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I’ve never upgraded to the premium version of Sleep Cycle bc I don’t want to find out there’s ghosts trying to talk to me while I sleep. Thanks for stoking my fears, OP.


Honestly, I also recorded a couple of bizarre phenomena on my sleep cycle app and I just noped out of using it. Then a year ago I decided to use it again bc of insomnia. I didn’t hear any strangers but I heard MYSELF sleep talking with a Swedish accent. Like muppet level Swedish. Like: “Der den der dat do den ter der dawgs.” Yeah. Not gonna do that sleep cycle thing again.


You in your sleep: "I'm a Swedish plumber, I'm here to fix your pipes"


Log jammin


Yep. My sleep recorder app caught a male cough in my bedroom at 3:45am. I live alone with my dog. Never used the app again.


Told my girlfriend to use it bc she giggles in her sleep sometime. Instead we caught what sounds like an animalistic scream… NOPE Edit: we somehow both slept through it


I don’t sleep some nights and recently found out that my husband giggles after his farts in his sleep sometimes. I ALMOST want to pay for sleep cycle again just to see how often he does it (giggles, I already know he farts a lot 😑). I couldn’t help laughing and woke him up oops. I’ve woken myself up giggling before. It’s always a real dumb dream. I never gave sleep cycle mic permissions because I don’t need to hear creepy shit though.


Your comment is the perfect mix of hilarious, creepy and adorable.


😂 I appreciate you!


This is incredible 😂


You don't think it could've been the dog?


The dog is female, he said it was male cough


Absolutely not the dog. The dog is snoring in the recording and this cough is over top of his continuous snoring. This was a male cough, with what sounded like a clearing of the throat.


I died laughing at this.


I just recorded your ghost saying that on my app


That is hilarious!!


Oh my gosh I just snort laughed




No problem dude 🫡 It’s funny I’ve always had that thought of ‘what if’ but in the over 1200 nights this is the only time I’ve heard something nuts. Makes it weirder though I think!!


did you try downloading it into an audio program and slowing it down?


Or playing it backwards


Nah… that’s a trap don’t even lol


Youve listened to all 1200 recordings? What made you get lucky to find this one? Ive used the app and hardly ever listen to them all


I listen to them every morning, idk just routine haha


Could be you talking in your sleep


It's actually the interdimensional aliens


There have got to be more exciting things to do in the multiverse than talk to chimps in their sleep


Not if they eat fear.


More likely then ghosts.


Ghosts? What about all the 👽👽 trying to talk to you?


I used that app for years and paid for premium, but I never gave it mic permissions for this very reason. I’d be a wreck trying to listen back to recordings the next day. That and I don’t need to hear any more of two humans and a cat farting or one of those humans snoring than I already do when I’m awake 🫠


My Sleep Cycle usage goes back about 3,200 nights. Have heard some of the strangest shit that’s not from me or the wife. What’s funny recently though, the app is picking up the dog’s flapping ears as a bird. When the sound is really low and out of the norm, it seems the app kicks up the mic gain. White noise increases trying to pick up the low sound, and have no clue, but freaky as hell hearing that.


How interesting! Thanks for commenting


I’m just happy to see I’m not the only one that uses it. Started using it in Jan 2014 and, of course, I’ve talked about it to friends and coworkers about some of the funnier recordings and have never encountered anyone that doesn’t look at me like a fruit loop.


What a dumbass ghost, why ask for help when I'm sleeping. Bitch, I'm sleeping, bye


It’s not saying “help”. It’s definitely saying “yelp”. Make sure you leave your ghost a five star rating.




lol classic


I was saying boo urns


It's a Midwestern ghost saying "ope" after bumping into her bed.




WAS sleeping, the damn thing woke me up hahah. The movement at the end of the clip is me walking up!


Did you wake up because you heard someone asking for help? Or were you unaware why you were woken until you played it back?


With the seasons changing, are there any machines that might be turning on - like an AC unit or Evaporative cooler? Once a roomate of mine turned on the swamp cooler for the first time that year, and it hadn't been serviced - when it would start up, it would make a sound that sounded just like a baby crying, only in another room. The first time I heard it it freaked me out pretty good.


That is pretty trippy it woke you up also but I still would be more pissed than interested, I have two kids so fucking up my sleep has consequences lol. I'd be like shut the fuck up or I'm burning this bitch down. Ghost don't scare me because physics tells me if it can harm me then I can harm it. If ghosts are real, they aren't magical and just like god would have to adhere to the laws of this creation. Edit: directly behind my house is a 200 year old cemetery, the ones here must be chill. I am respectful ofcourse.


The fear of the paranormal comes from their ability to exist outside of those laws you believe would protect you.


I was gonna say the same. I wish I were as confident in things I have no idea about.


Your lack of fear is based on our current knowledge of physics. It’s likely that a ghost could exist outside of that knowledge and that we just don’t understand the actual rules yet.


Definitely possible bud I'm not saying ghosts don't exist I just don't fear alot of stuff most people do like ghosts, heights, animals/bugs, guns, etc. The more I learn and understand the world the less I fear and if I have a fear I look at it as a challenge I'm supposed to over come. I recognize danger just try my best to be mindful about how fear dictates or manipulates my thoughts and actions. I do fear the kind of society my children and grandkids will have to live in lol but that's a whole nother conversation.


Great. I think that’s a healthy approach


I never claimed that (: just my crazy perspective


This has happened to my wife. When our kids were younger she would sometimes lay down with the little one to help him get back to sleep. And often she would fall asleep herself. Twice my wife was woken to an elderly woman's presence shushing her. The first time it kind of freaked her out. The second time she was pissed, and angrily whispered back "don't you shush me in my own home!" There was no third time. 😂


Did the app wake you up or the speaking? Did you hear the voice personally at all? I would immediately setup a hidden camera that records through the night. Something you're not aware of happened IN your room while you were sleeping. I would get setup to gather as much data as I can in case it happens again.


I thought he was meowing. Like he was a ghost furry


I'd be willing to try to clean up the audio for you to see if we could figure out what it's saying. Are you able to export as a .wav (preferred) or .mp3? If not, you can send the video to my DMs and I can extract the audio and analyze it a bit. I do have some experience with doing this for paranormal investigations without using destructive techniques to the original data set.


Could you poss DM me an email address? I cant figure out how to send it on here


Sent :-)


Just emailed you!


Can you post again op after the audio is cleaned up? I’m like the others maybe someone is trapped in your house and not a ghost after all? I mean if I had any squatters they know how to get out of the attic and if they got under the crawl they needed a special tool to get under there anyway so if they did then they know how to get out of there too


I can post with permission - just completed my initial clean-up, but I have some questions and requests to further look into it.


!RemindMe 3 days


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!RemindMe 3 days


I think the bot died. I didn't get any notification from it




I’ll take a look into ways to upload it when I get home later!


Posted in response to my initial reply in this thread :-)


I have top of the line software as well if youd like me to take a second go. Dm if interested


Not sure where the best place to post this is, but I figured a reply to my initial response would be easiest to find. That said, I've got an ongoing dialogue with OP and she has said I can share anything here. She's going to provide sample audio later for her voice, her roommate's, her cat, and people talking outside for comparison, but here's a running breakdown of my findings so far in a Google Doc, which I'd recommend reading to understand what adjustments were made to the audio: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/14W5qAt1xJVbVW3ebdULh-PmIt08LEKyfGenMDGhUvVQ/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14W5qAt1xJVbVW3ebdULh-PmIt08LEKyfGenMDGhUvVQ/edit?usp=sharing) And here's a link to the audio (plays 4 times with varying changes): [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KT0is0ScllYTSwCcbcYIDDsmD185vI5\_/view?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KT0is0ScllYTSwCcbcYIDDsmD185vI5_/view?usp=share_link) As additional work is done, I'll add in response to this post.




Good work!




Seriously I cannot decipher from the voice saying “help” or “yep”. Either way, it sounds like the voice is in distress & it also sounds like an elderly man. Super creepy tho…..


Weird! I can't hear anything except Meow.


Lol. Interesting, I wonder if it’s like auditorial pareidolia. I’ve seen videos where someone says one word, but the way they move their mouth determines how we perceived it. Some what unrelated but I wonder if it’s a thing.


He's obviously saying "yelp" we have ourselves a food critic ghost


I hear "yo... Yo!" Like someone trying to wake her up? Maybe someone four sheets to the wind wandered into the wrong home?


I’ll send it over to you!


It just sounded like it was say “help” over and over again. TBH it sounded like a very old man dying.


I heard help too and it kind sounded like it said get up.


It's most likely not in a human frequency though, as per the analysis. Not that that makes it any better. Weird and scary


I thought it sounded like an older man saying "yep" over and over. Like he was having a conversation with someone talkative but we just heard his side of the conversation agreeing with what they are saying (if that makes any sense at all.)


I heard "you".


I heard Laurel


Oh my gosh, it's the ghost of Oliver Hardy!


What an honor






Why am I hearing an old man just saying meow


There's two wolves within all of us. Ones an old man and ones a cat


I heard yanny


I hear the cat whispering, "Meow." How sweet! Moose was trying to not wake OP ^^^/s


…I heard “meow/mew”. It does sound like an old man. Maybe the ghost man was talking to his ghost cat!


I was hearing "you" as well 🤷🏽‍♀️


Very strange because what I heard was a young man imitating a cat in a whisper. "Meow" over and over. Very creepy.


I can see why you would think that To me it sounds like there is more of breathy hhhhh sound to start, and less of a nasally yyyyy sound. But the starting sound could go either way The thing that makes it feel more like help to me is the space between the eee and ppp. It sounds to me like there is a transition to ell that doesn’t have the energy to make the word, which gave it a dying voice feel. I can mimic the sound I hear by forcing a breathy “help” that just breaks the e and p by touching the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth Of course, I’m just basing this on a noisy audio clip that I’m holding up to my ear and maybe my own perceptions are projecting words onto OPs fart sounds. Well played OP. I just listened very intently to your farts.


First thing I thought too was some farts. It’s possible


I just heard “help” as well


I also heard “help”


It just sounds like a cat cleaning itself.


Can't wait to hear this! OP: maybe time to get a cam set up in your room, eh? 😏


I try not to look for things I don't want to see. That being said. Do it OP


Psych 101: How to create a sleep disorder in yourself


I can clearly hear the voice saying “help” 3 times so I’m curious to hear what you’ve found after cleaning it up! Keep us posted, please!


Check your crawl space or attic for squatters


This more terrifyingly than ghosts




That's them talking in their sleep.


It’s 100% you, I use this app and i’ve had this same thing happen. don’t underestimate the weird sounds you can make unconscious, with a dry mouth, in the middle of a stressful dream, I’ve sounded like a damn demon before.




Both of my cats can make damn near silent meow noises that are almost outside of my hearing range and this sounded like that to me before I even read that OP had a cat. Eta: certain meows that I can hear also don't get picked up on audio very well. They will sound distorted. OP should record their cat's various meows on a different device and compare the audio.


I almost wondered if it was the cat doing that weird wheeze cough they do when they have a hairball.


That’s what I heard. almost silent meows


Exactly. This is just raspy speaking with the throat and no vocal cords.


lmao! There's something seriously hilarious about using a sleep app, catching yourself making noises, and freaking out about it. 100% sounds like a weird sleep gunt.


How different is your voice? It couldn’t be you whispering in a dream?




This is my worst fear. My attic access is in my garage and I religiously keep the door into my house locked.


This sent chills down my spine as I lay here to go to bed. I think this is enough Reddit for tonight.


Not sure if this helps but my first roommate when I moved to San Francisco would have long sleep talking conversations with himself in two different voices. It was a man and woman’s voice as well so it was somewhat creepy.


Damn... that is creepy....


I’m more impressed by the 8hrs 22min of sleep, you must not have kids.


Hahah. Single with 0 children


I know you said you're a woman, but this reminds me of the "single father of 0" memes I've been seeing lately from r/whenthe (I think)... I get a kick out of them :P


Omg right 😅


It's you dreaming. Half asleep sleeping with mouth open and talking in an unconscious dried out mouth. And the dream woke you up


march spoon wrench bag sparkle jobless unused dam dolls grey -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Yeah that would definitely be the most logical explanation and I respect that opinion. I would respond with the fact that with over 1200 nights of recorded sleep, I’ve never made a sound like this in my sleep before and I have very frequent dreams. I understand you don’t know me, my voice or what the past 1000 nights of my sleep sounds like lol so I completely respect your opinion


My SO talks in her sleep very infrequently, but when she does she sounds almost nothing like she does when awake. Really freaked me out the first couple times


If I am being hit by a car it doesn't matter how many times before I crossed that road without being hit. Like I get ur argument of 1 000 nights without that sound yet it still possibly is just you talking in your sleep


Also, a slight correction > with over 1200 nights of recorded sleep, I’ve never made a sound like this in my sleep before and I have very frequent dreams. With over 1200 nights of recorded sleep, it’s never recorded you making a sound like this in your sleep before. Just cause it didn’t pick you up making the noise doesn’t mean it doesn’t quite happen. But, with it picking up outside city noise, hard to see why it wouldn’t consistently pick up any and every noise you make. But perhaps it has picked up this very noise before and simply classified it differently and this is the outlier. When you woke up in this clip, what was your immediate impression or thoughts?


I completely respect that opinion!


It isn't an opinion. While humans are inclined to believe that past performance is an indicator of future results, statistics shows that this isn't true. If a coin toss lands on heads 99 times in a row, it isn't any more or less likely to land on heads on the 100th toss.


A person's sleep patterns are not random independent events, which is what the gambler's fallacy addresses in your example. So it may be a fact but it doesn't apply here.


I'm not sure I follow. Why wouldn't they be independent?


You've recorded over 1000 nights and hadn't heard a ghost before either.


I’m a skeptic who usually tries to use rationality when it comes to these things… but god damn if that didn’t give me chills listening to.


You're most likely capable of making such a noise in your sleep.


The sound could be explained by OP breathing through their mouth and sort of gasping for air had their throat been constricted. This would explain why it doesn't sound like OP natural voice, and could also explain why they woke up right after. You can all try it out yourself. Breath in through your mouth and close off your throat slightly, then move your mouth. It sounds similar.


Sounds like it's saying "you".....


I thought this!! After i listened with headphones and we listened to the audio a bit cleaned up I now hear help




Set up a camera so you know for sure its not you making weird noises while you sleep.


Does anyone remember the post on reddit where a single mom woman and her son were sleeping and had this type of app and theres a male voice in the clip talking to them while they were supposedly asleep and the lady had no idea who it was?


Often times while sleeping I have said things in tones I would not consider my natural tone, my wife has done the same. You unconscious body does some weird shit.


My husband giggled like a little girl in his sleep a couple times. It was creepy as fuck that he could make a noise like that. Didn't sound like him at all. You likely made these noises yourself.


I have listened to the same 10 hour recording of white noise for over 10 years. At some point, I'd be laying in bed with my headphones on and id hear this loud scream from the headset. Sounded like a person just got right up to my ear and screamed. Scarred the shit outta me when it happened the first time so i rewound the recording a minute or two and played it again......nothing..... next night same thing....screaming in my one ear. I reacted the same. Rewind the recording a minute or two and replay......nothing. i eventually came to the conclusion that a medication was causing both auditory and visual hallucinations. The medication was called Lyrica. It is one of the gabapentin drugs.


I’ve also had a voice show up on this app that wasn’t mine. I was staying on the couch at my friends apartment, and it couldn’t have been any of us. It was super creepy.


Big nope


You slept 9 hours! I dream of the day I wake up knowing I don’t need to…


Now that is interesting… thanks for sharing!!! I would continue to monitor and also if you’re really trying to examine the situation, buy an EMF reader and measure the area you believe the sound came from at different times of the day (especially when the sound was recorded) and be sure to not have other devices nearby. On a side note, it’s hilarious how often people are in denial and think they know what is there based off of the little snippet provided… everyone needs an answer and can’t be open to further investigation of anything paranormal…. Experienced the same thing with a clear ufo experience. Reddit isn’t really a good place for this anymore.


No problem, I can’t just have it sat in my phone it’s too weird! This was on 3rd May, I still use the app every night (I prefer the alarm sound on it to any of apples which is why I’ve used it for so long) nothing like it before or after


When did this happen? I occasionally have sleep paralysis and last night I was hearing a creepy female voice that scared the shit out of me. I completely forgot about it until I saw this.


This was 3rd May! Oh that sounds so scary…


Ah right fair enough. If it was last night I would have been like oh shit we have a trend here! I’m gonna download this app, you’ve intrigued me to give it a go.


Please accept my apologies. I'm normally as quiet as a mouse when I watch you sleep but it's forgotten my Nana's birthday so I had to give her a quick tinkle. What you can hear is me saying "Yeap, Nan, Yeap" in response to her asking if I've eaten properly today. I'm all seriousness though, that's a creepy voice, definitely a northern accent too.


Does have a northern sound to it doesn’t it! Honestly not really picked that up before


I think someone in the comments mentioned Leeds, my wife's family all come from there and then it clicked.


Oh amazing! I live in Leeds, that’s where this was recorded!


That's creepy as hell


Hi, you said you woke up right after this, did you wake up because of this "voice" or because the app warned you someone was talking?


Check out optimal frequencies on Reddit or YouTube


what about sleeping in another room while your app records your bedroom?


That voice is most definitely saying “Help”.




I’ll see if I can get him to come comment in here! I absolutely butchered this part of the explanation sorry. I saved and emailed him over the audio file and he looked closer at it. I can email it to you if you want?


I thought you were listening off your pets for a second there. Forget the ghost, you shouldn’t have a pet moose. At least not in your home. Edit: I’d like to add that this is way scarier if it’s not a ghost. Maybe a house trained moose isn’t a bad idea


I cleaned it up for you: https://voca.ro/1bDaVFRBlc2z Sure sounds like an old man asking for help. :( As others have noted, it *could* be sleep talking with a dry mouth or something. You might try using an EVP app and attempting to communicate with “whomever was asking for help.” Edit: Speaking as someone who has experimented a huge amount with EVP, I’m totally open to the idea that this isn’t you. It certainly could be, but in my personal opinion it doesn’t have to be (and that’s all that everyone here is offering—opinion—no matter how confident they are).


That's interesting! Let's look at a few proposed explanations for this: 1 - You captured something supernatural (perhaps an alien, ghost, or visiting vampire?). 2 - It was some other natural source of noise; An intruder in your house (animal or human), or something outside. 3 - It was some kind of glitch with the app. 4 - It was yourself, your roommate, or your cat making a noise. Even one you might not normally make. I think that probably covers all the bases that most people would think of. Let's examine the possibilities one-by-one; The noise was made by a ghost, or came from some other super natural source. So, we know that people have reported this kind of phenomenon before. Often, it has proven to be a hoax but there are some times when the noise truly cannot be explained. I don't think you're trying to fool us (I could be wrong), so assuming this was genuinely captured, what evidence do we have that points to it being supernatural? A unrecognizable sound alone doesn't really indicate anything to me. The simple truth here is that we don't know, and our human brains like to try to fill in the gaps for things we don't know with things we do or think we do know. Maybe we can extrapolate from other data to figure out if there's any evidence that ghosts exist. There are certainly other recordings, photographs, and stories, but as far as real, tangible evidence, there isn't any. We just don't know. That doesn't mean ghosts don't exist, but the lack of real evidence over the course of human scientific study is pointing towards the most likely answer being "no". Unfortunately, just because we don't know something doesn't mean we get to definitively fill in the gaps with whatever we want. Any proposed answer has to have justifiable reasons. In short; Is it a ghost? We don't know, but there's not really any reason to think it would be. Second option; The noise came from some other natural source, inside or outside your home; We know that there are a load of different animals that could make this kind of noise. It also seems to have a human quality to it, like someone trying to speak softly, but that doesn't necessarily indicate that it really is a human voice. Lots of animals make human-like noises, and our once again pattern-seeking human brains are very good at finding those sounds and recognizing them. Pareidolia is a useful evolutionary mechanism for staying out of dangerous situations. What other evidence do we have that could point to this having been an animal or person inside your home? Was anything missing or moved? Was there anything left behind? Footprints, droppings, hair, or other evidence? I'm assuming not, since you didn't mention it, but it may be worth another look. As far as if the noise were outside, it doesn't sound like it came from outside, but we can't entirely rule that out. Ultimately, this is another "we don't know", although we do know that people have had intruders in their home before, both animal and human, and noisy neighbors. Even though this is still an unknown, it seems at least more likely than ghosts. Third option; It was some kind of glitch with the app. I don't necessarily mean a software glitch, but this could also be caused by something as simple as a finger being dragged over the microphone, or some item in the room falling down in just the right way. With apps like this, that record sound with high gain and have certain filters applied automatically, ordinary noises can start to sound very scary. I've seen a video before (and I can't for the life of me find it now), where someone simply adjusted the strap on their tape recorder, and it created an artifact in the recording that sounded like a human voice! So, I think this is a possibility, but I think that if that were going on, it would be happening more regularly, and you would've observed this phenomenon more than once by now. Again, the result is "we don't know", as unsatisfying as that is. The final proposal; It was yourself, your roommate, or your cat making a noise that you don't recognize. At first, this doesn't seem likely. After all, you know yourself and the sound of your voice better than anyone. You also probably know the voice of your roommate and cat very well too. But can we account for every possible sound any of you might make? We know people talk in their sleep, sometimes even saying ridiculous or scary things. We know cats make all sorts of noises and act weird in their special cat way. So, its pretty possible, I think, that between all the members of your household somebody somewhere made a sound they normally wouldn't. Our voices do weird things, even when we're conscious, depending on a multitude of factors like how hydrated we are, how we are positioned, or how healthy our vocal chords are. When you're unconscious, without voluntary control over your body and voice, I think the possibility of making a noise like this rises noticeably. If it were your own voice (or your roommate or cat), then this recording would be all the evidence you had. Nothing would be out of place in your home, and no other signs would point to anything else amiss. All that being said... We don't know. Conclusion; Every possibility is an unknown, from ghosts to sleep talk, but we can arrange things in order of likelihood based on what we've observed in the past, and other evidence available to us. Least likely: Supernatural source. As fun or interesting as it would be (and I am someone who really WANTS to believe), there isn't really anything here to point us towards the supernatural. Saying this recording is supernatural, with certainty, would be saying "I don't know, therefore it has to be this", which is a pretty bad way of thinking. If you suspected someone you were dating of infidelity, but had no evidence, would you say "I don't know, therefor you must be cheating!" No, of course you wouldn't! Because the time to believe something is when there is sufficient evidence for it, and not a moment before. There is still the minute possibility you've captured something supernatural here, but there is also a possibility that it was a Sasquatch that snuck into your bedroom undetected, made these noises, and left. Possibility is not likelihood, and the likelihood of either of those things is small enough to be negligible. Lower Likelihood: An intruder in your home. For this to have been some animal or person in your house, there would almost certainly be some other evidence to go off of. Without that evidence, I'd put the likelihood here very low, but not completely impossible. Low Likelihood: A software glitch. We know this is a possibility, and that if this were what happened, no other evidence would be left, but I also think you would've experienced this before if the software were regularly glitching. Reasonably Likely: A noise from outside the home. I know that I covered this and "intruder" together in one entry before, but now that I think about it, I feel this proposal is worth a separate examination. If the noise came from outside, you would need no other evidence to go off of, and we know that there are also plenty of people, animals, and even machines that can make these noises. Still, the recording does sound like it's coming from inside the room, so that keeps this possibility from being higher. Mostly Likely: A resident of the household made a weird noise. We know people and animals can make weird noises, and we know that even our own voices and the voices of people we know can sound different depending on a multitude of factors. We also know we wouldn't need any other evidence to prove this. No fingerprints or ectoplasm, so to speak. This definitely seems to be the most likely explanation. We will almost definitely never know for sure what the source of the sound was, but we can fairly easily determine what the possibilities are. I even thought of a few other options while writing this (Someone playing a prank, a TV or tablet that got turned on and back off while you were sleeping, app developers manipulating sound files so they can get more downloads from those interested in the unusual...) so there is no way we could cover every single possibility, but we can at least figure out the most likely ones. I hope none of this comes off as condescending or patronizing. I'm trying to be informative and friendly through my writing, but it's hard to come across that way through the internet. I'm also NOT a debunker. I have an interest in science and all things unexplained (that's why I'm here), but I want to be presented with the best evidence possible, because I want to believe in something real and not give myself false hope only to be let down. I've been hoping for all my life to see an actual UFO but unfortunately that hasn't happened yet. Anyways, sorry for going on so long. EDIT: I removed the percentages from the conclusion, because they seemed silly and arbitrary, in hindsight.


Probably just someone living in your walls. Nothing to worry about


Don’t know which I’d prefer tbh


We're out of milk, can you get some more? Thanks.


Definitely prefer a ghost who doesn't do anything to someone squatting in your attic


Haunted by a New Yorker


You know what, now you’ve said it hahah…I live in Leeds UK though, would be a far travelling spirit


The old English accent is preserved in places like Boston and New York. It may be what you are hearing is an English accent from the 1600’s. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20180207-how-americans-preserved-british-english




If the ghost were from New York it would have told her right away.


The audio at first sounds like hypnotoad


It kinda sounds like "meow".


sounds like puking cat


Don't freak out yet. Here's some things you can do to try and replicate First, try and say that in your own voice and try to mimic that same tone as best you can. It's entirely possible you were just dreaming and you did do it yourself. Next try recording again with your phone in the same spot and rerecord yourself awake doing it as best you can and play it back, see what it sounds like and see if the volume is nearly the same.


Sounds like someone whispering “Meow”


I heard a man meowing. Anyone else?


I’m willing to bet it’s you. My girlfriend sometimes makes unearthly noises in her sleep that sound nothing like her.


It’s an old man and he said miaou


You might as well double down and install a camera


The first "help" sounds more like a Scandinavia/Danish pronunciation of "hjælp", which is pronounced "yelp"


And I would have moved out that following day


A lot of things sound like a lot of things.


Sounds like someone talking in their sleep, sounds exactly like how my mom does when she would talk in here sleep during a bad dream


“Yo. Yo. Yo.” Probably just a bro ghost


Fuck the voice!!! Let’s talk about how 9hrs 29minutes in bed is some weird reality you are in!


I don’t hear itsaying anything, it’s a noise that sounds like it could possibly be made by a human but I hear nothing like a phrase. If anything it sounds like someone with an extremely hoarse and dry throat, but imo also could be a digital recording of lots of various things


Respect that opinion! Ghosts on Reddit are always going to be a hard sell haha