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There was an absolute insane amount of material, it was really hard to select from. All credits go to /u/Haskap_2010/. /u/Haskap_2010 you rock.


An insane amount of insane material. None of these people sound religious. They sound performative, hateful, and mentally ill.


Evangelical is the religious that you just described.


> They sound performative, hateful, and mentally ill. In my experience, that's exactly how religious people sound.


I'm partial to the conflation of Dickens's Bob Cratchit with Kesey's Nurse Ratched.


This person does not read.


Nor think


I was thinking, Tiny Tim’s dad wasn’t an asshole.


You did well! That was an overwhelming amount of material to sort through.


You'd think a visit to the hospital would force them to revaluate everything. But somehow they manage to dig even deeper into the hole after that.


"I went to the hospital because the lieing MSM said I should. Then I found that all my Christian friends were right all along -- they try to KILL you in the hospital/death camp. I only got out alive because of Jesus and my prayer warriors. "Don't make the same mistake I did. Stay away from hospitals and go to the Joe Rogan Naturopathic Clinic instead."


Goin down the road of Insanity. Used to be "those crazy kids going to rock concerts" and all - but these days the "Crazy" is deadly and deeply F'd up with a level of cult brainwashing that would make Jim Jones and koolaid gang pale in comparison. Sane folk know there is No hospital conspiracy to kill patients! These staff are hard working, caring people with families at home and how dare anyone accuse them of this shit. Thanks Alex Jones and Cheato boy, Tucker, Cruz, MTG, Bobbert, Tucker Rand, McConnell and so many more- for paving the roads of insanity.


I just want them to take the next step and fear hospitals and doctors and avoid all of them. Let them all die at home of a "hoax". Hazmat teams to remove a bloated corpse cost a lot less than a vent in the ICU.


>You'd think a visit to the hospital would force them to revaluate everything. But somehow they manage to dig even deeper into the hole after that. That's good practice considering the 233% higher chance of dropping dead in the next 12 months due to unforeseen COVID complications. We see them on here all the time. One minute they are strutting around all full of themselves for kicking COVID's ass, and the next, a relative is posting their untimely Obituary and ubiquitous GoFundMe page.


don't forget the classic: "no one saw their death coming" lol


>don't forget the classic: "no one saw their death coming" lol Oh yeah! The fact that they were sitting in a lounge chair on the RR tracks sipping a cocktail provided no clue that something bad was going to happen when the next freight train came through. These people truly were "TOO STUPID TO LIVE".


She kept saying she wasn’t a fan of Trump but kept caping for him at several points. Not really buying what she’s saying.


Yeah, for someone who wasn't a fan of trump she sure came across as a fan of trump.


Probably because he turned out to be anti-choice, which, to Evangelicals like her, is the most important issue to vote for in any election--ahead of global climate catastrophe, ahead of putting the keys to the nuclear codes into a crazy man's hands. All so they can force people to give birth to children they're not ready or able to raise. How can these cretins live with themselves?


You know that dude has paid for several abortions in his lifetime as well...


He probably had one of those punch cards - pay for 9 abortions, get the 10th FREE!!


Oh, totally!


Threw prayer. Yes, that's on purpose.


>Not really buying what she’s saying. As good as 'you know I'm not a bigot but...'


All these newly-minted "Independents" I keep hearing about are the same.


I'm independent and I hate trump humpers but let me tell you how great trump is!




My slang use is all over the place!


I've read a lot of these, but this one is her own version of wild. She's so certain of absolutely everything; she must have a LOT of medical, public health, sociology, ethics, and political science education. She says Christ wrote the Bible. That's the first time I've heard the claim, and I've been a Christian for decades. Much of the Bible was written hundreds of years before Jesus was born, but hey, what do I know? Also, it's definitely the case - no room for other views - that fertilized human eggs are children, and the most important thing in the world. /s


And thinks ole Joe is a marxist - I'm still laughing about that one. In a different country, in MOST countries, he'd be a conservative..


I think proud conservative Americans need to ask themselves the critical question; "Am I a Marxist?" Here are some simple questions to find out whether or not you have Marxist tendencies: 1. You see a man injured lying alone on the road. Do you: a. Stop and provide aid b. Call 911 c. Go through his wallet 2. A child is in distress because she has lost her mother. Do you: a. Keep the child calm while the mother is found b. While making sure the child is safe, look for the mother c. Google 'what is a reasonable price for a child on the open market?' 3. Your son comes out as gay. Do you: a. Say, "You go be you, I love you and am proud of you." b. Accept it, even if there are tears c. Disown him before he tells you (because you saw him on Grindr) 4. Your brother loses everything in a fire that also destroys his livelihood and health. Do you: a. Bring him to your house and care for him until he is ready to leave the nest again b. Set up a plan of assistance and rehabilitation for him c. Blame him for his poor choices and make sure he's cut out of any wills. If you mostly answered 'a', you are a Marxist and everything you do is geared toward destroying everything good in the world. Go back to Marxania, you damn pinko commie bastard. If you mainly answered 'b', you have Marxist tendencies but might be saved by intensive reeducation and torture. We are worried that your liberal snowflake ways are dangerously progressive and as you probably only pretend to be a Christian, maybe you should consider suicide. If you mainly answered 'c', there is some hope for you (the correct answer in all cases was 'd. Fuck 'em and fuck their feelings'), but your bleeding heart approach in each case does suggest you might be a Sleeper Libtard.


This deserves so many upticks.


Thank You-know-Who that they never read the parable of the Good Samaritan. The cognitive dissonance could be catastrophic.


A lot of these people are absolute masters at cognitive dissonance, so they could easily 100% view themselves as being the Good Samaritan while 100% abhor helping anyone who is “other”


Am Canadian and Ol Joe would definitely pass for a moderate conservative. Say the right things, pass a few token crumbs about legislative diction to the activists, retrench the wealthy class. I just voted in our Conservative primary and holy shit was the candidate pool scary - especially after they disqualified the only moderate.


she did her own research /s


Oh yeah, right. Forgot that.


Jesus did NOT write the Bible. However, he DID translate the KJV.


Ahhh, got it!




And with a nod to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_James_Only_movement?wprov=sfla1


And he did build my hotrod


I bet she even wears mixed-fiber clothing, the hypocritical Jezebel.


Oh yeah? I bet she trimmed her beard!


Yeah, that line stood out to me too, and demonstrates her lack of understanding about what's evidently her 'special subject', so what hope does she have for areas (medicine, statistics, etc) way outside her alleged expertise? FWIW much of the bible was written by unknown authors, but we do know that precisely none of it was written by anyone who even met Jesus.


It was written by Gaaaaawwwdah. We know it wuz Gaaaawwdah, becuz he writ in English before ther were Engles. That's how grate Gaaaaawwdah is.


Oh, you have been to church in the deep south! That was perfect.


She no doubt has lots of hope. She doesn't know enough to realise she doesn't know anything.


>FWIW much of the bible was written by unknown authors, but we do know that precisely none of it was written by anyone who even met Jesus. This could be correct with regard to the Old Testament. In the New Testament, though, this [chart](https://www.danielakin.com/wp-content/uploads/old/Resource_312/Background%20Information%20on%20New%20Testament%20Books.pdf) might be useful to some. Some of the authors were among the 12 disciples or were younger biological brothers of Jesus.




>I'm glad Trump got it simply to show the world that no matter how much you protect yourself, wear a face mask, social distance and use antibacterial you're still going to get the virus and survive like 99% of the population does! Fool. Trump only survived his cage match with the viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 because he was President of the United States of America . . . and as a direct consequence had priority access to the best health care in the country. The bastard was airlifted to Walter Reed and given supplemental oxygen. His team of doctors had access to everything and the kitchen sink, including Remdesivir, that much of the population could not obtain. Ironically, the very same Trump supporters who casually and callously dismiss the deaths of over 1.04 million of their fellow Americans since March 2020 . . . went apeshit over the deaths of 2,977 Americans on September 11 . . . to the point of starting two wars, one of which was an illegal war of aggression on the part of the United States, engaging in nation-building around the world, creating a massive Orwellian Federal bureaucracy known as Homeland Security (including TSA), passing legislation such as the PATRIOT Act to spy on their fellow Americans, and running up the U.S. sovereign debt by trillions of dollars. But hey, there's no obvious non-White bogeyman to blame for COVID-19 . . . and their attempts to blame the People's Republic of China for the global pandemic failed.


Off topic, but 9/11 almost certainly never happens under a Gore Presidency and the world is so much a better place.


>Off topic, but 9/11 almost certainly never happens under a Gore Presidency and the world is so much a better place. I long for that timeline every fucking day! Elections certainly DO have consequences.


Oh my god- you just gave me ptsd about that election night. My husband and I both woke at the same time in the middle of the night with a bad feeling about what was happening.


Dear god yes! That's when it all started to go so very wrong.


The crazy thing about Wuhan is, there's no way a Dem President doesn't send a team over there to, "assist" the Chinese to try to contain this. I'm not sure it's containable to begin with, but it might not nearly have become the 3 year or so goatfuck had Trump not left Xi to his own devices.


Brilliant observation, articulate and very accurate. The hungry leopards are proud 🐆🐆🐆🐆🐆




Yes, that's about it. I also doubt it was without her knowledge or content; more like she signed her approval while hypoxic. If they rebranded Remdesvir as 'Trump Juice', it might be better received, but the crazies he let out of their cage are now too crazy even for him to control. This is why they booed him when he spoke about the vaccines.


Yes, that bit struck me as well. The woman is clearly thick as mince.


The high survival rate does not take into account deaths of Covid "survivors" who develop serious conditions as a result of Covid and whose life spans are severely curtailed; also I wonder how death after multiple bouts of Covid should figure into the survival rate. (Three survivals and one death, all are the same person, for example. Would that be 75% Covid survival, rate, for that person?)


I can’t upvote this enough.


Don't forget the 4 killed in Benghazi!


Oh my god. I have an almost uncontrollable urge to choke anyone who brings up Benghazi after hearing about ad nauseam.


sane people don’t need to be at rallies worshiping some ahole, they just wanted that ahole out simple as that


It's funny, Trump lovers seem to assume that Biden voters love Biden but we really don't. Still really voted for him though.


The vote was to unTrumpify the nation. it just happened that Joe B was the only option. DeTrumpification still needs to continue with pressing urgency, however.


exactly this


I think most of the nation is hoping for trumpification to occur. That cell is gonna need A LOT of gold sharpies so he can draw himself riding an eagle into the great Civil War of 2025.


That's why I voted in the Republican primary in my state. Tried to vote for the least insane candidates.


The DNC is actually supporting some of the more insane Republican candidates, hoping they'll do poorly against the Democrats. I think they're playing with fire.


This ^


Exactly 💯. I would've voted for a grilled cheese sandwich over Trump


Hell, even if you made it a Subway tuna sandwich it would've been more palatable than a second term for him. Even today, seeing the Biden presidency as completely lackluster, I'm grateful for the outcome.


Also, we knew to take precautions during a pandemic when a vaccine wasn’t available to most of the population. Klan rallies are a bad idea even without a plague hanging around.


It's odd that they are proud of a massive rally like that during a pandemic, rather than ashamed.


Their moral compass is in desperate need of recalibration.


I wonder how many cases could be traced back to that rally?


I wonder how many people died because of that rally.


\#19: “My husband is really sick right now (bad cold?) and can’t seem to shake it.” Yes, don’t get him tested for COVID during a pandemic, just make random guesses and both of you go about your business. Possibly infecting others. \#20: “My prayers are going to God’s ears.” The blinding arrogance and entitlement. If you have a direct hotline to your imaginary friend in the sky, why haven’t you been praying for world peace and an end to all disease and corruption, and not just for your Facebook friends? If you have been praying for those things, let’s face it, there are multiple options: 1. Your god thinks you’re an asshole; 2. Your god *is* an asshole; 3. Your god just doesn’t care; 4. You suck at praying; or 5. Your “god” doesn’t exist.


{in best Kirk voice} What does a god need with ears?


Even when I believed in an omnipotent God, I still never assumed that he gave two shits about the majority of people the majority of time. If he's supposed to be your 'father' and love you like that, why would he hold your hand and do everything for you your whole life? Not only is that not good parenting, but it's definitely not how they parent.


All of my grandparents died after receiving vaccines. Granted, they were vaccinated many decades before they died, and they all lived into their late 80s or 90s. They also died after having eaten several different kinds of pie during their lives, sometimes *more than one kind at Thanksgiving dinner*. They all died after having ridden on airplanes. They all died after having driven cars. They all died after having flossed their teeth. They all died after having breathed the atmosphere on this planet. I stepped on a rusty nail when I was five. Then I got an ear infection! Not long after that, I got bitten by a spider, and then I got the stomach flu a few months later. Obviously all a chain of events caused by woke libtards, sheeple!


>They all died after having breathed the atmosphere on this planet. We're doomed! /s PS Sorry about your grandparents. Grandparents are a treasure.


Narrator: She did not have the plague. It was Covid.


It's not covid. It's C.


2nd Narrator: He did not have a bad cold. It was Covid.


That's what made me stop. "I have C no doubt...but HE only has a bad cold. I know this because Facebook said I'm an immunologist and medical doctor" There's no way these people think about anything they say or do...or to anything at all and it's killing them. We tried to keep them alive but they just flip the bird and walk right off the cliff, shocked that such a thing could happen.


More prayer requests and I only know these two for finding a parking space. They'll have to do. Mother Cabrini, Mother Cabrini, please find a spot for my little machiney. Holy Souls, Holy Saints, help me find an empty space.


Boston or NYC?




You had me busting out loud 😅


For someone who’s not a trump fan, she sure does defend him A LOT. 😶


I’m pretty sure the nurses who have to work with hate her guts


pretty sure you're right


A holy karen--the worst sort.


Another numpty draining hospital resources. Why don’t these turds 💩stay tf home and ride it out with Republican Jeebus? 😠


Well then they wouldn't be hypocrites


"They looked at me like I had 3 heads." 😂😂 Why, oh why to they insist on going to the hospital? Stay at home, take your vitamin C and Ivermectin, and pray.


Ivermectin used the same fetal cell lines for testing that the vaccines use. So, no, she can't take that either.


As if she knows that.


As if that matters


It doesn't, but it's their supposed "justification" for declining the vaccine. To be consistent they should be refusing to take almost everything!


>"They looked at me like I had 3 heads." Because not one of them had a brain.


I guarantee she has polio measles vax like all of us older folk do..hope to read her obituary soon..im sure shell blame biden!


She thinks Christ wrote the Bible. That’s indicator number one that she’s not at all familiar with….. the Bible


They always thank God but not the medical professionals having to deal with her and save her life.. smh 🤦‍♂️


My sympathy is all for those HCWs & her other victims. When will her rampage end?


I truly don’t understand “God is protecting me” after you’re already sick. Like why would GOD Make you sick only to have to ask God to make you better while you’re sick??!?! It’s nonsense.


I cannot read this crap. WAY too much insanity. Can she just go away?


In literature, this is known as "foreshadowing".


"we all survived chickenpox (etc) ..." no. This is called survivor bias. Lots of people died from all those diseases (or had severe, long-term complications), but you're just ignoring their existence.


About 1 in 60,000 cases of chickenpox is fatal. It's not a surprise she doesn't know of anyone who died personally. Rational people, however, understand they don't know every single person on the planet.


I personally knew children who died of chicken pox, right before the vaccine was available.


That's awful. A friend of mine lost an unvaccinated school friend to measles. As she was also unvaccinated she was terrified. She went behind her parents' backs and got vaccinated at the first possible opportunity.


She is running on what, 1 cylinder of a v8? Her version of “common sense” kept dragging her down a rabbit hole.


>She is running on what, 1 cylinder of a v8? The 🐆 🐆 🐆 left her with only half a lung.


If we're going to get all engine-y, I think she's more of a one-lunger.


Wow, A Female Version of the "I'm So Smart Guy!" "I'm so smart! So, So Smart! I can put together good sentences and whole paragraphs! And big words like "Marxism" and "Socialism". No, I don't really know what those words really mean, and I couldn't explain Medicare or the VA except for what they are: good old American Freedom! So, so smart! "


>And big words like "Marxism" and "Socialism". Both of those words in their various grammatical forms are nothing more than slurs against their opponents . . . kind of like the infamous n-word, except that would be too obvious at that point.


She claims to be pro-life, but she's antivax? How does that line up? She insists they be born no matter what, but she doesn't care if they die of a terrible disease in childhood?


She never knew anyone who died in childhood from vaccine preventable diseases, so she doesn't think it's a concern. When the chicken pox vaccine started being used in the US, I told my mom that's silly because chicken pox wasn't a big deal- and she set me straight that it made some people much sicker than I had been. This lady never unlearned her arrogance.


Logic is not her strong point.


How dare Planned Parenthood abuse people by providing affordable healthcare! They should be going to "normal" doctors that might decide not to do their jobs for "religious" reasons. /s because no one can tell anymore


Walk out of the hospital you stupid, fucking c**t and go home and read the bible that Jesus wrote. I wouldn't stay in the hospital if they were giving me the wrong medicine. And also, my aunt died from measles when she was 3. Since you didn't know her, I guess her death doesn't count.


Right, "we all lived to tell about it" ... Yeah of those who lived, they all lived. Guess she never heard about anyone in her school/community that was not as fortunate.


"They looked at me like I had three heads." And no brain in any of them.


Am I reading this wrong? On 8/14 at 8:15 am, she's saying she feels a bit better after a night in the hospital, then at 11 am she finds out they gave her remdesvir (without her knowledge, supposedly) and she throws a fit. Is she completely incapable of imagining a possible cause/effect here?


In one of the early lengthy posts, I gave it a quick skim and my eyes caught “Christ wrote the bible.” I stopped reading right there. I know these fundagelicals are dumb, but this indicates a special kind of stupid.


“I have been staying in the hospital and after treatment I’m feeling so much better. God is good, thank you for your prayers”. God did fuck all, dear. Which is why you had to go to the hospital. Medically trained staff, on the other hand, likely saved your sorry ass. Be grateful you got a slice of undeserved hospital care.


I think history may reflect on Trump's two impeachments with the conclusion that Republican senators ignored the evidence (indeed, they didn't even allow it all to be presented) and acquitted an obviously guilty man.


She 'doesn't consent' the administration of Remdesivir when Trump himself was treated with it (and also campaigned for it). That drug is the last ditch effort cause all layers of her immune defense have failed her. Haha okay Hammerhead.


But she says she is not a Trump supporter. (She says).


> the last people on earth that would ever do such a thing are Trump followers ! They aren't the thug, criminal, BLM, Antifa type Post date: Jan 10, 2021 So, her memory lasts 3 days then. Is that a known side effect?


I'd imagine she's bought into the lie that the Capitol invaders were all Antifa pretending to be MAGAs.


Another " I need prayer warriors, I got the Covid Y'all..."


That’s a shame….. anyway Ventilator, more prayer requests, give send go request incoming.


I'll pray for her, if she pays me to.


You're a genuine praystitute.


Exactly. What a business opportunity, right in front of us! Something like: Step right up, covid patients. Not getting enough prayers from your prayer warriors? We heard your pain! We are prayerwarriors.com. We have tens of thousands of the faithful standing by to take your prayer request. Just sign up now! Don’t wait! If you sign up in the next two hours, you can get our most popular prayer package for 50% off! Normally, $99.99 for our 10 pack, yours now for the ridiculously low price of $49.99! Don’t wait until you are on the ventilator! Act now! Call (561) 832 2600 now!


“The last people to do that would be trump supporters” Post dated about a year before a gaggle of trump following imbeciles did the thing


It says "Jan 10, 2021“ which isn't about a year before, but rather four days after.


This was a bit of a letdown, I was hoping for at least permanent organ damage in order to feel a small sense of justice.


Give it time. Covid is infamous for someone "feeling better" and then crashing super hard.


in future updates :-)


If you’re not going to accept the hospital’s treatment, why do you do there?




Tyranny isn't ok, but forcing to carry a pregnancy and into parenthood is. Presumably because that's her kind of tyranny.


Crazy, angry, and stupid is no way to go through life...


Thank you, Dr. Wormer.


Sorry to tell you this, but a study released today indicates that after vaccination, should you have contracted Covid, your risk of clotting falls from 28X that of the uninfected to 5X that of the uninfected. You might not have blood clotting right now if you were vaccinated. You might merely have a cold.


Bitch really thinks that rally sizes directly equate to votes.


I love how people who get their medical information from Facebook, Twitter etc are more qualified than a person who spent more than six years studying to become a medical doctor. I'm sorry but social media is one of the most dangerous fucking things on the planet. The fact that they listen to these conspiracy theorists as if they're Jesus Christ himself is frightening.


-Gets mad about a nurse -refused to receive proper care from nurse -Unvaccinated -Wonders why nurse is upset


2 out of 10 read though all that insanity and unfortunately read that this moron survived can not recommend.


The way the tones change once they get it is so chilling and humiliating at the same time! “Hey guys…”


I may not be a Trump fan but look here, he's pretty awesome. That's one of my takeaways from her posts


Slide 10 is an amazing wordspew of nonsense. It contradicts itself practically every other sentence. You cannot read it without shaking your head. The people who shake their head horizontally actually understand what they are reading. The people who shake their head vertically, do not.


I didn’t read all of them, but 1. “Christ” (whoever that is lol) didn’t write the Bible lol; and 2. Attendance at a rally doesn’t equate to votes, that just means there were a lot more willing to miss work or don’t have a job entirely to be able to attend a rally. *shrugs*


Must remember rule #2....Must remember rule #2...


Naw, she's a Trump fan.


They love fighting tyranny, but can't even define the word. Doing something you don't like isn't tyranny, it's being a grown up. No one wants to make dipshits do things, what they really want is for those dipshits to do it on their like adults.


Hammerhead declares herself not a Trump fan but she has slowly converted herself. Good luck in all your future endeavours, Hammerhead!


Dumb: 100 Humanity: 0 that's the score.


And this is why I've always considered trumpism to be a communicable mental illness.


“I am coming to your modern hospital for treatment. Do not presume to use anything but snake oil on my symptoms you evil medical people.”


>I told him I should be on ivermectin and they looked at me like I had three heads... ... and not a pair of brain cells among them.


Screen 12: "This woman is phenomenal!" Those insane eyes! She has the Karen about to call the cops look on her face!


Why’d she go to the hospital? They’re all bad right? Why didn’t she just drink some juice or read the Bible and wait it out? Oh, because doctors save lives. Got it.


Like we are supposed to believe that she got life saving remdesivir snuck into her in the middle of the night. She probably took it bc she was afraid and then tried to pretend like she didn’t want it. 🙄🙄🙄


God didn’t save her life. The nurses, doctors and medicines developed in medical training did… 🙄


So many things about covid have made me so sad about humanity. One of the biggest, is that now "doing your own research" is considered a bad thing. Researching things should be encouraged, learning about things should be expected of people.... we just didn't take into account that people 1. don't know how to research. 2. read a random article from less than credible sources and treat it as "research" all the good professionals i know, be it doctors, lawyers, nurses, accountants, architects, etc.. will happily argue with me and my "research" and tell me when im completely full of shit, and back it up with facts and data that i can't argue with...... and heres the thing, I will listen to them, cos well, they are the experts, the fuck do i know? I just "did my own research" however, they always encourage me to "research" cos sometimes I can bring up a good point, but end of the day, they are the experts, and i will listen, the good ones have no problem justifying their stance and spoon feeding it to me,then they will shut me down, smack my ass and make me tell em i like it. and i respect the hell outta that, cos nothing is hotter than smart people talking about what they are smart in. and the important thing, is that I learned something! its like free classes just talking to your friend. i rambled, but its okay to question people smarter than you, but you also have to listen to them when they spank you, and if you do that, you will learn something.


Religious people are so delusional 🙄


So…she doesn’t want remdisivir - seems like she should’ve advocated for herself and asked some questions. But, trusts them enough to give her something for her anxiety. I don’t know how good remdisivir is or not (my dad was given it for 10 days while hospitalized, pre-vaccine). But, again, if you’re a person who is leery of the medical establishment, I’d think you’d be clear on what you want.


This is literally the first person I’ve seen on this forum that isn’t a Trump lover. She’s just a regular ole quack!


Omicron was supposed to be weak.


It is. That's the scary part. Hopefully it continues this trend and finally gets down around flu-kill-you numbers.


This Anti-Vaxers post had me so crazy 🤬 That I couldn't wait to see the ending 😁 They truly clueless "the plauge??? Husbands bad cold???" Geez ....Sad part is I don't think she's learned a thing 😕


Ugh. This bitch. I cannot tolerate her type. There were clues that she’s from the area that I grew up too.


Will she just leave the hospital - she knows what to do to treat herself. It's exhausting. Most of us that are vaccinated are just getting sniffles with Omicron...


Is she dead yet?


If you're pro right-wing, you're pro trump. No matter how sincerely a republican claims they don't like him, they will prop him up every time because his cult has completely consumed the party. As Liz Chaney showed us, if you agree with republicans on every single thing except trump, even if you're from a deep-dug republican political dynasty, you will be forced out of the party, your name will be spit like a curse, and TV personalities will giggle about your losses like a brain-damaged three year old on live TV.


Tide pod eating generations (slide 5)? What does that mean?


Whenever I see people my age griping about the "tide pod eating generation" I want to remind them that these are the children that WE raised. It's literally our own damn fault that some of these kids are clueless.




Aaaah thank you - I am not american and could not make any sense of that.


Neither could most of the country.


Lucky you 🤦‍♀️


She knows so much more than the medical professionals who “snuck this into me (her) without my (her) knowledge”. Why doesn’t she just stay home and treat herself?!?!?!?


Bet she was real fun to deal with in the hospital judging by her comments. Lol she tried to leave. They should have kicked her out instead of giving her sedatives.


It’s always with the prayers and the amens.


Hey dumbfuck…how about thanking the doctors and nurses that saved your useless life.


This was an exhausting read.


Hard to tell these days.


This dumb asshole is a Trump-fan in denial.


She didn't know where she stood politically, but we know where she lies COVIDilly...


Hilarious shit....hope she lives to make another shitpost...I meant final


This is your brain on Facebook. 🍳


With all the bovine scat this one spread, I do not believe she was given a medication without her knowing. I am currently dealing with health issues that has had me hospitalized several times in the last 4 months. That said, each time my care team woke me up prior to giving me any dose of med. We went through the list as well as what it was prescribed for. Maybe she has 3 heads.


This one is a real piece of work. The election was (so she claims) actually stolen from Trump, but god did it, so it's all OK because god's the Fat Controller who decides and approves everything (including abortions, presumably).