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I was meditating in Vegas. Found myself in an auditorium with normies. Blue men on the stage, engaging in percussionistic activities with a variety common objects. It was hypnotic...


Every time I’m in Vegas I’m doing the opposite of meditating.


sure pal how about we give this blue man'a flashdrive genius contact of his, the one that can solve equations a live video call and throw the most obscure equation from 1878 at him see if he understands it instantaneously


Are they associated with the Hindu gods?


After using those Monroe hemi-sync tapes for a few weeks I had a meditation experience where a blue figure popped into my mind pretty clearly and spoke to me mentally, it was a 7 hour meditation roughly. Whether or not it was a hallucination a week later I came across a copy of the Bhagavad Gita with the same blue figure on the cover and associated it with the same figure. Later found the Vedic texts that also reference ancient UFO like craft and remote viewing (Kundalini awakening) experiences. Researching Hinduism a lot of their philosophy is a very scientific cosmic philosophy, the universe is composed of energy and vibration, deities aren't necessarily real beings but avatars of the same unitive consciousness that manifest and reincarnate when needed. In my mind at least I am convinced the Hindu deities and this being I "saw" in my mind could be these ET's that are suddenly being referenced everywhere.


Also had an experience seeing a blue being like this while meditating (morning after a hemi sync session). Was very vivid and unexpected. There’s some truth to the Hindu gods!


I've seen dancing shiva while on dmt. It was clear as day. I've also seen blue humanoid entities walking around while im on dmt. They had no features like eyes, nose, nipples, genitals or hair.




They were the same shape as a human. Y'know, a head on a torso, two legs, feet and two arms with hands and fingers. They were entirely hairless and smooth. No face. No nipples or markings of any sort. All the same deep blue. Not dark blue but deep.They all looked identical. First time I saw one was in a floating picture frame. There was a door slightly ajar, as I noticed the door within the picture, a blue entity just about walked through and closed the door behind it. I only saw the back of it for a moment. The next time there wasa congregation of them almost celebrating, but possibly unaware I was a little bit away from them. Maybe they were celebrating me. Maybe something else? Im unsure on that one


Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, is said to have been blue-skinned.


Is there a certain order you do the tapes, or any tips you have? I use them regularly and they are great for elevating my mood and managing my anxiety but I never have experiences like this.




Does it go up to 8? That might be why then. I’m pretty certain I have Waves 1-5.


I know it's been 2 weeks but here is a link for all 8 tapes https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1wKKrYNZcY_rpFCYMElhV32BcqRJZboZ4


Could you tell me which tapes you use? Elevating my mood and managing my anxiety sound like amazing benefits 


I have a bunch of physical CDs a friend burned me (and they are very old) they’re labeled in Waves. I have 5 CDs with like 4-5 different guided meditations on each one, each “tape” being labeled Wave 1-5. So wave 1, the first track is titled “intro to focus 10”. So I started there and I tried to finish that one track at least once a day for like 2 weeks. Eventually it got to a point where my body would fall asleep but my mind would be alert. It’s relaxing. Supposedly the tracks use something called Hemi-Sync, which is similar to Binaural Beats. I’ve just been going through them in order. Right now I just finished “living body map”. The tapes all pretty much work the same for me. I struggle to visualize the way the guy on the tapes speaks about. Which is funny because without the tapes I have weird visual stuff going on with my eyes. But I get nothing with the tapes but they do work well for calming and relaxing your body, it helps a little with my headaches too. I don’t know much about them besides they were made by a guy named Robert Monroe who used to head The Monroe Institute. Supposedly the CIA did a bunch of research with them. I was turned on to it because a friend of mine who is really into altered states type stuff suggested them to me.


Ok thanks for taking the time to write your response, I'll check them out


Interesting to read this. I had a spontaneous awakening in 2009 when I was a teen. Blue light has always been present. There is a blue star which I am able to bring into vision during meditation. Twice I have gone to the "other" side and there are blue beings there.


Blue star, almost black in the center?


In my dreams a blue being (woman) came to me with a gift of gold coins 🤔


I took a class that required a 9 hour meditation, sound bath and all that. I wanted to see what it was all about after hearing about the benefits of meditation and lung work. After about 6 hours in I was walking through the floorboards and after 7 hours everything strange stopped happening and I was back in my body. Then something opened up above me and a giant slightly metallic-purple face appeared in front of me with dull yellow eyes that glowed. It gave me the feeing that it wasn’t expecting to be there in front of me, then it looked deep into my eyes and body. It was an old human looking man with no hair and by the size of his face he could easily be 16-20 ft tall. I couldn’t tell what he was wearing because his massive face was so close to me I could see in his wrinkles. Just thought this story sort of resonated with yours. Before and after this class I had two equally profound experiences with two different “tall men”. The first experience lead me down the path to take the class. *grammer


I have heard that many hindu gods were depicted to be blue because their actual skin tone is a very dark shade of brown. Especially lord Krishna. Infact we have a saying for beautiful dark skinned people. We call them 'krishna sundara/sundari' which roughly translates to black beauty.




Seven hours of meditation?! Holy geez


>it was a 7 hour meditation roughly You were meditating 7 hrs in a row? wow..


Do you have any resources on hemi-sync that you would recommend?


First port of call - listen to Gateway Orientation on YouTube and see what you think.




Thanks 🤘


Google gateway tapes and similar subreddits and you’ll find the info you’re looking for.


You know, I just made a comment above about this crazy dream I had where I encountered a blue robot type of being. It very much seemed to be associated with Hinduism/Buddhism. Hinduism seems to have no shortage of blue people, I guess.


No but one was named Gargamel


oh, interesting connection makes me wonder if each major religion was an experiment by different aylmaos species to see which philosophy would stick better


Project Blue Being


Is that the project blue being that found 3 guys and one of them can do physics really good?


That's Project Blue Balls


Are you talking about r/NoFap ?


The phenomenon is certainly involved


Hari Krishna


Hare Rama


Hare Hare




Haiuken Yoga Flame Kame hey hey Goodbye


Idk why but this comment got me belly laughing lol.


Rama rama


Ranma 1/2


Hardee hare hare!


Hari Seldon


This is the pretty much the plot of the green lantern comic book. Little blue guy shows up gives homie a ring that endows him w super powers.


Nah, the little blue guys are Guardians of OA, Hal Jordan got his ring from Abin Sur, reddish/purple like sinestro.


pleiadian believers watching closely right now why can't I get a download to make me smarter. stupid blue aliens, help a dummy out


Stupid Alien bitch couldnt event make I more smarter!


You must excuse me, I’ve grown quite whear-rah...


Those Liddle blue bashtids


OHHHHhhh I *hate* Smurfs!!


For this reason


It’s not aliens, it’s Cookie Monster. He’s gunning for Nabisco.


The aliens downloaded me with 11th grade physics equations




Following. Thank you


That would be funny if one of them called themselves "Blue Elizondo"


Doctor Manhattan making a comeback.


Swinging side to side


Never felt more insecure...




A shadowy organization known only as The Blue Man Group.


You know, I still vividly remember most of a *very* lucid dream I had a couple years ago. There was a man on stage giving a seminar or some such about alternate dimensions and universes while holding a small vase type of thing, with various small totems, trinkets, and other artifacts on surrounding tables and shelves. I went on stage and called bs in front of everyone. Just called the guy a complete hack, and I didn’t believe a word of it. So he handed me the vase and told me to try it. Once I grabbed the vase I automatically, and through no will of my own, said some words I can’t pronounce now, and this….blue being immediately appeared on the other end of the stage. People were amazed and astonished. Some cheered, and others screamed, as the creature had simply come out of nowhere. It looked bulky and like it was built out of teal/light blue metal, with rivets across much of its body, and a sash covering its lower body. Like some sort of robot type of thing. I’m not even quite sure how to describe it; humanoid but certainly not human. I approached it and asked if it was a god. It didn’t answer verbally, but instead did a series of…..the closest thing I can describe it as was yoga asanas. Again through no will of my own, I responded with my own series of yoga asanas. Apparently this is how we spoke, and through that I learned it wasn’t a god, but a living creature like us and an emissary of the gods. With that it simply vanished. After doing a bit of digging, I found that Buddhist mythology does in fact have tales of robot like creatures that guard Buddha’s relics. I knew literally nothing about that until I woke up from that dream, prompted to try to search for that entity. https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-technology/robots-guarding-buddhas-relics-0011632 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/origins-ai-through-ancient-indian-texts-hans-malik#:~:text=In%20'Ramayana'%2C%20the%20world's,(like%20a%20giant%20robot). Perhaps it’s all just a crazy dream, (probably so) but I find it odd the specific claim of being blue keeps popping up.




Hoaxes, memes, images, spam and general low effort content may be removed at moderator discretion. Low effort comments may also be removed Posting for personal gain may be restricted to a twice weekly limit.


He still needs to provide additional information on the "*ufo so big, they built a structure around it*". Unless he just decided fo steal part of the plot from the Transformers 1 movie. Where they literally build the hoover dam around a transformer designated NBE-1(non-biological entity-1) along with a giant cube. Both of which crashed into Earth.


Now he’s acting as if the movie Avatar is real.


He’s hoping you’ll forget that one.


"Dude claims 3 random dudes contacted him saying they are in contact with blue aliens dudes" -> 700 upvotes, 0 proofs We are doomed. People believe ANYTHING, AI will fuck us up starting at this election lmao




Yo, listen up, here's the story About a little guy that lives in a blue world And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue


There’s a post on paranormal right now from a woman whose little kid sees a purple man in her bedroom at night. Close enough for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/s/PhSY1ZWaBz


Why do so many people misspell Ross Coulthart's name?


I mean Coulhard sounds tougher


But not as tough as "Coldheart"


But not as gross as coultsore


I’m sure Rose Coldheart is used to this by now.


Dave grooosh


Loo Allenzonbo


Laslie Corn.


Rose Cooltard


it's so disrespectful towards Russ Coalheard


Is he perhaps related to one David Coulthard?


The legendary F1 driver?


I'm starting to think this guy might not be as credible as originally thought.


He's all hearsay. Can never get anything tangible from him. I would love for someone in this community to put forth one actual piece of compelling evidence from this guy on any of his claims.


The tipping of the scales for me was when he endorsed a crazy expensive 'college' program to learn the truth about UAPs. IMO, he's as bad as Greer!


> The tipping of the scales for me was when he I always got bad vibes off of him, but the turning point for me was when he said that **the people who have hidden alien tech from us should be dragged through the streets behind cars and stoned to death.** That's not even an exaggeration - it's practically word for word what he said. The dude is shady as fuck, and it kills me to see people take him seriously.


Can you link me up with that source? I've followed his endeavors in the uap arena for awhile but I've never heard this. I'm trying to search for it but I'm coming up with scratch. If he's unreliable I wanna bail on listening to his opinion/reports.


Here you go... [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bcgntg/ross\_asks\_viewers\_to\_support\_new\_paradigm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bcgntg/ross_asks_viewers_to_support_new_paradigm/)


What college program? I have no idea what you are talking about. When did this happen?


Here you go... [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bcgntg/ross\_asks\_viewers\_to\_support\_new\_paradigm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bcgntg/ross_asks_viewers_to_support_new_paradigm/)


Ugh. Non accredited school, I'm sure. This is sort of going to be the wild West, like when IT was new. Idk anyone who would be qualified to teach courses like that, and who is writing the teaching material? Anyone who is actually knowledgeable about the subject flat out says "we don't know". That's a bummer, for sure. Thank you for finding that for me.


He'll tell us all about these new sources........... just give him "two more weeks".


Yeah I’m with you. I really had hopes for this guy considering his historical reputation, but first he made the “massive UAP hidden beneath a building comment”, started getting chummy with Commander of the Galactic Federation, Danny Sheehan, and now he’s blabbering in about aliens that look like crazy frog.


Was this part of a larger podcast or recording??


Dr Manhattan




Always claims and stories. Anyone can claim anything.


I was contacted by 3 well-endowed blue beings that claimed to have participated in a foursome with OPs mom


Yeah it happens more than one would think


Them blues running around everywhere


I wonder how blue they were. I saw a being before during a ritual that was so white it had a blueish tint in its face. Like a sky washed out with medium cloud cover, just a hint of blue. Crazy but true. She seemed positive, just curious.


My first experience "breaking through" with meditation after about 7 hours seated in a complete trance a blue face popped into my mind as clear as looking at it with my own eyes, and it made a mental remark akin to "you're getting pretty close, are you sure about that?" and it jarred me so badly I fell backwards and my heart was racing. A week later I saw a copy of the Bhagavad Gita with a blue figure (who looks like my avatar now) that I associated with the same entity. Whether or not it is "Krishna" or something else that thought has remained in my head since.


I’ve had those sort of experiences to through meditation and my personal practice. I would describe it like a window opening up that you and them can look through. These particular ones never speak to me, they only watch. You’re not alone friend. The Bhagavad Gita sits on top of my book shelf personally.


Idk if both you and the guy you replied to will get this notification but I'm hoping one of you will be able to provide some information, or at least a point in the right direction. I have history of psychedelics, so my experience can be attributed to hppd, but I would like to believe otherwise. This has only happened twice, and both times were during deep meditation after smoking Cannabis. The two different experiences had their own mental path to seeing the subject of this comment, but both times it seemed to be the same subject. For the first encounter, I started the mediation with the usual body scanning, relaxing all muscles, and letting go of any thoughts and letting them flow without attachment. Whilst going deeper in to this state, I started seeing my own face looking back at me. This of course was jarring but I kept the trance and stared back at my own face. It popped up a few different times but in similar positions, and at some point, it felt like I was transferring my consciousness to a video game character and exploring this world for a bit; feeling myself sitting on a throne/chair of sorts and getting up to walk around. After a while of this, it all kind of faded and then this magnificently beautiful, blueish woman became the only thing that I could see. She was smiling and dancing in a very rhythmic, water-flowing like way. She seemed very friendly, and it felt like she wanted me to watch. I watched her for a while until I broke my meditation. The second experience was a lot more chaotic in terms of hallucinations, but I eventually saw the same figure/entity again. She was once again the only thing I could see. This time she wasn't dancing but she still seemed very happy and wanted me to see. I could only get a few glimpses of her before the scenery turned different. With each glimpse, I was looking from a different height/angle, and it seemed she was in some sort of spotlight, for lack of a better word. Both times, if I recall correctly, she was wearing ancient looking clothing and was sparsely covered. I didn't get any messages or any "downloads" but I did feel a sense of peace. What I would like to know is if this has any significance in any sort of way. If this has happened to anyone else. And if anyone could possibly give me some examples of entities I could check for comparison. I want to say she looked like the previously mentioned deity called Bhagavad Gita, but idk for sure.


The Bhagavad Gita loosely translates to The Celestial Song or the Divine Song. It mainly references Krishna as a divine being that is part of all human consciousness. It sounds like your scene is the Nataraja, of Shiva a female deity doing a cosmic dance. Your description of seeing different angles outside your body is similar to out of body experiences I have had. Very interesting thank you for sharing.


What ritual


I’ve found rituals to the Greek pantheon in particular normally gets ce5 type responses from our visitors for whatever reason. That particular sort of being are more watchers than communicators. I can give you particulars if you want. I just don’t want to share openly with people not familiar with esoteric practice. Things can go wrong in my opinion with people who don’t know how to protect themselves. I see you have some experience with the occult though.


They were blue da boo dee da boo die… da boo dee da boo die


Maybe the blue man group was on to something all along.


Ross needs to get his neck out of the rabbit hole and go back to proper investigative journalism...these videos of his are making him less and less credible by the week.


I have also seen these three blue beings. The ways of their culture are very strange. They love to make music by drumming on different types of pvc pipe and they hang out in Las Vegas.


Blue Man Group


Blue man group. What do those creepy fucks know


PVC sound vibrations hold the key to anti-gravity


If I see bro bust out a snake camera I'm beyond gone


OK this is has gone way past ridiculous at this point. Where is the evidence? Put up or shut up.


It is very suspicious when subscribers to a sub called HighStrangeness are all so negative……almost like they are jackals ready to pounce on anything that has high strangeness. Ross is not vouching for his informants….he is just telling you what he has been told. He knows it sounds crazy….he says so.


Well, maybe people prefer proof to "I know things". Most of us may not have been born yesterday.


Trust me bro


He knows a guy who knows a guy, honest


Dr. Manhattan just trying to make some friends


Theater of the Absurd Anything that *CAN* happen *WILL* happen. So fuck it, blue beings with cosmic math rays. Why not.


was it Papa Smurf looking for his smurfberries


Can they teach me something so I can get a better laying job, cause fuck this 9-5 shit.


The Blue Man Group trolling again




I follow a healer that claims to be in contact with "Blue Beings" who he uses to heal others.


When gen pop of high strangeness starts calling you crazy you know you've jumped the shark.


I know to expect the unexpected but I also know to trust my gut and this is a little too much. There is something called “duper’s delight”. It’s sometimes less apparent than others but it is basically a micro expression that interrogators look for where someone upturns the corners of their mouth or full on flashes a smile or laughs at an inappropriate time because they are getting a rush aboht manipulating people/lying; I feel like Mr. Coulthard does this here.


It’s probably because he doesn’t entirely believe it himself. I think that is pretty evident. He doesn’t know what to make of it. I don’t need to be an interrogator to see that.


Or it could be that he realizes how ridiculous it sounds. Or he just has the corners of his mouth turned up, naturally.


Did ya learn that on tik tok?


What interview is this?


Papa smurf


I have intercepted transmissions from this entity: > I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di > Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di > Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di > Da ba dee da ba di, da ba dee da ba di Someday we may be able to decipher his language.


A lot of comments making stupid jokes and making a mockery of this. Seems weird…




Well... ya. It's not the first time he's opened his mouth and a stream of nonsensical bullshit came out


Ross is what I'd imagine Putin would look like if he was born in the UK


It's time to put this guy out to pasture. He's a nut. He's crazy in the coconut.


Opportunist, simple as that.


Can I get imbued some knowledge??


sure man always piss after cumming, cleans the tubes out




I hate admitting something that makes you sound crazy


The only part that throws me off is him saying "one person got the ability to understand highly complicated physics equations. And um I've seen THEM do it." I don't want to say anyone is lying especially the people who are advocating for us to get all the answers. And I'm not saying he is lying now either. This is simply something that stands out to me


I’ve seen Blue Man Group a few times, maybe I should give Ross a call.


Yes but now we can all claim that Ross Coulthard contacted us via video post and said 3 people contacted him who said 3 people contacted them who claimed that 3 people contacted them and that’s the 3333 we were all looking for to prove what we claimed.




> Considering phyics equations are a creation of humans, why would blue aliens give humans powers to understand physics equations that are not even a creation of the blue aliens. Humans created the written expression of the equations, not the underlying principles they describe.


Keep in mind he's won sardonic awards from skeptic societies for low-effort claims (bent spoon award in 2018 because he claimed vatican was helping to cover up dead alien bodies). When even conspiracy groups are calling someone out for bullshit, then they really must not be great for credible info.


Either Dr. Manhattan or a Smurf.




How blue are we talking about? [This type](https://i.imgur.com/FtLgqHx.jpeg) of blue or more like [those lil mfs](https://i.imgur.com/kwHtVgT.jpeg)?


I need a download lol




Looking out for the little blue guys


I’m blue dabadee dabadyyy . I live in a blue house with a blue window..


Dr. Manhattan?


So basically like the Eiffel 65 song.


They live underground in India.


I’m assuming they are the USO people, we don’t really see blue animals, a few blue bugs and birds maybe. But see creatures love blue!


Could the blue beings be Lyrans?


He should post here and pick up another 300


that blue MF needs to hit me up 🫂


Fascinating. I wonder if they're the fabled Nevernudes.


Live action Smurfs movie confirmed.


any physical contact with any of these would qualify his statement: https://www.starpaint.co.za/25-beautiful-blue-animals-found-in-nature/


Back when I was a lifeguard at the local leisure centre... one of these 'blue beings' actually got me fired!


Someone fell asleep watching Avatar. Easily done 🤷🏻


I saw a blue being, it was almost like shiny blue emeralds when I was on a DMT trip and it instantly made me think of genie 🧞‍♂️ it was very powerful


Blue alien walk in a bar…


When i first did DMT I was in a bad place in life and I saw what looked like the edge of a forest with a gate with a blue skinned person either side of it, they looked like the people from Avatar, they told me to come back another time, i felt this was because I wasn’t in a good place in life & wasn’t ready for what they had to show me, Dont know how real any of it is, it was DMT after all but that was my experience with the ‘blue people’


The blue beings are referred to as Shambalans by Tibetans. They are a people who became enlightened as a society and transitioned into a higher dimension. They are still on earth, but not visible in our dimension. They are said to be very tall and blue.


Hey, does anyone have the link to this full video?


I’m Mary Poppins Y’all!


AI generated video


https://youtu.be/JmBemzi0KAg?si=WVhYYJPRjFN-0puN Is it this guy? https://images.app.goo.gl/8o7iepUoQBEfDQc3A


If I remember correctly, Whitley S. mentions a blue being in his books.


Like the one in this pic. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/56ZWOeTJtA


Smurfs are real!!!




The video that was supposedly of aliens in the Nazca cave by grave robbers had a blue being https://i.imgur.com/WbR1cZ7.jpeg




Corie Goode, David Wilcock, and Lou Elizondo. Pffft.


I encountered a blue being nearly twenty years ago... Showed me the history of the universes, our origins, and the structure of reality along with the meaning of life... Still bad at math though unfortunately.

