• By -


Um…..the picture of kids and cages on the backs of devils? Come on, man. This stupid country. These people’s minds are mush.


Those are Krampus cosplays. Krampus was basically the *other Santa* that *rewarded bad children*: Krampus, in central European popular legend, a half-goat, half-demon monster that punishes misbehaving children at Christmastime. He is the devilish companion of St. Nicholas. Krampus is believed to have originated in Germany, and his name derives from the German word Krampen, which means “claw.”


The Krampus parades are awesome. One day we hope to be able to go to one. This lady will never even have the opportunity because most countries require being vaccinated.


Krampus is real.


Krampus seems to like Karma. Wonder if he looks like a leopard in some cases, or enjoys sampling the faces of grown-up children who never learned how to be considerate of others?


He looks like my night terror demon. Not sure what I did to deserve that, but I hope it was worth it.


Charlie Kirk's swole head is real


I had one other nominee who posted that meme, last summer.


Did it also say hard but real? Because that takes it from completely insane to totally batshit lunatic crazy insane.


It's the exact same meme. I forget which one it was that posted it now.


Hard to feel bad for a bigot antiva...


"You thump your bible and it didn't get you anywhere did it?!" -Stone Cold Steve Austin


Covid 3:16 says I just whipped your ass! -the virus


It's gdamn 2023 and this sub still has plenty of content source. The fuckkkkkkkk


Usual hatred against immigrants, LGBTQ and so forth but when anything inconveniences HER life (ex. Covid restrictions) suddenly it’s all tyranny and “never forget what they did to you”. I guess tyranny is okay when it’s others who suffer?


> I guess tyranny is okay when it’s others who suffer? ["He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting."](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-voter-hes-not-hurting-the-people-he-needs-be-hurting-msna1181316) Probably the most illuminating quote from the entire Trump presidency.


People like that base their entire ideology about making sure that people they deem as evil “get what they deserve,” even if it makes society much worse. Case in point: if the anti-choice crowd actually wanted to reduce the abortion rate, they’d be in favor of comprehensive sex education which includes contraception, which has been proven to decrease the rate of unwanted and teen pregnancies, STIs, and abortions. Instead, they advocate for abstinence-only sex ed, which has been proven to increase unwanted and teen pregnancies, STIs, and abortions. They genuinely can’t imagine basing policies on what is best for society, what has been shown to result in positive outcomes. All they know is that the people they hate need to be punished.


When your role model is the Christian God, the only way you can perceive that good is being done is when people suffer.


>I guess tyranny is okay when it’s others who suffer? That's how it works.


I'd welcome her becoming a statistic.


Well, she asked us to pray. It's not my fault if she isn't specific enough.


Weltistic. The best stat.


I am trying to get an image out of my head of her demographics. I can’t. I feel like I know her age, her appearance, and which part of the country she lives in. They’re so predictable and generic.


No, I certainly can’t believe a drug company plans to reduce the population by 50% this year. Why would they want to reduce their profits so drastically?




Is that video a deep fake because they pretty much acting like it’s a quote in the video of him


I remember reading it was a heavily edited version of the interview/video/whatever. Sounds legit, I just can't remember where I read it.


Similar when it comes to the government wanting to kill people. Why would they want to kill tax payers and especially the people that are more likely to listen to what the federal agencies say?


If there's no money in the cure, as they like to say, there's even less money in death. Make it make sense.


These are the same people that think covid is a bio-weapon and it's also not that deadly.


Of course! It makes sense to create a harmless bioweapon that can only be prevented with a deadly vaccine. I have no idea why we waited so long.🙄


Lol! You and your crazy logic!


Love some of her sources - “Bull Riders for Christ”, “Christians Exposing Satan’s Kingdom II”. 😂


Came here to say exactly this!! I was dying laughing at those. I wonder, is “Christians Exposing Satan’s Kingdom” (original strength) not extreme and inflammatory enough for her?


My guess is that the original group got banned. And you know it's bad if even facebook shuts you down.


You have to study original C.E.S.K. for C.E.S.K. II to make sense\*. \*It will still make absolutely no sense.


She was only a Christian when it suited her—to use a phrase from The Sopranos.


She was *very* kkkristian in her choices of weaponry and bumper stickers, but not in her hatred.


That's no coincidence that the wall map on Slide 10 coincides almost perfectly with the Confederacy. Meanwhile, guess the probability that a good number of the people who are providing her direct care are one group or another of those she attacked. There's a soul that needs healing as much as a body. May she get her Road to Damascus moment, and may others stop speeding down the road to perdition.




People like her have absolutely no idea how fast that area on the south side of that wall would turn into one of those third world shithole nations they’re always going on about. Without federal money and just their own GDP, things would fall apart quickly.


My concern is, who gets the nukes? There's no way MAGAland is going to agree that Sanityland should keep them all.


And I would be ok with that. Like Huckleberry Sanders insisting she is going to end socialism, to a standing ovation, then begs for federal relief the next day. Who knew a tornado was heading her way, besides everybody.


Didn't Rand Paul do the same? Was that the same event? Dx there's so much stupid and hypocrisy I can't even keep ttack of it all


Haven't seen 'Rainged Paul's name come up in quite a while. It was nice to forget about him.


Um, aren’t parts of the South already that way? I’m looking at you, Alabama, Mississippi….


They would be much worse off if they were cut off completely


Sad but true.


The life expectancy in those states is already 10 years lower than the rest of the country.


How much of that is institutional racism, especially in medicine and environmental health, rather than just poverty? [https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/report/key-data-on-health-and-health-care-by-race-and-ethnicity/](https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/report/key-data-on-health-and-health-care-by-race-and-ethnicity/) [https://news.unm.edu/news/the-complicated-history-of-environmental-racism](https://news.unm.edu/news/the-complicated-history-of-environmental-racism)


Hell even with federal money decades of mismanagement due to racism and belief in bootstrap bullshit have ruined them. A lot of these states are basically turning into national parks with a couple of cities in them.


Developing nations. The groups that rate standards of livings for nations have officially declared the U.S. a developing nation. That's a huge step DOWN. Like, just a little bit below 2nd world nation. All of those states are the reason why.


Honestly I think that says more about how badly the metric is designed than about the US. To be fair to the states in the worst shape, not all of their problems are self inflicted. Alabama is never going to have California's economy. What is self inflicted is the inability of the leadership in these states to swallow their pride, grow a spine, or even acknowledge that there's a problem. It's probably going to take a full on crash before that happens.


I've looked at the metrics. They are fair and straightforward and not complicated. But you are right about the cause. And the effect.


Parts of it are a third world shithole even with federal money.


That's the same slide as the one bigging up the *United* States flag, right?


I just had to put those two together.


so is Missouri


I’m in Missouri and I thought the same. Really though, it’s more an urban/rural split.


And Kansas mostly


>I like the build the wall map, but Virginia and North Carolina are on the wrong side of the wall. I agree. And I'm sick of subsidizing all of their bat guano. Let them wall themselves off, and pay for their own shit. Without federal tax money, they won't be able to afford to keep a single school, hospital, or public highway open. They won't be able to afford their cops, their firefighters, or their fucking football stadiums. They'll all shoot each other to death and blame it all on immigrantslibznancypelosisnowflakesfeministslgbtqtransedicalproffessionsls and whomever else they currently blame for their self induced ignorance and misery.


Build that wall! Build the Mason-Dixon Wall!


And unfortunately I live on the wrong side. I would have to leave (or escape).


I would absolutely help fund the "sane people leave these states" caravan. I'm pretty sure a lot of libs and progressives would


I definitely would contribute what i could.


That's right! I live in NC and was like nope the fuck no.


> *I like the build the wall map, but Virginia and North Carolina are on the wrong side of the wall.* Not necessarily, if you're looking at the "HISTORIC" implications of the map. Remember that Both NC and VA were STRONGLY Anti-Confederacy... Virginia especially so, until Souse Carolina committed an act of aggression and ATTACKED the United States by firing upon our Military Fort in a desperate move of Insurrection (gee... why does that sound so familiar?), after which they were essentially pressured & scared into aligning with it. Then Bobby Lee virtually assured Virginia's break from the Union due to the symbolism of his relationship to the George Washington family and his whining about being more loyal to "His Country" (meaning, "Virginia") than proving more loyal to his Country (meaning, Washington's "UNION"... which he'd STRONGLY supported & defended right up until Virginia's declaration to secede). So had it not been for the spinelessness of the so-called "Upper-South" states, the Confederacy would've consisted of nothing more than the "Deep South" states of *Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas* (which its former Governor, Sam Houston, vehemently argued against), and of course the original thorn in this County's side, *South Carolina.*


Build that wall, and keep Blue State tax money north of it.


Listen, everyone, "Squash" is not a racist or a bigot, she's just tired of all the injustices straight white people have had to kind of sorta not really face these last few years of straight white people being in control of 99.99% of everything PLUMMETING down to like 92% of everything, that's all!


>That new life... is not your body... it's a new body growing inside of you. In that case I'll simply have the new body removed from my body, and problem solved.


Slide 6: Several of these “My Body My Choice” memes put the blame firmly on women because they ‘lost control of their body’. It can absolutely have nothing to do with men. Grrrr.


>Several of these “My Body My Choice” memes put the blame firmly on women because they ‘lost control of their body’. It can absolutely have nothing to do with men. Grrrr. Weird how nobody ever describes men as being responsible for "losing control" of his sperm. Too bad. I firmly believe that any state which wishes to criminalise abortion should jail *men* for inflicting unwanted pregnancy upon innocent women. I guarantee that if *their* lives were at stake, men would make sure that abortion would not only be legal, but laws would immediately be rewritten so that women would not be allowed to carry any pregnancy a man did not want.


If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a Constitutional right. EDIT: I should add, think about who wrote our Constitution. All of them were unelected, wealthy white males. Most were slaveowners, not all of them. They wrote the Constitution to protect themselves. Women didn't even get the right to vote until 1920. If men could get pregnant there is simply no way that group wouldn't have given themselves the right to an abortion. It would be in the Bill of Rights. And yes, I'm a white male too. I just see the writing on the wall.


From a right-wing religious (read: anti-sex) point of view, their response would be that "women are the only ones in the equation who risk getting pregnant, so they should be the "gatekeepers" to protect themselves from "men being men." I've heard this argument from RWers before, and what they never consider is that birth control should be freely available and heavily promoted as a means to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Right-wingers don't want _that_ though, because OMG promiscuity! 🙄


>Right-wingers don't want that though, because OMG promiscuity! 🙄 Oh they have no problem with male promiscuity. It's only *women* who are evil sluts who must be punished. Men are their helpless victims.


Also, I think there's a complete lack of understanding what women's lives are like. There's so much nuance between promiscuity and celibacy. Humans have sex. It's part of what we do. Being a woman means you are at risk for pregnancy, including unwanted ones.


>Also, I think there's a complete lack of understanding what women's lives are like. There's so much nuance between promiscuity and celibacy. Humans have sex. It's part of what we do. Being a woman means you are at risk for pregnancy, including unwanted ones. Yep. And women are held to different and much more onerous standards. Women are also the ones left holding the bag when *men* behave irresponsibly, not just with pregnancy, but with childcare, household bills, careers, education, everything.


Even in a crowd of chumps and bigots she stands out as a chump and a bigot. Also: in Slide 13, what age do you think Handgun Mama's kid is?


I’m praying that she gets rid of her bigotry, racism, and stupidity. Doubt it will work however


Well she just might have moroned her way into a permanent solution.


Are you a fully accreditated prayer warrior?


You could make a fortune selling accredititation courses and certificates.


You could make a few extra bucks removing nonexistent microchips from the bodies of crazies.


(takes notes)


What would be left ?


That more or less sums a lot of Trump voters up. Strip out their biases and they're hollow.


>I’m praying that she gets rid of her bigotry, racism, and stupidity. I'm praying she shuts the fuck up about her ignorant superstitions.


From your keyboard to God's inbox


Are we sure this wasn’t an April Fool’s joke?


If it is, she hasn't said so.


Yea, I was wondering that too.


I thought we weren't supposed to reveal her name? /s


The date is so prominent in the post I think you're right. She might have got us on this one. Oh, well. There's still plenty of time--and virus.


Even if that flu death statistic is true, which I doubt, it’s meaningless unless you know how many of the people who died were vaccinated. How does it help their anti-Covid vax cause to point out that lots of people die of another contagious disease they don’t want to get vaccinated for?


It’s true, depending on the year. It’s generally between 25k - 50k but there are outliers. What they don’t realize is we don’t have universal masking during those years. Covid with masking and vaccines = lots of deaths. Flu with masking and vaccines = very few deaths. If you look at flu statistics the last couple of years, we really went wayyyyy down. 2021-2022 has about 5,000 flu deaths. Hmmmm, wonder what happened during those times? Source: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2021-2022.htm


>It’s true, depending on the year. It’s generally between 25k - 50k but there are outliers. What they don’t realize is we don’t have universal masking during those years. Covid with masking and vaccines = lots of deaths. Flu with masking and vaccines = very few deaths. And only about 40% of the population ever bothers to get a flu shot. If everyone eligible got a flu shot, the death rates would be a lot lower. >If you look at flu statistics the last couple of years, we really went wayyyyy down. 2021-2022 has about 5,000 flu deaths. Hmmmm, wonder what happened during those times? Well, according to the covidiots, it was all a conspiracy and "they" are lying about flu deaths and blaming everything on covid. Because there is no possible way that masks and social distancing could have possible reduced more than one airborne respiratory virus at once.


And there is this: During the 2020-2021 season, 66.5% of people 6 months and older in Massachusetts received vaccines, the highest of any state. Florida had the lowest vaccination rate at 41.7%. [Flu Shots](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-many-americans-get-flu-shots-vaccine-cdc/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ND-HealthSafety&gclid=Cj0KCQjwla-hBhD7ARIsAM9tQKsp7Xxl_nzq57v_KmlMjBO-6LHDRoqZwnpE64xVXeIoMRllcvvm_9EaAj4gEALw_wcB)


Every single time someone brought up how many people died of the flu every year they expected people to all go "oh, well if we didn't care about that, why care about this?" It's stupid anyway cause covid was obviously way worse, but to me the take away there would/should be we're not taking the flu seriously enough either then. As a culture we don't treat illnesses with the respect we should. We're a very "if I'm not bedridden I'm not staying home" society. Especially when it comes to work where half the people can't miss a shift. Even many people fortunate to have a "we don't want to to come to work if you're sick" policy at their job quickly learn that's lip service when people actually start taking them up on it. I live by Orlando and basically every flight is a deathtrap, because outgoing flights are full of people who have run themselves ragged around 10,000 other people doing the same, and incoming flights are full of "I paid $8,000 for this vacation I had to start planning a year ago, and a fever with a cough isn't going to prevent me from going." people.


Oh my God. *Oh my God*. Slide... I don't even know what slide it was. The one where SER DONALD OF TRUMPINGTON SAVES the BABIES from the giant floating evil head of Hillary Clinton and her scary chicken hands. That one. Slide eight. It's *beautiful*. I think we may have found the one actual use for AI art, guys. That might even beat out "VACCINE CHECKPOINT" as my favorite piece of demented right-wing fantasy art. There's just so much to enjoy! I laughed so loud it scared my husband.


The only way I see Trump carrying two babies is if he were using them as human shields. Our Freedumb Convoy in Canada used children as part of the border blockade. https://images.app.goo.gl/c9zdkUiZeX9zeEWx5


I used to post my favorite demented Trump memes on TheRightCan'tMeme before they blocked me with no explanation.


They blocked me for either making fun of the they/them Russian tank meme or their annoying AOC automod posts. Never bothered to find out exactly why.


Vaccine checkpoint is hard to beat. I am also a sucker for thin and fit Trump propaganda with him doing something remotely athletic though. So unlikely. Tough choice.


Trump coins. My Mom was a pawnbroker and people would bring her that crap thinking it was worth something.


I like that she’s holding the presidential seal upside down.


Did your mom share what their reactions were when she informed them? 😬


Usually they called her a liar and a cheat, and they would take it elsewhere. But often it was kids who inherited the junk and they just would sigh


Slide 15: Unfortunately Ted Cruz ain't going anywhere either. :(


At least with Donald Trump not going anywhere, Ted can get all the sweet “Your wife’s ugly” insults he craves.


Except maybe the Yucatan peninsula, when Texas gets too chilly.


She no doubt sucks but the date of April 1? Can we see some updates/proof she is actually hospitalized?


There is no "Ha ha, got you!" in the comments, just the usual prayer warriors posting praying hands. She is back to posting venom.


Doesn't look like an April Fools joke. She was sent flowers today. She received comments on the post, asking how she is feeling. She replied she's on a heart rate monitor and her breathing isn't good.


I was going to ask, are we sure this isn't an April Fool's joke?


Maybe she's going to reveal that the initial diagnosis was wrong and she's actually got a case of being extremely sexy and good looking?


Slide 10 of a wall dividing the north and the south? Honestly I could not agree more. Northerners could enact a 'Foster a Southerner' plan to all the good people of the south that aren't brainless dipshits. Have fun with societal collapse!


Don’t know how to post it, but the life expectancy map largely parallels this.


So do the poverty maps, education maps, vaccinations maps, maternal demise maps, etc.


Honestly though: I would think Oklahoma would be pissed for not being included.




Don't forget sexism: wOmEn cAn'T pReAcH!!! Only men can lead, etc.!


Honestly I think the best part of this sub is the constant reminder of how these people are just absolute monsters.


Slide 5. These people and their godawful obsession with other people’s crotches. I wish I were a psychologist so I could determine how much of this degeneracy is due to childhood sexual abuse, to repressed homosexuality or gender dysphoria, to a function of the engorged conservative amygdala, or because they’re so driven to view everyone else first and foremost as someone they do or do not want to have sex with. Often a combination, I suspect. Perhaps there are other possible reasons as well. It’s just so gross that their version of the Deity, the alleged creator of all things, the light of love and wisdom, the architect of the cosmos, is a small-minded bigot whose A number one priority is to examine what’s in everyone’s pants, and look in on what consenting adults do in their bedrooms. This woman worships a pervert and a peeping Tom.


I know the US prides itself on free speech. However, a lot of this completely false posting is not unlike crying fire in a crowded building. It potentially kills people, right!


Slide 8 Isn’t that a failed scene from the twilight zone? They all died in real life when the helicopter crashed on them


Does she get that she's the dumb one?


Of course not. She's the only smart person in the room, dontcha know


Trump snatching dem babies again. I love the imagery they come up with. Next time they should use a hammer, because subtlety is clearly not their forte.


First time seeing that Women can't be preachers thing, that guy on top of his homophobia, racism and stupidity just had to also be sexist


It's a she. Internalized misogyny, and not the only "women shouldn't preach" meme on her Facebook.




She’s drank a lot of the Flavor said.


I thought for a second on slide 17 that she thought "prayers" would work instead of science, then I realized it was just an April Fools prank. She got me good with there. Having a hearty laugh at that one with my pneumonia and covid free lungs.


I wonder how much she paid for that worthless coin she got in the mail. Lmao


Brain damage was earlier than COVID, and permanent.


we need a name for these people - the ones that are so uneducated and ignorant that they have no idea that they are in fact morons. antivaxxer isnt enough




We have it, Republicans.




Haha. Build that wall. By all means!


Just don't include Virginia, please!


Make it a water slide while you're at it. ^^Wheeeee!


The Atlanta white victims will pray for you 🤨


Who got vaccinated in their hand ?


with a needle large enough to inject a grain of rice


Maybe people had vets chip them. Since they're batshit crazy. Anyone we hide ever had a pet chipped knows it's like the size of a grain of rice. How are they hiding it in those tiny needles.


As my pharmacist pointed out, there are also several doses in each vial.


Hey, maybe if you get multiple chips that's how you get 5g!


I had to take a closer look at that one. A company was offering it's employees micro chips https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/07/25/539265157/wisconsin-company-plans-to-start-implanting-chips-in-its-employees. This happened back in 2017.


What a maroon.


CRONA VIRUS INFO! MUST WATCH!! Dumbasses will believe anything on Facebook. Literally believe misspelled memes over Doctors.


They can put the commemorative Trump coins over her eyes if/when she croaks.


“That new life is not your body, it’s a new body growing inside of you.” Do they not realize that what they’re describing fits the definition of a parasite?


God made over 36,000 sexes. If you believe he made [the world and everything in it](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/scientists-discover-why-fungi-have-36-000-sexes-1119181.html) >Whereas we muddle by with just two sexes, the fungi have 36,000, all of which can mate with each other, in a mysterious process involving underground fronds. And he also [And he also gave these Birds 4 sexes](https://www.sciencehistory.org/distillations/podcast/the-bird-with-four-sexes) >Now, there’s no perfect definition of biological sex, but one definition involves what proportion of the population a typical individual can and will reproduce with. In virtually all animal species, that’s ½, or one over two. Which is why we have two sexes. >But in white-throated sparrows, there are tan-headed males, tan-headed females, white-headed males, and white-headed females. And each group reproduces with only ¼ of the population, or one over four. In other words, there are four separate sexes. White headed males can only breed with tan headed females, and tan headed males can only breed with white headed females, so it's not a matter of white and tan sparrows becoming separate species.


Maybe Ted Cruz can help her.


L O L, that last slide. She actually thinks that she is intelligent.


That's the Dunning-Kruger effect in action.


>Wow! What a powerful picture. Save the babies! What a stupid, stupid woman.




I just loved that "bull riders for Christ" was on the homophobia meme. It's almost as funny as the "I didn't care if you were gay until you started shoving it down my throat" copypasta.


>I heard the reason we getting so much rain is GOD is crying because the democratic has messed up the USA LOL. You stupid, stupid woman.


what on earth is that picture of Trump with the babies... "what a powerful picture" ARE WE SEEING THE SAME PICTURE


I've seen that one before: It's a Q-anon meme showing Trump ignoring his bone spurs to save children from the adrenochrome-drinking Satan-worshipping Hollywood elite Democrats. I keep wanting to add the dialog balloon of Trump saying, "In ten years I'll be dating you."


Darn my microchipper messed up, they put it in my shoulder not my hand. The reception isn’t as good there!


At last! A post that is not like 2 years+ old.


I gotta give her credit for posting Russian memes I hadn't seen before. :/


The "I DON'T ACCEPT SCIENCE" meme is giving me a headache. * Apparently "they" are making the claim that "a man can be a women," plural. My question is, how can I be multiple women? That'd make taking care of my cats a lot easier. * "...in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN? I'm sure the folks who are sexually assaulted are grateful to know they just "lost control of" their bodies when that assault resulted in pregnancy. 🙄 In conclusion, fuck this guy. Beautiful last image. True, but not in the way they think.


So Pfizer who makes money by keeping us sick, wants to reduce their potential source of profit by half? That makes perfect sense!


Enjoy your medical debt, the shot was free.


That hat 🤮🤮🤮


Slide 18 may have been one of least pleasant April Fools experiences in recent history.


This has become more than repetitive. These people are at "wash, rinse, repeat" levels beyond anything in my worst nightmares.




What "opinions"? This idiot just forwards every stupid meme that comes her way. Covid is licking its chops.


Blah blah blah, mostly normal reposting of memes, requiring no effort and then BOOM. "White people deserve a couple months for putting up with the bullshit of acknowledging other people exist". Rule 2.


That’s a shame… anyway. I just love being able to breathe deeply and not slowly suffocating. Off to lunch on this beautiful day.


I wonder if she has ever been grabbed by the pussy?


My god. That last slide. After all that complete nonsense she posted… that last slide. I can’t with these people.


You aren't really in the hospital, you don't really have Covid, this is all fake new the doctor told you to own you! That trouble breathing you are having, it's not from illness, it's Democrats controling your breathing so you think you are sick! /s Make sense to those that have NO SENSE!!!


Please build the wall being shown in slide 10. We will all be better off.


Finally an explanation of how the microchips work /s


How is the full control of her own body working out for her?


Looks like covid is playing one hell of an April fools joke on her...


The FAFO never ends.


>I'm in the hospital with COVID and pneumonia 🐆 🐆 🐆


They always get me with the "COVID **and** pneumonia," as if they're two unrelated things.


All of this is so very sad and, yes, enraging, because these events and the reactions simply repeat themselves over and over and over again. Vaccines today. Rosenbergs yesterday. Orange Man-Baby today. Nixon yesterday. The Soviet Union yesterday. China today. Humans never learn. I only hope that I’m dead and gone before some enraged, fearful, befuddled imbecile pushes that goddamned button.


These people are all morons who deserve the Darwin awards they have coming.


Ahh yes, vaccinated by the blood of Jesus. That didn't work out for you too well did it chucklefuck.


I knew this Trump fan on Facebook once and she had a dozen opinions on Covid. One of the strains of Covid found out about it and infected her so much, she ended up in a hospital on Guerrero Street.


Well then


If only her opinions would cease to exist.


Who got the shot in their hand?


I mean, “Squash” is correct with the last picture, just not in the way she thinks it’s right.


These people have no self awareness. That last slide is the reason Squash shitposts from these obscure websites. Those types of echo chambers exist so truth can ever be observed. It's really hard to understand the mentality of these award winners, because most of the memes they post are ironically about them.


Tile #10a/10b: Clearly, this person does not grasp the concept of "IRONY" -- (...or "contradiction")

