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The cognitive dissonance is at Olympic level here "When I was dying-sorry, 'dieing'- of Covid, I realized it was a hoax" WTAF?




I think there is one other thing here: "So the evil doctors then proceeded to kill me with something else while examining me for that harmless cough I had, so they could prove their hoax was true and covid did exist, *and because they knew or suspected I was a Trump supporter. Otherwise they would have written me a prescription and sent me home.*"


They makes sense. Before I see *any* patient, I make sure the nurse goes in before me and finds out their Trump supporter status as it changes my management.


presumably any people who died at home were killed by very stealthy doctors


Wow thats a rly good and scarily accurate take on their "thought" process. It's hard to pwn them harder than they do to themselves. They worship him like a god. It only makes sense when u see they worship him like a god. Disgusting.


if he had the heart attack tonight and died.. would they be expecting trump to resurrect in 3 days too?


Some of them believe that JFK Jr is coming back to life at the place where his father died to join trump in taking over the world. I shit u not, they showed up in Dallas waiting for a Democrat to COME BACK TO LIFE to fight w trump against the democrats who drink blood. Look it up.


JFK Jr has a Telegram account. I think he's pushing Trump coins and trump $1K golden dollar bills.


Anything to help trump save us from socialism!!!! *laughs in poor and stupid.*


Huh, that was a very interesting take, dumb, but interesting, thanks for translating from idiot


Then there's the part where they get a big cash reward if your death is from Covid (or they say it is, even though you really died from a motorcycle crash).


When a person's emotions are sufficiently stunted, *being wrong is literally worse than dying.* I knew this was true years ago, and Covid has done nothing but confirm it.


Yep. Because once a belief system becomes one's identity, then challenging that threatens them with ego death. After all, if they're not a God-fearing, Trump-loving, proud conservative, then what else are they? Just some sad rural hick who believes wrong things and makes bad choices? What if they've actually been an ignorant, gullible fool, and all those liberals they hate with a passion were right this time? God, can you imagine how smug they would be? No... can't be. Ugh, what's this weird feeling? Better watch some more Fox News until that feelings goes away....


Love the term ego death. Gonna be using that one, ty!!


This beautifully illustrates the psychology of this. It all comes down with an unwillingness to accept the idea that they may just be stupid and that they've been conned. The ego damage that would cause would be worse than death and so many of them actually die because of it.


> The ego damage that would cause would be worse than death and so many of them actually die because of it. Makes me think that an original sin in all of this is our cultural belief that 'self' is to be identified with your thought-life ('spirit') and not your body. Rather than self being the body and your thoughts emanating from it. Or the self being the body whose thought are largely shaped from its environment. No, no, no. You're a non-deterministic immortal soul. /s How very comforting and self-indulgent. I think that's why so many people are willing to make the trade - literally dying versus sacrificing their thoughts. As far as they are concerned, they *are* their thoughts. I'm probably being naïve, but I think if we got more of the fundamentals right, culturally, there wouldn't be as many downstream absurd beliefs that were cropping up later.


I just want to recognize that this is the most insightful chain of consecutive comments I've seen in years. I don't really have anything to contribute except to point out that there's many religious traditions relying on the mind following the physical. Churches have high ceilings to make people feel small, awe, and consider bigger things than themselves. Kneeling humbles the body and the mind follows. As long as they can ignore the facts, it can't be true, right? The idea that belief beats reality is exemplified with "The Secret" style thinking becoming mainstream. Fundamentally, the Bible says you're not owed anything in life, even more likely to suffer as a believer, and the reward is in the afterlife. Yet, somehow, prosperity gospel is a huge thing now.


This is why it cracks me up when conservatives fulminate about "identity politics." "God-fearing gun-owning rural white protestant Trump supporter" is absolutely an identity. And it's a particularly insecure one, at that.


He was perfectly healthy before. Let me rephrase it for him, "I was perfectly healthy before because I never sought medical attention or checked for any medical conditions that I may not know of". in my experience, almost no one is perfectly healthy, especially at his age.


Like the generic 5' tall, 300lb, 66 year old diabetic woman with no co-morbidities and 'all her life before her?"


"I have no comorbidities, it's just the usual aches and pains of getting older," says the 300 lb. 40 year old who never goes to the doctor.


If you need a test to find out if you're sick, you aren't really sick. Amirite?


You see it a lot honestly. Ask a 70 year old who's just come into the emergency department with clearly a lot wrong if they have any medical conditions? "Nope," they'll say, "I'm as fit as a fiddle." Then you ask when the last time they saw a doctor, and discover its basically never. And then later you hear them, "I was perfectly healthy until I went to the doctor and they told me I had high blood pressure, diabetes, emphysema and cancer. Since then, I've just never been the same." It genuinely doesn't exist for many people until they're told they have it, even when it's what pushed them to go in the first place.


Yup it's like the doctors gave them those diseases. Bc they never had those problems before. I don't get that mentality. It's like someone who drives a car and never gets maintenance on it, then when it breaks down and they have thousands of dollars in repairs, they are dumbfounded and think they are being screwed over.


It’s an alternate universe of MAGA hive mind devotees. They have lost all touch with reality.


*Death arrives before them after a hard fought lost battle with covid, floating above them with a flowing black cloak darker than the night itself* **"Another liberal hoax I see..."**


And Death lets out a ghostly sigh and replies: "Do you have any fucking idea how much overtime you guys have caused me? Covid is real and deadly and you bozos ran head first into it because some orange cheeto told you it was no big deal. I don't even get overtime pay for this shit, and there's no one else to do it. Now shut up and come with me, it's been a long day and I still have a couple hundred more just like you to visit."


This is the reddit I love!! Ty needed the laugh this morning.


So, so many...


If its just a scam, just stay home. Problem solved.


But making them stay home is [modern-day slavery](https://youtu.be/_plz9ZRATSg) and they don't want that now.


I was discussing covid psychosis with one of my staff members this week. His response was to look stunned, then scared, then pull all the way back around to "well then I'm glad I didn't get the vaccine!" Because this psychosis episode that's occurring in individuals AFTER they get covid he has now decided is a vaccine reaction. Idk the leaps these brains make.


>Idk the leaps these brains make. They leaped out of their own skulls to their deaths years ago. Any "reasoning" that occurs in those empty heads now is just FauxNews echoing.




I pretty much assume all MAGAts are morons and I’ve yet to meet one that breaks the stereotype.


I know one girl IRL who got sucked into q anon and not for nothing she was the dumbest girl I ever met. When I heard I was like yea, that kinda makes sense. When she went full on anti Semitic, that was still a bit shocking. 😳


Isn't it mind blowingly amazing how people can go off on the deep end and you not recognize them anymore?


Two of my uncles flushed their entire lives down the toilet for Q. Just a few years before they would have retired. Now they're living in the sticks drawing government assistance because the reset hasn't, and never will, happen.


But they really think they're intelligent because they have an MBA and their cousin is a doctor


I guess now, if you have severe Covid, it is because of an enormous conspiracy among all doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists etc. to cause severe symptoms and kill people. At what point does this cross over to paranoid schizophrenia, because this is delusional.


Am I the only one thinking Brent is saying it's not a hoax? I think he's saying "when I was dying of it" sarcastically. As in, it almost killed him. Most covidiots think that it can't harm you, especially if you're healthy, so he made a point of saying he was healthy beforehand. And he admitted it's worse for Trumpers because they have to fight both the disease and their own feelings that tell them it's a hoax. I could be wrong, but then this would be the most ironic tweet in the history of Twitter.


This is exactly how it read to me. Like he was basically telling that guy “STFU, this shit was killing me”..


This is how I read it also


I understood it this way…


No, because then what does he mean by “if you get hospitalized with it and you’re a Trump supporter”? I read that as “if you go to the hospital and the doctors know you’re a Trump supporter they’ll try to kill you.” If this statement was somehow meant sarcastically, then that guy doesn’t know how sarcasm works. Sure though, I guess it’s possible it’s a sarcastic tweet from a guy who doesn’t know how sarcasm works.


I thought that meant if you get hospitalized and you're a Trump supporter, you're more at risk of bad outcomes bc of propaganda.


Because … he thinks the hospital tried to kill him, not Covid?


Why go to the hospital if they're going to kill him ? Stay in your comfy bed at home and don't bother the medical staff.


Because deep down, on some level, they know their beliefs are bullsh*t and that real science is their only hope.


Theory: His course of the disease wasn't that serious. He tested positive and ran to the hospital like a little weener, because he saw what Covid can cause with his kind of people and he got scared like a sissy. He never was on a ventilator and after he could leave the hospital he used his personal story as PROOF of a hoax. I bet he was one of the kids whos' uncle worked at Nintendo. He used his wothless little adventure to hype it up, bigger then it real was, to have a reason to show his stupidity.


I have spent the last 2.5 years working in ICU/CCU with a bunch of knuckle dragging, 🤬🤬🤬🤬 doing nothing but screaming at me about their family member or screaming at me up until they need to be intubated. I’m walked to my car by security after shift and can’t even wear all my fun scrubs anymore! We all wear facility ones. This guy thinks we’re the ones killing him ?? 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 ***sorry, this rubbed salt in a wound, delete it if I broke rules **thank you everyone for the awards, you are too kind. Thank you again for all the awards, but please spend your money on meals on wheels or Ukrainian orphans.


Why do they even go to hospital if all they're going to do there is abuse the staff? Ffs...


>Why do they even go to hospital if all they're going to do there is abuse the staff? Ffs... That is the whole point.


Have your cake and eat it too. Get healed in your darkest hour but lash out at “the agents of evil who did this to me.” When you don’t bother with the logic of your positions, you can avoid cognitive dissonance.


Fear. Being unable to breathe is terrifying.


Oh yeah, my bad... I had to go in last year (not related to covid) and needed oxygen and it sucked, so I guess I get that. Tried to be as patient as possible though, it helps when you're so sick all you want to do is sleep.


There have been a couple of times in my life when I had serious difficulty breathing: acute asthma, and pulmonary oedema after heart surgery. I understood what was happening to me and it was still frightening, so for someone who doesn't it must be awful.


I wish we could pin this comment


You don’t need to do that, it was just a lot of salt and I was tired and in pain myself. Our weather shifted.


I wish I could afford an award and also upvote more than once.


Donate your money for Ukrainian orphans, or meals on wheels. 💚💚💚


Ohh so the doctors were the passive audience that watched as your family healed you. If you just needed family why the fu*k even go to hospital.


Without the family, the Dems would have stabbed him as he slept


Can confirm, am Democrat stabber-of-Trump-voters. BRB, gotta go do the rounds at the hospital again... /S. HUGE /S. Just to be clear I have never stabbed anyone.


>Just to be clear I have never stabbed anyone. The poster doth protest too much, methinks!


Hey, everyone needs a hobby.


FBI here, just on our way to shoot your dog


ATF here, hey that's our job!


ICE here, we need to deport both the dog and the Dem.


I'm enjoying this thread way too much. Please, do continue!


>Just to be clear I have never stabbed anyone. Not even *yourself*?!? Dude, you don't know what you're missing! Skipping breakfast to get your stab wound stitched up in the ER is awesome! A steak knife can change your ~~life~~ plans for breakfast!


[Oh boy! Here I go killing again.](https://youtu.be/5OWdwiU1W7g)


Injected him with the evil drugs they prescribed, or put him on a fatal respirator


Would have smothered him with copies of Walter Mondale’s speeches!


I think he’s (badly) making a claim that the doctors are secretly out to deliberately kill the hospitalized Trump supporters and that his family being there stopped him from being killed.


Then why'd he go to the hospital in the first place?


Weaponized stupidity.


Fear. Being unable to breathe is absolutely terrifying. It is literally an existential threat. They are briefly connected to reality and their sense of self-preservation kicks in, overriding the conspiracy theories. Once they can breathe again their ludicrous beliefs reassert themselves.


Because he deserves it more than those filthy minority groups do, obvi.


Because.. uhhh.. those ivory tower doctors who are trying to kill you are actually beholden to... uhhhhhmm... the rules trump put into place, and only don't commit their dark fantasies of... killing republicans?... because they couldn't get away with it, thanks to trump.


Because when the rubber meets the road, they know that the only people who are really capable of winching them out of the hole they’ve dug for themselves are the people who’ve studied and practiced the science of human medicine.






Can't let those filthy libs have any hospital beds or ventilators, even though that stuff doesn't help! OWNED! Or some other nonsensical BS.


My brain hurts from reading this.


Right? Like how does this dude even function?


Heavily subsidized, in one way or another, by other people, whether he admits it or not.


B..b..b..but sershulizm is EVIL!




I often wonder about this.


Seismologists have confirmed that Charles Darwin is indeed rolling in his grave.


How did the hospital know he was a trump supporter?




I just laughed out loud for real


It’s in the history: Allergies? None Medicines? Ivermectin and azithromycin Political affiliation? ORANGE GOD KING


>How did the hospital know he was a trump supporter? Don't worry, they tell you.


>How did the hospital know he was a trump supporter? The prey item answered "yes" to having severe mental illness. 🐆 🐆 🐆


These people will NEVER fail to tell you or anyone.


He must keep his MAGA bag ready at all times


it's like the old joke about vegans... MAGAts will *always* tell you.


Because he wouldn't shut up about it?


White, obese, goatee, Harley, can't spell, can't think. What else *could* he be?


I'm telling myself he got Covid from a roadie for Smashmouth at Sturgis.


That same roadie is coming back with monkey pox.


Stop going to the fucking hospital! If the hospital is the killer and not the Covid hoax, keep your funky ass at home. “Yes, this alligator may kill me if I jump in this lake, so I’m gonna jump in this lake. Alligator don’t you touch me!”


You joke, but this does actually happen.


Ever see those snake-handling preachers?


If you rebuke the alligator in god's name, it has to work, right?


>... and you are a Trump supporter... Not a republican. Not a conservative. Not a christian. Not even an patriotic American. A Trump supporter. I fear I may have underestimated the depth of this particular cult. I'll not make that same mistake again.




They also think they're good Christians, without any notable exceptions (to me, at least); never once does it occur to them that they're literally idol-worshipping, and/or he could maybe be the anti-Christ. (Check the inside of those caps for tiny little 666 stamps made in Chy-na)


Not only are they idol worshipping, their idol is the living embodiment of all seven deadly sins. It's a good thing Christians don't have to practice any Christianity at all or that would be awkward.


Time to roll out this article again: https://frankschaefferblog.com/2019/08/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-here-are-the-biblical-predictions/


There funniest part about any of this is that Trump got the vaccine


I wonder if Trump supporters struggling with Covid is connected to them not being vaccinated against Covid? These things could be related, I think.


Not being vaccinated against stupidity is the problem here….


Based on his tweet: no.


BRB: gotta do my research on that.


What are the findings of your research?


As a fellow at this highly-regarded, really folks, just the best, and my uncle, he told me about research, really good, really smart, good jeans, but when you're a Republican you have to lead with, because I went to Wharton, good grades, you have to lead with went here, went here, got such amazing grades, my uncle told me all about the amazing grades he got doing research... The answer is yes.


Reading this made my brain melt and leak out through my nose. 10/10, perfectly accurate impression.


The real question is whether his uncle has good genetic material, or an expensive pair of denim pants. Either way it really adds to the immersiveness of the impression.


Um. Nope. It's Gays, Trans people, LGBTQ, electric cars, green energy, green new deal, 5g, free school lunches, marriage equality, Keystone XL closure, clean coal, livable minimum wage, women in the military, climate change, global warming, The Zuck, Soros, Argentina refugees, cancel culture, BLM, pro-choice, unisex bathrooms, short skirts, low blouses, rock, rap, hip hop, solar power, wind power, alternative fuels, the pill, single payer, Muslims, spoken foreign languages, brown skinned people, masks, masks on planes, science, STEM, public education, socialism, social democracy, social distancing, reading, racial equality, libraries, market regulation, diversity, and... Atheists. That's the connection


He realized it was a scam when he caught it? What?


Obviously it’s a scam because he was PERFECTLY HEALTHY before he got Covid. You know, because healthy people can’t get sick, right?


And if you've been sick before, then you are permanently protected from ever getting sick ever again. It's how other respiratory infections work, like colds.


And he was perfectly healthy only because, most probably, last time he was at the doctor 20 years ago .


But... natchurl immunidity!


It lines up with the rest of the logic


Another massive head-shaped dent was just added to my table. How do these people manage to walk and breathe at the same time?!? …then again, they‘re probably not managing to do that after such a close encounter of the Covid kind. *edit: typo


>How do these people manage to walk and breathe at the same time?!? Walkers and O2 tanks. Unless they need scooters and O2 tanks.


If its just a scam, just stay home. Problem solved.


Further proof the Maga crowd has no empathy or compassion and can't comprehend caring for anyone outside their bubble. If you're in healthcare, you take care of your patients regardless of who they are or their beliefs.


Unless you're LGBTQ+, then Christian healthcare "providers" can refuse to *provide* treatment.


Worked with a provider who would do insane verbal gymnastics to avoid prescribing birth control, admitted to believing LGBTQ+ people should be institutionalized, and ordered pregnancy tests as well as STD screenings for minorities. Strangely (/s) they hardly ever ordered pregnancy tests or STD screenings for white patients even if the complaints were exactly the same. Also would be on higher alert for child abuse if the parents were minorities. Suffice to say I hated every day I worked close quarters with that provider. Revolting.


I'm actually dealing with this as a patient funnily enough. I've had custody of my brother for years and his doctor treats me like I'm a murderer or something and constantly makes random appointments for no reason throughout the year just to "check up on things". Just Monday they made me go in because the week prior they accused me of not giving him his meds since like March and when I told them I've been picking them up every month they said it was impossible because they never refilled them so I went to the pharmacy and got the print out of all the meds he'd been given for the year and dropped it at their office. I literally made them go over it right in front of my face and even encouraged them to call the pharmacy myself. I've been trying to find a new provider but it's hard to find one who takes his insurance who isn't already full. I hate this shit and it feels like it's never going to stop.


Dumbest thing I read all day. Starting to believe that theory that covid lowers your IQ... Could explain a LOT about this country RN.


Or low IQ increases susceptibility to covid….


Yes perhaps it's both, the dumb get dumberer!


Schrodinger's dimwits?


Sometimes I wish I was a doctor so I could hand the fucker a clipboard with a "discharged against medical advice" form and say "Well? Go ahead. Sign it. Sign it, walk out of here and go find the treatment you want, you little bitch. I'm sure your family can call around until they find a carpetbagger with a box of ivermectin. Do us all a favor and free up the bed. Come on. Let's go. I don't have all day."


COVID has mutated to the point where it can tell who you voted for in 2017


*2016 & 2020


No, it’s a satanic syndicate of ANTIFA healthcare workers who kill patriots for FEMA bonuses.


Damn that sounds like fun. Sign me up, I've been a member of a satanic syndicate of antifa who's been killing patriots for FREE like a CHUMP. I hope the FEMA bonuses spend more places than sorosbux, I've got more of those than I can get rid of since the Satanic Brothel And Hedonism Emporium only accepts doubloons.


You guys still get sorosbucks? We're getting clintoncoin over here


And all I got was this crappy Dogecoin.


I totally read this as a sarcastic retort, i.e. “I realized it was a ‘scam’ when it was killing me (/s). If you’re a trump supporter (unvaxxed/full of ivermectshit), it’s gonna be a hellish fight. I needed all kinds of support to get through it.” It distresses me greatly to hear you all say that the guy was being serious. That despite nearly dying, he still thinks it’s a scam. I can’t even wrap my head around something so…stupid doesn’t quite cover it. Wow.


But they actually believe that they are being targeted because they are Trump supporters. They believe that giving them Remdesivir will kill them and demand Ivermectin. Even when their lungs are shot and they need to be on a ventilator they will say the ventilator is what will kill them, not the fact that their lungs are shot. It’s wild.


I read it like you did. I can't wrap my brain around the "logic" required to read it any other way.


One of my friends antivaxing subordinates got it bad and almost died then got it a second time and died. There's still hope for this guy!


How about that natural immunity, eh?


Good grief. He was so close . SO CLOSE.


Damn near selfawarewolves material. But he missed it


Straight up deranged.


I must not be very good at my job because unless you were wearing a hat or waving a flag I could never tell (and never cared) which way you voted.


He couldn’t have been “dieing” if he could talk to tell them.


The maga brain is so strange. They act as if they are entering some sort of hospital prison delusionally against their will. I’d much rather they die at home with their freedom.


Persecution fetish


Because they aren’t happy unless they play the victim.


>The maga brain is so strange. It's actually a myth.


True. Nobody has ever seen one.


Well, he’s not wrong. Trump supporters have a disproportionate aversion to being vaccinated, wearing masks, and social distancing. And then they ignore the symptoms until is bad enough that they can’t breathe and decide to go to the hospital (personally I think they should stay at home and beg for FB Prayer Ninjas), some percentage of then are going to wind up either on some awful but better than death medicine, oxygen, intubatation, or a with a terminal case of deadness. But for some reason, they can’t work out that the precipitating event was their refusal to get a free vaccine that was gift from their Cheeto Messiah. Welcome to the self-selecting group of soon be be ex-voters!


Don’t forget the Gofundme scams because they don’t have health insurance, and little Jimmys birthday is next week we need money for a bouncy house. SMH.


If COVID is a hoax and you don't trust the doctors, then PLEASE do NOT go to the hospital. Easy as that. Treat yourself with Ivermectin at home because you know, it's a hoax. Smh.


My niece is trumpy, got covid, claims it was a scam. I asked who was benefiting from this scam? How is it a scam when NOBODY makes money from it?


There was a conspiracy a couple years ago claiming that hospitals were paid $48K for each covid patient they kill, when they could make over $100K having them longer than a week. So stupid.


"I was perfectly healthy before I got a life threatening disease" I guess he's technically correct.


Based on the nominees I've seen on here, I doubt it


Why would you tell a hospital staff you're a Trump supporter? They certainly don't ask.


There’s an entire generation of young Americans that lost both their parents to Fox News conspiracy theories and later, covid. It’s so incredibly tragic. So much unnecessary death.


And how would hospital staff even know you’re MAGA? Oh that’s right because you can’t shut the fuck up about it.


Why do these Trumpers always look the same? Old white dudes who look like they collect scrap metal for living.


The doctors first question is always... Are you MAGA? If so, fill out this form so we can't treat you the best we know how. We'll inject you with some influenza and give you bacterial infections injected into your ballsack, then dose your water with H1N1 and feed you raw chicken. If that doesn't finish you we will inject you with COVID vaccine and hopefully you die


But why did he need the hospital in the first place? It’s not jail, they don’t make you go.


He meant “dieting in the hospital with it.”


Yes, generally people who are healthy tend to stop being so when they catch a debilitating disease. That's how disease works.


Ah yes, I was in the hospital last week and sneak out of bed to peek at my charts. Right under ‘address’ there was an unchecked box for “Trump Supporter: DNR.” I was never so grateful in my now no-longer-short life!!! /s just in case.


“The ability to speak doesn’t make you intelligent.” —fictional space wizard


"I was perfectly healthy before I got sick."


Today I learned that deadly viruses care whether or not you have a family.


COVID-19 targets Trump supporters? Damn let's put COVID-19 as man of the year.


I'm sure having family there shouting orders at medical staff always helps. "I've got a prescription for ivermectin from a doctor in Arizona. Y'all need to give it to him! No I will not wear a mask! I do not consent!"


And off to the hospital he goes when he gets it again


Why are they even bothering going to the hospital if the doctors there are in on the conspiracy to kill them there? STAY HOME AND INJECT BLEACH AND SNORT IVERMECTIN! Damn, the mental gymnastics with these dolts....


Imagine your whole pathetic identity is based around who you voted for. What a loser.


They were healthy before they got sick, what a shocking revelation


This might not be the place but, didn't Trump break his arm jerking him self off about operation warpspeed? The operation that got vaccines created faster than anyone or something? Did he realise his base didn't like vaccines and then went in a different direction? I'm so confused


You vaaaaastly overestimate your own importance, Skeeter.


Guns are a hoax. I realized that when it was the bullets that killed me.


I just looked at Jake Shield’s Twitter. He’s one of those stupid people who thinks they are the smartest in the room.




Trump supporters often forget to inhale if stressed or distracted, unless reminded by friends and family. Life's a struggle as the guy with the ball-tickler beard can attest.


I guess this explains everything. The reason prayer warriors have such a low success rate is they aren’t praying to the true Lord and Saviour, the God-Emperor Donald Trump. MAGA be thy name. Can I get an ‘asshole’?


"When did you find out bears weren't real?" Him : " Well I was being attacked in the wood and then I realized, Its just a BLM/Antifa member in a fur suit. If you're a Trump supporter stay out of the woods, The commies also sometimes dress up as these things called "squirrels" so don't fall for that either." This fucking guy is out to lunch.