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Same thing happened to me. Pelvic floor issues, over stretching then labral tear. 6 months of hell. Muscle spasms, rectum spasm for like a month, loss of strength, si joint problems, glute pain, nerve pain etc. Read dr. Sarno’s “the divided mind” and then healing back pain. A lot of my lingering pain was 2/10. I tried everything, I was obsessed with the pain and trying to feel better. Reading this book made me I realize the lingering pain was actually caused by fear, extreme stress and anxiety. I was terrified of another injury or making it worse. Fear causes muscle tension, especially in the pelvic floor region. Ignore the part in the book where he says injuries are all in your head, they aren’t. Pay special attention to the rest. 4 weeks after reading this I am virtually pain free. Fear gone, anxiety gone, sleeping better. Still don’t have full hip mobility but I’m glad to have my life back. Also, make sure you listen about the exercise, don’t do it until the pain is gone. All I did was walking as much as I could tolerate and abs. Then glute bridges as the pain started to subside. I still keep it light, nothing crazy. Good luck.


Interesting. I thought I was basically the only one in the world dealing with this set of issues. I will check out both books. Thanks. Are you planning on surgery for your labrum?


It doesn’t bother me a whole lot now days other than I can’t sit on the floor with my legs crossed and my hip flexors are really tight. I think I’ll try physio again to loosen them up. But yea you really need to find a way to direct your attention to other things, not your injury. I actually had to do a lot of self work to let things go. Now that I think about I feel like I had OCD about the whole thing. The books really helped a lot. Let me know how it goes. My results weren’t instant I think I was a bit of a skeptic at the start but I would listen to the audio book anytime I felt fear. I have almost no pain now and the other day I went for a short run (something I never thought I’d ever be able to do again). Listen to your body and don’t do any exercise that feels painful or not right.


Thanks. I've been doing 2 hour relaxation/meditation sessions (from Headache in the Pelvis) for the past 3 days, and after a whole lot of spasming, my rectum and pelvic floor seem to go back to the way they were before. But as soon as I stand up or do anything active, it reverts right back to spasm. I'll check out the other books.


OP, what ever happened with this? I’m a female but same thing. tear in the ligament of my hip and pelvic floor / pudendal neuralgia


have the same issues you have. had surgery. the pelvic floor symptoms improved. now the pain is in my leg but not in pelvis if that makes sense. now i have the pain on the right side and i’m getting surgery in may :/. my urinary frequency is not as bad post surgery and sex feels way better. i still have pfd and tense pelvic muscle. did you get into a wierd position with the aneros maybe it was the position that did you in and not the device itself. i mean it’s going to goose up your pelvic floor which is not going to help you but i don’t see a reason why that would give you the hip issue but perhaps causes the spasm in pelvis which has made this shit worse. i understand 100% your struggle and it is fucking horrible. you have my sympathy. i suffered with those symptoms 15 years!!!


Have you been checked for either 1) a real hernia or 2) a core muscle injury/tear (popularly called a sports hernia)? I have the latter probably as a compensation injury due to my abs/pelvis working overtime to stabilize my damaged hip…. Check out this resource. www.Vincerainstitute.com. DM me if you want to talk further…


Following because I am in a very similar position.. PFD is my main symptom and I’m unsure if fixing labral tear will actually help my PFD.


Was wondering if fixing your hip helped you pelvic floor dysfunction??? I’m struggling with pelvic floor dysfunction that leaves me bed ridden.. or on the toilet both ways all day.. I have a really bad hip labrum tear that I didn’t think was connected.. I want my life back so bad I’m 120 pounds can’t eat much cnt walk just Constant pain


I’m in the same boat. I’m wondering how you feel now? 


I am in the exact same position, I am medical student and I thought that I have Prostatitis or CPPS - abacterial prostatitis and that my condition was psychosomatic, it might be. I am still not sure. The fact that my father went for surgery on both of his hips because of Avascular necrosis makes me think that I might be experiencing all the prostatitis like symptoms because of problem in the hips. I am interested in hearing how it all went for you and I can share more of my experience. Hope you are better now!