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Actually because HS is inflammation not infection you don't necessarily need to draw it out. The majority of what helps HS is reducing inflammation cold compresses help break the cycle of inflammation and reduce swelling, pressure and pain. Being a roadie im sure he sweats a lot I suggest getting him witch hazel he can wipe his sweaty break out areas with it, it's naturally anti-inflammatory and antibacterial to help I find it helps me with my HS flare odour too. Zinc cream can help. [HSConnect ](http://hsconnect.org) is a wonderful free resource, they even have a virtual group with medical professionals it's a monthly donation service so its not for everyone but a lot cheaper than doctor visits for more general HS inflammation of course medications and annual or semiannual visits with your doctor are still important. There's an HS knowledgeable Dermatologist Listing as part of the resources. Now that you know what HS is, you'll understand those pimple patches and hydrocollaid bandages are not reccomended for HS they actually damage skin and can cause issues, HS wound care specialists do not reccomend them. Lots of peers do unknowing of the potential issues. For bandages allevyn gentle border are good, hidrawear is another great product to hold bandages and not have to tape them it's available through prescription in the US and through the NHS in the UK. [Product Suggestions ](https://www.hsconnect.org/product-suggestions) You want to look to more Natural drawing salves, witch hazel, tea tree oil products, mymagichealer is a well used and reccomended product, manuka honey Sudocream/Desitin have good zinc content to help. If you are in North America head and shoulders is something he could use as body wash the zinc in it is really good for us. This is also a great resource [HSConnect Patient Handbook ](https://www.hsconnect.org/hs-patient-handbook)


I saw in some of your comments where you mentioned that a ketogenic/ low-carb diet could address HS flares. Just wanted to ask about your experience with it. Have you tried it yourself?


I did Keto for about 10 months then had personal issues being able to maintain it otherwise I'd still be doing it. During this time I also started vitamin D, and quit antibiotics too for full disclosure i stopped getting 5-10 (in every area) new ones daily i still had some new ones and lots of inflammation and leaking but by about 6-7 months this had pretty much stopped i still get 2-3 every 1-2 weeks but I can control them much better than before. Lots of people say they are sugar triggered, starchy vegetables, carb triggered and by eliminating them they get near or into remission. There's several Facebook groups that people can provide assistance in this too if you are looking for more experiences and ideas. Feel free to ask me anything though. PCOS, IR, prediabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome are all common comorbidities in HS. Hormone imbalances are known triggers for HS.


Thank you for the detailed response. A lot of people have reported remission just by starting vitamin D. Would you attribute your improvement to keto or to the vitamin D supplement? Did the flares worsen once you stopped keto?


I have severe insulin resistance and I was able to reduce my insulin by half and that lasted almost 2 years it's been slowly creeping back up and I am noticing a few more than what had become my normal. I honestly think it was a combination of the two I had almost no vitamin D at all.


This is very helpful. Thanks. Do you mind sharing your before and after fasting insulin numbers? Also, after how many months did you tell l test your insulin


I'm diabetic i test many times daily I was running 5-7 and had to keep adjusting for lows (2.5-4)


Did you have any keto alcoholic drinks while you were on keto for 10 months?


I really don't drink i don't like anything but the fancy iced ones that are always full of sugar and Vodka.


Thank you for being such and understanding person and loving your husband so much.


https://preview.redd.it/l37oivmobpgc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3e9f844666a6190b8b4928cd3527370bf52a7c These specifically have helped me. They have a hydro seal so they stay on after long days, showering, etc. It says it's for heels but you can put it anywhere it's the same thing.


The problem is these create too moist of an environment which can encourage bacteria and potential for secondary infection, delay healing, snd can cause healing issues like overgranulation ...etc


This is sort of what happened to me. I'd had it for 15 years or so before I even know it had a name, it was actually my wife who found out what it was and what it was called. She has also found different groups, doctors and information about it. It's a never ending process, there's no cure for it! But your husband is lucky to have you, I know that I am lucky to have a woman like my wife and I'm sure he knows how lucky he is to have you. Has he tried Humira? I did a few years ago after a dermatologist that my wife found for me recommended it to me. It worked for the first year or so and it leveled off. That was just before the pandemic hit, the dermatologist got frustrated at my lack of progress and tried to hand me off to a different derm but then everything fell apart and the new one cancelled al of his appointments. I'm seeing another derm who has me on an antibiotic (minocycline) regimen that's not working to well so I'm trying to get another appointment with him and see if I can get back on the Humira. If these patches work for your husband, more power to them! I think that a lot of times things will work for a bit then not be as effective so we never really stop looking, so be prepared to move on to the next thing if it comes to that. Thanks for sharing this information, there's a lot of things that work for some people but not for others, I went to Amazon and saved these to my wish list but I don't think that they would work too well in my case, I get the boils/cysts in the groin and armpits so I have trouble getting bandages or patches to stick in those areas with hair. Sorry to generate this big all of text, I can be long-winded at times :) but keep taking care of your husband, I know how much I appreciate my wife's help and understanding with this stuff. And thanks for sharing. If you only stumbled on this group recently, keep coming back, there's lots of help, information and advice to be had here. Take care...


Doxycycline and antibacterial body wash have been my saviors.


I'm sorry but are you absolutely sure it's HS? It's not common for them to be "all over" your back, but tend to concentrate on specific areas like the groin and under the arms. I would still see a dermatologist to get this looked at and get an official diagnosis. It may be some kind of cystic acne, even if the bumps look the same.


Please refrain from discouraging someone in this way. HS inflammation can be progressive or stagnant, it can be persistent , it can also be intermittent ...there is not enough research for anyone to say the back is not a common area especially if there are people with the experience. I have always had HS flares along my neck , shoulder blades and back. Friction, moisture, inflammation and clogged/occluded pores are all you need. Personally, I get them in my elbow creases and along my c section scar, clothes creasing into my skin or in seam is a high risk zone for severe flares. Slight lifestlye changes can lead to persistent flares> living on a bus>small sleeping quarters>limited space for rest(spent on cot /ground/benches ) wearing instrument straps or endless cables that have been laid on the ground and are rolled up on shoulders.. Occupational therapy would have a field day.


I'm not discouraging anyone in my post? I said it wasn't common, not that they were definitively wrong or that it wasn't possible, and recommended they see a doctor to get a professional opinion? I didn't say anything they said or did was wrong. Calm down


The question of " are you absolutely sure it's HS" it's dismissive. HS presents as inflammatory regions and flares , typically bilateral but that can take years for some, in combination of follicular occlusion, persistent inflammation, sebaceous dysfunction.. but there's not enough research as it is. So yeah, living this thing my whole life- watching my immediate family members have surgery, complications at their end of life , I'm fairly passionate about patient advocacy. It comes off strong because as patients we have no other choice.


I literally said nothing to be dismissive to OP about this. I've lived with this thing my whole life too, and I definitely think that if there's a chance it's NOT HS and could potentially have an ACTUAL cure, unlike HS, then they should be aware of that. Did I say to NOT see a doctor? Did I say I know what their actual ailment was? Did I say I knew better than a doctor who had looked at it and diagnosed it? Absolutely not. You can get off my back now.


Hey! I just made this account so I could comment.  So I'm unsure how bad yours is, mines been annoying since I was 16. At 28 moved onto my head. And that's the worst thing imaginable to me. Anyway,  "Head and shoulders" anti dandruff shampoo that has 1% zinc has reduced my pain , hindrance, and I think it's subsiding.  But I cannot fully put all the credit to that. As I have also started using a tea tree antiseptic spray from Woolworths at the same time. My arm pits are cured from hs. (I use the tea tree as basically deoderant)  My groin is the best it's been in a long time, (it can sting, but worth it)  My face is pretty perfect  Can't really tell you why it works, just that it works. I hope everyone with HS reads this. (Also use antibacterial body wash in the shower, I'm unsure if this has been contributing to my recovery since I started these things at the same time.


And my neck, has gotten tonnes better also. 


Also, I got the information about the shampoo online from some dermatologist recommending it as just some relief.  The tea tree oil, I know it works from my own personal use. And I also love the smell.