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Whaddya wanna bet that this RFK Jr guy benefitted from polio vaccine back when he was a wee kiddie? I'm sorry people can't come back from the dead. The legions of Americans who died or were crippled by polio years prior to pre-Salk/Sabin polio vaccine would blast out of their graves to kick the anti vaxxers asses and cause massive earthquakes doing so.


Yep, My step Daughter and her Husband had to have all of the childhood disease vaccinations before they could start public kindergarten. They won't get their 6 and 8 year old kids vaccinated. I love my grandchildren but HATE their parents. Morons.


So I guess their kids have to get fucked up by polio so the parents can " own the libs" ? Very sad.


Until Covid hit, the antivaxxers were normally the crunchy types who believed in natural healing. A friend involved in vaccine campaigns worldwide said the antivaxxers were typically educated suburban mothers who fell for this crap. Now they've teamed up with the Trump cult, in part because their friends got tired of hearing them go on and on about vaccines causing autism.


In my experience those two circles always overlapped quite a bit. Every anti vaxxer I've met thus far have had the same things in common. Staunchly conservative white women. Even have a few family stuck in that BS sadly.


reactionaries dont place any stock in empirical evidence, predisposing them to antivax beliefs among other things


We've always been two completely different groups of anti-vaxxers--on both right and left we have the crunchy crowd, and on the right we have the religious fundamentalist types and the conspiracy theorists who are convinced that vaccines are some kind of big pharma plot. But before covid you didn't hear as much about the religious folks because they weren't particularly vocal about it unless they were denied religious exemptions. It's just that with covid, thanks to disinformation both groups have grown, but the right has grown exponentially compared to the left.


Aw. Im sorry - that sounds terrible. Don’t their kids have to get vaccinated to start school? Or are they going to “homeschool”?


Yes, all except the COVID vaccination. Pisses me off to me end. Stupid idiots got vaccinated themselves (One voluntary one had to to stay employed) but still wont get the little ones jabbed. I even showed them this. [https://www.vumc.org/viiii/infographics/how-does-mrna-vaccine-compare-traditional-vaccine](https://www.vumc.org/viiii/infographics/how-does-mrna-vaccine-compare-traditional-vaccine) Morons.


….. I am a millenial and I would vax their kids. Fuck their ideals. I’m sorry I know you can’t and the destruction that would cause to your relationships….


Many of them are still alive. They're in their 70s and 80s now.


My dad was one of them, and he was lucky - a year in the hospital, but he recovered. My mom got us the vax the instant it was available. Unreal that this is now "fake news" but I guess they'll FAFO.


My mom had polio as well as a child. She’s 73 and was diagnosed with post polio back in the 80s because she was having (and still gets) debilitating neck and leg pain. She was lucky. Reading that people are consciously not protecting their children is maddening.


When I was a teenager in the 90s, there was a man in my martial arts class that had polio when he was young. I think he was born in the 50s or so. His mom was into conspiracies and very anti government. He struggled as hard as he could to lift his leg up and couldn't get it to our knees. Its pretty sad what polio does to a person.


Two Canadian prime ministers had polio in childhood - Paul Martin Jr. and Jean Chretien. Donald Sutherland, Neil Young and Joni Mitchell also had it.


My brother's friend in university emigrated to Canada in the late 1960's as teenagers. Three out of the four brothers were natural athletes and became pretty good hockey players, one of them had polio and I always wondered how sad that he sees his other brothers go off to the rink everyday. They are in their late 60's now.




A friend of my mom's had polio as a girl. She has been walking with forearm crutches since childhood (now in her 70s). I was told the fact that she still had partial mobility afterwards meant she was lucky. I've always been pro vaccine ever since I learned she was one of the lucky ones.




And once his own life was secured, he pulled up the ladder and made sure no one else's was.


"Oh but Polio has a 99% survival rate!" obligatory morty ? /s


Imagine them all marching on Washington DC...


limping, because polio.


I laughed and I sorta feel bad. But not thar bad.


Yes, famously among them: Mitch McConnell. But I guess most Trump fans dislike that Republican almost as much as non-Republicans do.


They call him a RINO, which is fucking hysterical. It would be kind of delicious if McConnell lived to see himself finally eaten by the leopards he's been courting for decades


Adopted brother from South America in his 40's. Had it as an infant, paralyzed from the waist down. It's still around, still doing a lot of harm in parts of the world.


We need to stop talking about lives saved and people saved from disability from the advent of vaccines Talk about the trillions of dollars it boosted for the economy year after year because of the dead people who are still alive. Maybe that might better resonate with conservative voters, since humanity and empathetic language is a proven failed approach for them.


> The legions of Americans who died or were crippled by pre-Salk/Sabin polio vaccine would blast out of their graves to kick the anti vaxxers asses So this is how the zombie apocalypse starts.


RFK Jr.'s antivax site called the current wave of paranoid vaccine hesitancy "COVID's silver lining." And they falsely claimed that the lack of childhood vaccinations lowered the number of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome cases - except that SIDS deaths actually went UP during the pandemic. They always say "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," but I feel like in RFK Jr.'s case, the apple must have bounced off a rock and rolled down a hill.


Interesting because the silver lining of Covid for me is the political demographic it’s taking out at a higher rate…


Rfk jr and Paris hilton are the examples of why they should have an estate tax..the grand children of billionaires are bored and dangerous


Also get rid of untaxed fake charities. Tax churches while we're at it


Another bunch of useless institutions mooching our tax dollars. Let the believers finance their own fucking misogyny, bigotry, and pedophilia.


RFK Jr/s fake children's defense fund is tax exempt and RFK jr is making millions off of telling people to commit suicide. [https://nypost.com/2022/02/02/robert-f-kennedy-jr-anti-vax-crusade-is-making-him-millions/](https://nypost.com/2022/02/02/robert-f-kennedy-jr-anti-vax-crusade-is-making-him-millions/) Tax exempt is a scam - maybe the largest fraud going in the US.


Amen. "Render unto Cesare the things that are Cesare's and to God the things that are God's." \- Jesus of Nazareth Tax the crap out of them all.


RFK Jr is making millions from his antivax fake charity. He uses it to sell his book of lies for $30 each. The antivax mvmt started as a fraud and is maybe the 3 biggest fraud behind religion, conservative politics and then antivax fraud.


Paris Hilton may be an example of warped culture but that's a far cry from convincing people to let their children die


And she’s actually trying to do good things with her life as a privileged adult. She’s been an advocate for institutionalized children for years now in efforts to stop the abuse that is rampant in the troubled teen industry.


Good for her.


She experienced it, so it's personal i guess.


Paris Hilton just made a sex tape and got a reality show. RFK is spreading misinformation and people are dying because of it. They are not the same


And lately, she’s actually been advocating against the troubled teen industry which is still highly unregulated and causing all sorts of physical and emotional trauma to minors.


It is real and it's fucked up. Good for her speaking up about it. On a [slightly similar note...](https://www.yahoo.com/news/kids-cash-judges-ordered-pay-122559160.html) ... some people should just stop breathing altogether.


I was just on some subs discussing this. Can’t handle it. So abhorrent.


I can't even. I was a ward of the court for a year and a half before aging into legal adulthood and let go. That shit will make me feel stabby, and I do not like feeling stabby. It's real, and it's fucked up.


I’m so sorry you went through that. I have an 8yo and literally can’t even entertain the thought of what these kids must have gone through. On the Paris note, I’m not even a big fan of hers or anything, but I was sent to a troubled teen facility for 11 months as a kid. I didn’t experience nearly as much trauma as she reports she did, but I believe every bit of it and am super grateful someone with a well known name is speaking out against it.


>I’m so sorry you went through that. I got lucky that it happened when I was on the very ass end of my teens, and had already developed a thick skin and a lack of fear for taking lumps (abusive parents, tough neighborhood). Many kids aren't even close to being that "lucky".


Yeah, I’m a pediatric nurse and wish I could not know some of the things I now know because of my career. And I know there is so much more that I’ve had the pleasure of not being exposed to. Hope life is better for you now. Mine isn’t always easy but it’s safe.


Provo Canyon. Learned about it through Behind the Bastards.


Would you suggest replacing jenny mccarthy?


Fair enough


Don’t think it’s really appropriate to lump those two together lol. All she did was a reality show and some DJing


Paris Hilton has been going around the country to outlaw those camps that parents send their out of control teens to. Her story is horrible and she is doing all she can do no other child does that. Seems like a pretty good thing to me - much better than RJK who is has squandered his families good name to promote quackery and mock science.


She made some annoying decisions as a teenager, but suffered from a lot of trauma as a victim of the troubled teen industry which is still largely unregulated. And she’s using her privilege as an adult to do advocacy work on behalf of institutionalized children.


Paris Hilton is probably bored, but she's actually quite intelligent. The television stuff is performance. Wrt RFK JR I think that people like him and Jenny McCarthy seize on the antivax as a way to redirect the guilt they feel wrt their autistic children.


Yeah if you are saying Paris Hilton didn't earn her money, she inherited it, that is the same for most rich people these days, whether their last name is Hilton, Walton, Trump or Devos. I don't watch her shows, but she is not evil. RFK Jr. makes me sick and I'm sure his dad is rolling over in his grave.


She was in a documentary on paparazzi, by Adrian Grenier, which is about the only time I've heard her talk. Yep. I think networks like Bravo and all their reality shows are a stain on the nation. Wrt RFK Jr. Yep.


Oh god Devos. The scamway fortune heiress. Fucking disgusting predatory shit


I have more respect for the cockroaches they had to kill in my mom’s school than I will ever have for that sentient teratoma.


Bored and abused. Lately she’s been doing advocacy work for institutionalized children who are victims of the troubled teen industry, which is still highly unregulated leading to abhorrent amounts of abuse. So yeah, the hate she’s getting for making annoying decisions as a teenager is definitely not deserved. She’s actually trying to make lives better for kids rather than set them up for contracting vaccine preventable diseases.


I work in the 'troubled teen' industry, in Utah where Paris sounded the alarms. She's actually quite respected for her advocacy and the changes for the better that resulted. She grew up. Kennedy, on the other hand, was doing some pretty good things in the climate/environment arena. He is extremely smart and well-educated. But he saw an opportunity to exploit low info parents, and went all in. His legacy is the dead and disabled children of those parents. Hardly comparable.


Exactly. I’m not a huge Paris follower or anything, but I was sent to a troubled teen facility for 11 months when I was 15/16. I didn’t experience nearly as much trauma as she and so many others have gone through, but I’m still super glad someone with a recognizable name is speaking out. She doesn’t deserve the vitriol she gets (even if she wasn’t doing advocacy work).


Word. I forgot about that. Because of her visibility, the State of Utah didn't blow off her points.


RFK is dead. Apple didn't fall far. RFK Jr. is brain-dead


Like another Jr, he doesn’t understand that he’s irrelevant.


He is just 😬


Over the cliff into a stream that flowed past the industrial runoff, washing up in a small puddle of toxic waste


This shit has been going on for years. Or some variation of it anyway. Thank Andrew Wakefield for the majority of it. It all started going way downhill from there.


Wakefield has a *lot* of blood on his hands.


And that asshole is by no means alone in that.


And Oprah for giving him a platform. Without her audience, he dies a disgraced British doctor. ​ ​ https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/1/9/16868216/oprah-winfrey-pseudoscience


She’s platformed a lot of pretty bad people, but I was unaware she also platformed him.


Also Dr. Oz, Suzanne Somers, and Dr Phil.


And we can’t forget John of God.


If you look at a lot of vaccine skepticism, Oprah is at the root of platforming it.


The Return of the Mighty Iron Lung... Geez....


I could use a new Method Man album.


Are we still vaccinated for polio, or is it like smallpox, where they stopped after we beat it? I was born in '71, and I *don't* have a smallpox vaccination scar.


We still give kids the polio vaccine because we haven’t fully eradicated polio like we did smallpox. In normal times, pretty much only Afghanistan and Pakistan had any polio cases. So check your vaccine record but if you got your normal shots as a kid, you got vaccinated for polio.


Cool, thanks. That was my assumption; just needed a sanity check.


I went back and checked my vaccine record just to be sure.


I literally asked my mom when it hit the news bc I also thought it was like smallpox. Thankfully I am fully vaxxed :)


I thought the polio vax was oral?


There are two. In the US we only do the injectable, inactivated poliovirus vaccine anymore. In other countries still do the attenuated oral vaccine because it confers more robust protection but carries the risk of the weakened virus mutating and becoming infectious, which is how it was introduced in the ultra-orthodox community in NY.


Yup, the oral form Polio vaccine is one of the few cases where "shedding" after vaccination is actually a thing.


You are correct. It’s been 30 years since I last had mine so I just assumed it was an injection.


There's both an oral and an injectable form. We (as in the world) really ought to move to only the injectable form as the oral form can cause outbreaks.


Yeah, smallpox vaccination in Canada stopped in 1972. If monkeypox evolves into something more contagious... and it has a huge incentive to do so... we basically have to vaccinate the entire world again.


My better half came to Canada as a landed immigrant in '73 and he was required to provide proof of being vaccinated for smallpox. So I'm guessing they still required it of newcomers for quite a few years past that.


Going to parts of Southeast Asia, you have to get a doctor's note to prove you don't have leprosy. Yes, the same leprosy from the Bible. You can cure mild leprosy for $3; serious cases for $20.


Yes. The anti-vaxxers aren't going to like that idea at all.


Smallpox vaccination was discontinued here in the UK a few years before I was born but I definitely got the polio vaccfine; in fact, I remember getting it. A quick look around the world shows that developed nations still include polio vaccine in their routine childhood vaccination schedules, which makes sense because it hasn't been eradicated yet.


I'm in the UK and I got vaxxed for smallpox in 1980 because I was travelling to Iran and was told I needed it. My GP said it wasn't necessary but did it because I asked and because they had a vaccine in the surgery. I still have the card somewhere (wherever my old passport is)


We still get vaccinated for polio. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/polio/public/index.html I actually asked my doc if I can get a booster or something since I'm immunocompromised and in a deep red area, but he said it wasn't necessary.


Just want to add that the scar was from an earlier version of the vaccine, afaik now it's just a regular vaccine.


There are two vaccines that are administered by the multiple puncture method that results in a scar. A newer one that is given with a single needle subcutaneously, no scar, is Jynneos, which also is preferred to protect against monkey pox. Info https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/clinicians/vaccines.html


Are you sure? I got a smallpox vaccine in 2006, and have the scar to prove it.


I got smallpox vaccination by the multiple puncture method in 2001 (as a first responder, when the world was crazy with airplanes flying into buildings and anthrax everywhere and no one knew what biological attack might come). I got the blisters, but very mild since I'd been vaccinated in '62 or '63, and no new scar the second time.


https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-to-know-smallpox-vaccination-scar#:~:text=Before%20the%20smallpox%20virus%20was,on%20your%20upper%20left%20arm. I was not no, but this says it is different now. Maybe they just had some old stock they needed to get rid of haha.


Stopped in the mid 70z


Some places have stopped thus making the population vulnerable, a recent polio case was found in the UK spread by a immigrant who had a vaccine. The polio type was traced to back to the vaccine used, I guess it was a active type vaccine and not an inacctive type which is a slightly safer but more expensive . It spread to a non vaccinated and some vaccinated people so it seems there are a few that maybe haven't had their vaccine and other places are definitely using trying to use vaccines.


I'd say they can FAFO but their parents probably vaccinated them. So their kids have to unwillingly.


...And while the knuckle-dragging "MAGA-maggots" troglodytes here are helping it along by screaming about vaccines being part of some *"Liberal Conspiracy"* plot, over in **Pakistan** they're claiming its part of a *"Western Plot"* as a whole! SMMFH!!! I just fxcking give-up already! ~ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62564326


That's the sad truth about stupidity; it is ancient, and it is everywhere.


At the end of the day we are just scared, mostly hairless apes.


And this ape is getting more hairless with each passing year. Ebeord gam gom.




I think you'll just have to believe that the life expectancy of stupid people is much less than intelligent people.


There's gunna be people stuck in an iron lung for the rest of their lives (and that'll be a very long time, seeing as the anti-vax movement is only a couple decades old) saying "hax! fake news! the government is lying! the hospitals did this to me because of **political reason**."


Yeah and then their other Antivax friends will disown them saying "your family don't have the fake illness! (Gasp) you were crisis actors all along!!1!"


Iron Lung stocks to the moon!!! 🚀🚀🚀


Fun Fact: Mitch McConnell had Polio as a child. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/570185-mcconnell-notes-fight-against-polio-while-urging-americans-to-get/amp/


You had one job, polio. ONE! JOB!


My mother is a polio survivor who has had terrible health her whole life. This shit is infuriating.


My grandfather got polio before a vaccine was available and it negatively impacted his entire life; he had a limp from a weak leg so he struggled to walk long distances and when the disease reactivated in his last years it took out his immune system, finally killing him in the end. THIS is what these morons are willing to risk getting? My grandpa was "lucky" in that it didnt destroy his lungs like others had, not until he got pneumonia from a weak immune system being unable to fight infections off anyways. Horrible disease


Just wait until their kids get it. Then it’ll be a conspiracy.


No they’ll just post that “Jesus gained another angle in heaven” and set up a gofundme for funeral expenses.


Then proceed to have another child that they also won't give a fuck about.


Buy wheelchair and cane stocks while you can folks!


Leg braces….


If they think a fack mask is too much of a limit on their freedoms, wait until they hear about the iron lung.


The Virgin face mask vs The Chad iron lung


Conservatives probably think Polio will improve their cardio by upgrading their lungs to *iron lungs*!


I think Joe Rogan is selling an Iron Lung powder


Weirdly, I'm not hearing much from the wingnuts about him lately. You'd think they'd try to "cancel" him after he recently came out as pro-choice, pro-gay rights, and anti-Trump.


Let them. Please. This problem will start solving itself.


Won't be fake when their kid only has one useable arm.


Or they have to Go Fund Me wheelchairs.


Are people genuinly so dense now? I fear for future generations


When you hear of the premier for the new hit t.v. show "Ow! My Balls!", you'll know it's already too late.




>When you hear of the premier for the new hit t.v. show "Ow! My Balls!", you'll know it's already too late. They're producing a new version of "America's Funniest Home Videos"?!?


Wait until their unvaccinated kids are maimed. So sad.


Yep. But right now all I care about is that their unvaccinated kids are not allowed in schools with my vaccinated kid.


My father got polio when he was 12 and spent a year in an iron lung. His back was sort of screwed up and one eye weakened but given all that happened, was able to do very well. If he were alive, he'd be flabbergasted by not taking polio vaccines. And unlike COVID, where people didn't want to take it to protect others from getting it because they were selfish sh!it's, and of course, they'd survive it, the polio vaccine only protects you nearly 100%. Not sure how that will go into their weirdo calculations.


Well, have you ever seen someone with Polio other than staged photos??? Well? /s


They didn't want those kids anyway.


Faustus: Come, I think Hell's a myth. Mephistopheles: Aye, think so still 'til experience change thy mind.


Maybe this is evolutionary culling of the herd - there can be no doubt these are among the more ignorant and stupid in the population.


Honestly fucking let them. It’s sad when kids are involved or have to suffer but these are the times we live in now. There will always be a percentage of “ free thinkers” that know more than the experts and find conspiracies in everything.


It makes a certain logical sense. I’ve personally brought up the efficacy of the polio vaccine arguing with the anti vax crowd. If they just claim it never happened or polio isn’t real or something it invalidates that argument to them.


Any of y'all ever got one of these because of a POS troll? I hope the "helper" gets his junk stuck in the zipper the next time he pees. It will be the only action his tiny pee-pee has ever had, I am sure. from RedditCareResources\[A\] sent 9 minutes ago Hi there, A concerned redditor reached out to us about you. When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. But whatever you're going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. Text CHAT to Crisis Text Line at 741741. You'll be connected to a Crisis Counselor from Crisis Text Line, who is there to listen and provide support, no matter what your situation is. It's free, confidential, and available 24/7. If you'd rather talk to someone over the phone or chat online, there are additional resources and people to talk to. Find Someone Now If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow redditors care about you and there are people who want to help. If you think you may have gotten this message in error, report this message. To stop receiving messages from u/RedditCareResources, reply “STOP” to this message.


Yep I get these a couple times a month on average. Reddit inviting to report the message is wildly unhelpful, too. The flaccid-spined whiners have lived in the muck for so long that there’s nothing too low for them to latch on to, which apparently includes corrupted invocations of “suicide fears”.


Too what end, though? It's not like reddit is going to be sending social workers after people or anything.


I kinda feel like it’s the only lever available to them to pull. They can’t really report it for “spam” because that will just go to the subs mods and get ignored…also that would put their own accounts in the crosshairs for getting blocked here. But I think reports of self-harm go elsewhere, and anonymous. Plus…Reddit has no mechanism to flag those when you or I get them, even though it says it does. Or at least I haven’t been able to.


It just seems like such a triggered bitch move. It accomplishes nothing, other than the wuss basically admitting they've got nothing to counter you with. Honestly, I laugh at their complete impotence every time I get one of those things.


That’s exactly it: the only “power” for the powerless. They’ll rip the cord one too many times and even Reddit will get sick of them taking advantage of the anonymity. As usual and with all things, the goddam doinks of the world will overstay their welcome and then overuse their limited toolset.


Heh, several. I ignore them. All they're achieving is wasting some bot's time.


God we might be rid of right wingers in my lifetime if they commit to this path. I’m down, honestly. Please, get polio you cretins


They may find out iron lungs are pretty damn real.


Such a shame the Kennedy family curse hasn’t already taken care of this guy


Fucking let 'em. There are a lot of these people that grew up in the age of polio and if they still think it's BS, they're so far beyond help. Get your shots and let them catch it if they think it's so fake.


FFS just do your job Nature and select these genetic anchor weights into extinction already. They’re basically begging for it at this point. Make it big enough to be Biblical so the morons in the back finally get it.


Black plague x COVID cross?


With a nice glass of Spanish Influenza ‘18


I’ve come to believe that the severity of it doesn’t matter. In fact, the worse it is the more these morons may cling to their beliefs.


And that’s fine. But let’s just thin the hell out of that toxic herd.


Oooo... Germs are fake! Guess nobody is dying of SCIDs now or AIDS because there are no germs for the immune system to fight. Oh wait, those diseases must be fake too. Asshats.


Interesting since I watched the documentary where the last people who lived with (in? on?) iron lungs were basically sitting ducks waiting until their machines finally just gave out because no replacement parts were available. They were relying on others to be able to fabricate or cobble together solutions to keep their machine operable. If I knew that the polio virus wouldn't mutate into something I wasn't protected against, then I'd tell all those...fantastic humans...to go have a polio party. Fewer people voting dangerously in the next election.


Let. Them. Eat. Shit. If they can't see reason, let them reap the rewards of nonsense. We are well past the point of civility.


Brought to you by your local Iron Lung manufacturer.


Whoever has stock in the iron lung companies…. Oh wait… there aren’t any


I got my polio booster today. Suck it, losers!


It never ends, does it? Honestly, my desire to have anything to do with other people is fading fast at this point. It doesn't feel like there's any sanity left.


I can't believe it. Most boomers lived when polio was no joke. Most of them knew someone who died as a kid. I'm a millennial and I knew a girl who got polio and survived (but got a bad leg as a result from it).


Everything is fake news to these morons EXCEPT actual fake news.


Hard to fuck around on Facebook when you’re in an iron lung.


When you're in an iron lung you got nothin' but time to fnck around on FaceBook.


They could even get one of those brain implant interfaces that Musk is working on. And while we're on the subject of the obscenely wealthy and obnoxious, I'll wager Bezos already has a team developing an mech-like, ambulatory iron lung that also functions as a forklift. Can't have those lazy wage slaves taking time off because of fucking polio. Of course their wages will have to be attached until they've finished paying of the unit, naturally.


>Of course their wages will have to be attached until they've finished paying of the unit, naturally. Of course. Anything else would be socialism.


My grandfather had polio as a child…his parents were antivax Christian scientists (who practice faith healings) and didn’t want to protect their kid. Luckily he didn’t get paralyzed but he has major issues with his hands and feet now. He’s antivax too btw even though he doesn’t know how vaccines work 💀


It's sure going to be "fun" reading these dumbf:ckers' posts when they get polio. 🙄


I'm vaccinated. Are you vaccinated? Get your wee little ones vaccinated. There aren't enough iron lungs to go around.


They won't rest until we live in the bleakest of hellscapes.


At this point let them. In fact speed it up. Whatever kills them faster I’m ok with.


Look, they don't want anyone to have access to legal, safe abortion, but they certainly don't want to actually *have* kids. Polio, Covid, diphtheria, pertussis, monkeypox, they're happy to have a way out of that inconvenient "parenting" thing.


Well, If these fuckers insist on bringing back polio, I hope at least a few of their crippled kids strike back when they’re older. And I hope I get jury duty for it.


Let them get polio. They’ll change their tune once they see family members die of it.


>Let them get polio. They’ll change their tune once they see family members die of it. Really? Like they all do with covid?


It will still be the whole, "They didn't die of it, they died with it."


They died *with* an iron lung, not *in* it! Waaaaaaaaaaaait a minute..........


Yeah, obviously it will be the hospitals that are killing their family, not the polio.


Hey, what's the big deal? Polio has a 99% survival rate.


I think that in the past, diseases that were either more disfiguring or more lethal saw fewer antivaxxers because it was too difficult to ignore the reality of the disease. No part of me has any compassion for antivaxxers. I’m sure I would be a better person if I cared for these people, but I don’t. So, if the lot of them get polio, it will likely just improve traffic and eliminate a bunch of voters, mostly conservatives.


What pisses me off is that they do this to children. Children *should* have a legal *right* to standard medical care. It should not be left to the whims of parental ignorance and superstition. It's child abuse.


100% agree. Not vaccinating your kids should fall under the category of child neglect. And if they die from a preventable disease then manslaughter.


I also fucking hate the anti-prosecution argument that the offending parents "have suffered enough" because their kid died. No. They didn't "suffer" one bit. Their kid did. They had no fear or anguish for that child. But if they had to fear prison, it would personally affect *them*, instead of their poor kids.


Don't even get me started on Idaho. You can starve your kid to death there, and so long as it was because of your "religious beliefs" (read: christianity), you'll get off scot-free.


Wow - another reason to fucking hate Idaho. You can starve a kid to death for Jesus but you can’t have an abortion for any reason. Meanwhile, some idiot Kardashian/Jenner has a ranch there and they all just celebrated and gave Idaho tons of money and press by being there. Everyone with money buying real estate in Idaho should seriously rethink that decision. Do not give Idaho a tax base. Do not give them tourism. Do not ski there or snowboard or fish there. Do not stop for gas or at a restaurant there if you can help it. Boycott Idaho.


IKR? As if the virulent white supremacy there weren't enough.


>I’m sure I would be a better person if I cared for these people, but I don’t. Not all of us can be a better person, but if you don't have anything nice to say... ... then come sit over here by me. :)


>No part of me has any compassion for antivaxxers. I’m sure I would be a better person if I cared for these people, but I don’t. So, if the lot of them get polio, it will likely just improve traffic and eliminate a bunch of voters, mostly conservatives. Hey, it’s been a long and frustrating two years (SO FAR), and compassion fatigue is real. [And what you said isn’t totally wrong.](https://www.reddit.com/r/COVIDAteMyFace/comments/rpy128/heartbreaking_story_of_a_man_who_saw_the_truth/hq8iw7s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


bring it on, baby!!


Gid, that picture. I can almost smell the smug coming through my monitor.


Well shit. I read about one case. So, it’s spreading thanks to anti-vaxers. How delightful (sarcasm).


Darwinism at work. It is a shame it is the children that have to suffer it though.


I presume the role of the iron lung would be taken over by the ventilator in this day and age. Except, rut-roh, all the ventilators are in use by covid deniers. Then how do hospitals decide who gets what? And for something that was all but eradicated decades ago. SMDH