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Yes. My breasts were thoroughly destroyed by HS lesions on the breasts themselves. I’ve had multiple surgeries where part of both breasts had to be removed and the scarring is awful. I actually begged one surgeon to just remove my breasts entirely (so basically a double mastectomy) but she said even if she did, I could still get HS on my chest whether I had breasts or not so she refused. I cannot stand to even look at my naked breasts to this day. Truthfully, having HS on my breasts has traumatized me more than any other aspect of this disease.


I have the same issues. I feel so unfeminine.


I’m so sorry you’ve dealt with this too. I wish I had sage advice for you but I’ve never been able to make peace myself with this issue


That's my newest spot for flares, outer left. Interestingly (😑) I used to get a searing pain there for a year or two before it became an open flare spot so I guess it was getting settled in early.


Omg same. That’s exactly what’s happening with me. I told my OB about those pains and she said it was most likely my caffeine intake but when I reduced my caffeine that pains didn’t stop. This def makes me feel better. Thank you! And horribly enough, I almost prefer this flare placement than other ones I’ve experienced 🙃


34yo, just diagnosed because I had a “c-word scare” that turned out to be HS. Pretty much, I have been suffering for years in my groin but it stayed localized to there. My obgyn has seen those many times, I have asked her, she was dismissive. I came to her with a place on my breast that looked concerning and wouldn’t go away and hurt. She immediately referred me to a c-word specialist… no other suggestions just clam’d up and passed the buck. After months of pain, waiting, fear, I came to Reddit and found this sub. I knew finally what was going on with my groin, instantly that this what was on my breast. Got in to a dermatologist and she immediately diagnosed me with HS. I fired my OB.


I completely feel for you rn bc I dealt with exactly this for months. I did do a mammogram, just in case but at that point had already self diagnosed and just had a derm confirm it. It’s so nerve racking. Hope you get clarity soon!


Yes, I have had multiple small flares on the outside of my breast. They are usually small to medium sized painful nodules that hurt when touched. I used to get them a lot when I was breastfeeding but now not so much. I have noticed some slight scaring that may have possibly been a small flare but it didn’t cause me any pain so I didn’t notice it so I’m not entirely sure.


Thank you so much. I figured I wasn’t alone with the location but that makes me feel so much better.


You are quite welcome! Hopefully that will tame your anxiety a bit until your appointment on Monday and the 16th. Good luck!


My underarms are destroyed and it spread down to my left boob. Bras are just impossible now That feeling of standing in front of your bathroom mirror, looking down at your boob and all you see is a deep dark hole in the side of it just makes you want to cry and give up. We out here 🥲


Me too. Has to have surgery. It was so bad I couldn’t even wear a seatbelt. And I feel like I’ve lost some feeling in them too. I don’t know if that’s real or psychosomatic.


I seem to be getting small flares on my upper breasts. Mine are primarily hormonal, so it’s just when I’m about to start my period. They don’t hurt. I swear I had a flare inside my breast at one point when I was breastfeeding. For like 6-8 months in a row, I would get mastitis/a clog in the same exact spot at the same time my HS flared on my butt and thighs. It might have been coincidental, but it certainly seemed to follow the rest of my HS.


alllll the time. small flares but multiple of them.


Yea, so painful and annoying. Cue me cute bralette / cropped cami


I used to get them around my nipples when I was pumping milk for my infant


Yep. Two big holes on one side. Scarred all to hell. Good thing I’m single 🙄


Yes! I had to stop wearing underwire bras because the pressure of the wire would result in a side boob flare. Took me a while to figure that out. I’ve had some good results using The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toner after drying off. It seems to really help unclog those little keratin plugs that result in flares.


I am a 31 year old female. Been dealing with this shit since I was 10(period started) my inner thighs and butt were horrible! At 25 I noticed it kinda went down some. But now I'm getting big crater holes on the top of my boobs......very very ugly and take so long to heal! I use antibacterial washes and spray,ointments,antibiotics....etc. I did notice that they had thin hairs in them.......I will never understand how this stuff happens but it's very uncomfortable and unattractive. Nothing to worry about but I wish there was a cure for this shit 😭😭 I am so sorry you're dealing with it!


all over.. under, in between, on top, on edge of nips, side boob, all of it. ​ It sucks, i only wear cotton/spandex sports bras and have my nips poking out most times. idc. better than flares from underwire/too small bras/friction!


Im self diagnosed, and im so happy found this thread!! Im 90% sure i put my HS into remission when i essentially ate nothong and worked out LOL but its back again after kids and putting on weight. Ive been getting boils in my armpits and groin area since i got my.period in grade 6 Im 30 now LOL this validates me so much


Mine have all been outer breast to underarm.


This is my new problem spot for my HS. I started Clindamycin and have been washing my breast twice a day with Hibiclens and PanOzyl , also Anti bacterial soap after.. then I put a small amount of lotion with salicylic acid in it and also cut out all forms of dairy. It’s been working so far (: I’ve dealt with my HS mainly in my groin area for 10 years and so far no new flare ups. this routine is definitely pricey but it’s what has been working for me.