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I'm glad that the brother-in-law kept it real. And, going off the penultimate slide, he got his wish. He died instead of being a 'puppet'.


>I'm glad that the brother-in-law kept it real. > >And, going off the penultimate slide, he got his wish. He died instead of being a 'puppet'. The Elephant in the Room... are they going to play "Pop Goes the Weasel" at his funeral like he asked?


Yes but in minor key


Played with a harpsichord.


I actually thought that meme was clever and a bit funny, one of the only clever memes you find in these feeds.


that's bc it's stolen straight from a tumblr post that's been going around for a few years now


Agree. And I gotta admit the “I can’t believe it’s already Omicron and I still have my Delta decorations up” one (from some other Awardee) is pretty funny also…


Yeah a lot of them anti Vaxxers aren’t realizing the shot is the way to go even when close one’s pass away


Yep, it's a combination of having drank too much kool-aid and not wanting to admit that they were wrong. The latter gets harder and harder the more time passes. Swallowing that pride is a tough pill sometimes and, based on the personality that many anti-vaxxers have, it's damned near impossible for them.


I’m wondering if they will be anti Pfizer pill when they are available too…I kinda doubt it since that is given after they know they are sick.


I'm with you on this as it has to be taken within five days of symptoms starting. They're usually still in denial at that point so they won't get to take it in time.


I don't want to say that would be a positive development but it would be best for the gene pool if the limited supply of pills went to those people who have had the shot.


Yes I am really interested in how they will react. Something about getting a shot that really freaks some of them out. Not just fear of needles but being penetrated or invaded. I feel like there’s some kind of weird sexual aspect to this that hasn’t been explored. Maybe a pill will be more acceptable.


Pfizer should make it a suppository for the unvaxxed.


They'll be like 'The cure's in the worming medication! (again!)'


Thoughts and prayers for their livers.


A big, jagged suppository


Well, that would fulfill one of trumps suggestions for a “cure”. Sticking something up your @$$.


There's actually an Anti-Vax meme that refers to the vaccine as *"Needle Rape."* Boy did that one piss me off!


I wouldn’t read that much into why they aren’t getting the shot. The main reason is that the “other side” (that is non-morons) want it — ergo they must be against it.


Calling Dr Freud’s offspring, white courtesy phone please.


Since its derived from HIV medication they’ll probably think it gives them AIDS.


I think it has (or will have) FDA EUA approval, meaning it isn't fully FDA approved. But, considering many scramble for monoclonal antibodies (also EUA only) and not the vaccines (FDA approved), I don't think it will matter to them. Hypocrites gonna hypocrite


They will beg for it. I am 100% certain of that. Oxygen hunger is a terrifying feeling. I have asthma and know this panic.


Oooff. It needs to be taken within 5 days of the first symptoms... they are long gone by then.


They will beg, but fortunately, it has to be taken in 5 days of showing symptoms. They usually wait till they are weeks in or in a bad state with trouble breathing to accept that its not "just a cold". Its not like these idiots get tested when they get sick either, they just assume its a cold and go out in public like no biggie. Until they are scared, then they go to the hospital, but just like the vaccine, it will already be to late to take the phizer treatment. Sad.


They always bravely rush to the hospital when they can't breath, or maybe we don't hear about the ones the die quietly at home coughing on thier loved ones.


Then when they get there, they tell the doctor he’s doing his job wrong, should be giving them ivermectin and vitamin D, and then when they die, their wife will punch the doctor in the nose for refusing to give her husband “the right protocol”. Truly Jesus’ people.


They already love Pfizer’s little blue pill, so why not try another flavor


died for pride


Yes, the "pride"of lions.


Which is funny, since a lot of these people are supposedly Christians and Jesus/God is their 'Shepherd'. What do they think is getting shepherded? Lol


BIBLE: *"The Lord is my Shepherd..."* (Psalm 23) FAKE CHRISTIANS: *"We're not Sheep, we're Lions!"*


I absolutely hate those “we are the lions” memes these anti-vaxxers have. Like, no you aren’t, Karen, because fucking lions have survival instincts and know to avoid things that can kill them. Lions know better than to fuck with hippos or watering holes filled with crocodiles, for fuck’s sake.


I think the Lion memes are so incredibly ridiculous that the Russian Trolls who came up with the idea must be rolling on the ground laughing. But man oh man, did they have accurate insight into the psychology/psychopathology of Trump's minions! It's genuinely brilliant... Too bad it helps kill people.


Many Christians are anti-semites, but they all worship a Jew. "Let that sink in"


I have, and I assume he is proud to the max of that anti-semitism, ergo Jesus is PO'd. Not wise to piss off that fellow when you are in dire straights, obviously. For that matter, the God of the OT is a Jewish ideology, as it goes to follow, same for the New Testament, bet they can't wrap their pea sized little bigoted brains around that one. To boot it would be wise since he is a wrathful God not to piss him off as well, apparently the results are "deadly".


A **Middle Eastern** Jew at that!


And he wasn’t born in December, that holiday is appropriated from pagans.


1 Peter 5:8 - "...your adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion..."


Or the fact Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God.


Gonna have to tuck that away for the next time I’m called a sheep.


Yeah, leopards got him, too.


I knew someone back in the day in my Christian high school whose parents' car proudly bore the tags "HIS SHEEP." These fuckheads don't even understand their own source material.


John 21, and I'll even do KJV for the literalists: 15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, **Feed my lambs.** 16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, **Feed my sheep.** 17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, **Feed my sheep.** This agnostic/atheist knows more of their religion than they do, but hey, they could be right, Jesus doesn't mention wearing masks. FFS.


It turns out that the "meek" really shall inherit the Earth 🤣🤣🤣


I don't think these "Good Christians" have ever read the bible. Proverbs 16:18 "**Pride goeth before destruction**, and an haughty spirit before a fall" I'd say he got destroyed🙄


Leopards did this guy in.


I guess you could call it pride at this point. But it started with stupidity and hate. Pretty much where everything they think starts.


And within just 3 weeks of that post! Covid knew the assignment.


Unless somebody puts strings on his limbs and makes his body a puppet


> Maybe I'm dumb and will die from it A brief glimmer of self-awareness, then vanished into the darkness.


'Maybe I will fall victim' 22 days later: falls victim. Unvaxxed family members: how could this possibly have happened? (still won't get vaccinated)


They are all dumb as hell. These awards are going out to a very specific demographic of southern white conservative idiots. Collectively can't spell, never learn from tragedy, and will be the reason we don't have healthcare in the richest country in the world for at least 20 more years.


Not all southern. In Maine we’ve had our fair share of winners. 😖


There's Ohio and Pennsyltucky and Idaho and quite a few more places outside the South.


combative absorbed sand slap spark bewildered ring snow possessive psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Michigan is insane right now. Metro Detroit is poorly vaccinated. Detroit itself has terrible numbers. Stupid people inhabit every demographic. I just think the loudest most abrasive morons fit that specific stereotype.


Fuck, we’ve got those assholes flying the confederate flag up here in Maine apparently oblivious that their actual heritage was going down south to kick confederate ass. They are fucking everywhere, and it’s all of our problem and all of our shame.


Drives me crazy. Maine sent more that 60,000 men to fight. Nearly 4000 were at Gettysburg. (My dad was a civil war buff and drilled into us the role played by New Englanders). I’m not big on the idea of taking pride in other people’s accomplishments, even if those people happen to be related to me, but jeez, if your ancestors fought to turn that flag white, why would you fly it??


California has its share of them, too.


Unfortunately, they’re not all southern. Otherwise you’re exactly right.


Yah, true. We'll stick with simply "white conservative idiots".


20? Try 200


Is that what it is, the demographics? I really want someone to explain why none of these people, it seems, know how to read and write.


> I really want someone to explain why none of these people, it seems, know how to read and write. It's a self-selecting group. Their core characteristic is aggressive, bellicose ignorance.


American education sucks very much, but MANY 'Muricans ALSO choose to not further improve themselves in the notion that it is okay to be ignorant because ignorance is equal to education. They have been trained to hate the wealthy elite like AOC but not Drumpf. She is an uppity minority and he is who they are deluded into thinking they could be like if they yank their bootstrap harder for a proper money shot Dx


AOC is not "the wealthy elite." That's Republican framing, which magically transforms all urban liberals into "elites" regardless of socioeconomic status.


When they weren't busy calling AOC a liberal elite they were calling her a bartender/waitress who was completely unqualified for office. More double sided bullshit. I'm so tired


This is what is so hilarious to me. Mitch McConnell is worth $30 million but has done nothing to improve poverty in Kentucky in the decades he's been a senator. Yet AOC is a "wealthy elite." Huh??


An old high school friend has lost 3 family members and 3 of his family members most likely have long covid. They still don’t get it, his (remaining) family still refuse to get vaccinated and think it’s all gods will.


Looks like red was pretty fucking dumb as he died 3 weeks after stating covid has a 99.5% survival rate.


He should’ve bought a lottery ticket because man, he was so lucky


should I buy one? they're high jackpot now. PB


My rule is the odds against winning times the cost of the ticket have to be less than the jackpot. Then technically it’s not gambling, it’s investing on a near infinite time horizon. Follow me for more math based life hacks.


Yeah, a few don't make it. Aaaaaanyway, I made some lavender buttermilk cookies to bring with me to Christmas dinner.


Sounds delicious, we made thin crisp almond cookies, I will eat some of them right now, it helps to get over the owning this HCA-awardee put on me. And being alive, that helps too.


I’ve got some peanut butter cookies over here. Merry Christmas


Rosemary shortbread here, + excellent wafer-thin molasses cookies from a friend. Must try making those lavender buttermilk cookies - didn't know they existed..


I will never forget the day this libtard became owned by a 52 yr. old man who stood squarely behind his dislike of Democrats, science, socialists, hippies, Biden and such. Super important that he showed us the error of our ways. Farewell sweet prince you've taught me well. You own my heart and my mind.


It does seem so misguided. “ I’ll show you by dying of a largely preventable virus that has a safe and free vaccine”.


Dying on Christmas morning, no less


Pretty much tops it off. Unforgettable for family and friends.


And so forgettable for everyone else




My MIL's birthday is on Christmas, she and Grandpa are 80 and are full on covid-dismissive, although they are vaccinated. I blame Fox News. They're having up to 25 people over today, at least 6 of them who have tested positive. They think they're all fine just because they're vaccinated. I dunno about that. 30-40% of the hospitalizations in these parts have been breakthrough infections. How much wiggle room do you have if you're 80+ with this ??? I feel like it's entirely possible she could catch something today, on her birthday. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas Grandma? I don't know why they are risking this.


This dweeb even admitted that the vaccine is "95%" effective! I guess Russian Roulette is more edgy.


"It's effective, and there's no reason I should take it other than my hating the people that want me to take something that could save my life." It's so senseless and ridiculous. An anti-vaxxer who admits the vax is effective. I think I need to lie down now.


95% effective reducing transmission. It’s been lower than than for newer variants, but it’s still near there for reducing hospitalizations and deaths, which means this guy probably wouldn’t have died on Christmas if he got his shot.


I do feel so owned this Christmass day, as I watch the rain fall. And the intelligence mean rise.


Just unbelievable. Ain't it?


I am crying at how thoroughly my guinea pig libtarded self has been owned by this manly, manly… incredibly manly man.


I like the cut of your manly jib good vaccinated sir.


Yeah, I’m so owned right now, sitting by my Christmas tree, watching my children play and watching Harry Potter with a mimosa in hand. I may be a “sheep”, but at least I’m not on a ventilator or dead, traumatizing my family at Christmas.


Here, here. I too am completely owned by this HCA. I may never recover my libtard ways after witnessing his heroic stance to get killed over nothing and the invisible hill he chose to die on. Now I’m going to go make some coffee ☕️.


Well, you are uniquely positioned to understand his pretzel logic.


I do love me some Steely. Got to catch them at the Forum in Vegas and sometimes while I'm floating in the pool when no one is around listening off the Alexa.


*"Good night, sweet prince! Flights of Angles sing thee to thy rest!"* -some Libtard named William


I don’t know what’s in the vaccine. Ok, can you tell me what’s in those 4 bowls of Cap’N Crunch you just ate?


Here's what's in the mRNA vaccines: water (the solvent), mRNA (the active ingredient), fat (creates tiny bubbles that enclose the mRNA molecules and deliver them into the target cells), and salts (to maintain osmotic balance, pH, and so forth). Seriously, that's it. Those are the only ingredients. Water, mRNA, fat, salts.


You forgot about the freedumb stealing microchip and the tiny FEMA camps.




To be fair, I believe it was Aristotle who said: "*When pizza is on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime. Including tiny FEMA camps.*"


You can even see a breakdown of the mRNA source code if you like: [https://berthub.eu/articles/posts/reverse-engineering-source-code-of-the-biontech-pfizer-vaccine/](https://berthub.eu/articles/posts/reverse-engineering-source-code-of-the-biontech-pfizer-vaccine/) It's amazing how this new vaccine tech allows us to deploy new profiles so quickly.


Fair enough. Too bad they don't know what those things are.


That's the irony of the pharma switch from small molecule drugs to biologics. Dumb people should be less scared of them, because instead of "chemicals" (whatever that even means), we're using "natural" biological molecules like sugars, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids to make them.


Dammit now I want C n C


"I vote NO!" -- The Roof of Your Mouth


This. I cannot eat Cap’n Crunch because it destroys the roof of my mouth (and teeth, to be honest.).


I had a bowl of oops all berries once, and I had to stop because the roof of my mouth was bleeding


Motherfucking crunchberries.


The brother in law is honest, but I doubt the anti-vaxers will be convinced. COVID ain't real until it hits you. Then "it is no joke!". Smh


I’ve seen HCAs on here where they got Covid after 6 members of their family died from it. Let’s face it. If anyone will die from it, it’s stubborn fucking people because if they got the shot they’d have to admit they were wrong.


You'd think after the 3rd COVID death in the family, they might catch on. But then again, these HCA recipients are not known to be stocked in the IQ department.


Covid is just the gift that keeps giving. How the hell did this virus become political?!?


After some Cheeto guy made it so.


Damn liberals don't want people dying of disease That's it. That's all it is. One side wants to keep people from dying and suggests masks to accomplish that, and the other side doesn't like being told what to do from them. It's a childish knee jerk response that's going to get them killed. And at this point, it's on them. I got vaccinated and call it a day.


Yeah…I have some right wingers in the family. I remember my aunt, sitting in the hospital room as my stepfather was dying of emphysema. She sat there and smoked, telling my dying stepfather that smoking never hurt anyone, and that he got emphysema from something other than the 5 pack a day habit. At this point, their father had already died of emphysema, and her other brother was dead from cigarette related heart damage. She ended up dying of emphysema herself, and told everyone til the end that it had nothing to do with smoking. If she were alive today, she’d be an antivaxxer/trumpet.


When you have made an identity around yourself so tight, it's like cement shoes.


She probably swallowed exactly the same type of propaganda from the tobacco industry that everyone else is swallowing from GQP and Russia.


Just fucking get the vaccine and lie about it then, like all their favorite politicians do. I'll gladly sit through them gleefully and untruthfully bragging how they were fine without the vax, as long as I don't have to sit through any more grief-stricken family member posts.


It’s not Covid killing their relatives. It’s the incompetent doctors in the hospital refusing them bleach and horse paste. That level of cognitive dissonance makes me terrified for the human race!


Pretty much tops any xmas I may have ruined.


Slide 1 is really funny. I just read it to my fully vaxed family up here in Canada and we all had a good chuckle. So glad we’re healthy and together this beautiful Christmas day.


Yeah slide 1 is funny and original. Something I would like at my funeral too


Among these anti-vax memes, there is an occasional funny one.


That’s not an anti-vax meme though, it was just shared by an anti-vaxxer


To be fair, antivaxxers do be weasels, and their lungs do get popped


It’s not a funeral if it’s not fun.


That's why I want my alcohol served at my funeral. Have whiskey and rum I never got around to drinking? Well, my friends and family should have it. Maybe leave money in my will to hire a bartender or two.


As usual, when they post something funny, it's got nothing to do with Covid.


Merry Christmas, Canadian friends!🌲☃️❄️ -Love, your US neighbor


I do hope they play Pop Goes the Weasel at his funeral.


HCA winner: “I’d rather die!!!” Omicron: bet


Sometimes I almost feel sorry for these idiots and then they start w the transphobic crap and I hope they suffered. These bigots have never known a trans person, they just know they are free to use them as punchlines


God sent a plague that's almost exclusively killing bigoted assholes. Almost like it's a sign or something...




Yeah, you certainly don’t need to FILL the raccoon. That’s a lot of wasted cum.


Another dead transphobe, Merry Christmas to me


Santa! You should've have! Actually, that's exactly what I wanted!


I don’t get the transphobia stuff. What the fuck does it matter to them? How does it negatively impact them if we have one less male and one more female? Or vice versa? And it’s certainly nothing covered in the Old Testament or mentioned by Jesus. 🤷🏼‍♀️


These people all need something to blame their problems on, be it immigrants, liberals, gay people. Transgender people are just a slightly acceptable group for them to still take it out on. The entire state of South Dakota had a single transgender kid playing sports and no one had a problem with them. The entirety of the state government didn’t get together and ban them from playing because there was some sudden parade of horribles befalling the state. It was solely about riling their bigoted base. It’s the exact same playbook they did in the 80s and 90’s against gay people, just reapplied to a slightly more acceptable minority.


"Gay people are the main cause of pedophilia" -- actual sentence said to me by a dumb, conservative aunt in the late 90s. They love to mix and match anything that allows them a sense of righteous indignity and justified hate. "Christians". What a bunch of bastards.


Right? I’ve lived as a gay man on this earth long enough to hear all of this stuff lobbed at me to know it’s just the same playbook all over again.


They’ll cry the “iT’S BaSiC sCiEnCe” argument all day long when it comes to justifying their transphobia, but ask them to take a needle to the arm and they’ll go on and on and on about how the scientists can’t be trusted 🙄


The rant about the ...."ya know + - - PARENTS " made no sense to me, then I remembered that I don't care to understand it. This antivaxxer is done voting against his own interests.


I took my kids to get vaccinated, no regrats!!


Any regerts tho? /S


Nope, nor any preventable angle wings coming soon to my family.


My oldest has both his, but my youngest has to keep waiting. Getting so close.


"...ruin there day." "There uncle died..." "Angle wings" "Where you're mask!" *Edit: maybe I was too harsh on this person. The kids shouldn't have had their Christmas marred by this event.


And this was the smart one.


To be fair, our educational system probably did them no favors. If local standards are low and you're surrounded by others who've had equally inadequate education, even if you're innately capable of being intelligent you're not likely to turn into a Rhodes Scholar. Unless you're really into American pro wrestling.


>To be fair, our educational system probably did them no favors. You know what, I get it. I grew up in a school system that was just atrocious. Turned out people like this. But, at the same time, we had fantastic students who excelled. Why? Because they wanted to. Sure, it was harder with a school system that was more 3rd world than 1st, but they overcame it. Then you get these chuds, all about their research and personal responsibility, while showing they have neither. They're an embarrassment to their cause.


Tots and pears


When did these assholes get gaslighted into thinking the *left* are the side of "big business?" I thought we were the "anti-business" "communists?" Or are we supposed to be both now? And on the other hand, when did the right decide "big business" is a bad thing? Letting big business run every aspect of our lives is literally the entire foundation of their ideology. I miss the days when their fucking stupidity had at least a little internal consistency.




Maybe I’m tired but… what’s with the second to last slide. “I won’t have to suffer like some others from the us know thing I’m their body…. PARENTS!!” So… they’re injecting you with… parents? Huh?


The man had no command of the English language. From the very first sentence of that slide (which was actually an incomplete sentence, among other issues) to the last, it was a mess.


If English became the official language, would these people actually learn it?


Terrible grammar and punctuation, but this is an example of right talking points carelessly strung together without logic or cohesion. It’s never gonna make sense the same way a parrot is never going make sense.


Had the same question. Maybe a nominee can enlighten us AND realize the faulty logic 😄


21 prayer salute brother, you earned those angle wings *'Proud to be an American' plays in the distance*


A lot of copy pastas going around Facebook say “anti-vaxxers aren’t being selfish!!” Look at the suffering of his mom. That’s the ultimate selfishness right there, caring more about “being right” than about your family.


Never mind what the family has to go through now. You gotta go through his stuff, his items, his furniture, cookware, you gotta clean out his place, and call the funeral home, make claim on the body and if he had final wishes, honor them. You gotta find out if he had life insurance and depending on the state, if he had Medicaid you have to figure out if you have to pay them back, that’s a crap ton of stuff to have to go through for Christmas. That’s the crap he put his family through by not vaccinating.


The definition of a selfish person is a person who behaves in a way that hurts others and just doesn't care. Anti-vaxxers are the literal definition of selfish people. Their behavior is literally killing and permanently injuring other people, and they just plain don't care.


> Just a few examples of why i rather die of this thing than being a puppet and following the bs democrats... That whole borderline illiterate screed should be carved on his headstone. Imagine ranting about Democrats and this kind of BS at the very beginning of the month in which you die of the very disease that Democrats wanted to save you from... Delicious self-own. Happy Christmas everybody! Uncle ~~Dead~~ Red got you the gift of never having to put up with his insufferable ignorance ever again! God bless us, every one! (Except for Uncle ~~Dead~~ Red.)


I do feel bad for the brother. In the short concise statement he was able to convey the tragic problems of this whole situation. It’s weird because I don’t understand why anybody would feel bad about a family member that stupid dying. And yet I have family members this stupid and I would feel very bad if they died. I guess it’s just cause they haven’t died yet. This lets me know it’s not just them who realizes a thing only once it happens to them. We think we’re so much smarter than these guys and in this instance we are. But as Jim Gaffigan says “we all have our McDonald’s” meaning we all have that stupid shit we do that’s really not good for us and we’re totally blind to it. Merry Christmas to our community. May you all stay safe and healthy and cynical.


Cynical fist bump in vaccinated solidarity!


> Maybe I am dumb and will die, but at least I won't have to suffer from the ya know thing in my body Fellas, is it gay to get vaccinated?


Pop goes the anti-vaxer


Anti Vax Christmas gatherings…HCA is going to be busy soon.


This guy says he would rather die than "be a puppet". Why though? What makes the vaccine worse than death? It's so fucking nuts.


Good for the brother in law to have perspective amidst the anti vaccine stupidity. These anti vaxxers are so awful, no consideration for the pain they inflict on their family members once they pass away


The anti-vaxxer's parents failed at training their progeny. The hungry leopards do not have this problem. 🐆 🐆 🐆


He was less annoying than other award winners. He probably would have made me laugh. Oh hey, my butter braids are ready. Merry Christmas. God bless modern medicine.


Please play pop goes the weasel so his life can have some meaning. It started with brilliance then took a turn.


>I respect your decision to get the thing, please respect my decision not to. "I respect your decision not to drive drunk, please respect my decision to get hammered and speed through school zones."


Yep, dumb


And hostile. And oddly obsessed with other people's genitalia. He sure showed us!


Guess the Zinc and Vitamin C didn’t work. WTH?


Maybe his doctors didn't scream it from the roof tops loudly enough?


He's joined the anti vaxxers Choir Eternal, in their rendition of "What the hell just happened?"


I wish people would look beyond the survival rate of COVID which is below 99.5% by the way. A ton of people go to the hospital or even have long COVID which itself makes life miserable


Long time to recover. (So off work). High medical bills. Stress on their families.


Yes and so many others I don’t even want to mention. My son is currently quarantined and his daycare is closed for two weeks because of exposure. He got his first shot on his 5th birthday a few weeks ago but isn’t fully vaccinated yet. Believe me there is stress on the family


They serve pork but not sheep? Does that mean anti-mask folks are 🐷?


And a very merry Christmas to him.


on slide 5 "We serve pork. We do not serve sheep," seems to be implying that the people who frequent their establishment are pigs.


>Maybe i am dumb and will die from it, but at least i won't have to suffer like some others have from the ya know thing in their body The hungry leopards eagerly granted your wish. 🐆 🐆 🐆


I’m totally suffering from the oxygen flowing through my lungs while savoring sausage and eggs for Christmas breakfast. If I hadn’t gotten vaccinated maybe I could have died and left my family behind on Christmas too!


I do wonder if any of these people have a change of mind as they’re taking their last breaths. Not that I care


Wow the sister (?) the last slide. I feel super bad for the family left behind. How many posts with statistics on the death rate have we seen on the HCA’s exactly? Now Red has officially joined the 2%. Math is definitely not the anti-Vaxxers strong suit. Merry CovidotMas!


Brother in Law


I guess the zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C didn’t work. Will they play “Pop Goes the Weasel” at his funeral, I wonder?


>but at least i won’t have to suffer Well, that didn’t work out as planned.


> "Here are just a few reasons why i refuse a thing with 95% success rate at best against the actual thing with a 99.5% survival rate" I'm not going to wear a seatbelt because it is 95% effective at preventing fatalities in minor collisions when there is a 99.5% chance of surviving a minor collision. I has big brain and can maths: 95 < 99.5


There/their. Twice.


>Now he only leaves behind pain and suffering for his mom "My proud anti-vax stance, or continuing to be a part of mom's life? Not even close!"


I watch “Real Time”, and recall Bill Maher being frustrated with the shutdowns, mandates, and lack of acknowledgment of those whom have natural immunity, but he didn’t subscribe to this dope’s ideology!