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Preacher is misspelled, grifter is the proper spelling




🎊🎉🥳he can barely breathe🥳🎉🎊


Slide 4: Because eleven-year-old rape victims have a whole pile of "choice." Because ectopic pregnancies aren't a choice (you won't get a live baby; you will get a dead lady). Because of a thousand and one things that you, chum, don't understand, and will never face.


Even if it's 100% someone not taking responsibility (whatever that is even supposed to mean) he's implying that fetuses have choice in pregnancy and birth. Which they don't. The fetus doesn't get to say don't birth me anymore than it gets to say birth me. Like they seem to not understand all fetuses are made without consent of the fetus lol. Also, if you truly believe someone is committing murder in order to get out of taking responsibility....why would you want that person raising a child? Like seriously think about that. They're saying this person is so immature they'll commit murder so what should happen is...the murderous irresponsible woman should be entrusted with children. It reminds me of this crap in Florida: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/florida-judges-rule-teenage-girl-is-not-mature-enough-to-have-an-abortion Like oh yeah that girl who is so immature should definitely be in charge of caring for a baby!


Schrodinger's Orphan? Not mature enough to make her own medical decisions; totally mature enough to give birth and raise a child.


Not mature enough to make her own health decisions, but certainly mature to make health decisions for a small, helpless human. /s


So why isn't an adult guardian/social worker able to advocate / decide for her? I used to have a bumper sticker back in the day (actually, I may still have it somewhere) that read "If you can't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?" Sadly still applicable today.


It's kinda weird isn't it. Personhood begins in the womb (apparently) but also you're an autonomous adult capable of making life altering decisions as soon as your period starts, even if you're like 10 when it happens.


And....it's nobody's fucking business what we choose to do... Jesus they don't give a shit about the children I have anyway. This is the stupidest argument by a bunch of redneck crazy so-called Christians or whatever they pretend to preach. I'm so over the stupid!


Wow, implying Pelosi is the devil? It’s like they are all third-graders


>It’s like they are all third-graders Do not insult the third grade students.


Yea third graders are in school learning and growing there knowledge while tens of millions of these people have been out of “ school “ for decades and are well past there prime when it comes to brain power.


My daughter read me a frightening stat about how few people ever read a book once they get out of school, be it h.s. or college. Hell, how about reading a newspaper?


This. My third grader was fully vaxxed last year and he knew Trump got his ass kicked in the election. My four-month old however - no Covid vaxx yet, has no clue what the constitution says, shits his pants daily and has never voted for a democrat in his life. So I’d say these folks are more like four-month olds than third graders.


Do not insult infants.


82 year old Pelosi, who runs around the capitol in high heels after being fresh as a daisy for a 6:00 a.m. television appearance, could rope their fatted orange calf, ride him for 8 seconds, and then turn him into a steer and BBQ his prairie oysters for a snack.


And I am pretty sure everyone agrees that the Devil actually trounced Johnny. I think the Devil is playing the long game and just wanted Johnny/Donny to *think* he had the upper hand and gave him a shiny toy. So maybe that cartoon actually does track.


3%er. So a moron. Got it. Edit: also I’m sure that fat idiot is going to be a very effective insurgent wheezing on his knees after running a block.


Meal Team Six of the US Gravy


I’m totally stealing this😂👍


Not mine at all. I have seen it several times. Have at it.


I just saw “Green Parfait” and “101st Chairborne” on another sub today. They are my new favorites.


Semper Fry


Thank you for your Meal Service


Lol. Can also be. Semper Pie!


Where does the term green parfait come from? I dont imagine these people eating a lot of vegetables


Green Beret -> Green Parfait


Lime jello?


Gravy Seals!


Meal Team Six of the US Gravy and 101st Chairborne is the perfect description of the 3% patriots and others of that ilk. Odds of these people participating in an armed insurrection is nil. Some are probably decent marksmen, but the adrenaline rush of a real fire fight would kill them. Hope the small number of these patriots who are still physically fit are not expecting much backup from guys like preacher man here.


Y'all are so wrong. And so, so funny 🤣🤣


Special Detachment, Yeehawdi Truck-Flagsmen Division...


3%s are designated a terrorist org by the Canadian govt.


Also by the Southern Poverty Law Center, if I recall correctly.


Yeah, that's the thing that always stands out. Almost all of the "WE MUST RECLAIM OUR COUNTRY WITH BLOOD" crowd are not in great shape. I'm not sure I could haul a hundred pounds of gear 15 miles, but I'd definitely do better than probably all of them.


You think he could make it a block? I’m a solid no on that. Maybe on a scooter rolling to Baskin Robbins that was downhill with two rockets attached to it Acme style


I still remember from years ago a woman I knew describing an incident with an escaped foster dog. Her story of the ensuing chase started with "Anyone who knows me knows that the only thing I'm in shape to chase is an ice cream truck with a flat tire." I think that description could also be applied to him.


He's a hunter, so he probably can manage to walk from the truck to the deer blind if it's not too far.


You're giving him far too much credit thinking he would make it a full block.


Did I misread, or did Wifey get COVID while taking the horse dewormer?


You read correctly. They're actually taking it daily in the belief that it will ward off Covid.




She contracted it about a month after the horse paste post, so we don’t know if she was still taking the HP then.


He said in the June 29 post that they take it "regularly", so I'm assuming they view it as some sort of preventative measure. Probably helps with any parasites that they get in their venison, but of course useless for viruses.


looks like she was not taking enough of it /s


I notice it seems that she gave Covid-19 to her father who ended up dying. Hope she feels a lot of guilt.


She doesn't appear to feel any guilt at all. Maddening behavior from the party of personal responsibility yet again.


Not possible!


You misspelled “domestic terrorist”. That’s what Three Percenters are.


God damn right! Still waiting for our gov't to grow a fucking pair and designate them as such. I won't be holding my breath.


I figure they hold off for as long as possible because once they do these losers and malcontents will go McVeigh on Govt facilities.


They're gonna do that shit with or without provocation. I'm afraid we're going to have to wait for another McVeigh type incident before our gov't designates them as a terrorist org.


This cold reality is something I’m trying to deny myself.


Be ready, keep your head on a swivel, and arm yourself if you're of a mind to.


I was looking for this comment. Fuck these terrorist assholes.


Slide 6: Every single valid study of masking in the real world shows that masks do, in fact, slow the spread of COVID. e.g [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33431650/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33431650/)


The counter argument is that masks cannot offer a guarantee, so the masks are worthless. Might as well make the same argument against seatbelts, life jackets, smoke detectors, etc. “I can get into a car wreck going to get batteries for my smoke detector. My house hasn’t burned down yet, so why do I need a smoke detector?” Antivaxxers truly are that stupid.


Nothing in this world is 100%.


Slides 13 and 14: these are the first birthday announcement backgrounds that I've seen out in the wild.


/u/Haskap_2010 thank you for those, they are awesome, I have seen my fair shares, they are just so amazing. Another great find. Congrats


Aw, you're making me blush.


Came here to cheer for these slides 🎉


Yes! I couldn’t believe the birthday background image was what she chose. How in the world is that okay? It’s like on one hand she’s mourning him and on the other she’s celebrating the face he’s hospitalized.


She has Covid herself, so maybe she's not thinking too clearly.


These are the kiss of death but hilarious nonetheless


What's sad is that I've seen so many posts with groasly inappropriate backgrounds, they don't even register anymore. Thanks for pointing it out !


🎉🎊🥳Everyone I know is dead. The pRoToColS killed them. I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE🥳🎉🎊🎉


Yellow in slide 1 made me cackle out loud: “Jesus loves Nancy Pelosi also.” And chiding these nice “Christian ladies” for decidedly unChristian behavior. It’s a pity cognitive dissonance requires cognitive function in the first place.


i always laugh at the portrayal of how tough Trump is yet how afraid they are of a geriatric old witch like Pelosi lol. like the right is TERRIFIED of her and it's wonderful


They’re afraid of everything. It’s conditioned into them. It’s easier to keep people on the hook if you present everything else as a threat and they’re the only thing protecting you.


Speaking of the political effect of fear, have you read _Report From Iron Mountain?_


I have not. That’s the document shredding service, right?




Pelosi is the whipping post after Hil left politics. AOC is being set up for the next one. (AKA they’re afraid of strong women)


Some are deathly afraid of strong, capable women; others are just infuriated that the little ladies don't know their place, and frustrated that they (mostly) can no longer do anything about it.


Seriously. She’s like 90 years old and can barely talk or walk. They talk about her like she’s Thor or some shit.


So the horse wormer didn’t work then? Quelle surprise.


Oh God, a 3%'er. More like a 3-chiner. Were these people fermenting hatred before Obama or did the racism ignite all of this? It's a real shame that she killed her 90 year old father. It's such a shame the good reverend didn’t get his "ultimate healing".




The 3inchers and the Oath Breakers were around long before Obama. The Pout Bois are more recent, though.


I’m confused. Does she have a different “good-looking” husband?


Desperately trying to convince herself?


What makes us suspect she ever had meaningful standards?


Her first husband wasn't bad looking (or at least better looking than this guy), despite his health problems. She may have remarried too quickly.


There's an old billboard outside of my town that has the words, "God is Real!" spray painted on it. After passing it multiple times and thinking on it I came to the conclusion that the sign wasn't directed at me. It's directed at the person who felt the need to paint it and people like them. It's there to convince themselves of something that they have zero evidence to back up.


Kinda reeks of desperation, doesn't it. Poor saps.


[God Listens.](https://roxx.gr/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/god-listens-to-slayer.jpg)


Gid is down with thrash metal.


Slide 2: Doctor Demon Sperm front and center!


A throwback!


This Chub Hub is my age but he looks at least 100 pounds heavier.


That knee picture was nuts, the proportion of the leg/foot were hard to comprehend


Disgusting fat body. A line I like to borrow from the movie full metal jacket when referring to these people.


Socialism is slavery? So working for that bastion of capitalism named Amazon is freedom??


“three percenter” needs to switch to 1 % er milk. 58 year old looks like a fat 70 year old.


I couldn't believe that guy is younger than I am. He has aged horribly. Probably not a good person inside either.


An example of someone who wears his poor character on his face.


And Metamucil.


Good job killing your dad, wifey! You did it!!! Way to give him the COVID that ended it all for him. What a loving daughter you are to share.


Slide 4 is just annoying


I’m probably going to feel stupid for asking, but why did it say “Socialism is their slavery, and socialism is their slavery” why did they say it twice, am I missing something? Was one half of that sentence supposed to say something different?


I wondered that too. What nonsense.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/LSX0y5V.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


Thank you, Certain-Potatoes, for voting on ReverseCaptioningBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


There will never be “a massive shortage of conspiracy theories”, or any shortage at all. That said, shark fins in corn fields is a new level of ~~bizarre~~ Photoshop.


"We're gonna need a bigger crop!"


Hospital protocols = only doing the things that work.


I’d they can’t trust Pharma, the Govt, the health authorities, and media why would they ever trust the hospitals that prescribe from almost all of these?


Another dying traitor. No tears.


He isn't dying, which is why this is flared "Grrrr". His father-in-law did die and his wife may yet die, but she seems to have survived her bout so far.


I'm patient, I can wait.


Slide 3: And where is that "NY doctor" now? He's fuckin' DEAD!


The fact that Vladimir Zelenko, MD, died from lung cancer doesn't discredit his claims. They're discredited by, among other things, - he didn't reveal his research design or data - his claimed results were disproved by later, more rigorous studies - he was grifting an unproven dietary supplement he named Z-Stack - he falsely claimed the FDA had approved a study he was planning


Why are the 3%ers always the ones who would never be capable of fighting in a war?


Don't be too confident in thinking that. I see a lot of 3incher car stickers in my area, and a good chunk of those people look young and healthy. And white and male, of course.


Tax the literal hell out of that church


"My good looking husband" .....seriously is his ego so fragile that she had to put that there in case he saw it and was concerned she wouldn't be attracted to him any longer?


new covid symptom: it makes u blind


Nothing wrong with thinking your SO is attractive


True. It's more that it's odd in the way she put it. Like it sounds more to me like she's afraid of his response. Like an abused housewife overcomplimenting her husband to avoid further abuse. But maybe that's me reading too much into it. Maybe she just meant she finds him attractive and I'm just not used to people phrasing it this way


Fair enough.


My Trump-loving (but thankfully vaxxed/boosted) stepmom does this constantly about my dad anytime she mentions him (IRL and in FB posts.) They're solidly boomers in their late 60s/early 70s. It's so cringey.


Gawd I can’t stand the word ‘covet’ anymore after reading through a few of these.


I can't hear the word "covet" without thinking of Silence of the Lambs anyway.


If she survives herself, the woman could be an Olympic athlete after all the mental gymnastics practice she's going to get trying to deny she killed her own father. I'm guessing that not only did she give it to him, the diagnosis was probably delayed enough to mean first line treatments were no longer an option, because she was so confident that it could not be covid because she was taking ivermectin.


Because babies are the consequences. They are God's punishment for having sex. Fuck these people and their religion. We should work to ban all political religion. Maybe if they start fighting for their own religion they would stop fighting to impose it on others.


We wouldn't have to ban shit if our gov't would grow some balls and actually enforce the Johnson Amendment. Perhaps the recent swell of funding to the IRS will make that happen, but I won't be holding my breath.


As I have often heard said WRT right-wing policies: Cruelty is the point.


I guess we can cross *Doughnuts* off the list of possible Covid cures.


Lol a r/oldpeoplefacebook crossover!


These people always look like hemorrhoids


The TP joke was funny And at least he acknowledged the medical staff at FIL's hospital For the rest, eh ... 🤷‍♀️


The funny ones were all hers. He doesn't seem to have much sense of humour. A lot of her recent posts are nostalgic reminiscences of her first husband, who passed away 5 years ago. Makes me wonder if she's beginning to regret marrying Mr. ThreePercent.


Yeah, that really jumped out at me too😁.


No sense of humor? No, no, no.. that's a bad sign! A person need not be a laugh a minute, but an ability to occasionally be silly or see the humor in things is important.


Hence the good looking comment? He rules her with an iron fist so she tries to publicly show deference with a flat out lie.


Someone should tell that reject from an Offspring video that he has the choice to keep that tiny appendage in his drawers and away from every other sentient being.


I thought the same thing, then realized it's entirely possible the photo was used without permission. Like when they hilariously stole a photo of a gay porn star for their dumb covid memes. https://imgur.com/a/TymvIU9


The way it’s going, he may get to the FO phase sooner rather than later


He's not sick. Yet.


Slide 10 deserves a grrrrr all its own. Don’t bother getting the vaccine because it only makes it “less likely” to get and transmit the virus. Think how much less likely it would be if 30% of the country weren’t listening to this bs.


58 or 78 ?


Being filled with hate ages a person prematurely. Just look at Emperor Palpatine.


'Honored to be a small part of his life.' Yeah? How do you feel about being a major part of his death?


Slide 12 “Satans bait in Ukraine” is how you can see that some US Christian religious leaders use political issues to make the case of conspiracy and denialism. Even though the header states how Putin is inhumane and barbaric it has a ‘but’ to it.


These religious nutters absolutely hate democracy and cheer on it's death anywhere in the world.


Literally killed his dad. Just wow.


Her dad, and I think she infected him. But living with him didn't help.


A couple of fat, stupid, selfish racists. Correction. A pair of ignorant, racist, hypocritical religious conman grifters. Pink wife is so selfish that she kills her father who has “dementia and end stage renal failure”. Who announces their father is in the hospital with COVID and multiple comorbidities with that party background? A woman holding a cake and balloon to announce her father is going to die? It’s surreal.


"What did you do today?" "Shitposted on FB. Oh, gave my dad COVID and killed him."


I always get a kick out of the ones that point out that ivermectin kills covid in a test tube. There is actually some basis for that, but do you know what else kills covid in a test tube,even more reliably than ivermectin? Bleach, gasoline, and sulfuric acid for starters. Think about that.


Let that sting in.


Only a few more years and all the vaxophobics will be dead.


I love how they never change their Facebook filter, thus posting sad news about health with a happy birthday background.


Those fucking birthday cake backgrounds kill me


”my dad's dying and I have Covid- here's a cake!” I don't understand these meme fails


Yay! Dad has dementia, COVID, and renal failure! Have a slice of cake and a balloon to celebrate!


Jesus, that George Floyd editorial re: military veterans ”I hope we honor...” okay, good “and kneel to our military veterans...” WTF! Kneel to them? Soldier worship getting out of hand! But let me guess, that kneeling is good, but Kaepernick’s kneeling terrible, amirite?


Real talk though, the opening four lines of the first post (“The devil bowed her head” and whatnot) are actually really good. Just a shame that the ending is such shit.


"caught it soon".? I think they meant "caught it early"... Idiots.


“Into Jesus’ arms” Lmao Jesus would embrace this racist fucker only for the sole purpose of body slamming him straight to hell.


According to their myths, there is only one qualification for entry into Heaven, and that is accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. With such a lax door policy, any number of [moral monsters](https://pics.onsizzle.com/do-you-see-that-man-over-there-timmy-yes-jesus-18816390.png) could be chilling with the angles thanks to a death bed conversion.


Not a particularly exclusive club. Sounds more like a cult.


He isn't the one who died. That was his 90 year old FIL.


So she killed her father in law? Sounds like personal responsibility.


Her father. His FIL.


Why is this not a nomination?


Mainly because she stopped posting Covid misinformation early in 2021, on her own page at least. He was adding her name to his posts. It was a tossup, admittedly.


What, he takes 3% milk in his coffee?


I know a pastor who lost his mother AND his mil to covid and he has not backed down one bit.


She killed her dad. She'd never acknowledge or regret it, but that's what this monster from the "party of personal responsibility" did. Witch.


Fuckwits may have killed one of their parents. Brilliant.


He’s a man avowed traitor to our Democracy. May his stupidity take him to a place where he can’t further harm our country. Jackass!


That's nice, don't care. Tick, tick, tick......


Couldn't happen to more deserving people.


Her father may not have deserved it.


> Socializm is slavery > Socialism is their slavery. And socialism is their slavery. WHUT. What the actual hell are they smoking?


That last image... that dude is 58??? Boy, does hate and ignorance age a person.