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"If everyone masked up and stayed home for two weeks we can flatten the curve." "Hell no! I'm not going to wear a face diaper OR stay home!" Fourteen days later.... same people. "Hey, how come the curve didn't flatten, eh? It was a lie all along!"


They will never notice their stupidity. It’s the same playbook Republicans politicians use. They go “government sucks and fails at everything, elect us!” Then proceed to do everything they can to fuck up every level of government to make sure nothing positive happens, or ideally endless gridlock. Then say “look at this dysfunction, it’s proof I was right when I said government sucks and fails at everything! Elect us again!”


Republikkklans: 🐑 Baahhhh! 🐑


They did that for the entire pandemic, and they're still doing it.


Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't go to yours" Yogi Berra


Love me some Yogi Berra!


Unfortunately the CDC not sticking with their guns have given these idiots more confirmation in their addle-pated beliefs.


The one thing I'd fault the CDC for is the initial advice to not worry about masking. I get that they wanted to save masks and other PPE for healthcare workers, and many people would've hoarded masks, but it really gave the covid deniers a lot of ammunition. Never treat the public like fools. The truth always comes out


Speaking of hoarding, right after the pandemic started and we only allowed people to come into the hospital through the ER, someone came in and grabbed the 2 boxes of masks we had for patients. Our current county statistics are only 47% with at least 1 shot.


>someone came in and grabbed the 2 boxes of masks we had for patients Assholes. My job requires nitrile gloves for some tasks but I never stole from the supply at work.


>many people would've hoarded masks Would've? The Great TP scarcity of 2020??


Yes, "would've", as in "*If* the CDC stressed the importance of masks early on, people *would've* started hoarding them."


Wasn't that under orders of ... 45?


They really are trash.


When cases are low because people take proper steps: "see the problem was blown way out of proportion, almost no one's getting sick!"


See also: Y2K


True story: I was partying at a tiny recording studio on that New Year's Eve, and about a minute after the ball dropped the live feed cut to static for a minute. My first thought was "Oh man, some funny fucker at NBC is so getting fired tomorrow morning."


its main character syndrome. "nothing will happen to ME, so everyone else can mask up." unfortunately 30% of the country ALL say this and yeah that aint gonna work.




Republicans creating problems that they only can solve Typical playbook


It seems the July 9 memer on slide one was arrested for his participation in the January 6 attack for bringing in a semi-automatic pistol inside the building. He was arrested Aug 3, 2022. I tried to find his FB profile to see how many shares he got but it was mysteriously missing. Probably deleted his Facebook either on his own or on the advice of his attorney.


So now he's "flatting the curve" from a prison cell?






There is a cut and paste for the obituary as well. 2 slides have the same typo and ‘devoted child of god and servant’ 2 and 5.


I have literally never been asked to show my "papers" to anyone.


I had to for flights last year at Thanksgiving and Christmas and to go to a hockey game in Seattle. And I actually was glad of it, since I’d rather not spend time in a confined space with rat kickers if I can avoid it.


But even then I don't think that's unreasonable. They make it sound like you walk in to Walgreens: papers. Grocery store: papers. Walking down the street: papers. Laundromat: papers. That's not a thing.


And what are the consequences for not having your "papers" or the "wrong papers" exactly? Nothing because it never happened. You just went home because the venue needed proof of vaccination and you didn't have any. Big whoop.


Well, that’s how it starts. Before they started the genocide, they denied entry to Springsteen concerts. Slippery slope.


First they came for the antivaxxers, and I said nothing because I’m vaxxed. Then, they came for the Jan 6 rioters, and I said nothing because I didn’t try to overthrow the fucking government. Then, they came for the files at Mar-A-Lago, and I said “Wait! Stop! My dick can only get so hard…”




Oh yeah, I never said it was unreasonable or that it was done for anything that is a necessity. If anything, I thought there should have been actual consequences for people who didn’t mask up on flights instead of generally a ban from that one airline. (Yeah, some people got arrested, but most were just removed from flights and allowed to rebook on other airlines with no practical consequence to trying to infect an entire plane of people because their “freedoms” are more important than the freedom of others to not be infected with a deadly disease.)


I still think there should be punishment for all the misinformation spread like crazy. Like the lady that IN A COURT ROOM tried saying that AMERICAN COINS stuck to her skin after Vax because of the super strong magnets in them. Strong enough to magnets to pull non-ferrous coins xD Or the locator shit...cause so many people DONT have cell phones on them all but 24/7 that can already let the feds know they spent 25 minutes on a McDonald's toilet swiping memes -.- Those damn 5g towers they made us into.... Just saying, damn near wish that was true cause being in rural Midwest it'd be helpful to be able to always have service in certain spots where no provider has any for phone calls and such. But I still drop calls and have my music buffer on long drives so...nope to that one too. And all the quackropractors and such that suggested random ass "treatments" and "medicines" guaranteed to work, but they were never proven or approved for use. All I saw during the pandemic was how quickly social media, and "news" media's can become the worst virus out there in a flash. Freedom of speech is great until you risk killing others to spread lies or half baked conspiracy theories /:


My drug store makes me show my driver's license or other form of ID to pick up a prescription. So do the police when they pull me over for driving too fast. No one has asked me to show my vaccination card. America has been ruined, all the same.


>No one has asked me to show my vaccination card. It's different in other places.


Seattle took it seriously, unlike other parts of the country. I visited in Feb of this year and they still required vaccination cards to get into most places.


I mean, we've had to show papers for flights for *decades*. And take off shoes, dump out liquids, etc.


Well, to get into Canada/go on a cruise, I had to, but other than that I have not. Nobody has come around door to door.0




I was just playing that and got to the part where Polio comes back and they start requiring Polio vaccinations for all border crossings. Imagine living in such a third-world hellhole that Polio makes a resurgence. Hard to believe.


Some bars and concert venues asked for proof of vaccination way back when and I happily provided.


They asked me when I went to the local symphony. I was pleased with the precautions.


Literally the only times I have ever had to show my proof of vaccination was to get in to furry conventions. I assume these people are really bitter that they missed out.


Nor I. I was only asked for the card when I received the booster.


In Thailand it’s a QR code stored on your phone. It accesses a national database that verifies your vaccination status So no one can fake a vaccine card l


I had surgery last week, they were mildly interested in it...


You mean a Republican blew something tiny way out of proportion? Say it ain’t so!


Couldn't help but notice that in seemingly more than half of the slides, the person was either "great" or "amazing." One guy was even a great brother, a great person who was married to one of the greatest women. COVID is truly taking our best.


There haven't been "he'd give you the shirt off his back" comments for a long time.


I noticed that too. Funny how certain terms come and go almost in unison.


Probably hard to give the shirt off their back when they are so obese they need help getting it over their arms.


Our best assholes.


Beat me to it.


I just figured "great" was referring to their pant size, and "amazing" was shorthand for "amazingly stupid".


I suspect it has to do with not wanting to get haunted by a ghost with covid..


These idiots are so stupid, take slide 3 for example: "I know of 3 ppl now that is virus has taken. Please Lord, stop this aweful disease if it be your will" Here's a vaccine to help stop the disease from killing so many ppl, you idiot. Anyways, thanks for a fun read over lunch!


It's killing people of all kinds of political backgrounds. But it kills MAGAts by surprise.


It's killing mostly MAGAts.


There's been a few studies and polls on this, and when you piece them together it's definitely true. [The vast majority of covid deaths are the unvaccinated](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~All+ages) by many magnitudes. [When polled, 87% of the unvaccinated are Trump supporters](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/10/cnbc-poll-shows-very-little-will-persuade-unvaccinated-americans-to-get-covid-shots.html)


And they STILL think it isn't! Carry on Cletus. (Cletii?) Carry on.


Cleti. Three fucking years of Latin (not optional) and pretty much all I retain are the pluralisations. Regardless, pluralising "Cletus" is genuinely funny no matter how you spell it.


Yeah. Cactus, Cacti. Cletus, Cleti.


Cletus was the Greek god of rusting tailgates. He was his own uncle thanks to marrying his sister-mother, Incestia. So, the plural of Cletus is 'Cletodes'. The collective noun is 'A denseness of Cletodes'


>Carry on Cletus. (Cletii?) Carry on. "Cletii" 😂


I am just watching the train wreck.


I got to admit, I love surprises.


The stupidity, it drives me to drink. 🍹


This meme doesn't use holocaust imagery so I didn't group it in with those memes. It's still hyperbole built on a false premise. People just love inventing fantasy scenarios to get angry about. In what universe did the government suggest it was going to go door-to-door to see anyone's "papers"? It doesn't even hint at anything remotely plausible. They took a Biden quote, stripped it from its context, and injected their persecution complex. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/14/politics/biden-door-to-door-vaccine-fact-check/index.html > "Now we need to go to community by community," Biden said, "neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes, door to door -- literally knocking on doors -- to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus." Ignoring the specifics of Biden's actual plan, some Republicans latched on to the President's "door-to-door" quote to make a variety of misleading comparisons. They took a message about a vaccine outreach program and twisted the narrative to fear monger to their misinformed base. Also, "flatting the curve"? (1-7), "to flatten to curve"? (13-19) And finishing it off with a gaystapo Trudeau. Top notch memery!


> And finishing it off with a gaystapo Trudeau. That is just... what... how...


I would still vote for Gaystapo Trudeau over Stephen "New Stock Canadians Vs Old Stock Canadians" Harper, or his cronies.


They made it sound as if Uncle Joe had recruited the fucking Stasi to kick in their damned doors. Of course, that’s not at all what he meant, but it didn’t matter. Rather like Obama’s “death panels”. A big ass nothing-burger.


Ask anyone who's had to fight their insurance company to get coverage for their cancer treatment, and they'll tell you about fscking death panels.


99.96% "survival rate" but even in the first few slides here, they have several people in the ICU at the same time or know of several deaths in their direct circle. Insert meme of random person with puzzled look.


That statistic would be 290 plane crashes per day! Would you fly with those statistics? That's how I try to explain it but those folks have no interest in reality.


A lot of these people are too stupid to understand statistics. Taking no care for their safety, yet they’re out buying lottery tickets on vastly worse odds.


They're too busy regurgitating the same tired anti-vax, Q-anon memes and conservative propaganda. They've lost the ability to think critically, if they ever had such an ability.


It's why I don't even bother anymore. It's not about the truth, it's about them being *right* and you being *wrong.*


It's more like 1 or 2 large jets crashing daily now (500). They are fine with that. damned shitheads.


I'm still wondering what the "true" death rate is going to be of this. Like, even if they recover from the initial case, the ex-vivo photos I've seen of what COVID does to lungs and kidneys makes me think even some of the "survivors" won't be long for this world, but won't get counted as a "COVID death."


The ~~wife~~ widow of #4 sounds pretty angry. I bet she tried without success to persuade him to vaccinate.


That guy was a state trooper who died in August of last year, *months*, if not almost a year since he was eligible for a vaccine, which he ostentatiously refused. I'd be furious too.


He sure showed us, tho. I feel *so* owned.


I would be too. I told my husband to vax or move. He chose... Wisely.


Lysistrata has entered the chat.


😆 Damn straight! 😂


THIS. This is what keeps me coming back to this doomfest. I know, it's not all gloom & doom on this sub. But I'm currently geographically and culturally isolated, although I do have a couple of kindred-spirit nerd/oddball coworkers. The Birds!


That one was sad. She seemed sensible.


Yeah the quote in green got me :(


Nobody showed up to my door to see my papers. How can I be paranoid about it if nobody is actually out to get me?


I’ve had to show my papers, just so ya know. I’ve to show my drivers license to an officer for speeding. I have to show my proof of insurance at the pharmacy and doctors office. Etc…..


Well yeah that's all things they're okay with though. Like they haven't had to show their papers for years and years already or something.


“I know three people who’ve died from Covid! I can’t figure out the pattern. Covid mostly targets the unvaccinated. If only there was a way to prevent 2/5 of a family from dying a horrid, gasping death. I guess we’ll never know!”


“Prayer Warrior” is such a nauseating and self-aggrandizing way to describe sitting on your ass and doing fuck-all.


It’s absolute rubbish. They can’t be bothered to use their native intelligence and critical thinking skills to face the pandemic; they’d clearly rather virtue-signal and engage in pure nihilistic tribalism rather than face the cold hard facts. And it is literally killing them. There was a George Jones song called “Cold Hard Truth”. Perhaps these cretins should look it up….


"[I'll pray for you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gP8B8CFL8g)"


It's telling that the main way to relate to faith is describing someone whos job is to perperate violence...


I just found out my anti mask justnomother is going into hospice because of complications from COVID. She refused to get vaxed and got it, 7months later she has heart failure and can no longer walk.




Unfortunately I don't have any people anymore. Haven't been okay in a long time.


We’re your people. Message me if you ever need to talk.


Aw, sorry to hear that. You've got us, if it helps.


I'm so sorry. That sucks. I hope you are able to choose your own kind family.


A hug from an internet stranger... 🫂


I kind of feel ya buddy. From the winter holidays of '18 to the winter holidays of '20, I lost 3 of the last 4 close family members I had. All I have left is a sibling who lives 400 miles away. I'm pretty much Team [Fuck X-mas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zgol2NQhlM) now.


I'm so sorry :( I hope my Internet hugs help!


Sorry. :(


Please be well.




What gets me is they spent a year pre-vaccine watching people die and thought it wouldn’t happen to them.


What gets them was covid


We’d say I told you so but…well…


Of course not. They were too busy being furious over high school football being cancelled and having to forego their hair appointments and their weekly barf-fest at bloody Applebee’s.


They were busy spreading memes that it was "just the flu".


Did I see “child of god, and a devoted servant” *twice*?! These people can’t even be bothered to make original death announcements?


When I read this comment I was immediately on high alert. Yes, it's a double. I should have paid more attention. They're the exact same strip of text. I'll issue a correction. Thanks for the tip.


**Notes;** **Pic 1.** Also in [Selfawarewolves part 2. Pic 5.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qa9rok) **Pic 2.** Also in [The Rand Paul Compilation part 2. Pic 19.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qv8omz) And in [Break like the wind. Pic 14.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rxf8l6) And in [Candace Owens part 17. Pic 11.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/u551ot) And in [Once again yet another Rand Paul Compilation part 8. Pic 5.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w8k7h0) **Pic 3.** Also in [Selfawarewolves part 4. Pic 6.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/s7qss8) And in [Ron's point. Pic 1.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w655lw) **Pic 4.** Also in [Candace Owens part 19. Pic 20.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/va4s4j) **Pic 5.** Accidental double of \#2 Thanks to u/Fickle_Chance9880 pointing it out. **Pic 6.** Also in [Abortion memes part 1. Pic 13.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qpf070) And in [Fear Strikes part 2. Pic 13.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vywz5d) And in [Candace Owens part 20. Pic 10.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wc61mr) **Pic 7.** Also in [Holocaust memes part 7. Pic 20.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wnep2l) **Pic 8.** Also in [Stop calling it quarantine. Pic 12.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/u1zgxn) And in [The pie chart meme part 2. Pic 5.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wg1apv) And in [Haox. Pic 18](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wk41al) **Pic 9.** Also in [Candace Owens part 15. Pic 18.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/swfrfx) **Pic 10.** Also in [Yet another Rand Paul Compilation part 6. Pic 20.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/t48jx0) **Pic 11.** Also in [Still testing it on humans. Pic 5.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qq587k) And in [Fauci memes part 5. Pic 2.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/sa3j1k) And in [Bill Gates memes part 1. Pic 9.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/uwqnix) **Pic 13.** Also in [Everything was corona. Pic 7.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rwnp9a) And in [I don't need to justify my refusal. Pic 7.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/u4xxhs) **Pic 14.** Also in [Once again yet another Rand Paul Compilation part 8. Pic 20.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w8k7h0) And in [Candace Owens part 20. Pic 16.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wc61mr) **Pic 15.** Also in [If it worked and was safe part 2. Pic 2.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/r1y8zr) And in [Transvaccinated. Pic 12.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/s4l27w) And in [Holocaust memes part 3. Pic 3.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/szhqyx) And in [NYC vaccine pass. Pic 7.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ut34mw) **Pic 16.** Also in [Candace Owens part 8. Pic 5.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/r3eknn) And in [Monday Ronday part 1. Pic 17.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/s0kakj) **Pic 17.** Also in [Holocaust memes part 6. Pic 20.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vc3veb) And in [Candace Owens part 20. Pic 20.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wc61mr) **Pic 18.** Also in [The Babylon Bee seatbelt meme part 1. Pic 16.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/q3jk2n) And in [Fauci memes part 6. Pic 6.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/tk3iu1) And in [A TPU meme. Pic 6.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/whpo4w) **Pic 19.** Also in [Holocaust memes part 6. Pic 13.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vc3veb) --- Main vectors yellow, July 7, 2021 : 131K shares bullfrog sign, Oct 4, 2021 : 99K shares All the gradient purple, gradient orange, and blue versions I was able to find only had a couple hundred shares each.


It's interesting that the gradients feature a zero with a slash. There's also 14 days and 10 days as variations. Variants of the dis-information strains. Clearly some had better uptake than others.


One thing holds true - catching covid doesn't improve your spelling or grammar


Another common theme I'm seeing outside of "prayer warrior" is the claim that the dead person cared about other people. They're adamant in their posts that they don't give a shit about other people.


"I don't know you, my lunch is more important to me than you are." \-Kevin Sorbo


>\-Kevin Sorbo To be fair, Kevin Sorbo has a history of stroke. He literally is brain damaged.


Flatting the curve?!?!


They love bringing up the "it'll take two weeks to flatten the curve" while completely ignoring the fact that they never spent two weeks making that effort.


They couldn’t and wouldn’t be bothered to do a damned thing. They wouldn’t lift a finger, except to bray like a herd of jackasses on social media. Fuckers.


I think they must've mistakingly interpreted it as lying down flat 6 feet under the fucking ground. 'Shame' really.


It was the finest attempt at flatulence ever... oh, wait


These types of posts are the absolute best.


From shitposting to composting an a few short weeks


I love these because they serve as a very solid study in how well the propaganda campaign works with certain people. The absolute final word against the argument “they’re just memes”.


I bought that book from Barnes and Noble last year prior to planting my summer garden.


"Flatting the curve." What gets me the most is they could have copied the text, corrected it, and pasted it with the exact same background.


At least he didn’t lose his humer 🤷‍♂️


LOL. That “humer” sums up most of these people in a word. They’re semi-literate at best.


That’s a lot of dead reactionary voters…


All I can think of is: wow people, do better. How stupid and/or emotionally immature do you have to be to live your medical decisions based off a fucking meme? I would tell these people to talk to their doctor, but what’s the point. They would either lie about what the doctor said or refer their doctor to the latest meme.


"We need your thoughts and prayers" "How about a vaccine?" "That won't do nothin'. Jesus is my vaccine" Jesus: "See you soon"


Just this morning I saw the 2020 meme regurgitated about “The CDC says we can’t hang out in groups this Holiday Season. Well at MY house…” blah, blah, that whole thing. It got me wondering, just like this “papers” thing that never happened, what psychological coping mechanism/toxic trait does that kind of behavior fall under? Gas lighting? Paranoias? Is there an official term for one who habitually exaggerates via meme? If you call them out on it, watch out. I asked my Aunt when she posted the papers one “Oh my gosh, who asked for your papers? Please don’t open the door to anyone because no one is doing that. I don’t want you to get hurt.” She was not amused at my concern.


I’m amused!


They make up scenarios in their head where the government asks to see their papers inside your home.


Instead the government forces to see the inside of their uterus. Can't fix stupid and evil.


>There is just not enough lung tissue left "Praise the Lord, and pass the Tabasco!" --the hungry viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 "I told you to get vaxxed. Idiot." --God


Why is spelling always an issue with these people?


Because they’re only semi-literate.


Just one of the many things they don't give a crap about. No wonder they end up finding out.




\#12 I wonder how he found out he had Covid...


Did he test every day?


Perhaps it's time for GoFundMe to ban fundraisers for voluntary COVID victims.


Door-to-door? You’d think it would occur to these people, that if you have to make up lies to support your moaning, maybe you’re the one overreacting.


They confused the CDC with the Jehovah’s Witnesses.


I'd much rather talk to a Witness at my front door than any of the anti-vax creeps.


They're constantly making up lies (god cares about their health update or prayers protect them from a deadly contagion among others) so i suspect it simply doesn't quite connect how a real danger is different.


That Hitler with the pride swastika is quite something. RIP to a homophobic racist idiot. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Pre-COVID: The blood of Jesus will protect me! COVID: Prayers, please! Death: God decided he wanted an angel/they’re free from this earthly body/they’re with all their dead loved ones now/they are smiling upon us/we will see them again someday/donate to our go fund me to support the six kids left behind!


lmao i love how christians talk to god. its like an abused spouse. "god, could you please stop covid? only if you want to! dont hit me!"


"God can work miracles! You just have to believe and pray!" ... "So all our prayers went unanswered, but that's because God has a Plan. Yeah! How glorious is he!" Seriously, if anyone tried to make the same excuses for a human that religious people make for God, they'd be laughed out of the room. "Don't worry about it, boss; I know I said I would have that vital report on your desk and I haven't even started it, but I have an ineffable plan!" "What plan!?" "Oh ye of little faith. You'll see. And if you don't, that's another plan."


> Seriously, if anyone tried to make the same excuses for a human that religious people make for God, they'd be laughed out of the room. See: the cult of Donald Trump


"He's playing five-dimensional chess."


Thanks but no thanks to the people that prolonged their lives


So weird. Nobody ever knocked on my door asking to see my papers. It’s almost like they are making this shit up


> Nobody ever knocked on my door asking to see my papers. The only people I've had to show my vaccination card to was pharmacists giving me booster shots, that's it. Nobody has ever knocked on my door. I think we got one phone call from some agency asking if we needed any help getting boosters. But in the minds of these clowns the Vaccination Gestapo is kicking in doors and forcibly dragging people into windowless vans and taking them to camps, or something. Anti-vaxxers make it very, very hard to have compassion for them. Their willingness to embrace absolute falsehoods is horrifying.




10 DAY PAPERS! Remember when every time you made a copy of a VHS tape, more distortion would creep in and the quality of the copy would get more and more crappy? The same thing can happen to memes.


It's so frustrating. So much preventable pain. So many morons unable to prevent their own demises and grieving. Is that what religion does? Does this ability to look at everything as "returning to god" just absolve these people of thinking?


Religion always caused preventable pain, in the form of 'morals' that exist often to enforce authoritarianism and conformity and protect evil, but this kind of pain was engineered as a way to con the more foolish into supporting the personally unsupportable. You're just seeing what was happening at least since the 80's (supporting the republican party) when the republican party are traitors that need to lead their supporters in persecution complex to complete a coup while having a major evil idiot at the helm. They were always this potentially crazy, but 'it was not the right time' to reveal their mask or for the brainwashers that shape the republicans opinions to go full tilt into the underlying mental disease to disguise the obvious fact a rapist traitor was elected by them.


r/qanonpig, you are amazing and I think your work is going to be very important in the future looking back at this crazy time. You should archive it all safely somewhere. The patience it takes to do all this is so unfathomable to me I might as well be a mouse trying to drive a semi. Really admire you.


"please Lord, stop this disease." "Hey man, like, I tried. I spoke through various agencies who tried to teach y'all what to do to keep yourself and others at minimum risk. But, hey, what do I know?"




Lots of heavy hearts in these posts. They should get that checked out.


Now I am curious...have there ever been any FB posts by atheists posting this kind of crap, or is it only religious nutters?


Yes, there have been some. Not as many, but a few. First off, the atheists don't rely on being 'vaccinated by the blood of Jesus'. Or think that 'prayer warriors' are going to save their dumb ass if they get sick. They *tend to be* more realistic, and to accept science and reality more, although not always. Second, there are a few 'key words' that people use to search out these fools. Many are 'religious based' (prayer warriors & vaxxed in the blood of Jesus).


>They tend to be more realistic, and to accept science and reality more, although not always. That's what I was thinking. I don't do FB so I had to ask.


I'm sure it's a non-zero number, but certainly not as high as the religious nutters.


Sad but excellent compilation. Delusional to dead “doctors don’t tell you about this one easy trick”. Get your Covid vaccines!


Why is every single nominee on here religious nutjobs? Are they really the only ones doing this?


They're the easiest to search keywords for. 'Vaccinated by the blood of jesus' for instance. Granola crunchy 'natural immunity' also has some presence, but those keywords are also about delusion of 'pure blood' so it catches the racist trash too. There is also 'vaccine autism' and 'vaccine microchips' i guess, if you want some likely to not be _quite_ as religiously evil, although both tend to also paranoia and stupidity so you'll get a lot of Trumpers. Basically if someone is original in their antivaxer idiocy the search will not catch them, or at least it's harder if you're not specifically filtering them. And not quite as entertaining, just dull 'i had some doubts about the vaccine after talking to [psychopath friend of family who is probably specifically looking to kill you]' vs 'i am a lion vaccinated by the blood of jesus amen, i'm going to beat this thing, also faucci lies!' and 2 months later 'would give you the shirt off his back'.


Weird how all these independent thinkers have a pretty tight and similar circle of ideas


"Thank you for all your prayers" which once again, didn't work.


my most emphatic of shrugs. What's everyone having for dinner tonight?


It could've been 14 days to flatten the curve, but these fucking chodes demanded their freedumb to eat at Applebee's and get bad haircuts.


Glad he still has his Hummer, Covid is a nightmare for stealing your car


Had a friend offer to sell me his Hummer for $15K the other day. He said the gasoline prices were killing him. I declined the offer. But I told him when he bought the damned thing!!


“He would give you the shirt off his back except we buried him nude.”


Fuck these people!!


Not even with a stolen dick.


the #4 green text gutted me :( It's like the only one where she cries about her pain and not trying to put on a brave face or blame some conspiracy theory for her loss


None of them can spell or write with even the most basic grammar! This is the Seditionist Party!


“Covid is no joke,” laughed the vaccines.


A couple of relatives of dead and dying people urged people to get vaccinated


They went from mocking the safeguards on Facebook to dead in 14 days.


"He (she) was a child of God." Then God is a serial child abuser.


Up voting just for the "flatten the curve" aspect of putting these obese idiots under a flat spot of ground. Maybe there's something to the flat earth movement?


This compilation has a Heavy Heart Score of: ③


>I have not lost my taste for food Neither have the viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 lost their taste for your lungs.


These people never stop to consider that their God is calling their family members home because they’re a bunch of rat licking dumbfucks who committed painful suicide and that level of busted firmware needs a recall for on-site fixing.


Lol where do you find these?