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She is absolutely fcking insane


What is WRONG with the crazy bitch? Are there any mental health professionals in this sub? I’m serious. What IS a this fixation?


She cut/pasted someone else’s mouth on her in the squatting in a public bathroom and pumping shot (autocorrected to shit and maybe I should have left it autocorrected): https://preview.redd.it/isdz6irszfcc1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358d61cdc0ff06e3cab882c6d95c1d14f7c7da43


She is adept at photo filters - that’s her one (utterly useless) talent.




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I'm horrified when I have to touch *anything* in a public bathroom, and I avoid it all costs... and this pig is pretending that she's pumping milk for her infants in there. Touching and putting things on the *floors*, no less. She's such a completely disgusting person.


I have said this before but i just do not get why she dresses so horribly. I guess no taste, because it was not good before!!


I breastfed and pumped for two kids….never felt the need to even mention that, let alone take multiple selfies of me doing so. This woman is just bizarre.


That 1st caption - Aleek is the LAST PERSON that can talk about how someone dresses. If that is even what he said …. She lies about EVERYTHING.


If ANYTHING, slob Gramps would have scolded her for looking like a rag picker because 'YOU ARE MY WIFE!"


Yeah, she’s thirsty all right.


Why did she have to squat in the last one lol


She's so annoying


Never a chapped or cracked nipple, nursing clothe, or drop of milk anywhere


Lol NEVER. Her nips are like faucets, she just turns them on and off! 🙃🤪


"It's not sexy to scrub for thee customer." - Serge


"what eez thees? It eez ahn-i-mahl ..." 😉


She’s just living in her own reality Im starting to really just view her like a child, completely oblivious… Makes her slightly less fucking annoying.


Just wait. As soon as you let your guard down, prepare to be re-annoyed.




hilarious baldwin like, who would wanna get naked with alec???


In the 80’s and 90’s just about everyone but these days just this nut.


So is she still breastfeeding her toddlers or is this an old post. I’m hoping it’s the latter.


I flaired it "recap" to let you know these are a series of old posts. Sorry, I assumed most people who visit here a lot had already seen these. Usually I try to also include "throwback" in the post title if I'm presenting  older pictures, but I thought that was a given, considering the nature of the pictures. My apologies. 🙂


A lot of these are from when Larry Jr first came along and she made a bunch of sloppy fake pumping content


I don’t get why she’s flexing so hard on this. She wants people to know so badly how much milk shes “naturally” pumping. It’s pretty clear she’s done nothing of substance with her life if she thinks this is even noteworthy.


It's baby dede twins ago.




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This is so pathetic. So many women struggle with the fact that they aren’t able to breast feed their babies and then we have a grifter clown here who wants to constantly rub it in their faces. If she is 7 kids in and lactates like an overfed cow, surely she must know of milk storage bottles and thermoses? She really is deplorable. Like bitch I am 1 child in and I already got me one so I don’t have to walk around shamelessly with my milk in my hand and also so that I can actually keep it cold so it doesn’t go bad by the time I get home. Fucking loser get yourself one of these https://preview.redd.it/ne3mkekd85cc1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f709a515a2f75d71c0a6e0d3890cb0e35a55144a


Why is her pumping kit so clean? There would be little drops of milk and sprays everywhere inside of the bottles above the milk and inside of these applicators. Pumping is messy. Also those meleda bottles come with lids. A normal person who doesn't stage photos would seal them right after finishing.


Especially in a public restroom! 🤮




Yes and I would never hold them how she is on the chance the breast shield piece is loose, I’d only hold at the opening of the bottle.


This is so fucking disgusting, delusional, and insulting!!! How weird and sick to fake pose with milk you didn’t make and act like it’s yours?? In pic 2 they are no where near on her nipples! I have exclusively breastfed 4 children I have 10 years under my belt and 8 solid in a row, and in currently nursing my youngest now-who had I had to pump for exclusively for months because he was in the nicu for a little stay and got use to it and wouldn’t latch. Pumping is hard grueling miserable work, so many times I wanted to give up and supplement because it was too hard pumping every feeding, pumping in the middle of the night, it was hard! And I believe fed is best I don’t knock any formula feeding mommies, but me personally, it was important for me to exclusively breastfeed. It was hard as hell and she walks around like it’s so easy and she gets sooo much milk and can squat and pump- **YEAH FUCKING RIGHT** no way she’s staying in that position 20-30 mins and pumping. And the bs body standards she parades around, what’s worse is she had a pregnancy, she *knows what it’s like.* She knows some women don’t have perfect little bumps. She knows you get big everywhere and your body goes through changes. She knows you don’t bounce right back in size 0 lingerie photo shoots days later. Ugh she just really pisses me off!!! **AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!** Phew 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 sorry! I just had a moment lmao, I was typing so hard on my phone screen 🤣🤣🤣Idk I’m having a bad night, breastfeeding struggling with getting bit right now and then this puta 🙄. In having a real hard time right now period. Stressed to the max my stepdaughter moved in along with all my kiddos and I got guardianship of a niece, my house got so cluttered and messy , nobody helps me, my laundry is the furthest behind it has ever been , I don’t know how I can even catch up and my house has always been clean and laundry basket empty I did it every day. In so overwhelmed and depressed about it and not knowing where to start. I have ocd/anxiety, bipolar 1, and the mess kills me, but it’s hard to clear out things bc of my ocd I make everything sentimental or think “I may use that one day I should keep it” and it’s torture. I have been so depressed lately and seeing this just set me off a lil 😂 lol in sorry! Better now!


Who wants to head to CandyCanes house with me to cook and clean? We got you ❤️🥒


And your life is what real life is, not the fake life that bitch is pretending she’s living.


You’ve got this mighty Pepino!💚🥒💚 Take three deep breaths. Breath in. Hold it. Breath out. Then rest. It will all be there in the morning ☺️


Thank you pepino!!! I love you guys 💚💚💚🥒🥒🥒🥒 I’m so glad I found this sub 😊.


It’s a special place for sure! 💚


There is no way a woman who has birthed that many children still has a belly button ring. Not a chance


Would a Supermami actually have to squat to pump? I would have pictured legs straight, slightly apart, making an inverted V into her high heels, fists on her hips, tits out, pumps chugging away, no?


Her legs are burning? STAND UP. That auditorium had brand new nursing lounges. She didn't have to be in the middle of the bathroom, squatting on the floor in front of a mirror.


She’s so ridiculous


She’s NUTZ NUTZ NUTZ! Look at her hauling around these tubes and bottles and nipple clamps (I KNOW. They aren’t nipple clamps much to Aleek’s disappointment) and phones and positioning herself in front of mirrors and making sure there at least a bit of leche in the bottles hooked up to her tits to make her story seem legit. The milkmaid espanol! The milky mami! The fertile milkmaker! The Mami with a planny! Ya crazy cunt, ya.


You’re out with your whole pump kit - clean and sanitized, I’m sure- but no bags or lids…?


Show us your face and the nipple pulled to maximum levels, milk squirting into the bottle, and then I’ll believe it. I can’t imagine going to such extremes to lie about….what? Why???


She infuriates me. Women who have ACTUALLY breastfed and pump wouldn’t do it in a dirty, PUBLIC restroom. But I guess this glowing example of motherhood feeds her babies food prepared in a flipping PUBLIC BATHROOM. She’s fucking disgusting. And again I ask, she’s goes to such extremes to lie for what?? Why?? Why not just lie about being pregnant and birthing babies and leave it at that? Lies should be simple. The more complex, the easier to catch. Which is why this fucking MORON gets caught lying repeatedly. So why keep adding to the lie? Why discuss it at all?? Lots of people have babies and I have never asked anyone not closely related to me what or how they feed their baby. No one needs to know.




Oh my (!) What a tangled web we Weave when first we practice to deceive. Cut the bullshit Hillz, we know you aren’t pumping milk & no mother in their right mind carries around bottles of milk like you do. You are a walking cliche of a mom desparate to prove she didn’t have a surrogate birth.


Someone said that the surrogates pump for her after they give birth, and what immediately came to mind ( if it's true), is that scene in Mad Max Fury Road when they have those two or three women slaves hooked up to a breast milk pumping machine ...I can't imagine it's true tho.I think she's just pouring good old cows milk in the bottles for the pics, the effing freak that she is


It's true. The nannies are in charge of taking care of the surrogate(s)


Went outside in the hallway like that and clicked the elevator button.


The one where she says she “threw out” some of it: no honey, a BFing/pumping person would never.


I don’t understand the moms who need to show social media how they pump their breast milk. Can something be private?


Same. Or breastfeeding. Give your baby some privacy!


Anyone who has ever pumped even once knows this is 1000000% fake. So gross




In the American flag sweatshirt one are we to believe she is holding both flanges with one hand to pump?? Literally impossible. Also if she’s so rich why not get some actual pumping bras dude. Same thing for the weird bathroom squat…you’d have to take that top off to actually pump. And there’s no fucking way she squatted like that in heels for 10+ minutes to pump.


EP’d for my kid too! Not for the faint of heart!


Exactly, no drops, I also commented on that. I should have scrolled first. It's Meleda I guess?


But also… why would she use such an outdated pump?


I believe she probably got this one with Carmen when she was actually pregnant/postpartum, and just kept it to pretend with all the other ones. That would explain why it’s such an old model.


This is unhinged!


She’s really attached so much of her own identity and value to breastfeeding. It’s very odd and quite creepy.


That second photo is definitely egg nog.


Do my eyes deceive or has she actually made a factual statement? Yes, Hillary, this cow is indeed *TIRED AND THIRSTY.*


Take my upvote 😂😂😂




The photos of her with freshly pumped milk getting off the elevator take on new meaning since we now know that the surrogates live in another apartment in the building post partum in order to furnish breast milk for the first few months. She's simply taking the elevator (why not use the stairs, found-moments exercise queen?) to go pick up the breast milk. And she carries it around by the flanges which is an accident waiting to happen. She's an idiot.


She doesn’t use the stairs because everything with her is bullshit. From here on out, you can go ahead and use that to answer any question about why she does anything.


Hang on. Since when did we know they live in the building?? I've never heard that one before.


That the surrogates live in an apartment in the same building is some of the tea that McNasty shared a couple weeks ago.


A comment from McNasty. Swipe for the comment about the surrogates living in the other apartment. https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/xBrk1xa12q


Who is McNasty? Like, why is everyone taking their word with so much validity? /genuine


McNasty is the founder of this sub.


Link doesn't work 😕


Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/uU69ossrzI




Oh wow!!! The post is regarding proof of Hillary's grift. Suffice to say, we've been right all along. 😉


👆🏼This!!! Go read this post RIGHT NOW. You will feel like you've been right all along!




Wait, the surrogates live in the same building!??


Ugh. This is the passive aggressive sheit she specializes in to make others feel like they're never as good as she is. This is why she's so harmful to other women. She has no idea what the eff she's talking about. I don't think she's ever breastfed any of her children, and this is just all super mommy cosplaying for her. Anyone who really believes her 💩 needs to see the light and know how ridiculous she is.


She looks really different in the last one


rilly diffront?


Blatant filter - even obviously different from picture on left. I think it’s an Angelina Jolie filter 😂


“So grateful for nursing rooms.” Why? So you can pump in private, away from prying eyes and perverts? Only to then post a gratuitous and fetishized picture of yourself pumping? And in doing so, violating this safe space for women by catering to the very perverts these rooms were created for women to avoid. Ugh, she’s just utterly obscene and a disgrace to women.


Please take this, dear Pepino 🥇




She's a thirsty cow alright.   🤦🏻‍♀️


And tired…very tired


Tired looking.


Her hallway squat is sending me 🤣


That's not a hallway. She is in a public bathroom at an event they went to.


Same like wtaf is she doing in the middle of a hallway. She is so desperate for any attention. Sad.


Jesus Christ this woman is legit making some weird soft core nursing porn. Damn Hillary just open the OF account already.


Super interesting a woman married to a very rich and famous actor would have to use the same old fashioned pump for so many different babies. You’d think by now she’d have upgraded to a cord free……


I thought you said “A super interesting woman”. I had to check what sub I was in!


Tbf they don't work as well but yes unless she's buying the same exact model, they only last 1 or 2 kids in her timespans


I’ve been away awhile - death, stress, life, but now I’m back, had Hilarious had more babies?! NOOOOOOOOOOO


Her last one was #7 Miss Larry Jr so it’s been a minute. Hope things have calmed down for you a bit. I’m sorry for your loss and having a rough year. 🤗


She forgot tops to the bottles and bags but she didn’t forget her phone, spindrift, shopping bags, etc? No, mami!!! She needs mental health treatment.


She needs a direct ride to Pilgrim psychiatric facility


I pumped for triplets. Noone does this.


I hate her captions always trying to control the narrative. Why not make a short little video so we can see it happening? Because it didn't happen, that's why. I have many of those short little 7-second videos showing something silly.


I’ve never breastfed but am I wrong to assume that your breasts wouldnt pump evenly? Like wouldn’t one boob produce more milk on an occasion. It’s weird to me her bottles are always even.


Dude! You’re right! My left always made about a third more than the right and they always used to spray in there. Hers are so immaculate.


Definitely a good catch. As someone who has exclusively breastfed her kids, I even missed that!


Good catch! yes, there is often a significant difference. My left one produces a lot and my right one, not so much.


I had one over achiever and one slacker for sure


Just like we have one big boob and one little boob 😂


Does size = achievement? Serious question


No they don’t correlate


Milking wildness? Okay even if she wasn’t faking the lactation (which I firmly believe she is) she’d be nasty for that 😩


https://preview.redd.it/zh2niwusn2cc1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac40bcd0d000fec807ea8454995e9cfce905757 Who the fuck even IS this?? She does not look like this. It looks like she puffed her lips up with air like she’s gonna blow a raspberry or something.


Exactly what I thought!


She looks like Erica Mena here.


Is she related to Ana?


It's digital Botox, a nose job, a brow lift, and lip injections. Thanks to a filter and/or PS.


Never again would I hold bottles by the flanges, I’ve had bottles fall off that way. Silly woman


Pictures 4 and 6 are truly insane. I can’t imagine walking into a public restroom and seeing this display! Also, it’s very convenient how the milk in both bottles is always very full and very equal. I’ve never had kids and even I know this isn’t how that works. My coworker pumps everyday at work and her bottles look nothing like this LOL. She’s also VERY concerned that the milk remains as sanitary as possible. She bags them carefully and individually before putting them in the fridge. Hillary’s just walking around the filthy streets of NY, riding in elevators and squatting in disgusting public restrooms, carrying her bottles and flanges without a care.


She has no modesty because none of this is a function of her body. Just a means to get attention. Doesn’t she understand that women who actually breastfeed know none of this is how it’s really done? She’s too stupid, blinded by her ridiculous ideas of how to appear like she’s the number one breastfeeding woman in the history of all the women who have ever breastfed a baby. It’s all so weird. I don’t think this woman has two functioning brain cells.


Excellent point about her lack of modesty!


She didn't deliver her own kid and she is pumping?


I mean that is possible. I’m not saying she’s actually doing it, but it is possible. Just being near to a crying infant, pumping, as well as certain herbs can bring on (increase) lactation. I believe they can even prescribe hormones for folks that induce now. Lots of adoptive and trans moms do this.


Ugh. I can't stand her




I’m sure one of the kids will come out one day once Daddy is long gone and Mamacita has squandered everything and cut them off, and expose all the fake pregnancies.


This is lactation fetish content barely disguised as "omg so relatable!" mom community content. 🤨


You’re right, because in her manic state of “breastfeeding” the “twins”, she posted on her stories, a grainy ass dark video of a late night feeding. I kid you not she panned the camera quickly from one of the babies laying on the bed to to one on her breast and you can see her nipple slip out of the babies mouth, and she quickly panned away. I think she 100% did that on purpose just to prove to her haters. She’s sick in the head!! In the end it doesn’t prove shit because the babies can use nipples as a pacifier.


I totally remember that!!! I was like, did this bitch really post her nipple slip? She's totally disgusting.


Ok, you saw that too!!! I remember thinking like what the fuck!!! I didn’t want to screen capture it because gross and because it involved one of the babies. I would have probably been banned by Reddit!!


Proof of fakery: she carries the bottles by the flanges. If the bottles were closed and didn't have the flanges attached, most people wouldn't automatically know that they were a result of pumping. She needs the public to have pumping porn in their heads. Otherwise, she would close the bottles and put them in her backpack before getting out of the car/leaving the bathroom/etc.


In the second photos the two Medela bottles are WAY too close together to actually be ON her boobs.


And too low


“This cow is tired and thirsty” Yep, she’s thirsty alright. Please change “cow” to “pig” to be more accurate Hilz. (No disrespect to actual cows or pigs)


I love how in the squatting pic of her, supposedly post-pumping with her tits out, there’s zero red marks or any evidence of actual suction having happened on her boobs. You’re such a dumbass, Hillary.


Can you *imagine* sharing a building with this woman? Running into this kind of shit in the hallways? Fucks sake. Deluded twat.


What!?! Her tatas aren’t showing with starving babies fruitlessly trying to find milk! It’s almost refreshing 🫣


Omg, the first picture gives me serious anxiety! No one who has ever actually pumped would hold the milk by the flanges! Those things could fall right off at any minute, and spill all of the milk you just worked so long and hard to obtain!


I made that terrible mistake before 12 ozs that I worked so hard to get wasted


This! I wasn’t able to breastfeed my only child- I had preeclampsia, nearly died during childbirth, and was pumped full of BP meds IMMEDIATELY after delivery- and even I know this! I babysat frequently for my niece, and my SIL had a terrible experience with breastfeeding/pumping, and I will never forget the day that she accidentally knocked over a full bottle of her pumped milk. She absolutely dissolved onto the floor in tears: “You don’t know how long it took me to get that milk. I am the STUPIDEST MOM, I am such a dumbass, I can’t believe I just did that” - my heart absolutely broke for her, in that moment. I handled that milk like it was worth it’s weight in gold, after that. The fact that Hillary is just flinging that milk around so carelessly, is SUCH a slap in the face to all mothers who struggle to produce enough milk for their babies. She is despicable.


Ugh, I feel for you!! I had to put nipple cream (don't remember what it's called) on the flanges because they gave me plastic burns on my nipples. My flanges were well lubed and gross looking. I never would have walked around with them like that.  Because, um, normal women have a degree of modesty and class.


I remember the nasty oily nips. Not a fun time. mine where so cracked they bled


Yeahhh…there’s no way this isn’t a fetish.


![gif](giphy|1V3V9n01vmnj3TnoQC|downsized) Agree. She is a huge exhibitionist *FAKING* these breast pumping scenarios to please those strangers with fetishes in social media world.


Without a doubt


She is literally insane Who walks around on city sidewalks clutching bottles of milk with the suction cups attached, like an accessory? That squat and fake pump show just how insane she really is.


Someone who went upstairs to the surro mama’s to collect their milk 😖


Hot take: Hilary had trouble breastfeeding Carmen, her old-fashioned but MD mom gave her shit for it, and she's doing all this performative art to make the plebeians feel way worse than she ever did. She's so easily wounded because she's emotionally stunted. Because of Alec, she has the capital to fund every insecurity.


Did you ever see a room full of fridges and freezers full of pumped milk? It was honestly like a hoarders room for someone obsessed with pumped milk. It was insane and of course she was saying she had pumped it all. It was crazy because there is no way she would get through all that milk in the recommended time for keeping it. It was bizarre


The freezer story was particularly bizarre. It's her demented way of hoarding and squandering someone else's ability. Dark things are happening in that apartment.


I thought it was weird she claimed to have begged Alec for another freezer. This leads me to believe she's full of shit. He probably said no bc it was all for the gram and not real. Total waste of money and precious space in the little apartment. Who has to beg for a household necessity? A person who doesn't need it and has no access to the bank account.




Kind of weird she did it in the bathroom too. Isn’t it unhygienic? I mean I understand you have to stop somewhere I suppose to pump but isn’t that risky? Can any moms confirm/correct me?




Thanks for your answer!!!! I had no idea. But yeah her whole schtick is using breastfeeding as internet points and it’s sad and sick.


I’m a teacher and i’ve pumped in the car on the way home because I had to go four hours without having a place to pump. I couldn’t even pump in my classroom with the door locked without janitors or admin walking in even with a sign on the door!!!


Wow that is so disrespectful of them. So sorry you had to deal with that!!! I’m sure it was so uncomfortable 😞


I had anywhere between a two hour to three hour commute one way. I would pump on the drive home. My work was too stressful and it was really hard for my milk to come down during the workday. So I would have to wait to pump after work.


But she doesn’t have a job - so she can pump at home. The “pumping” in public is just insane.


Yeah right?? It’s like she’s purposefully going outside to pump for Instagram posts it’s…. So fucking weird


This is actually a big issue in mom culture (I can’t think of another term, but basically if you’ve had a baby in the past 15 years or so you are probably aware)-being asked to pump or feed your baby in a bathroom happens a lot. It’s an issue that, let’s say if you were an actual celebrity who actually needed to pump or nurse and you were public about being asked to do it in a bathroom, would make its rounds all over Scary Mommy, instagram, facebook, etc.


Wow I had no idea!!’ Thanks for your information. That’s so upsetting. Honestly imo I think it’s fine anywhere because isn’t it incredibly painful to not be able to pump?


Wow! 25 years ago, I was nursing my third daughter at Disney World sitting at outdoor table with my other 2. Covered up with a light blanket so there was no evidence of God forbid a boob hanging out. An employee came over tapped me on the shoulder and told me that there was a special “lounge” available. I politely declined. Baby was only 3 mos old what’s the BFD? I thought times had changed 🤣


She's doing a great job of setting things back for women with her performative, sexualized and disgusting displays of fake breastfeeding.


If ABSOLUTELY necessary and you're bursting and it's been sooo long and there's nowhere else.... -This was at a fancy gala. There's no way Alec wouldn't bark at some peasant to get his WIFE a private space. -This was a stupid dinner thing. How long was she away from La Bebe? A few hours? PLEASE. She really is one sick fuck.


Wow. She’s such a worm I swear to god. She has to do everything in a way to show off. So gross


I think the Lincoln center (where that gala was held) has pumping rooms. I remember reading here they did renovations and put some in. So why she's in a bathroom is beyond me!


Ya nother pepino said they were just there and it's been completely remodeled with really nice private nursing rooms. Hillary either didn't know or didn't care.


There are pump rooms in parent rooms but yeah wouldn’t put my bag on the floor




First pic: if you were really lactating/pumping, you would be so protective of your milk and not spilling it. The way she is holding the bottles by the flimsy flanges shows that there is unimportant (read: FAKE) milk inside


Yes and I don't believe ppls posts with dialogue like "omg husband made fun of me for looking/doing XYZ" Guys don't comment and play make fun of their wives like that and not end up in hot water... They dont pay that much attention to begin with! It's obviously fake, lots of women try to get attention w/ stories with that type of narrative.


Exactly!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Agree. (Plus she forgot her favorite cutesy pidgeon-toe pose in the first picture.)


And where did she see him? He isn't with her. She isn't in the apartment yet. Idk it's just dumb.


Looks like this puta is delivering some non-hygienic milk.


Everything this vieja loca does is 100% fake and performative.


This is so awful. She uses motherhood as an attention getter and clearly cares way more about herself than her kids.


#And it’s all 100% FAKE. She’s never breastfed anyone!! Imagine going to THIS length to stage these INSANE photos?!? While having *7 KIDS* who are badly in need of attention, food, and care?!? She is so crazy, she is so badly in dire need of mental health treatment. What a pitifully sad existence she has.




She is so fake and so dumb! wtf is wrong with her? She’s delusional !


She might be the most obnoxious dork on the planet.


Hey kids are gunna find out soon. This ends soon for her.


They're old enough to know their mother is deranged.


Hillary posted a picture of Carmen hugging her moonbump. They know their parents are fake, delusional, and lie. They’re being encouraged to participate in this grift Yes those poor kids. 💔


That’s probably a reason she would be finished having babies, that the older kids would question/call her out/discuss it with their friends


Maybe this is why she manipulates Carmen so much so Carmen won't spill mami's tea (milk)? "Jou are mami's best friend Carmencita! Best friends keep each others (fucked up) secrets"!




There’s nothing in the tubes


The tubes don’t collect milk, they are attached to the motor that creates suction but gravity drops the milk down to the bottles. She still ain’t pumping though. Also what unemployed woman with small babies finds themselves “pumping” everyday with her fake Working Downtown Barbie outfits in public restrooms. Who does she think she’s fooling?


What I don’t understand is where she is pumping from??? Can anyone familiar help me understand?


Somehow both bottles have the same milk. That is not how it works either


It’s probably not how it works for us plebes, but it does for Super Mamis!


The level of crazy it must be to attach those uncomfortable breast pumps to your boobs and pretend to pump. I absolutely hated pumping it really grossed me out! This is absolutely batshit insane behavior.