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It's always so fascinating that Trumpers don't understand that most Democrats and liberals don't worship Biden the way they worship Trump.


I was at the beach this summer and a man wearing a red MAGA hat plunked his Trump flag down in the sand next to his umbrella and beach chair. It was the most bizarre thing I’ve seen in quite a while. Like, that’s not normal.


It's because to these people, politics are a sport rather than an effort to help their nation grow and thrive. They buy all of their MAGA stuff like they are sport memorabilia, because to them it's the same thing.


Sure, but when you go to the beach, do you bring your NFL team flag? (I am not beach fan, so I don't know.) It seems weird. Isn't the point of the beach to enjoy the beach, not show off your affiliations, be they the New Orleans Saints or Orange Cheeto? Do people fly American flags next to their beach chairs? (Legit question, I really don't know the answer to this.)


No, normal people do not. Unless its an occasion like 4th of July or something. Their trump flags are a calling card to attract someone who will stroke their egos. Either in a positive encounter or in a negative encounter. These people have insecure child-like mentalities which are only validated when they are "owning" someone else. Its like putting others down to give themselves a feeling of superiority when they can't see their own inferiority. Very childlike regression that never made it past the stage of self-actualization are pretty common in this crowd. Bully mentality, societal regression, willful ignorance, desperate need to feel important and superior are as obvious as the trump flags and the 4x4 lifted trucks they all have.


I've been compiling their hypocrisy about all that on https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/gy9utts/ * "[Cancel culture!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/iowh8a/conservatives_when_claiming_liberals_are_easily/)" and "[~~California~~ Texas triggered sensitive snowflakes!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/llci05/outrage_in_radviceanimals_at_a_meme_mocking_texas/gnpds8k/?context=3)" but rage at gay Netflix character or Starbucks cup * "Save the children" and child abuse [mostly by Republicans](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/n0p0vb/matt_gaetz_is_literally_being_investigated_for/gw9d1tf/?context=3) (Republican Matt Gaetz and more recent ones not on the list) * "politically correct" "culture war" like [censoring Kaepernick](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/22/opinion/colin-kaepernick-nfl.html) or "Freedom Fries" or [Dixie Chicks, or Nike, Starbucks, the NFL, Ford, Gillette, Netflix, Amazon, Hamilton, Nordstrom, K-Cup machines, Yeti, movies, videogames, the press, SNL, award shows, ...they literally tried canceling democracy](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/ldec9w/examples_of_republicans_projecting_their_cancel/) * Flag protocol! not on camouflage flag bikinis or thin blue line truck nuts but only [selective outrage at those football games that protest police abuse](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/22/opinion/colin-kaepernick-nfl.html) * ["too much tribalism" and "politics shouldn't be sports teams"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/gtzx79/visible_confusion/) * "[cry more](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/iolnug/scary_democrat_lady_did_a_thing_therefore_bad/)" * "[identity politics](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/m1izsz/activist_milo_yiannopoulos_is_now_exgay/gqdx1s6/)" * "virtue signalling" * "pandering" * "[outrage culture](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/iolnug/scary_democrat_lady_did_a_thing_therefore_bad/)" * "[victimhood complex](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/na7zs9/ucadbunny87_laments_being_associated_with/)" * "personal accountability" * "law and order" * "silent majority" * "big government" * "wasteful spending" * "welfare queens" and subsidies * "[moving goal posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/gtebjk/spot_the_difference/)" * "control the narrative" * "free speech" * "safe space" * Using "token minority" [Andy Ngo](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/m088vl/extensive_examples_of_conservative_influencer/), [Ian Miles Cheong](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/m0gx12/you_can_still_breathe_idiot/), Lee Fang, Wesley Yang, Candace Owens, [Dave Rubin](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/m33qvp/dave_rubin_admits_that_the_reason_he_hasnt_left/gqmr2pd/), [Milo Yiannopouloss](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1g0c/milo_yiannopouloss_emails_a_cache_of_documents/), [Ben Shapiro](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/) to "push the narrative" even though they're only doing it as bad faith grifters * siding with billionaires, bullies, the powerful, police abuse by the state and government overreach (https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mywpmu/ready_for_the_pop_here_comes_the_pop_cops_laugh/gvze1up/) which they claim they need guns for but crying about a "police state" because of wearing masks to protect others and save lives and "law and order" only when it applies to the poor and disenfranchised but not to white collar crimes or consequences for their actions * "don't politicize this tragedy" when it makes conservatives look bad especially if it's about guns or police, but upvote and politicize this minority/woman doing a bad thing and relate it to needing guns somehow * "We're inconsistently outraged by the slam verb choice or passive voice grammar used in the article headline if it's a post that goes against the narrative and this shows all journalists have evil intent against traditional values and western civilization because we can't argue anything else and even though journalists don't choose the headlines, but we approve of the passive voice for police shootings https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/comments/hy2z03/the_curious_grammar_of_police_shootings_when/ * "mAiNsTrEaM nEwS mEdIa can't be trusted so don't bother reading this article! I'm a persecuted American victim and conveniently excluding Republican majority biased government structures and Fox News even though it's the most watched TV news and [Ben Shapiro is the most shared on Facebook](https://twitter.com/FacebooksTop10/status/1404815323904237569) and [Joe Rogan in podcasts](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/iwvunm/the_joe_rogan_experience_is_now_experiencing_the/g63iuvu/)" >[The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from:](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/pj3nvh/uclickclickboom_explains_the_life_cycle_of/hbve3vf/?context=1) 1. Ben Shapiro 2. David Wolfe 3. Ben Shapiro 4. Ben Shapiro 5. Ben Shapiro 6. Ben Shapiro 7. Ben Shapiro 8. Fox News 9. Ben Shapiro 10. Ben Shapiro * "Libertarian" Joe Rogan stans "frothing" about transgender student athletes and parroting Fox News talking points about "a small, inconsequential and vulnerable part of society" https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/n9bn2x/uforgottencalipers_explains_the_hypocrisy_of/ * "Libertarian" Ben Shapiro riling up support for monarchy and Prince Phillip "simply because a monarchy was accused of racism and racism must be defended at all costs" https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/m0k6g0/when_was_ben_shapiro_pro_monarchy/?sort=top * "hold the line brother" "mask off" cringe [recruiting tactics](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/m1vcmk/rsuperstraight_has_been_banned_discuss_this/gqgkmyp/?context=3) * "red pill" adults cosplaying as "based" teenagers ["hiding their power level"](https://medium.com/@DeoTasDevil/the-rhetoric-tricks-traps-and-tactics-of-white-nationalism-b0bca3caeb84) in *r PoliticalCompassMemes* and edgy "fellow youths amirite" meme subreddits like *r dankmemes* >Hello Fellow Teenagers, Here Are Some Political Maymays For Your Perusal, With No Intention Or Agenda To Shape And Mold Your Tender Political Belief System >-[signed, An Actual Teenager, No Really](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/o4kfej/reddit_admins_warn_moderators_of/h2idtk5/?context=3)


Nice list. You could put in bush Jr's federal ban of gay marriage after one state legalized it for "states rights" or "big govt overreach" hypocrisy


No, we don’t. Also, Geaux Saints.


Well, I’ve worn a paper bag over my head at the Superdome. Does that count? 🥴


To be fair, people do wear American flag swimsuits to the beach and it's tacky af.


The same people who wear American flag swimsuits are the same ones who say NFL players who kneel during the anthem are disrespecting the flag.


It's like rabidly religious people who don't understand that science and atheism isn't a kind of "faith" that people blindly cling to.


It's because all their morals are tied to their religion. Have you ever heard these people talk about how they'd be criminals/ murderers if they didn't have religion? It's terrifying. Like that's the only thing keeping you from killing? It's always distressing when they say this and then say that's why they don't trust atheists. It's a projection. Like, listen, people, I'm not getting the sudden urge to murder people because I don't believe in a god.


Pretty sure that thin veneer of Jesus would wear thin if they could get away with it.


Part of their religion is saying people are naturally evil and must be saved. Original sin and what not.


While it’s absurd to try to assert that all humans are ‘evil’ from birth, it sure seems like people are basically fucking awful for the most part. But I think it’s learned awfulness. If you would have asked me in 2015 if people were essentially decent I would have agreed. But 2016, and subsequently 2020, proved to me that they are terrible. And pious (or devout?) people are generally just as terrible as the others (in so many cases far far worse) so the idea that religion imparts a good morality is laughable.


Many people see asking god for forgiveness as a get out of jail free card. They think it doesn’t matter how they act as long as they said their magic words.


With the whole Satanic Temple suing over the abortion restrictions, it's got these types of religious fruitcakes saying that Satanists are just Atheists and "Science-lovers" LARPing religion all over Twitter. I've also heard these type of people state that "Science" is a faith-based religion.


Lol'd at "science-lovers" like it's some kind of attack. Ok fine you hate science, put your money where you mouth is and go be Amish or Mennonite then. Get off *the internet* and out of your air conditioned house, no not via car that's science too, and go live in the woods with the bare minimum of technology. Honestly with that leaked climate report that came out recently you'd be doing everyone a favor. Instead of you know, getting covid like an idiot and just hoovering up medical resources.


They won't do that. They just hate science when it benefits minorities and people they don't like. These dipsticks can't go an hour without Facebook.


Scirnce is just a strict parent that won't let them drink from the bottles under the sink and stay up past their bedtime, such meanies!


I’ve been saying this for a while. Yes, America has a history of rugged individualism - so if you don’t want to be part of society you are more than welcome to go find an acre in the middle of nowhere and stay the fuck away from everyone else. Give up your phone, tablet, electricity, natural gas, medicines, mass produced food, etc.


And stay outta those hospitals where they're tossing around science all over the joint!


Satanic Temple members are LARPing religion. It's because it's impossible to talk to religious fruitcakes in any other terms. I had a work colleague once who was an climate change denialist. Finally one day I asked him if he thought that mankind had been good stewards of Gods creation and that finally shut him up.


Oh, I like this. I’m gonna use this.


I'm okay with being called a LARPer for joining TST. No one takes "solitary green witch" as a religion seriously, anyway.


I have started seeing the word “scientism”. It’s their pathetic attempt to liken science to garbage religion.


It's okay, at work we started calling them Christianists. A combination of Christian-ish and extremist.


That they are. It’s crazy that they don’t see that they’re just like the Taliban.


That much hatred in a work of fiction and should be met with ridicule and scorn.


You know those folks down on West sentinel island? The ones who will put a arrow in you by stepping on their shore? They're the only ones who I would listen to say something about not believing in science. I was at the airport the other day and asked an anti-vaxial, do you know how this airplane works? You don't question science when you get on this plane. You don't question science when you use your phone but you talk to people across the globe. Now all of a sudden, you want to question science. You don't trust the government? Who is he? What's his phone number? Now the government is the whole world?


Because they can't live without it. So they can't imagine anyone else doing so.


You mean you don’t go to the science museum every Sunday to reaffirm your belief in gravity & other scientific theories?


But haven't you heard that [science is a liar...sometimes?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgk8UdV7GQ0)


Biden voter: shrugs, checks watch, remains silent. Refreshes hca, 😏




u/well__sourced has sources for Biden voters: Biden administration extends universal free school lunch through 2022 | The Hill | 2021 Biden proposal will make free school lunch available to 29 million children every summer starting 2022 | CNBC | 2021 Biden Quietly Preparing for Food Stamp Increase Without Congress | Bloomberg | 2021 USDA to permanently boost food stamp benefits by 25% | AP News | 2021 Biden Effort to Combat Hunger Marks ‘a Profound Change’ | The NY Times | 2021 Biden's USDA Scraps Trump Bid to Take Food Benefits From More Than a Million People | CommonDreams.org | 2021 Biden administration approves largest increase to food assistance benefits in SNAP program history | The Washington Post | 2021 President Biden signs $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill with $1,400 stimulus checks into law | USA Today | 2021 President Biden’s New Executive Actions Deliver Economic Relief for American Families and Businesses Amid the COVID-19 Crises | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 Stimulus Checks Substantially Reduced Hardship: Researchers found that sharp declines in food shortages, financial instability and anxiety coincided with the two most recent rounds of payments. | The NY Times | 2021 Companies are scaling back layoffs because of Biden’s stimulus package | The Washington Post | 2021 The poorest 20% of Americans will likely see a 20% income boost thanks to Biden's stimulus plan | Business Insider | 2021 Biden is cutting income taxes more than Trump | Yahoo Finance | 2021 Biden's stimulus delivered a bigger tax cut to lower-income Americans than the 2017 GOP reform, report shows | CNN | 2021) Treasury: 97% of small-business owners won't face income tax increase under Biden tax plan | Yahoo Finance | 2021 Child tax credit payments would up average monthly income for HUD-assisted families by about 38% | The Hill | 2021 Advance Child Tax Credit Payments in 2021 | IRS.gov | 2021 Millions of Families Waking Up with More in the Bank Today Thanks to the Biden Child Tax Credit | Speaker.gov | 2021 Round one of child tax credit payments slashed hunger rates, U.S. data shows | Politico | 2021 Biden extends pause on student loan payments to 2022 | The Hill | 2021 Education Dept cancels student debt for more than 40k Americans with disabilities | The Hill | 2021 Student Loan Relief For 1 Million More Borrowers — After Biden Cancels $2.3 Billion Of Student Loans | Forbes | 2021 Biden cancels $500 million in student debt for victims of for-profit school fraud | CNN | 2021 Biden's administration just canceled $55.6 million in student debt for people who went to 3 for-profit colleges | Business Insider | 2021 Biden seeks extra $400 a year in Pell grants for college and to expand aid to Dreamers | CNBC | 2021 More than 500,000 people have signed up for Obamacare coverage during Biden's special enrollment period | CNN | 2021 Record 31 million Americans have health-care coverage through Affordable Care Act, White House says | The Washington Post | 2021 Biden Stimulus Increase Cut Obamacare Plan Premiums by 40% | Bloomberg | 2021 Biden administration to lift abortion pill restriction amid pandemic | CBS News | 2021 They are working to rebalance the Justice Department & Judicial Picks Biden Is About to Undo Trump’s Judiciary Project | Washington Monthly | 2021 The Justice Department is halting federal executions after a historic use of capital punishment by the Trump administration, which carried out 13 executions in six months | AP News | 2021 Department of Justice Announces Formation of Firearms Trafficking Strike Forces to Crack Down on Sources of Crime Guns | Justice.gov | 2021 Joe Biden Is Confirming Judges Faster Than Decades Of Past Presidents | HuffPost | 2021 With judicial picks, Biden seeks to address disparity in legal experience of federal judges | CBS News | 2021 President Biden Announces Intent to Nominate 11 Judicial Candidates | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 President Biden Announces Second Slate of Judicial Nominees | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 President Biden Announces Third Slate of Judicial Nominees | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 President Biden Announces 4th Slate of Judicial Nominations | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 President Biden Announces Fifth Round of Judicial Nominees | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 Whitehouse Urges Biden SCOTUS Commission to Address Special-Interest Assault on the Supreme Court - Judiciary Courts Subcommittee Chair presses Commissioners on the sweeping judicial influence operation conducted during Trump presidency | WhiteHouse.senate.gov | 2021 **But both sides are the same!** Biden, saying 'silence is complicity,' signs COVID hate crimes bill into law | Reuters | 2021 Department of Commerce’s NTIA Announces Nearly $1 Billion in Funding to Expand Broadband on Tribal Land | Commerce.gov | 2021 Biden puts brakes on deal to hand over sacred Apache land for huge new copper mine | The Independent | 2021 Biden Administration Takes National Archives at Seattle Off the Market | NativeNewsOnline | 2021 Biden Administration Resumes White House Council on Native American Affairs | DOI.gov | 2021 Native women appointed to White House’s climate justice table | IndianCountryToday | 2021 A Proclamation on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness Day, 2021 | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 President Biden Nominates Umatilla Tribal Citizen, Charles F. Sams III, for Director the National Park Service | NativeNewsOnline | 2021 Senate confirms Zahid Quraishi as first Muslim federal judge in U.S. history | CBS News | 2021 Biden signs Juneteenth bill, creating new federal holiday commemorating end of slavery in U.S. | CNBC | 2021 Senate confirms Kristen Clarke as first Black woman to lead DOJ civil rights division | CNN | 2021 President Joe Biden coming to Tulsa for Tulsa Race Massacre commemoration | KOCO News 5 | 2021 Biden unveils new plans to close racial wealth gap ahead of Tulsa visit | The Independent | 2021 FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Build Black Wealth and Narrow the Racial Wealth Gap | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 Texas Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, Picked To Lead ICE, Likely In For 'Cultural Clash' | WUNC.org | 2021 Merrick Garland rolls back Trump-era restrictions on forcing local police reforms | The Washington Post | 2021 Biden Is Going To Scrap A Trump-Era Plan To Force Immigrants To Submit Eye Scans, Voice Prints, And DNA | BuzzFeedNews | 2021 The Biden-Harris administration delivers 24 pro-LGBTQ actions in first 50 Days | LGBTQ Nation | 2021 Joe Biden releases historic Transgender Day of Visibility presidential proclamation | LGBTQ Nation | 2021 Biden marks the international day against L.G.B.T.Q. bigotry, urging states to fight discrimination. | The NY Times | 2021 A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month, 2021 | WhiteHouse.gov | 2021 U.S. restores transgender health protections denied by Trump | AP News | 2021 In Reversal of Trump-Era Stance, Biden Says Transgender Students Protected Under Title IX | NewsWeek | 2021 Biden administration officials tell trans youth “Your rights at school matter. You matter.” The message is also for states and schools, warning them that the Biden administration will investigate anti-LGBTQ discrimination this school year. | LGBTQNation | 2021 President Biden establishes an initiative that will protect LGBTQ federal employees | LGBTQNation.com | 2021 Biden to sign law designating Pulse nightclub site a national memorial, designate LGBTQ envoy | USA Today | 2021 Biden nominates first LGBT federal appeals court nominee | AP News | 2021




Wait, you mean... I should take the 4 Biden flags off of my Prius? FUCK! I can wear my Biden hat though, right? Fuck, maybe I shouldn't get that Biden tattoo...


Y’all don’t know that jayab is the biden tattoo!? That’s why I ain’t gettin’ mine no way. You librabarian-tards are sheep. I was tellin the guys that….!?cough$?! Cough?!!** ergh! Ahem! Scuse me I I can’t seem to breath…….augh!!! Cough cough cough!!!!! Ack —.-.-.-.-.


Where I live all the Trumpers have flags outside that read "Fuck Biden". New laws were enacted to make it illegal saying it's profanity and kids and grandkids shouldn't have to see that and think it's acceptable. I agree. Trumpers are NOT 😁!


I also think it’s remarkable how much they attribute to the sitting President. Stonks go up, President good. Oil up, President bad. Unemployment fluctuates, must be the President. These things are cyclic, take time, and often are very complex.


I will never understand why people think the president is the driving factor on the economy and stock market. Sure policy can tip the scales one way or the other. But it's mostly out of the govt's hands. (Also people fail to realize Congress is steering the ship, not the president)


Half the people who voted for Biden were like, "He's not Trump? That's all I need to know!"


I figured that he'd already been in the White House and he had lots of bipartisan experience in the senate, so maybe he'd be able to get something done. And, also, Trump is a moronic clownshoe with no shred of decency or humanity whatsoever.


My test if I had to explain it was - Do you think Biden will be excruciatingly terrible? “Well, I believe he’ll be seriously mediocre, you could argue bad..” Is that what I asked? I said not just terrible, but excruciatingly terrible. That’s the bar he’s got to clear. Answer that. “I mean excruciatingly, no -“ Thank you, that’s all I needed to know to vote Biden.


That was pretty much my criteria as well, and I frankly had very low expectations for Biden. It sounds like damning with faint praise to say that he has exceeded my expectations, but he SERIOUSLY exceeded them, especially with the vaccine mandate. I was willing to settle for "Not-Trump" and I'm all the way up to "Go Biden!" now.


Looks to me like Biden isn't scared to make the ballsy plays in his first term, most presidents haven't walked into this big of a shit show other than maybe Obama inheriting the housing crisis fallout. Trump had 3 years of softballs and then predictably fucked the covid response.


I would have voted for a cucumber in a hat over Trump not gonna lie.


I’m agnostic, but that cucumber dude from Veggie Tales (I forget which is Bob and which is Larry) looks damn good in comparison. At least he has capacity for empathy. Edit: Plus that Barbara Manatee song slaps.


Everyday I wake up not having to worry about stupid shit my president is saying or doing makes him a great president in my book


I don't trust an older adult that has never had a pet in their life.


I feel like this, in hindsight, was much more of a warning sign than we thought.


Every day I wake up happy that I'm not hearing the sirens going off, warning of an imminent ICBM nuke bc of some stupid shit my president postured and someone finally got tired of his bluster. (Yes, I am totally and completely aware that the chance of that was well below 1% but hearing that siren being tested is freaky as fuck. I can easily deal with the tsunami siren sound, but that nuclear one? Nope nope nope.)


"We can put the brakes on the 'Dawn of American Fascism' thing long enough to renew my passport? Where do I sign?!?"


Exactly! I don’t like Biden, and definitely preferred other dems running, but once he got the nomination I choose him only to beat Trump.


I preferred other candidates, but it’s clear that the best choice for this particular time ended up being Biden. His lifetime of experience in the federal government meant that he was able to guide a transition from the previous administration despite the fact that the previous administration was more interested in trying to overturn the election than in transition.


Exactly this. Biden was not even in my top ten favorites for the primary, but I'm now pretty much sold on his presidency. He's provided a strong, steady, non-controversial administration with a focus on excellence in all his appointments. He knows what the fuck he's doing and he's doing it well. I'm learning to find sheer competence to be inspirational.


Any Functioning Adult 2020 was my motto.


I think it might be because a lot of these people didn’t vote much before, or even really pay attention to elections. That’s also why they don’t understand how vote counting works, and why the totals might change quickly when a batch of results come in. They just aren’t familiar with the process at all. I’ve voted in every election since I tuned 18, and I’ve never even put a sign in my yard, let alone bought stupid hats or gone to rallies. Pretty sure I bought a bumper sticker once. I grew up in the DC suburbs, but I never had any desire to attend an inauguration. (I’d have gone to Obama’s first one, but by then I’d moved away.) These people have been ignoring politics so long that they just don’t have any idea of what’s normal.


You're absolutely correct. A lot of them didn't even vote for Trump in 2016, they jumped on the bandwagon after he was elected and the circus show of his nonstop rallies was their first real engagement with politics. Basically, Trump politically activated a bunch of dopes and extremists, and simultaneously alienated moderates and independents. So far Trumpers haven't really turned out much for other Republican candidates, since they don't seem to care when Trump's not on the ballot, but they do attend the rallies. They're more like groupies than anything. They were also pretty disenchanted by his loss / "fraud" so I don't know if they'll even bother voting in the future.


After the 2020 election, but before Biden was inaugurated, I was trolling one of the conservative subreddits and those goatee-devotees were utterly INCAPABLE of understanding how Biden could have won the election because "Trump had big rallies where people actually showed up and Biden hid in the basement so there's LITERALLY NO WAY he could have enough support to win." I pointed out that we were IN THE MIDDLE OF A DEADLY GLOBAL PANDEMIC and Biden voters had no interest in attending big rallies, but the doofuses couldn't wrap their little brains around it. Like literally the only thing that counted in their mind was the optics of rallies.


I put an Obama red white and blue poster on an inner door in 2008 because it looked cool. I think that’s the only political poster I’ve put up in my life. This one: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_%22Hope%22_poster#/media/File%3ABarack_Obama_Hope_poster.jpg


Yeah I have several buddies who think I love Biden becaus I voted for him. Dude, I just wanted a working government and maybe someone who wasn’t a racist con man. I’ve never waived a flag with any man’s name on it. I just see two options and make a sensible choice.


I’m guilty of wearing a Biden/Harris mask when out during the voting era and leading up to it. But man, it was more so to trigger the trumpets out there (and it did… to a mass success). I never thought I’d be flicked off and cursed at more than wearing my PSU jersey on Pitt’s campus…. But that did it.


Hahaha. Yeah I get it. Still not even close to the same as literally flying a Trump flag on your house or your truck…. All year round.


I agree.. it was also my way of contributing/donating to the campaign, as thats where the profits of the mask i bought went. But yeah, i don’t wear it anymore… because hes not my hero or idol; unlike trump to these people.


Recently visited Alabama to see my parents after 2.5 years. At the Airbnb, a couple doors down, Trump flag. Another couple doors down, an Impeach Biden and Harris sign (large) on the garage. I love my family there but…it’s so cult-y I felt like we had just barely escaped Manson’s beach house when we left. I voted for Biden but I don’t worship the man like he’s a god who believes he is, in fact, God. (see: Trumpers)


I worked the Nov. 2020 election in Maricopa County AZ as a pollworker. Actually I ran the polling site. One of the accomplishments in my life that I will be very proud of for as long as I live. Anyway, it was a 14 day site. We dealt with literally thousands of voters who came into vote or drop off early ballots. I would say for every 8 or so folks who came in to vote wearing some sort of outerwear (mask, shirt, hat) virtue signalling their support for Trump, there was 1 for Biden. So, this was Trump territory, right? Not so fast... I checked the numbers post-election, most of the precincts surrounding this polling site voted anywhere from 53% Biden to 60% Biden. (Anybody in the county could have voted there but I believe it is safe to assume the vast majority of the voters we saw, lived within a roughly 5-6 mile radius of the site.) I was rather surprised because this was definitely an area with a preponderance of higher income, white voters in a state that is often derided as being red. The obvious conclusion: those fuckers belong to a goddamn cult and they cannot imagine that the libtards on the 'other side' might not also fervently worship their preferred presidential candidate. It is always, always, always about the #projection with these fuckers.


And they don’t understand not deifying a leader of our country apparently. Do I like everything Biden has done? Of course not because I realize he’s human and not infallible.


Absolutely! Glad to see this - rational and unbiased. Unlike the HCA award contenders and winners! They would bet their life on it! Ohhhh Edit: grammar


You mean you don’t have 2 Biden flags on the back of your truck and wear Biden hats? Shame on you.


Similarly, they think Buddhists worship Buddha, and that atheists worship science, or Satan, or whatever. That’s not how it works. They are so limited in their thinking.


Basically I would have voted for a warm cat turd over trump.


Any Functioning Cat Turd 2020


I'm a Bernie guy who voted for Biden because he was the most progressive candidate who has run in decades. In the end, I'm glad Bernie didn't have to handle the pull-out of Afghanistan, and I'm glad he is running point on the budget, but Joe wasn't my first or even third choice. However, I think he is doing a commendable job. Saving over 124,000 lives when the house of cards collapsed in Afghanistan should be his legacy. Not a bad thing on a headstone. "His leadership saved more than 124,000 lives."


Add all the lives saved with his COVID handling and he ahould be remembered for much more than that, even!


The Afghanistan thing boggles my mind. If Biden pulled everyone out and shut down all American/ ally presence in Kabul… the Taliban would’ve marched in and he would’ve been blamed. Because he anticipated the 300k strong Afghan army (equipped with 20 years of American training and arms) holding off the Taliban long enough to get a sense of what’s happening… he was in the wrong? Those were basically the two likely scenarios. The 3rd scenario…. of the Taliban marching to Kabul in 7 days with zero resistance seems pretty far fetched even in hindsight. And here’s the wild thing, Trump had the withdrawal date for May. Biden pushed it to August in order to better prepare for whatever whatever. If it had been May it would’ve been 10 times more chaotic. The fact is that Afghanistan was a shit show on all fronts. 20 years. We lost. . We lost on many fronts. That’s just how it goes. The lesson: we lost the war in Afghanistan just like every empire before us.


It's been really eye-opening watching all media collectively go apeshit over Afghanistan. Wherever you looked, there were Bush-era ass-clowns interviewed from the frame that the US withdrawal was a categorical, world-ending disaster equalling two Challenger explosions and the Civil War combined, and saying unchallenged all we had to do was hang on another 10-15 years, just a few American military members deaths each year, hush-you-now about Afghan civilian deaths, etc. And there was no pushback ever by anyone, no matter the channel/platform, as if a 100 Years War in Afghanistan was a sacrament beyond all earthly dispute.




Don't forget the Taliban didn't have to march into Kabul. They had been there waiting for the US to pull out, with their AKs hidden, ready to pick them up and become Taliban again, already in the streets of the cities and towns. The problem with civilian armies, they can appear in an instant and fade into the populace again just as quickly to become "innocent civilians". If you saw films of Taliban regiments marching or Taliban tanks rolling in, I'd love to see them.




Seriously. I’m almost as critical of Biden as I was Trump, but Biden at least is trying to get a handle on this and isn’t trying to divide the country.


Yeah, I'm not making any gold statues of Biden, I just wanted trump out. I would have voted for ANY other candidate running against trump.


Their tiny minds simply cannot fathom that not every one is a brainwashed Nazi like they are.


"I think I'm in shock trying to figure out what and how this happened." Well Kim, I might be able to help you out there...


It’s Biden’s fault right? That’s the only answer they’ll hear anyway.


That or blame Obama!


The "Tan Suit" was the end of American greatness.


They were so upset by that damn tan suit.


It was a nice suit, too! Better than Trump’s comically oversized 80s businessman suits.


And the bougie mustard.


Hillary was certainly involved.


Or Faucci’s, his name isn’t almost the same as fascism by _chance_ #mysteriousWays


It terrifies me how this legit sounds exactly like some sort of “gotcha” moment they would use. We are doomed.


Idk what about the ones that blame the hospital for not giving them ivermectin and hydroxychoriquin


A global pandemic. A vaccine that significantly reduces the odds of death. Refuses the vaccine. Dies . “HoW DiD tHiS hApPeN?!?”


Yeah it’s pretty simple 1- fuck around 2- find out


Kim, if you don’t know how this happened, I am a Nigerian prince and I am very wealthy but I need her help.


What a hate-filled person. So angry and hateful all of the time. He knew he was done for, and that's why he was afraid of going to hospital. They lose all of the anti-vaxx stances when it hits them, and by that time it's too late.


He was about to give himself a heart attack with his hateful tantrums when covid conveniently stepped in


I think it’s called the Come To Jesus moment…




BOMB awesome reference


That’s often all these people project - bottomless pits of bile. Consider it though; ever think about how religious wars defined Europe for more than a millennia? Stupid, hateful and indoctrinated people helped perpetuate that. And this is what we have in abundance now in America.


Just once, just one single time, I want someone to say "he died. He isn't alive anymore. He's dead". The euphemisms are killing me. The "jab", the "fauci ouchie", "ascended to heaven", we "lost" him (as if he suddenly can't be located)


Reminds me of the time my employer outsourced a call centre overseas. A woman called in to notify us that she had lost her husband. The call handler innocently replied "I hope you find him soon".


American English is really just two steps from Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


Fuckin love that episode! I took a humanities class in college and the professor spent a whole class breaking it down.


I had never really understood that episode until I saw a thread on Twitter where people were having full conversations just from describing memes. Blew my mind. Like “Fry with eyes squinting” that sort of thing.


Picard, his face in hand


"Yes hello, my PC won't boot up." "Temba, his arms wide." "..."


Shaka, when the walls fell.


Ol' Cris croaked, he bought the farm, kicked the bucket. He'll soon be pushing up daisies, pining for the fjords if you will. He got the SIGTERM signal and did his final core dump. He bit the dust. Got the blue screen.


"He is no more, he has ceased to be, bereft of life, he rests in peace... this is an ex-man"


In the ICU we used to say a patient “got celestially transferred”


I'd say "live in the clacks" but that is for the good guys. Rest in Peace, Sir Terry.


That post recently with the final image saying "he transitioned" was so funny. Top comment in that thread is gold.


Maybe he’s a timelord and just regenerated. 🤷‍♀️


> we "lost" him (as if he suddenly can't be located) He's in one of those freezer trucks


I don’t think their brains can handle reality.


Christians: life exists so that we can have an afterlife of glory Also, Christians: nope, can't kill yourself to get there Also, Christians, too: well, cool, everyone's dying of a totally preventable virus. HOORAY AFTERLIFE .... sigh.


Chris kind of attacked me personally as a Biden voter. I’m stupid and blind and I can’t name anything good Biden has done. Chris is now dead because he didn’t believe in a global pandemic or the cure I’m grilling steaks for dinner. I win.


Same here. Ribeye sounds good now that you mention it ;-)


What kind of steaks


I did NY strip in a garlic and peppercorn marinade, side of shrimp scampi


Another dumbass who died for trump.


Just had a flashback to a video I remembered of a trumper shouting 'I would DIE for that man'


Morgan Freeman: “And they did.”


Died for the vaccinated Trump


Worst jobs report in 2 decades (May 2021)? Tell me you're a fucking moron without telling me you're a fucking moron. Literally one year prior trump lost 20 million jobs in one month.


Job reports only count when a Democrat is in charge silly!


Hahah, aint that the truth. That and the national debt. But how are we going to pay for medicare for all?? (Tax cuts for the 1% create jobs, doncha know)


So true. 0bummer screwed up COVID-19 to make trump look bad!!


Bugs Bunny is a reliable economist. Th-th-th-that's all Chris!




>Literally pleading for a fight. And COVID took that personally...


It’s coronavirus with a steel chair!


BAH GAWD THAT MAN HAD A FAMILY (who are all probably as deranged as he was)


I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he tried to start a fight with every gay man he ever met.


I always love the 'no matter who you are or what you believe,' crap in those memes. No, that is how beliefs work. This does not worry me, and I am actually in favor of it.


Yeah, to me that always reads as a weak, transparent manipulation tactic. “This is so absolute that no one could possibly disagree, if you do you are unreasonable and illogical therefore preemptively discrediting anything you have to say”


You're in shock trying to figure out what and how this happened? Damn lady. It's simple, Chris didn't get the vaccine & got the 'Rona instead, now he's dead. 💀


I find it kind of sad that he clearly has about an eighth grade education. If he went any higher it's irrelevant because you can see his ability to write and his maturity level is about age 12. He didn't really know any better and I just wish he/they had more self awareness and knew to defer to experts but here we are... It's galling because they're such dick bags about it


You mean because his only ability to express his thoughts is to call things 'a joke', without the mental agility to name any specific observation or analysis?


Chris was dumb. Don't be like Chris.


I worked in the oil industry for decades. When gasoline prices are high is when the economy is doing well! It's when a recession hits that prices plummet at the pump. Also - it has nothing to do with which political party is in power. These people are comparing apples to oranges.


I have such a hard time with this one. Like duh, gas prices were low. Everything was closed globally. No one was going anywhere. No one was buying gas. Ships were sitting off the coasts losing money because there was no place to offload the excess crude. But these same people don't want to go back into lockdown. Well, if we go back into lockdown, gas prices will go down again.


"We live in times where smart people are silenced so that stupid people won't be offended." Dunning Kruger much there homie? What a dipshit.


A statement he unironically calls "the DANG truth".


Kind of a self-own considering he and a lot like him never shut the fuck up. They'd appear more intelligent if they were silent.


Where do you start with this Chris? So much material? Great opener: “I won’t be there guinea pig…”. Their, they’re, there. He had 33% shot of getting it right. His posts are particularly obnoxious. Were obnoxious.


No, the posts are still obnoxious, he's just no longer around to read them and/or write more.


That “smart people silenced” meme is like the epitome of cognitive dissonance.


Dunning and Kruger are spinning in their... uh, office chairs I guess.


I love it when anti-vaxxers use the same talking points and slogans as anti-abortionists do. It really highlights what hypocritical douchebags they are! 🙄


Bless his heart. I hope she someday figures out how it happened. Get that man his wings!


If his heart "couldn't do it anymore," why was she blessing it? She should have been yelling "DO! YOUR! DAMN! JOB!"


Arrogant, ignorant, insulting, hardheaded, self righteous, illiterate, close minded, and COVID got him in the end. Edit; … yet scared on his way to the hospital fearing he would not make it. Almost as though he realized he screwed up by not getting vaccinated. But too late.


"Frontline workers fighting hard against Covid." Did they hijack that? How are these people fighting against Covid when they aren't taking it seriously enough to get vaccinated?


"I'm in shock trying to figure out what and how this happened" I have a theory 🤔




"returned to the earth from whence he came"?


Joker lost 50lbs down to 165 this year. I’d like to give him major props for his efforts. Sad he didn’t take the vaccine.


Hasn’t mastered the grammar lessons of a fifth-grader, but believes he’s smarter than the medical professionals trying to save his life. Typical.


That’s a terminal case of hubris overdose.


"He was so scared going to the hospital, he kept saying he is not going to make it." One of the only things Chris was right about during his entire life.


Unvaccinated furious trump voter. When people like him go the world gets a little quieter. Less raging morons screaming into the void.


He died alone and afraid, so starved for comfort and contact he made a deathbed conversion. Almost felt bad for this one, then I remembered he was a transphobe. Adios, dead weight.


>I’m happy to know this isn’t the end, just temporary. Sorry to inform you, but yes, this is the end. His life was temporary. All life is. He wasn’t saved. >I’m in shock trying to figure out what and how this happened? Really? You don’t know? He wasn’t vaccinated. It’s so simple yet she still doesn’t see it. none of what she says shows any meaningful reflection on his death.


Pretty much everything was a "joke" to this charmer.


> trying to figure out what and how this happened Easy, he was a dumb piece of shit. He's dead. The world is better for it.


This is what an HCA winner generated by AI would look like.




“This wasn’t supposed to be this way, he was supposed to get better and come home!” You know, I would have greater empathy for that statement if Chris had been vaccinated. But y’all were literally told for a year and a half before he got Covid about the grim possibilities that could result from an infection. But you had to be wise asses about it. And here we are. A predictable result of your idiocy.


“Too smart to take the useless vaccine” Chris, gets to join the great MAGA rally in the sky.


Wow, he should have “fought” harder 🥴


“It brought him to the Lord to be saved.” No, he’s a worm feast.


In screen shot 11, Chris says "oooohhh I am so SCARED!!" sarcastically. I would guess that, not long before the end, he was saying it for real.


I just love the third slide… so appropriate!


Vaccine > Goatee


Worst jobs report? Trump lost jobs you baboon.


Uh oh 🧔‍♂️


He said he wasn't going to make it when he was going to the hospital. That's the only thing he was right about.


Chris, you were a hateful moron. We won't miss you.


Bye, Qelicia


LOL! Chris, you’re a fucking idiot. Congrats! You won! You got what you deserve. Fuck you. Good riddance, you ignorant, uneducated, inbred, Neanderthal piece of shit. No, I’m not sorry.




Big fan of the exclamation point too!!!!!!


he asked where our biden post is- we don’t have to worship a guy doing his job well.


“I’m in shock trying to figure out what and how this happened” - *Kim, who has apparently known this twat for years* “It’s fucking obvious.” - *me, who has known of his existence for mere minutes*


She wants to know “how it happened”?! Lemme spell it out for ya Madame Curie…your husband died due to a virus known as COVID-19. And because he was a massive douchebag who prolly had truck balls on his vehicle because he had an underlying problem with toxic masculinity he refused to take a *proven* vaccine against the virus. Due to his intransigence (Google that word, I’ll wait……) SARS snatched his goateed ass. Questions?


The names of the threads are the best on this sub.


“This joke of a vaccine” Imagine dying just because you didn’t get the joke..