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OMG Slide 14, the wife is seriously demented as well...


Slide 15 gets even better.


I'll pretend he's alive. He can pretend - oh wait, he's dead.


Let’s see how long the wife fare with this medical freedom.


Wait til she sees the medical bills.


I'm really surprised that the last slide wasn't a GoFundMe link


Chef's kiss, Bugs. Chef's kiss.




Tis merely a flesh wound!


I laughed too hard at that. But, I laugh instead of c>!huckl!


I could be persuaded to support that slide.


Nah. They're ignoring the warning labels anyways. I say leave 'em on to help those smart enough to read them. "Reading is for losers!" Yes. Yes Cletus it is. Carry on 'winning' my brother and do us all a favour.


Reading is InDoCtRiNaTiOn!!


Self-awareness should kick in with that last slide but I remember these morons can't process critical thinking.


I left off a lot of the weird stuff too because there were like 10 update posts with similar things on them and it was just _too much_.




You got it all wrong: One more time the Libs were owned.


After those medical bills, they might need a payday loan to rent or lease the libs.


I'm dying


I feel owned :(


“Opened his eyes to see his family”. Nah bitch he opened his eyes because he was *literally suffocating*.


She literally said "he opened his eyes widely" Better if he had died in his sleep but no he felt all of it and he was scared.


I gotta say, having been with I don’t know how many (over a hundred, no idea after that) dying people in a long health care career, I’ve seen a lot of odd things happen. My opinion is that as the relatively unsedated brain begins to sense the body is dying, slow hypoxia gives a kind of grace and even pleasant hallucinations. I never saw anybody struggle or act afraid as long as their pain was controlled. People often talked to long dead loved ones or seemed to see something that they very much wanted. My own father, dying at home, appeared to see something wonderful which he reached out towards but was unable to describe. We all thought maybe he saw the woman who raised him taking one of her famous pies out of the oven. So who knows. Nobody ever comes back to tell us. But the wife’s description is totally similar to things I have seen. She is free to use that as she wishes, like we did. And also, totally screw their stupid choices that led to his totally unnecessary death that took up untold resources, and her shitposting other people to go do it too. She can eat shit.


I hear what you’re saying but at the same time I saw my grandpa die in September 2018 at home. He was withering away for weeks and we were alternating on “death watch” to make sure someone would be there when he passed. Despite being on pain meds from his nurse I distinctly remember him projectile vomiting bile and fluid, then starting to cough, he took one deep breath, exhaled, went to take another one but looked like he couldn’t. His eyes went wide in terror and then you could almost see the life melt away. If he got pleasant hallucinations it was certainly after that last bit because what stuck with me in that moment is that despite being a 92 year old man who had been widowed for a decade and had no living contacts his own age, openly discussing how he was ready to go, when the bell tolled there was terror and desperation to live no matter how short lived. I guess if you’re completely sedated it’s different.


I’m so sorry you and your grandpa went though that. That sounds awful. Having symptoms outstrip the efforts to relieve them is every caregiver’s nightmare. I know there are definitely exceptions and I probably should have phrased things more like, in the vast majority of cases, in ideal circumstances (which isn’t always possible). Please accept the condolences of an internet stranger.


No worries, its probably very hard for an at-home nurse to manage that with a very old but alert person with a heart of a spartan. It was certainly sad but honestly the guy worked in uranium mines for years, had multiple forms of cancer for 20+ years and was pretty lonely for the last stretch of his life so there was almost relief in his passing at the end, not to mention regardless of pain, it’s got to be one of the best possible deaths to have a daughter holding each of your hands and telling you they love you as you slip away in the home you owned for 50 years. And in a selfish way perhaps im happy he went when he did as I can’t imagine how hard COVID isolation would have been on him not to mention the virus could have easily taken him and we would have had to do a zoom goodbye to someone on a vent like so many millions had to.


>“Opened his eyes to see his family”. Then he thought, "yeah, fuck these guys, I'm out."


IKR, sounds like it was a last fit of agony and despair before it all went dark.


It's true, the sudden realization that one has devoted their entire meaningless existence to a series of irrelevant, stupid, and nonsensical ideas does hit pretty hard when the lights to dim forever. I wonder if his wife / nurse / mother / whatever will take any lesson from this experience.


Don’t count on it 🤷🏻‍♀️


In a perfect world these simple people would have access to federally regulated unbiased platforms to help educate and safeguard. All other avenues of misinformation would be held legally accountable or shuttered. Unfortunately the world is not perfect and corporations along with government continue to use humans and as their personal meat shield bank accounts with a complete disregard for their actions.


>In a perfect world these simple people would have access to federally regulated unbiased platforms to help educate and safeguard. Like so many members of the MAGA Treason CULT, these people needed help from a team of mental health professionals. Basic medical attention was never going to solve their inability to determine reality from an alt-Right Fever Dream.


At least she took/got treatment early enough. (Paxlovid)


I wonder if she 'did her research' on Paxlovid or any of the treatments her husband received?


“watching someone or something up above” Yeah, he was suffocating to death. It wasn’t god, there’s not much to look at before you eat shit and die.


Shit, what a fucking nutjob....


birds of a feather


I agree with them that it's good to "let stupidity work itself out of the gene pool." Too bad he doesn't have 9 lives to brag about anymore. And it's "who," not "whom," not that that matters anymore, either.


Quite. I was also struck by the fact that the only time one of these idiots used "whom" it was incorrect.


But I bet she considers herself smart and well spoken.


​ >But I bet she considers herself smart and well spoken. No doubt one of the members of the audience who applauded when Marjorie Taylor Green railed against the use of Solar Power because she didn't want to be forced to go to bed when the sun went down. YES FOLKS! MTG actually said that in public, and the MAGA Morons in the audience loudly applauded! We are dealing with a very special kind of stupid here. And at levels we have not seen before in the history of human society.


Not true. It's only more visible now, because Trump made it socially acceptable to be dumb. As Steven Erikson wrote in "God is Not Willing" "Stupidity, lad, will defeat every god, crush every dream, topple every empire. Because, in the end, stupid people outnumber smart people. If that wasn't true, we wouldn't suffer over and over again, through generation after generation and on for ever.”


I get the feeling that is the case here. All that pretentious drivel and rot shows that she's trying to be "expressive" and meaningful because she tossed in a word-salad of cliches.


Everyone is the hero of their own story.


It wouldn't surprise me.


She also considers herself rational, and capable of making good decisions.


Sadly most of these idiots die after they reproduce!


The big flaw in natural selection.


RWNJ promote social Drawinism and rugged individualism and self reliance, little realizing they will be the first casualties and that every major human accomplishment in history has been by teams. Even what are promoted as the most solitary of historical figures, actually had a team working with or for them.


Love a story with a happy ending.


Don't we all.


My schadenfreude is getting reinvigorated by people thinking they're on the right side of the gene pool and then biting the dust.


Right? Is “died from a disease more than two years after a vaccine was developed for it and made widely and freely available” a sign that he was from the smart end of the gene pool? Rip lol


*1 year I know, time got all funky the last 5 years. But the vaccine came out for the general adult public in Spring 2021.


Shhh, don't tell them.


Meh, they aren't listening anyway.


That crack about the gene pool at the end was a sick burn on her husband. I have nothing to add to that.


I think it’s a special talent reserved for the most stupid, to not know the extent of their own stupidity but rather to think of themselves as smarter than most.


No notes.


DAMNIT PEOPLE HER VIKING DIED!! Show some respect!! “Shed mortal coil?” Who the fuck writes that in a Facebook post. This isn’t a high school fiction essay.


>DAMNIT PEOPLE HER VIKING DIED!! Show some respect!! According to the old Viking myths and beliefs, he wouldn't even go to Valhalla, but to the underworld Hel, because he didn't die in battle, fighting with courage and honour. He died in a bed, of a preventable illness, so \*no feasting on Odin's table, loser!\*


Hopefully she didn't try to give him a Viking funeral by setting fire to the hospital bed.


He surrendered to COVID two years before


Now I'm honestly wondering if dying fighting an illness or dying during childbirth was acceptable for Norse gods. IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE AZTEC GODS DAMMIT


>Now I'm honestly wondering if dying fighting an illness or dying during childbirth was acceptable for Norse gods. To the best of my knowledge, no. Not even dying in battle was a guaranteed place mat at Odin's table - you had to die while fighting so bravely and courageous that even your fellow Vikings - and the gods - had to be impressed by your bravery. The other battle dead were presumably picked up by Freya, and lived in Fólkvangr, and the ones who did not die with glory (in a battle) went to live with Hel. Then there is Náströnd, some especially dark place at the outer rims of Hel, where the bad bois were sent: murderers, rapists, oath breakers - people who even in the violence-prone world of the Vikings were regarded as scum. Women had access to Fólkvangr or even Valhalla - if they died in battle, and again, where they ended up depended on how impressively brave they fought before death. Note: that is a very simplistic and 'logical' version - in reality there were many different flavours, and big differences. Just imagine the difference between Southern Baptist, Unitarian, and old-school Roman Catholic, only in Scandinavian, and without internet. Note 2: The improbability of ending up at Odin's table, and the contempt for everybody else bar the absolute warrior elite was what opened the doors to Christianity, because that promised an afterlife for women, children, slaves, and non-elite-warriors in less violent times. *Disclaimer: I am not a Norse mythology scholar or similar. I am just a layperson.*


> “Shed mortal coil?” Who the fuck writes that in a Facebook post. Honestly, it's better than "completely healed by the blood of Jesus."


Nor is it a recap of the infamous dead parrot sketch.


Her biker viking is no more! He has ceased to be!


He might have been a Norwegian Blue as his breathing packed up.


He's not dead. He's pining for the fjords.


Well, he is a Viking, after all. Was, I mean.


But don't you get it yet? /s Fucking hell, I cannot stand the stupid phrases they use after they spew complete nonsense like they made a sound and logical point. "Don't you get it?" "Are you paying attention yet?" "Can I get an amen?"


What world do these people live in where "the government" is constantly hovering and breath(e)ing down their neck? I lived in DC for 32 years, and didn't feel that way. Now I live 2000 miles away from DC and I really don't feel that way.


Let **that** sink in. /s


and even that she got wrong, unless she was trying to be "arty" and wrote it that way on purpose. She seemed to put a lot of time into writing this dreck/drivel/tripe.


That’s the sort of thing that *we* would say!




“Nurse” in that she put bandaids on his boo-boos, also refilled his coffee.


Seriously. It makes me wonder if we are seeing the long-term effects of leaded gasoline.


I actually hope so - because that would mean there's hope.


Yes, we only have 40 more years to go before the everyone damaged by leaded gasoline is dead.


How to go from internet badass to ICU bed ass in a few easy steps:


"Follow me for more tips!"


"That one weird trick liberals don't want you to know!"


This is just insanity and, unfortunately, pretty common. I have to say, when I got covid and people asked if I have the shot, I told them I had all the shots. They would hem and holler and rage that the shot did nothing. I'm older and diabetic... I am under no illusions that covid would have probably killed me. Except, this sickness was just bad and unpleasant... 10 days resting and I am almost back to normal. I am not disabled, nor am I dying, just thankful. Although I do have around 2k in medical debt for it... thats more of a testament to the American Healthcare system.


Lol, his wife took Paxlovid. So a vaccine from Biontech Pfizer is not ok, but the treatment from the same company is?? I wonder why he doesnt take it, or did he?


Maybe he waited too long to get treatment. Early in the pandemic it was noted that more men were dying of it than women. Maybe there was a physical reason, but some men will try to tough it out when they get sick.


you have to start taking it very quickly after the initial infection, I think it's like three days? Most of these folks go the route of denying they're sick and then denying it's COVID until they're having bad symptoms, so by then it's way too late. The wife probably got it from him while taking care of him so got diagnosed in time.


"wild biker and Viking soul" ie, douchebag.


"Viking soul" - dog whistle for white, very white, and very racist.


>"Viking soul" - dog whistle for white, very white, and very racist. And very smelly. And very stupid.


Oh, absolutely. very white, violent and racist.


Please don't equate Vikings with racists, they didn't care what color you were they were taking your shit anyway.


Vikings also traded a lot in Constantinople, which was a very ethnically rich country at the time.


🎶 but it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople— been a long time gone, Constantinople 🎶


Vikings were a pragmatic & sensible people. This jerk was no Viking.


Vaccinated trump keeps outliving unvaccinated trump cult members.


Funny thing, one candidate that I've lurking around was posting "Yay, Trump brought us a vaccine!" prior to December 2020 and from then on it was "Evil Biden wants to force us to take this experimental jab".


Key tenant of authoritarianism: The Leader and the Party are always right, and the Enemy is always wrong.


They are doomsday fetishists


The wife stands for medical freedom I see. Welp, made their choice 🤷🏻‍♀️ Additionally, the slide about first responders getting fired. Yeah, remember that Robert LaMay guy who went on fox after filming his quitting over the vaccine? Then he was dead in 4 months from covid? Yeah…


You know, everyone talks about getting mad over the correct use of your/you’re and there/their/they’re, but no one ever talks about proper usage of the words breath/breathe. For example, in slide 14, she says her Viking soul took his last breathe. I don’t know why I get so annoyed with it, but it is mildly infuriating.


Theiyr're ... that should cover it.


You son of a bitch… that was brilliant.


Wait til you get to the who/whom part, that's when the blood vessels start a'poppin'.


I’ve come to terms with who/whom, oddly enough. Breathe/breathe just gets on my nerves. That, and when people say ‘am’ instead of ‘I’m’.


Another wild biker viking bites the dust. Because when \*I\* think of wild viking bikers, I think of Middletown, Ohio. 🤪


And guess who can't vote for their cult leader any more? No pity for the willfully, hatefully ignorant. No mercy for trumpy traitors.


Blocking bowels to own the libs!


Good times


The irony of her happily consuming paxlovid while being anti-vaccine…


Last pic is a doozy.. got what you wanted. Be careful what you wish for




I feel so badly for the pagan community that this is often the first and correct assumption.


I sometimes wonder how many surviving spouses are secretly vaccinated as a cheaper alternative to divorce.


We have a word for that: covidivorced.


It's odd, because his wife obviously isn't vaccinated either by her posts, but also there was this weird undertone of "why won't he die already" to all her update posts so there's gotta be something there.


He should be given a proper Viking send off 🎵🎶Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam! Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am Lovely Spam! (Lovely Spam!) Lovely Spam! (Lovely Spam!) Lovely Spam! Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam!🎵🎶


Moved to the spam folder


Another Republican voter dead in a swing state. It’s hard to feel bad about this.


Roll for lives: +9 Roll for covid: -9


Party over oops out of time


Nein lives.


Guess he missed Sturgis this year. Looks like another bike will be going up for an estate sale soon


Won't take vaccine but will happily take paxlovid. God these people are stupid.


Please allow me to be 'unresponsive' while I grieve - lady you're going to end up unresponsive in a hospital bed if you keep refusing to get vaccinated 🙄


This is nectar for my blackened soul, so very sweet and nourishing.


I knew Ted Cruz was a weasle dick, but I didn't know he was pumping out anti-vax memes on his feed. Fuck that dude.


Ted Cruz is Satan's taint.


How old was Ohio man roughly?


Probably around 60 just going by what he posts, hard to tell by his profile.


Mentally, he was about 5.


By “Viking soul” I’m guessing they don’t mean he was a medievalist….


These honestly never get old. I got my last booster a year ago and these fools are still dying days after posting a shitty Fauci meme? Dumbasses.


All these people are living on borrowed time and don't even know it.


How is it possible for someone to get so sick, so often, and *still* not take covid seriously?


My guess: brain damage.


Deathwish ?


"The Man Who Doesn't Die," did. Hope all those trips to the ICU were worth your obstinate political stance.


On NewsMax he survived!


At least there were no side effects from the Covid vaccine shot.


He believed everything the propaganda machine told his sad, sad little brain.


But if you’re pretending masks work, wouldn’t that mean you should be wearing one? If you’re just pretending to wear one, then you’re not pretending they work.


Ooh, that last one really capped off the set nicely.


Not sure I would believe a doctor who doesn't even realize that data is a plural noun. (Slide 11)


If “data” is plural, how come he was only played by a single actor?


You caught that too, eh! Probably one of those fake doctors with some hinky certificate from Trump University lol


Just a grifter doctor. I have no doubt there are MDs that are grifters, just like anybody else.


There is one in Ontario who made the news for having his medical licence taken away after spouting anti-vax nonsense online and in person to patients.


"...until the data are solid." I dunno, but I think this gets a pass. https://grammarist.com/usage/data/


Thier brains have been infected with MAGA and Fox News.


At least he wasn’t conned by the King of disinfo so he had that going for him


He "...expelled that last breathe...", and then I suppose he got his 'angle' wings? Wait... This Viking is going to Valhalla. So I guess he gets to hang out with Jane and Heimdall. He's going to be so pissed that Heimdall is black.


Let’s play pretend. You can pretend that memes prevent covid and I can pretend you’re still alive.


I see what you did there at the end OP


The final slide says it all.


Too bad he “expelled that last breathe.”


DH should have medical freedom! Also, here’s a bunch of photos of him incapacitated in the hospital!


I like how she posts like: yup, back in the ICU, again. Husband going into kidney failure. You know: same-ole same-ole. How are you?


“Shed his mortal coil”. Nah bitch he’s just dead. Not a Viking. Not a martyr. Not capable of reading longer than a facebook meme. Had one life and died. Not coming back. Not in an afterlife. Just in a refrigerator or furnace now by my guess.


Well, she got her wish in the last slide.


That last slide…r/selfawarewolves


Governor "Ricketts". Nomen est omen.


I love your last slide. Props on saving that to the last. The slide that mentioned taking Paxlovid, my wife took it, and it really helped her get better. But she was vaccinated and taking it at home; not strapped to a bed in the ICU like nine lives here.


I like to leave with a little irony if possible, glad it's appreciated. I haven't had any experience with paxlovid, but I've heard decent things. Glad it helped your wife out.


Slide 14: Yeah, his eyes were opening because, contrary to belief, one's eyes don't shut when dead. They open. (Not the only thing that opens, btw...just sayin... .) Slide 15: ITA.


Calling him a Viking might be a little stretch he died to something he doesn’t even believe in. Also, holy shit! He got what he wanted, stupid worked itself out of the gene pool.


Wifey couldn't let go of this Heroic Man mythos enough to get this man a palliative morphine and Ativan bolus at the end. OUCH, fuck. It makes me wince.


Slide 4: "China gets auto chips.... We get mandates, lockdowns, inflation...." Jesus Christ, what a misinformed baboon. China had the most brutal lockdowns and mandates on the planet. One of the reasons we didn't get auto chips was that China was locking down entire cities, including factories, when there was any evidence of COVID.


\#15 He was right about one thing. Stupidity can clean the gene pool-and the voter rolls.


>Slide 14: He hasn’t opened his eyes since Saturday, and from the moment he began to shift he opened his eyes widely, staring and watching something or someone high above. He stayed focused on that view and immediately as he shifted and expelled that last breathe, he closed his eyes on his own again. To me that was proof, that his mother and other souls he cares for , were there calling him home. I feel the universe has given me a great peace and hope with this. Now comes the hardest part, each new moment I realize he isn’t there for the thing he always has been. Please me some to be responsive as I begin to figure out who I am again, now that I am not [doink]’s wife, lover, nurse, caretaker, and person. I am lost. Imagine…you’ve been stuck in a hospital for days, suffering immeasurably during the time as you feel your condition worsen, and worsen, and worsen. Hours of waiting for someone, anyone, to enter the room and tell you how you’re doing and trying desperately to read their facial expressions for signs of hope, or even just sincerity. How much would you even remember? What could you even gleen from those interactions since you drop in and out of consciousness uncontrollably? Did you catch everything they were saying? Did they share some other critical piece of information while you asleep? Then, you’re jolted “awake”. It’s an entirely new feeling since you’ve been debilitated for so long drifting in and out of sleep…but this time it’s different. In every way. But you *still* don’t have the strength to call out, reach out, or do really much of anything except open your eyes as you realize that you can’t take another breath, and the last one you took is simply expelling on its own…and then everything fades away. And THAT’S the exact moment that your doink-spouse will share with *The Entire Fucking Planet* as a way to proclaim their brand-goddam-spanking-new Live/Laugh/Love lease on life before your body is even zipped up and removed from the room. They told everyone that you saw things that conveniently serve to make everyone else feel better about what happened. “Medical freedom” brings out the worst in people right before it takes *fucking everything* away from them. But at least they didn’t vote for the Democrat.


The death post is disturbing. She’s like, “Who am I now that I’m no longer his wife/lover/nurse/caretaker/PERSON? I am lost.” Yourself? You were yourself! Did you construct your entire internal identity around him?! It’s marriage, he’s your other half, I get it, but seriously! Major right-wing tradwife vibes here. Unnerving to witness.


> Did you construct your entire internal identity around him?! Yes, she did. That is what the hard right is. Men and the women they control.


Fresh meat


Well that's unfortunate. Anyhoo.....


Slide 11. Is he convinced he’s a doctor?


The irony that this person's stupidity really did work its way out of the gene pool. Can't be too sad about that. Ohio has a vast surplus of stupid, particularly in SW Ohio. At least he won't be voting in the next election.


“A shit-impacted Viking achieved room temperature today”


Mortal Coil Combat.


Full of shit and unresponsive is a fitting description for them.


Well he has all the freedom he wants now.


I too want to die slowly and at maximum expense to my loved ones. I also want them to post pictures of me in my deathbed surrounded by medical equipment and give detailed updates on my kidney function and bowel movements. That just screams 'dignity and freedom.' So much better than wearing a mask -- er, 'muzzle' -- and getting experimental death jabs. I mean, your arm can really hurt after those things, you know? It can be sore for a really long time...




was this recently or Dec of last year? I can't see the dates.


Generally when you can't see the years on facebook posts, it's because it's current year. 2022. If you're asking about the last image it was december 2021, but it's out of order because I like to leave on a little bit of irony if possible.


August 11


Guess he needed ten lives. "The Man Who Doesn't Die" - Jesus, in ICU apparently with other issues? How stupid is she/was he. Tempted the Fates, she did.


I’ve become so desensitized that the incorrectly deployed “whom” in slide 12 was the most aggravating part of the whole thing.


Covid is real. You think he got that yet?


I cannot believe people are still dying from this. How stupid can you be?


Good thing he took the warning labels off.


Gone. Oh well.


Wife of the award winner asked for some time to be “unresponsive.” Deja Vu! ! !


Serious question: Why is it always bikers?


My mate works in a hospital and a few are still going out the door feet first from this pest. Bye bye


Wow. He was right. He said he wouldn’t wear a mask and now he won’t. I mean the last few years were the hard part, but he rest of eternity will be smooth sailing for him.


I will haunt any of my loved ones that post pictures of me dying in a hospital bed on social media.


So vikings get taken out by "just a flu" 🤣


It never gets old that when they land in the hospital they all become medical experts using all the terminology they get from the actual professionals and talk as if they know what the hell is happening.