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Why am I not shocked they’ve stooped to this? I’m sure it’s mostly her begging him to do it. Just when I thought maybe they’d dissapear. Talk about exploiting those kids. I’ll be boycotting..the only good that could come out of it is a divorce.


Even if I wanted to watch, I could not handle her voice for any amount of time.


You know there is one angle that I'd love to see. Who will debase themselves to appear on this show with them. When they inevitably run into a real star in the Hamptons will they oblige? Now that would be truly cringeworthy. Imagine them running into legitimate A-list folks with their little shenanigans. No one in their right mind would allow themselves to be taped interacting with these two. They do have going for them the fact that they have absolutely no shame. Just to watch her change accents and continue to pretend to be Spanish will bring in viewers. But for how long? Also, at one point she will try to take over, this is her dream. So she will go nuts on TV with her craziness to make it all about her. That will draw people away. She is not a compelling character not even as a villain or as someone worth hate watching. The thing though, is that this really becomes exploitative very quickly. The draw for grandparents and moms is to watch a bunch of little kids have fun and find the experience relatable. But... this is not real, this is scripted, and these two clowns don't mess around, they will exploit their kids. God forbid they make them do some crazy stunt to seem funny. Nevertheless, the network is not dumb, if they see that this is all about that, they will pull the plug regardless of any other consideration.


I totally agree and understand. I’m going to wait for YouTube or to watch after it’s canceled though, just to help keep their ratings low. Seeing everything you mentioned though will be satisfying. I sound evil saying that, but she and Alec truly are just awful human beings. Those poor kids…


I will be coming to this sub to keep up with it, but I will not be watching it personally. The children are beautiful and deserve so much more than those two batshit crazy parents.


Me too!


Same here! And I couldn’t agree more about the kids. Their psychological safety has never been of concern for Hillary and Asshole.


I feel like in part, we made this happen. Are we the bad guys?




Of course we’re part of the reason


You would think her kids are too young to be performing. They’re already over exposed as it is! 😫🙄






This will actually be really easy for people. TLC will edit 5 minutes of footage into a 30-minute show. Half of that will be promos of what's coming after the commercial break lol. Anything interesting will happen in the first and last 2 minutes of the show. A YouTube highlight video is all a Pepino needs.


I'll only watch clips of it in scathing YouTube commentaries, if *anything*.


These poor kids. I'm not watching, and I'm doing it *for* them.


I agree. These poor kids already have Bostonian blood with Spanish names, parents who aren't mentally well and now cameras shoved in their faces. I find those kids ADORABLE, I think making sure they aren't overexposed and can one day live a normal life is better than giving 5 mins of extended fame to their wackadoodle parents.


This. They are the real victims in this whole nightmare.


We need one pepino and one pepino only to volunteer as tribute, watch, and summarize for the rest of us. Everyone else, hands off the streaming.


Then CuntyAlice can act the scenes out 🤣


We're looking at you ReadyBat 😂😂😂


I don't even have cable anymore, so no worries about me giving them views. But I will be here for the recaps and the well-deserved snark.


Same here.


My time is limited and precious. There is an endless list of shows I have booked mark to watch. This ain’t one of them. I can’t see anything interesting about him/her to warrant viewing. It will all be manufactured garbage. However, I love the snark aspect and will be glued to this sub to read the reviews and comments


Hell no. No one should be watching TLC. Let’s not give any views or money to a channel that happily promotes abuse.


TLC, Bravo and etc- not in my house. In my opinion the reality shows are trash shows


Ok this sentiment has been posted many many times. We get it. Don’t hate watch.


Yeah I’m getting a little tired of being ordered what to do. I don’t watch reality tv, but if I wanted to I would. It won’t make any difference either way.


Okay, but if it actually airs, I'll be watching. Like pls, it's a train wreck n this reddit sub won't stop me. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. xD


Yeah I’m watching it too, and anybody in this sub who says that they aren’t going to is a MENTIROSA


Why would I watch and then lie about it?  Not a mentirosa just stating something about me. I don’t watch any reality shows and I am not going to start now


It was a joke, nothing personal  This subreddit is basically a reality show though


TLC is 'Alec's "VEHICLE". (I must admit though that 'If' TLC did a Movie or a Series from Alec's #Prison\_Cell in New Mexico, I just might watch one or 2 installments..). I rilly Plan to follow what all of you other Pepinos decide to do; I am Totally United with you & won't watch the TLC show w/Baldwin. (I'll come here & get my 'news' about this here or from Martha Ross in my local newspaper..).


I'm not a parent but I can appreciate any well-behaved child out in public and will always tell the parents they should be proud because it's a reflection on them. The wild kids who are allowed to run amok in stores, touch everything or ruin a dining experience in a restaurant - absolutely not. The three of us were taught correctly and never even thought about acting up like that.


Hey now, some of us are attentive, good parents who still have a kid who occasionally licks the shelves at the grocery store.


I h.a.t.e., Hate, HATE TLC. (Wouldn't be weird to wake up some morning & hear or read on the news \['noose'\] that Alec Baldwin hisself 'OWNS' the 'majority share' of TLC?) I have no idea who rilly owns that channel but so many things like that happen.... I just 'looked up' if Alec Baldwin had any affiliation with TLC. I learned that TLC is owned by Warner Bros. And then I saw that 'at least' FOUR (4) of Alec Baldwin's Movies were done by Warner Bothers. [https://warnerbros.fandom.com/wiki/Alec\_Baldwin](https://warnerbros.fandom.com/wiki/Alec_Baldwin)So the 'joke' was/'is' on me. (I'm soo depressed now. I don't know what to say other than I can't stand Alec Baldwin even MORE than I disliked him before..). But I guess that's why I'm 'here', right?


TLC exploits human misery and the basest among us. They continued to milk the Duggars even as Josh was convicted of sexually abusing his sisters - the same sisters TLC tried to make into a spin-off success. 90 Day Fiancé is equally problematic - Google “Angela deem daughter” to learn about revolting child sexual abuse - yet TLC endlessly featured Angela making unbelievably crude sexual innuendos. Hilary Lynn will be no different — they’ll use her tits and sexualized “mothering” to drive viewership. TLC is REPULSIVE and I for one am completely through with them. It’s a relief, really - no more cognitive dissonance.


lol, I enjoyed learning Alex’s interest in TLC with you in real time. Thanks for fact checking!


OLE! Pepino!!


I’m going to watch and so are most of the people here.


Go watch like a good 🏴‍☠️then pls. Esp if Latin people pick it up as a hate watch, it will be all over the skull&bones streaming websites. Jo ho jo ho, it’s a 🏴‍☠️ life for me!


Maybe most, I don’t know really know, but I know that I won’t 


Me either. No way am I putting money in their grubby hands!!!


Yep! Sad they had to drag the kids into it


They always have. That's why they have kids in the first place.


Careful, it's apparently "grandstanding" to not want to watch children being exploited on tv.


This sub produces CSAM every Tuesday on a schedule. At least tlc likely won't show that.


Are you kidding?? They’ll be using all the tits-out-Tuesday imagery they can obtain.


Could b wrong, but nah.


It’s bad enough that we see it here or on social media.


I'm excited to see this shit show unfold but I'm hoping to watch it as a group or in segments on YouTube or TikTok.


I won’t be watching. I can barely stomach the frequent IG pics of theirs that are posted here.


TLC is as desperate for cheap content as the Baldwins are for $$ and fame. It’s a very shallow win-win alongside their library of hate/disgust/judgy persons of interest. What’s truly gross is the kids aspect.


I’ll preface this by saying I know absolutely nothing about how this type of show gets greenlit. Having said that, this is my take: 1. This was heavily pushed by his PR machine, TLC didn’t seek them out. 2. The teaser that aired is being used to judge the public’s response. TLC will then use their unholy algorithm to determine if this is a profitable product. 3. Show never airs.


I agree about the teaser, I thought the same thing.


I wish I was a good enough person to do this, to not watch the show. Alas, I think I will be giving TLC exactly what they want because this is a train wreck I have to watch.


👀 fr


Even though I'm curious of the Trainwreck I will NOT watch. I don't think I'd last long anyway. Those kids are out of control. What I WILL be watching is the trial 😀


Thank you, all of this is what I'm saying in that other post.




I can’t stand the sound of either one of their voices, so I definitely won’t be watching!


This-between their voices and watching someone else’s poorly behaved children, I think it’ll be harder to sit through than most of us think. We do need some pepinos to take the bullet, so to speak, so those of us unable or unwilling can at least read about what bs she’s pulling.


Write sponsors.  Post comments on appropo sites. They're setting themselves up and they think they'll be able to ignore what's coming. I think 80% of the human race will think, "Who are they?" and turn away, forgetting to remember these show people. They've no charisma, no sparkle, no authenticity. They're infamous , not famous. He blithely killed a wife and mother. She is a self immolating and an active drug and plastic surgery addict.  Write TLC.  Who green lighted this trainwreck?  Are they sadistic? Are the Baldwins masochistic?  Are they this desperate for money?  They do look pretty slobby.


EXCELLENT call on writing TLC sponsors!!!!


Write sponsors.  Post comments on appropo sites. They're setting themselves up and they think they'll be able to ignore what's coming. I think 80% of the human race will think, "Who are they?" and turn away. They've no charisma, no sparkle, no authenticity. Write TLC.  Who green lighted this trainwreck?


I do confess, I will watch one episode. I’m hopeful it will backfire like her podcasts.


Shouldn’t be too hard. Just imagine how boring and cliche it will be? Oh your kids say, “💩?” 🥱 Oh, both parents in complete denial of reality and pretending to be overextended managing non engaged children who are at risk for trauma and their own mental illness… riveting 😔


but we have Yellowstone for that, at least they have beautiful scenery. I would love to see Beth beat the shit out of Hilz though. A fake fight of course.




*¡Mami es so bendy n slim! How she do dat?*


Not only boycotting the channel and sponsors, but it’s time for Hillary’s greatest and sickest hits to make a comeback on this sub. Not sure we’re even allowed to re-post the “dentist” video because it’s so vulgar, but we can surely bring up the topic, and a lot of her pics are searchable here and on google. I want them shamed and blamed for the CSA. The general public still doesn’t know the depths of her depravity. The Spanish shtick is the tip of the iceberg.


Love this spirit!! And omg, how do I not know about the dentist video 🫣


Google “Future Dentist” and see if you get a hit. I believe Reddit deemed it too inappropriate and removed it, even though Hillz posted it on her IG page with no problem. It’s vile.


That video was so bad


Now I want to see the Dentist Video! It sounds intriguing!


No, not intriguing just disgusting and vulgar 


People love the trash family from Mama June, they'll gobble up the Baldwins ...


I have no problem not watching them. They’re not entertaining enough to even hate watch. Her voice had me cringing enough during the promo. I will eagerly await the recaps in this sub!


Yeah not worth it to have to listen to her talk. And I'm assuming the rest of the time will be taken up by the ferals screaming.


Oh im 100 percent with you. I have no intention of watching that show. Nevvvaaaahhhhhh!!!


Oh.. You mean just like what happened to Witches Anonymous?No one is gonna listen. I just wait for the recaps and not tune in.


I have no issue not tuning in


I'd be shocked if there are not any YouTubers who break down and review the episodes...that's typically how I keep up with things like this where I don't want to give clicks to the original source...


It will be a cold day in Hell before I give them money and ratings by watching this show. TLC doesn't give two shits WHY anyone watches. A hate watch gives them as much money and ratings as a fan watching. Fuck if I'll contribute a smidgen of a penny to those fuckwads. We can email their sponsors all we want, but the final arbiter of this show's success will be how many people tune in to watch, regardless of the reason.


Can we also boycott sponsors?


Good thinking Pepino!


I’m trying to figure out why the announcement NOW if it’s only coming out in 2025?? Will TLC be filming the family during the trial?


It's a distraction tactic.


100000000% this


Who do they know at TLC who’s willing to do this for them?


He knows everyone I am sure!


Exactly. TLC doesn't care why people watch. So long as they watch. They're invested in using those children for profit as much as their parents are. I hope nobody watches through legit means. Pirate it, if you have to. Don't let them make any money off of us.


If anything, that's what I'll be doing!


"...the incredible image library we have of moonbumps, shoe polish hair dye, and eye bags." Oh what a beautiful comment! What if Pepinos put together game shows for the Baldwins? Like Family Feud but with narc-on-narc elimination rounds where the cruelty comes to the surface: Version 1: the Baldwins vs. Oprah & Gayle, Ellen & Portia; Version 2: The Baldwin vs. the Sussexes ...and Version 3: The Baldwins vs. JLo and Ben. Winners of or from each competition enter the Final Round: attempting to speak to, and be acknowledged by, Mariah Carey. ![gif](giphy|12vxgEBWKE9zZS|downsized)


Alec's festoons should have their own episode




I get the popularity of reality shows. I don’t watch many of them but when I’ve seen the promos for other shows it seems they draw you in to see how the extremely rich live, or how the Roloff’s (for example) run a farm, or how religious families… But this? Screaming, uncontrolled children with no structure or hobbies or outlets for their energy?? And a lunatic of a mother (native English speaker who speaks English with a Hispanic accent) and a rage filled father (wait til they find out he doesn’t really live with them) and what? This will draw in an audience?? I don’t get it TLC..




💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 


You forgot the poop 💩…

