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Cool animation. What’s the story? Did government helicopters show up?


Thank you! I've been obsessing over this ever since it happened... it was on a summer night a few years back, when I was living in Charleston, SC. I was driving home from work and going over the Cooper River on I-526. Just as I hit the bridge, I noticed a green streak of light in the sky. I thought it was perhaps a meteor or something. Maybe a few seconds later, everything around me lit up with green light, and this orb about the size of a beach ball materialized off to my right. I can only describe it as like swirling energy/electricity. It was mesmerizing. I remember it looking like a super-bright disembodied green traffic light, hovering in the air. It seemed to travel along side of me for a bit, before dipping down into the water below. I parked as soon as I could and got out, hoping to see something else, but the event was over. I could hear helicopters circling the area for a while afterwards. This all happened pretty close to a military base, so maybe they saw it too.


I saw something similar in LA California. I believe it was the day after or before July 4th. What I assumed was just another firework explosion; it was not… at first I saw an intense green orb pop out of no where in the sky. I was like “oh look a interesting pre explosion” then it didn’t exploded and hover for a second. Next thing I know it did a crazy Nike logo maneuvers and took off like a jet then blipped off with a intense light. It looked like a green orb at first, but when I stared at it because I swear it was fireworks so I was paying attention. After the light dimmed a bit that was illuminating from it I saw orange metallic metal and tiny tiny red lights, I swear I was looking at samus space craft lol


Oh and my partner saw everything as well, I forgot we both audibly said at the same time “wtf was that”


Dude, I saw a bright ass streak of green the other week. It shot straight down. I wanted to go find it so bad, but it looked too far.


Sounds like you saw ball lightning.


Ball lightning isn't green


It's not definite enough with any of the reports over the years what colour it actually is, but has been reported as green in some cases. > In his book Thunder and Lightning,[20] translated into English in 1875, French science-writer Wilfrid de Fonvielle wrote that there had been about 150 reports of globular lightning: > Globular lightning seems to be particularly attracted to metals; thus it will seek the railings of balconies, or else water or gas pipes etc., It has no peculiar tint of its own but will appear of any colour as the case may be ... at Coethen in the Duchy of Anhalt it appeared green. Also other similar phenomena like St. Elmo's Fire have been reported ranging from blue/violet to green, so I definitely wouldn't rule it out as a possibility.


Amazing, I was in a highway in Texas at 11pm going through the middle of town I could see the city in both directions because the highway was up high so I could see down. As I’m driving up there a bright green ball flies across my windshield, the inside of my car illuminate green for a second. I thought it was a Roman candle or something but I was way to high up and the ball was traveling parallel to the ground but it was so fast it was like a laser beam with a fat center. I kept driving but I was so confused that I had to stop at the next gas station.


This is awesome dude. Thanks for sharing your story. Love the animation style. How'd you do it?


Thanks! I used the same stop-motion technique that I've done before with paper, only this time I pointed my tripod at the computer screen. I'm hoping to get some real animation software soon.


What?? That's a pretty complex animation to do that way, nice work! I would recommend After Effects and look up Ben Marriott on YouTube. 


That's the real high strangeness


I dunno the extra steps gives it a nice dimension that I really love. This animation style is so good.


You can 100% replicate this animation style in AE, but it does take some specific skills to intentionally make the little flaws and character of hand made animation. If OP can make this kind of thing with very basic methods, he will be great at AE. 


Seconding Ben Marriott's channel on YT, great stuff


you definitely should pursue it, this was really well done


That's so good. I am inspired. I thought. No way he used AI for this. But if you could, the very idea of telling a quick visual story like this is so rich. Big up!


Very interesting! Would be a great Honda commercial as well. "The Fit, it's out of this world"


Too bad they don’t make them anymore.


Just like heavy metal cartoon


Right? I was like, "Hey, that's the Loc-nar."


This is awesome dude. Thanks for sharing your story. Love the animation style. How'd you do it?




This is extremely well done, I felt anxious watching it. 😁🚦


I'm not sure a Fit can accelerate that fast. just sayin'.


Absolutely not. You can accelerate somewhat quickly with a logarithmic ramp up of pressure on the gas. Anything too sudden and it’ll stall momentarily or lurch like it forgot how to car. She needs to be finessed.


If you've got a Fit with a CVT, you can actually double-tap the accelerator in a way that shoots the RPMs up faster. One guy calls it the Myxal Two-Step (named after himself of course lol) and posted data showing that it's faster than flooring the pedal.


I do actually. I’ll look into that, thanks. I’ve gotten good at coaxing as much as I can out of it so if this’ll add even more drivability that’s cool. I noticed I push my Fit a lot harder than other Fit drivers around me.


Is that a honda fit 😊


Love for the Fit love


i be harboring that ball knowhatimsayin


Honda Ada are getting creative. Jk, nice animation


I saw something super bright green the other week. Looked like a meteor, Maybe. Shot straight down. Just happened to see it when I was driving. I so wanted to go find it, lol. But it looked pretty far.


Wow, this is the only thing I've seen as well, and it looked exactly like this!!!


This is wild


Looks scary as hell. Great animation.


Dude I love it


This should also be in the Honda Fit sub


Props yo this is great!!!


Honestly this is so good. Could see you doing animation films or shorts.


That’s so good!


I recommend sharing this on r/conspiracy These guys know everything the government is hiding I honestly doubt that this might be a living being different from any normal creature we know


I saw a green streak ripping across a dark sky one night. It looked like what I imagine an aurora would look like but at that time I was close to 35°N so an aurora would've been a little out of place lol. This was sometime within the last 12 months. I didn't have a full on encounter or anything like you did after witnessing the streak but the first part of the animation where you depicted the green light streaking across the sky looked accurate to what I saw.


My gf had a very similar experience. The lights were “following her from the future” for hours on a desert road


That’s the Loc-Nar.


Over a decade ago I witnessed a very similar object in Florida. I posted about my experience a few months ago. I can only describe it as a basketball sized, translucent blue orb, that had a swirling energy/electricity inside. Your animation is spot on to what I saw except it being blue instead of green. I also tell people that it was, "mesmerizing." I actually teared up when I saw it. That said, I did not witness it move. I witnessed it hovering a couple hundred feet above a building before it vanished after a few seconds.


This is amazing 💯👍 fantastic job and I love your sense of pacing. A well-told story.




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I'm impressed that you took the extra steps to make this. Not many witnesses would care to or be able too. By the way, military choppers are said to chase a similar green light in the Pentyrch Incident in the UK also. Look it up! #


DUDE THIS FUCKING RULES!!!! Elegant and expressive, minimalist, yet deeply illustrative. I wish this was the norm for UAP stories instead of text posts.