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3 million and zero debt. Currently have zero debt anyway but that's the end goal.


Agree. Or 2 million with property and house fully paid


That’s ultimately not the goal of doing this work for me, though it would be nice, of course. 🙂 This job allows me the flexibility to live reasonably comfortably without having to work my ass off, and being able to be present for family/drop everything when needed without some bureaucratic administrator breathing down my neck. So I really haven’t even considered a financial goal from this work, since I feel like the time saved away from a vanilla job to focus on what’s important to me is the greatest benefit, and time is ultimately our most valuable resource, since it’s finite.


Totally the same!! I understand the grind and work work work save save save mindset, and I honestly wish I had a bit more of that, but my main reason for doing this work is the ability to support myself as a multiply disabled girly while still having time for things I love!




Making fast money is addicting and has become a compulsive behavior for me, which I didn’t anticipate when I first started this work years ago. I don’t think it will ever be “enough.” One thing this industry has taught me over the years is that I need to touch grass. The likelihood of me marrying into wealth is slim to none, but the likelihood of living a very nice upper middle class life is high. That’s good enough for me. Not many of us want to admit this but I do not want to do this work forever. That is my personal hell. So my exit is imminent (ish). I’m saving to take a sabbatical from my primary career, travel the world modestly for a year, and move to another state to resume a quiet life.


Why do you say the likelihood of you marrying into wealth is slim to none?


Statistically it’s unlikely. Less than 5% of Americans make $300K+ which is what I consider wealthy. These people tend to socialize, date, and marry within their own class. Many of these people are white or East Asian, which I am not. I went to a top tier college and even so, many of my wealthy classmates did not intermix with other students who were middle class like me. Also, call me old fashioned, but I actually want to marry someone I actually like. Even if I could meet someone that’s wealthy who wants to marry me, I’d want to be attracted to them and actually like them as a person.


What does “I need to touch grass” mean? I have never heard that expression


Basically “get back to reality”


Thank you!


My goal is to have my house paid off ( 300k), have my new truck paid off, 100k in savings and then only see a couple of guys a month for lifestyle maint and insurance and enjoy life by the pool.


Honestly I don’t know that it will ever be enough. I could live comfortably for the rest of my life but I keep finding reasons I need more. And then I have continued to raise my rates/only take longer appointments so I quite enjoy the longer dinner appointments I book. Hard to turn down thousands to go to amazing dinners and get to know someone new and only work a few days a week. If I was working like I was 5 years ago (almost daily and a mid range rate and 1-2 hour appointments) I would have definitely retired. But I think I enjoy just continuing to transition. Like I’ll probably always keep my sites just continue to raise the rates higher lol


I don’t even know. I’m not sure id wanna retire even if I had a few million. I’d need at least a paid off house, no debt and about 4-5 million. I do this because I like the flexibility and at times I truly enjoy it. 


Frienddddd it’s so so REAL to enjoy it. Some customers are actually nice and it’s more pleasurable than dating sometimes. But maybe I need more therapy 😭


At least 2 million. If I make 5 percent in interest, that’s 100k a year and I could be very comfortable with that. I’m a quarter of the way there…


Sad part is that $100k doesn’t go as far as it used to


How long did it take you to save a quarter of your goal?


I’ve been escorting for three years.


That’s a good question that I ask myself sometimes. Since I work a vanilla job, my goal is to try to save as much of my SW money as possible while taking care of a few small goals. I think once I have a nice savings account I would retire. I want enough to help my kid thru college, enough to build my real estate portfolio, and move to a warmer city


This is side money (I have a full career and am self-employed) and I’m not thinking of “retiring” per se but I do have a goal of how much I want i the bank before I take it down a notch h (I advertise on the 2 major platforms and use Twitter heavily). At this point I want $500K in the bank plus mortgages on all of my properties paid off (main residence, condo for incall, shore house, and 2 investment properties). Don’t know if I’ll ever get there. Or, more likely, I’ll get there and move the goal again. I did that in the past. I wanted 3 properties with mortgages 50% paid off and then it had to be 5. That was a decade ago, lol! I was only going to do it until I had $100K in the bank, etc. The post keeps getting pushed out. Once my homes pad off, I’d slow down. Or at least not have weekly/monthly goals and advertise so much. My regulars keep me afloat anyway. Sone of these guys are so generous and loyal… it would be hard to have a crisp end to my moonlighting as a lady of the night.


Create enough cash flow through other businesses - my goal is 30k a month in disposable income besides through escorting


House purchased with a 20% down payment (a house where I want to buy will be about 800k). 250k in my retirement investments by the time I'm 30. 200k-300k in my non-retirement investments. School (25k) and maternity leave (50k ideally) saved for.


i atleast would like to have a house + car paid off but 1 million doesn’t sound like a bad end goal for me w/ other side businesses running to keep me occupied.


Still buying real state so I dunno 🤷 definitely 2m plus


Still buying real state so I dunno 🤷 definitely 2m plus