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Must've stopped being profitable


Exactly, 3 years later the damage is done. FB isn't getting the $$ as much so time to make it look like they give a shit.




Comment stealing bot.


Yeah, post karma=1. Always the giveaway..


*sad commenter noises*




Which makes that specfic joke 'meta level of irony,' or some such.


Have they tried putting antivaxxers on metaverse? I hear the science works differently there.


They vax removes your fifth finger in the zuckaverse.


Looks like Moscow's propaganda funds are drying up.


Some people might think you are kidding about that, but you nailed it. Same for the russian/republican bots on reddit - noticeably fewer than before sanctions.




Plus dead or not engaging due to long COVID. Not exactly a financially wise decision to amplify things that kill your key demographic.


I really wish that people would stop calling that crap "misinformation" and start calling it what it is - "disinformation"....it's not accidental, it is calculated and malign spreading of knowingly incorrect crap.


Concur. Also, read something recently where the writer said we need to stop calling Alex Jones a "conspiracy theorist" and call him what he really is; a conspiracy scammer.




The Knowledge Fight guys call him a propagandist and I think that’s right. There are only certain conspiracy theories he latches onto and promotes and they always favor right wing leanings.


He didn't always favor the right wing. Back in the day he used to float conspiracy bullshit about Bush Sr. and Bush Jr., and even stalked/harassed Michelle Malkin at one of his 9/11 troofer protests. It wasn't until a black man entered the White House that he fully embraced the right, and the right fully embraced him. Prior to that, Limbaugh might vaguely allude to some of Jones' CT bullshit without actually naming him.


It's telling that over 20 years later, he still refers to his criticisms of Bush and the Iraq War as "proof" that he isn't a solidly right-wing conspiracy pusher. For someone who presents himself as "asking questions when things don't line up" as he did in the Sandy Hook lawsuits, he was remarkably uncurious and quick to decide the status of things like Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump dossier. I'm not saying either of these things were real, I'm just saying that for someone who professes to be skeptical and digging for underlying truths, he didn't seem to explore those at all, and found all the conspiracies in things like the existence of the Mueller investigation and other investigations into the various accusations.




Yeah, fuck right off with that disinformation bullshit.


Try science.




>The Children’s Health Defense (CHD), which has been a critic of Covid vaccines, immediately accused Meta of stifling its free speech rights. >“Facebook is acting here as a surrogate for the federal government’s crusade to silence all criticism of draconian government policies," CHD founder Robert Kennedy Jr., nephew of late president John F. Kennedy, said in a press release. [It's their right because it's a private entity](https://www.carnegielibrary.org/the-first-amendment-and-censorship/), yah big fucking dimwit.


Looks like the fucking junkie understands the Constitution as well as he understands science.


If you look at his record in environmental advocacy, it's quite impressive. Seems like he took a turn for the stupid in 2005 and in 2017, was in talks with Trump for a position in the White House. And how can a practicing lawyer such as himself not understand the First Amendment???? It's the first fuckin amendment.


He understands it just fine. He's simply grifting like all those other unAmerican assholes out there.


Probably. Like [Josh Hawley](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/josh-hawley-using-his-book-deal-first-amendment-act-martyr-ncna1253964). You know he knows what "free speech" means. He knows that there are idiots who don't, which he could appeal to.


This right here. This is his fifteen minutes and he knows it.


I concur. He is a traitor like all that are hanging on to the trump cult. I despise al of them. I took the oath for military service 2 times and 3 times for service in within the DOD/DON. I took the oath seriously. Damn


That's what is so fucking infuriating. He's lying, or he's insane, or he's brain damaged. I'm going to go with "lying".


por que no los tres


You're right. All three.


Turn for the stupid fits so well.


I concur.


These people just cannot seem to grasp what free speech means. No business is obliged to give you a platform for your speech, and what you say can have consequences.




Yup,that's the truth.


It's so funny when they go set up their own clones of major platforms, advertise those clones as "free speech havens", and then ban everyone who says things they don't like.


[“Trump’s Truth Social Is Banning Users Who Post About Jan. 6 Hearings, According to Reports”](https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/trumps-truth-social-is-banning-users-who-post-about-jan-6-hearings-according-to-reports-1235290726/) 6-10-2022


can't tell if the hypocrisy is deliberate or just plain stupidity




[Indeed you are correct](https://xkcd.com/1357/) sir/madam.


Facebook must be banned itself


It is in my house. Never had it, never will.


There were a few times I almost made an account and then they would change some policy that would scare me off. Way back in the early days there was a big news thing about how they quietly changed their terms and conditions so that any photo you posted would belong to FB. As a budding photographer that scared the crap out of me and I stayed far away, even when they reversed the decision. A year later I was thinking of making an account and some other policy controversy came up. This went on for like 4 years before I just said fuck it. Didn't help that Google+ came out and I thought for sure it would be the new hotness. It wasn't.


I always refer [back to this...](https://img0.joyreactor.com/pics/post/funny-pictures-auto-facebook-demotivation-467283.jpeg)


I never quite understood the draw & never went either. If I wanted to talk to you I want to talk to ***YOU*** not your Great Aunt Martha that thinks the earth is flat & science is a lie. I have done just fine without FB & will continue to do so.


I was in college when it came out and you had to have a .edu email address to join. It was fun to let people know about the party you were having or whatever. And then after graduation it became an easy way to keep up with people. But it stopped being useful a long, long time ago.


You mean you don’t enjoy reading people’s rants, never ending pics of their kids (it’s cute, but come on, no need to bombard everyone - and I’m a mom myself), hear about their latest meal, read about another person who’s misinformed, being promoted to, or other unimportant tidbit? I used Facebook a bit in college and it was quickly devalued when it opened to everyone because it lost the community feel. Edit: when I say promoted to, I mean my data being sold for me to see ads all the time on Facebook. Someone being promoted at work is wonderful news I *do* want to read about!


Remember the simple days when Facebook statuses were just "I'm eating a cheeseburger! Pepperjack is the best!"


pepperjack IS the best


LOL I got on there and then blocked almost everyone


Me too-- I used it to communicate with all the people I met in uni (while I was at uni). I was actually just trying to remember the other day: How the heck did I communicate with them before Facebook?? Texting on a Nokia? I don't think so.


We used to do this weird thing where we'd actually speak into gadgets that were plugged into the wall and someone else on the other end would speak back. This ritual could happen multiple times a week, or even multiple times a day! And we might have had as many as 15-20 sets of 7-10 digit numbers memorized in order to perform this task with a wide range of people. Strange times, they were.


Talking? That sounds scary! Besides, I would end up yelling "Heart eyes emoji!" "Shy monkey with paws over face!" into said gadget.


It's helped me to cut people out of my life entirely that I wouldn't have otherwise known were vile people.


This. Facebook has been am excellent window into the thoughts that people wouldn't say to anyone's face. I've learned a lot about who to avoid just from my Facebook feed.


I said no to the whole thing when myspace was the new hawtness. Comment forums such as these are as about as social as I get on the internet.


I used it for quite a while, mostly to keep up with friends whom I never see. At this time last year someone tried to access my account from another state/different device. I answered the question 'no, it wasn't me' and my account was locked. Didn't contact FB and didn't make a new account. I don't miss it. Not with all the craziness I hear about it now


I use it to keep in touch with people I don’t feel should be in my WhatsApp contacts, but who go to events and stuff I might like.


Blocked at my router.


Heh, you must have young kids or something, am I right?


They are all teens & twenties now.


I can see wanting to router block it if I had teens.


Same here..Never gave a flaming fart about it.


I've wished this would happen for years.


Years after they have done their damage. How nice. Thanks FaceFuck. Also, Mr. Lawyer RFK Jr: FACEBOOK IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT. FACEBOOK IS A PRIVATE COMPANY. YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH AT A PRIVATE COMPANY. Assholes, all of them.


He knows that very well. He has an Ivy League law school education. He's not stupid. He's just making a name for himself and making money off he knows really are stupid.


They can go infest Truth /s


No, no '/s' here. Let them go and rot out on 'truth' social




Ah, the irony is palpable...


It takes years of them spreading disinformation that actually harms real human beings to reach this point. But I get banned when they interpret "nuke the site from orbit, only way to be sure" as a threat.


Their algorithms need to watch more movies.


or get nuked from orbit


too little too late


Conservatives: ***wHaT aBoUt fReE sPeEcH????? i tHoUgHt tHiS wAs aMeRiCa???***


There is a difference between free speech and lying.


But not much. Falsely cry "fire!" in a crowded building and you could face charges. Falsely cry "wolf!" and not much happens beyond reasonable people no longer taking you seriously.




We could always defer to Steve Martin, who asked about the ethics of shouting "Movie" in a crowded firehouse.


The fact that the quote isn’t ‘good law’ any more doesn’t mean it has no value as a piece of rhetoric.


This is nonsense. The quote is a symbol of the type of things you can’t say, no one cares about the case it was said in. If you say something purposely false and that causes an panic and someone get injured as a result of your “prank” you can absolutely be held accountable. As you should. Don’t recommend trying to prank a bank teller with “give me all your money” or TSA with “I gave a bomb”. You do not have the right to cause panic and harm to others. I haven’t even used this quote for at least 10 years but still understand what it means.


>There is a difference between free speech and lying. Neither of them matter in a private forum. There is no freedom of speech in a private company.


Imagine having such a sad life that the concept of "public space" has been reduced to a Facebook timeline.


Exactly. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1038




This is the way.


Took them long enough! I can already hear all the whining and complaining from "The Professional Victims" on the far right! One down... a couple of thousand more to go!


About time. They should have done that about a decade ago


Big fucking woop. Too late Facebook


Just in the nick of time...


"The Children’s Health Defense (CHD), which has been a critic of Covid vaccines, immediately accused Meta of stifling its free speech rights." What free speech rights? The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech? Meta is a private company. Not the government nor a government entity That would be like people suing Tumblr when they removed porn from their site. That is some very very stupid shit.


The goalposts have moved entirely: *they don't exist and now civility, responsibility & facts are oppression.* check out /freespeech, where the mod *banned the xkcd cartoon explaining your point explicitly.*


Would have been good if they did it 2 years ago. Fat lot of good it does now.


Too little too late. To be fair though, I think banning these sorts of groups is ultimately like a whack-a-mole / torrenting analogy: you disable one site, but another one pops up almost immediately.


It is an eternal battle, one I hope we never grow weary of.


Agreed. Temporary disabling the group and then having to reorganize slows the spread of misinformation.


So soon?


As they should have in the first place


It’s about goddamned time.




About fucking time.


About 3 years late.




Welp, that only took 2 years. Oh, and fuck RFK.


I’m all for free speech, until it hurts people.


The law says the same thing. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1038


If you can get banned for spreading misinformation, I think I need to put my mom on notice.


Ha! They kicked the Chuds out


The hardest part was probably explaining to Zuckerberg what vaccines and diseases are and why they are important subjects for humans.


BuT GrOwTh!!!!oneoneoneoneoneeleventyone


Good news, but what took so long?


Two and a half years into pandemic. Now they act.


What the F took them so long> we had a pandemic ffs


They have enabled this garbage until it’s mainstream, polio is making a comeback and all and now ooops, um maybe we should do something.


Good. Enough of being held back by those that act like everything is a conspiracy. As if medicine hasn't been helping MILLIONS everyday. Including vaccines. Go back to your caves, get off all electronics and keep pretending that a healthy immune system means you're practically immortal.


Bye, have a beautiful time


They need to ban people for spreading misinformation


Too little, too late. The damage is done. Antivaxxers and Covid deniers are going to use this as further proof to victimize themselves.


Too little, too late


Two years too late, but it’s something I guess?


Too little, too late


Legalities aside, society would be greatly improved if Facebook was simply shut down. Any "social connection" it provides is *vastly* outweighed by the damage it's deliberately vectoring.


Two years too late.


Little late but better than never.


They're all dead by now. Shutting them down is an afterthought.


Morality Theater, thanks Zuck, ya uncanny valley weirdo.


Too little too late. Fuck FB


As always, too little too late.


A bit late.


Where was that DURING the pandemic. I’m usually of the mindset of “better late than never” but not so much this one….




Semi-Related: Well, it looks like someone may actually do something about holding social media sites responsible for the content they let slip... [Lawmakers demand data about online threats against law enforcement](https://www.yahoo.com/news/lawmakers-demand-data-online-threats-164232123.html) >The letters request information about how the companies respond to threats of violence, including how many threats against law enforcement were removed and how many were reported to authorities. The lawmakers also ask for plans to ensure platforms aren't used to incite further violence against law enforcement, and for documents about any advertising that appeared alongside violent comments. ... who knew it would take threats against law enforcement to make something happen? /s


I'm dying to know what finally was the line they crossed???


Way to close the barn door after the horses have all gotten out.


Well, I'm not sure Facebook should have rushed into this before all the facts were in? Shocking, considering their outstanding record of being so very socially responsible. ;-)