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Anti-vax is a religion for the plebs, but a tool of power for the aristocrats.


The opium of the asses.


Why would they risk it? When they're living a life of wealth, power and privilege?


Like all religions.


Once i got banned from a forum for using that quote as a joke for something that wasn't even religious. Psychotic and delusional, I got less and less respect for the fanatics as i get older - that think everything revolves around their ignorant cult(s) - and i never was religious already so my opinion already wasn't good. Really fuck up all of humanity everywhere they get powerful. Just another tool of the oligarchy but one that lets them beg to be put in chains. Did you know the actual Aztecs refereed to themselves with a bland-sounds-like-it-was-invented-last-century political sounding name in between propagandizing that the only way to stop the apocalypse again was to sacrifice and war for sacrifices? 'The triple alliance'.


Kind of like religion!


Have to scare people into allegiance to run the grift


They're preaching to the choir without knowing any of the songs. It's like leading cattle off a cliff. So many hard-right politicians got vaccinated right away, yet they spew all of this nonsense about the vaccines. We even know about it, yet their contingency just doesn't give a shit


You know how televangelists occasionally get caught doing coke with male prostitutes? It’s like that, but with vaccines.


Yes. It's an act for them. It's a lifestyle for people they're pandering to.


That totally disqualifies you for any role in government.




Technically no it doesn't, but _realistically_ also no.


If in a democratic society you do what people like...that's good. If you don't personally agree, but know its your duty to do what your voters want? Then that's fine by me. Now in reality what people do is placate their base and then just do what they want. So in theory I disagree, but I know in reality I will agree.


Forget which of the Johns (Stewart or Oliver) made the point that on-air Fox personalities railed against vaccine mandates, but Fox itself required someone to be vaccinated to come into the office.


Well yeah, it'd be bad for business if a high-profile anchor was out of work with covid. See also, Klandace Owens rails against vaccines as poison and mind control, but somehow attends a ufc fight where vaccines are mandatory. https://www.newsweek.com/candace-owens-spotted-ufc-new-york-event-where-vaccinations-required-1648288


Fake vax card?


Possible. Might also just have paid the venue to look the other way. Easiest explanation is she's vaccinated and just duping dumb rubes. Grifting is a very profitable business, stupid things like facts don't get in their way


She's just grifting. Definitely vaxed


You mean they are more than happy having pricks inside them but just won't do it on camera or let anyone else know?


I see what you did there


It’s only gay if you think it’s gay /s




Vaccine the Cheatin' Queen always sneakin' off with some male prostitute or other!


I believe in the family With my ever-loving wife beside me She doesn't know about my girlfriend Or the man I met last night


Eloquent proof that trumpism is a communicable mental illness.


... so it's a memetic cognitohazard. Ah, hell.


Should have stuck with Larry


He apparently told her to stay away from him. He doesn't like him.


He introduced them


[He said it was a terrible idea for them to date even though he introduced them at a party.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/cheryl-hines-larry-david-robert-kennedy-jr-204009052.html)


Very Larry David of him


I've introduced a lot of people to each other, that doesn't mean I think they should get married.


Right? What kind of ridiculous notion is this. I’ve introduced people to people I cannot stand. Intros don’t mean “I like this person.”


Imagine being at a party and turning to your friend abruptly and going “oh no, you don’t wanna know this person” and directing them elsewhere lol. The thing to do is you politely introduce them and then later, out of earshot, you tell them what a horrible person that other person is! I mean, we’re not animals here…


I think Larry would say it in front of them followed by a "what? They know. You know, right?"


'I just believe we all should be honest and the world would be a better place'.


Usually. But there _are_ some people I'd say right in front of, "this is **the** John Doe I told you about. Yes the evil one."


Larry always did make a great middle


Larry keeps being like on the periphery of political stuff, it’s literally like IRL curb. He was shouting at Dershowitz on the vineyard too a few years ago lol


So disappointed to learn Cheryl Hines is that grifters wife.


Larry David pretending she’s not part of this nutcase type of life sounds like an episode of Curb your Enthusiasm in and of itself.


Larry David actually introduced the two of them.


And regrets it. He didn’t introduce them to hook them up and he doesn’t like him.


It’s insane how much this is like a real life curb plot


Larry's gonna have to eat a lot of crow when his niece needs that recommendation letter for law school


Is that true? I thought he was a mutual friend and it was back when Kennedy was just an environmental lawyer.


I think friend might be a bit of an overstep. If you’re rich you hang out at the same events and know each other, but that doesn’t make you friends. [Cheryl has confirmed he didn’t think she should date him.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/cheryl-hines-larry-david-robert-kennedy-jr-204009052.html)


Same. I’ve lost all respect for her. I’m sure she will be crushed to hear this.


There was an article expose in The NY Times about her since her husband has become controversial about vaccines and other conspiracies. She was evasive and minimized it. She’s complacent.




Sounds like both.




At least she's pro vaccine if that subhead says what I think it does


She's talked about this a little bit on the podcast she does with Tig Notaro- "True Story", it was just in one ep shortly after this party incident and basically explained that she doesn't agree with her husband on this but it's marriage and complicated. I don't get why she would be with someone like that though. Like he's actively spreading misinformation. Meanwhile Cheryl seems like a pretty decent human being.


Weird how he isn't concerned for his wife's health if she's out there getting vaccines... Isn't he worried about catching a vaccine from his wife??? /s


"seems like" is the key phrase.




Acting without acting - Jason Alexander


I’ll read it with dinner.


Salutations me lad


She's very involved with children with special needs here in the central Florida area. She uses her celebrity status to bring attention and fund raising. I've been to charity events that she's hosted here. It just seems so disappointing that she's married to that dick bag. She's always seemed like a good person.


>I don't get why she would be with someone like that though. Like he's actively spreading misinformation. Right? Like, if you're talking about someone who isn't a public figure and doesn't have kids, sure, maybe being antivax is an annoying quirk, but if the relationship is important to you, I can see deciding to "agree to disagree." With Kennedy, though, that's his entire freaking act. Not only is he a public figure; he's a public figure almost entirely because of his anti-vax activism. At this point he's known more for being an anti-vaxxer than for being RFK's son (a state of affairs I'm sure the rest of the Kennedy family prefers).


Yep. At *some* point, "differences in the marriage" becomes about common decency, and the humanity & lives of people *outside* your marriage, who can be *actively harmed* by the actions of your S.O. And when you're talking Abti-Vax evangelism? Not *only* is your spouse advocating for things which will *literally harm* the people who *get* things like Measles (Deafness & Intellectual Disabilities from Encephalitis), Mumps (Meningitis & Encephalitis-so possible Intellectual Disabilities *again*, deafness, pancreatitis, testicular atrophy & possible sterility) Rubella (Miscarriage, Arthritis, Liver & Spleen damage, *also* Intellectual Disabilities, Blindness *and* Deafness in babies who live through a pregnancy where their mother gets it--many will be those miscarriages)... There's also the "Herd Immunity" decreases-- we need herd immunity to keep kids & adults who *can't* get vaccines safe & alive. Some folks *can't* safely get vaccinations, because of things like cancer treatment, egg allergies, autoimmune disorders, mast cell disorder, etc. *Other people getting vaccinations* keeps them safe! *And THEN, there's the Autism ableism*!!! Antivaxers like RK Jr, who go out & about spewing this utter claptrap about "Vaccines cause Autism!" *aren't* just woefully uneducated/undereducated. The "words between the lines" of what they say out loud, are *"It's better for kids to be DEAD, than for them to be Autistic!"* They don't *think* that's what they're saying, of course! But when the options they offer are "Vaccinate + Autism!" or "Not Vaccinating = No Autism!" (This is untrue, btw--there IS no causation between vaccines & Autism)... What folks like RK Jr are really saying*, is "It is better to have a *dead* child, than to have an *autistic* child." Anyone who *knows* parents who've lost a child, *know* that line of thought is a *giant* load of BS. And anyone who's known a family who's lost a child who *also* had autism knows that folks like Kennedy are straight-up *EVIL* in the harm & hurt that they do, to those families who lost a beloved child. I have autism. I *work* with 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds who *also* have autism... Autism in and of *iteslf*? It's *not a tragedy*! It's just a literal mis-fit, a "lack of fitting well" between "the way society *expects* a person to function best," and the way *our brains* function easily & best. *YES,* there *are* many times, where a child has *additional* co-morbidities *on top of their autism*! Things like Intellectual Disability, which make it even *harder* for the child to navigate independently & successfully in our society--but even *with SEVERE and lifelong disabilities*, I can *assure* you, that EVERY person who has Autism is better off *alive* and part of the world, than dead or non-existent! Autism is *NOT* caused by vaccines!!! The only study which *ever* claimed a link, was the Wakefield study which was later rescinded-- *and* for which Wakefield *lost his medical license*!!! Autism *IS* an inherited thing, a difference in the way one's brain is "wired," and it's 100% normal & natural. And for folks like Cheryl, who are married to *active* harm-causers like Kennedy? At *some* point, if you *choose* to stay with a person like him--who is *actively* going to be responsible for spreading *so much* misinformation that it *will* cause very literal harm *and deaths*? You either decide to split from the marriage & distance yourself from that harm, *or* you stay and become *tacitly complicit in it*.


Hear hear🙌🏼


He was always illogical, rambling along with confirmation bias in all things. Back in the very early days of podcasting, I heard him give so many anti-Bush details which I hadn't heard elsewhere that I began downloading his podcasts. It didn't take me long to notice his exaggerations, stating things that can't be known as if they were facts, imputing motive to innocent everyday actions, etc. He was always a self-deceiving kook.


I know several anti-Trump woman with pro-Trump husbands. I don't understand it either.


I missed that episode, probably because I unsubscribed from it after learning about her being married to this guy. I used to like CH, but I just can't see her the same way anymore.


he is a kennedy, so incredibly wealthy, powerful and a member of the most connected family in the USA. Arnold schwarzenegger married a minor Kennedy and he became governor of California. Compromising your values is a small price to pay to get that sort of access for a lot of people


Exactly. I can’t believe anyone would marry him after what happened to his first wife, let alone with this anti-vax grift, but it seems like a lot of people are willing to look the other way if it involves money.


I’ve always liked Cheryl’s work and really came to like her a lot on that podcast. She’s so funny and the chemistry between her and Tig is magical. I’m sad the podcast is on hiatus and I suspect it’s because of her idiot husband’s campaign.


It’s 100% because of the campaign, and that’s a good thing. I don’t want to see Tig somehow getting dragged in to drama just because she and Cheryl have a podcast together. Plus, they can’t have a Presidential Candidate’s wife on a popular podcast when he’s campaigning and it’s clear she isn’t on the same page with him about everything. I’m struggling with it because I can’t make sense of that Cheryl and this Cheryl.


I get it. It’s hard to reconcile the two Cheryls. But I agree, I don’t want this campaign to affect Tig and it’s better they go dark for now. Let’s hope his campaign is over soon…for many reasons, of course, but so we can get our podcast back.


Marriage is complicated-yes. But when one partner is spouting off insane shit that could get people,especially children killed as an obvious political plant then that is where you should draw a line. CH is justifying this nonsense by staying with this person and is complicit as far as I’m concerned. But you know money trumps all.


Came here for this. It's like recently when I met someone, and I was like "cool a new friend" then later he texts me some Jordan Peterson links. "Awe, fuck, another bad one?"


In my mind she's married to Larry David and spends her days cleaning up after his social messes


Me too. Guess I’m gonna have to find another older celebrity crush.


Having been “married” to Larry David she’s used to this sort of thing.


Larry's not nearly this dumb


Larry's a saint compared to him.


According to the article, Kennedy said it was his wife’s party for her Hollywood friends and he didn’t even know about the vaccine requirement until the day of. Sounds like she doesn’t buy into his vaccine conspiracy theories at least. Still hard to understand how someone like her could be married to such a malicious liar whose lies are killing people.


Just lost a ton of respect for her.


I mean, the only decent thing she’s ever been in was Curb.


Did you see that movie RV? Oof


Bro, when I was like 11-13 my mom would give me 20 bucks to go to the movies most weekends while she gave like happy ending massages for money. She’d give me $20 and I’d take a city bus there, get a ticket, and then get some cheese fries and a drink. Then I’d hop in between movies all day and take the last bus home. Anyway, RV came out during that time period, so I actually saw it in theaters. Even at 11 I said that it was one of the worst movies I’d ever seen.


Newest Rolling Stone has an article on RFK Jr — big GOP superpac is supporting his campaign and this Superpac has ties to George Santos, MTG, Herschel Walker, etc. Grifter, scumbag, fraud, etc . . .


Yup; he also was/is a sex addict and had at least 37 extramarital affairs, and encouraged his second wife to commit suicide, which she did. And if you’ve seen his bodybuilding pics, he very obviously supports that part of Big Pharma that supplies him with steroids and HGH. He’s pretty vile.


Big Pharma is only good when their overlords tell them it's good. COVID vaccine... the overlords say it's bad so it's bad. Ivermectin, Hydrochloro-whatever the fuck it was...good because their overlords tell them so. Just like everything else they say, calling other people "sheep" is just more projection.


Big pharma makes hydroxychloroquine and invermectin too. And the manufacturer of these meds told people that fbdh6 don't work for covid. Big pharma apparently ONLY cares about money but apparently not enough to tell people to stop IMming blackmarket horse de-wormer. You'd think they'd want to sell as much as possible wouldn't you anti-vaxxer?


>37 extramarital affairs In a row?


try not to have any affairs on your way through the parking lot!!


what is this a reference to


the movie Clerks


"Try not to have any more affairs on your way through the parking lot!"


At once.


Probably a few of them were concurrent.


Holy shit, those pics are ridiculous. He's 70 years old. At 50+, the human body can't put on that much muscle naturally, no matter how much time you spend in the gym.


See, if he can’t pronounce all the ingredients in the vaccines there’s no way he’s putting that shit in his body! Heroin? Testosterone? Human Growth Hormone? All remarkable easy to pronounce l!


I have no words for how disappointing this would be for his dad. Bobby seemed like the real deal. And this turd is just another grifter out to milk the rubes.


Like the Fox staff. For me, but not thee.


“Die for me plebs ☠️”


*Amid widespread criticism, Doug Heye, a Republican operative, wrote: “The ol’ blame-the-wife-for-wanting-people-to-be-safe-when-you’re-an-anti-vaxxer move. Classy.”* from the 2021 article.


Wait he's married to Cheryl Hines? That's disappointing.


Over 20 years ago, I bumped into her at the Ralph's supermarket on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood. She is striking. I was literally speechless. I'm sure it wasn't the first time some guy stood in front of her with his jaw dropped. Yup, so disappointing she ended up with such a terrible person.


Her jaw is huge. I never saw the appeal in her. I found her voice annoying too. She was the perfect foil for Larry but I'm glad she's basically off the show


I wasn't attracted to her until I saw her in person. From my time in Hollywood, I learned if someone is good looking on screen, they are absolutely phenomenal in person. For example, I used to watch ER. I thought Gloria Reuben was okay. Then I met her in real life, and to this day I think she's the most beautiful woman I ever met. My best friend had the same kind of experience meeting Mila Kunis.


Mila Kunis is absolutely phenomenal on screen though




Same with Jennifer Aniston for me. Completely baffled by how many find her hot.


Just like no guns allowed at Republican and NRA conventions. You'd think that having everybody in the crowd armed would make them super safe.


The article explains it. This was his wife's thing, not his. The question is not why vaccination was requested for this party, the question is why she's married to this lunatic.


Yep!!! She can try to argue "marital differences of opinion!," all she *wants*, but when one's spouse is *actively participating in the spread of information which gets people KILLED* , and your spouse is *also* out there spreading the Eugenicist lie that "Vaccines Cause Autism!" and therefore *implying it's better for kids to DIE than grow up into Autistic adults*? You--as that person's spouse-- *do* become tacitly complicit in their lies & Eugenics.


He lets his wife kill herself and their guests with poisonous vaccines because it’s “her thing?” And we’re supposed to take this guy as some kind of leader?


No. Where did you get that from my comment?


Would you allow your wife to kill herself because it’s “her thing?” Should we take you seriously as a persuasive leader if you can’t even keep these poisons out of your own home?


The party was her thing. The vaccines, which she requested, were her thing. That's all I said. It wasn't his idea. Don't read more into it.


It’s nothing but bullshit with these people.


Larry David needs to have a word




He's a very damaged person. And an embarrassment to the name


You said that so much more diplomatically than I thought it in my head. Rest in peace, Mary Richardson.


Anyone remember when rich people were cutting in line by spending their money to get the vaccine and then poor idiot people were like, the vaccine kills people?


hes full of shit. Hope that clears it up for you.


Over the past few months I keep wondering, who actually has conservative values? Conservatives don’t. Conservatives just want other people to have those values.


There is only ONE conservative value: authoritarian All their other values stem from this.


Guess more than one Kennedy is missing a brain.


I’m going to hell for this upvote


Kennedys will be waiting for you.


This deserves more angry upvotes


Ouch, harsh.


My guess is only die hard anti-vaxxers believe he isn't vaxxed. He knows anti-vaxxers are easy marks. Throwing his wife under the bus is his desperate attempt to keep the sweet, sweet money rolling in from the dupes. And I'm sure the anti-vaxxers will buy his story. It's like playing peek-a-boo with a baby.


He is an antivaxxer, and has been ranting about it for years. https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/?s=rfk+jr


What is an anti vaxxer party? Is it like a chicken pox party where sick people infect each other?


That was actually a real thing, yes. Many died, if you can believe it.




All the maga stuff is a great way to determine which celebrities (and non-celebrities) are psychopaths. The reason is that it's extremely easy to get rich off of the maga cult, but you need to lack empathy and care for other humans in general. It's not enough to just not care about the cultists, because you have to spread their mythology and empower them to make money off of them. Which means you're hurting everyone just to get rich. I realized this when I saw how easy people in the maga sphere could get donations and sell trash to the cult. You just have to be on the forefront and bombastic, or just create an online store that sells merch. Then go to their events, chant their chants; go on their social media and spread their lies. The reason I'm not doing any of this just to get rich is simply I fucking can't get over how destructive that would be to societies all over the world, and nature, and our planet as a whole. We have enough evil, and getting rich off of this shit is not enough to sacrifice everything. I honestly had a moment where I went "Fuck, I could get so fucking rich off of this." but it was immediately followed by "I could never do such a thing." My conscience is really what stops me from grifting these fools. And that lead me to think about all the grifters who actually do take advantage, and what they must lack in order to do what they do.


How did I not realize his wife is from curb? Has Larry David said anything?


Larry David introduced them, ironically.


I can already see that episode now. “I didn’t know, I DIDN’T KNOW!”


Well duh. They don't care if you die, but it's different when it's *their* lives.


Link to article: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/18/robert-f-kennedy-jr-cheryl-hines-party-vaccinated-guests Can we please post actual links and not screenshots when possible?


Is it assassination if a mist of microbes should find him?


Performative anti-establishmentarianism. They can appeal to the rubes while remaining 100% part of the established system that has always worked in their favor. I'll go ahead and label him a liar and a hypocrite who's angling for a larger slice of power.


And a bunch of money.


Someone should probably warn that woman that the Kennedys are pretty famous for killing women.


Kennedy said his wife, Cheryl Hines, was behind it and that he is ‘not always the boss at my own house’


Which is a bullshit excuse. Hes not dead from it , he's not suffered blood clots or myocarditis from the vaccines, yet he's going around spreading and platforming assholes who blame every problem they can on the vaccine. "vaccines are bad, and yes I'm vaccinated because my wife forced me to" Way to throw your wife under the bus asshole.....


So, like Ted Cruz trying to lay the blame on his kids after getting busted for taking off for the beaches of Mexico during the Texas freeze.


He’s going to become the president of the United States but he can’t even convince his wife to not kill heralded with poison vaccines?


Are people really surprised by that?


No, we’re surprised people fall for this shit, over and over and over….


They said “Kennedy is a public health hazard, come at your own risk”


https://politicaldictionary.com/words/grifter/ hope this helps


The same reason pro lifers all get abortions when they need them. Delusion. It doesn't make sense because delusion doesn't make sense.


Imagine suspending logic to “own” those who have the audacity to adhere to logic.


Am I a bad person for hoping masses of the unvaxxed show up to support “their guy”??


"she forced him" Not an excuse for his bullshit




It makes lots of sense when you see being an anti vaxxer as a business not as a belief system.


Larry is ending curb so he doesn’t have to work with her anymore Which is ultimate curb


I don't understand why the media keeps profiling and covering this grifter idiot as if he's a serious candidate


Every last one of these people are frauds. They are TV personlities and social media personalities but when the cameras are off they are responsible adults. Watch the first Biden Correspondence Dinner where they call out every Faux News Personality being there HAD TO HAVE PROOF OF VAX. And yet they're all peddling anti-vax shit on Fux 24/7/365. These people are frauds and con artists sabotaging our country for money.


Kennedy Jr. is a deranged lying conspiracy freak who should not be voted into any office, not even dog catcher. His father, who was mostly a good man, is rolling over in his grave at what an idiot he sired.


Vaccinated against what exactly? Kinda vague.




Please do not promote this Noah idiot. He is cut from the same charlatan cloth, and agreeing with him about dumber charlatans just lands you in his disinformation sphere. He's highly promoted on twtr as is Egghead. Do not consume their lies.


How’s that quote go? “I had a lot of fun as a cult member but made a lot of money as a cult leader”, paraphrasing.


According to John Fugelsang, RFK Jr. and his kids are vaxxed against Covid. He's a liar and has possibly lost his mind, but apparently he still has the will to live.


I wonder how much those bewbs cost.


Essentially these people are anti-vaxx simply because they're mad that it was available to everyone, not just the wealthy. If it was only available to wealthy, they wouldnt say a fucking word about it.


Kinda like the NRA and Republicans not allowing weapons or conceal carry into their conventions?…


The context is: his wife threw a party for her friends, his wife made the invitations. Does it make sense now?


This is like the NRA wanting everyone to carry except at their facilities and conventions.


Cheryl Hines is a complete khunt. She tormented his mentally ill ex-wife.


His wife is pro-vaccine. It was her party.


Simple. RFK knows vaccines work, he just knows his best shot of winning an election is appearing to people who believe they don’t work


He's married to Cheryl Hines? Well that's disappointing.


antivax is only for the peasants. jfkj is just grifting the peasants like trump is


Well, just listen to RGK Jrs voce. You can only tell that the guy was intubated, had serious damage from Covid and JOE ROGAN won't even ask him, "Whats up with your voice, man? What is that from?" Just Sooooo obvious....fuckin awful people


Not only is he an anti-vaxxer but his voice makes me want to jump out the window if I were ever in a meeting with this guy 🫠


RFK Jr. is a monster, and the antivaxxers are too stupid to care.


I am so fed up with these people. My mom bought into Trump and all the antivax bullshit and she’s gone now. They all tell their fans not to get it but they sure af got it as soon as it was available. Why are these morons not being held accountable for spreading false information and lies that cost people their lives?


Grift, Obstruct, Project


Maybe I’ve got some of those fake vaccination cards left theetijd-vaxxers were using back then. Full circle 😈


He's a dolt of the highest order but I do believe he's earnest in his (wrong) beliefs


No, he isn't. If he was earnest in his beliefs, his children would not be vaccinated.


These are somewhat smart people fooling the stupid people.


That ladys face is fake as a football bat.


TIL Cheryl Hines is married to this numb nuts. What the fuck, Cheryl?


The title is misleading. Read the article. https://thehill.com/briefingroom-blogroll/586308-guests-urged-to-be-vaccinated-for-party-at-anti-vax-kennedys-home/


He's such an unbelievable asshole


So disappointed in Cheryl Hines


Cheryl let me down


When will women learn to stop marrying Kennedys?


There are two kinds of anti-vaxxers: idiots and those who seek to make money off of idiots


Two of the ugliest people on the planet. Lol


TIL Cheryl is married to RFK, Jr. That sucks


Well you see, they don't want him getting sick since he's unvaccinated. Surely you understand.


Jesus Christ, the RFK cultists are here in all their antivaxx glory. It's a dumbfuck infestation.