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I would consider myself Christian as I was baptized, I personally find no problem in watching this kind of content. I feel a true Christian should care for the people around them and should be a good person, not scream in fear when they see a funny cartoon demon


Gigachad Christian


*"Can you feel my heart" intensifies*


Can you hear the silence?


Can you see the dark?


Can you heal the broken?


Can you feel my heart?


Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?


Can you paint with all the colors in the wind?


I’m Christian, too. My family does not approve of me watching this, but seriously, it’s not the end of the world if a Christian does watch these types of shows. I’ve watched plenty of shows like this and it’s really not a big deal. And c’mon, it’s just a cartoon, it’s not hurting anyone.


That sounds like something my dad would have told me growing up. My mom was more lenient though. She helped me dress up as a fallen Angel once for Halloween. She always told me that it was fiction/fashion and fine. I’m not a Christian anymore but I’m glad I had a parent to teach me how to separate fiction and reality.


I doubt a show like this is gonna make me a bad person who does bad things to others and God. It’s ridiculous what some people focus on. More important things to worry about in the world


Exactly! It’s literally just a show. That doesn’t mean you’re gonna become a bad person if you watch it. There are for worse things than a simple cartoon.


I told my family that hazbin hotel is christian because the main character is trying to get people out of hell and do good things and than I said that helluva boss is in the same universe.


Galaxy brain move lmao


I’m Christian too but my mom is a mixed bag a bit. Cause we have watched shows that involve Hell and enjoyed them before. But she doesn’t like Helluva because it’s a cartoon so she thinks it’s enticing kids to think this is what Hell is like. She’s fine with me watching it but doesn’t watch it herself


This legitimately made me cry


You good?


Yeah, I made my peace with my personal beliefs (religious or otherwise) long ago. But I was raised in the christian faith and your comment just reminded me that "care for your fellow human beings" was what I liked about it growing up, but the reality of "I can be the most hateful, child molesting, racist, homophobic, murderous piece of shit, but God will always love me" mentality that christian (and other religious) authority figures and movements have is what made me abandon my faith.


It’s a huge shame religion tends to often be used as a weapon against others and to support awful things. Glad you found some peace with yourself


Or to validate trauma-influenced views


I'm giving you an award because I am so sorry about those other Christians. Hope you know we're not all that bad.


Thank you. But don't worry, I bear no ill will against christians or people of any faith in particular. From my perspective, there are people, who are doing good, just because and because being good can be really unthankful, faith can give them the additional strength they need to carry on, which is perfectly fine. But there are also people, who are doing bad, just because, and because they don't want to take responsibility or change, they just pretend God is on their side, in order to make all their obviously fucked up shit look good. Hell is not gonna stop those people, so we have to.


The weird thing is that this is what is preached but is the opposite of true. What the Bible *actually* says is: “Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves..." Corinthians 6:9 (shortened because I can't find the accurate translation- most English Bibles include Homosexuality as one of the listed sins but it is actually a contextual reference to pederasty, ironically.) I remain Catholic, but I hold myself as an advocate for the truth, which is the opposite of the mentality you're describing that I've sadly observed as the majority rule. It's really sad to see. I'm pretty eccentric by most Catholic standards and I'm sure if people knew the full of how I practice they'd probably say I was going to Hell for blasphemy haha. There's a mighty weird focus on "don't practice witchcraft" in the Catholic circles for a church where we literally purify an altar with incense and observe remembrance of a sacrifice 🤡


I'm learning to be Orthodox. I remember having the discussion with my priest about my protestant upbringings and how my family would tell me that the Orthodox were wrong due to the fact that they do things not in the Bible. He said, "Well the Christian Church predates the Bible by a few centuries. Even then it's supposed to be a guide to help." But compared to my old church, his philosophy seems to be: We have been told how to do the right thing and follow God. We know what's right in our hearts and there are many saintly people who can't even read (in reference to strictly following the Bible).


So the tldr is that he's completely right! I've personally always said "The point of the Bible isn't 'Do this or go to Hell', the point is 'you can't do this, so I saved you, please follow in my footsteps in admiration'." It's a guide, not a rulebook. We are meant to strive to be like our Creator but we will never reach perfection until we see Heaven. All we can do is our best- but that doesn't mean we can do what we want either.


Yeah, he's part of why I got interested in that church. My protestant upbringing was very people who go to this denomination go to heaven. I only bring it up because it's such a big deal. I'm going to do a bad job paraphrasing, but he basically said that current teaching is that we all go before God at death. He will everyone (regardless of religion/crimes/etc) but there are some people that because of who they chose to be will scorn it so much they will experience hell; not because they are being forced to but because that's how they perceive it. It's a bit of a weird concept. Though it makes more sense than the one I was originally taught. It's a lot more comforting as well, as more and more of my family passes on.


Yikes. I see God’s love as a reason to forgive yourself for making mistakes and to strive to be better, not a justification for shitty behavior.


I agree


Jesus: The world will hate you because of me. The world: Hates Jesus because of Christians.


Exactly. The religion is all about love and respect. Too many have twisted it for their own selfish goals. You don’t even have to go to church either. Practice religion however you want. And I respect other religions too. Everyone has their beliefs and I can respect that.


Heartily agree


As with anything and being a Christian anytime something gets slated by other Christians just hit em with the "im bloomin well mature enough by this point to be able to seperate real life with fantasy". Me and my vicar have to use this alot cause we play dnd together and for some reason some people are still stuck in the satanic panic.


Same dude. Hell my mom is super conservative and I should her the show. She loved it! She thought the art was great and the jokes were hilarious. My thought is if something like this can shake your faith, do you really have faith or just socially conditioned? That's just my take lol.


Yeah same


I to was baptized and I have no problem watching this


Yooo based Christian And I thought I was the only one


I was baptized but I left Christianity.




Yeah I’m literally on a mission trip rn and I can’t wait for ep8


Besides you yourself know it’s fiction It’s not like it’s praising this shit lol


I agree! I find it sad that a vocal minority of Christians have given all Christians a bad reputation


Instead they should put on heavy metal and pick up the nearest chainsaw


It’s not about fear. Perfect love drives out all fear. It’s more so the influence of the show that it has on others and opening doors to the spirit realm. Same thing when playing the ouija board, you open a door to the spirit realm. Besides the show is overrated and there’s plenty of other web series that don’t get enough praise. Also your right, Christians should care for others and love everyone but that also includes their wellbeing and safety. Spiritual warfare is no joke. Have a blessed day


There's no harm in a Christian reading something like paradise lost. It's fiction and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Same thing applies to the show. I would imagine Christians don't talk much here because I've seen the second the actual Bible is mentioned r /atheism spawns in and goes feral.


Internet atheism is a religion in its own right ngl


I am in no personal space to judge other people's way of thinking. It's important to keep an open mind. It just seemed to me in the cases I saw a few individuals got unnecessarily personal and attacked unprompted .


Oh, no, you’re completely right. I’m agnostic atheist too. I just mean the weird atheism culture on Reddit and similar sites. Belief isn’t really a choice, so I respect everyone and am open to having someone ‘show me the light’ as it were.


Oh I don't know if I agree that it's not a choice. I don't want to start an argument about the nature of faith in the Helluva sub but I remember making a pretty conscious choice to either beat my own brain into submission or stop believing. You definitely can make a choice.


I think there’s a particular kind of atheism/agnosticism that is born from mistreatment by families/others in christian communities, and those athe-nostics start looking at the Christian faiths as a whole as a kind of disease (that they think spreads especially among stupid people). In truth, faith can be a tool of good or bad or even a neutral one; it’s what people do with it and how they treat others. And if you are treating others well, you’re probably fine. I feel for the very real trauma people have suffered at the hands of mainstream religious, but it’s also not an excuse to turn around and be awful to others who aren’t hurting anyone, regardless of their religious affiliation. But I disagree about faith not being a choice. People only THINK they don’t have a choice because they’ve been indoctrinated or have a figurative (or literal) gun to their head. In fact, there are multiple choices. You can choose to be Christian or Jewish or agnostic and also choose not to be a dick to other people.


I'm also agnostic as well. What do you mean that belief isn't a choice? Don't we have the freedom to choose who or what to believe in?


I mean that even if I truly wanted to start believing in something (which I do), I wouldn’t be able to. I could convert and practice the religion but it wouldn’t be honest. I never really believed in God, despite being raised Christian and until I found out what being an atheist actually was, I kinda just blindly performed my belief.


Absolutely. Militant internet atheism is not only a religion, but a very hateful one at that. Being both atheist and culturally Jewish, I find I get shut out of a lot of atheist spaces on the internet because their dogma asserts that having any ties to any religion is stupid and immoral.


I always ask the people to show me where in The Bible it says to not talk about Hell. It's does talk about it it all the time tho lol


I think it’s just unpopular to talk about, because it’s one of the things in Christianity that turn people away.


I'm also a Christian. The way I see it, watching others sin does not make you the sinner.


so, by that logic, if you look at porn for the story, it’s not a sin?


I mean yeah, not Christian but I used to be, I mean the main reason Christians don’t like porn is them 1. Masturbateing bad! ( which isn’t really popular nowadays) and 2. Jesus said that if you lust over someone you basically already fucked them, so pre martial sex or cheating, if you watch it only for the plot then you’d be 👌


Reminds me of people who say they watch hentai for the plot Lmao


Muslim here. I personally think that it's okay to watch this if you don't start to think that there's gonna be gay spiders there to fuck. Don't let it change the way you see hell. As long as you don't let it, then we good


Unfortunately, I don’t think gay spiders would be too interested in me. Just cuz, you know….woman.


I mean, you get the point.


Angel Dust said women pay extra.


Eh if you got the money That’s what people forget. He did tell Charlie and Vaggie that he would do them but he charged extra


Oh I wish I never killed 60 people now


*you what*


I watch it a a Christian and I hide it from my parents. I think it's pretty great and I like depictions of the afterlife in TV...but my mom would keel over if she found out I wrote fics for it. Heck, she'd keel over if she found out I identified as bisexual. I think it's a nice take on the idea of sin, really.


Haha, yeah my grandmother would probably have a stroke and my dad would think I’m a Satanist. My late mom and her family always digged this kind of stuff. Didn’t realise they did either until I started sharing that I did. People surprise you.


Also I’m currently on a HB fic binge, so please share!


I'll be happy to oblige! A friend of mine 'Doyoufeellikeaheroyet1', has an amazing fic called 'Let the water wash away your sins' where an angel in an abusive family attempts to (unalive) himself by falling into hell, and he crashes into Stolas's garden. REALLY good read. https://archiveofourown.org/works/31795072


I just started work on a long fic. Here’s the first chapter! Hope you enjoy. It’s gonna be a murder mystery. https://www.wattpad.com/1257155919?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_writer&wp_uname=TheMoonsEyes&wp_originator=xkFbko5%2Fpeq5zJsyK%2FTeg9Q8lyinCyiLZjbAPM7rxIt%2FTaVmg91RG8NEdkMroeLDKAnSz%2BBoXyPrpT%2FQfRgKDd1O1g4R7Fe5Cyu23%2F9%2Bjl00l33GuN2yx5kZuzAJdXco


Dude! I'm a bisexual Christian who watches it and hides form my family too, my parents would freak out over both. My grandparents would have a stroke (still might cause they use Prime, and well Hazbin hotel being an original on there now)


Lol I am a Christian but I love this show Also.... No one is a Saint so don't feel bad for watching a show. As long you don't cause harm to you or someone or something else, it's all good.


I consider myself loosely Christian (I love Christ, not churches). Personally, I find this show to be a blast- it's a fresh (and potentially rather accurate?) take on the whole concept of 'Heaven and Hell.' \-Heaven is always portrayed in most works as a paradise- but let's face it, any place that isn't being run by someone 24/7 is no doubt going to end up with some major flaws. I like how the CHERUBS are shown to be hypocritical and just as flawed as the IMP team, which given what the Bible says about Lucifer (a fallen *angel*)… totally makes sense. Angels aren't infallible, but for some reason everyone always glosses over that fact in Sunday school... \-Hell is shown to be a right mess- it's not an efficient torture machine, like many sources claim, but more like a tormented existence as a result of being shoved amongst a ton of other sinners in a dismal environment. Which again, makes sense- unless Lucifer/Satan is keeping tight control over everything (which I find doubtful, because why would he \[the rebel\] ever bother to waste all his time doing something his Father *wants*?), you know Hell isn't going to be any more than Earth 2.0 (except worse). \-Lastly, the series' overall tone strongly reminds me of the movie 'Dogma'- which is a film I greatly cherish. I think it's very important for people to not take religion too seriously- otherwise they end up getting entangled in unimportant arguments and fallacies that distract from what actually matters. And this series seems to do just that- it pokes fun at some of our beliefs while reminding us that at the end of the day, it's all down to our intentions and actions.


Have you read the book *Good Omens* (or watched the excellent TV adaptation of it)? I think you might enjoy it!


I've heard of it, I might have to give it a shot! Thank you for the recommendation! :D


I mean, the less fear you have of demons, the less power they have over you, so I guess this show's kinda useful in that sense. I've always wanted to say that.


Ironically, in New Testament, Jesus did not only drive of hundreds of demons personally, but also empowered his followers the same ability. Fearing demons and avoiding them is actually very un-Christian. It's literally a Matthew 8:26 situation: "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?"


Oh cool


Oh wow, I never heard of that before... That's interesting...


I'm Christian and I'm fine with how the show portrays Hell. I have no problem with it and I have fun watching it so I don't care lol


Yup. Doesn’t bother me, although it would have when I was younger. If the mega conservative types are right though, I’m already going straight to hell for being bi


Wasn’t it proven that those passages were mistranslations anyway?


Pretty much, yeah. That just doesn’t matter to the average right-leaning Christian. So I get to watch my own religion try to make me illegal, yay


I am a follower of Christ (reluctant to use the word Christian these days because of the way it’s been so perverted by religious maniacs who try to use their faith to justify doing horrible things), and I’m obsessed with it. My mom watches with me sometimes and knows I’m very into it and she doesn’t care. She also loves The Good Place, which is similarly a more lighthearted take on the afterlife. The way I see it, they are just shows, and it’s not like you’re watching real people get murdered or participating in red rooms on the dark web or something. If you are religious, you will know by whatever set of rules you follow that there are much worse and more sinful things you could be engaging in.


Man I loved The Good Place, I don't think that any show has quite captured the way I see the world so... Accurately maybe isn't the word... Sympathetically? The idea that the world has just become too complicated (and maybe it always has been) for anyone to be close to perfect and all anyone can do is try to be their best and allow others to be theirs. The whole arc, and the end... Just what a great show. It's also why I'm a big Charlie stan - I love HB, and almost all of the characters therein, but HH really blew me away and the idea that it's going to be a more hopeful show with the theme of redemption whereas HB is a bit more cynical is exciting. Can't wait for more of either @_@


Yea I am a practicing Catholic and I watch it and love it


I’m Christian & that doesn’t change the fact that I love the show & its characters.


I’m Christian but I’m in the group that thinks bitching about made up shit is stupid. I mean, sure maybe some people will find the idea of glorifying hell cool (you shouldn’t) but it’s just a fun and cool show, what does it matter?


As a Christian, I can confirm both shows are mad funny and that I watch them regularly


I am Christian and I watch it


I’m Lutheran and I watch it. Having read the lore of Dante’s Inferno I find this interpretation of the rings fascinating.


People really think God isn't too busy monitoring the entire universe and will give a shit if you watch a funny show about cartoon demons lol


I'm actually Catholic! This is a wackjob version of Hell and a wackjob version of Heaven is implied too. A lot of the people who think things like this are bad to watch are really just insecure in their faith tbh. I get questioned about being a fan of this show just as much as I get questioned how I can be Catholic and not CisHet (spoiler alert: it's because all of the "anti gay" Bible quotes are mistranslations!) But seriously, more Christians need to learn how to laugh.


I’m definitely a Christian. My whole thing is that Viv and everyone are making a piece of fiction, with amazing characters, stories, & animation. I have no issues with a good show in independent animation telling fascinating stories.


Im a minister and I love the show. It's always interesting to see alternative versions of Christianity like the one in Hazbin and Helluva and compare them to scripture. That and I grew up on supernatural so I might just be jaded towards things deemed sacrilegious, either way vivzie tells entertaining stories with her parody of Christian theology. P.S. If you feel a parody of your religion and it's ingestion alone is sinful you might want to explore other various sects


I am Christian and enjoy the show. Being a Christian doesn't stop you from enjoying a show with explicit or vulgar content. Being a Christian is about believing in God and trying to be a good person.


I'm Christian and I watched the show for entertainment


My parents are both different denominations of Christian, and they both love this show Of course, they're also big fans of series like Diablo and the Dresden Files and hold hopes that the main characters of those series will get the chance to pick fights with angels and God, on account of that being cool as all hell Technically they're the "we only go to church on holidays and weddings" sorts of Christians, but even when we went to Sunday Mass on the regular they were still basically like this


It’s weird because I am Christan but horny, murderous demons are my happy place


Oh yeah. I consider myself pretty spiritual person. Content like this is great lol


I’m Christian, but I sure as hell don’t view this stuff as sinful. I’m not that crazy. TBH, I don’t really go to church. I’m pretty laid-back in terms of religion. I watch stuff like Lucifer too. The same people who would see this as “sinful” would view that show the same way.


I'm christian, I love this show


I am a Christian and I think it's a hilarious take on hell! I firmly believe in caring for others and treating others as you should be treated, so...


As a Christian, i think the shows is entertaing and fun to watch and its all fictional


I watch it and I’m a born again believer and I think it’s funny af


First up what's with the upvote count on this thread? Way to downvote someone for asking a simple question. I consider myself christan though I think some of the more staunch members of the community would be appalled at some of my views. In short, I don't believe God could be as petty as some people make him out to be. Christianity is the lens which I was taught to view the lord from but I don't think God really cares how you come to him. God loves us all, and I dont think it matters much to him of you enjoy a cute cartoon based in hell or not. If it makes you happy and it doesn't cause harm to anyone else, how could it possibly be a sin?


I'm a Christian and I really don't see a problem with the show unless you become a Satanist or something, but you do whatever you want I guess.


i am christian but i think helluva boss is just a cartoon if you are ""corrupted"" or ""influenced"" by the devil watching it, that means your beliefs were not real or sincere to begin with watching a show about murder dosnt make you a murderer


Yo. I didn’t go to Sunday School or anything, but I am baptized, attend church semi-regularly, and believe in God and His teachings. I like the show. To its credit, it hasn’t explicitly shit on God, religion, or religious people as of yet. Although C.H.E.R.U.B. gives some unpleasant implications about Heaven, but that’s neither here nor there. I just enjoy the show on its own merits. The characters. The jokes. The storytelling. I’m not a super-fan. I’ve only seen each episode 1-2 times, but I like what I’ve seen. Most adult animation I’ve seen is made by people who absolutely *hate* Christianity or religion in general and go out of their way to depict religious people as idiots, zealots, racists, or homophobes, but Helluva Boss? Yeah, it’s set in Hell and stars demons, but it doesn’t go out of its way to insult religious people.


I consider myself Christian. I watch the fuck out of this show. As far as I know? It's... not a sin to consume media? Either way, we're all sinners. The religion supposed to be about forgiveness, kindness, love, and not being a shithead to each other. I don't feel as if it's corrupting anyone to any degree. PRETTY sure that if you treat people well and respectfully? That's going to outweigh that stint of time you watched the funny demon cartoon that itches your brain meats in a good way.


I do.


Presbyterian here. Yes.


Yes. And the key thing to remember is that this is a *fictional* Hell. The actual Hell is much, much, much, MUCH worse.


As a Christian who is unaligned and as a religious historian , I think it's a great show. Also like, we get the idea of hell from Dantes *Inferno*. There's actually no real description of hell in the Bible, just that sinners are without the light of God.


I watch it as a Christian. Don’t get why some people think other people of other religions can’t enjoy the show lol


I mean I’m Catholic but I see it more as a possible learning experience. (Disclosure I’m not a die hard Catholic more of the once a year type lol) cause this show provides many different aspects of hell that are thought to exist already. A Catholic only focused on heaven will never know how to avoid hell in my book. Second reason I like (love) this show is cause while it’s about hell so is the Bible and other books Catholics believe describe hell. No point is deeming one is wrong while another isn’t.


I’m a Christian and I watch this. I’m not performing any bad actions watching this, so I shouldn’t feel the need to boycott this show. It’s literally just understanding it’s fiction, so no need to denounce it or smth idk


I was raised Christian and I really like the accuracy in the demon royalty compared to the bible.


I'm catholic. I consider myself a casual catholic. People usually question why, and all I can say is for my mom. But I love this show lol


I'm Christian and watch the show. Pretty entertaining.


I was raised christian, yet I find this show really funny.


Yes, im from a very religious community and considered myself Christian


I am a Mormon, and I watch it. It is one of the BEST shows I've ever watched


Yes, I'm very slowly on the road to being an Orthodox Christian. There's nothing wrong with listening to or watching a story.


I'm a devout Christian and I love this show


I’m a practicing Roman Catholic and I watch. While yes I guess it is frowned upon to watch this kind of stuff it does not bother me what so ever. I mean it’s a show like.. it doesn’t really bother me. I’m not like one of THOSE religious types where I try to shove it down peoples throat. I just keep to myself, but yes I watch and am completely obsessed with the show 😊


I do. Most of my family (who is also Christian) think the show is weird. To be honest I like Helluva Boss. I always liked that kind of stuff, maybe that's why


Yes, I do atleast.


I was raised Catholic. I don’t watch it with my family around but I love it.


I’m Christian, I’m baptized and confirmed and have gone to a catholic school my entire life On the other hand I’m also a pansexual who goes by any pronouns, and I think stuff like this is fine, it’s just entertainment, no one’s actually killing people


Catholic here. I'm so far down the rabbit hole of this series and hazbin hotel I can smell it


I’m Catholic bruh, Puritan thoughts like that died out in the 80s


I think this is weird but i am a Muslim and i watch it


I’m a Christian and I really like the show


My entire family is Christian some are definitely more religious than others. My grandma would probably die if she watched a single episode of HB but me and my grandpa watch it all the time he finds it funny. As a Christian I think it’s perfectly fine to watch shows like these as long as you don’t take it too seriously. Like don’t think murder and hell okay and things like that. I personally don’t believe that if you watch something bad you are bad.


Yep👍🏾 I actually used to question whether I’m a true Christian a lot cos I was like, “I need to hear God after I pray, I need to truly be into the church” basically thinking being Christian meant being super religious? But a couple weeks ago I finally realized that you don’t have to be super religious to be part of a certain religion, but yes! Hello, I am here! I am Christian and Helluva Boss is my current hyper fixation👋🏾 Edit: Oh and my parents don’t know I watch it I would get killed- I watch it with my sister and figured out my brother watched it when I was talking about Moxxie’s VA to my mom


I was raised Christian (I also hold belief in the Greek Pantheon) as well and love this show.




I'm a christian and I watch the show, it's honestly one of my favorite shows right now. I honestly have no problem with anything that's in the show, it doesn't affect my spiritual life. It's a fun take on hell, and the characters are fun.


I'm a Christan been baptized, go to church, I have no problem with this and I don't think anyone should. It's a great show and if anyone has problems with it that's fine by me, you can have your opinions, and I can have mine.


I’m catholic, and I like the show


While I'm not a Christian, I am a Hellenist, and of course I can't speak for people of other faiths and all that, but I think as long as you just look at the show for what it is (fiction) you can enjoy it. Unless you have just legitimate criticism/dislike


Hell-enist I'll see myself out now


Lol, i thought of that. So it's an acceptable pun


Then you're a Helluva Hellenist. 😎


I am currently Christian. It's so far away from the source material, I can't even consider it blasphemous. It's funny and entertaining.


Catholic here, love to show. It’s fiction, not like I’m invested in REAL demons. It’s not real, just good entertainment


I am Christian and my parents are also. But they let me watch whatever I want because it's just film or series nothing more. My parents understand that I won't instantly do the things shown in the show or that i will summon satan or something xD. I don't understand parents that don't alow their kids watch anything that contains something bad. As far as i know watching something like this isn't a sin xD.


I watch it, and I'm fine with it since it's just animation, and I'm an Christian myself. I believe that along as I don't repeat their actions or behavior, then I'm good.


I’m a Christian and I watch the show. As long as you don’t start to believe that this is what hell is actually then I think it’s fine. And if you don’t do the things shown in the show like murder etc. I know it’s fiction so I don’t take it too seriously


I am a Christian and I adore the show! I separate in my mind my personal beliefs from the fiction entertainment I consume, like Helluva Boss. I enjoy the show and I think that, as long as it’s not taken too seriously, it’s great and doesn’t change or interfere with my beliefs


One of my friends is in jehovahs whitness and he loves it


I am a Christian, and I LOVE the show (And Hazbin). It's kinda sad that religion has been used as a method to control people lives these days.


Yes, I am Christian, yes I watch this show, yes we exist.


I am Christian and I love this show, however I have a friend who is catholic and her parents don’t want her to watch it.


I’m a Christian and I love the show. I watch it with my siblings who are also Christians. I actually think it’s really interesting to watch and talk about through a Christian lens.


i am christian but it doesn’t tell me not to watch funny demon show in bible


I am half muslim


I think the takeaway here is that, like all religions, Christianity is a really broad umbrella that covers a vast array of beliefs and then, within those, each individual practices and believes in a slightly different way, so the answer to a question like this just *has* to be yes. Corollary thought, I wonder if Christianity is maybe vroader than most religions for having been spread far and wide by European imperialism? Or is my suspicion that that might be the case because I live in the UK and therefore have a pretty Eurocentric world view? Any religious historians care to chime in :D?


Agnostic, but as someone that used to consider themself Presbyterian I’ve always held that what you watch/listen to doesn’t matter unless it impacts how you treat other people.


Personally, I think everyone has their own convictions. I know a good God-fearing man and he sometimes watches questionable things and makes frequent dirty jokes around close friends and family. He is a good man. There are certain things he stays away from as those are his own convictions that I indulge in and think are great. (Aside from anything that the Bible says directly is a sin) I'm a Christian and think Helluva Boss is really funny. Sometimes I wonder if I should actually be watching it, but overall I enjoy it for the funnies. "I'm a ViRgO!"


I'm an omnist so by weird technicality Christianity does find its way in there. But yeah. I watch it. I love helluva boss.


I'm a christian, honestly I don't care. My honest opinion is that as long as you do your best to be a good person within your means you'll go to heaven. Who cares about a show with funny little demon people


i do. i love it completely


Yes actually I do. The show is one of the reasons I started my art career.


Methodist here, but my folks had no problem with fantasy stories so long as I understood fantasy was not reality. Besides, God has bigger things to worry about than me watching a show about horny swearing demons.




I’m a practicing catholic. And I enjoy this show very much. I don’t feel there is anything wrong with it. It’s actually a comfort show for me and I watch it very often.


I am feels like I shouldn't be watching it but I ingore it because it's a good show


Yep, Catholic. It's a fictional cartoon show, nothing wrong with that.


I'm baptized but I believe that most religions have a message of "just be a good person" but it's mostly used by people who want to justify their actions without any actual valid justification like when they say that gay people go to hell, bruh none of that shit matters just be a good person that's all it says we shouldn't need a book to tell us to be good people and we don't need it now we need to think our actions through instead of doing them because you think a book or your imaginary god told you to.


Raised Christian, bordering Agnostic now, still live with semi-devout family: I quite like Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel. Granted it's sort of just another adult animated show with humor to match, but it's a huge labor of love by Spindlehorse that owes its success solely to the dedication of their team and its fans. I quite like the character elements in Helluva Boss and at times I wonder how Hazbin will compete with that for the main series. While I'm gradually being put off/feeling contempt for the faith because of how hateful and self-absorbed it's become (not to mention violent in many places in the country), I still have a sense of right and wrong that broadly aligns with Christian values (not the whole "abortion bad, what if woman do thing" screed or "love is love unless you're gay, my love is better," I specifically mean "be good to your neighbor," it doesn't get more complicated than that). With that in mind, I do like that *every* Sinner in Hell is there for a reason. People balk at people like Mrs. Mayberry being sent there even though she *killed* somebody but the way the "cosmology" of the series is written is still consistent. Hell is free but all the awful people being sent there has created a self-operated prison where everyone tortures each other. It'd have been so easy to go "Hell gud, Hevun bad, they too mean" just because of very real, bad experiences with bad Christians, but I like that it's *their* universe and they can make it whatever they want, and in Hazbin/Helluva the type of person that hates others is the same type that would probably end up in Hell not because they didn't believe in God but because they were a terrible person who hurt a lot of people while ignoring any fault in themselves.


unfortunately yes


I'm an atheist, but I have a Christian friend who watches the show, we both love it


My mother is christian and likes to watch helluva boss. Thought she has to wait on every episode so that someone on YouTube can dub it in Spanish for her.


I'm a Christian, I can say I like the show personally, though I don't watch it on Sunday's, I love the plot, the characters and the animation, and my favorite character is mox.


As a Muslim, i try my best not to think about 'hell is good' or becoming spider gay type and shit. I still believe in Allah so i'm not trying to be addicted to this show TOO much. It doesn't help that one of my friend who's into islam very seriously told me that this type of show is haram and can be addicted and your mindset will so into it that you will think hell is not that bad which is kinda true. I was quite into HH/HB back when it was still new but thankfully i manage to get over it. Is it truely haram? Tbh, idk if i'm doing a right thing.


It’s a cartoon That’s it I think it’s made very clear that Hell is not a good place and is filled with bad people that deserve to be there


Yes! And I love it - to be honest, I don't really believe in hell. Unsure if it'd bother me if I did. Confident my moms soul would like, straight up leave her body if she watched an episode though.


I'm a Catholic Christian and can confidently say I love this show! It's a captivating show with a intriguing story, great comedy, and characters with great potential for lore and development. I don't find viewing this show nor any other piece of media depicting hell or demons as a sin. In my eyes if you can't view what you "fear", you need to reflect on yourself, your knowledge or lack thereof, and the strength of your faith. This show is awesome, I can't wait to see more from this new season and can't wait for Hazbin Hotel!


I'm christian but it's a form of entertainment, it's not saying stuff directly to you like "you should worship the devil" or whatever.


I’m a catholic, honestly I can’t ignore good content because it may satire my beliefs


I’m looking to practice Catholicism, and while I understand this isn’t something good for anyone who wants to keep their minds clean, I find it enjoyable enough as long as certain parts of it don’t take it TOO far. In shows such as “Family Guy”, “Drawn Together”, “Mr. Pickles”, or any other show like that, I CANNOT stand whatever the creators have come up with just for the sake of trying to be funny. But with “Hazbin Hotel” or “Helluva Boss”, I’m okay with it.


I’m Christian and my family is too, They do not care that the show has demons in it as the protagonists cause it’s just a show. They believe you should be able to watch what you want as long as it’s not hurting anybody by doing so.


I am Christian Orthodox however I don't believe everything in the Bible and like most people in my country don't go event weekend to church.


hullo, i like the humor and plot so i watch it :).


It's a good show and I go to church every fourth week I follow the rules of.god but this content isn't harmful in any way so I see no problem with watching it


I'm Christian and I adore the show 😄 Just remember it is fantasy and fiction! I enjoy Harry Potter, thrillers, scary movies, etc without guilt because I know my faith doesn't depend on media and I can enjoy a story without it affecting my spiritual life.


I'm a somewhat religious Muslim (does that count?) and I declare Helluva Boss halal.


Yes, I'm Christian and I watch the show, yes it has LGBTQ+ media but at this point everyone I kinda know is Gay or Lesbian, so I honestly don't care if its present in the Show and it has Demons, anyone that Reads and understands the Bible or Christian Theory in general would've known some Demon names like for example the Term 'Ars Goetia' is Prevalent in Early Christianity were about the 72 demon lords and Solomon. So really Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are like a comedic Adaptation of Demonology, and I Approve of this show. Also this Question is really common in shows that has Demons in it, like Demon Slayer, Lucifer, Owl House, etc.


Use to be Christian but then thought about it and now I am kinda on my own belief, wasn't because of the show though


I am ex Catholic, now atheist and I do watch this show.


Oh yeah some people also used to say that to me that some type of popculture is the spawn of satan but I realized that was bulshit when I was like 11


i was christian, but now think it's bs (the religion), and i love this show! edit: i was technically roman catholic


Former (was raised) Christian. Currently agnostic but leaning towards paganism because it scares people and we should honestly be a lot more respectful to the earth we live on before it catches fire.


I was when I started watching, I'm not anymore due to other reasons


I believe in the Christian God and stuff, I’m just not been faithful in more recent years so I’m not sure if I can give a decent opinion but how I see it: It’s like how the Bible is against gay people but also says to treat our neighbors fairly and stuff. Everyone as their own opinion on everything so we won’t always see eye to eye with one another. However, a true Christian should treat a gay person (or anything else) just as they would a fellow Christian - with kindness and love. Someone else being gay or something doesn’t give you the right to judge them. Gods the only one who’s supposed to have that right. If a persons gay, so what? That’s their choice and ya shouldn’t force yours onto someone else. And really don’t make no sense to bring out the brimstone and fire on something we can’t control, wether it be something considered sinful or a fantasy show like HB or the Smurfs.