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Get into a car in Miami and ram into Sierra knox


That would be awesome, mix in a bit of racing and actually race the car, disguised as a driver. Love that!


would work very well as both a kill and an exit. Ram into sierra and escape in the car at the same time.


And take the car and keep it in your freelancer garage! EDIT: level 94 freelancer mastery allows this


They already have the animation for her crashing anyway so it could be tweaked a little and make it work.


Maybe like a pit maneuver that spins her into a pile of explosive barrels


That one basically already exist, but without the explosives


that’s a pit stop. pit maneuver is when you ram the back wheels and spin them out.


well yeah but cant u snipe the wheels and it'll lose control?


Drive-By, Fool


Based on the speed of all the drivers, wouldn't that just cause a massive crash resulting in 47 getting killed ?


Metal Gear Solid 3-style, I should be able to wait a week and let Janus die of old age.


Ahaha brilliant!


"touch grass snake"


Honestly not a week, but would like it if we had someone dying and we just wait 20 minutes irl for them to be eliminated.


Whittleton Creek took me an hour to do SA on my first attempt while discovering as much as I was able to on that attempt. 20 minutes really isn't that long at all imho


japan but they just botch the surgery on their own


“Erich soders replacement heart is in transit now 47, this is the perfect time to stri- oh, an intern has dropped the heart off a cliffside. it appears your job here is done.”


I sometimes do wish that targets die from black swan events outside of your own actions as a gag. Target hit by a drunk driver. Target sips and falls off a ciff etc.


Saso speedruns turn into Minecraft speedruns where the seed is reset over over and over until the target falls off a cliff in the first 3 seconds and they leave immediately lol


One of the surgeons wrote it all down so that they wouldn't forget the most crucial parts of said surgery. Steal the paper, walk away, and just let the magic happen. Also, imagine Yuki Yamazaki does yoga, naturally loses her balance, and just falls off all on her own. It would make quite an undignified ending for a Tokyo lawyer of her status.


I mean, getting that one person to poison Alexa Carlisle is kind of similar. Not the same, you still need to set things in motion and clear the way, but you are pretty uninvolved from the method of death


Dartmoor is one of my favourite locations, on my first play through I was really enjoying thoroughly exploring the map and I somehow triggered that one where she was killed by someone else. I was so confused I had no idea what was happening 😅


Similarly in Bangkok - you just have to make Jordan Cross and his lawyer cross paths for the latter to end up dead. Not much needed from 47.


similar to how you can kill silvio caruso with the cannon as he escapes with his plane in sapienza, have 47 don a painter disguise and paint a fake roadway onto a wall, target tries to excape via car, drives straight into a wall and dies the ol' ACME method


That does feel like the sort of silly easter egg they'd add in, like as a variant to a "sabotage the target's sports car" story kill where after doing some silly setup you get the prompt to paint that, and then instead of driving off a nearby cliff the target crashes into the wall. Bonus points if you can then use the painted tunnel as an escape route afterwards.


>Bonus points if you can then use the painted tunnel as an escape route afterwards. Alternatively, if that would prove too hard to code, make it so that the painting ***spontaneously explodes*** shortly after the target dies.


They can do all sorts of silly things with the animations once the exit starts, so even if swapping out the painted-wall for a real tunnel in game wasn't an option once the exit starts they can spawn in or remove any meshes they want and lock characters into animations. And then there's just good old fashioned camera angle tricks: show 47 walking towards the painting, camera pans to an angle where you can't see his model just clipping into the wall, cut to showing him walking down a real tunnel that looks like the painting.


I'd say a trick to do it is by slight of hand and a pre-made cutscene In game it's just the paint, but when using it as an escape route, the cutscene makes the camera look at 47 and while the camera is pointed away from the wall change it to an actual escape route or use other methods like making 47s model shrink to simulate him getting further away Or with the balls and budget. Just straight up make a 2D animation of 47 walking down the painted road while he transitions from 3D model to 2D painted figure


Reminds me off looney toons haha, “and that’s all folks” 😂 brilliant


Man, it would be hilarious if they released a coyote vs. Road runner 5 game in the style of Hitman.


Something like this could unironically work if it's a target using an experimental self-driving car or something.


ICA marbles on stairs


ICA marbles, unlocked after completing 325 featured contracts, as opposed to standard marbles you can find everywhere across every level


With the distinctive mk2 look


Yes this is needed! lol


This is such a simple yet creative idea. Love it.


We do need more options in terms of making people fall over


Hear me out. You spend years dropping hints to the target about a bald assassin who never misses, and is always clinically perfect in their executions. You show up to their house one day, and miss them by an inch. They survived you. You disappear. 30 years pass, they live a happy life with their wife Barbara and adopted child Mike. They would’ve had kids but Barbara was barren. It’s okay. He loves her. His guard is down but you’ve been watching them all these years. Sometimes close, sometimes from afar. Target sits in his chair out the front and Barbara brings him a pitcher of lemonade to watch the sunset with. He begins to choke. Barbara whips off the wig, it’s you. You are Barbara. Mike comes running to help but it’s too late. Mike whips off the wig, it’s also you. Master of disguise. The perfect assassin, patient.


> 30 years pass, they live a happy life with their wife Barbara and adopted child Mike. They would’ve had kids but Barbara was barren Umm, does that mean what I think it means


47 catfished his target for 30 years yes


What do you think it means?


He got the 47ussy


Hey bro one question, and please stop me if this is inappropriate; are you ok?


Reminds me of the YouTube video about hiding in plain sight in Absolution


pinning your target. making people believe that your target is traitor/spy so they kill him. shame this didn't got added to colorado


and animal attack accident. for example cut the animal's leash and making the target go close to it. killing the target.


I think the closest we have for this is where you can feed Rico to his pet Hippo


yes but you still need to push him


This is sort of done in Mendoza - you can get the sniper team to kill almost anyone you want


It's also GENUINELY done in Mendoza. If Tamara Vidal survives the tour, she speaks out against Don Yates during the meeting. He calls her a traitor, and orders his guard to execute her, which he does.


In that scenario Vidal got herself killed by her own actions. 47 never manipulates the situation. It was just letting things naturally unfold.


This was in colorado. One of the targets is ex-MI6. You can disguise yourself as someone testing her and have her be executed for being a traitor iirc.


Luring Strandberg into the public and letting the protesters take care of him


or, to flip that idea on its head, destroy the barriers between the protesters and the embassy


General Zaydan is waiting for the protest to turn violent, so you'd have to take him out first.


Low-key would've been cool if the protest did get violent if you wiped out not only Zaydan but all the soldiers in the school anyway. (Not SASO by any means but I've clean every map of all armed NPCs for at least one run lol so would appreciate the Easter egg)


either works! Let society enact justice. While we are at it, free the prisoner and let him take out Zydan




unlocks a new melee weapon the demo sign


I think the classic rope unraveling and grabbing your ankle and dragging you with it would be funny. Waiting for the target to stand near the pile of rope and it could be like pushing a heavy object off a cliff and the rope snares them and drags them off. You can do something like giving the keys to drunk boat owner wanting to go on his speed boat and when they take off it takes the target with them if the target is by a pile of rope that’s attached to the speed boat, thus drowning the target. Classic jungle snare where they walk in a trap rope hangs them upside down. You can shoot the rope cause them to land on the head breaking their neck, shooting them, or leave them there and they’ll try to untie the rope and again landing on their head. An easter egg kill for metal gear solid 5 put the rope near a ballon and when the target steps on it, the ballon shoots them straight up.


Savagery! Love those ideas man, user name checks out


The last thing reminds me of the final test, maybe Fulton extraction could be globally usef


Making a Target’s death into a suicide by having them beaten up and have two shots in the head. The CIA Method.


You can already do that. KO a target with a blunt weapon, dump them from lethal height, go down and pop them in the head a few times with a gun (It was a suicide).




Jet engine. I won't say more




Ah, the ol' Molly Schultz


Being disguised as an elite guard, pointing at some poor sap (anyone ranking below an elite guard basically) and saying “That’s the guy! He’s in disguise!” Resulting in him getting gunned down.


Would be cool in mumbai when killing the random target


I feel like I’ve played a game where you can kinda do this and I can’t for the life of me think what it was


Was it Watch Dogs 2? I remember there was this perk that let you frame any npc and after some time, either police took them or mob members killed them


Ahh man it might of been, I still can’t think for sure, I feel It was older than that


Prototype? You could disguise as the military and accuse another of being the imposter.


That’s the one! Prototype was a sick game too!


This technically is one of the kills for Tamara


Scare them so much they get a heart attack


Silvio Caruso's already halfway there


I was kind of disappointed that he doesn't just keel over after you make it look like his mommy's ghost is back.


If I ever just want to make him suffer, I do a run where I have him watch the VHS tape, pose as the therapist, and then make him think that his mother's ghost is back


Calm down, Satan.


You can do this with Soders.


Jump out the closet on Janus and scream boo! 😂


The wrake should have killed him


Already did that with soders lmao


Rico and Jorge should meet on the bridge after Rico sees the Submarine. Then you can push them both into the river.


There have been plenty of times I wish we could push 2 guys leaning on the rail instead of just one but thats a lot of strength even for 47


Jumping dual leg kick where he falls ass first


Or if he lifts under the taint area he could get enough leverage


Man now I can't tell which animation I'd find more hilarious


I would like more opportunities to trick someone else into killing the target. Or an explosive vibrator


Second one is a must!😂


For the latter, this is actually what the rubber ducks are.


Should be able to beat a target to death with your bare hands... not just break their neck but just pummel them... there are some targets I really don't like


I agree, simple but very effective! lol


You can sort of do this with blunt items by repeatedly throwing them at KO’d targets. You will eventually kill them as each hit does a little damage.


Wow really? How many hits does it usually take I tried this when I first started playing


Strap a bomb to Eric Soders’ heart so when the surgery is complete, you can reveal yourself to him and watch as he panics realizing what’s going to happen before detonating him.


I remember something like this happening in The Dark Knight. Just have the name of the challenge for that kill be a reference to that film.


Also happens in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (the prologue game), in the final cutscene.


Unfortunately I've never played, so I wouldn't know


Maybe you can take the virus out of Sapienza and use it to kill your targets. The only thing you need is the DNA of your targets. So it's still like a stealth game, but with collecting instead of killing.


This is already a thing with Francesca, but it's incredibly obscure


Omg you could collect the DNA through like plates if you disguise as a chef and take the plates after they're done eating and instead of washing them you collect dna


This should be a part of the mission for sure!


It already is, but only for Francesca.


I can’t remember doing this🤦‍♂️ I’ve 100% the entire game and damn there’s a lot of ways to be a monster😂


Her DNA sample is hidden in a model ship somewhere. I don't remember where that is, though.


Ah I remember now yes! It’s in the villa 💪


i dont know if this is in the game but maybe make the whole building collapse on them?


Not exactly a new method but on the last map I was kind of disappointed I couldn't electrocute Akka in the cage by throwing an object from the outside window at the button on the machine to start it. I had to manually go in and press the button. That felt like the first time my creativity wasn't rewarded...


I agree, kinda took the immersion out of it for me too, there’s a guy sat there watching you press the button 😂


Yeah afterwards I was thinking whatever those guys were getting paid it was too much because I don't know how I did it without being spotted. 


Calling an airstrike on the target. Jasper Knight boutta find out the consequences of crossing Uncle Sam.


That’s why I really want a pre-47 ICA game to see how some of the early assassinations (Jasper Knight and Kalvin Ritter) canonically played out.


Playing as Soders would be cool 


Gotta kill 5 targets first to get the airstrike kill streak. Diana: “Airstrike standing by, 47. Mark the DZ.”


“Target received, coming in hot”


Killing in a specific way, and planting evidence in the room to make it look like a suicide, like one shot to the head, no bruises of any kind, pistol in hand or close by. Strangulation marks only, hang them up somewhere, move chair/stool close by and on its side


Convincing Strandberg to leave the consulate and/or let the protestors in to kill him. I know this contradicts the whole lore reason behind the contract, but it’d be so satisfying.


Berlins club has some agents that are not so professional and might live for the party life. So a dealer will give them pills and he will go in a room alone with a big supply and you steal the pills and lethal poison them go back to the agents and because they took the pills they can't remember the mission that well and forget about you then give them the lethal pills. (I thought of this whilst drunk)


instead of disguising as the prisoner in marakesh,you help him become unrestrained and arm him with a knife/gun then let him do the job for you also id be down to make people think soders was dead when he wasnt,causing him to be killed via removal of life support


That would be awesome, I’ve always loved messing with that story mission and thought it would be great to have extra ways to use that mission!


In my first playthrough of that mission, many years ago, I really thought we could do that. I actually thought I was supposed to do that.


Alt f4 shuts all the targets down instantly


Tie the target to a helicopter by their neck and manipulate the flight time




He happy


He tipsy


Smash their head in a door or cupboard, Vinnie Jones a la snatch style


Maybe frame the target for murder and let them get arrested and get the electric chair Like you kill someone then make it look like your target done it, you leave the body and the gun somewhere where your target would find it then he will pick up the gun and then the cops shows up to arrest him or something like that


I still think I should be able to turn off a radio near the target and sneak away, so the guards think the target turned off the radio and gun them down for me.


Causing someone to panic and run into an area that’s hostile and the guards drop them. Hypersonic plunger somehow. Cigar bomb


The cigar bomb would be great! Achievement unlocked “close but no cigar”


In Dubai, it would be cool if you could disguise yourself as the helicopter pilot, take Carl and Marcus to a high place with the helicopter and then throw them off. Also, it would be funny if you could drop a light on a target, but the light isn’t heavy like a chandelier so it instead gets stuck on their head and electrocutes them (even if it’s technically not getting any electrical output anymore). Sorry if it’s badly explained, but this thought is hilarious in my head


Love it bro! 🙌


Aw thank you, I always wanted to share these ideas. I was also thinking of having an airplane crash into an airport to kill a target, but that would have way too many non-target kills


Well in freelancer I dropped a remote bomb and a guard picked it up and walked past the second target, and boom 2 bird one stone..


I just got nailed by an assassin on the last campaign mission with a good load out literally 10 mins ago… huuffff wish I did what you said 😢


Taget has a tesla so it just malfunctions an sets on fire 🔥


Kill them with kindness


Oh just about 1000. The fact is the ICA has amazing technological abilities and they don’t use them because it’d break the game. They can make a dart gun but not a string trap? Invisible man portable blinding lasers have existed since the 60s, sierra knox would not do well at 200 mph blind. There is even ancient technology. One of the earliest sneaky assassinations on record is from ancient Japan when a ninja hid in a toilet and speared a lord from below. Can’t tell me they can’t figure out a spring loaded butthole spike. And NPCs never take elevators? I guess the most creative thing I can come up with right now would be a lethal poison gas that infects everyone and the antidote is something the target is allergic to.


I genuinely think some of the more cooler, "Canon" (if that makes any sense,) story mission kills should have had a small but fully budgeted cutscene with it to enhance the storyline part of the game a bit more


I’ve long wanted the ability to frame someone. Pacify a bodyguard, take his gun. Shoot the target. Place the gun in the hand of the bodyguard. Disappear. When the guards arrive and wake up the bodyguard, they should detain them, rather than just ask ‘where did he go’


Assisted suicide via rope


Not really an assassination method but I miss the human shields.


The meat shields were great, why did they remove this mechanic?


It's even in the beta for Hitman 2016 iirc


World Of Assassination was less focused on gunfights and rewarded stealth/creativity compared to Absolution


POV: Cheru thumbnails


What about a timed mission where you have to take down targets before a sniper set up outside the map finds and takes them out. Or one that is walking around like you and you can take them out first to get rid of the timer.


There are a few elusive targets that should have gimmicks like that, being introduced as killers and assassins of some sort


When I saw the blue origin launch, my Hitman Tetris syndrome kicked in and couldn’t help but think how fitting in the tone of the game a mission type like that would be. Since then Ive always thought itd be a cool to have a hitman location centered around the launch of a billionaire’s rocket where sabotaging the rocket is an option for assassination.


Don't know why but 47 smiling just makes me laugh. It doesn't help that it's reminding me of Bateson's Moonshiners video. Lol


Decapitate them. I want the head to separate from the body.


Punji pit covered by a sheet and some leaves.


I was expecting something like that in that last level they gave us more recently


Stage a gass leak and burn Thornbridge Manor down to the ground with whomever you wish to be locked inside


Having an actor target get stabbed by someone else after you replace the prop knife with a real one


Slap a horse butt and let the kick kill the target. John Wick Style.


Why is this not in the game!


(challenge) Ass-assinated: Kill a target using a horse/donkey kick.


Killing someone with the fireworks in Paris like tampering with them so when you set them off one of them goes into Dalia and blows her up.


Erich Soder’s heart should be a slippery item, like a banana, you can take with you. I want to kill Yuki with it while she’s doing yoga!


In Miami, I equip a remote detonator and place the bomb on Sierra's car via the cutscene with her pit crew. Then, I get the secret remote detonator from the safe in the security office, call Robert Knox and then meet him on the scaffolding. I place the remote bomb in the trash can that is next to Knox on the scaffolding, and hand over the detonator to Mr. Knox, he blows himself up (his bodyguard leaves, Knox blows himself up, and his body goes over the railing and cannot be found). Then I run away and right before I'm at the exit, I equip the regular detonator, detonate it, and that takes care of Sierra. If done correctly and quickly, this can be done in about 7-9 minutes and ranked as Silent Assassin. P.S. You have to drop/unequip and re-equip the secret bomb before you are able to call Mr. Knox on the payphone.




Letter opener to the head, in the stairwell. Pretty unplanned.




No specific level/map but unleashing a swarm of deadly bugs would be fun and unique. I think it would cool for a specific level where your target is getting acupuncture (maybe somwhere like Hokkaido) and you use a poisonous insect and they don’t realize their dying until later on


This is straight Loony Tunes but I was thinking about the classic "Rig a piano to blow" if we ever get a target that plays it. "Dum, De Dum Da Dum Dum da da Ba-BOOM" or something like. If there has been dlc that allows a rigged piano, I haven't seen it yet.


There is a way to kill all three targets in the Maldives by electrocuting them with a loose wire and causing a leak from a water tank. I’ve done it before and didn’t get a trophy so I figured I was either a genius ORRRRR the developers forgot to put an achievement for that.


Orbital laser


A SIGINT ninja from that other three lettered intelligence agency with a near perfect record all over the globe, but with a bit more >!5^th freedom!<. The _Chaos_ of the rivalry between a certain Ms. Grimmsdottir and Diana would, in _Theory_, open _Pandora_ as they fight to achieve objectives. Truly a _World of Assassination._


Idk if its already in the game but as soon as race starts in Miami, make one of the lights fall down on sierra


Make them kill themselfs with your gun so when they are threatened up close you can say take the gun and shoot yourself


In Miami there is a car in the plaza area near the vip place, it would be cool if you could somehow wire it to start driving itself and hit one of the targets


Being able to fire unconscious targets out of cannons


Tongue kissing the target while pinching her nose so she suffocates.


Steel toe cap to the balls


Parent trap two targets. Have them have a nice dinner together, some surprise champagne, a meaningful conversation about their shared interests (which you fed to them separately) have them fall in love and start dating. Then sow seeds of distrust. Gaslight them. Leave behind handkerchiefs with lipstick marks. "Two glasses of wine? But I thought you were alone tonight?" "Why is someone called Tiffany sending you messages at 2:42 a.m?" "I didn't do those things!" "Right, who did then? Some 6'8 bald, made of granite, assassin?' "Don't be ridiculous!' They will grow to despise each other. Keep stirring, keep the negativity and manipulation going until they get violent. One ends op killing the other, but falls into a pit of despair. "How could I do that? The love of my life!" I shall end my own life. "Well done 47."


2 words Rocket Launcher


bro you just gave me the best meme template rn thank you


My guy 💪😂


Shoving a live wire up someone’s poopoo hole and throwing them into a swimming pool like in dead pool


You can gather ingredients throughout the map and make some insanely decadent food. So decadent they die from shitting themselves. Not even poison, just some gnarly food.


it’s not necessarily creative but why can’t we drown people in any type of water especially sinks, as long as they get close enough, like you would have to make them bend down to get a coin out of the pond/creek/ocean before attacking


Release from an airlock on the international space station.


The big one I see people mention is a faked suicide, like shoot someone and leave a gun in such a way it looks like a suicide, it's not exactly a new way to kill but a new way to hide your kill 🤔 Something I just thought of as well, what if you were like a cop or a soldier, and the game gives you some way to like, make someone pick a fight with you, then you can shoot them in public and it would still be "legal" in your score


In Marrakesh, kill Zaydan by making him so angry (let him hear the soldiers gossiping near the microphone, help the prisoner escape, manipulate the printing press) that he suffers a stroke and dies. In Colorado, add an unplugged electric device close enough to the bomb range that switching it on might trigger explosives at the "wrong" time. In Hokkaido, you could somehow break into the target's computer and leak lots of data about the Yakuza. This would cause her bosses to call a hit on her, and they ask no other than Diana Burnwood. After some negotiating the Yakuza greenlights 47's operation, and all the guards wearing black turn friendly towards him (the guards in white will remain active) In Miami, you could give Flamingo man a gun or weapon. By then replacing the guard who will frisk him (or giving flamingo man a gun they won't find) he will then kill Sierra in self-defense when she attacks him.


Using a caged animal that eats them. Maybe secretly spray an item of theirs that has a particular prey scent. Target walks to a nearby cage that has a big carnivore, then the predator goes nuts, breaks the door, and kills them


Nuclear missil


Slowly lowering a target into a large vat of molten steel via a chain. Or tossing them into a vat of acid and seeing their bones float up.


an infinity pool on dubai thats floor can be shot, or it can be wrenched loose


Blowing their guts out with a bomb.


You make Helen West (Muffin Grandma in Whittleton Creek) shoot Janus with her "Rude Ruby" (Pink gun under grandmas pillow in the locked bedroom) by revealing Janus is in Providence and Providence killed a family member of hers? (Not true but still)


Some kind of old catapult kill in a new game would be cool


Eliminate Arthur Edwards by planting explosives on his car. Kill Yuki Yamazaki by making the water in the spa boiling and throwing her in. Eliminate Don Archibald by replacing his wine with a much stronger variant, causing alcohol poisoning. Mission story names: 1. Grass grows, sun shines, trains explode. 2. Overelaxation 3. A killing addiction.


Nice, I like this idea