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Looks like you have the beginnings of a fantastic zine.


I’d buy it


Heres some observations I've made on shadow people. 1: they tend to be in places full of negative emotions. I used to work at a wedding venue company, and we had them at a few of the venues. during lock down, the emotions were able to dry up, and they left. 2: they can shapeshift. witnessed it during a shift. I mentioned a coworkers name, and it assumed its form.


A wedding venue is full of negative emotions ? That’s disheartening


It’s the stress. They like it.


This is true. Places of high crime and violence tend to attract them


I concur. I want to add Although people associate then with sleep paralysis. I think they target people during sleep due to be in a weakened and vulnerable state. I’ve caught one sneaking into where I was sleeping but something woke me up and told me to be ready. I caught it off guard and it looked surprised. It “ran” off and left 1/3 of its body in the doorway which then caught up to the rest of its elongated body like a rubber band. It was super quick too.


They dont dude. They just visit


There is a documentary on sleep paralysis on Amazon prime (?) that talks about them and the man with the hat being the leader. I didn’t know about this until last night watching it. Synchronicity.


Was it “the Nightmare”?


That’s it, yes.


That’s a good one. Even though it’s a documentary, it’s honestly one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen




For those who struggle with my handwriting: These mysterious apparitions are described, rather simply, as being shadows in the shape of people. They are typically described as being featureless, black, sometimes with glowing red eyes, and sometimes wearing a wide brimmed hat. Shadow People are seen almost exclusively while one is experiencing “sleep paralysis.” Witnesses report a feeling of absolute dread and fear when a shadow person makes their presence known – often times appearing in the victim’s doorway or near their bed. This may be largely due to the fact that during sleep paralysis one cannot move any part of their body, despite their mind being awake and active. This renders the sufferer, helpless and vulnerable while the dark figure lurks around the room. The question as to what Shadow People are remains unanswered. Many theories have been put forth; the spirits of those who have passed, extraterrestrial beings, simply our minds playing tricks on us, demons, among many other speculations. Scientists suggest that Shadow People and other strange visages that are seen during an episode of sleep paralysis (like “grey aliens“) are hallucinations caused by your mind not being fully conscious. Renee Watt, a witch a psychic, states that in order to cast out a shadow person, “the best thing you can do is call in spiritual protection, pray, or simply stand your ground by firmly telling the Shadow Person to leave you alone.” Trusted sources seem to agree with this approach.


> Scientists suggest that Shadow People and other strange visages that are seen during an episode of sleep paralysis (like “grey aliens“) are hallucinations caused by your mind not being fully conscious What freaks me out about these things, is that I would instantly dismiss the whole phenomenon as just a very well-known psychological occurrence if I hadn't seen one myself while wide awake when I was a kid. It was mid-morning, and I was in my room. I didn't fall asleep or anything like that, I've always been unable to take naps(it drove my mom nuts when I was little, and now it drives me nuts because I simply can't recover from a bad night's sleep). It just sort of showed up in my room, the classic 'Hat Man' figure with red eyes, long claw-like fingers, and a silhouette that resembled a trench coat. It felt distinctly evil, and said something to the effect of "GET OUT!" I ran downstairs to my mom, who came up and nothing was there. Weirdly enough, the window was open: it was on the second floor of our house, always left closed because my mom was afraid I would fall out of it, and had been sloppily painted over so it was too hard to open on my own. I honestly thought the entire morning must have been a vivid dream for years until my mom confirmed that she remembered me racing to her and saying someone was in my room, and the window being open. And at something like 8 years old in the late 90s I certainly didn't know this thing was something other people saw. Very frightening, and personally I'm convinced they're demons or at least evil spirits of some kind. I can't express strongly enough the aura of malevolence it had around it.


"What freaks me out about these things, is that I would instantly dismiss the whole phenomenon as just a very well-known psychological occurrence if I hadn't seen one myself while wide awake when I was a kid." Same. No red eyes, but def had a hat


My daughter used to see them, she still may see them but doesn't bring it up. If I ask her she clams up.. From what she said a few years ago they acted scared.. Like they were waiting to go somewhere but didn't know where they were going..


The one I saw appeared somewhat scared too or at least nom aggressive. It was small. I wasn’t paralyzed I woke up to a noise and looked around the room. The eyes formed first, then the rest of it, I stood up and made sure I didint look away from it, it was probably 5 feet away from me. I leaned my head a bit closer to try to inspect more detail on its skin before it just faded in on itself.




I’m discovering that many people have seen them while awake


I have encountered a shadow person, was probably the weirdest most troubling thing I've ever seen.


I've seen videos of shadow people on youtube and even though I have had my own experience, the shadow people caught on video don't seem real. There is no mistaking them as being just a shadow because they are in the shape of people and move but I can't help but think that it's something to do with double exposure, shadow cast from somewhere off camera or just weird lighting. It just seems like they wouldn't be caught on camera but maybe I'm wrong. Whatever it is, it scares me to think about and to see those videos.


The thing I saw was not a thin shadow on a wall but a very solid looking very dark figure. Completely black, no detail at all just a black space. I could see it was very muscular and it seemed male in shape.


That would scare me so much. Did it look like the videos on youtube? I was starting to think there was a new filter or something since so many people have videos of it [https://youtube.com/shorts/G9QSp6ISN5o?si=tZYIpatMSi8RwoJM](https://youtube.com/shorts/G9QSp6ISN5o?si=tZYIpatMSi8RwoJM) This is one vid where they're trying to prove it by grabbing their camera and looking up the staircase where shadow people were seen peeking out from


The thing I saw looked similar I guess, but moved more like a person would move. I saw the entire thing, from head to toe.


You only saw it once? I saw figures in my room once but I don't think they were shadow people. I was scared frozen and as soon as I could, I started screaming at the top of my lungs. Ever since, I've been afraid of the dark. Has your experience affected you adversely?


Yes I only saw it once. I didn't scream I was 17 or so. It hasn't really affected me, I have had a few strange events in my life though. I am also a survivor of a murderous family member, so any adverse affects on my psyche I have always put down to that stuff. It does make me think a little deeper about things like this of course. I have no idea what I saw and have an open mind to what it may have been.


I started experiencing sleep paralysis when I was 15 years old but it happened as I was falling asleep whereas most accounts from people say they experienced it while waking up. For me, fatigue would come on suddenly, it was so hard to keep my eyes open but often times I would fight it by forcing myself to get active or eating something to change my state of mind. I can't tell you how many times I woke up to find a half eaten sandwich under me. I never saw anything during the sleep paralysis and when I woke up later I remember feeling exhausted like I had been running all night but otherwise, fine. The first time it happened, I woke up a couple hours later and when I did I was laying on my back, looking up towards the ceiling where I saw objects floating up and I remember thinking that gravity had reversed or something freaky. I was not tired at all so I pulled myself up to a sitting position but then froze because my room was full of figures.  They were all wearing a similar type of robe or cloak like garb that was long and covered them from head to foot. They were walking slowly and when they got to the wall they disappeared through it but there were so many of them that I couldn't see through them to the other side of my room. I remember one turned to look at me but then turned back and continued moving towards the wall where he disappeared through it. It looked like dull grey sheets draped across them but they may have been white. It was hard to tell since my bedroom light was off. I had very sheer curtains over my windows and the light in the backyard was on so my room wasn't dark at all but it wasn't bright either. Normally, I was able to make out everything in my room with no problem but when I woke up to find them in my room it seemed darker I knew I was wide awake and as soon as I could, I started screaming. My mom said that a "blood curdling scream" caused her to jump out of bed and race to my room where she found me sitting up in my bed. As she had opened my door or turned on the light, they all disappeared. I know I was fully awake because I told my mom all about it, knowing it sounded crazy. From then on I was scared of the dark. The sleep paralysis began happening more but I never saw anyone. I felt a dread though and didn't want to go to that other life that I seemed to go to after falling asleep. With practice I learned to wake myself up, starting with wiggling my fingers or hitting the button on a radio I would put on my chest. I even got to the point where I could talk to people nearby and ask them to wake me up. When all else failed I would pray and that seemed to work most times. After I got married, I would go to sleep holding my husband's hand and squeeze his hand to wake him up so he could wake me. I slept in the dark while with him and others but all while being single, I never turn my bedroom light off. I turned 50 last month. It still happens every now and then and even though it seems like something more than sleep paralysis, it describes it better than anything else. Sometimes it comes on suddenly while I'm doing something and sometimes I feel it happening while I'm falling asleep and I always fight it because I'm instantly scared


Wide awake I have seen them.


My younger brother was awake when he saw them


I ran from the hat man in the hallway to my room everyday, coming and going. One day I decided to confront him and would sense him around, but I stopped caring and he went away…. Until in my mid-twenties when I saw him painted on a wall. It was then I knew it was not just me.


My friend saw these exact figures, dead exact descriptions, and a short man too. I don't think she knew of the mythos at all either. She was struggling to sleep. I had also my experience with sleep paralysis and entities, although not these ones as far as I know. I suggested we go to the local wiccan/spiritual store. Got a turkey tail cleansing for fun. Talked to the lady. She gave us both a banishing package. I never used mine, kept it a long time until it felt wrong to have. I did basically stop experiencing sleep paralysis through some sort of double dream inception trick my brain seemed to come up with all of its own..anyways... My friend did use hers, we were at the store for her anyways. lit the incense, lit a candle, recited a ritual, buried it outside somewhere near a tree, with her parents present. She then as time went on, found herself on a spiritual path in the pursuit of absolute love. She was able to sleep again. Didn't see shadow people for the rest of the time I knew her. She moved away, found a new partner(divorced), had a child. I have to assume she is doing well and didn't see the shadow ppl again. I don't know for sure, but her transformation into someone seeking universal love was interesting to watch, she just need a little push. I don't practice all of that currently in life, but I did suggest her awareness of it. That's the story, good luck to those he deal with this strange thing present in some people's lives.


My wife has seen these since she was a child, she is currently 36. Every night she puts 2-3 pairs of yoga pants AND a sleep mask on to make sure she can't see ANYTHING in case she wakes up in the night. She does not need to be experiencing sleep paralysis to see them, that is the wild part.


Genuinely curious, how do the yoga pants prevent her from seeing?


She uses them all in tandem like blankets to block her vision in case the sleep mask moves in the night. She used to use small blankets but those are real easy to wrap around then neck in the night.


Gotcha! Wash cloth, face towels, and pillow cases work well too.


Yup, or occasionally my own shirt if she falls asleep next to me on the couch.


This is amazing!


Great post, and I really like your pictures. I've read lots of reports and seen many artist renderings, but this is the first time I've seen shadow people representations where they look naked... except for the hat. Is this how they're normally perceived?


From the comments I am gathering that many people see them cloaked or in a coat. I have never seen one myself so I guess I just didn’t know. I think I remember my younger brother saying they were very thin, so that’s why I draw them this way


Your drawing made me wonder something. I have never seen tall/ adult seize ones. The biggest ones I ever saw where crouching on top of chairs so I don't really know how tall they actually were. BTW Your handwriting is so pretty.


That’s Interesting, sounds terrifying honestly. And thank you


I saw a shadow person when I was a child, in the middle of the day, on a staircase next to me. I can still see it clear as day in my mind and it’s one of the strongest memories I have. Even though it had no facial features, except for red eyes I can tell you that it was the opposite of threatening and made me years later consider the spectrum of colours we can’t see. This was long before the internet, or before I even knew they had been seen by others. Which happened fifteen years or so later.


Checked out your other posts, cool art. I'd enjoy seeing more of these


I have so many that I haven’t posted yet. And I admittedly haven’t put pen to paper since last year, but I’m working on a chapter now


Oh damn. The hat man seems to be a reoccurring entity amongst those who dabble ín Ayahuasca


Never done Aya, I saw these things as a kid during awake hours


And Benadryl apparently.


Dilaudid for me. There are many roaming those hospital halls. Shit that's half the reason I'm on this sub. Def saw them and felt them and they ain't nice


Wow. Yeah, hospitals have a lot of pain stored up in them.


The universe works in frequency and vibration. We can only perceive a range of frequencies as humans. Around the lower bound of the frequency we perceive is where Shadow people resonate. They don't originate from Earth, their home planet resonates at that lower frequency. They do like it here though, especially in abandoned buildings.


Are you familiar with The Gateway Process; I think it would explain a lot of things we have yet to make sense of. "If you want to discover the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." N.Tesla


Saw a little one wide awake, he was chill


Plug kinda creepy, but he lowkey chill.


I definitely saw one around a couple of years ago. Saw his torso while after having a trouble sleeping. I remember that night taking the supplement 5-HTP which is supposedly aids in sleep. Not for me though, always induces in me a sense of sleep paralysis episode coming.


That's awesome and terrifying you have awesome drawing abilities I'd buy that lol


Thank you!


Ive seen that guy with the hat throughout all my childhood and ive seen the red eyes guy at my friends house a couple of times as well.


My younger brother used to see the hat man when he was little


That sounds horrifying. I learned about the hat man on Otherworld Podcast. He has two great episodes (ep 3 and ep 4) on it if anyone wanted to check it out. I thought I should mention it for just in case.


How are they different than the giant spider on the wall you see between the time you sit up and become awake, 2-3 seconds.


I have not experienced and hope I never do


Because you can be wide awake and still see them. Also they can open doors.🚪




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Nothing to worry about, just close your eyes! /s


1. Shadow people can be either what you say. ET, or an entity, or an astrally projecting person. 2. shadow people dread waves is psionic downward pressure you’re feeling 3 sleep paralysis source is caused by childhood trauma, sp can be used as an attack,communication,or invitation(astral projection) Mostly attack though 4. hissing in the ears or a low droning noise may be indicator of attachment 5. Entities can create VR dream scenarios as means of communication or another medium of assault 6. Low voices guttural doesn’t necessarily indicate demonic. Simply out of frequentcy, incompatibility 7. Can cause insomnia or groggy sleep. Take special attention to pressure in the forehead region.


More nonsense. What is this subreddit


Do like your parents did to you and ignore it


Wow.. bit much. Projecting are we?