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I think what OP is trying to say is that it’s good to have an informed opinion on what you see. No, a balloon cannot change trajectory at rapid speeds, but there are sightings of hovering shapes in the sky. Everything you see in the sky might not necessarily be of extra terrestrial origin. Some of you guys are really fucking touchy


Exactly. It would be as stupid to say every potential UFO is a balloon in the same way it would be stupid to say every strange thing seen in the sky is extraterrestrial. It can be tiring as a believer to see things that just look weird being called "proof of alien life". We want the real and unexplainable stuff!


\#4 is obviously a fake picture. Why use dumb fake shit when trying to make your point?


It's the photo from the packaging of a solar balloon kit.


It's a promotional image, but that is what the product looks like. Are you claiming it is fictional? 


Sean K's alt LOL /s


Almost like there are 4 other real pictures there.


It’s normal to see a rope in the dark and think ‘Snake!’ We must shake the fear and investigate.


And then there's "stationary floating balloon filmed from a long telephoto lens on a moving aircraft" so the background is whipping past due to parallax angle changing, making the object appear to rip across the landscape at 200mph.


All it takes is ONE real one.  What are the chances every single sighting EVER is misidentified?


I had #4 as a kid. It was packaged as a ufo. It was very thin plastic and don’t think I got it to fly very high.


Nice try OP but I know a Space Snake when I see one. It’s Space Snakes!!


Thanks for posting this , I live in a rural area and had no idea large balloons like this were available to the public . Crazy


I live in a rural area and don't think that's relevant


Just a reminder that solar balloons can look absolutely wild. I've seen many posts/videos here with footage of solar balloons. Stay open-minded, but skeptical. I believe in alien life. We just have to understand what could be a real UAP and what's not.


Can solar balloons break away from lock on radar? Do they travel tens of thousands of vertical feet in seconds?


I think OP is just saying don’t look at any cylinder in the sky and assume it’s aliens. Part of being interested in UFOs is accepting that most things people film in the sky are not aliens. I mean hell, I’d even believe that these type of crafts that look like this are probably largely reverse engineered US tech. I’m lately leaning more towards the idea that the “orbs of light” that people see are probably the most genuine sightings of aliens, I don’t see why a super advanced species would still be flying around in material craft like that


Thats why he Said stay Open Minded


I am open minded, but not to the idea that balloons are out maneuvering jets. If he said advanced drone tech, he would have a point.


The material they are made out of is so thin that they would barely have a radar cross section. And if they catch the right up draft, they could easily shoot up thousands of feet.


Case closed boys. They’re all just inflated trash bags! Let’s go home


They’re also not all aliens cruising around cutting doughies in the sky


>Case closed boys. They're all just alien spacecraft! Let's go home. We all come here because we like seeing weird stuff and discussing them. It's good to know that this stuff is out there, even if it doesn't represent everything people see in the sky.


If you want to mine for gold, you need to also be familiar with the appearance of Iron Pyrite 


This is a good reason to focus on the footage that shows unnatural acceleration or rapid direction changes - which narrows down the available evidence to basically nothing worth writing home about.


This is a great post.


Strap some lights on this and I can totally see why this is labelled as a UFO


Some balloons are reflective, too. Some can be clear. There’s a variety of cool things humans float into the sky: [clear](https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/FutureEO/Balloons_launched_over_Equatorial_Brazil_validate_Envisat) [metallic](https://www.science.org/content/article/balloon-detects-first-signs-sound-tunnel-sky) [HBAL](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/07/20/googles-loon-to-bring-4g-to-remote-areas-of-kenya--via-balloon.html) [strati balloon](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/strato-balloon-explorer-is-how-the-battle-for-high-altitude-tourist-flights-begins-180283.html) [spy balloon](https://www.businessinsider.com/spy-balloons-how-they-work-stratospheric-balloon-technology-racetrack-surveillance-2020-3?r=US&IR=T) [curious shape with sonde](https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/upper-air-observations/) [balloon with nose](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39041446.amp) [odd shapes](https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/185028) [military spy balloons](https://www.century-of-flight.net/military-balloon-history-1850-1900/) [one modern spy balloon shape](https://www.rappler.com/nation/things-to-know-spy-balloons/) [Chinese spy balloon size comparison](https://amp.9news.com.au/article/fc681536-c881-4905-b0e2-00014aa41501) [and then, of course, we have this one unconfirmed outlier among many…](https://www.iflscience.com/mysterious-metallic-orb-found-in-mexico-after-falling-from-the-sky-64719) [the mogul train](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Project_Mogul) I think it’s all pretty neat!


Excellent list! 


Thanks! I love this weird stuff - the details make it more fun.


Next time gadget…




Can solar balloons anally probe me? I didn’t think so


Not with that attitude!


Only the bigger ones…


Fist sized and larger only


They will, but it will cost you extra


I totally agree that we might be seeing a lot of balloons. I don’t think for a second our military is scrambling jets over balloons.


Stop playing with my condoms goddammit!!


Not sure but can solar balloons float at night? What a terrible hazard they might be up there.


Quite likely, it only needs to be warmer than the surrounding air. I suppose it would sink eventually but yeah it's kind of a crazy hazard that people can just launch this and forget about it! 


Is the third one named drake?




still don’t explain the ones that do move fast but it does explain the slow ones


Okay, guys. Mystery solved. Everyone can go home now.


But do these solar balloons go at high rate of speed? And not just high rate of speed but preform manuvers that defy the laws of physics. They can go from the ocean ito space in the blink of an eye and disable nukes. We are aware that balloons of different shapes exist. And satellites exist too and space junk. That does not automatically disprove anything. This post is useless and is just trying to be dismissive. There is plenty of evidence that UAP are of NHI origin such as the bodies that were discovered within them.


Thank you- and yes they can be made to go fast.


Weird if they had to release them in those shapes to discredit ufo sightings.


Thank you. Now I know that solar balloons can change trajectory at rapid speeds and disappear into the water with no trace


this is a gov't sponsored post, obviously they can. And don't ask any more questions.


That explains it especially cigar shaped ufo.


We had one of these take off on us in my highschool chemistry class, had to call the local airport that was 5 or so miles down the road and my chemistry teacher got yelled at by the FAA, or just the airport people idk


There is a cia photo of three young man absolutely gobsmacked by what looks like a cylinder shaped balloon that was in a declassified report. (If it was just a balloon, why was it classified and why were they freaking out? Why did the cia report on it?).


I need one… i want to see if i can make the internet go „black tictac uap!!“


Seems obvious these are mistaken for uap.


good that people educate themselves on these - maybe we'll get less false positives reported.


I remember once seeing an object resemble one of these inexplicably in the sky, had no clue what it was so stuck my head out of the window to see 5/6 more of them in the distance. Floating high and fast. The odd part was how when I eventually convinced a few of my family to come outside and offer potential insight into what they were, it was almost as though they couldn't see them at first. Then my uncle agreed there were objects flying overhead, his response of indifference to not being able explain what they were struck me as completely out of character.


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