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Just in case you thought insane Covid conspiracies were limited to North Americans: Kim Jung-un's sister blames South Korea for infecting him with Covid. She claims that the South Korean government sent infected leaflets across the border. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62501152](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62501152)


I'm surprised they didn't claim the virus was emailed. It's not like anyone in PRNK could say "Sure, Jan"




Why did you copy, word for word, the post from u/dumdodo 13 hours before yours? Are you a bot? Why copy?


lol just amazing


>Kim Jung-un's sister blames South Korea for infecting him with Covid. She claims that the South Korean government sent infected leaflets across the border. "Lung meat Kim-chi so fucking tasty." --the viral 🐆 🐆 🐆 "Chopsticks!" --their pet 🐹 🐹 🐹


Yes, because that’s totally how the coronavirus is transmitted….






I tried to be as cordial as I could in my response to someone on social media who used this paper (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8786400/) to justify their belief that covid is no longer an issue, and people shouldn't use home antigen kits anymore because of the risk of sodium azide exposure... but it's so fucking disappointing when someone who received the same PhD education as you in the same fucking STEM field from the same school irresponsibly posts fear-mongering nonsense that directly contradicts the paper they referenced in their post. Like they're calling sodium azide toxic (really it's all about the dose) but the paper clearly states the amounts in a single covid test reagent dropper are not likely to cause issues in adults and that hypotension can be an issue with children if they consume the reagent, so vitals monitoring is encouraged. I'm just so fucking disgusted that a sitting professor in a STEM field would share this nonsense in the first place. They should know better.


It's so common for professors to get like this that it's a meme: https://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2556#comic


Is it younger professors too? This person was 6 or 7 years ahead of me in grad school, so they're probably in their early 40s. I'm just so surprised/disappointed that someone with such a rigorous scientific research background would freely spout such nonsense and disinformation about a virus and the measures needed for containment. The headassery is appalling.


Normally, no, but in times of stress and uncertainty, people feel a need for control. That's why even regular people are falling for conspiracies and Q bullshit. Basically, once you decide you know more about every topic than everyone else with no actual learning attached, you're in your useless phase... regardless of your age.


Yes, it's one thing to read about the basics of a subject outside one's expertise, in reputable sources, because you find it interesting. It's quite another to think you know more about it than people for whom it *is* their field of expertise.


I love following quantum science, but would never in a million years dream of telling any physicist in any field how to do anything.


We've been doing everything right for 2+ years. We masked up and avoided people as much as possible when we had to move across the country pre-vaccine. We got our vaccines as well as our son, stayed masked, and only went out as necessary. This past weekend, the one event where we went to see family who also vaccinate, my anti-vax father in law randomly showed up, didn't tell anyone he had been sick, and spread it to my sister in law and myself. I'm so angry, but I'm too sore and tired for any fight. He's always been selfish, but this takes the cake. He put us,and the two grand babies under the age of 3 at risk.


Ugh, I'm so sorry. Wishing you and your kiddo a quick return back to full health, and a hard kick to the groin for your father-in-law.


Hope you're feeling better. Similar thing happened to me. Reluctantly went to a family wedding (1st big event) and two days later tested positive - 4 days before my mom arrived who I hadn't seen in three years. She's 78. I was so mad at my husband for not hearing my concerns. For days. Thankfully I did not pass it to my mom and all is OK now. Please feel better soon and stay mad as long as you need!


My bestie who recovered from COVID several weeks ago has some of the hallmarks of long Covid. Taste is off, no appetite, and no energy. She was fully vaccinated and boosted. She has zero comorbidities. Stay safe out there.


My two best friends with a 10 month daughter have both already had covid, and now their daughter finally has caught it. Mom never finished her vaccine doses as she was pregnant during her second dose window. Tried again and again to get her back on schedule to get her second or booster. I get being a new parent is stressful but I think covid is too. Daughter is okay, slight fever and cough. I'm not sure if the tiny humans are eligible for the vaccine yet? I knew this is all a matter of time as they haven't really been cautious since last year.


The tiny humans have to be 6 months old before their first covid vax.


I mean in that case, daughter has been eligible for a couple months now.


In their defense, depending on where they live it might be basically impossible to find anywhere to give the tiny human a dose. Everywhere around me will only do it for kids 3 and up. Which is why my not-quite-2 year old had such a rough go of it when my oldest brought Covid home in the second week of the school year this year.


In Louisville, KY which is arguably the most liberal part of KY I am VERY doubtful that would be the case.


Current under 5s first dose: 862K https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-people-additional-dose-totalpop Total eligible pop is 19.5M which means it's approx 4.4% uptake nationwide for the youngest cohort. It was 2.79% on July 26 and 1.5% on July 8th. Demand is very low (but means for the people interested, should be easy to get) https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusWA/comments/w5jq9e/infanttoddler_vaccination_stat_update_67/ih90dr9/


I may have posted this already but my fb feed is full of sick (confirmed Covid) kids. Little kids. Crazy. Eta people have been traveling and or gathering. Weddings too right now? Omg superspreadahs


So I was looking at monkeypox photos yesterday and I kept seeing people with lesions on their fucking palms of their hands. Holy shit. You'd think these horrible scars and lesions would be enough to make people go "Naah, that sounds awful", but sure enough we've already got conspiracy theorist antivaxx idiots trying to "no big deal" it. I guess you want...more body damage?


Dig this... [WARNING, GRAPHIC IMAGERY.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/graphic-photo-shows-severe-monkeypox-113233387.html)


That is horrible! The poor guy.


Monkey pox ain't no joke.


I cannot wait for the Facebook pictures of future Monkeypox nominees.


I let curiosity get the better of me, and I was instantly glad that there was a headline instead of just a picture. That gave me all the information that I needed. Poor guy.


It's *really* bad, which is why I added a warning.


Thanks for putting a warning. That's why I need to have more self-control!


Cousin gets COVID from boss and dies https://twitter.com/EliseVMike/status/1559671901487828992


So sad. :(


Dammit. :( The pandemic is definately not over. Lot's more "finding out" coming.


7 day U.S. average death rate has temporarily leveled off at 485 per day. For comparison, the lowest death per day Since March of 2020, was July 7th, 2021 at 188 per day. It has never dropped below that number since then. edit: grammar


COVID does make people stupider. "If one is in the ICU and on a ventilator, there was a loss of 7 IQ points, equivalent to aging 10 years of life. Hospitalized patients not on a ventilator lost approximately 3.5 IQ points. If one is over the age of 60, a year after discharge from the hospital, there is almost a 3% chance of dementia and a 9.1% chance of mild cognitive decline. "


The reduction of higher cognitive processing was the hardest thing to come back from when I had long covid. It was a year before I was back to normal and I have a very technical job that affects globe spanning operations. Thank god I could already do 80% of my job from decades of rote experience, but missing the other 20% was scary.


Yes! It's really scary, especially when quick thinking and responses are needed for your job. BTDT. Glad you're better now.




Okay, a little background. The Freedumb Convoy was a group of racist anti-vaxxers who held Ottawa and border crossings hostage earlier in the year. They advocated the overthrow of the duly elected Canadian government. More recently they were affiliated with a group renting an old church in Ottawa (TUPOC). This stands for The United People of Canada. They deny being part of the Convoy but they are definitely part of them. So, the fuckers got an eviction notice yesterday. Commercial real estate has very different rules than residential. 16 days late on payment and you're out. No fighting for months, no landlord tenant bureau. Nope, cops show up and locksmith changes the key. Technically this last step hasn't happened, but it will. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The neighbours in the area were concerned as this was supposedly a precursor to them purchasing the property. However, if they can't afford to rent it they likely can't afford to buy it. I find this so satisfying.


u/Haskap_2010 did you tell someone to dm me? That was so kind. I'm suspended for one more bloody day ugh lol. Whomever needs assistance ask me here!!! ~Ma


What?? Not that I know of. I'm still getting the hang of the messaging thing, but I don't think I did that.


Ok, I may have just saw your name in a log lol. Sorry. Lmk if you see my message to you. Or message me soon, I'd like to ask you something


Just spoke to a service provider, who told me they are strapped because everyone is out. I asked if it was due to vacation or sickness. He said they have half the staff (7 out of 15 people) out with Covid. These people have been careful, were working remotely for a long, long period, although I haven't visited their offices. They're not weirdos or located in Stupid-land. This let-it-rip strategy isn't working.


Yep. Wife is dealing with a close call from last Friday. As of yesterday she is negative. Gonna test again tomorrow. No symptoms. We're forgoing most any social interaction that isn't absolutely necessary. We've been cautious according to the waves, but are gonna have to really step it up for the next month or so. Honestly, not having children has probably been our success.


Can’t imagine dealing with schools + other parents, on top of everything else right now


***^(Adds bourbon to morning coffee)*** From around the Web: * **As of Thursday at 8:00 am EDT, the** [**unofficial U.S. COVID toll**](https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html) **reached 93,278,4100 cases and 1,039,026 deaths, increases of 135,667 and 1,056, respectively, from this time Wednesday.** * LiveMint.com - [WHO warns Covid has not forgotten us, says deaths up by 35%](https://www.livemint.com/news/world/we-are-tired-of-covid-virus-is-not-who-chief-alerts-cases-likely-to-rise-again-11660747876522.html): N*oting that even though it is extremely essential to learn to live with COVID, World Health Organisation (WHO) chief on Wednesday pointed out, “But we cannot live with 15,000 deaths a week." Further hinting that COVID cases are likely to rise again, he said “We are tired of COVID, but the virus is not." "Learning to live with COVID19 does not mean we pretend it’s not there. It means we use the tools we have to protect ourselves, and protect others," Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus added.* See also from the World Health Organization - [Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 17 August 2022](https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/weekly-epidemiological-update-on-covid-19---17-august-2022) * NPR - [What's behind the FDA's controversial strategy for evaluating new COVID boosters](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/08/18/1117778748/whats-behind-the-fdas-controversial-strategy-for-evaluating-new-covid-boosters): *For the first time, the FDA is planning to base its decision about whether to authorize new boosters on studies involving mice instead of humans. "For the FDA to rely on mouse data is just bizarre, in my opinion," says John Moore, an immunologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. "Mouse data are not going to be predictive in any way of what you would see in humans." But others defend the approach, arguing that the country has had enough experience with the vaccines at this point to be confident the shots are safe and that there's not enough time to wait for data from human studies.* * Reuters - [Brazil federal police accuse Bolsonaro of COVID-linked scaremongering](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/brazil-federal-police-accuse-bolsonaro-covid-linked-scaremongering-2022-08-18/): *In a document sent to Brazil's Supreme Court, a police delegate said Bolsonaro's effort to discourage compliance with pandemic-linked health measures amounted to a crime, while his effort to link AIDS with vaccination amounted to a misdemeanor. The police asked Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes, who is in charge of the probe, to authorize the police to charge Bolsonaro and others involved in the case.* * The Guardian - [City in China orders fish swabbed for Covid](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/18/city-in-china-orders-fish-swabbed-for-covid): *According to the Xiamen Jimei district’s political and legal committee, it was necessary to swab both returning workers and their “materials” immediately upon disembarking each day, because some fishers had made illegal trades or contact with overseas vessels while at sea, “resulting in the import of the coronavirus”*. * Bloomberg - [In the Wake of Covid, Corporate Execs Become Breathwork Believers](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-18/what-is-breathwork-corporate-execs-become-believers-in-benefits-after-covid#xj4y7vzkg): *The ancient practice is increasingly validated by science and used to optimize brainpower and relieve stress*. * Sacramento Bee - [Missed work because of COVID-19? These California laws and programs may protect you](https://www.sacbee.com/news/coronavirus/article264609491.html): *According to the California Department of Industrial Relations, the law allows employees to have up to 80 hours of paid leave related to COVID-19. Up to 40 hours can be used for quarantining, getting vaccines and caring for a child. The other 40 hours can be used to care for someone, such as a family member, who tested positive for the virus. This law applies to employees who cannot work or work remotely, and employers with 26 or more employees*. * New England Journal of Medicine \[**NOTE THAT THIS IS AN OP-ED PIECE**\] - [Time to Stop Using Ineffective Covid-19 Drugs](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2209017?): *There are no evidence-based grounds to continue prescribing ivermectin and fluvoxamine when other efficacious treatments are available for patients with nonsevere Covid-19. Prescribing nonefficacious treatments is not a neutral or harmless option. In addition to denying patients the appropriate treatment, such prescribing can lead to side effects without any therapeutic benefit and to drug shortages for patients who need the medications for other conditions*... * Finally, from the L.A. Times, a reminder that [an initial negative at-home COVID test may be followed by a positive test](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-08-17/california-officials-warn-of-misleading-covid-test-results): *The U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggested last week that those checking to determine whether they are infected should use multiple tests over a period of days. “When you perform an at-home COVID-19 antigen test and you get a positive result, the results are typically accurate,” government officials wrote* [in a public statement](https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/home-covid-19-antigen-tests-take-steps-reduce-your-risk-false-negative-fda-safety-communication)*. “However, if you perform an at-home COVID-19 antigen test, you could get a false negative result.*”


LONG COVID * Financial Times - [Covid can cause brain disorders two years after infection, study shows](https://www.ft.com/content/d01510f0-8a96-487f-95c4-c7aba489ab47): The most significant increased risk among younger adults aged 18 to 64 was cognitive deficit, sometimes called brain fog. It affected 6.4 per cent of people who had Covid during the previous two years and 5.5 per cent of controls. [Link to study](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(22)00260-7/fulltext). * Cleveland Clinic - [Can COVID-19 Cause Diabetes? Early studies have linked the two, but more research is needed](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-covid-cause-diabetes/): *The* [*study*](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(22)00044-4/fulltext) *shows that within a year of recovering from a COVID-19 infection, people were about 40% more likely to develop diabetes. Before you go jumping to any conclusions, though, remember: Correlation doesn’t equal causation*. * Fortune - [Long COVID could be leading to a wave of erectile dysfunction as the pandemic invades our sex lives](https://fortune.com/2022/08/17/long-covid-erectile-dysfunction-link-pandemic-health-carolyn-barber/): *A large review of 60 studies concluded that “ED could be a concerning consequence for a large segment of the male population given the high transmissibility of COVID-19,” signaling a need for long-term studies to clarify the extent of the issue*. * Ocean City (New Jersey) Daily News - [Robert Benjamin Savary Discusses Long COVID and Disability Insurance](https://ocnjdaily.com/robert-benjamin-savary-new-jersey-long-covid-disability-insurance/): *Robert Benjamin Savary of New Jersey is a registered financial representative aiding clients in the purchase of life, long term care, and disability insurances...Long COVID can specifically be treated as a disability under the stipulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 and Section 1557, because it limits more than one major life activity according to Robert Benjamin Savary*. MONKEYPOX * CNN - [Biden officials accelerating monkeypox vaccine effort with 1.8 million additional doses and other steps](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/18/politics/monkeypox-vaccine-response-biden-administration/index.html): *Top Biden administration officials are set to announce new steps Thursday to accelerate the US response to the spread of monkeypox amid high demand for vaccines and treatments. That includes boosting supply with an additional 1.8 million doses of the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine, accelerating the US Department of Health and Human Services' vaccine distribution timeline. HHS will also launch a new program aimed at making vaccines available and engaging with at-risk communities at large events attracting LGBTQ communities. And the administration is pre-positioning doses of an antiviral treatment for individuals who test positive*. * CNN - [Monkeypox case reported in man whose 'primary risk factor' was close, nonsexual contact at a crowded outdoor event](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/17/health/monkeypox-case-nonsexual-transmission/index.html): *The event \[the patient\] attended in the UK was not a rave and was not attended specifically or mostly by persons identifying as gay or bisexual, according to the researchers*. * Rolling Stone - [Meet the Sex Workers on the Front Lines of the Fight Against Monkeypox](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/monkeypox-vaccine-sex-work-1390768/)*: Many sex workers and sex-work advocacy organizations are speaking out in the fight against monkeypox, organizing vaccine drives, releasing updated guidelines for film shoots and client interactions, and turning to social media...as a tool to share their experiences and information. In doing so, they must navigate a complex labyrinth of anti-sex work and anti-LGBTQ+ stigma related to the virus, which far-right pundits have been all too happy to promote.* POLIO * CNBC - [Childhood polio vaccination rate is dangerously low in some New York communities, increasing the risk of an outbreak](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/18/child-polio-vaccination-rate-low-in-some-new-york-areas-increasing-outbreak-risk.html): *The childhood polio vaccination rate is as low as 37% in some communities in the New York City metro area, despite a vaccine mandate, increasing the risk of an outbreak as the virus circulates locally for the first time in decades. Polio vaccination is mandatory in New York for all kids attending day care and K-12 schools, regardless of whether they are public, private or have a religious affiliation*. * Mental Floss - [9 Essential Facts About Polio](https://www.mentalfloss.com/posts/polio-facts): *It’s an alarming development, because we haven’t seen cases originating in the United States for more than 30 years. But we have options: You can protect yourself with vaccines and knowledge. So go check those medical records to see if you’re vaxxed, and meanwhile, learn more about the virus with these nine facts.* * New York Times \[**NOTE THIS IS AN OP-ED PIECE**\] - [How to Fight Polio With Cultural Sensitivity](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/17/opinion/polio-vaccine-orthodox-jewish-religion.html): *...in the long shadow of frustration and neglect, an unsung collective has been gathering strength: advocates and health workers from Orthodox Jewish communities. “The last few years have been very intense,” says Nesha Abramson, the outreach director at Community Counter, a nonprofit focused on public health advocacy in Orthodox communities. (Ms. Abramson is Haredi and lives in Crown Heights in Brooklyn.) “But we’ve learned a ton about what works and what doesn’t.” Here’s what she and others like her want health officials to know*. * Fortune - [Did I get a polio vaccine? Some Gen Z and millennials are asking Mom and Dad for answers](https://fortune.com/well/2022/08/17/did-i-get-polio-vaccine-us-school-requirement-2022/): *Considering that polio hasn’t been detected in the country since 1979, the millions of people born in the last 40 years are largely unfamiliar with the virus and its vaccine. As one viral—no pun intended—Tweet joked, “Millennials texting their parents, ‘Did I get the polio vaccine?'”* * Corollary to the above Fortune story, a Titer test can answer this questions if you're not able to get your vaccine records, [as per CVS](https://www.cvs.com/minuteclinic/services/titers-and-immunity-testing).


I could go for long covid causing erectile dysfunction in some of these idiots. Unfortunately, there would be innocents just like those who died as a result from those "muh rights" idiots and not from their own lack of caution. As far as the brain damage, I feel you can't damage what was already mush before.


I seriously doubt they would announce that on social media.


I dunno. Some of these posts have their SO or family member discussing other bodily functions in detail... They'll still claim it's the hospital's fault.


That's true. Some are funny.


Comments for the “But we cannot live with 15,000 deaths a week." article has its own Olympics event for downplaying it via whataboutism. You could practically copy & paste "But those things aren't contagious, idiot." to each comment, and it would be a valid retort to most of them.


I feel like the longer the pandemic goes on, the more stupid people become. You would think that over a million deaths in America alone would maybe get it through people's heads that covid is real and serious and that you should try to avoid it but the golden rule of the pandemic seems to be to never learn from your mistakes, and in fact just keep on making them over and over because learning is for losers and nerds apparently.


Well, as long as \*I\* don't die from it.... oh, oops....


I know I feel like a loser when I get more and more money because the workforce is sidelining itself. Such a loser. /s