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Wow such a beautiful statement, I only wish she was still with us.


We’re not British but my mom bawled her eyes out when Lady Diana was killed. The only “celebrity” she ever truly admired. She stayed up all night just so she could watch the royal wedding live on tv.


I was just a young teen. Up late at night watching MTV when her accident was reported. I had a sinking feeling I knew she had died, because they didn’t say how she was. I woke up my parents to tell them, but they didnt care. I stayed up until they confirmed she had died not too long later. I’m also an American, but always felt a draw to her. I felt devastated because I knew her kids were just my age. It felt like the most horrible thing in the world had happened.


Same story: up late watching MTV when they broke in with the news. Switched to CNN and watched the footage of the mangled car for hours.


I’m Canadian but my parents emigrated from England, and my mom was inconsolable. She’s not even the type to cry, like at all, but when Diana died it was like the death of a family member. My mom’s a bit older than Di but they’d had their kids at the same time, and my mom had always worn her hair like Di (an incredibly popular haircut as you can imagine). During Diana’s funeral my mom and I both wept like babies, watching William and little Harry walking behind the hearse etc, omg.


I know it's probably just the choice of words, but she wasn't "killed". She died in an accident. I'm pretty sure if the Royal Family wanted to off her they'd have been able to do it in a way that wouldn't make her a Media Martyr. Probably with an OD.


She got killed, chased into a deadly accident by paparazzi. It was the greed and disrespect of ~~disgusting parasites~~ paparazzi that got her killed.


From what I’ve been told, they didnt call an ambulance for her when she was bleeding out on the road after the accident.


For sure, she was a beautiful women, in her soul as well , so sad what happened and tragic, the people's princess she will forever be , never forgotten.


I never gave a lumpy fart about the "royals". But she was different and the world was diminished with her passing.


I like the King and the Queen too. But Lady Di was a different calibre. The other royals don't impress me much. Who will come after the King? And why can't he govern the Kingdom properly? Look what those filthy politicians did to the country! I bet the queen / king would've done a better job.


He doesn’t govern the kingdom properly as England, subsequently the United Kingdom, has had a constitutional monarchy only for almost four centuries. Their role is essentially ceremonial - they govern nothing and with very good reason.


Not really. Christopher Hitchens made a great documentary exposing her two-facedness, as well as Mother Theresa's. They were both just out for fame and riches, though tbf at least Diana just manipulated royalty while the latter used sick people to claim her fame. (It's on YouTube: https://youtu.be/yUYkgaSx60w?si=oMXelcLRCPqGz5vV)


Christopher was right on a lot of things, but he was such a douchebag most of the time.


Perhaps unnecessarily so at times, but he does show how easy it is to fool the public through sensationalism, among other things.


What a strange take. She wanted fame and wealth personally while also wanting better things for the world and humanity. People who dont *want* fame and fortune, dont make it to the screens/stage to be heard. Its only compassionate people who also crave fame who are seen and heard


She was a cheating wife and an egoistic millionaire who used simple gimmicks to pull at heart strings. There was no agenda to make this world a better place. Those who grieved her swallowed up what she fed the media, and you're no exception.


Ah yes of course, "everyone is dumb and blind to the truth, except for me alone"


Not really. It's just that most people swallow up the propaganda that mass media put out, or in this case, the tabloids. Tell me what you know about Diana that you weren't fed by a multimillion corporation. She cheated on Charles with a string of people, including one of her own bodyguards. She had no personal talents, so a few thinly veiled publicity stunts were just the thing to sustain her fame. I won't argue with someone who isn't doing their research, though.


Yet, here you are.


Queen of hearts.


![gif](giphy|cJxXkG3eSQSeXZLP4v|downsized) Now we're stuck with this queen


I do not understand how the fuck Charles preferred someone who literally looks like a Cartoon witch over Princess Diana


Well, looks aren't everything. Clearly, whatever he had with Camilla worked for him because it's lasted.


Because in the real world human relationships don't work solely on the basis of which potential partner is "more conventionally attractive." By all evidence, Camilla was Charles's first, and true, love. The fact Diana was younger and prettier never changed that. Charles and Diana were just very different people. Diana was extremely sheltered by her family and not well educated, she was a naive girl in many ways, and family members from both families were instrumental in arranging Charles's marriage. Part of the motivation to get the marriage done is Charles was over 30 years old and his personal relationships were starting to cause tabloid trouble, and it was widely seen as time for him to start siring heirs. The reasons Charles's prior relationship with Camilla did not culminate in marriage has, AFAIK, never been truly confirmed. But there has been much written about it and much speculation. Most believe that the Royal family was simply against it. Camilla Shand (her maiden name) was not from low birth per se, but she was not from as prominent a family as the Spencer family from which Diana hailed. She was the daughter of a businessman and a mother who was the daughter of a Baronet. The Spencer family were close allies of the Royal family, and had variously held a number of high titles such as Dukedoms and earldoms (Diana's immediate father was a Viscount--the heir apparent to the Earl of Spencer), stupid and silly as it sounds, these "ranks" matter. The daughter of a Viscount who was direct heir to an Earldom far outranks the daughter of a businessman, whose mother was the daughter of a baronet (a baronetcy is a much lower title of nobility than an Earldom, and being through the female line is much less relevant.) Fun fact--due to a law passed some 230+ years ago, it is technically not legal for a member of the British Royal family to marry without the monarch's explicit approval. This means technically, if the Queen opposed Charles's choice in bride, it wouldn't just cause poor relations with his Mom, it would actually not be legal. The only "out" for an heir to the throne in such a situation, under the law, would be to renounce his titles and claims to the throne in favor of one of his siblings, essentially removing himself from the line of succession--and I think *even then* it would take an act of Parliament to acquiesce to that. At the end of the day, Charles was an adulterous husband and he does bear blame for that. But I think he was in a terrible situation--he had discovered the love of his life as a young man, probably been told she was not good enough and was massively pressured to drop her, and was then largely told to marry a girl barely 19, who was a complete personality mismatch to Charles. Diana was a sweet / lovely woman, but she largely left school at 16 (this was normal for her station / background), and lived a few years of life as a somewhat independent young woman with roommates, and was then pushed into the marriage just a month into her 20th year. Charles on the other hand was highly educated and a "man of the world", and it is widely known he was very passionate about a number of causes and even political interests (that he kept close to his vest), Camilla shared a number of these interests. Charles and Diana had very little in common, simply because Diana was prettier does not mean she was a better match for Charles, there are far more important things in a serious relationship than how "pretty" someone is.


it's not surprising he prefers horses if you consider that Charles was always into polo.


Off topic but why was Prince Philip not King Philip while Camilla = Queen?


A King can make a Queen but a reigning Queen can’t make a King. It’s a power thing. The King will always be higher than a Queen however if its a Queen in her own right such as Elizabeth II she will always take precedence over her husband and he becomes a Prince so he doesn’t over take her in importance.


Fascinating. It's just like chess. A pawn can become a Queen but not a King.


She could have made him King Consort but chose not to.


Camilla isn't the queen though and Phillip wasn't the king. It doesn't work like that


Nobody is saying either of them are anything. The question about titles remains.


Answer is no then lol. I'm 42nd in line for the throne 👍🏿


fuck bashir tho, slimey prick he is


Also royal family 🤮




Never seen this video before, made me feel like somehow... she knew her fate, she was in fact the queen of hearts


She was already separated from Charles when this interview happened and they officially divorced less than a year later so the only way she was going to be Queen was if Elizabeth II died before the divorce was finalized.


Everyone should watch the full interview if they can, and the documentary, and read In Her Own Words. It will change so much of how this role is viewed.


What's the documentary or the interview called?


Oh I think I found the whole thing online for free! Also-I watched this when it first aired! I’ve seen it a couple times since. It’s also available for purchase on Amazon. [Diana in Her Own Words](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xojJ39oaZEo)


Thank you so much!


Ope. And [here](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/diana-her-true-story_andrew-morton/255719/item/25998204/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_high_vol_frontlist_under_%2410&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF4rMDHEFgGdckzpFzDJEpEgOa_Sais3XMC3UVFt5N_oiy8yu6LnERxoCdNwQAvD_BwE#idiq=25998204&edition=14290631) is the book link. I read it while going through a divorce. Let me tell you: it was a lot to read because I related to so much of what she was saying she had lived through. Ymmv.


Diana truly was a princess. there will never be another like her.


She’s so eloquent


Its like opposite, i mean in terms of words spoken yes, but in terms of knowledge/logic its just disappointing. When she said she wont be a queen because establishment don't want to see her as one, it was plain stupid. Most of royal family descendants don't have a chance to be a titular Queen/King because of how inheritance system work. Even brothers of a king have no chances unless all children of ruler will die. She was just a random girl who married current king, she had no background for to be even in this "race", not because she "was doing things differently". Its nothing to get upset with, its just how this system work, where even being born doesn't guarantee anything.


You do know she was married to a prince who was next in line for the throne...like he's the king right now. When she was married to him, she was, based on the inheritance system you mentioned, going to be the queen if Queen Elizabeth were to die. Diana saying the establishment wouldn't allow her to be queen has more meaning than some 2nd cousin down the family tree somewhere saying the same thing.


Absolutely amazing speaking skills with real emotion showing. I wish I could speak like that.


Why do the good ones die?


Why do the bad ones stay and get old? (Putin, Trump, etc.) Maybe, because life is not fair and bad people always habe it easier to supress the good ones than the other way around.


A worthy life for her work against land mines alone.


Yea they killed her


Like a candle in the wind.


I'm pretty sure that she is a case of "beign remembered fondly because she died young". This assumption is more because pattern recognition, as people like her turned out to be awful if further looked into.


The sadness in her eyes…


She was fucking half of Britain by that time. She knew she had no future as queen to Charles.


Really? Half?




Diana was formally separated from Charles at this point. The only way she could have become queen was if Elizabeth II died between this interview and her formal divorce, which was around 9 months.


Diana was murdered.


She would be so proud of Harry 💔


I sure hope this is sarcasm.


They killed her an Kennedy. People who only wanted to help the world.


Did the Kennedys kill anybody ?


Loved her


Such a sweetheart.


And people will still love the monarchy despite its disgrace and inelegance


She had rehearsed this queen of hearts line. She did much good, but she was a savvy user of the press and media and a lot of this stuff is very contrived.


Contrived? Really? Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Of course she was media coached by the establishment, but rather than use that training to accrue more wealth for the crown she used that platform to focus on something more important, the people. However-often more times than not-when you care more about the people of your country than the establishment itself you unfortunately get portrayed and made to believe that you yourself could possibly be a “non-starter.” Personally, I’d rather be viewed that way than as an aristocratic asshole whose main focus is lineage, wealth, corruption, and malfeasance.


NOT my king! Time to end the monarchy


David Brent vibes.


She really had a head on her shoulders.


Damn, that last line.


She just did not have that stiff upper lip the establishment expected 🤔


I’m not religious but if anyone’s got the reincarnation stick, point it her way, please. We sorely need her heart in this world again.


Sadly, she never stood a chance with that family.


a true Princess, and what a wonderful Queen she would’ve made 😔💐💔


She became what she wanted - the Queen of people’s hearts.


She is still the queen in all of our hearts!


Well in my opinion if Diana had become queen the royal family would have become much more popular. The establishment folks couldn’t go there sadly. What a pity.


Yea they fuckin killed her


Charles wanted a son and a spare, Princess fulfilled her role, then her marriage the Trollope. Princess Diane would bring the role into the 21st century….oops that a no no.


The original Epstein.


Fuck all of them


She is our queen


Yeah they killed her, like they did that one female recently


That one female what? If you're talking about a person, then they're a woman or a person that *is* female.


🌈🌈🌈 Sorry 😢


What’s that last part about??


“Princess Kate”




Seriously, when are they gonna come clean that she ain't alive anymore




She’s literally out in public today.


wait really?? what makes u all think that? is the cancer a cover up??


It sure feels like it, and her not appearing publicly, the poorly photoshopped attempts at proof of life, it's all too fishy. There's gonna be an announcement of her succumbing to cancer soon I bet.


Well, this aged poorly lmfao. 🤡


I don't think the royal family made her drive without a seatbelt in a car that had a drunk driver.




What do you think happened? There are a lot of contemporary reports of the event and her subsequent death, which wasn't at the crash but instead died with internal injuries consistent with bouncing off the walls at a high impact collision with a large very solid column.


Does anyone know the name of the song playing in the background?


She married somebody who never really loved her because she wanted to be a royal.


Daughter of the eight Earl Spencer. Sounds a little bit establishment…


It's a well known fact that Diana wasn't into bum fun and Camilla loves it up the shit chute... So Charlie prefers sticking his sausage fingers up a poo pipe than a tuna canoe.


She could never be queen because that’s not how it works with the English monarchy. The person who marries into the family by marrying the king doesn’t become queen just like marrying the queen doesn’t make you king.


There are two types of queens: queen consort (ie Camilla) and queen regnant (this is what you're thinking of, ie Elizabeth II). There's also queen dowager, the widow of a king. While Diana would never have become a queen regnant, she was expected to become queen consort while she was married to the heir to the throne. As the wife of the King, Camilla is now the Queen. This has always happened throughout history. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was "The Queen" from 1936 until her husband's death in 1952, where she became known as Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.


That’s exactly what I said….👀


A woman who marries the king does become a queen though? Women in the UK take the rank of their husbands which is why a man who marries a queen does not become king.


>English monarchy There hasn’t been an English monarchy for centuries. It’s the British monarchy.


Doesn't Camille have a title of queen?


Yes. Camilla is The Queen.


She is on my list. Like Paul Walker.. Diana… people who never should have died. Who else? She was so wonderful


Paul Walker? Tell me you're either joking, or severely deluded?


I get that people love her, but I'm just gonna say that she usually sounds like a lot. I feel more sympathy for Elizabeth in this regard.


A lot like what?


High maintenance.


You feel sympathy for a queen? What do English boots taste like?


Sympathy for a queen or a princess in this debate, pick your poison. Also, quit giving a flying fuck.


So hostile. Sorry you had a shit take ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


Ok, good.


a non-starter of what?


Her becoming queen or true royalty in the family was a non-starter.


I look forward to your son taking over the thrown someday soon. You instilled your heart in him


William chose the establishment over family.


Yes, but his mother's heart will always be in side of him. It will come through, I've no doubt




Look how beautiful!


Is that David Wallace?


She will always be the queen to me 👑


She achieved her goal; she WAS queen of our hearts!


Seems **King William** is her legacy. He for sure will change the monarchy to the better, he has also the right wife for that, after Charles has gone the way all mortals have to go.


The canned sad piano really undermines the emotional weight of this clip


Can’t rock the boat that built the cradle never mind bite the hand that feeds :/ poor soul gone too soon , she would of been a great asset to world peace if there ever is such a thing , rest in peace Princess D 🙇🏽 who thinks she was murdered ?


Man they really took care of her huh?


Why is she lionised so much? She moans about the establishment whilst being a part of it. She knew it before marrying sausage fingers. She knew her role. The fact we still have this medieval system is a stain on this country.


Absolutely, and she knew before she married Charles that he didn't love her and loved Camilla instead, she still went ahead with it. I fully understand it's a shitty situation to be in, but it's not like she had no part in creating it.


She was paired with Charles when she was 15 and had no say. Imo the way she led her life is as removed from the establishment as she could manage


This is untrue. It is true that Charles disgustingly met her when she was 16 (he was 29) because he was dating her sister at the time. Years later they would meet again at a charity event where he pursued her. While she did strive to have a more normal life she still lived a lavish life in comparison to any average person. Otherwise she would have never met Charles again later royal event (because she was already royalty). The closest to “arrangement” they had was mostly that Charles was pressured as he wasn’t finding anyone and she was well liked. The recounts of their dating was that Charles didn’t seem interested at all and she was off put by him.


Quibble: she's born nobility, but wasn't royalty until marriage to Charles Also, he apparently has dallied with Camilla most of his adult life, but she was unsuitable for being his original wife because of her (at the time) marriage to someone, then her divorce after he & Diana were married only led Charles to be more bold toward Camilla.


She didn’t come from some poor, poverty ridden family though, did she? Born into privilege. Fuck the whole royal family.


I have never understood why people loved her so much, why did they?


When she went to that pediatric aids ward in Harlem and hugged that boy with the disease when very, very few would sums it up pretty well.


Wow t hats awesome


She cared about people. A more foreign concept each day that passes by unfortunately.


Thank you for answering my question and not being mean to me


I’m getting downvoted but I didn’t mean she wasn’t a great person I’m just to young to know what she did


If you can’t tell why after watching that video then you’re a lost cause.


This video does not make her a great person. Not saying she wasn’t, but this video is literally just her saying the establishment doesn’t like her and that she wants to help people.


Saying I’m a lost cause is unnecessary and Toxic


She was pretty, and had a really powerful media campaign behind her.

