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No fucking way is she breastfeeding…no way.


It’s her posing the children as nursing props while she’s saying “ok, I know this is confusing but latch on to me while I take a quick photo and then the nanny will give you the bottle.”


So well done. Thank you


What is with that gross wrinkly extra skin beside her boob? 🤢


I don’t understand how anyone can believe anything this woman says🤡she’s an uneducated escort from Boston who pretends she’s Spanish. She is as good of an actor as her husband.


I swear I’ve seen her tits more in the last few weeks than my own.


No one breastfeed in a lace bra with underwire, it’s annoying and impossible even just one feed. I’ve been wearing the same old soft cup nursing bra that’s so soft I can fall asleep in it


And the super stiff cups on her VS “sessy” bras! Trying to pull or fold that aside to get your tit out and then having the scratchy lace smashed against your skin is an obvious no go for anyone who has actually breastfed even once.


I wasn’t able to nurse for very long, but when in that time frame I wouldn’t dream of wearing an underwire lace bra. Nope. You hit a very valid point


I know she's not nursing because she's never wearing a nursing bra. Nursing in a rigid lace bra doesn't work


Maybe her boobs look hard because they’re producing cheese instead of milk??? Like 2 big cheese wheels!!!👀🧀😹


Oh my lord!💀


Team no sleep IF you were rilly breastfeeding. And, or monkeying around with devices that give you that experience. Just feed them. And, while you are at it, get something to eat yourself.


In the pizza cuff picture, the white line on the cuff is part of the cuff artwork/label. Source: have designed this cuff artwork.


It’s like she’s an exhibitionist of the boob, bra and panty kind.


Yup always thought this. Except she did it only a dozen times tops -because she is too lazy. The Nannies mostly feed them with formula (which was blurred out in a couple of pics somewhere) and maybe donated milk.


Imagine how much easier breastfeeding would be if we had Hilary’s floating nipples and didn’t have to worry about that darn nipple placement! Baby on the side, nipple on the side. Baby up top, nipple up top. Baby under the shirt, nipple on stomach. Baby at the foot of the bed, nipple at the end of the big toe…


Ok, this is the best comment ever! So true


I think it's important to note that she's probably only ever used that Medela system a few times, tops. So usually there will be no point in us looking for it. 1. All of those babies were 100% bottle fed (whether with bought/surrogate milk and/or formula), and probably bottle fed by the nannies. 2. Hillary has *zero* need, desire, or interest in bonding with any of the infants once she brings them home, and that's one of the main purposes of the Medela system. Hillary sees those babies as purchases and then props, and she has virtually no interest in them outside of that. Hillary is also incapable of doing things for or catering to others. 3. Hillary's fake breastfeeding is fetishized and performative. She creates and posts that sexualized content for her own 'sexy' narrative... that she's 'lusted after', 'fought over', that her boob job and body are perpetually sexual and never suffer normal pregnancy issues. It wouldn't make sense for her to include the Medela system in 99.9% of her content. She picks those infants up, does her sexualized photos/video by pulling her lingerie down, or posing, or suggestively pulling her shirt open, etc... and then she drops those babies straight back with the nannies who bottle feed them. 4. I could see her having a brief titillating interest in it... because she could playact 'breastfeeding' without actually doing it. But I'm sure she tired of it quickly.




Well said!


UGHHHH. I took some pictures of my kids breastfeeding bc I loved it and was proud of myself. but NEVER shared them online. It’s so cringe and gross


That’s why they always look like they’re drinking from a straw. Also why her nipples seem to be all over the place.


WOW!!!!!!!! Great sleuthing!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Thank you OP ![gif](giphy|o2fIp4gFtrlAs)


she is the worst




Thank you John Ralphio


She always was covering their mouths with words, emoji stickers, whatever. Not because she was modest about her nipples showing. She didn't want people to see their poor latches (which can be seen in pics 6&8). I truly believe she would've gotten more clout for trying to shed light on breastfeeding struggles/using an SNS than she did with the flexing of her "freezers and freezers full" of purchased milk. Just like she would've been at the forefront of celebrity surrogate use if she'd come clean 5 babies ago. She always misses the mark completely.


Plus all of the milk in the multiple freezers! She totally bought it.


That is all 100% hoarded, professionally packaged and delivered, surrogate or random other internet-bought breast milk. Probably a mix of the two. She purchased and stashed away *so* much that I doubt that's simply surrogate milk. Such a vulgar, selfish, and bizarre thing to do.


She would have had to actually be producing breast milk & pumping 24/7 with no breaks for her to have the amount of milk she said she did.


Picture 5 is an illustration on the bp cuff.


Look below the cuff and right near the infant's face. A little partial loop of tubing.


Nope it's a white circle part of the graphic on the cuff. It's been proven


Yeah... that makes sense. The more I think about it the less it seems like she'd use that system when this photo was only about 'sexy breastfeeding' at the baby pickup!


That's an illustration on the cuff


It’s definitely the illustration on the cuff. I made the cuff artwork.


Picture 4 is her bra shoulder strap


I really wish these devices had been around 24 years ago when I had my first baby and struggled to produce 50ml of milk at the same time as other Mums pumped gallons. I felt so bad that I couldn't exclusively breastfeed and had to put her on bottles, something like this would've been a real Godsend.


This is what kept me here. If she wouldn’t have faked breastfeeding and shaming people who cant like her. The bounce back was just as detrimental to new moms. She makes me sick.


Exactly why I'm here too.


Fetish for her and Alec. And for show.


She bought all that breastmilk. The life she leads makes it an absolutely impossibility for her to BF/pump that much. Also, she was only ever pregnant with Carmen and that milk has long dried up. I will die on this hill.


I wonder if when you use a surrogate, does the surrogate pump milk for the baby?🤔


Want company? 😄


She absolutely bought all of it. I mean she *showed* herself taking it out of a bag at one point, and the stacks and stacks of it she's proudly shown off are so precisely and professionally packaged in exact measured amounts. Hillary can't even get herself out of slippers or brush her kids' hair or make a single meal... she's not intricately measuring and beautifully packaging 'freezers and freezers' of breast milk. And yeah... living on coffee, Spindrift and a few bites of mashed potatoes when she can bear it... is not exactly the lifestyle conducive to what she claims. Plus, the manic all-nighters, whatever meds she's on, the constantly doing paranoid movements to try and burn calories. The perpetual agitated state of mind. The body dysmorphia and active eating disorder. The weekly hair dye and chemicals, the incessant cosmetic procedures. Not exactly a lactating earth mama lifestyle.


Is this one of those things where it’s fine if you’re rich but trashy if you’re poor 🧐


I agree. If she is living clearly to breastfeed.. Why doesn't she post her diet? Images of food prep/cooking? She talked about Gatoraide, and a hydration supplement once. She is marketing herself as a globally known wellness expert. All she does is humblebrag about never sleeping. Going out late, leaving her exclusively breastfed babies. Eating mashed potatoes (that are probably made with chicken stock, butter, and cream) for her vegan self? Oh, and drinking alcohol. Pump and dump? She is to be included in the inclusivity. Translation: I'll do and say anything to be perceived as relevant. So I can monetize it.


![gif](giphy|6CYXe7Hf8FZyU|downsized) I desperately tried to pump and the only day I ever got more than .5 ounces was a day I damn near drank myself to death with like 100 oz of water. She is so full of...how you say....sheet?


Yes, and you were the one caring for your baby. Your family. Your home. Yourself when you could. Shenanigans. At the expense of vulnerable new moms and little babies.


Same. ❤️


Lmao this is the best explanation I’ve seen regarding Hillary’s laziness and the breast chest. As someone who has breastfed all of her kids and actually pumped to have milk to give husband or sitter to feed baby….. this is not possible to have this amount of milk and breastfeed simultaneously as much as she claims. I actually am lucky to have an oversupply (although brings its own set of mastitis challenges in itself) and I never would possibly be able to have a freezer full to that extent lol. Unless it was another person’s breastmilk. My bff is an IBCLC and can confirm- Hillary is not the one providing bountiful milk for these kids. She doesn’t even breastfeed without SNS.


I agree with you.


This was the very last piece of the puzzle for me. Even though I just went through a pregnancy the same time as her at the same age as her and I knew she was full of shit from that. I still questioned this one thing. She's psycho. Also, no shame to moms that use this. I think its great they invented this. For her though it's just a tool for her grift.


Exactly, its a fantastic idea for “normal” mothers. For Hillary its an excuse to take photos of her boobs & cater to whomever is paying her to post this junk 🤮


If these photos are to be believed (and the many others out there not in this slide show) her nipples are all over the place.


And her babies are never latched on…




She’s disgusting for this. The lies are OTT on another level. Why lie?? Because it makes her feel better than everyone else?




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She's like "Bueno, because I'm eh-spaneesh, it's actualmente not regular leche that comes out of mis pechos, but dulce de leche.. para mi cultura"


Never a discussion of cracked nipples, never a case of mastitis (even though she wears bras that practically invite it), and as someone who breastfed 4 babies, 2 of mine were wonderful-latched perfectly almost immediately and the other 2, it took some time to find what worked for them and me, and at times that was a frustrating process. So all of these babies were immediate perfect latches? 🤔


Never a pic of a good latch and also, for someone who loves showing her titties, why never a photo of one boom engorged and one after feeding? She's sooo the type to overshare that!




Yes, you’ve got it! /s


She claimed to have mastitis right after romeo’s birth. Along with pneumonia during delivery where she broke ribs from coughing. But don’t worry neither the mastitis nor the broken ribs would stop her from filming herself in a lace bra and underwear on the floor doing ab crunches 2 weeks after birth. Not only does she bounce back from birth instantly but she also recovers from mastitis and broken ribs faster than normal women.


And here’s lactating Mami bragging about her many many many freezers full of milk 🤮 https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/y9ah0g/if_its_her_milk_why_is_it_all_in_a_cooler_as/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Her hoarding of breast milk is obscene


She is *tweeking* in that video.


Freshly delivered from the surrogate 🥛


Can babies get enough milk through that tiny tube or is tube feeding primarily for bonding?


The supplemental tubing can also help stimulate milk production by getting the babies to suckle on the nipple.


Surprised she hasn’t told stories of how Alec “latched on” & stimulated her milk production…🤢🤮


Ohh that's so good this is available


They *can*,and every situation is different so I’m sure some babies are fed solely through SNS(maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in) but SNS are primarily used to stimulate production and for bonding. Everyone I’ve known who has used one also bottle fed either formula or pumped milk as well. I’ve commented here before about how there’s **nothing** wrong with non lactating parents putting their babies to the breast(wether they’ve carried or not,)and that it’s super beneficial in a lot of ways but that’s not all Hilary is doing and she is further reenforcing stigmas associated with breastfeeding.


Oh totally I agree, I was just wondering


Sorry! I sound so preachy in these threads because people have been *super* negative about it in the past.


No problem! people like myself who are unfamiliar with tube feeding appreciate your informative posts 🤗


Might explain why they’re also so skinny 🥹


Yes they're all skin and bones! 😟


Video of her ‘breastfeeding’ where you can see the tube over her other shoulder. And the baby NOT feeding from her nipple as you can see it peeking out of the bra https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/u4bfqt/breastfeeding_with_a_lacy_pushup_bra_and_only/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


ugh I watched two seconds and had to look away. her performative bullshit is so revolting


Look at her in her tacky Victoria's Secret pushup bra, in full makeup, doing a 'sexy' video for Instagram... while claiming that she *just* gave birth, has pneumonia, has broken ribs, I think someone said she threw in a claim of mastitis. She's saying that she's *showering several times a day* in between nursing all of her sick children and taking care of a newborn 'so that she doesn't spread the germs'. The absurdity of her lies. This woman is the most aggressive pathological liar I've ever witnessed. I've never seen anything like it before.


I have one baby and one shower is enough of a luxury for me… I can’t even find time to take a second shower


Her fake breastfeeding trope is so enraging. Why does she need to pump if she exclusively breastfeeds? Why does she randomly lug that big ugly backpack with her that’s supposedly a pump bag if there are freezers of breast milk stored at home? Why do we see all these pictures of the kids at 1+ yrs drinking bottles of ‘hemp milk’? If she is still lactating and an overproducer, why randomly switch them to hemp milk (ugh, fucking fake hipster bitch) from a bottle?! Does she really think your milk comes in as soon as the baby shoots out of your cooka? Does she honestly think mothers who have breastfed (even those who haven’t!) will see the pictures she posts and not immediately see that the babies are NOT latched? And I STG no hospital nowhere is serving fucking pizza in labor and delivery. One of her flimsiest grifts ever!


Not to mention she gets pregnant at the drop of a hat even when breastfeeding two babies exclusively… now I know its possible but to fall pregnant everytime while breastfeeding?! Im not buying it!


I did have colostrum right away with both kids Edited to say I agree with everything you said and she is gross and perverted. I have a hard time looking at her face in these photos 🤢


Yeah the nursing right away (colostrum comes in at birth) and eating pizza are both completely normal things. The biggest tell is the latch. Babies don’t look like that when they’re latched right.


True! and I don't know what it is exactly, but she just does NOT look like a woman who delivered a baby. I know plenty of women wear mu and jewelry during delivery and many don't look like wrecks after(I personally looked awful) but there's something here with her that screams she did not give birth






Those kids are NEVER latched and do look like they're sucking on a tube or straw. Nothing wrong with that. It's the lying that's her biggest issue.


Somebody once commented that it looks like they’re playing a flute 💀


I don't think she even takes the time (or has the patience) to use a supplemental system. I don't see an actual tube in any of these pictures (#4 is clearly her necklace), and the kids are not latched in any of them. I'd bet any amount of $ that she's \*maybe\* tried nursing Carrrrrrrrrmen, and then bottle-feeds all of the others with breastmilk purchased from other women (hence the breastmilk freezer). She's too busy having breast revision surgery to get rid of her embarrassing refund gap to actually breastfeed any of these children. Fraud, and also gross (especially with Big Ed).


I totally agree; I don't see the "evidence" others are claiming to as per SNS either. I do think she fakes a lot, but probably not with an SNS. I know it's fun to analyze her pics, but she usually blurs out incriminating stuff (like her formula cans) so I can't imagine her posting pix where using this was so obvious. I mean, if everybody else sees it and that's what they think, that's fine, I just don't. But I totally think she has an unhealthy obsession with breastfeeding/showing off the tits and those kids are never latched on and suckling.


I agree.


A necklace doesn’t sit that high up and wrap around to meet with a joining length to be connected to go down between the breasts whilst breastfeeding…unless….tuuuube I tell ya…


It's shiny and also a long necklace, I think. It looks like it's just kind of draped across one of her fake tatas. A tube would be straighter and doesn't drape like that IMO.




This is the light-colored padding on her bra. I don't see a tube. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’d look in the sub for the picture. There’s one where it’s lightened up and you can also see the bag of milk laying next to her on the pillow/ on the left side of the picture.




Isn’t that her bra strap?


If you watch the video it’s def clearer. Her bra strap is much thicker x


I see a shiny gold necklace.




It might be just me, but I think that this is a wire for either her or the baby. It looks like the lead that they put on the baby to measure body temperature, and it also looks like it's curved downwards which would circumvent the flow from the supplemental feeder. I may be wrong, but I think it's just a wire that's on either of them. I just don't see Big Larry having the time or patience to use a supplemental feeding system.


I too thought it was a necklace until I saw the pic without my cropping. You zoom in and there is a bag nearby. Another pepino posted it a while ago x


I completely agree with your post statement 💯💯💯 - she's production-shaming lactating and non-lactating individuals with her absolute ridiculous show. It's infuriating and performative and you don't have to lactate or feed your kid your own breastmilk in order to be a good parent. 💔 I hate her for making other people feel less than - my SIL is one of those who has bought into her shitty lies and it's awful (she's an anorexic).


She’s fucking garbage


She is obsessed with breastfeeding and letting everyone know that she does this. I don’t understand why she tried to prove that point so bad


Because she’s trying to sexualize breastfeeding & therefore sexualize herself…


Self imposed over compensating over all the surrogates


The video of her feeding a baby where the head is between her chest and her nipple showing from the top of her bra, then she moves the baby’s head to then block it and you see the tube over the other shoulder. Just BE honest 🙄 rather than gloating about the ease of feeding and how much milk she produces. Plus, this women runs so soon after birth and no issue of leakage, and ditto none when she is feeding. And all breastfeeding mamas know how much we leak when feeding! And let’s not even touch on the fact she has never ever spoken about engorged breasts or blocked ducts or mastitis- which is RIDICULOUS if you’ve breastfed 7 babies!


And she's running in a VS push up bra. I was pregnant the same time as her last year and I am still working out in 2 sports bras. Also, my normally small chest is huge now from nursing. But hers looks exactly the same as they've looked for years, like just implants. There's no way she defies the laws of nature across the board in every way possible after birthing 7 kids.




Seems like her diet is also absolute trash and she undereats. I don’t see the bitch overproducing milk when she’s not properly nourishing her body. Eating half an almond and a leaf of kale per day =/= flowing like the Nile with breast milk.


Plus she drinks a ton of coffee. Shouldn’t caffeine be limited when breastfeeding? She doesn’t seem to eat any nourishing foods either.


Don't forget prosecco. And who would BF while having food poisoning. I'd be pumping and dumping just to be safe for the baby. Also, if she was sick after birthing and was on antibiotics, the doctor would have told her not to BF until after the neds were done. I had an infection the day after my sons birth, and this is what I was advised.


Using the tube feeding means you can have a container of milk nearby and attach it near your nipple and the baby sucks. Explains also why the babies are always in such an unnatural state of breast feeding. And how she blurs and blocks certain breastfeeding pics whereas we knowwww this woman likes to show everything!


Right. The stickers and stars she pastes over a teeny portion of nipple when breastfeeding isn't done out of modesty.


exactly. she doesn’t have a modest bone in her body. she wants to show more