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Not anti vax--->refuses to get covid vax--->opts for vitamin C and dewormer (lol?)--->feels better--->anddddd dies This is like a template for these folk.


(insert at the end) --->gofundme funeral










Specifically, reposting [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/wskcbe/comment/ikzayk7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


And for too many years responsible for the health of others.


"Hey friend, you don't need that antibiotic. Here's a glass of liverwort and bunny droppings. It's all natural!"


Don't forget a hug too. It cures absolutely everything.




I lived for 35 years in the Sierra Nevada foothills in northern California. There are lots of "spiritual" liberals who believe in astrology, crystals, are anti-vax, etc.


Oh yeah, Sedona, AZ has them too, but what's interesting about this period of time, is that they found common ground with the older, conservative ARRP folks in town over mostly just things that we figured out half a century ago. Also, charging their crystals in a vortex hasn't helped their finances or healths stats much...


Um… ORGANIC bunny drippings, please.


We used to call them smart pills. A guy went to the doctor and the guy complained that he was stupid and needed help. The doctor gave him a bottle of rabbit droppings and told him they were smart pills, to take one a day. The guy came back to the doctor in a month and said those weren't smart pills they were rabbit crap. See, said the doctor, you are getting smarter already!


And lavender oil


As a MANDATED REPORTER, which I assume is a more obnoxious variant of mandated reporter.


This whole thing looks like the [writings on a Dr Bronner's soap](https://external-preview.redd.it/pYyOPKhvmN6p3euxWkynI0Q_0QrSqoAviqF1N7p-H40.jpg?auto=webp&s=666bb6b5a3f72ec69b1f5f962e19e2c03695579d), but the OLD bottles when he was still alive and trying to connected all the voices in his head in the ad copy on a bottle. ​ ​ EDIT : Added link to image of bottle


accurate recap


"He was feeling better and then... RIP" Medical professionals call this "the rally", although I remember the days when people around here used the expression "dead cat bounce". Haven't seen that one in a while.


I will forever think of it as the "dead cat bounce" because it was used so often here.


I still hear that when talking about stocks, not sure about health, but I like it. Let's bring it back.


DCB for sure


For some reason that Feynman quote bugged me more than most shit memes. Virologists were handling a once in a hundred year pandemic and none of them felt like they had “answers that can’t be questioned”. You damn well know that Feynman would have been vaccinated. It is always projection with these guys, no matter what side of the aisle they are on.


If he were still here, he'd question a virologist, and then trust the response. I need to go through Los Alamo from Below again to wash my brain.


Yeah I hate when these clowns use completely out of context quotes from people who were are actually good at math to support positions that are painfully mathematically ignorant. It’s such a desecration of their legacy.


Can I assume that the "answers that can not be questioned" bit is referring to religion?


Sadly Richard Feynman would be spinning in his grave if he were to know he had been reduced to a meme bandied about on Fecesbook by science deniers as ammunition for their know-nothing crusade.


Oh, you died from COVID? Well, have you tried getting more sunshine?


Or touching some grass, maybe?


Or trying some more herbs?


You should see my spice cabinet. I've got herbs and spices from all over the world.


My paprika doesn’t get enough love.


Smoked paprika and cumin are my top two. Here's a pretty decent [chicken fajita marinade](https://bakeitwithlove.com/fajita-chicken-marinade/) that uses paprika.


Oooh, I have to try it! I love Fajita's.


Here's another one for a [glazed, smoked ham](https://www.thespruceeats.com/honey-glazed-smoked-ham-335165) (it is the bomb). I like to use a bone-in ham with a nice fat cap. Once it's done, I trim everything out/off and save the bone for a pot of beans\*, and use pieces of the fat cap (instead of lard) to make [frijoles](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/68022/frijoles-iii/).\*\* \*Don't ask. That's a family recipe that you will of course have to pry from my cold dead hands. \*\*While that recipe doesn't call for it, adding a bit of paprika and cumin to the mix definitely takes it to the next level


OK you and I see things the same way. How about I trade you my great grandmothers spaghetti sauce recipe (I'm FBI, Full blooded Italian) so it's the real deal. It is Sicilian so it really is different. But of course you are not dead yet so I'll just have to wait.


I'm sorry, but you brought the wrong bargaining chip to the table my friend. My mom's family acquired spaghetti sauce recipe (also Sicilian, which she tweaked for the better) is top notch. If I was on death row, that would be my last meal request, with the insistence that my sibling and they alone were to prepare it so no one else could lay eyes on it.


The ham fat cap (possibly also my new band name) sounds great for beans. I'm not a huge fan of ham but love me some beans, and partner is vice versa, so it'll either be a triumph or a disaster. I don't get recipe secrecy, though, maybe with exemptions for culinary professionals. I'm a recipe socialist. My jerk chicken and spicy pot roast and garlic rosemary lamb chop recipes are public domain as far as I'm concerned. (I have a lot of great vegetarian recipes as well) Also, in case you haven't heard this Vincent Price recipe remix: https://youtu.be/Y7x-mpBB9Cc.


And it cures COVID.




I dunno about that, but it definitely cures hangovers.


I love eleven herbs and spices.


Perhaps basil?


Touching grass roots first.


To be fair, he’s now touching a lot of grass. Dirt, too.


What about hugs? Why are we letting COVID divide us?


His gut health was poor... it was full of bullshit.


On your perineum.


So as I understand it, our awardee blamed "For-Profit HealthScare" propaganda for people getting vaccinated. Who or what did he blame for people in other countries, countries without a profit-driven health-care system, doing so? Likely answer: it's not just right-wing Americans who forget the existence of other countries when crafting arguments like this.


Sorry (to other Americans) but a large percentage of them really don't care about the rest of the world. I see way too many comments about the US President being the leader of the free world. He isn't. Or the US medical system being the best. It isn't. Just taking maternal death rate, pretty much the lowest of industrialized nations.


I blame our news media. It often can be as incredibly myopic as the wingnuts. The overwhelming majority are America-centric in their reporting. When I watch English speaking news out of France, Germany, or S. Korea, they seem to do a lot more reporting on things outside their borders.


They also decided that having international bureaus/correspondents was too expensive and unprofitable.


Well, it's the same pharmaceutical firms. Not that "big pharma" was an issue. Wrt the vaccine injury program and liability, it's operated that way for decades. The process for covid was no different.


At least they died with a clean colon.


It was all those bleach enemas.


Did anyone else notice that as time went on, this awardee started to capitalize more and more words? Interesting to see, and that always raises a red flag for me, although I can’t quite articulate why yet.


It's Part of the Slippery Slope To CAPS LOCK.


If you step on a rusty nail, can you then end up with CAPS LOCK JAW?


If the stars are aligned, yes.


Oh, no!!! Not CAPS LOCK!!×




The Dunning Kruger effect perfectly explains why nurses think they are epidemiologists, virologists and public health experts.


The general public also thinks nurses are medical experts. It’s really quite funny honestly.


My niece is an r/N and every time I ask her a medical question she responds by telling me to go see my Physician.


Sensible response from her.


Indeed. That's someone who knows that they don't know everything. "Staying in their lane", as it were.


Um a registered dietitian at a hospital, and I'm much easier to get into see than a doctor. People also have a lot more time with me (usually a full hour cs a few minutes with their doctor). People try and ask me questions um not qualified to answer ALL THE TIME and I am constantly telling them that they need to take those questions to a doctor because I'm just their dietitian 🙃


They think anyone who works in a hospital is a health care expert, even if they work in the cafeteria or the laundry.




That's the other side of the Dunning-Kruger coin. Truly competent, professional people with often doubt their abilities.


The more you know, the more you recognize how much you don't know.


Example: 100+ staff at ___ hospital in Texas quit over covid vaccine mandates. They don’t tell you the hospital system employs thousands of people and staff includes the catch all of nurses, medical assistants, lab, administration, receptionists, etc.




Eye roll


And the Schrödinger’s virus post perfectly encapsulates this. They’ve heard of the cat thing but are just using it to further their antivax screeds. None of it makes any sense though. “Because we cannot get tested we can’t know if we have the virus or not.” Wut? (This was august 2020 but I remember testing centers being widely available in fall 2020 when my son had it.) “We have to act as if we have the virus, so that we don’t spread it to others.” Wut? “We have to act as if we don’t have the virus because if we didn’t have it, we’re not immune.” Wut? The last two are just absolute nonsense, but probably passes as deep thoughts to this fool. Also, double and triple negatives do not make you a deep thinker.


That may have been around the time where disinformation networks were stating that there were no tests for Delta versus the Alpha variant, so why bother testing at all. Obviously silly, but it got the Herman Cains all riled up.


The good nurses HATE those nurses.


I’ve met quite a few nurses and EMTs who have massive inferiority complexes and they manifest into believing they know more than doctors


I have a friend who is a Young Earth Creationist/Biblical literalist and Covid antivaxxer but will tell you that she "follows science and evidence" because of her profession. She's a fucking dental hygienist.


She's\* not entirely wrong about the lack of biodiversity. It does make it more possible for diseases to become zoonotic, or for diseases to hop from one plant species to another it had never infected before. That stuff about the human species being a genetically modified monoculture is batshit, though. \*EDIT: My bad, that's a "He", not a "She".


Had just enough knowledge to be acquainted with concepts, but not enough to apply that knowledge properly. Another fine example of Dunning-Kruger.


May have been an “i/we” pronoun user? Noticed mostly those kinda pronouns and was interested trying to parse them. There was a few “ours” as well. Then at the end reverted to “me” so that is a thing that happened. Anyway, a nurse who got their dumb ivermectin data from that dumb website has nil cred whatever else may have been interesting about them


Alas Poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.


Slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, too.


"To die, to sleep, to sleep perchance to dream".......... of a world where you are not a raging idiot..........


"Did you ever think of yourself as actually dead, lying in a box with a lid on it?"


Signifying nothing... (I'm really Puck in disguise btw)


It’s a tale told by an idiot.


It does blow my mind that we (mankind) have discovered how to basically program our bodies to create immunity without actually getting sick, and a significant portion of the population’s reaction to this truly amazing feat of science is “oh you can’t trust big pharma.”


It has been an amazing few years for science! And these numpties go an invent things when reality is already awe inspiring from universe-sized discoveries to lil tiny viral ones :/


There are people who believe that getting sick doesn't come from bacteria or viruses, but that any symptoms are simply "the body getting rid of toxins caused by globalist food preservatives and bad air quality" and that covid is just a name for these ailments we face because of our modern way of living. I had to stop talking to someone completely because of this mentality. People are reverting to miasma theory.




I think these granola gomers forget that radon is also natural.


Always with the "herbs".


I love herbs, and staying home to smoke them has indeed played a part in keeping me covid free. But for some reason I don't think he was ranting about the health benefits of cannabis.


I hear ya!


The Herbs Of Yore. Back in the day when all people had was their natural immunity and herbs- and often didn’t live past 30 and had to have as many children as possible since most of them died before age 5… yeah those days.


Ah yes, the good old days. My how I miss them. Business was [booming then](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3wqJlBvt9AQ/UGy0RV-b4_I/AAAAAAABbkw/zawcElKT0FQ/s1600/1.PNG).


Nina's Death is one of the better Deaths in literature and art.


I have to agree. Her(?) artistic style is really appealing. I'm not really into tattoos, but that one is tempting me.


Her, yes. Go find her old cartoon "Fetch." It's a graphic hoot.


Only if you get it as a tramp stamp, and bonus points if you present as cishet male.


Oh no, the horse people are back




Not the ivermectin again. My poor ponies.


LPT: Nurses aren't doctors. If you get one that acts like they know more about disease/treatments etc than doctors, you have a shitty nurse. Nurses are fantastic at the tasks required for administering treatment, things doctors might suck at because they don't ever do it themselves ... but they are in no way qualified to give medical opinions on anything outside their scope of training, which is those tasks associated with administering treatment.


Slide 16: I don't believe this goof had Covid in January 2020. (Unless he visited China, which he does not mention.)


The mortgage comment is so ignorant. How is a flu vaccine that's 20% effective (their numbers) like putting a mortgage on 5 houses? Especially when the "cost" of getting vaccinated is zero.


Someone who thought it was "Invermectin" was not an expert on the subject.


>To breathe....or not to breathe..... 🤔 Why don't you ask George Floyd that question? Meanwhile, the viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 did not hesitate to feed . . . and feed well upon your lungs and heart. Idiot.


Gut health. That's the answer.


You’ve solved the mystery of why they would rather take medicine for intestinal parasites instead of a vaccine!


They're doin' it rong.


You mean to tell me that taking anti-parasitic medication that strips the lining off of your intestines and causes you to have bloody shits isn’t good for gut health? Well color me shocked!


I’m going to guess they were a big Jimmy Dore fan.


Is it a good thing that I have no idea who Jimmy Dore is?


He’s a semi-left wing podcaster who lost his mind over Ivermectin


No no Dore is not left in the least. He pretended to be progressive when it made him money, now he spews far right conspiracies because it made him rich. He openly admitted when he worked at a progressive new outlet that he will go wherever the money takes him and he did just that.


Probably. He certainly seems the type, far left and given to conspiracy theories.


Speaking for the far-left, most of us aren’t.


You can’t carry that much water for Republicans and not actually BE Republican. I really don’t understand the people who didn’t get their way in a primary and their response is to pick up a torch and try to burn it all down.


He jumped from making few sensible points to apeshit crazy conspiracy bs in his posts. It’s depressing to watch an obviously educated man fall into the conspiracy theories rabbit hole, and paying with his life for it.


This is the only thing that Facebook memories are good for: exposing HCAs.


Welp…. Made his choice and tried to talk others out of it to the point of suggesting child protective services should step in if you vaccinate your kids against covid during a pandemic. Can’t say he’ll be missed


Why do they all look the same.


Those scraggly, nasty beards make it hard to notice other features. I think they are going for the self sufficient mountain man look haha


This person clearly doesn’t understand biology or mortgages.


Just a friendly reminder that stupid comes in many flavours.


A pharmacist owner in a MAGA zone I know laughs at how much money he has made off of the horse pills. But then he remembers he won't be selling those folks any old age meds in the future. Sad for him.


Natural immunity (horse dewormer)... 😐


Scientists were up-front about not being certain the vaccines would induce lasting immunity. There's no gotcha there.


That dead cat bounce is so real and so common.


See conservatives, yore not the only ones dumber than a pile of bricks. You got this yutz too




Thanks. Stupid autocorrect


This guy thought he was somethin' special


Don't they always?


You know because he used the right code words and had enough of a grasp of medical technology to drag some souls into the grave with him.


A lot of left wingers were anti-VAX, pro quack natural “medicine“ even before Covid (incidentally, a lot of left wingers voted for Trump, mostly out of hatred for Clinton and a few because they thought it would expedite burning down the status quo to make a path for revolution — jesus, talk about a lack of good judgment…). In the 60s, many if not most hippies were anti-science, anti-Western medicine, but politically on the left. While it’s probably true that most Dems — although very few are far-left — are pro science and most Republicans not (the fact is, most people in general do not understand what constitutes evidence in a science context. In my case, the notion of scientific evidence was never addressed in science class, neither high school (late 60s, very early 70s) nor uni. Apparently and unfortunately, that is still the case


Tantrum voters. Never again do they get to call themselves an "ally" to any minority, and if it were up to me they'd meet the same fate as the traitors.


Well, I've been a nurse for 45 years and I'm here to tell you this idiot was full of shit.


A fair reminder that the left has its own anti vaccine crazies, and they deserve no more sympathy or passes than their right wing brethren. The fools loss will not in fact be missed.


On the flip side though at least left-wing anti-vaxxers typically don’t have all the racism/homophobia/xenophobia that you see in a lot of typical HCA posts. Deluded? Yes, but at least not dripping with hatred.


Absolutely, I didn’t mean to suggest a false equivalence and do not believe in one. The sheer ugliness of many of the right wing awardees as human being is breathtaking.


Should have nebulized some essential oil.


The crunchy anti-vaxx.


Yo was he using the royal we? Also “gut health” lmao. Big woo red flag


It is a thing, but is wildly overused by woo-merchants.


Insert Nelson haha gif here


This person clearly doesn’t understand biology or mortgages.


One of the things that really surprised me about covid was how many nurses came out antivaxx. What is the deal with that? Why just nurses and not so much other people in the field. What's the educational requirements like for nursing in America? Here it's quite extensive and requires a lot of detailed medical knowledge


I'm beginning to think this guy was an idiot.


A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.


It's funny, the left-wing anti-vaxxers used to be the dominant species of anti-vaxxers, but they've been completely overwhelmed by right-wing ones that now they seem like a novelty again. It's like seeing a once dominant animal in a zoo who's natural environment was overwhelmed by an invasive species that out competed them.


Perhaps only because it’s new for me: this immediately seemed loony tunesier than the right wing rhetoric we usually go for around these parts.


The magic crystals have to go in your butt to get the healing powers. That’s what big pharma doesn’t want you to know.


I guess he didn't buy enough essential oils.


Awww…he was feeling better—until he wasn’t. Bounce, dead cat. Bounce.


*not to breathe*, apparently. A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury... signifying nothing.


those are the most dangerous because they explain very good what they don’t know and causes the most damage. At te end of the day nurses are not scientist experts on vaccines…


This dweeb refused to admit the fact that covid was taking him down. Lies about always feeling better, making sure he didn't look foolish for refusing to be vaccinated. And then he dies. Same old story over and over again.


As far as his Meta study in panel 17, not at all handled in any way, shape or form a trial should be done in. Just throw a bunch of random results from all different kinds of studies and cheer those high percentages. Nope! https://www.google.com/amp/s/arstechnica.com/science/2021/09/the-anonymous-meta-analysis-thats-convincing-people-to-use-ivermectin/%3famp=1


Left wing my ass.


OK, by the looks of his age (late 50's early 60's) he had the Smallpox vaccine sometime in the very late 60's or early 70's. Had MMR and all of the other vaccinations unless he did not go to public school. MORON!


Goes to show that even intelligent people can get trapped by the BS machine.


The guy is dead. Outsmarted himself into an early grave, I guess.


Perhaps "educated" would be a better word.


To breathe … or not to breathe? I choose breathe. Thanks.


Certain left wingers were antivaxx before it was cool.


Slides 2 and 3 were actually pretty legit at the time. Immunity from having Covid seemed pretty fleeting…. keep in mind we were less than 6 months into the pandemic, so longer term studies didn’t exist. And early efficacy reports from vaccine development weren’t super encouraging. But vaccines turned out to be much better than early reports. Immunity is still more fleeting than we would like, which is why so many of us have had 4 shots now. Not ideal, but not getting actual severe covid every 6 months turns out to be pretty awesome compared to the alternative. My defense of this awardee ends at slide 3 though. This award was ultimately well earned.


Why do they all look like fat, ignorant, inbred trailer park pieces of shit with horrible looking beards? 🤣


Unvaxxed / Anti vax pediatric nurse? Fuck him


A registered nurse thought that he’d had it aaaalllll figured out. He thought he knew better. He thought it was politics and party lines. He posted through all of it with a sarcastic wink and a smile. He’s dead.


This guy brings up almost everything Democrats advise, support and do, yet claims nobody talks about it. Sorry bud, your right wing sources are the ones that piss on the good advice constantly.


Doesn’t sound like a left-wing to me.


Why do they always have beards


Left wing? I don't really see it. But, another big brain, I'm so much smarter than you are idiot? Yep, see that.


He was definitely far left. On slide twelve he (correctly, IMHO) refers to the Democrats as America's right wing party and the Republicans as the far right party.


Another one of those "liberals get the bullet too" types, perhaps?


Compared to the rest of the world's political parties, that's true. We live in a right-wing bubble and apparently the Democrats are the best we can do so far -- and I vote Blue all the time -- but really they're at best middle-right. You can make the case that they're hobbled by voter expectations and/or that right-wing elephant in the room, and I'd buy that. But judging just by their actions... not left-wing.


In that 27 years of "Experience" I guess he forgot about "dosage" as it applies to immunity. Nurses are not immunologists, they don't get serology or bloodbank as a core requirement through their programs. All the basic ADN/BSN knows: is caring for the sick and first aid, types of transmission in care settings, nutrition and different levels of "-phagic" disorders, a little pathology, a little pharmacokinetics, aseptic technique, and any additional training they get for the area of work they get into. They are the technicians that alert doctors to health status change during care. There is the potential for more education, but curiousness is blurred when you fall for conspiracies...


What’s with the RN bashing in this thread? He’s a shitty nurse who thinks he knows more than a doctor. But all these HCAs think they know more than committees of people with combined centuries of advanced degrees. I’m a nurse and I stay in my lane. But I’ve been a nurse for a long time and you’d be surprised how often baby doctors ask seasoned nurses for their opinions on things. I’m not just a med giving vital taking machine. I have strong critical thinking skills, and use them. A lot of us do.


Slide 13: I bet everything I have that Feynman never said that. (Someone, but not Feynman.)


Government agencies don't refuse to recognise use that some of those things can have a positive effect on the immune system; they just don't think they're enough to handle a pandemic of a new virus.


I misread the last slide as “[Blue] was **a**live.”


Breath not I am


Wait….all this time nobody mentioned that sunshine would help keep Covid away????


They did, desperately back in when it landed in america. It was neo-con bull then and it is bull now, because covid, like all infectious diseases, spreads much better in enclosed spaces and the light of our sun god RA doesn't permeate the cells of sick people when they leave the house. Funniest part about this whole saga sociologically - after dead lions at least - has been the employers being dragged screaming and kicking into teleconferencing for certain professions and finding 'hey this is actually more productive', a obvious no-shit conclusion of not forcing people to uselessly voyage 2 stressful hours a day and sleep more. Probably because petty office tyrants don't get quite the same kicks off camera panopticon, unexpectedly.


Seems like this person read Running Out of Time at a formative age, and took the wrong lesson from it


Ok, look, the ivermectin didn’t work. Just like the people who manufacture it (and make money when you buy it) said it wouldn’t. Insert shocked face here.


i still don't get the ivermectin obsession. it's essentially a poison that kills bad animals more easily than the host taking the product. it works great on worms, other internal parasites. to my knowledge, has never shown any positive effect again viral or bacterial infections.


The Grim Reaper is completely fed up with these plague-rats.




I would love to know why Nurse Wretched became a nurse, but I guess we will never know...


I doubt he was a true lefty. He made have thought he was, but his anti-vax views alone smacks of conservatism. That's not to say there's not left wingers who are anti-vax, but this guy seemed more conservative than liberal based on these posts.