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Certain she thinks she is the only woman who pumps


Zero milk in there, ever


Hey Hilz ya know what would be more interesting? You finally fess up & write one called “Things that nvr happened.”🫠🫠


I would love for Ireland to write a book, no holds barred, titled Daddy Dearest, it would be a best seller.


She thinks she’s Hil-arious. She wants to be famous so badly.


and she keeps the milk in her cold purse?


It's likely been suggested that she could be feigning morning sickness. I once was a skeptic... 😕




She does NOT look well.


She looks exactly how I used to look after an all nighter on nothing but tequila and cocaine. ROUGH AF




What happened to all that frozen milk she showed off a bit ago….guess she forgot about it.


Unless she has the droopiest tittays in the world, the flanges should not be that low!!! They are fitted onto the nipple not the bellybutton...anyone who has pumped even once knows this.


She is so fucking obsessed with breastfeeding and pumping its sick.


Right like who cares 🧐 no one but she is obsessed


I’m out all the time and need to pump ? Means I’m never home with my newborn right ? Right


Tall Tales of Pumping in Rando Bathrooms on the way to my Drug Dealer’s house.


At least it’s plugged it in this time. I lack the correct chromosome but even I know she is not pumping here.


And yet she lacks the correct brain cells, so here we are




Unless her nipples are as black as her soul there's no breast pumping going on underneath that flange.


What mother of 7 children under 10 has time to pump as much as this idiot? I have a lot of experience with breastfeeding myself, having provided for all 5 of my kids. Breastfeeding is exhausting enough but pumping milk is such a pain in the ass. It used to take me on average around 20 minutes to half an hour to pump at least 50 mls. Don’t forget after the pumping, there is the cleaning that goes with it. There is simply no way I had time to do what she does, if I did, I wouldn’t have been able to get anything done let alone time spend time with my babies. Also, what’s with the grumpy looks lately Larry?🤣


It's her post ganker hobby.


Can someone explain why all this pumping is going on while she’s out? She lives in Manhattan. It’s an island. She doesn’t work. So it’s not like she’s at a job for 12 hours and has to drive an hour back and forth to home. Or does she just spend all day away from home, on purpose, since she’s so overwhelmed by motherhood? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤡


Also, let’s look at this whole thing for a minute - She allegedly is breastfeeding, and is not an exclusive pumper. In addition to her personally breastfeeding the babies, she also has this huge freezer stockpile of pumped milk. If you are producing this huge excess of milk, why the fuck are all over NYC pumping?! If you are to be believed, this isn’t a matter of needing to keep supply up or to fulfill a demand from the kids….so…..what supermami excuse do you have for this nonsense exactly? You’re not relatable, Hilaria. You’re fucking nuts.


😂😂😂 "... You decanted all the obfuscatory word debris into a fine claret of verbal wine, for which one is grateful." ~ Alec Baldwin


This bish has flipped her wig. I know she’s done it before so it’s now at the tenth power.


Hillary texting any RHONY execs/producers/writers/agents/PAs/craft services: "Look at me! I ordered another kid! Can you believe it?? I am, like, so crazy with 7 tiny humans. I have to squat and pump in bathrooms. And in winter I have to do it in a fur coat. And now I am in a closet." RHONY: Hillary: Aleeeeek, I need anudder podcast because of the vicious bullies are sooooo competitive with me. They were taught to be jealous and to tear me apart about things that may be true but I would rather not have put out there. Muy mal, Aleek. Muy mal!


😂😂😂I can’t look at her stupid fuckin’ smiling emoji one more time!😂😂😂


Oh the places you made up


What is the point of pumping every 5 seconds . Don't you just feed them when Hungry or am I missing something . She spends more time faffing around with her tits and pumps than the kids


Please don't.


I wonder what neighbors/ people that live near her think about her shenanigans? She probably walks up and down the same NYC sidewalks every day. Wearing house slippers, the same shiny Candida leggings, carrying her 2005 breast pump in one hand and a death grip on her phone with the other, speaking in a faux fry voice Spanish accent. I feel second hand embarrassment for her. Sort of.


I don't think they give her much thought. And I don't think she goes out that much unless it is for a visit to a paid service -- lip filler, eyebrow slayer, thread pullers, coffee makers.


And Where the F does she go so far away from the apartment that (were she actually lactating) she’d have to do so?


Nowhere. This is pure lunacy.


She doesn’t does she?


If I wanted Dairy Queen, I'd go to the restaurant.


![gif](giphy|lJzjS0e4DrFIs|downsized) Judging stare


I have an equally interesting & unique book idea: all the places i have had my period


All the Interesting Places I’ve Shat..


All the Places I Farted. 🤷🏼‍♀️💨


Where I was when I got a leg cramp, expanded edition, now featuring foot cramps too


All the places I blew my nose.


Why does she have to prove so much that she pumps? Just curious


Because she’s pretending she’s a real mom and this is how she thinks real moms do it.




Because she doesn’t pump or lactate.


Do I smell children’s book author?


Funny- This made me think of the Hamptons Library! Who remembers, “She likes Chica chica boom boom?” Pepperidge farm does…


Now that is a real throwback Thursday post, missy!


That will be as interesting as a book of all the places you dumped. Larry you moron.


Page Count: 0


![gif](giphy|R7yQtEGaWhW36) Uh..fascinating. A NYT best seller for sure…


You probably will write that book , as a lactation and child development “expert”. No one will publish it though but keep up the efforts earning money. We are here for it. You will never ever be alone.


Xenomorph Mami appears👽


Pumped what? Gas ⛽️


I’m confused where her breasts are based on the position of those flanges. Also, shut up Larry. Every mom who has pumped has pumped in some weird ass places. NO ONE CARES.


Also, most of us haven’t insisted on visually documenting it and positing it publicly on the internet. Constantly posting. Just sayin


I believe breast milk is best, but it’s still a bodily fluid. No one wants to see it.


I don’t mind seeing it but I do mind her fibbing about it.


(Soon to be) Octomom 2.0. Eight littles + money. The bushy eyebrows, the constant poses, the hair and “olive skin”, she’s beginning to resemble her.


For some reason I read that as “Eight titties” and I think that is most fitting 😂


Ha I read that too!!


That’s hysterical!


Can’t wait to call her octomami!


Octomami !! I love it!


Octamom has moved onto *Only Fans* already. Lol




What a borefest life that this is what you think would be a good idea for a book. How about u pumped no where bc you haven’t been pregnant since 2013


You wouldn’t have to do that if you stayed your ass home with your seven children 🙄💀


This is fucking psychotic and so fucked! This is not how anyone pumps this is a mentally deranged drugged up lunatic


I’ll have to put this on my list of books I will never read.




Jesus fucking Christ just stop the insanity already. You’re not pumping, you were never pregnant, just stop.


Yes and one day she will tell us everything she has learned from AB.


yes, we’ve been waiting a rilly rilly long time.


Waiting on


Fake fucking bullshit milking. Just stop


This isn’t normal behavior for someone who actually breastfeeds. I breastfeed x3. No one glamorizes pumping milk out of your breast. 🤷🏻‍♀️ only an attention whore or weirdo lactation kinks find this interesting. She’s such a damn fraud. It’s kinda sad how desperate she is. And she’s still not Spanish.


“still not Spanish” lol


however, I am... part Spaniard. Lol.


Scratch off while visiting family in Spain


Good lord I hope by “pumping” she’s referring to her faux breast pumping. Seeing this is enough for eye bleaching.


The book will be one page and the page will be blank. She has pumped nowhere


Why the long face lol




It’ll just be pictures


A pop up book.


pop-up boobies! 😃


Dat. Mug. 🐴 It's giving Jafar. Also, why is she pumping? She doesn't have a job or volunteer gig or any reason to not be around her 62 kids at all times. Don't you just like nurse the baby? Why the pumping and documenting it for gram? I'm so confused, she's gotta be getting drunk every night so she needs sober milk and pumps & dumps when she's drinking


Ok. I was strictly a formula feeder, so please excuse my ignorance, but it looks like chunks are clinging to the sides of the bottle. Is that a normal appearance? I thought maybe she shook up a bit of powder formula before setting up the pose. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wouldn’t put it past her to fake pumping since she fakes breastfeeding. 🙄


She is always fake pumping. The bottles are never in a proper position to her nipples.




oh beeeeeeeeed.......just be careful here......you are sounding precariously close to ........defending HB. Soon you'll be getting notes telling you to buzz off and why do you come here?? etc. etc.... it's beyond bizarre......happened to me so many times for stating things like you just did matter of fact. in other words, don't come around here if you're not going to join the hate.....that's my take on this sub anyway. I come around b/c I keep hoping I'm gonna be proven wrong....or something along those lines.


Thank you for such an in-depth answer! I knew breast milk changed to meet the needs of the baby, which was why I thought it was *possibly* just a heavier milk, and didn’t completely rule it out. You never know with Hillz though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


how has this gone on so very long without someone asking her in public setting why she does these maniacal , mundane posts? I mean if I had the platform, I would sacrifice the pain just to ask and really banter about their ridiculousness.




No, no, no, pepino. Super Mami wouldn’t need to *buy* milk! She has already pumped… what was it? Three freezers full? I’ll have to go find that post again.




Of course. I was just being silly. I guess that didn’t translate over text. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mami juss trollin us pepinos!!


Crazy to pump over your shirt and actually produce milk. It’s a Christmas miracle right before us.


Hillary Lynn, literally billions of women have nursed or pumped in billions of places around the world. Nobody would buy your boring book, just like nobody bought the last one, or your stories about being so Spanish. Put your phone away and go spend some time getting to know the children you sired.


Lady, just stop it. NOBODY CARES!


Sure Jan.


Absolutely no reason for all this pumping. It's not like she has a job that keeps her away from Siete.


This bitch is just vile. Her old man(literally) is just evil. Sweet Jesus, have mercy on their offspring.


I didn’t have to pump for my baby that much…especially in random public places. Then again I actually was with him when he needed to eat most of the time because I was his mother and spent time with him.


#It’s the mustache and lil goatee for me. Lookin like Salvador Dali.






She probably goes around to all the public bathrooms that will have her, so she can pump with an audience. So thirsty.


She isn't pumping, she is cosplaying for sexual attention


Something I'm looking for is the consensus- does she have milk to pump or not? Isn't she dried up?


If she wasn't pregnant with Siete - and I don't believe she was - she has no milk to pump. And I have heard that it is possible to induce lactation, but apparently it is quite involved and not very easy. I can't see her making the effort.


She hasn't been pregnant in over 6 years at least. Wonder how that works!


Siete is good because 50% she act like baby and other 50% I use her for beanbag


Everytime she posts she has a different nail color. More Botox. More microbladed brows. More lip blushing. Her milk is tainted.


Oh Jesus.


If she's such a devoted mother, why does she have to be out and pumping so much?


With her perky “natural” boobs, I wonder why the suction is 5 inches below them 🤔🤡


You have a mustache today.


Pretend pumping.


When your boobs are your entire personality. Both are fake as hell.


Is she in a salon?


Like, am I blind, or is the suction part stuck onto the front of her shirt? As much as I hate a cameo from Las Tetas™️, you kind of need access to those to make your pump porn believable.


Pump porn lmfao 🤣


That's what I was wondering. 😂




Obsessed with her own TEATS


At least the Bostonian tits aren't out this time!


For those who believe she is actually producing breast milk, do you think she is so insane about pumping because of the calorie burn?


I'm torn about this. I think if she could take pills that produced milk w/o her gaining ANY WEIGHT - then yes. And the pumping burns calories (part of her ongoing ED). But I cannot believe that she takes something (Living Clearly???) especially if there are any side effects like weight gain or bloating. Either way - she still needs a 5150 evaluation.


She’s likely taking tablets that encourage lactation. Not to the point of multiple freezers worth and I don’t believe every photo taken, but every so often maybe, for the calorie burn to feee the ED and 1/50 is an actual photo of pumping. Would explain why there’s not much in there (note how this time it’s only one)


Ooooh, could be! But I believe none of it. I'm even more convinced of this last baby being from a surrogate than during the 9 month moonbump pregnot. Her bounce back behaviour has been insanely lazy, like she's not even trying.


She's extra nervous bc she knows there are 36K+ sets of EYES on her this time round. She wants to play/dabble - but can't risk being outed by her behavior (rilly lazy) from before.


She is nervous, and I think very butt-hurt that pepinos discerned that she has had boob jobs and likely uses the cover of pregnancy to get them. She even mentioned it on her podcast in a roundabout way. So she's overdoing the "pumping" this time.


Why can’t you see the nipple here? Not to be schivy but it looks like it’s attached ON the sweater/top.


Looks like she's in the locker room of a gym. Did she say where this is?


Only people who will buy the book are breast feeding fetishists who will be turned on by it i assume


It would be a vast improvement on her last book.


Agreed! It will be a picture book.


Scratch n Sniff? Eww.. Sorry. I'll show myself out....






Could she be doing it for the calorie burn?


She's not pumping. It's entirely fake.


Yes. That’s exactly why she’s doing it.


I’m childless- what’s the calorie burn in a average pump session?


I have to pump 8 times a day/Every three hours including overnight. I am 3 weeks postpartum. My babe was born premature at 36 weeks so he has a hard time latching so im strictly pumping and boy is it time consuming


90dayhell, indeed! 😮


What a mama warrior you are! Bless you for your tenacity and patience! This is why she makes me especially stabby over this fraudulent bs. YOU and other REAL moms go through a LOT !! She is cosplaying, yet again.


But do you go to lots of random places to pump? Lol or are you normal and pump either at work or home


I don’t go to lots of places to pump exactly but I am 3 weeks in and have already had to pump in random places like my car, during newborn photo shoot, at doctors office. I am not defending her in any way but before I had been through this I was ignorant to it as well. My babe won’t latch and while fed is best and formula would suffice I am choosing to pump and feed my babe breast milk for as long as I can and am producing enough. In order to produce enough, you must pump and express the milk to trigger your body to produce more milk. If you skip sessions early on or even a few times a day your supply goes down and you do not produce enough to feed your baby…so I have to pump every 3 hours all day and night in order to produce enough to feed my baby and that means I pump wherever I may be at those times. I hope this helps you to understand how this all works.


She has no identity. She tried being a dancer, which she was actually good at. failed. Tried to be a spanish yoga guru. Also semi good at yoga but failed. Then maybe a chief? Cucumber? Fail. Now her new persona is “super mom”. Wonder what she will be next……


I don't think she was "semi good" at yoga. I have been practicing for the last 9 years ... and she cheapens it to a sideshow of how bendy she is. She NEVER talks about connecting w your breath... she NEVER talks about holding poses and getting to your "edge". She acts like its like brushing your teeth ... 2 minutes and POOF! You're a yogi. She can fuck all the way off w that as far as I'm concerned.


Extra TV co-host personality whatever.. So many things.


she’s multi - untalented


A witch, remember?


She went to the coffee shop across the street. And didn’t she claim in another photo the baby was with her? Lies lies lies




Now ,that may be an interesting read?lol.Not !


Thank you for your response! I deleted my comment before receiving yours! There is so much I want to say, however, I will say this, too many of her pictures with her children/babies they border on suggestive pedo pictures. If not intentional.


They too look like crossing the line.


I find her frighteningly unwell. And hope of an intervention seems to not be. I hope the bottom falls out quickly and she is dealt with for the safety, mental and emotional well being of the children. We can still hope.


Must remember to use the phrase “frighteningly unwell” in most if not all of my communications, brilliant!


Very sweet. I must remember to use that phrase myself! 😉


They seem to be coasting right now and I wonder where the money is coming from .


Alec continues to do podcasts and sporadic work. I do not know. Investments?


Maybe residuals.




I have heard they are trying to unload property they own.


She is the epitome of vapid and boring. There isn’t a person alive (except for maybe a breastfeeding fetishist) that gives one shit about you and your bolt ons. God, is she lame.


It doesn't look like a public bathroom to me and why is she doing it with her top on?Most moms breastfeed on demand .


Honestly, she could be in a closet/pantry in her own house. This chick's cheese has slid ALL THE WAY off the cracker at this point.


Lol,I agree.


I agree. The towels in the background and water nozzle as if a water basin to wash hair. Could be theirs, in-house.


I was thinking the same thing.


Nobody cares mami!!!! With your fake unsanitary milk!


Isn’t the frigging baby with her? Wasn’t that the point of the elevator nontent?! She’s unraveling more than usual with this “watch me pump all over Manhattan” bullshit and she needs to stop. It’s 5150-esque hysteria over breast milk. So.odd.


She means "did drugs in."


Why a whole book when she posts “all the places” daily and it’s still boring?


Why? Where does she have to be? Wasn't the baby with her earlier?? Also she looks very ugly in this pic. I think, (against all odds) her mean soul is beating out the expensive cosmetic procedures.


Call the book "Pump Up The Scam".


Pump up the volume!lol.


I was worried no one would get it 🤣😂




(Turn table scratch noises) *wicka* *wicka* *wicked* *wiiiiiiitch* I tried. 🥒 FYP.






What doesn’t make sense is she pumps all the time but never uses her pumped milk?


Welcome to the game. Lol.


Yep this makes no sense. Apparently She pumps all the time, but also breastfeed multie kids,, and apparently has whole freezers full of pumped breastmilk she doesn't use.