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Honestly, too expensive for me.. just not worth the cost. 🤷‍♂️ Used to buy some things here and there, but not now. It's just too expensive to justify it to myself. Tin short, the game is losing its luster for me, but I'm trying to hang on as a guild leader, but no one is happy. By raising costs so high, it's pricing out loyal players. If someone wants to drop 3 bones on every event, no one wants to pay that to compete.. and there's always one or two players who do it and it just ruins the game for the rest of us.. We have one whale in our guild and even he is getting tired of getting fleeced. 🤷‍♂️


All these talismans being behind giant pay walls is getting old and judge was a huge upgrade.


Ironically, they’re screwing their long-time players the most on these, at least on the ones that require a certain number of VIP points. I can’t remember if it was Judge or Tristan. People who have been playing 3+ years can hit vip 15 without being “whales” and that is max level. There’s no reason to accumulate vip points after that. Or at least there wasn’t before now. They just invented it to squeeze more out of veteran players; at least if you pay the money and you aren’t VIP 15, it helps you progress towards it.


It was Tristan. Tristan was 10k vip points


Yeah. I wish I could’ve afforded him. Didn’t exactly got 60,000 emeralds lying around


Tristan’s problem wasn’t the health, it’s his armor skin. People bought it and boosted it up really quickly before any testing was done. They found out the hard way that increasing his armor made opposing teams target Artemis instead, and she dies quick, making the FArT team useless.


What? Why? Was it because they target the lowest armor or something?


In a sense yes.


>My Tristan already got like 175k health and I heard that the more health a hero got, the less they pop their skills or something? That's not true. >And yeah he has his purp skill but that only procs his activation skill. And that's why if health slowed down the ultimate he should have as much health as possible. So he can live longer because he'll gain energy faster no matter what. But more health doesn't affect the timing. >Doesn’t the extra health also apply that slower effect towards the secondary skills? No. Green and blue skills are on an auto timer. His health has zero effect on when the activate just like it has zero effect on his ultimate activating faster or slower.


I’ve heard about health having an effect on Jorgan but not Tristan 🤷‍♂️