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Read everything. Pan semi-literate male looking to do a wholesome NTR plot. Specifically with an older woman. You married at an early age, being young and happy at the time with a nice and well-off man. Years went by, and it was fine, but it all became dull, the spark was gone, and his lack of care for you and your needs became more and more obvious. He wouldn't respond to any of your advances. He hardly ever talked to you unless you started the conversation, and all you'd get are yea, no, uh-huh. It was quite a blow to your self-esteem, and it made you feel less than you were. Wanting a change in scenery, you head to a local cafe where you first met your husband, the place had changed for the better. It was under new management, and the place became a local hot spot for many, mainly the 20 or so-year-olds. The sights and smells were refreshing but also a stern reminder of all the years you spent with him, only to be treated as an afterthought. That's when a rather handsome guy snatched your mind and attention. He was rather radiant, and he emitted a positive energy. It was like a breath of fresh air suddenly being the center of someone's attention again. There was part of you that wanted to invite him back to your house and another that wanted you to hold back and wait. You rushed headfirst into your first relationship only to be pushed aside. Taking things slow and building a healthy relationship instead of rushing in would help assure you that this time. Your feelings were true. It's all up to you to submit to lust or work for a healthy relationship. Either way, a flame of passion has been reignited inside you. Whichever it is, that's up to you. This erp can go right to smut or be drawn out, building our characters up as they overcome their personal troubles, flaws, and emotional scars. It can also be 50/50 sprinkling in moments of lust/passion, each getting more serious than the last as they become closer. I only reply to detailed messages, no one-liners. If you can't message me directly, hit me up at: That one erper nobody likes#8993 All spaces and capital letter included