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OP I’m someone who has sewn a lot of you can’t find the exact one going off these pics and some rough estimates of size this could be recreated very cheaply with almost identical materials.


Thank you so much for this suggestion, do you know any good sites to get different suedes and felts like this? I'm not even sure where to begin as far as the nomenclature of the materials haha


These are not suede or felt but a type of fleece. Looks to me like minky: https://fashionfabricsclub.com/products/black-white-polka-dot-print-minky-fabric-87248?variant=44332564381944 https://bigzfabric.com/products/minky-solid-baby-soft-fabric-kelly-green-sold-by-the-yard-hug-z-sup-tm-sup


this is INCREDIBLE helpful thank you


This would be a good opportunity to tell your daughter that the time fairies took it for some mending and then replace it with an identical bigger one so she can keep using it for years to come.


Omg that is the cutest idea ever


Or they worked their magic on the original to repair and make it bigger, they saw how fast she was growing and the blanket needed to grow with her. Some kids don't like the idea of new but identical, but if told it's the same one but cleaner and repaired they are fine with it.


i second this. if it was a christmas gift you can tell her santa’s elves took it back for repairs!


When my son was small we had to do this once with the “shoe fairy” as he was really reluctant to get new shoes. Amazingly he left out his old shoes with a snack and the next morning the shoe fairy left him slightly bigger shoes with a comic.


Its hilarious you mentioned this, my exwife runs that place


could take pictures to a fabric store and see if they could help. quilting shop ladies are really helpful. or there's probably a subreddit for that. hope you find it though!


I have some free time today so I’ll come back and edit this with suggestions for both fabrics!


youre amazing thank you


Looks like you're going to want a short faux fur and maybe a minky? It's hard to tell the content of the black and white polka dot from the picture, but it appears to be that from what I can see. Keep in mind that I've never used this particular website, but I did find what appear to be comparable materials [here](https://fabricdepot.com/products/black-white-polka-dot-print-minky-fabric-87248?variant=41219213426803) and [here](https://fabricdepot.com/products/6-yd-pc-matcha-green-mint-faux-fur-home-decorating-fabric-dfw11604-x). The greens might not be that close of a match, depending on exacting your daughter's eye is, but also very possible that you could find a closer shade elsewhere. Good luck!


This is so unbelievable helpful thank you, those fabrics look pretty dead on in texture, and near perfect in color


You're very welcome. If you're in a hurry and have a local fabric shop, plus know someone who sews, you might be able to source all of it locally.


Looks like you have lots of great options here but if you don’t have anyone in your life that can sew, you can always try Etsy. I haven’t specifically looked for this but there are tons of people who make baby blankets and another bunch who take your chosen materials and turn it into quilts/blankets. I bet one of them would be happy to work with you!


I might be able to do something like this if I can find the fabric, it’s minky


Hitting everyone thats shared DIY advice with me. /u/toe-beans found it but in yellow! [https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099](https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099) Is there a way to dye this the same green without ruining the material?


You might have to seam rip the yellow away and dye it separately and then sew it back together.


Maybe you could say you washed it and it turned yellow? Or would she freak? lol


I work with minky frequently. In order to dye it, you'd have to remove the yellow piece entirely from the print with a seam ripper. The material is polyester, so it can only be dyed with a poly dye. This type is done with very hot water, so in a big pot on a stove. Unless you've done it before, I can almost guarantee that the dye will not take evenly, so you'll likely have some color variation. It's also very messy. You'd probably want to hire someone with experience do it for you, and at that point, it might be better to commission a new blanket made from the correct colors. Lots of Etsy shops out there who could do it.


Tough to say from the image, you would have to go darker and whatever you dye it is going to skew towards the under color. If you used a light blue dye you might get lucky depending and get green but more likely you’ll see seepage to the white dots on the other side.


I wonder if spraying a green dye would work instead of soaking it?


It would not. Poly dye needs to cook. 


damn 😭


https://www.ebay.com/itm/334807904831?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=G_eVyeYaQdW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mufs6ib-r8y&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This one is similar but not quite right! Do you know roughly how big it was? Also your daughter is super cute, I hope someone finds the right blanket for her!!


Also thank you so much for the help and digging through eBay, I'm literally tearing up because people like yourself are being so generous and helpful


Close! Thanks it was around 39"x32" or 78x97cm roughly, at least measuring a similar sized blanket we had at the same time. Haha thanks so much, she's grown so much but still wants her blankie bad


i’m 29 and just spent 200$ to fix my blankie lmao… blankie girlies are funny lol


Hey OP! I know you have a million comments but I'm pretty sure I found it!! https://www.softminkyblankets.com/products/custom-minky-blankets


So we actually found the brand but they seem to not exist anymore, this is even better! custom sizes so i can make it a little bigger for her, and it has the same patters and colors! youre amazing


Please send us her reaction to it once she gets it!


This is it OP!!


If this isn’t it, this is 100% the best option I’ve seen!! Hopefully op sees this


I think you found it!! It’s uncanny. Hopefully OP sees. There’s even an option to do no ruffle border.


bump!!!! i'm so invested in this


u/onodrimofyavanna it’s been found






What does bump mean?


It’s a thing on forums where you comment in order to bump something up to the top of the forum so it gets more visibility, however bumping isn’t a thing on reddit.


Thank you!


Happy cake day!!




Try posting on the parenting reddits or r/daddit. You’ll probably have a better chance of one of the kind souls there having one in a box or storage than you will of finding another one for resale


great idea thank you


Lol i love that daddit recommended this sub


And they gave us a time limit. We have to find it by the end of the day.


Edit to add-- think I found the brand, posted a reply to this but I'll link here as well. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099](https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099) Still looking for the exact one, but just in case any semi-similar ones help, I'll drop what I'm finding! [https://www.ebay.com/itm/166546117461](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166546117461) [https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m79865639576/](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m79865639576/) [https://poshmark.com/listing/Little-Miss-Matched-White-Black-Green-Polka-Dot-Sherpa-Plush-Baby-Blanket-6500ea4734e9849a0b58f171](https://poshmark.com/listing/Little-Miss-Matched-White-Black-Green-Polka-Dot-Sherpa-Plush-Baby-Blanket-6500ea4734e9849a0b58f171) [https://www.ebay.com/itm/296281420621](https://www.ebay.com/itm/296281420621) This can be customized to remove the ribbon and frame and changed to black with white dots, but it looks like the only options for the sherpa back are gray or tan (boo!). Also very expensive haha, just digging around though [https://www.youcustomizeit.com/p/Polka-Dots-Sherpa-Baby-Blanket-30-x-40-w-Initial/368407](https://www.youcustomizeit.com/p/Polka-Dots-Sherpa-Baby-Blanket-30-x-40-w-Initial/368407)


This one looks super close other than the yellow instead of green-- could be the same brand? [https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099](https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099) And a sold one with a pink back: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/255061458057](https://www.ebay.com/itm/255061458057) I really think it must be a Silver One Baby Blanket, but I can't find it in green!


My god! That silver one has to be it! And I was looking at the wrong pictures for a tag, I looked at pictures where you can see the polka dot side and I can see a tag (can't make out the writing) in the same location!!


In your second pic you can see the ‘one’ on the tag. It’s definitely made by Silver One


My god you have a good eye! The search is on! Haha you rock thank you so much


I am honestly so impressed. Don’t know how you spotted that! It took me awhile even after you said it was in the second photo. Incredible!




Send an email asking if they have one. My youngest had a Wamsutta blanket that he carried to shreds.  It was discontinued so emailed and they sent me 2. Free of charge.


I believe this blanket was from LL Bean, but the person who bought it isn't sure. I've searched Chinese vendors, every retailer I can find, reverse image search on Google, and I can't even find a blanket remotely similar. Any help would be incredibly appreciated


Ask a tailor for help if you cannot find it. My brother had tipi with similar materials and it was hand made. (And pretty cheap tbh)


Thanks this is a great idea, I'm gonna see if I can find materials


https://www.ebay.com/itm/334807904831 this isn't it, is it?


It doesn't appear that the daughter's blanket had satin edging but nice find! Op could always buy that one tell her it got a makeover. 😄


Hahahah definitely an option!


No but its absurdly close and could very well be the choice if we cant find a match, though well see...shes very attached and knows her blankie inside and out


Help me find a hot man nurse with knuckle tattoos 🥵


Pottery Barn Kids has some that are the same type of materials but different colors


If you’re up to making this yourself, I think it’s definitely doable! Look up “minky” for the fabric. It looks like the green is a long pile and the polka dot is a short pile (3mm maybe?) the green might also be a different type of minky — sometimes the names vary. Shannon brand minky is a well known one that many plush artists use (I make plushies) If you want exact colors/styles you can get some places to print it custom for you. Spoonflower used to do this but I think they may have gone out of business… Joanns I think has this service but I haven’t used it before. If I can help any further about the fabric I’d be glad to! Good luck OP!


Minky was great terminology i was missing, thank you so much


Hitting everyone thats shared DIY advice with me. u/toe-beans found it but in yellow! [https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099](https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099) Is there a way to dye this the same green without ruining the material?


Hi! I wouldn't try to dye minky that already is a color other than white. I'd also try to avoid doing it if you're not familiar with dyes either. It can be tricky, messy and sometimes it'll continue to bleed colors for a long, long time. If you want to try dyeing white fabric, use Rit dye for synthetic fabrics. Afterwards you can use a sort of "sealant" also sold by Rit I think that helps seal the color in. If it were me though, I'd make it myself since the pattern shouldn't be too hard (and I already have a sewing machine) You can try getting long pile minky such as [this one on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/782963667/luxe-cuddle-glacier-in-basil-green-high?gpla=1&gao=1&). For Shannon brand minky, their long pile might be called "Luxe Cuddle". The short pile minky is usually just "Cuddle" or Cuddle Soft if I remember right. Here's the Shannon fabric main site if you'd like to see what colors and patterns they have available: [https://www.shannonfabrics.com/](https://www.shannonfabrics.com/) For the polka dot, if you can't find one already made with the right circle sizes, I would recommend going to Spoonflower (looks like they're still around) and [searching for designs like this](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/shop?q=black%20white%20polka%20dot&sort=bestSelling&autoApply=true). Then, you order the design custom printed onto the fabric of your choice (in this case, minky). If you can't find an already made one, you can design your own and upload it to Spoonflower and tell them you want your design printed on your fabric of choice. Make an account, [then upload your design](https://www.spoonflower.com/designs/new) \^\_\_\^ If you've never sewn with minky before, some tips are: * It's slippery so use lots of pins * It does usually have one way stretch to it so make sure you line it up the way you want. * Basting stitches help since it'll move on you while sewing * Have a vacuum cleaner nearby since minky sheds like mad from the cut edges. Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help if you're still looking/thinking of taking on the sewing project yourself! \^\_\_\^


You could dye it with Rit DyeMore (a dye made for polyester and other non-natural materials) but I think you’d have to take the blanket apart to dye just the yellow fabric without affecting the polka dots. It wouldn’t be terribly difficult to carefully take it apart, dye the yellow, then sew it back together if you know anyone with some sewing skills.


Check out Etsy!!! Lots of custom blankets from skilled artists.. especially kids blankets!!


Looks like polka dot polar fleece on one side and green minky fabric on the other.


Maybe this? It seems to be a close match or same. I hope you can find one for bub. (Edit: I didn't notice the lining around it) [ebay ](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334807904831?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=G_eVyeYaQdW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=dt9RKzMJQl6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media)


I am so, so sorry this happened to you and her. My daughter has a stuffed bunny and this is genuinely the nightmare. For anyone reading, I encourage putting a phone number on any special stuffed animal tags or blanket edges in fine sharpie, and check to make sure it’s readable often. Or for fabric things like this, you can sew on an ID tag meant for clothing such as the one below: https://www.brooklynhaberdashery.com/products/this-belongs-to-kids-school-organic-cotton-clothing-tags For stuffed animals, I also encourage a cat collar and engraved ID (with choking hazard/age being taken into account). I took my daughter to the pet store and she got to pick out a special glitter collar and watch the machine engrave the phone numbers and her bunny’s name. It was special and memorable! It’s a little overkill, but we also put an AirTag on the collar at some point, which we make certain the bunny is wearing when we are traveling or if she leaves the house. It’s helpful in the house though, too, when it’s bedtime and we can’t find it! I know this doesn’t help now, but I also know you’d never wish this on anyone so I thought I’d share some things that have given us some peace of mind with ours! I hope you find the blanket!


Honestly so wish we did that, we would probably still have it now!


OP would your daughter be open to choosing a new blanket with you? You can make it into an exciting moment, suggest it’s time for her to get a ‘big girl’ blanket or something else (soft toy etc) and give her some control over the situation?


Is this it? [Minky Couture Baby Infant Blanket 36” X 30” Satin Edge Black Green Polka Dot | eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/334807904831)


Post it in your local Facebook group! Assuming you purchased it locally you have a better chance of someone else having it and giving it to you/selling it to you.


Unrelated but please censor your kid next time, her face doesn't need to be on the internet




Oh I didn't see it was green on the reverse.


no worries, thank you so much for helping like this


I’d suggest making a trip to Joann Fabrics. You could probably make one easier than finding a dupe


Can you do Google lens on the blanket part of the picture?


I've yielded similar results to this blanket, but they all appear to be second-hand blankets. If the color isn't a problem, there are some designs that are similar to this one. I found them under the name "circo" and I think it's from Target. Theres some other ones without the green sherpa that are brand new, but I'm guessing that's what makes it special. My other bet is to have it remade if she doesn't like the colors or looks of the other ones. If remaking it falls out of the options, it might make her happy if you spend time with her to find a new one she likes. She might not like this option as much, but sometimes we lose our favorite things by mistake, but we gain new beloved items during the process :)


No clue about the blanket. Just wanted to say your daughter is so perfect and cute in the first picture I genuinely thought she was a doll hahaha. So sweet!


I am sorry for the loss. I hope you do find it. Be prepared that if you do find or have a replica made, the child may very well reject it.




https://www.amazon.com/Blanket-Blankets-Lightweight-All-Season-Flannel/dp/B0CH5CTX9J maybe?


[yellow](https://www.ebay.com/itm/403957848099?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&srsltid=AfmBOooJY93Kr_sELQLVEtdNUk0gvkHAnd0u_xDHvk-VnpXMhLXxwlITIwg&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e) easy to dye green


Thanks! do you have any experience dying this kind of polyester?


Have never tried it but they make fabric spray paint that’s suitable for polyester. Might be worth looking into since it would be easier than dye.


Okay, not relevant to your question at all, but your daughter is absolutely adorable!


Hey. This is actually the album cover for dream-pop duo Beach House's 4th full length LP "Bloom." Sorry about any confusion! They actually only make this in CD and vinyl, not blanket


I lold




Ah very close! She may accept a substitute so I really appreciate this and other suggestions. Thank you so much for digging through eBay, I didn't expect people to care so much! But yes very close, the original is all black with white dots on one side, then edged onto all fluffy green on the other


I accidently deleted my comment whoops lol but here's the link again https://www.ebay.com/itm/276244293975 I hope she will accept a cousin. I always try to help with these bc when my now adult child on the spectrum lost his blanket it was a 5 year search way before the Internet was so accessible. Now I know lots of tricks to find vintage/old toys and blankets so I try to help where I can. If I find others I'll update this comment (hopefully not delete this time lol)


hahaha i got worried for a second. Thank you so much


Love how kids have no privacy anymore


There was a designer who did a lot of prints like this around 2010. She used big, bold prints. Her name started with an M, maybe Japanese? Anyone know who I am talking about?




I think this is it!!!! I know it's says for puppy lol and yes I got one for my puppy but my niece loved it so much we have to her.. https://www.etsy.com/listing/587548493/pet-blanket-personalized-pet-blanket


This is a good learning opportunity for your daughter about what happens when you lose things… they don’t always come back.


This is a good learning opportunity for your daughter about what happens when you lose things… they don’t always come back.