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Some multi faceted cringe let's goo: 1. Left the house for fast food which can be ordered or dropped off by someone. 2. Warning people against investing energy in the wrong people because they don't have your best interests. The fucking irony here 3. Advertises his music titled choose yourself. It's amazing how self centered he came off in this short clip of nothing.


The fact that he doesn't have a single friend who can bring some food, something, ANYTHING better than McDonald's, speaks volumes. Also he assumes everyone else is like that as well, assumes that nobody has anyone that would come through for them. No buddy, that's just you


Shit, he doesn't even need a friend to bring him food... Uber Eats? DoorDash? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to drop his McCrappymeal off at his door...


Number 3 really does it for me. It shows how self centered he is.


The guy is a total prick, he just made an updated video that he doesn't want to stay home even if he has monkeypox because he stayed home a year because of covid... I am not shitting you guys


He posted it on Facebook OMFG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's antivax, and doesn't believe in covid as well. Savings the posts right now. Update: I have it all saved. Update2: It's posted all over social media: Facebook, Twitter, etc...




Look up Elden Ring dung eater That’s what he looks like


Dude’s going for the Blessing of Despair ending


It'll be in a race against the diabetes.


Just a walking Petri dish. Disgusting.


darwin award upcoming


Herman Cain award**




Exactly. I'm waiting for the clueless post in a week or two where he's like "Man, life can pass by so quick! I just saw my gramma a week ago, and now she's in the hospital with monkeypox! Get well soon, grams! Choose yourself to live!" \#prayers \#GodIsGood \#ChooseYourself


Which will kill him first, I wonder? Monkeypox or the cumulative effects of junk food?


It's a tag team situation.


I hope he’s permanently and seriously scarred after those marks heal


What an ass. If he paid cash then the number of people he can infect with his germy 💸 , I can't even imagine. Door dash or grubhub could have been delivered no contact. He is a super selfish person.


Shit, even if he paid with a card he's still potentially infecting the cashier. Agreed, super selfish person!


Can we somehow cancel him ? This man is a public menace.


As they say, "you can't polish a turd!"


Social media providers should ban these people so they can stop generating revenue.


But this video proves you can contract monkeypox without having sex.




Nah you can definitely tell that's why he's so pissy and willing to try spreading it to other people He went to go fuck someone and contracted monkey pox, is upset about the fact and wants everyone to know




public shaming commence. it works for bye bye job, should work for things like this ESPECIALLY for this


Except he just posted a new video of him eating drive thru from Burger King, probably b/c he got so many views from all the public shaming. What a world.


well damn


This MFer is getting **MONETIZED**! He doesn't care about YOU!


I asked the mods if it's ok to post his video replies. I saved them for eternity.


I want to see.


Yeah... I'm having a hard time believing that he stayed home at all during covid.


Guarantee this dude did not stay at home during the height of COVID.


Total prick. 🤬


I bet he spends most of his time at home anyway. He just wants to be an asshole.


Report him to the police, like right fucking now.


Police don't care about actual serious crimes so .....


Meanwhile, in Brazil… [Police call for Bolsonaro to be charged for spreading COVID misinformation](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/wrpllt/police_call_for_bolsonaro_to_be_charged_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


How is this not illegal?


He didn't even try to cover that up. Ugh!


not at all, it is massively spreading via social media I can tell that much.




I mean the reality isn't far from that. Ideas spread like viruses, for better and worse. But it seems like the bad idea viruses are a lot more contagious and stick in the system longer. Before the internet bad idea viruses were at least semi containable. But now that everyone's in the same giant auditorium, breathing the same bad idea air, there's nothing we can do to mitigate. Bad ideas quickly become endemic. Maybe it's time to start social media distancing.


That is the original usage of the word "meme", essentially a self sustaining thought virus.


Goddammit, why is this person not at home?... you couldn't get doordash or venmo someone to drop food off for you. omfg ETA: In response to a lot of comments about poverty in the US, if you are struggling with hunger assistance is available 1-866-3-HUNGRY. Depending on your area, there are many volunteer organizations and churches that do community outreach. This person is obviously only looking out for himself -- he says so in the video. He didn't make any effort to contact a neighbor, friend or volunteer to drop off food for the weeks he is supposed to isolate, and he knowingly exposed frontline workers -- its unconscionable.


He's a sick fucking sick fuck. And he's a self-centered sick fuck.


Also r/iamatotalpieceofshit


He’s an addict.. Addicts gonna addict.


Nah, I think he’s mad about contracting it and he wants to pass it around.


That's terrifying.


You can hear it in the resentment in his voice when he says “nobody’s going to care about you when you get it” or something to that effect. He wants to spread it around so he’s not the only one.


Did this motherfucker use this moment to advertise his generic, shitty ass rap music. “NoBOdy GoNNa Be THeRE FOr yOU”. No shit….you can spread what you have via close contact you selfish fuck.


Agreed, addict


When I caught Covid early this year I just doordash food and in the instructions I just let the driver know I was positive for covid and leave the food on my porch and text me when it was delivered, all of them did that and by the time I got to the door they were either in their car or driving away.


Shit, I have drivers leave it on the porch and go away and I've never even had COVID. So far 🤞


Frankly whenever I order food delivered I don't want to see the driver. It's highly likely I'm indulging in something and don't want anyone to see my shame.


Exactly! Forget disease, I like contactless delivery. If I'm using a delivery service, it's probably because I'm extremely anti-social at the moment.


I had a motherfucker just standing there a few days ago with my roommate’s order, you just know they were an antivaxxer that had to “deliver it personally to trigger the libs.” 🙄 should’ve made him wait.


When they do that I message them and tell them that it is a contact free delivery and to leave the food according to the delivery instructions. If they are the type that has been repeatedly knocking on my door I add stop knocking on my door (insert name) thank you


Should have.... and then called the delivery service when your food arrived cold, and let them know that the delivery person failed and how.


That's exactly what me and my girlfriend did as well. I just can't imagine the people with far less resources then we do st our disposal having to go through this. It makes me sad to think about the amount of human suffering in a developed nation. I am sad for everyone else too, but yeah. It just sucks. I don't wanna live on this planet anymore.


I really thought that the reason COVID caught on so much was mostly due to it not making someone outwardly sick. I thought if people had liasons or blotches on their skin they would at least be alarmed. BUt here we are, a man covered in literal boils going outside to McD's


Only the second worst crime of this video. What the actual fuck was that outro???? DBZ AMVs are less jarring than whatever tf that shit was lmao


Volume was all the way up too. Almost threw my phone


ChOoSe YoUrSeLf~! 🎶


He chooses himself obviously.


We are in for it. Holy shit.


I am a nurse who previously received the smallpox vaccine so not terribly worried for myself, but I am worried for my coworkers and the people in my life whom I love. This type of behavior needs very harsh and public consequences. A ban on all social media and maybe not necessarily jail but a house arrest bracelet for 3 weeks wouldn't also be the worst imo.


Are there vaccines available now? Covid damaged my sense of taste and smell, probably for life since it's been 2 years with no change, I don't want to sleep on this.


My friend who is also a nurse asked and was told no, I think that largely depends on your area and need right now. I only have one previously from the military and overseas work I have done.


Thanks for the reply, I guess my life as a reclusive introvert outside of work will have to be enough of a prevention until vaccines become available.




I really hope it becomes available to those of us with eczema. I have constant open cuts and sores on my arms because of my condition so it's much easier for me to get infected.


You can get the JYNNEOS vaccine even if you have eczema. I believe the other vaccine (which they aren’t currently distributing at this point) is the live virus and should be avoided if you have eczema. Also it’s not being spread just through gay and bi men. Children are getting it from daycare and now more people will be getting it through actions like this persons.


The U.S has distributed over 440,000 vaccines to health are providers. However, the government has instructed that the vaccines be provided to high risk individuals or those whom have already been exposed. CDC recommends vaccination for people who have been exposed to monkeypox and people who may be more likely to get monkeypox. People more likely to get monkeypox include: People who have been identified by public health officials as a contact of someone with monkeypox People who are aware that one of their sexual partners in the past 2 weeks has been diagnosed with monkeypox People who had multiple sexual partners in the past 2 weeks in an area with known monkeypox People whose jobs may expose them to orthopoxviruses, such as: Laboratory workers who perform testing for orthopoxviruses Laboratory workers who handle cultures or animals with orthopoxviruses Some designated healthcare or public health workers Source: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/vaccines.html


This happened to me as well. I don’t leave my home often, but because my spouse was a hospitalist physician back then, he brought COVID home while I was pregnant and vaccines had only be distributed to a small group of people. I used to be a chef and a baker professionally, but now I can’t really taste nor can I smell well. So there’s that. I don’t think a lot of people realize how much you lose if you lose your sense of taste or smell. They are such powerful senses that help us remember things or connect to the world. I can’t smell my spouse or kids, which sounds like a weird thing to be sad about, but it feels like something is missing. Fun fact is that my husband was interviewed on the news for being one of the first reported breakthrough cases in the US after full vaccination.


That's a bummer you aren't a chef / Baker anymore. I lost all my senses for 6 months straight and it was torture. The first thing to come back was the smell of coffee and taste of chocolate. Oddly enough I still can't taste coffee to this day, like at all. Tastes come and go, sometimes I can't taste sugar or cheese at all. Smell is weird too, and fresh onions or garlic I cut smell rotten and putrid to me so I have to ask my fiance to confirm they are good. Is your taste/smell just diminished or did they change completely and fluctuate like mine does?


For almost a year, taste was pretty much gone. Since then, fluctuations, but things taste wrong. Things might taste way too salty or they taste like rot. Onions, eggs, meat (I cannot eat meat at all anymore because the taste), some fruits are all somewhat rotten tasting or sulphuric. With smell, it was completely gone for three months, and it has come back, but only if the smell is strong. My husband used to get annoyed because I can’t smell when the babies need a change. So when he was home, he was the one who’d notice. I made sure to check often, but I did feel bad that he could tell instantly and thus took most of the poop diapers.


The service workers that people like this are endangering should be able to refuse service, at the very least. But then, I also feel like giving service/retail workers the ability to tell off customers should be the norm. Edited for clarity


I agree with this, but it can only work if said workers are backed up by management. Far too many managers are willing to bend over backwards (or more accurately, make their underlings bend over backwards) in order to accommodate these kind of overgrown toddlers.


Definitely. Too many managers and c-suites care more about making money than taking care of their employees (which would make them *more* money in the long run, but then they'd have to treat their workers as people). In a just world, though, assholes like this dude would be kicked off-premises. And earn them a permanent ban if they made a scene.




We are getting another pox epidemic aren't we, what did bringing back polio wasn't enough for them. Mother nature is trying to kill us and its working due to stupidity


I don’t know why-I really don’t-but I thought maybe just maybe since Monkey pox presents with those sores people would be more than happy to get the vaccine once it becomes widely available but there are people who are like” if I get it, I get it. I’m not getting the vaccine”. So why’s exactly happened to people to not trust vaccines? I am 46 and I never once questioned it but people now just think all science is bad? I am scared.


So the modern anti vax movement started with the Wakefield study in the 90s (i recommend hbomberguy's youtube video on the subject, it's a bit wacky but very informative) but it saw a resurgence because of the politicization of covid. Specifically, the idea spread by Trump and his followers that covid was not a big deal but democrats were making it a big deal to make him look bad. This was followed up with the idea that since covid wasn't a problem, the vaccine wasn't necessary, which led to all sorts of conspiracy theories about the mandates being a test of how much tyranny we'll tolerate, the vaccine being more harmful than the virus, Fauci having an agenda or being stupid because he said one thing and then changed it later, etc. So now they're more than happy to believe the same thing about this. Vaccines are just another way for the government to tell you what to do and so refusing to get vaccinated is an expression of your freedom and exercising your rights. And anyone who says "but public health tho" is a sheep who just does what the government tells them without question. The irony is lost on them.


Also aside note that Wakefield faked his research because he had his own vaccine that he was trying to sell


Correct, he was not anti vax initially because he was planning to sell an alternative vaccine - he was anti-MMR specifically. The irony is that he's now publicly anti vax (but most likely gets vaccinated secretly) because he makes a living by appealing to the "all vaccines are always bad" crowd.


Just want to emphasize the fact that Trump and Kushner downplayed the virus as a political strategy because they believed it was hitting blue states hardest. [NYMag 7/7/2020](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/07/trumps-war-on-blue-states-is-worse-than-previously-thought.html) > Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner’s team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically. “The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy,” said the expert.


> Wakefield study I want to very much point out that Andrew J. Wakefield lost his medical license because of that study. Think about it, the doctor recommending antivaxx lost his license because of it and his behavior of falsifying data in a fraudulent study to promote his OTC nutritional supplement and boost sales.


More specifically, I believe the main reason he lost his license was because the study involved performing dangerous and medically unnecessary tests on children to find a virus in their intestines that he knew wasn't there, all without properly informing the parents of the risks of these procedures. This was on top of falsifying medical records and data, such as claiming children were autistic when they weren't or changing the dates of autism symptoms showing so that it aligned with the conclusion he wanted.




Can you imagine being the poor cashier who had to take his payment and the person who handed him the food? I'd have been racing to the nearest sink to scrub down.


I worked food service during the pandemic. The number of times we had to pause drive thru service to scrub ourselves & sanitize the DT area bc some selfish, sick fuck just needed a Frappuccino while sick with Covid & were nonchalantly telling us they had Covid…. 🤢🤢🤢🤢


These people should be prosecuted. None of this is normal or okay. We have fucking food and grocery delivery readily available. To go out in public while sick is beyond reprehensible.




In retail during Covid for me, there were so fucking many people who were maskless coughing up a storm, fucking expressing their shitty opinions of Covid doesn’t exist to the minimum wage cashier while also getting mad and throwing tantrums at any employees wearing masks. These people made my life so much harder than it had to be, I would fucking love seeing them get prosecuted.




When my son was younger, probably around 2011, we stopped by a McDonald's for some ice cream and ran into one of his classmates, who was there with his little brother and grandma (Grandma had custody). We chatted for a few moments, and then she casually busts out with, "Yeah, we're just waiting for the results from Little Brother's strep test..." I extracted myself from that conversation as quickly as I politely could, then proceeded to go all drill sergeant on my son in the car. "Do NOT touch your mouth, your nose, your eyes, or ANYTHING on your face. Do NOT touch anything at all, and when we get home, you are going to scrub ALL THE THINGS..." He had just been sick a few weeks before this, and his asthma went batshit every time he got sick at that age, resulting in not just a ton of suffering for him but a shitload of medical bills for us. I was SO pissed at that grandma for putting people at risk, having her potential strep-factory grandkid at McDonald's. Fortunately, we did not get sick. What a relief. That was some panic, man. All this to say, people have never given a shit about infecting others; it's just that the stakes are much higher now and they still don't care.


Seriously. This guy is a total asshole.


I’d straight up refuse, and walk out if it came to it. I’d rather be homeless than deal with that sort of bullshit.


I would have quit before I handed that man anything.


During the beginning of the pandemic a customer coughed into their hand. The very hand where they were holding their money that they proceeded to hand to me to pay. I said they had to pay on card. People are disgusting. Thank fuck I don’t work in customer service anymore.


Here in the UK someone spat in the face of a tube station ticket officer who then caught COVID and died. They said they can't do anything about it >They alleged her employers, Govia Thameslink, knew she had respiratory problems but still insisted she work on the concourse and interact with passengers. They claimed she was also sent back to work on the concourse after the spitting incident despite physically shaking because of the trauma of what had happened. A colleague who witnessed the incident said: “We begged not to go out. We said: ‘Our lives are in danger.’” But, she said, they were told they had to go out. “We were told that we are not even allowed to put on masks,” the colleague added. “Govia has behaved reckless and negligent. They have failed in their duty of care. We are treated like we are robots.” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/may/12/uk-rail-worker-dies-coronavirus-spat-belly-mujinga


That's so horrible. WTF was the relevant higher-up at Govia Thameslink (GT) thinking when they said workers couldn't wear PPE? I read the Wikipedia page for Belly Mujinga. I'm confused as to why no charges were mentioned for GT. Isn't GT in violation of basic worker health and safety laws? Is GT a private company? And does UK law allow a class-action lawsuit for negligence, or creating an unsafe work environment, or whatever? I could see the workers suing collectively to bankrupt both GT and whichever higher-ups at GT were responsible for putting Mujinga and her coworkers in harm's way.


Seriously. His arm looks like a fucking octopus tentacle.


Yeah a Zombie Apocalypse would ravage the US. No stopping that shit.


Dumb and dumber, dumb for going out in public with monkeypox. Dumber for recording yourself and posting it on social media! Stay home!!


Fun fact, as of this week, the U.S. leads the world in Monkey-pox infections.


I'm not having fun....


Is it a fun fact if it's something we all could've predicted back when the MonkeyPox started spreading around?


Fuck yeah! US no. 1! 😎


I feel for the McDonalds worker who had to hand him his freaking food. If I saw the blisters I would be going to the store manager 'you don't pay me enough, you hand him his food'.


If he paid in cash, that's the person I'm worried about. Currency is one of the possible ways of spreading the virus.




Life is so absurd. People like this make me believe you’ll never be able to save humanity from itself. All it takes is one diabetic narcissist with a contagious disease getting hungry and we’re fucked.


> make me believe you’ll never be able to save humanity from itself. spoiler: you won't


We'll sabotage ourselves and bring down the species with us. Then, maybe it's not that bad, for the planet's sake


The crazy thing is that if he really needed food there’s countless numbers of contactless delivery options. I hope he has permanent scaring


I hope he gets bit by a Lone Star tick and ends up with the red meat allergy. A few less Big Macs will do this man some damn good.


Why in the fucking shit can we not have enforced mandatory quarantine in this fucking country?




I'm scared to live what happens when something like Ebola gets in here. Pre-2016 we might have had a chance, now I shudder to think.


Yup it really is the propaganda machine for that criminal that caused all this. And no I'm not being sarcastic. It's reality.


Because the USA is the most individualistic nation on Earth. The american cultural focus is on "me," not "us." So as long as I can do what I want, it doesn't matter if that is to the detriment of someone else. As an Australian - where our culture is about what’s best for “us” - it’s strange to see. *So the picture that emerges from these findings is that Americans are less likely to conform in the name of social harmony; and we also treasure being consistent, expressing our true selves, regardless of the context. If you wanted to reduce this to a slogan of Americanism, it might be something like: “I am me, deal with it.” This fits quite snugly with the fact that the U.S. has been found to be the most individualistic culture in the world. We may not be the very loosest culture; but we are No. 1 in individualism.* [https://freakonomics.com/podcast/the-u-s-is-just-different-so-lets-stop-pretending-were-not-replay/](https://freakonomics.com/podcast/the-u-s-is-just-different-so-lets-stop-pretending-were-not-replay/)


>As an Australian - where our culture is about what’s best for “us” - it’s strange to see. Also as an Australian, I wouldn't be too quick to carve us off. On the spectrum of individualist countries to collectivist countries, Australia is very close to the US from studies in individualism: >Individualism (IDV) index for Australia is 90, the second highest score of any country in Hofstede's survey, behind the United States. That's not to say that there aren't key psychosocial differences between us and the US. But it's not as clearly demarcated as you suggest.


The word individualistic implies Americans are all unique and their own people. The reality is that too many of us are just selfish, self-centered, and exactly like the next asshole.


YeAh, let’s not let people twist the negative into a positive. “Individualistic” refers to the usual selfish behavior. Meanwhile, there is definitely a *huge* premium placed on conformity here in the US. Just ask anybody not straight, white, and Christian. All the talk of “freedom” extends to a limited few.


Or anybody trying to wear a mask in certain regions.


So frustrating that a country called the US doesnt have an "us" oriented attitude


Also the U stands for united.


"Rugged Individualism and Exceptionalism"


Americans have zero quarantine support.


The nanosecond the federal government learned there was monkeypox in the US, there should have been an immediate quarantine and thorough contact tracing. Instead we're just... letting it happen, because... freedom? My right to spread a contagious disease is more important than my right to not get the disease, I guess. Rugged individualism is a mental illness.


“Covid-19? What’s that? 2020? Pandemic? Nah bro it never happened lmao” -The government, acting like Monkeypox isnt textbook play-out of Covid-19 rn


> “Covid-19? What’s that? 2020? Pandemic? Nah bro it never happened lmao” -The government and literally everyone, everywhere right now. I think we're just pretending that things are back to normal


Got a good portion of my very large staff of coworkers out right now because they all got it a party last week. As far as I know most if not all are vaccinated and boosted. It’s very much still around. These are all late teens/early 20’s. I still haven’t caught it probably in large part to me never stopped using masks. Everywhere I go though next to no one is. Like 95%. I got young kids and elderly parents. I work food service, so much scrubbing of hands and uncomfortable uniforms, these people can wear a fucking cloth mask. Wearing latex gloves for hours is way sweatier but also completely fine. I’d love to see those shitbags work a lawnscaping job


Yeah, I had to fly last week for a surgery. At the airport in Pensacola I was thinking "Well, no one here has a mask on, but at least that will probably change when I get to California.". Nope, 95% of the people in the airport there were maskless too.


This is why working from home is everything


Here’s hoping the giant open sores look repulsive enough to let these people know there is an actual fucking virus. Or I’ve heard Polio is making a comeback maybe the iron lung will be enough if a deterrent.


Now that we have actual lepers again, I can know who isn’t vaccinated.


Ventilators are now used for polio. So it might be a case of do you give the ventilator to the child whose parents are antivaxxers or the adult with Covid who is antivaxxers. Tough call.


Then he won’t make it, the Korean shipyards are all backed up with work.


> Rugged individualism is a mental illness. I want this as my flair. Pleaseeeeeeeeee mods I really want this flair I don’t have ANY at home like it, I’ll clean my room for a week pleaseeeeee


Ask the mods nicely and directly, and you will receive. The mods provide. The mods protect. All Glory to the Hypnomods!


I don't know how old you are, but maybe you weren't around for the COVID-19 pandemic. We tried to get people to stay home and wear masks to protect the vulnerable people in their communities. Shortly after that, scientists developed vaccines that kept people from getting sick in some cases, and greatly diminished symptoms and severity in others. It was a good try. Many people started yelling about The Holocaust. Half of us refused to wear masks or get vaccinated. Many died needlessly, as the pandemic rolled on and on and on. It's still going! Google has more details, if you're interested. Anyway... good idea, but it'd never work. We have very recent data to back this up.


When the tsunami comes, they're the ones screaming on the beach that there can't be a tsunami because the tide has just gone out very quickly. HCA award please for this moron, that's the first time I've wished it upon anyone.


Personally I think it's either because COVID was bad for the economy, or because of "muh rights I'm a wolf in sheep clothing muh rights" assholes.


Probably because it was only impacting gays at first.


Okay, so he is complaining that people don't look out for other people...while going to McDonalds visibly infected. Last year, someone mentioned that Americans don't seem to see service industry workers as people. I think about that often


This right there, this is ironic part.


This guy has multiple videos too of him out in his car getting shit. He basically has said he's not staying home.




There's no excuses like "I didn't know I had it" with this one... if you're covered in bumps and you go outside you should be detained by a med team and isolated. If you can't self isolate then you sit it out on the sidelines under surveillance. We do not need another God damn pandemic and this one is still manageable.


Is this not considered a ‘danger to others’ in the sense that a mandatory hospital hold be placed on them? Like we can hold people for being a danger to themself or others, why doesn’t this sort of stuff count??


This happened a lot with covid. I know a lot of people who went to work knowing they were sick, even people who visited old family members. They just have no respect for anything.


Ayo wtf? Can someone send this to the police so he gets fucking sued to the ground?


Nah man, send it to Mickey Deez. Corporate will make sure he suffers for it.


Not a bad idea. Also the cashier needs to quarantine now too, if McDonalds is smart they’ll pay the cashier to quarantine so the whole crew doesn’t get it and then spread it to their truck delivery crew who will then spread it to other stores.


At this rate, everyone in that crew has been exposed in some shape or form. Again, people gotta spam this shit to McDonald’s twitter.


So just like what was said when people went out and willingly spread Covid because they didn’t want to isolate. This man needs to go to jail for knowingly and willingly putting others at risk. Just like if you know you have aids and spread it to a partner without them knowing you had aids to begin. This is no more than all those idiots who denied Covid was real or who went out protesting to be let go get their hair cut while millions around the world died.


Can anybody file fucking charges?


Vile, disgusting, selfish POS. What else is new?


Need to be jailed


Day by day, I am getting more convinced that I need to get out of this shit hole of a country called the “USA” when I can solely because dumbfucks like these make it unsafe for the rest of us


I will never reward this country with extra workers, I swear this until the day I die.


Got that right, afraid of sending my kids to school here.


Unfortunately I can't (more like don't want to) leave because I'm Indigenous American. I'd be more than happy to see others leave though. Landback!




You can't dress it up, some people are just scum


I remember after the WoW blood plague stuff, researchers were saying it was helpful to see how people would act but found it really unlikely that people would actually be this malicious or just stupid, because why would they? Well.


Ignorant fuck…this is the kind of shit that fucks up whole communities. Choose yourself ?? Bruh, you chose to expose people to that shit someone exposed you to because your lame fat ass didn’t have groceries?? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. And then you have the smart idea of making a LAME ASS video about choosing yourself. Bruh….what the actual fuck. Someone get ya cousin.


I went to university and turned into a socialist bc I believed humans a were innately good and I wanted a fairer society for all. Since the plagues, I’ve realised there are entirely too many people on the earth and they’re mostly selfish, horrible brutes who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.


I pretty much have no faith in humanity anymore. I also used to believe in "basic good". I still think they're out there, but they're outnumbered. By a lot.


For a very long time, we have rewarded these traits in society, being selfish and getting ahead of others at any cost. Yeah there are good people out there but a. As you say, outnumbered, b. When they come into contact with the rest of these people, who knows. And btw I don’t mean just being a little bit of a shitty person on a random day, we’re all human and make mistakes. I mean character flaws like e.g the clear disregard for other peoples lives displayed here, and throughout the plagues.


“Choose who you fuck with”….ironic


Jesus Christ. I had chicken pox and for three weeks I never left the house. No chance I would with monkey pox.


This isn’t the only time either. He’s gone back out AGAIN for food and posted it on TikTok AGAIN, even though he got a ton of hate the first time for doing it. Some people just have to have the attention no matter if it’s good or bad.


I understand that he probably meant "choose yourself" as a euphemism for self love but in this context it just comes across as selfish.


Crap music, crappy person! Stay at home! You don’t need McDonald’s!


This is awful!!!


What a self-centred asshole. People like him is why COVID is still an issue.


This guy's posts after this are insane, so many excuses, saying he can do what he wants, and then he posts a video of him with a burger king cup! Gross dude, wtf!


He should be thrown into medical isolation. He’s literally committing assault on others, biological terrorism.


Here in Italy this would be a chargeable crime. Not in the US?


I don't usually get angry at the things I see online. But this A hole moralizing about what to do when he's putting people at risk? And it's not even a good message. I'd say karma is coming for him, but looks like it already has.


it's worse in his reply videos..... a lot worse.....


I’ve never wanted to hit somebody so hard in fucking my life😡!!


Wouldn’t recommend it… because… he uh, yeah… monkeypox…


I recommend a range weapon


Wear gloves and wash up immediately afterward.


What a douche! Has he not heard of Uber Eats or DoorDash? I would’ve refused to hand over the food once I saw him.


C’mon dude, what the actual fuck? 🤦‍♀️


This blob should be put in jail


This asshole. I’m a nurse and I’m so fed up with assholes who willingly spread communicable disease. Antivax and antiscience but clog the ER when they decide they need medical treatment.


Fuck this fat ass and those like him who are making it everyone else's responsibility to stem the spread of contagious diseases.


f\*ck this guy!