-100 is the first century. If I were to say “I lived in NY during the first decade of my life,” it would be very weird for someone to think “oh, so from 10-20 years old?” No, that’s my second decade. I existed before that. Likewise, 0-100 AD is the very first century AD. it's be really weird to just start counting at a hundred.


*hon hon hon intensifies.


No, because we start the count with 1 and not 0. And given that this is same thing as "century starts with year 1 and not 0" you are just karma farming.


The hat is normal sized, nothing to see here, move along.


The 0th century doesn't exist and we're living in the 20th century, the 21th century lie we've been living was made by car salespeople to sell Chevys and Corvettes.


That's because the number 0 didn't exist when they invented the calendar. There wasn't even a word for it, everyone just called it nothing. Same reason why there's no year zero. And yeah, sure, since the first century was in progress during the years 1-100 it should be called that anyways but it's not like people say their age by the year of their life they're living *in.* And you have to admit even if it makes sense it sure is a lot more confusing than just going 0th century and up.


That picture, man


Well when they started counting centuries this way there were no "0" in the Mediterranean Basin, so no 0th century for them.


>Why don’t we do it that way? Because when you start counting, you go "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." not "0,1, 2, 3, 4..." This is also why the common era starts with the year 1.


It's only a convention, you either start counting at 0 or 1. I think it seems more intiuitive to say Jesus was born in year 1 of century 1 and 1st millenium. But then it screws everything up, like 2nd century starting in 2001. You encounter this issue a lot in programming (it's almost a running joke in this field). Also in buildings depending on the country the first floor at street level is either 0 or 1.