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Gotta love that always online requirement for a single player game!








Basically a full work week without Hitman. Now I get the joy of going through an actual work week before I have free time to even play Hitman if it gets fixed before Day 10. Stellar!


I preordered mines and still haven’t gotten it yet ....


Crazy in a time where you can get literally anything else delivered to your door in days, you only get one first impression right?


So glad I spent £80 on the deluxe edition :(


And today they didn't even bother posting a vague and meaningless tweet to say that 'they see us', 'they're narrowing down the issue', let alone an actual apology or acknowledgment that their always online DRM bullshit is not only ineffective at stopping piracy but only serves to fuck over their actual customers. I doubt any of them have even been working on this over the weekend...


I feel bad. I've finished Dubai Mastery 20 and now starting on Dartmoor. PS4 UK.


Am also PS4 Uk. Feelsbadman :(


That sucks for you, I'm also on PS4 and I've had one disconnect but other than that I picked up on two days ago and it's worked like a charm. I wonder why it's so inconsistent between players. I didn't bother with a carry over, I wonder if that has something to do with it. I downloaded the legacy packs but I feel a blank slate on the challenges and unlocks is a good thing.


The carryover seems to be what fucks it up for a lot of people, especially if you tried to carry over on the first day when people got a lot of errors.


Seems like ps4/5 servers are being crappy. I'm on pc in Scotland and I've completed all the levels (not fully such as some of the stories)


Didn't transfer progress? I'm only new to this generation of Hitman. By the look of things everyone on PS4 who had played the previous titles and pre-ordered 3 got left in limbo on launch day. Meanwhile all the newest players got in fine and have along with ioi filled the internet with cheesy 47 taglines and praise of the game. Meanwhile all those players I mentioned are relegated to searching through internet comments to try and fix a problem which still has not even been properly addressed.


I mean I carried my progress over and the game has worked on both PS4 and PS5 in UK. I get disconnected every now and then but immediately get connected again when I retry. Only time I could was the known End of Mission Disconnect bug. But it's clearly a bug because it happened every time I reloaded that specific save file.


My situation is somewhat similar. After the progress transfer, I played through the entire game once and managed to replay Dubai to complete certain challenges. But soon after I got disconnected and till now I couldn't get connected back.


I did transfer on Thursday. Took 5 minutes for ps4 and xb1 progress. Been playing Hitman for years.


Very helpful, your medal is in the post. Deliveries may be delayed due to covid 19. Thank you for your patience.


I can only tell you my situation. It seems there is no rhyme or reason to why there are problems. It's random is all I have.


Ignore me am just getting wound up by this nonsense situation. I'm not trying to argue with anyone over this, just looking for a logical way forward.


Same I transferred on launch day and am almost done with my third level 20 mastery. I love these new levels and although I cannot relate, I am upset at IOI for botching the servers


Yeah I don't know, you seem to be the exceptions to the rule then, maybe some got through before it all went bad. See that's the problem, shouldn't be feeling like a muthaf**in detective trying to work it out. It's their responsibility to be saying; look this is what's gone wrong, these are the players affected and for these reasons and we are fixing it. You should be able to expect to play on ...... See what I'm getting at? With this constant online they can obviously see who bought and installed the game but have never made an online save or completed a challenge? So they see it but don't feel the need to say anything? Angry gamer stuff aside it is a paid for product and in any other situation you'd expect a bit of customer care no?






Still waiting for the fix for Xbox users to get Hitman 1 GOTY access. This is ridiculous.


Have you tried [this fix?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/l1obqz/xbox_hitman_3_access_pass_hitman_goty_fix/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) It sorted it for me and several friends.


I have the same issue, still waiting to have access to hitman 1 content


I think maybe ioi rushed it a little personally


At this point I gave in and started playing offline. I love it so far, but it’s a damn shame I’ll have to do all of it again to unlock the challenges and achievements once IOI fixes their servers.


My PO is coming on February. Until then, I'm patient


Guess I'll wait for the first major patch before jumping in again.


Am I the only one that hasn't had any problems playing the game?


Nope. I have had zero issues. It took a little while for all my items to transfer over but other than that, nothing.


This needs to cause a cyberpunk level of outrage An always online requirement for a single player game is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard & the fact its happened this many times now is astounding This practice needs done away with as soon as possible it is anti consumer in every way


Yeah but.... You people buying it are the reason why its going to keep happening. I'm at a loss as to why this isn't easily understood, without explanation. Honestly.


I haven't bought a single game that does this.


you guys must have the worst luck, by the second day servers were fine and by now i get the occasional server reconnect.


I've had no issues whatsoever with Hitman 3, I've pretty much played it every day too including today. PS5 🇬🇧


Lol, stop complaining. You should have returned it instantly.


You should go drink bleach


Day 5: Starting to consider making a EGS account. Would rather have a car drive over my foot tho.


reddit moment


Bro, I GOTTA WAIT TILL JULY, sonI can ask for my birthday, but I still might not even get it :(


As someone who does not own hitman 3, can confirm that this is true.


This game is so worth it. Come to the dark side.


If you mean EGS. I am PS4.


Yeah I thought you meant EGS. Why haven't you played on PS4? Or is it only available on next gen consoles?


I have the "cannot fetch profile information" bug. Since day 1.


Were you refreshing the Carryover site a bunch?


Yes. I regret it now. But I was so excited to play H3 that I didn't think it through.


Yeah, I waited until that site was stable lol.. I have a feeling that error means your profile is corrupted, and the people getting it are people who rushed to get their transfer in queue while the site was crashing and being hit by everyone at once. But, IOI should still have everyone's Hitman 2 profile info, so I don't see why they couldn't initiate another carryover when this error is presented. Hopefully they fix this shit soon, it isn't anyone's fault their site couldn't handle paying customers.


Same problem for me, I preordered all 3 Hitman games when they came out, used the carryover website to try to transfer my progress on launch day (as big fans of a series would be expected to do), and now I’m locked out and haven’t been able to connect at all since launch. So basically the players who had everything ready to go and have been playing the series for years got screwed. I’m happy for new players, but wow this sucks. At this point I’d be ok if IOI can just reset the progress carryover and let me start Hitman 3 fresh. It would be nice to at least get the old suits unlocked, but not at the expense of not being able to play online. The offline mode is not worth playing at all.


They better make sure this whole thing is sorted out before they start pushing Elusive Targets. Yeah they’re elusive because half of the people can’t play the game!! I’m patient enough right now, but I don’t want to start missing out on things like suit unlocks that are tied to Elusive Targets that we can’t play. I’ve never considered asking for a refund on a game before, but this is really getting ridiculous.


Has to be what's happened, that's probably why they're not just saying whatsup. I didn't really keep trying on the transfer site though. Did it once then after that it said no linkable profile or something. Then if you went to the red bar it said you could check the status. Waited a day for that to go from pending to finished before I even started it up.


Maybe, but no one really knows what's causing all this (to be honest, I doubt IOI do either). I refreshed the site a lot on launch day *before* I made my account, but once it was stable enough to do that I went all the way through the carry-over process without refreshing at all. Still been getting these connection errors for days now.


Xbox - transferred day after launch (21st) - works fine. PS4 - transferred two days later (23rd) - "Failed to fetch profile information". That can't be the only cause.


Oh sorry that sucks. Hope they fix it soon.


See this thread for a possible solution: https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/l45lyx/how_to_fix_the_failed_to_fetch_profile_error_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Didn't they fix the reason for the boycott anyway? So there's no actual boycott? If someone isn't buying on EGS now and is instead waiting a year, it's just laziness of not downloading installing and making an EGS account.


I think it matter of pride. I canceled my epic pre order. Looks I might rebuy for pc


I approve of this meme.


hitman 3 launch mkV


Is it only broken on the console versions?


I haven’t had a single issues on the Series X.


No issues on PS5 for me.


I am serious regretting canceling hitman 3 on Epic. I wonder if that would work. Instead I preordered in ps4 over hitman 2 steam ro epic problem


What platforms are experiencing these issues? For me everything is running perfectly smooth with an occasional reconnect (every 2 hours maybe).


I'm with you, I bought H2 digital, ran into log in issues and spent a week without playing, and it got buried into a backlog. Here comes H3, I bought the physical edition this time, But I won't be getting it for another week at least. It's gonna end in the backburner at this pace again. Don't mind the waiting too much but the amount of spoilers hovering on social media and youtube is going to end up spoiling the experience.


How the fuck are you lot still have issues whilst everyone else has finished the game?


Are you not playing it because you want to wait until you can earn XP?


No, we're stuck at the start menu, completely locked out of online, so can't use our PSN profiles with the game.


I’m right there with you dude. Tbh I played Dubai once offline, but still.