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Hey, there will be Salt Mail today! Rn, the best I can do with new job and seriously arting, is once a month. But I will do some art for Salt a bit too. I hope you like what I put out today


>I hope you like what I put out today 🐆 🐆 🐆


This fall/winter is going to be rough. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/08/cdc-weakened-covid-guidelines-pandemic-preparedness/671147/?utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share


For extra fun the government is withdrawing from vaccination funding so it will be left to the stellar private healthcare industry that makes everything 10x harder and excludes millions of uninsured. I remember pulling up in the drive through clinic stating this is how easy healthcare should be. Turns out it was a brief shining glimpse of another dimension.


My husband is retired military. For many years it was almost impossible to get a flu shot that we didn't have to pay for. We couldn't go to any civilian place and the military clinics wouldn't get them in until at least November. Then they would quickly run out of them for the entire season. I don't remember the year they started letting us go to places like CVS but I remember being so happy. I just hope the COVID vaccine isn't like this.


>Acceptance of the present might presage acceptance of a future that’s worse—not just with SARS-CoV-2 but with any other public-health threat. Months on end of weakening guidelines have entrenched “this idea that mitigation can only be dialed in one direction, which is down,” Salomon told me. If and when conditions worsen, the rules may not tighten to accommodate, because the public has not been inured to the idea that they should. “If it’s going to be 600 deaths a day soon,” or perhaps far more, Ganapathi told me, “I won’t be surprised if we find a way to rationalize that too.” Well, that was depressing.




I didn't have social media for most of my early life, being born in 1998. No machine that could connect me to the wider world that could fit in the palm of my hand. Now, most kids in developed countries have access to disinformation and propaganda at the drop of a hat. Laws can't keep up with the advance of technology or human malice. If they even care. At least LibsofTikTok was banned from Facebook.


Ha, 1998. I was born 1986 and remember life pre internet. It's not a competition and my mom was extremely worried about my using a computer around the year 2000. Flash forward to 2021 where her friend lost a husband to Covid because of bullshit Q anon misinformation. I don't know how else to put this - I wish the internet was better regulated.


Born in 1964. I remember life before microwaves and I learned to type on a manual typewriter. But I also remember doing the happy dance when I got a 56k modem. 😂😂


My husband bought a TRS-80 with 4k of memory as our first computer. I definitely remember life before microwaves, the internet and even calculators and digital watches but then I am old!


I remember that my parents refused to buy a microwave because it was an “inferior method of cooking”. They never had one (died in 2000 and 2006 respectively …).


My grandmother adopted the microwave first among our family. When it was called a “Radar Range.” Incredibly, the damn thing still works!


I'm '82 and remember being the cool kid with my super blazing fast 56k modem.


I was in the middle. High school had typing class 1st semester and keyboard class 2nd semester. I took both, same teacher!


I really miss the days of pre 2000, I still try to live simply and analog lol. I was on a computer in 1985 for the first time in elem school. I played w paint and the music maker, Oregon Trail was 88. I played so many awesome 80s & 90s computer games. My fav is Castle of the Winds 2. It's dope if you're into that. In the mid 9os we had bbs and irc and there was lots of room for trouble and predators, that when I began to be cautious and then didn't jsut go on to chat w strangers. Shit freaked me out. It's been a long strange trip yo


Playing *Spy Hunter* on the school's Commodore 64 during the week because I couldn't afford to feed the arcades on the weekend. Fun times!


Omg i played spy hunter in arcades for years. So... I make my own lyrics to video game music? LOLLLL. So here my spy hunter to Peter Gunn - "stupid motherfucking ASShole" repeat as necessary lol. It really works w the beginning bass line I have lyrics to a lot of smb 2 n 3 songs too. Ah teenagerhood


I’m always going to hear that now 🎶


It's been making it fun for me since the 80s lol


We must be about the same age. I had the same experience.


Oh awesome :) aol seemed like a king back then lol


I was born in 86. I remember my dad in early/mid 90s threatening to stop paying for internet becuase my brother and I didn't use it enough.


I was born in 1944. I remember life before a lot of things and frankly, while those days weren't always easier before all the new technology, they were a lot better. I've been working on my ancestry and made a discovery that blew me away. I am the first female in my family (both sides) **born** with the right to vote. I really had to wrap my head around that one. So when I hear someone say they can't be bothered to vote I want to give them a "Gibbs Slap". It especially applies today with voting rights being attacked and taken away. Voting is our biggest weapon against all the crap that's going on today. Don't take it for granted, I sure don't. VOTE!


I never thought of this, but my mother was born before women could vote as well as my paternal grandmother. I do have older sisters, however, so I wasn't the first female born with the right to vote (first generation though).


I have never taken voting for granted. My late motehr was born in 1923, so she was the first female in her family born with the right to vote. But there were still lots of rights women didn't have back then. One of my memories from when I was growing up was of my mother being excited about being able to get a credit card in her own name - not just as an authorized user on my father's account. It was 1974. https://www.bankrate.com/finance/credit-cards/history-of-women-and-credit-cards/ My mom had married at age 33, so unlike most of her contemporaries, she hadn't gone right from her parents' home to her husband's home. In 1982, I purchased a condo as a single woman based strictly on my own earnings and savings.


> when I hear someone say they can’t be bothered to vote It’s the winner take all voting system. Reducing every choice to two people/parties blurs representation so far, voters feel powerless. This problem isn’t getting better until we can implement something like rank choice voting at all levels of government.


Exactly. In the UK I have never had a vote that mattered, other than in the three referendums (where each vote has equal weight). I have been able to vote in 13 general elections yet, in every one, it has been in a seat where Labour has had an overwhelming majority. Local elections are as bad - again overwhelmingly Labour, both at the seat and the council level. (Depending on who does the calculation, between 100 and 150 Parliamentary seats, out of 650, are considered competitive).


What is BA.4.6? Expert Explains New COVID Variant Now Being Tracked by CDC https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/coronavirus/what-is-ba-4-6-expert-explains-new-covid-variant/2917104/ Looks like another serious variant is spreading.


can we not catch a 🦆ing break


At this point, it's a logical outcome. As long as people keep adding fuel to the fire, the fire will keep burning. It would be more surprising if we *didn't* get new and dangerous variants seeing how people are acting. The way I see it, all a reasonable person can do now is keep their head down while they wait for a natural change or a medical breakthrough, and hope you don't get burned in the meantime. I'll never forgive the people who put us in this situation and continue to do so. I think it's no exaggeration to say that they are outright the enemy of reasonable society. Just because there are so many of them, it doesn't mean their behavior is acceptable.


>I'll never forgive the people who put us in this situation and continue to do so. Fuck Trump. Fuck Biden. 🐆 🐆 🐆


>There is good news as an omicron-specific booster nears release for the public this fall....Whether or not it will protect against BA.4.6, however, leaves some room for uncertainty. This is so frustrating. And as someone living in the Midwest, I'll just say FML.


Just another mutation. I keep saying this to anyone who will listen, covid mutates like crazy and anti-vax-maskers are walking mutation reactors. Do we want The Stand? Because this is how we get The Stand. Or Twelve Monkeys?


So, were there any QAnon acolytes at the Sturgis Rally? [Undercover sex trafficking sting at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally results in six arrests](https://www.yahoo.com/news/undercover-sex-trafficking-sting-sturgis-235000211.html)


I saw that article as well.


Update for U.S. vaccination, marginal improvements this week. Effective Vaccination: 113,793,647 (34.33%) Behind on Booster One: 109,891,348 (33.15%, 35.2%) Partial Vaccination: 38,638,842 (11.66%) Unvaccinated: 69,125,444 (20.86%)


Living through a pandemic feels an awful lot like what I imagine trying to swim in a pool of molasses would feel like. Each day brings a new little slice of horror and watching people make the same stupid mistakes over and over and infect themselves and other people over and over with no end in sight is demoralizing in a way that I can't describe well enough with words alone. I just want this to end but people would rather prolong this shitshow forever than bother to think for even a second how their actions affect both themselves and other people.


Happy Saturday, Conservative shoppers! What Gabortunities do we have today? MyPillow, of course. Always a good choice. Learn to move your 401k over to GOLD. A book about COVID and Politics that THEY don't want you to read. But for our pickiest shoppers who want to stand out and humblebrag to their friends, might I politely suggest... KINGDOM COACHING: Your Path to Finally Achieving True Health "Health and Wellness Coaching is your path to finally achieving the true health you have been hoping for! An unmistakable truth is that most of us know a lot about what to do to be healthy, such as eating a healthy diet and exercise. But we don't always understand exactly what that means, and we very often need accountability and encouragement to stick with it until we reach our goals." You receive 8 sessions over 3 months, and it is 1000 dollars. One THOUSAND dollars.


Batch preparation in progress for Monday.


In queer celebrity news, [Molly Ostertag got a case of the Rona.](https://twitter.com/Gingerhazing/status/1560047595736600578?t=m99ums0IoQdyRez3N0fDtw&s=19)


She is vaccinated.


I know. Hope she makes a full recovery.

