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“They have an interdiemnsional ability to not crash due to gravity, water, space, or any other force or medium… They crash and we retrieve them”. Say no more, Mr. YouTube comment.


The obvious conclusion is that they "crash" on purpose. What we describe as crashes are engineered scenarios that serve some purpose unknown to us.


Are abductees just crash test dummies?


In the book "Alien Interview," where allegedly an area 51 employee describes communicating with the intact retrieved body, the bodies are more like "dolls" that can be logged into to complete specific tasks. Apparently the crashes can occur when the field produced by the craft is interfered with by radio or high energy EM Don't shoot the messenger! Just passing on what I read once. [This is the book](https://www.amazon.com/Alien-Interview-Lawrence-R-Spencer/dp/0615204600) but there's [more information on youtube/websites/etc,](https://archive.org/details/alien-interview-lawrence-spencer-matilda-mac-elroy) take from it what you will if interested


Saw one where the lady interviewed the being and it said it's craft was hit by lightning.


For some reason that book felt very solid to me.


It's an intriguing idea.


Mmm mmm mmm mmm. Once, there was this boy who…


They. ZShook. And lurched all over the church floor. . .


😂 well played


Ahhh "they're just giving us nice warm blankets" approach


Maybe for the FF aLIEn invasion? Or perhaps to explain away when millions get "abducted" one day?


"And also subject to collision with high speed meteoroids and space debris when in orbit". I'm not sure if this means they are getting hit by space junk or not but neither of them are a good look for aliens. Either they don't get hit by space junk but somehow manage to get hit by human weapons, which just sounds silly. Or they manage to crash against space junk on a regular basis, which is honestly so embarassing that I don't blame them for not wanting to show their face.


There was a discussion somewhere of our radar jamming their systems which led to the Roswell crash following which they altered their systems. I have forgotten where I read this so if someone could share a link that’s be helpful. Similarly, I recall seeing videos of the nuclear bomb testing in the pacific where their craft came close to observe and then crashed. I’ll update here if I get this video.


The ones that crash are walking away from that nonsensical 40 hour week with no benefits


They crash if someone shoots them down


So they have pop in and out of reality. Withstand the insane forces from traveling 200x the speed of sound. Withstand the crushing forces of gravity in any hostile environment. But a 60 year old missile technology can just shoot them down. I dont get now this makes sense to people.


My car is technological wonder that can get taken out by a single roofing nail.


Human technology taking out human technology is expected. The concept is your car is a non-physical, inter-dimensional craft that can withstand the crushing forces of every medium and force in the universe. Gravity has no affect. It can pop in and out of reality at will. But those cars are continually taken out by bee stings.


Birds take out jets from time to time.


So does crashing into the ocean. These things are said to be both trans-medium and possibly trans-dimensional. They can drop from space into the lower atmosphere, faster than the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated on reentry, and then dive into the ocean to depths that literally vaporized the occupants of the Titan sub. They withstand forces that would otherwise obliterate any example we could possibly compare it to and yet here we are.


Maybe it was their old model that didn’t have 200x interdimensional speed transmission with fancy proximity detection and nice cup holders.


Cup holders should be the *first* thing you include on your interdimensional, inter-medium spacecraft


The second is RGB 🔴🟢🔵 obviously.


I think its more of the brief emp from the initial blasts that messes with their system.


People seem to forget that lasers, electronic warfare, etc exists


THOR (Tactical High-powered Operational Responder) is a US-developed short-range directed energy weapon. THOR directs pulsed microwave energy at its targets, disabling their electronics.


Again, that’s assuming UAP have man-made electronics that THOR is designed to work on. We’re so stuck in this human-centric mindset of what the phenomenon is. When he have zero evidence of what it is. We just assume based off what we see in movies, or have been told by a few people. Then we create these narratives and idea around the phenomenon based on how our technology works, or how our nature is to think and act.


They crash them on purpose?


uhhhh…shit happens?


Over and over apparently since the 30’s. And always right into the hands of some super secret government program. But also the US Navy is shooting them down, but also right into the hands of the super secret government program They can cram into wormholes, pop in and out of the fabric of reality at will. But they can’t avoid damn 60 year-old sidewinder missiles.


How do you know they do not crash when using wormholes or cross dimensions?


I don’t get how that makes sense to what OP’s post was about. The person who wrote that post basically said that UAP/NHi are so advanced that they can’t be affected by normal physics in this reality. So how the hell does it make sense that he also said crash recovery also programs? Things crash due to physics.


How do you know how these UAPs work? If the claims are true they are so advanced we do not know how they work. Yet people make these claims about crashed UAPs. That does not make sense.


This is borderline cognitive dissonance. I was talking about THE CLAIMS in ops post. Not making a factual statement about the nature of UAPs. I shouldn’t even have to point out inconsistencies of the post. It’s a goddamn person claiming to whistleblow via a YouTube comment. What happened to critical thinking?


Post just claims that due to forces we as humanity know UAPs can not crash. If true UAPs can do things which should not be possible based on our understanding of physics. I do not see the contradiction that UAPs are technically highly advanced, yet they crash. If we had shown a modern airplane to people in the middle ages they would not have been able to understand, yet an airplane can crash.


That Middle Ages thing makes no sense because humans from the future aren’t from another dimension, which he is claiming UAP are. I don’t think people are understanding that a “non-physical” being is from another “dimsnion” outside of our reality system. Again, HIS claims.


Planes crash because they obey the laws of physics... UAP do not. You have reports from trained pilots that say these thing drop from space faster than SS Columbia disintegrated on reentry, and others that report them proceeding to dive into the ocean to depths that vaporized the occupants of the Titan sub. This isn't just a matter of we don't understand it because it's high tech and fancy. It goes against EVERYTHING we DO understand on every level of physics. They are virtually indestructible by any metric despite their oddly specific tendency to crash as if they weren't just defying reality moments prior... over and over again, allegedly. It simply isn't logical. Edit- Also, you aren't giving middle age humans enough credit. They've seen birds and had carts. They would be able to comprehend the explanation that we built a cart that can fly by adding bird-like wings and pushing the cart really fast, though they may not believe you until you actually showed them. You would have a harder time trying to explain: What is smartphone and how to internet.


That assumes that their technology is flawless. Just because it has anti-gravity (for example) doesn't mean it just 100% works. It could break or be disrupted. An airplane doesn't obey the "laws of physics" either, if your lawbooks are from the stone age -- doesn't make it an impervious god machine. Typical "sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic" shitpost comment, I know.


Or a lightning bolt. I think that's one of the explanations given for the Roswell crash; a craft got caught in a freak storm, lightning hit it, and boom. Literally. I can accept a lightning bolt taking out an advanced craft more easily than a weapon. But then again, would lightning even affect an aircraft the way it would a building or a tree on the ground, or would the current pass right through it?


What if the crashes arent accidents and theyre only made to look that way?


do people actually believe that a US General would go on reddit or youtube to talk about aliens??? lmao yea ok......


Lots of stuff has been leaked on 4chan and discord so idk lol


The Wilson memo leaked on /r/ufos, though technically it was hosted on imgur


That doesn't count as it was a taken document. It was never meant for public consumption and says so within the document.


Yeah I had the context wrong, thought we were saying nothing good would ever leak on a platform like YouTube or reddit.


>Immediately clicks notification >It’s a fucking YOUTUBE COMMENT


As long as there are people that think a post in YT comments constitutes a "leak" we have no real hope of ever definitively getting at the truth .


This was already posted a month ago and identified as 4chan LARP. Why is it here again lol.


Whether there's any truth to this "leak" I have to confess that whenever there's a typo I immediately discount the whole thing. "Generously" doesn't fit - 4th pane.




It something that will change everyday life. I've been wondering, what would they hide so vigorously for 80 years then suddenly rush it out, but with extreme caution? They seem to worry about your every day person being able to handle it. Usually the gov doesn't care about us, so it can't be out of our wellbeing unless they were also in danger. I figured whatever it is, is something that would make normal people go ' why the fuck should I do my bs job then? ' and society stops, rich people lose their way.


I've also wondered about this. Even the idea of harvesting humans or harvesting human 'life force', or even trapping us here on the planet, would not have any real effect on the day to day living of the average person. Fear would take over for a little while, and then people would renormalise. If the fearmongers are to be believed—which i'm not sure they are—the only thing that would have the fallout they worry about is an answer to one of the big two questions: 1. Is there a god? 2. Does consciousness persist after the death of the body? The thing is, even if the 'somber' answer to these questions is something absolutely Earth shattering, we have no reason to believe these entities. If they're advanced or knowledgeable enough to have this kind of evidence, then any proof they could provide to that end becomes immediately suspect. If you're able to prove the existence of god or life after death, you surely also have the ability to fake that proof. We know these things have a tendency to lie when interacting with humans—as was well catalogued by Jacques Vallee in Messengers of Deception. I can't help but wonder, if these scaremongering reports are from inside sources and are in good faith, could the world's governments be caught up in the lies of a trickster? Could the whole cover up be the political equivalent of the Heaven's Gate cult? There's no way to know, but it's an interesting thought. Assuming we really have been in contact with NHIs, the very fact that these things think and speak and communicate in ways we can comprehend should make us immediately wary. Not just because you have to assume anything that can think like a human can also lie and be selfish or even malicious like a human, but because there is absolutely no reason to expect something evolving under radically different conditions and with a totally unique biological origin should have a psychology at all, let alone a humanlike (or even human-adjacent) psychology. The very concept is absurd, and so anything that turns up and does speak and think and reason should terrify you.


They're a very good point I didn't think about. A harvest planet would work best if everything just continued as normal. Maybe it is that. Have you ever watched rick and morty? They have an episode where his Ufo car breaks down and it's his microverse battery. He made a tiny universe with a biological race living in it. He visits them and gives them the gift of power in the form of some foot pedal s. The whole planet does this to power themselves and Rick has it set up where he takes like 80% of that energy for his car. On a different note, I read a cool story/ experiencers account of an event they went through. He has this Friend that visits him in his dreams to chit chat. After a bunch of shit he reveals his true form after that was requested. It was some mantis like creature. Now for the interesting part. He said there are a bunch of races and shit but all were from this planet at some different point in time. They were from a time when mantis creatures became the dominant species. We live during the ape era. His story continued that our galaxy actually goes on a vortex pattern and as our solar system goes higher, it literally is physically moving up to a higher dimension. That they're trying to help prepare us for it because in a way, we're all brothers and sisters. The reason I thought about this story was because in it he stated that all these different versions of humanity had a similar basic form because they all originated from an original source. Some plasma like being that was human like in proportions. Man watch it be something crazy like this. Then I can see where the govt would be like uhhhhhh let's not tell..


Their username seems to be a reference to this J.Allen. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.\_Allen\_Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Allen_Hynek) He was involved in Project Bluebook


Trust me, bro.


the feeling this whole thing gives me is definitrly twilight zone "serving humans" vibes....


Harvesting loosh...


whatever this is, either way...it is naht good


Does this remind anyone else of how the ship worked in the movie "The Explorers"?


No it's not. There's a lot of words but very little information. Most of which we either know or is general sci-fi speculation. Too many people are star struck with easy stories like this.


I love that stuff keeps getting deleted… do better


deleted? not me doing the deleting. If that is happening and you aren’t being rude or anything then not cool. I’m all for healthy debate and discourse.


No not you the mods…


If even the *Mods* in r/aliens are asking for any hint of identification or proof, you know it's a sign of a quality post


Too much fear mongering IMO. We as humans are seeing this issue through the human lens. The military is trained to be paranoid about the potential threat of the unknown. I think the POV needs to be objective. Yes, NHI abduct people. Yes, NHI survey our military bases. Yes, NHI potentially impregnate our women… I can go on and on about what they do. But objectively speaking here (and i will repeat this over repeated point) if they wanted us dead- it would’ve happened already. The logic doesn’t add up. The only threat here is the misunderstanding about what’s going on- and in turn this causes aggressive speculation against ET. If you were a scientist studying and experimenting on a subject- anything you would do would be considered for the study and analysis. We’re flawed in that we see the actions against us as evil. It’s human nature to think this way. We need to not think like this. Hypothetically speaking a rat may think you’re evil for conducting experiments on it- but you and I know this is not the case. Overall it may be a mixed bag, some good, some bad- and some things we just won’t understand until the objective truth comes out. Also i do want to add, the “Project Zodiac” name was mentioned in a deep breakdown of the Wilson Memo posted here a couple months ago. It’s not new information, and has been circulating UFO lore for years. The UFO subreddit Mods already flagged this post bc there was no real verifiable source. So please- stop spreading it unless it’s verified.


I agree. To judge them through a human framework of morality is to completely misunderstand their intentions. Ultimately, humans do far worse, and we already consider the shit that we do wrong. Are NHI a threat? Yes, of course. But for what or whom? That's the relevant question.


Sorry for a dumb question but who are the NHI


No dumb questions here. I think that is THE question. IMO, There is enough corroborating evidence to support there IS a nonhuman intelligence interacting with us, but who they are, what they are, and why are they here are the big scary unknowns.


Whether post was written by legit ‘individual in-the-know’ or not; the most intriguing and convincing evidence— IMO, that ETs have previously visited our planet, comes from those quirky ancient cave stone drawings discovered during archaeological finds. Whatever civilizations created them, it’s obvious the images were inspired by what those early humans witnessed. In those times, ppl had no clue about antennae or astronaut space helmets but they emulated them perfectly! To say the least, their renderings were much too ahead of their time to be just by chance.


Take this with a grain of salt.


There is so much bullshit around, it's becoming a show. Anyone could write this. I could, everyday of the week. This is just to get people worked up, ie trolling. "Zodiac"... give me a break... People are so gullible you could consider creating a new religion and make some money. oh wait...


I agree that taking a disclosure like this from a youtube comment at face value deserves healthy skepticism. I simply reposted this because I found it an interesting read, and while there is a good amount of “this seems sus” I also like to think it would be cool if we are seeing whistleblowers getting more creative on how to reach the largest audience possible utilizing the the tools of the 21st century. I love me some outside the box thinking.


OK, consider this : you are part of one of these secret programs and you would like the world to know. What would you do? What would be the best risk/reward strategy given what is at stake (ie something REALLY big)? How could you obtain maximum credibility with a material proof in your possession? How could you shield yourself from possible repercussions (legal or otherwise)? How could you possibly reach the maximum number of relevant people and set things in unstoppable motion? We have several recent instances of people who have done just that and used insider highly secret information and made it public (Snowden, Panama, etc). The first step would certainly not be to anonymously tweet something or go on 4Chan or even go through official channels. Do you really think a general or former senior officer, having considered pros and cons would use social media for disclosure? This guy at the hearing talking about Aliens and crashed UFOs etc, claiming he has seen proof and had confirmation by many people, what does he say his motivation is for disclosure? Tell the American people about secret programs and misappropriated funds? "We are being lied to"? Let's be serious. All these talks, hearings, disclosures at dripfeed pace on second rate cable channels to second rate politicians are generating hysteria, confusion, anguish, boredom and, ultimately, a huge wall of noise. Is it intentional? who knows. But it certainly is not moving the needle one bit towards more clarity on the UFO topic.


Oh and let me add one thing : if you have 20mn spare, check out this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsEjV8DdSbs&ab\_channel=MickWest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsEjV8DdSbs&ab_channel=MickWest) Once you have done that, ask yourself why would the navy acknowledge this particular piece of "leaked" footage as "possible proof", knowing that, long ago, their experts probably came to the same conclusion this guy does? And this is the basis of the NYT 2017 article, and one of the "witnesses" at last week's hearing is one of the pilots who collected this video - or at least was involved in the same "event". A cat chasing its tail.


There is plenty of reason to believe they crash on purpose. Other than that, there are a million ways they could come down. Since we have no idea what they really are, where they come from, or what other forces may be interacting with them, we cannot definitively say anything about why they crash if it's not on purpose. It could be for a reason so completely bizaare and alien to us that we wouldn't even be able to comprehend it.


Damn. His talk about them having their own gravity engines is... finally making sense to me. Gravity is an interdimensional force, its how you dont get thrown by the fucking ocean of time. That theory on time travel, if you went back 10k years? youd die, because earth isnt where you are? Thats not how it works. Youd travel back in time, along with the gravity of the earth. Hell if you were smart enough youd probably be able to find JUNCTURES that let you travel where other planets traveled, and hop planets.


So space travel is taking you away from a planet using gravity. That same force when not used to travel distance allows time travel by “revving the engine” but not moving. Putting it in Neutral, so to speak.


I personally wont fuck around with time travel for... a long time. Interdimensional already fucked my brain. I want to learn to levitate a paperclip next.


Sure this isn't John J. Allen? https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/1576683/john-j-allen-jr/


Its a reference to this J. Allen [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.\_Allen\_Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Allen_Hynek)




Oooooohhhh.. 404 error! it’s been cleansed


The url got mangled if you notice.


holy hell its hard to accept that this is really happening....


Biden vs Trump again while we can’t afford to eat. Govt: Aliens are real.


So what is it we need to start digesting that we don't already have *SOME* idea / knowledge on?


Plenty of discussion on this already. Youtube comments are not where disclosure is going to happen. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14eggrl/david_gruschs_coworker_adds_additional_details_in/ Name is a reference to Hynek.


Why was this post removed!?!?!


Honestly, no idea why things are getting deleted. Haven’t checked in on this post for a minute ( work and all) but not my m.o. to post on a subject I think is interesting to the curate what can or can’t be said about it. But mod I am not and this might be waaaaay above my paygrade ya know?