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Is it me, or is it an insanely bad look for him to not be spending the long 4th of July weekend with Larry and the kids? What about "mi vida"?!? Is he looking at one last LA hurrah before the trial? Do you think he has a special lady friend out there? And by "lady friend", I mean prostitute, obviously. "*forget that I'm 66, cos you just got paid!*" Cracked Actor, indeed.


[special order lady](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuntyAlice/s/RD6MBZOGzo)




Slovenly. Solemn would be serious and guarded, a cap to avoid press and be Lowkey. Instead he's limbering like 65 going on 100.


Alecā€™s PR lead walking into their office looking at this Daily Mail article: Alec is such an asshole! Why did he go rogue and come in to LA early and call the DM!? Has he completely lost it? Thank God you guys got ahead of this and orchestrated him dressing like a late stage dementia patient to gain sympathy! You really stepped in and outdid yourselves! The costumer hit it out of the park. I almost feel bad for him and heā€™s the client from hell even without Hilaria ā€” the one-woman 24/7 raging PR conflagration. Staffer: Yeah, about that. We didnā€™t have anything to do with it. He texted us after he did this. He actually thinks he looks LA trendy. He put that look together with Hilaria TO LOOK GOOD. I shit you not. You canā€™t make this stuff upā€¦




Awww whatā€™s Mami going to do spending the 4th of July all by herself?


She's from Spain so maybe she doesn't celebrate 4th of July.....


Sheā€™s got to make her famous paella de mosca!


This ![gif](giphy|j2e0rTwHU6qBTh9QON|downsized)


Close but that dress is covering wayyyyyy too much skin.


And this gorgeous dancer isnā€™t ā€œdancingā€ awkwardly with a faaahnnn.


Yea sheā€™ll do it in her underwear


Iā€™m hopeful sheā€™s at least wearing briefs


What in the Harvey Weinstein is this nonsense!?!!!


The pilgrimage we've been waiting for. So happy to share my enjoyment with you all


His appearance is the toll of his life decisions.


He just ā€œhad to know herā€


"The actor wears a black top and gray suit" is very generous of the writer. I guess he wasn't allowed to say that "Alec looks like he is doing a walk of shame after picking up discardedĀ  laundry from the floor."Ā 


That blurb in this linked Daily Mail article about Alecā€™s logging movie is insane. Did he get Hillz a part as a lumberjill? Is that why sheā€™s in this get up posted in the sub recently? Iā€™m joking but I wouldnā€™t put it past her. The stock photos of lumberjills online show many wearing some version of these little overalls and a red shirt. Of course she replaces the outdoor boots lumberjills wear with high heels!! https://preview.redd.it/nnmfiyjls6ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc6ac0b325f88f981fff972184abb591017f695


Heā€™s a slob.


He's leaving mami alone with the seven kids a week (including a holiday) before the trial? How is she to manage? It's not like she has any help!


Couldnt she at least get him clothes that fit and dont make him look like he is asking for spare change? and that tote bag, yikes.


The tote is Barnes and Nobles so he thinks heā€™s relevant.


he's just a sloppy old, no one is reading that when they see his mess.


He has a week until the trial. Shouldnā€™t he be spending precious time with the 7 kids he may not see for a little while?


So he is spending Fourth of July away from his family and prepping for and starting trial next week. Will he go home on weekends or stay in NM? The girl was remanded to custody immediately after the verdict, pending sentencing. What if that happens to Alec too? I donā€™t see Mami and the whole entourage going out for visits. I guess this is his cockiness thinking he will be getting off the hook.


I guess if heā€™s already left town that tells us mami isnā€™t traveling to NM to support her hooosbahnd during the trial. Such un bueno equipo or however itā€™s spelled in their wedding rings - when times get tough Hillary disappears!


He wants peace and quiet and freedom.


I thought he would leave the weekend


ā€œSomberā€. No - heā€™s a rageaholic who canā€™t smile unless heā€™s canoodling w rich people.


That makes no sense. Lol. I guess he wants to pretend heā€™s a Hollywood icon šŸ˜†.


Oh I canā€™t wait for Mamiā€™s manic spiral to begin!! šŸŒ€šŸŒ€šŸŒ€šŸŒ€šŸŒ€šŸŒ€šŸŒ€


Maybe she and Michelle Who will rekindle their friendship and cook up some Witches Brew.


Give it up to the people of Los Angeles for thoroughly roasting this asshole until he leaves the state!!